Proxies: Basic NAT

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In computing, a firewall is a software or hardware-based network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic

by analyzing the data packets and determining whether they should be allowed through or not, based on applied rule set. firewalls can be defined in many ways according to your level of understanding. A firewall establishes a barrier between a trusted, secure internal network and another network (e.g., the Internet) that is not assumed to be secure and trusted. !" #any personal computer operating systems include software-based firewalls to protect against threats from the public Internet. #any routers that pass data between networks contain firewall components and, conversely, many firewalls can perform basic routing functions. $" Proxies A pro%y server (running either on dedicated hardware or as software on a general-purpose machine) may act as a firewall by responding to input packets (connection re&uests, for e%ample) in the manner of an application, while blocking other packets. A pro%y server is a gateway from one network to another for a specific network application, in the sense that it functions as a pro%y on behalf of the network use Network Address Translation (NAT) is a network protocol used in I'v( networks that allows multiple devices to connect a public network using the same public I'v( address. )A* was originally designed in an attempt to help conserve I'v( addresses. !" )A* modifies the I' address information in I'v( headers while in transit across a traffic routing device. *his presents some drawbacks in terms of the &uality of Internet connectivity and re&uires careful attention to the details of its implementation. In particular, all types of )A* break the originally envisioned model of I' end-to-end connectivity across the Internet and )A'* makes it difficult for systems behind a )A* to accept incoming communications. As a result, )A* traversal methods have been devised to alleviate the issues encountered. )A* has become a common, indispensable feature in routers for home and small-office Internet connections

Basic NAT *he simplest type of )A* provides a one-to-one translation of I' addresses. +,- $../ refers to this type of )A* as basic NAT, which is often also called a one-to-one NAT. In this type of )A* only the I' addresses, I' header checksum and any higher level checksums that include the I' address are changed. *he rest of the packet is left untouched (at least for basic *-'012' functionality3 some higher level protocols may need further translation). 4asic )A*s can be used to interconnect two I' networks that have incompatible addressing. 5owever, it is common to hide an entire I' address space, usually consisting of private I' addresses, behind a single I' address (or in some cases a small group of I' addresses) in another (usually public) address space. *o avoid ambiguity in the handling of returned packets, a one-tomany )A* must alter higher level information such as *-'012' ports in outgoing

communications and must maintain a translation table so that return packets can be correctly translated back. +,- $../ uses the term NAPT (network address and port translation) for this type of )A*. 6ther names include PAT (port address translation), IP masquerading, NAT Overload and many-to-one NAT. 7ince this is the most common type of )A* it is often referred to simply as )A* One-to-many NATs *he ma8ority of )A*s map multiple private hosts to one publicly e%posed I' address. In a typical configuration, a local network uses one of the designated 9private9 I' address subnets (+,- !:!;). A router on that network has a private address in that address space. *he router is also connected to the Internet with a 9public9 address assigned by an Internet service provider. As traffic passes from the local network to the Internet, the source address in each packet is translated on the fly from a private address to the public address. *he router tracks basic data about each active connection (particularly the destination address and port). <hen a reply returns to the router, it uses the connection tracking data it stored during the outbound phase to determine the private address on the internal network to which to forward the reply. All Internet packets have a source I' address and a destination I' address. *ypically packets passing from the private network to the public network will have their source address modified while packets passing from the public network back to the private network will have their destination address modified. #ore comple% configurations are also possible )A* loopback )A* loopback is a feature in many consumer routers =" which allows a user to connect to its own public I' address from inside the >A)-network. *his is especially useful when a website (with domain) is hosted at that I' address. -onsider the following network?

'ublic address? $@/.@.!!/.! (this is the address of the <A) interface on the router) Internal address of router? !:$.!.;.!.! Address of the server? !:$.!.;.!.$ Address of a computer? !:$.!.;.!@@.!

