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DIRECT EXAMINATION PSYCHIATRIST 1. Since when have you been Mr. and Mrs. Greys marriage counselor?

I have been the couples marriage counselor since January 2013. However, their counseling sessions only lasted until October 2013. 2. During your counseling sessions, were you able to talk to Mr. Grey alone? Yes. Aside from couples counseling, there are instances that I was able to have sessions with Ana and Christian alone. 3. What are your observations regarding Mr. Greys behavior? During individual sessions and couples counseling, I have observed that throughout Christians relationship with Ana, Christians behavior can be aggressive and domineering. Since he wants to be the more dominant character or personality in their relationship, I have observed that he is often manipulative and controlling. During our sessions together, I have observed that he does not give much value of Anas presence or contributions in their relationship. As to their relationship as husband and wife, I have observed that Christians behavior is characterized by abusiveness and violence. Ana often comes to me after Christian has episodes of violence and maltreatment towards her. 4. On these episodes of violence and maltreatment, in what instances do Ana come to for counseling? Christians violent behavior towards Ana occurs not only in the normal course of their relationship. It also occurs in their sexual relationships. 5. What is your diagnosis of Mr. Greys behavior? I would say that Christian has a Sadistic Personality Disorder which is also characterized by sexual sadism. 6. How do people with these behavior act? People with Sadistic Personality have a personality or behavior which is characterized by cruelty, aggressiveness, and manipulation. People with this behavior do not give much importance nor value to people whom they have a relationship with. Hence, they can also be demeaning and are likely to humiliate people in the presence of others. Their social relationships are characterized with abusiveness and violence because they lack concern for people and derive pleasure from harming or humiliating others. Once in a relationship, they would restrict the autonomy of the person whom they have a relationship with. They are also amused by, or take pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others and are fascinated by violence, weapons, martial arts, injury, or torture. Sexual Sadism on the other hand, is that in which a person derives sexual arousal and satisfaction from sadistic acts like beating and humiliating someone. Some of the severe activities involved in sexual sadism include burning, beating, stabbing, raping, and







killing. A person who has this kind of personality would repeatedly for at least 6 months, experience intense sexual desires, fantasies or behavior concerning real acts of causing physical or psychological torment or otherwise humiliating another. How can these kinds of behavior affect the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Grey? Sadistic Personality Disorder is a long-standing behavior and is inflexible across all personal and social situations. It significantly impairs their social or occupational functioning. It is also the same for Sexual Sadism. Based on your expertise, what is the cause of Mr. Greys exceptional behavior? There is no clear cause on how Sadistic Personality Disorder is developed. As I have said before, it is a long-standing behavior which can be traced through adolescence and early adulthood. Some theories suggest that it is a function of how one is brought up, but biological factors are likely as well. There is likewise no clear cause for sexual sadism to occur, either. However, its onset can also be traced to early adulthood. Most paraphilic fantasies begin in late childhood or adolescence and continue throughout adult life. Intensity and occurrence of the fantasies are variable, and they usually decrease as people get older. Could you say that this behavior existed before the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Grey? Yes. People with this disorder usually develop such behaviors in their adolescence or during their early adulthood. In the case of Mr. Grey, is his condition curable? In general, yes. Sadistic Personality Disorder is curable. However, treatment would take a very long time. Personality traits such as coping mechanisms, beliefs, and behavior patterns take many years to develop, and they change slowly. The use of drugs for medication have limited effects. Moreover, they can be misused or used for suicide attempts. Sexual sadism on the other hand is curable however, it is chronic in nature. But in rare cases, like in Christians case, when the disorder is deeply rooted during the formative years, it becomes incurable. How was Mr. Greys behavior during this marriage counseling? Mr. Grey did not at first welcome the idea of marriage counseling. He did not believe it to be helpful and while he is responsive during our sessions, I could sense his aggressiveness and his unwillingness to continue and cooperate. Was there any instance that Mr. Grey acted hostile or aggressive during any of the sessions? Yes. There are sessions when Mr. Grey would refuse to cooperate. There are times that he would shout and walk out from our sessions when he and Mrs. Grey would be in disagreement with each other. Sometimes he would restrain her from confiding more specific details by grabbing her arm violently.

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