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A Holistic Approach to Healthcare

Data Sheet: Industry Perspectives Healthcare
Technology is changing the way information is gathered, stored, and shared within and between healthcare providers. The most recent development being that much of this information is no longer accessed via hospital-owned desktop computers and securely locked up in large data centers. Its now captured on smartphones, tablets, and other personal computing devices and stored virtually in the cloud. This trend, called alternatively consumerization of information technology or bring your own device (BYOD), is greatly impacting the way physicians interact with patients and how they access information. In general, physicians appear to be pleased with their devices. They can easily access information wherever they may be, making it easier to make decisions and educate patients on their conditions and treatment. Some providers even see their devices as lifesavers that help them avoid mistakes by having essential information about a patient at their fingertips when they need to make a decision. In fact, mobile devices are just beginning to realize their potential to make healthcare faster, better, cheaper, and more accessible. However, hospitals and providers have legitimate concerns about staff using their personal devices at work. Patient privacy in the healthcare setting, strictly mandated by HIPAA and HITECH as well as a myriad of state regulations, raise the specter of patient information being jeopardized. In fact, the mobility of patient data is a leading factor in data breaches, and, as a result, the industry must adopt comprehensive security measures and protocols to utilize new technologies without compromising privacy. These measure must address all employee grouping including clinicians, both affiliated and owned, and allow for a hospital or health system to implement its specific security policies regardless of the policies enacted by other institutions that a clinician may be affiliated with.

Mobilit Mobility y Bes Best t Practices Whether or not doctors should use their mobile devices for work is a moot point. Its happening now, and for the most part it seems to be benefitting both patients and doctors. The challenge for healthcare organizations is to manage, control, and protect patient information, comply with the HIPAA Security and Privacy rules, and ensure clinicians productivityall while delivering better care at lower costs. The trick is to identify an approach that enables secure use of sensitive data without impeding the delivery of health care. Providers will want to think about:

Mobile Application Management

A unified platform is needed to enable user productivity on mobile devices, regardless of ownership, while protecting enterprise data. An enterprise-grade security solution can manage the app (internally developed or third party), and the data itself. It can also determine who gets what apps and whether or not that person is using the latest version.

Mobile Device Management

While application management is the most effective way to secure applications and data on mobile devices, within the healthcare space device management is also necessary. Overall mobile device management, including patch management, is key to a comprehensive mobility management strategy. Look for a solution that automates the detection and facilitates the remediation of security vulnerabilities for multiple mobile operating systems.

User Authentication
Authentication pertains to patient record access, data loss prevention (i.e. confidentiality), and data integrity. Strong user authentication is imperative to protect online identities and interactions between patients, providers, and others. Look for cloud-based, two-factor user authentication and


Data Sheet: Industry Perspectives Healthcare Mobility

public key infrastructure (PKI) services for increased convenience and security. a strong solution will automatically block the communication completely, selectively remove the sensitive information, and/ or notify the user as to what they did wrong. Symantec Mobilit Mobility y Solutions Although access via mobile devices can threaten the security and privacy of health information, there are significant benefits stemming from mobility in healthcare. With the right security protocols in place, the healthcare industry can benefit from mobility via improved communication, expanded access to patients, and patients more engaged in their own healthcare. Symantec Mobile Management helps hospitals and providers embrace mobile productivity by providing comprehensive visibility and control over all leading mobile devices and facilitating scalable, secure, and integrated smartphone and tablet deployments.

With the rise of consumer-based file sharing services, healthcare organizations are potentially facing a significant risk of data leakage. Without additional protection on sensitive medical and financial information, it is entirely possible that a file-sharing tool could gain full access to the data. Implementing an enterprise grade class solution that provides full security across the data landscape, ensures users have the necessary tools to be productive and collaborative in a secure and compliant way.

Data L Lo oss Prevention

A comprehensive, data loss prevention (DLP) solution can enable users to access apps and files from their systems, including mobile devices, without putting sensitive data at risk. Healthcare organizations must protect against inadvertent and/or malicious data loss by monitoring outbound email and Web communications. Look for a proven data loss policy framework and comprehensive incident remediation workflow. A solution with advanced content detection capabilities monitors email downloaded to mobile devices over ActiveSync and monitors and protects network communications sent from iPads and iPhones over ActiveSync, HTTP/HTTPS, and iOS apps like Dropbox and Facebook.

Encr Encryp yption tion

Keeping sensitive healthcare data secure is increasing difficult. Data encryption and file encryption solutions for mobile devices protect data by preventing unauthorized access. Further, a strong solution provides a central management console, enabling safe, central deployment and management of encryption to all endpoints.

Enhanced W Web eb Pro Protection tection

It is essential to monitor and protect sensitive data sent from iPads and iPhone mail clients, browsers, and apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Dropbox. When an incident is detected,

Data Sheet: Industry Perspectives Healthcare Mobility

More Information Visit our website To speak with a Product Specialist in the U.S. Call toll-free 1 (800) 745 6054 About Symantec Symantecs healthcare software solutions provide security, data loss prevention, HIPAA compliance automation, business continuity, storage and infrastructure management designed to assist healthcare organizations in protecting their businesscritical systems and sensitive data. The worlds leader in security helps prevent loss of healthcare data without impacting clinical workflows, while maintaining secure 24x7 operation of critical IT systems and protecting against malware. Symantec World Headquarters 350 Ellis St. | Mountain View, CA 94043 USA +1 (650) 527 8000 | 1 (800) 721 3934 |

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