Applications affected by NAT 7ome Application >ayer protocols (such as ,*' and 7I') send e%plicit network addresses within their application data. ,*' in active mode, for e%ample, uses separate connections for control traffic (commands) and for data traffic (file contents). <hen re&uesting a file transfer, the host making the re&uest identifies the corresponding data connection by its network layer and transport layer addresses. If the host making the re&uest lies behind a simple )A* firewall, the translation of the I' address and0or *-' port number makes the information received by the server invalid. *he 7ession Initiation 'rotocol (7I') controls many Aoice over I' (AoI') calls, and suffers the same problem. 7I' and 72' may use multiple ports to set up a connection and

transmit voice stream via +*'. I' addresses and port numbers are encoded in the payload data and must be known prior to the traversal of )A*s. <ithout special techni&ues, such as 7*1), )A* behavior is unpredictable and communications may fail. outing is the process of selecting best paths in a network. In the past, the term routing was also used to also mean forwarding network traffic among networks. 5owever this latter function is much better described as simply forwarding. +outing is performed for many kinds of networks, including the telephone network (circuit switching), electronic data networks (such as the Internet), and transportation networks. *his article is concerned primarily with routing in electronic data networks using packet switching technology. In packet switching networks, routing directs packet forwarding (the transit of logically addressed network packets from their source toward their ultimate destination) through intermediate nodes. Intermediate nodes are typically network hardware devices such as routers, bridges, gateways, firewalls, or switches. Beneral-purpose computers can also forward packets and perform routing, though they are not specialized hardware and may suffer from limited performance. *he routing process usually directs forwarding on the basis of routing tables which maintain a record of the routes to various network destinations. *hus, constructing routing tables, which are held in the routerCs memory, is very important for efficient routing. #ost routing algorithms use only one network path at a time. #ultipath routing techni&ues enable the use of multiple alternative paths. An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet 'rotocol for communication. !" An I' address serves two principal functions? host or network interface identification and location addressing. Its role has been characterized as follows? 9A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there.9 $" *he designers of the Internet 'rotocol defined an I' address as a /$-bit number !" and this system, known as Internet 'rotocol Aersion ( (I'v(), is still in use today. 5owever, due to the enormous growth of the Internet and the predicted depletion of available addresses, a new version of I' (I'v.), using !$; bits for the address, was developed in !::D. /" I'v. was standardized as +,- $(.@ in !::;, (" and its deployment has been ongoing since the mid-$@@@s IPv! subnetting In the early stages of development of the Internet 'rotocol, !" network administrators interpreted an I' address in two parts? network number portion and host number portion. *he highest order octet (most significant eight bits) in an address was designated as the network number and the remaining bits were called the rest field or host identifier and were used for host numbering within a network. *his early method soon proved inade&uate as additional networks developed that were independent of the e%isting networks already designated by a network number. In !:;!, the Internet addressing specification was revised with the introduction of classful network architecture. $"

-lassful network design allowed for a larger number of individual network assignments and finegrained subnetwork design. *he first three bits of the most significant octet of an I' address were defined as the class of the address. *hree classes (A, B, and C) were defined for universal unicast addressing. 2epending on the class derived, the network identification was based on octet boundary segments of the entire address. Each class used successively additional octets in the network identifier, thus reducing the possible number of hosts in the higher order classes (B and C). *he following table gives an overview of this now obsolete system. IPv! private addresses Early network design, when global end-to-end connectivity was envisioned for communications with all Internet hosts, intended that I' addresses be uni&uely assigned to a particular computer or device. 5owever, it was found that this was not always necessary as private networks developed and public address space needed to be conserved IPv" addresses Main article: IPv6 address

2ecomposition of an I'v. address from he%adecimal representation to its binary value. *he rapid e%haustion of I'v( address space, despite conservation techni&ues, prompted the Internet Engineering *ask ,orce (IE*,) to e%plore new technologies to e%pand the addressing capability in the Internet. *he permanent solution was deemed to be a redesign of the Internet 'rotocol itself. *his ne%t generation of the Internet 'rotocol, intended to replace I'v( on the Internet, was eventually named Internet Protocol Version 6 (I'v.) in !::D. /" (" *he address size was increased from /$ to !$; bits or !. octets. *his, even with a generous assignment of network blocks, is deemed sufficient for the foreseeable future. #athematically, the new address space provides the potential for a ma%imum of $!$;, or about /.(@/F!@/; addresses. IPv" private addresses Gust as I'v( reserves addresses for private or internal networks, blocks of addresses are set aside in I'v. for private addresses. In I'v., these are referred to as uni&ue local addresses (1>A).

+,- (!:/ sets aside the routing prefi% fc@@??0= for this block which is divided into two 0; blocks with different implied policies. *he addresses include a (@-bit pseudorandom number that minimizes the risk of address collisions if sites merge or packets are misrouted. ;" Early designs used a different block for this purpose (fec@??), dubbed site-local addresses. :" 5owever, the definition of what constituted sites remained unclear and the poorly defined addressing policy created ambiguities for routing. *his address range specification was abandoned and must not be used in new systems. !@" IP addressing *here are four forms of I' addressing, each with its own uni&ue properties.

