What's Your Social Media Strategy?

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What’s your

social media
Some facts about social media.
FACT: More than 4 out of 5 US online adults
now participate socially.
(Forrester, August 2009)

FACT: Visiting social sites is now the 4th

most popular online activity, even ahead of
personal email.
(Nielsen 2009)

FACT: YouTube has pushed ahead of

Yahoo to become the world’s second-largest
search engine.
(ComScore, January 2009)

FACT: 93% of social media users believe

a company should have a presence in
social media.
(Cone, Inc. September 2008)
Social media is not some
marketing fad.

It’s a fundamental shift in

the way we communicate.
And that means new rules,
new opportunities, and
new challenges.

Espresso helps brands become

fluent in social media.

While our expertise covers

everything from strategic
planning to full campaign
execution, we understand that
your brand needs more than a
“one size fits all” offering.

We’ll work with you, your

budget, your timeline, and your
objectives to create the perfect
social media solution.

Because hope is not a strategy.

Our Social Media Services

Social Media Audit

Who’s talking about your brand? What are
they saying? Espresso’s Social Media Audit
takes a broad and comprehensive look at the
conversations happening around your brand.
We’ll look at every social tool and platform —
from blogs and microblogging services like
Wordpress and Twitter, to social networks like
Facebook and LinkedIn, to media sharing
sites like YouTube and Flickr.

What’s included?

• Full audit of all accounts (groups, profiles, pages,

applications, etc. associated with your brand)

• Performance analysis across key social benchmarks

(i.e., influence, sentiment, passion, reach, etc.)

• Assessment of fan-generated vs. brand-managed social

activity (strengths and weaknesses across both)

• Strategic recommendations for improving your brand’s

social media performance

• An actionable Top 10 “To-Do” List

Social Media Ideation

We call this our social media quickie—we’ll
show you where to sprinkle in a few social
components to an existing product or
campaign strategy to boost share-worthiness
and share-ability.

What’s included?

• Illustrated list (includes schematics and/or mockups, as

appropriate) of the top 10 social opportunities for your
product/campaign based on user segmentation
analysis, ethnographic research, and a little good
old-fashioned brainstorming.
Social Media Playbook
A truly social brand looks beyond branding,
marketing, PR and communications and takes
into account all touchpoints where social
technology can improve or augment the
customer experience. Espresso’s Social Media
Playbook delivers a holistic, 360˚ roadmap to
capitalizing on the vast opportunities that
social technology presents.

What’s included?

• Social Media Brand Architecture (based on 1-on-1

interviews with key stakeholders across your
organization, user segmentation analysis, and
ethnographic research)

• Overview of the competitive landscape, including

industry benchmarks and notable case studies

• Complete social media road map for your brand –

from the low-hanging fruit to the more ambitious

• An actionable Top 10 “To-Do” List

Social Media Monitoring

Need some help selecting and setting up the
right tool for monitoring and participating in
the conversations happening online?
Espresso can help. We’ll recommend and/or
implement the right system for your needs
and even help train your team or act as an
extension of it.

What’s included?
(any or all of the following can be optional):

• Vendor/product review and selection

• Custom setup, including workflow and reporting

• Staff training

• Ongoing monitoring and reporting, including quarterly

roll-up reports with strategic recommendations and
Top 5 “To Do” List
Need Something Else? We’re Listening.
Espresso works with clients on both a
fixed fee and retainer basis. We’re happy to
provide an estimate for your unique social
media challenge.

About Us
Espresso is a full-service marketing agency
that has been creating memorable online and
offline experiences for clients like Samsung,
Nike Bauer, Sprint, and the United Way for
over a decade.

We call our secret sauce brand infiltration™

– a cost-effective blend of digital, social,
experiential, and traditional marketing tactics
designed to ignite conversations and fuel
word-of-mouth and word-of-mouse.

Jacquelyn Corbett Cyr, CEO
e: jacquelyn@brandinfiltration.com
t: @infiltrators
p: 416 620 6773 x0214

Marta Kagan, Managing Director, US
e: marta@brandinfiltration.com
t: @mzkagan
p: 617 771 8362


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