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TREES IN THE JUNGLE It rains a lot in the jungle. The rain helps trees grow.

The jungle has many trees. Trees are home for many jungle animals. jungle animals. any animals li!e in the trees. on"eys are on"eys lo!e trees. They lo!e to swing from tree to tree. They #lim$

%own from the trees. They #lim$ $a#" up into the trees. They sit in the trees. They eat their foo% in the trees. They eat the plants in the trees. They eat the fruit in the trees. They li!e in the trees with the $ir%s. They li!e in the trees with the li&ar%s. They li!e in the trees with the sna"es. They li!e in the trees with the ants. The trees in the jungle are full of animals. '(L(URS Tra#y loo"e% at the flag. The flag is re%) white) an% $lue. It has *+ white stars. The white stars are on a $lue s,uare. The flag has si- white stripes. It has se!en re% stripes. .ll the stripes are hori&ontal. They are not !erti#al. The stripes %o not go up an% %own. They go from left to right. Tra#y lo!es her flag. It is the flag of her #ountry. It is a pretty flag. No other flag has *+ stars. No other flag has /0 stripes. THE THIN 1(2 Ri#har% is a light eater. He %oesn3t eat mu#h. He isn3t a hea!y eater. He eats a light $rea"fast) a light lun#h) an% a light %inner. Ri#har% is not fat. He is thin. He will always $e thin) $e#ause he is a light eater. He eats a $owl of #ereal for $rea"fast. He eats a $owl of #ereal with mil". He eats a san%wi#h for lun#h. Sometimes it3s a fish san%wi#h. He li"es fish. He eats ri#e an% !egeta$les for %inner. .ll he eats for %inner is ri#e an% !egeta$les. He will ne!er get fat. .44LE .N5 THE 6.TER Susan li"es to eat apples. She li"es to eat $ig re% apples. She li"es to wear a $lue hat. She wears a $ig $lue hat on her hea%. She wears a hat an% eats an apple. She %rin"s some water from a white #up. Susan %rin"s water an% eats apples. She %oesn3t #ut the apple with a "nife. . "nife is sharp. She just eats the apple. She hol%s the apple in her

han%. She $ites into the apple with her teeth. She li#"s her lips. She %rin"s more water. She wipes her mouth with her han%. NE6 SH(ES Lisa lo!es to go shopping. Tomorrow she is going shopping. She nee%s a new pair of shoes. She wants to $uy a pair of re% shoes. She thin"s re% shoes are pretty. She will $uy a pair of shoes at the mall. Lisa usually shops at the mall. The mall is only a mile from her house. She just wal"s to the mall. It only ta"es her 7+ minutes. Tomorrow she will go to four %ifferent shoe stores. Tomorrow is Satur%ay. The mall always has sales on Satur%ay. If the sale pri#e is goo%) Lisa might $uy two pairs of shoes. 5onal% plays the piano. He lo!es the piano. He has a $ig piano in his li!ing room. His piano is shiny an% $la#". It has three legs. He sits on a $en#h to play the piano. The $en#h has four legs. His piano has 88 "eys. The "eys are $la#" an% white. 5onal% has ten fingers. His ten fingers play musi# on the 88 piano "eys. The piano also has three pe%als. 5onal% uses his two feet on the three pe%als. He uses $oth of his han%s an% $oth of his feet to play the piano. He also uses $oth of his eyes to play the piano.



Ste!en was hungry. 6hat #oul% he eat9 He loo"e% in the refrigerator. He saw some orange #heese. He saw some yellow $utter. He "new what he woul% eat. He woul% eat a melte% #heese san%wi#h. He too" the #heese an% $utter out of the refrigerator. He $uttere% two sli#es of $rea%. He sli#e% the #heese an% put it $etween the two $uttere% sli#es. He heate% the frying pan. He put the #heese san%wi#h into the frying pan. .fter three minutes) he flippe% the san%wi#h o!er. .fter three more minutes) he put the melte% #heese san%wi#h on a plate. THE :.R ER . farmer owns a lot of lan%. He grows foo% on that lan%. He grows the foo% from see%s. He plants see%s into the lan%. The see%s grow into #orn. The see%s grow into wheat. The see%s nee% water. The see%s nee% sunlight. . farmer owns a tra#tor. He %ri!es the tra#tor on his lan%. . farmer has many animals. He has pigs. He has #ows. He has sheep. He has #hi#"ens. He has %ogs an% #ats. He has ra$$its. 6hen it rains) the farmer goes into his

house. The animals go into the $arn. . farmer wor"s har%. His animals %on3t wor" har%. They just eat an% sleep.

G(5 6.NTS G((5 4E(4LE Go% ta"es goo% people to hea!en. He wants goo% people to $e with Him. He lea!es $a% people on Earth. He %oesn3t want $a% people near Him. He lets them %o $a% things on Earth. 6hen they %ie) He sen%s them to the %e!il. The %e!il ma"es them wor" e!ery %ay. They wor" ne-t to a $ig fire. They are always right ne-t to the fire. They are always hot from the fire. They #arry #oal. The %e!il ma"es them #arry hea!y $u#"ets of $la#" #oal. They #arry the #oal to the fire. They pour the #oal on the $ig fire. Then they refill the $ig $u#"ets with more #oal. They ne!er get a %rin" of water. They ne!er get to rest.

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