1nicast? *he most common concept of an I' address is in unicast addressing, available in both I'v( and I'v.. It normally refers to a single sender or a single receiver, and can be used for both sending and receiving. 1sually, a unicast address is associated with a single device or host, but it is not a one-to-one correspondence. 7ome individual '-s have several distinct unicast addresses, each for its own distinct purpose. 7ending the same data to multiple unicast addresses re&uires the sender to send all the data many times over, once for each recipient. 4roadcast? In I'v( it is possible to send data to all possible destinations (9all-hosts broadcast9), which permits the sender to send the data only once, and all receivers receive a copy of it. In the I'v( protocol, the address is used for local broadcast. In addition, a directed (limited) broadcast can be made by combining the network prefi% with a host suffi% composed entirely of binary !s. ,or e%ample, the destination address used for a directed broadcast to devices on the network is I'v. does not implement broadcast addressing and replaces it with multicast to the specially-defined all-nodes multicast address. #ulticast? A multicast address is associated with a group of interested receivers. In I'v(, addresses through (the former -lass 2 addresses) are designated as multicast addresses. !!" I'v. uses the address block with the prefi% ff00::/8 for multicast applications. In either case, the sender sends a single datagram from its unicast address to the multicast group address and the intermediary routers take care of making copies and sending them to all receivers that have 8oined the corresponding multicast group. Anycast? >ike broadcast and multicast, anycast is a one-to-many routing topology. 5owever, the data stream is not transmitted to all receivers, 8ust the one which the router decides is logically closest in the network. Anycast address is an inherent feature of only I'v.. In I'v(, anycast addressing implementations typically operate using the shortestpath metric of 4B' routing and do not take into account congestion or other attributes of the path. Anycast methods are useful for global load balancing and are commonly used in distributed 2)7 systems

A classful network is a network addressing architecture used in the Internet from !:;! until the introduction of -lassless Inter-2omain +outing in !::/. *he method divides the address space for Internet 'rotocol Aersion ( (I'v() into five address classes. Each class, coded in the first four bits of the address, defines either a different network size, i.e. number of hosts for unicast addresses (classes A, 4, -), or a multicast network (class 2). *he fifth class (E) address range is reserved for future or e%perimental purposes #lassless Inter-$omain outing (#I$ ) is a method for allocating I' addresses and routing Internet 'rotocol packets. *he Internet Engineering *ask ,orce introduced -I2+ in !::/ to replace the previous addressing architecture of classful network design in the Internet. Its goal was to slow the growth of routing tables on routers across the Internet, and to help slow the rapid e%haustion of I'v( addresses. !" $" I' addresses are described as consisting of two groups of bits in the address? the most significant bits are the network address, which identifies a whole network or subnet, and the least significant set forms the host identifier, which specifies a particular interface of a host on that network. *his division is used as the basis of traffic routing between I' networks and for address allocation policies. -lassful network design for I'v( sized the network address as one or more ;-bit groups, resulting in the blocks of -lass A, 4, or - addresses. -lassless Inter-2omain +outing allocates address space to Internet service providers and end users on any address bit boundary, instead of on ;-bit segments. In I'v., however, the interface identifier has a fi%ed size of .( bits by convention, and smaller subnets are never allocated to end users A subnetwork, or subnet, is a logically visible subdivision of an I' network. !" *he practice of dividing a network into two or more networks is called subnetting. All computers that belong to a subnet are addressed with a common, identical, most-significant bit-group in their I' address. *his results in the logical division of an I' address into two fields, a network or routing prefi% and the rest field or host identifier. *he rest field is an identifier for a specific host or network interface. A virtual firewall %&'( is a network firewall service or appliance running entirely within a virtualized environment and which provides the usual packet filtering and monitoring provided via a physical network firewall. *he A, can be realized as a traditional software firewall on a guest virtual machine already running, a purpose-built virtual security appliance designed with virtual network security in mind, a virtual switch with additional security capabilities, or a managed kernel process running within the host hypervisor. &irtual firewalls)edit* 6ne method to secure, log and monitor A#-to-A# traffic involved routing the virtualized network traffic out of the virtual network and onto the physical network via A>A)s, and hence into a physical firewall already present to provide security and compliance services for the physical network. *he A>A) traffic could be monitored and filtered by the physical firewall and

