Happy New Year Everyone!: The Last Six Months

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Happy New Year everyone!

of refreshment as 2014 gets underway.

I hope youve had great times with family and friends, and a time

In updates we completed our DTS (Discipleship Training School) in mid-December! October-December our group of 8 went to new places, met many new people, saw some great work going on in different places, and saw how each of us has different things God has put in our hands and on our hearts to do and share with others. See pics on the following pages

The last six months has been a time of

learning and growing. Its been amazing to look back and visibly see how weve each grown in different ways: some overcame fears, each of us grew in confidence some received significant healing through the power of forgiveness some received renewed perspective on their identity in who theyve been created to be some learned how it is to live in ways caring for others - so different to the way they lived before.

We learned about Gods FAITHFULNESS, about WHO HE IS, about His EXTRAVAGENT LOVE for each of us; how He not only tells us this but DEMONSTRATES it through ACTION. When we learn these things we want to know more, we want to live in His ways of love, care and serving others.

As we do this, our lives are changed!

People change the way they live with each other, how they speak to each other, how they live to care and serve each other.

I discovered that God is ALWAYS faithful; that we can ask Him for guidance in ALL things. I discovered that Ive had fears that at times held me back but when we learn and see how big God is, when we see his faithfulness in everyday as well as the bigger picture things, we can trust Him, let those fears go and he will take them from us. Some fears may seem small, but it is significant when we move past them! Such as sharing my testimony to a room full of people; sharing to others my insecurities without being afraid of what theyll think; I also used to be afraid to think too far ahead into the future but when I know deep in my heart how faithful God is, that his plans are for GOOD, Im not afraid to ask Him what lies ahead! We also learned how we can ask God what He thinks and how He will speak to us if we listen. He can put words in our heart, give us pictures, or show us ideas through verses in the bible. There was a time when we prayed and asked God what to expect when we went to Myanmar. As we prayed I saw two pictures then when we came to Myanmar a week later, I saw them both come to be! Wow it was an amazing reminder that God wants to share his thoughts with us.

Whats next?...Return to NZ Im excited to head back to the Hawkes Bay to work for the
summer/autumn. Im hoping to head back to Cambodia in July. Id love to work as a volunteer staff member for the DTS programme in Battambang for the next two years. I really saw the lives of people change during DTS. I feel that my own skills match the role of encouraging others to learn more of who God Is; in this discovery to see the potential that God has placed within them; and to take hold of freedom from anything that holds them back. So this is what lies on the horizon! Thanks again for your interest, words and prayers of encouragement during 2013. Im very excited to see all that is to come. With much love, Cath

Poipet, Cambodia: Our time in Poipet was marked by extensive flooding. People were living in makeshift tents
on the roadside or alongside their flooded community, markets were flooded but continued to operate. We helped out in existing ministries to lend a hand to the busy staff at the church where were staying visiting families and giving encouragement in regular small group village ministries, praying for those who wanted prayer, teaching English classes and leading activities with the children in nearby communities. We met some amazing people who pour their heart and soul into serving God and caring for people of the Poipet community. ,

Yangon, Myanmar: A first plane trip for most of our Khmer friends; Yangon is a beautiful green city from
above; public bus transport was crowded!; new friends powdered our faces as is the norm for Myanmar people; it was amazing to join the deaf community at their church service I met three siblings who are all deaf, aged in their 70s and 80s; we spent time with English students; and met some inspiring people affected by HIV who regularly come together for fellowship and encouragement.

Pakse, Laos: A province with beautiful waterfalls and scenery! We made new friends who welcomed us and
showed us around. People were incredibly friendly and we were honoured that they took time out to host us. We were able to pray for people wanting prayer, to share our testimonies and to visit different churches in the community. For many people in Laos, the decision to become a Christian comes with much risk. We were privileged to meet people who live their lives as a commitment to following God in all that they do.

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