Love Makes Life Live

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Love Makes Life Live

Love is a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody. It is warmth and

emotional attachment for someone or Love actually is the cord, apparently feeble,
that ties the bond of oneness between two individuals and this bond gets as
strengthen as hard the delicate cord of love is tied. This feeble thread of love does
magic. It makes human life aromatic and colorful. It establishes a congenial network
of relations among human hearts which no worldly power is able to break. Any
society that is interwoven by the web of love can never experience hatred. Love is
the spirit of human life. If spirit seizes to be in the body it is dead. As such no
human being can afford to be lifeless without love.

Well, love can be tasted two ways; either by loving and being loved by others
or by reaching those unfortunate souls which are craving for love and warmth in the
wilderness of abhorrence. When Allah the almighty ordered Adam to descend from
the heavens and settle on the earth, He created innumerable resources around him
so that he could feel easy here. These include mountains, valleys, postures, air,
water, animals, plants minerals and the like just to make his life an easy and
comfortable affair. Thus first love emerged. It was the love of the Creator for his
super creature i.e. the man. It is because of this that He is called the Mother Nature.
Afterwards social life began from mother’s lap where the first lesson of love is
delivered. It is here that family relations are tied into an eternal bond of love.
Mother’s love (Mamta) is actually the source of all loves in this universe. Mother’s
selfless love, father’s care and concern, uncle’s watch and ward, brother’s warmth,
sister’s affection, grandpa’s time tested advices, granny’s unconditional kindliness,
friend’s compassion and sympathy etc all are different names of love. Life on this
earth is like a vehicle which goes on and on until it reaches its destination and the
fuel that runs this matchless vehicle is love without which it cannot move smoothly
even an inch.

A family where love prevails and rules has always produced quality social
fiber. The individuals who love and are loved have broadened outlook with balanced
personalities and sharp intellect and such citizens are surely pride of a society. In
contrast in the families where there is disorder and confusion, where indifference
reigns, where revulsion is a common phenomenon mental peace is a distant dream
there. Such families always produce criminals and frauds who never serve any
purpose to society because they are confused and their personalities always remain
in shambles. Certainly it is only love that consoles us both physically and mentally
in the times when the tides of repulsion make our life almost a hell to live in. If we
turn over the pages of history, many paradigms of exemplary love and affection are
revealed to us. It was love for Allah which took Muhammad SAW to the Hira cave to
worship Him there and it was Muhammad’s (SAW) love for the mankind that he
descended from the heights of the Hira cave to guide them to the right path. Then
Allah’s love for His beloved prophet Muhammad SAW provoked Him to arrange his
visit to the heavens. The Mei’raj was just an excuse. Hazrat Musa reached the Kohi-
Toor to see his Creator only out of love. For Allah’s love Hazrat Ibrahim gladly
jumped into the flames and sacrificed his young son. Love for his son deprived
Hazrat Yacoob of his eye sight.

Today mankind is experiencing a very tough time. Bloodshed, treachery,

tyranny, repression and moral degradation are every day’s affair. Justice is
breathing its last, humanity and humility look like some archaic concepts now and
human blood is losing its value because hatred has overcome love and sense of
belongingness is dying down in human souls. We love none consequently we are
loved by none. When we love someone we forgive and forget all his faults just likes
as a mother does if sometimes her kin dishearten her. She even consciously fails to
notice the misdeeds of giant magnitude in case of her children because she is a
mother and only knows to love. It is too hard to ascertain as to why we expect
others to ignore our indifferences towards them whereas we never seem ready to
be apologetic about what ill we do to others. It is profusion of love and compassion
which makes us tolerant and charitable. Since we are devoted to hatred, the
ambiance is quite disappointing. Iraq turned into debris, US killing guiltless people
in Afghanistan on the pretext of eliminating the Taliban or Usama, Indo-Pak tussle,
Israel killing innocent Palestinians and for that matter other national, communal,
religious or racial conflicts all over the world simply prove that man possesses
everything, power, science and technology, valour, knowledge and the like but is a
bankrupt of love. Human heart is devoid of love that is why the world wars were
fought which ended with a huge loss of human lives. Love and tolerance can
guarantee ever lasting peace and prosperity as it creates the spirit of tolerance and

Love begets love so abhorrence will result in hatred only. One reaps what he
sows. So loving others will do the wonders. Once we love we will be loved. This will
create such an atmosphere in which life would become bliss and the bond of human
relationship would get strengthen. From every corner there would echo the sweet
songs of love and warmth. Everyone would love to live a long life. Hatred, jealousy,
anger, revulsion, animosity…everything would perish in no time. Then the
discrimination of rich and poor, Mahmood and Ayaaz, elite and,… all such concepts
would become irrelevant. We have experienced lot of hatred until now and the time
has come when we must pledge that we will share love without asking for its price.
We will do it at an earliest and from the core of our hearts. There would be billions
and trillions of human beings but among all those countless souls there would be
oneness of belief and opinion. Their approach would be soothing which will
guarantee a safe and peaceful tomorrow for us and for the coming generations.

Aa ki thoda sa pyaar kar lein ham

Zindagi zar nigar kar lein ham

Sabir Hussain Isaar

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