then passed back into the virtual network (if deemed legitimate for that purpose) and on to the target virtual machine. Operation[edit] Airtual firewalls can operate in different modes to provide security services, depending on the point of deployment. *ypically these are either bridge-mode or +ypervisor-mode (hypervisorbased, hypervisor-resident). 4oth may come shrink wrapped as a virtual security appliance and may install a virtual machine for management purposes. A virtual firewall operating in bridge-mode acts like its physical-world firewall analog3 it sits in a strategic part of the network infrastructure H usually at an inter-network virtual switch or bridge H and intercepts network traffic destined for other network segments and needing to travel over the bridge. 4y e%amining the source origin, the destination, the type of packet it is and even the payload the A, can decide if the packet is to be allowed passage, dropped, re8ected, or forwarded or mirrored to some other device. Initial entrants into the virtual firewall field were largely bridge-mode, and many offers retain this feature. ,plit tunneling is a computer networking concept which allows a A') user to access a public network (e.g., the Internet) and a local >A) or <A) at the same time, using the same physical network connection. *his connection service is usually facilitated through a program such as a A') client software application. Advantages 6ne advantage of using split tunneling is that it alleviates bottlenecks and conserves bandwidth as Internet traffic does not have to pass through the A') server. Another advantage is in the case where a user works at a supplier or partner site and needs access to network resources on both networks throughout the day. 7plit tunneling prevents the user from having to continually connect and disconnect. Disadvantages A disadvantage is that when split tunneling is enabled, users bypass gateway level security that might be in place within the company infrastructure. ,or e%ample, if web or content filtering is in place, this is something usually controlled at a gateway level, not the client '-. I7's that implement 2)7 hi8acking break name resolution of private addresses with a split tunnel NAT traversal is a general term for techni&ues that establish and maintain Internet protocol connections traversing network address translation ()A*) gateways. )etwork address translation breaks end-to-end connectivity. Intercepting and modifying traffic can only be performed

transparently in the absence of secure encryption and authentication. )A* traversal techni&ues are typically re&uired for client-to-client networking applications. !" E planation )A* traversal is of importance for peer-to-peer and Aoice over I' (AoI') deployments !" . #any techni&ues e%ist, but no single method works in every situation since )A* behavior is not standardized. #any )A* traversal techni&ues re&uire assistance from a server at a publicly routable I' address. 7ome methods use the server only when establishing the connection, while others are based on relaying all data through it, which adds bandwidth costs and increases latency, detrimental to real-time voice and video communications. #ost )A* behavior-based techni&ues bypass enterprise security policies. Enterprise security e%perts prefer techni&ues that e%plicitly cooperate with )A* and firewalls, allowing )A* traversal while still enabling marshalling at the )A* to enforce enterprise security policies. IE*, standards based on this security model are +ealm-7pecific I' (+7I') and middlebo% communications (#I2-6#). 7ocket 7ecure (76-I7) is a technology created in the early !::@s that uses pro%y servers to relay traffic between networks or systems. In home or small office settings, 1'n' IB2 is supported by many small )A* gateways. )A*-* is commonly used by I'sec virtual private network clients in order to have Encapsulating 7ecurity 'ayload packets traverse )A*. )A* devices are commonly used to alleviate I'v( address e%haustion by allowing the use of private I' addresses on home and corporate networks behind routers with a single public I' address facing the public Internet. *he internal network devices communicate with hosts on the e%ternal network by changing the source address of outgoing re&uests to that of the )A* device and relaying replies back to the originating device. *his leaves the internal network ill-suited to host servers, as the )A* device has no automatic method of determining the internal host for which incoming packets are destined. *his is not a problem for home users behind )A* devices doing general web access and e-mail. 5owever, applications such as peer-to-peer file sharing, AoI' services and the online services of current generation video game consoles re&uire clients to be servers as well, thereby posing a problem for users behind )A* devices, as incoming re&uests cannot be easily correlated to the proper internal host. ,urthermore many of these types of services carry I' address and port number information in the application data, potentially re&uiring substitution or special traversal techni&ues for )A* traversal. IPsec traversal across NAT I'sec uses several protocols in its operation which must be enabled to traverse firewalls and network address translators?

Internet Iey E%change (IIE) - 1ser 2atagram 'rotocol (12') port D@@ Encapsulating 7ecurity 'ayload (E7') - I' protocol number D@ Authentication 5eader (A5) - I' protocol number D!

I'sec )A*-* - 12' port (D@@, when )A*-* is in use

#any routers provide e%plicit features, often called I'sec 'assthrough. In <indows J', )A*-* is enabled by default, but in <indows J' with 7ervice 'ack $ it has been disabled by default for the case when the A') server is also behind a )A* device, because of a rare and controversial security issue. $" I'sec )A*-* patches are also available for <indows $@@@, <indows )* and <indows :;. )A*-* and I'sec may be used to enable opportunistic encryption of traffic between systems. )A*-* allows systems behind )A*s to re&uest and establish secure connections on demand. E planation )A* traversal is of importance for peer-to-peer and Aoice over I' (AoI') deployments !" . #any techni&ues e%ist, but no single method works in every situation since )A* behavior is not standardized. #any )A* traversal techni&ues re&uire assistance from a server at a publicly routable I' address. 7ome methods use the server only when establishing the connection, while others are based on relaying all data through it, which adds bandwidth costs and increases latency, detrimental to real-time voice and video communications. -ayer . Tunneling Protocol (-.TP) In computer networking, -ayer . Tunneling Protocol (-.TP) is a tunneling protocol used to support virtual private networks (A')s) or as part of the delivery of services by I7's. It does not provide any encryption or confidentiality by itself. +ather, it relies on an encryption protocol that it passes within the tunnel to provide privacy. Description *he entire >$*' packet, including payload and >$*' header, is sent within a 1ser 2atagram 'rotocol (12') datagram. It is common to carry ''' sessions within an >$*' tunnel. >$*' does not provide confidentiality or strong authentication by itself. I'sec is often used to secure >$*' packets by providing confidentiality, authentication and integrity. *he combination of these two protocols is generally known as >$*'0I'sec (discussed below). In computer security, AAA commonly stands for aut+entication/ aut+ori0ation and accounting. It refers to a security architecture for distributed systems, which enables control over which users are allowed access to which services, and how much of the resources they have used. *wo network protocols providing this functionality are particularly popular? the +A2I17 protocol, !" and its newer 2iameter counterpart.

A!t"entication Authentication refers to the process where an entityCs identity is authenticated, typically by providing evidence that it holds a specific digital identity such as an identifier and the corresponding credentials. E%amples of types of credentials are passwords, one-time tokens, digital certificates, digital signatures and phone numbers (calling0called). A!t"ori#ation *he authorization function determines whether a particular entity is authorized to perform a given activity, typically inherited from authentication when logging on to an application or service. Authorization may be determined based on a range of restrictions, for e%ample time-ofday restrictions, or physical location restrictions, or restrictions against multiple access by the same entity or user. *ypical authorization in everyday computer life is for e%ample granting read access to a specific file for authenticated user. E%amples of types of service include, but are not limited to? ip address filtering, address assignment, route assignment, &uality of 7ervice0differential services, bandwidth control0traffic management, compulsory tunneling to a specific endpoint, and encryption. Acco!nting Accounting refers to the tracking of network resource consumption by users for the purpose of capacity and trend analysis, cost allocation, billing. (" In addition, it may record events such as authentication and authorization failures, and include auditing functionality, which permits verifying the correctness of procedures carried out based on accounting data. +eal-time accounting refers to accounting information that is delivered concurrently with the consumption of the resources. 4atch accounting refers to accounting information that is saved until it is delivered at a later time. *ypical information that is gathered in accounting is the identity of the user or other entity, the nature of the service delivered, when the service began, and when it ended, and if there is a status to report. emote Aut+entication $ial In 1ser ,ervice ( A$I1,) is a networking protocol that provides centralized Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) management for users that connect and use a network service. +A2I17 was developed by >ivingston Enterprises, Inc. in !::! as an access server authentication and accounting protocol and later brought into the Internet Engineering *ask ,orce (IE*,) standards. !" 4ecause of the broad support and the ubi&uitous nature of the +A2I17 protocol, it is often used by I7's and enterprises to manage access to the Internet or internal networks, wireless networks, and integrated e-mail services. *hese networks may incorporate modems, 27>, access points, A')s, network ports, web servers, +A2I17 is a client0server protocol that runs in the application layer, using 12' as transport. *he +emote Access 7erver, the Airtual 'rivate )etwork server, the )etwork switch with portbased authentication, and the )etwork Access 7erver ()A7), are all gateways that control access

to the network, and all have a +A2I17 client component that communicates with the +A2I17 server. *he +A2I17 server is usually a background process running on a 1)IJ or #icrosoft <indows server Terminal Access #ontroller Access-#ontrol ,ystem (TA#A#,, usually pronounced like tacka%e) refers to a family of related protocols handling remote authentication and related services for networked access control through a centralized server. *he original TA#A#, protocol, which dates back to !:;(, was utilized for communicating with an authentication server commonly used in older 1)IJ networks and spawned related protocols?

2xtended TA#A#, (3TA#A#,) is a proprietary e%tension to *A-A-7 that was introduced by -isco 7ystems in !::@ without backwards compatibility to the original protocol. *A-A-7 and J*A-A-7 both allow a remote access server to communicate with an authentication server in order to determine if the user has access to the network. Terminal Access #ontroller Access-#ontrol ,ystem Plus (TA#A#,4) is a protocol developed by -isco and released as an open standard beginning in !::/. Although derived from *A-A-7, *A-A-7K is a separate protocol that handles authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services. *A-A-7K and other fle%ible AAA protocols have largely replaced their predecessors. 2xtensible Aut+entication Protocol, or 2AP, is an authentication framework fre&uently used in wireless networks and 'oint-to-'oint connections. It is defined in +,- /=(;, which made +,- $$;( obsolete, and was updated by +,- D$(=. EA' is an authentication framework providing for the transport and usage of keying material and parameters generated by EA' methods. !" *here are many methods defined by +,-s and a number of vendor specific methods and new proposals e%ist. EA' is not a wire protocol3 instead it only defines message formats. Each protocol that uses EA' defines a way to encapsulate EA' messages within that protocolCs messages

Network Access #ontrol (NA#) is an approach to computer network security that attempts to unify endpoint security technology (such as antivirus, host intrusion prevention, and vulnerability assessment), user or system authentication and network security enforcement.

5oals of NA#)edit* 4ecause )A- represents an emerging category of security products, its definition is both evolving and controversial. *he overarching goals of the concept can be distilled to? #itigation of non-zero-day attacks *he key value proposition of )A- solutions is the ability to prevent end-stations that lack antivirus, patches, or host intrusion prevention software from accessing the network and placing other computers at risk of cross-contamination of computer worms.

'olicy enforcement )A- solutions allow network operators to define policies, such as the types of computers or roles of users allowed to access areas of the network, and enforce them in switches, routers, and network middlebo%es. Identity and access management <here conventional I' networks enforce access policies in terms of I' addresses, )Aenvironments attempt to do so based on authenticated user identities, at least for user endstations such as laptops and desktop computers. L I222 67.893 is an IEEE 7tandard for 'ort-based )etwork Access -ontrol (')A-). It is part of the IEEE ;@$.! group of networking protocols. It provides an authentication mechanism to devices wishing to attach to a >A) or <>A). IEEE ;@$.!J defines the encapsulation of the E%tensible Authentication 'rotocol (EA') over IEEE ;@$ !" $" which is known as 9EA' over >A)9 or EA'6>. /" EA'6> was originally designed for IEEE ;@$./ Ethernet in ;@$.!J-$@@!, but was clarified to suit other IEEE ;@$ >A) technologies such as IEEE ;@$.!! wireless and ,iber 2istributed 2ata Interface (I76 :/!(-$) in ;@$.!J-$@@(. (" *he EA'6> protocol was also modified for use with IEEE ;@$.!AE (M#A-secN) and IEEE ;@$.!A+ (7ecure 2evice Identity, 2evI2) in ;@$.!J-$@!@ D" ." to support service identification and optional point to point encryption over the local >A) segment. :ore 2ffective/ ;ig+ly ,ecure Access -isco *rust7ec uni&uely provides a policy-based platform, the -isco Identity 7ervices Engine, that offers integrated posture, profiling and guest services to make conte%t-aware access control decisions. -isco *rust7ec uni&uely builds upon your e%isting identity-aware infrastructure by enforcing these policies in a scalable manner. It also helps to ensure complete data confidentiality using ubi&uitous encryption between network devices. As a core component of the -isco 7ecureJ Architecture, -isco *rust7ec brings local identityaware intelligence and enforcement to secure the network resources. #isco Trust,ec Advantages

'rovides a growing mobile and comple% workforce with appropriate and more secure access from any device

>owers security risks by providing comprehensive visibility of who and what is connecting to the wired or wireless network

6ffers e%ceptional control over activity of network users accessing physical or cloudbased I* resources

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