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INDEX SNO 1 2 3 4 ! 7 " 9 1# 11 12 13 14 1 1! 17 1" 19 2# 21 22 23 24 2 2! 27 2" 29 3# 31 32 33 34 3 TOPICNAME Profile Pattern Paper-1 Paper-2 Paper-3 Paper-4 PaperPaper-!

Paper-7 Paper-" Paper-9 Paper-1# Paper-11 Paper-12 Paper-13 Paper-14 Paper-1 Paper-1! Paper-17 Paper-1" Paper-19 Paper-2# Paper-21 Paper-22 Paper-23 Paper-24 Paper-2 Paper-2! Paper-27 Paper-2" Paper-29 Paper-3# Paper-31 Paper-32 Paper-33 PAGENO 1 7 9 11 13 1 17 19 2" 3# 32 34 3! 3" 4# 42 44 4! 4" # 2 4 ! " !# !2 !4 !! !" 7# 72 74 7! 7"

INFOSYS PATTERN . Test Method:The test Paper consists of 2 sections: 1 !antitati"e test: #!ration: $% !estions&% 'in!tes It had ( )!estions had * interna+ )!estions ,(-*.$%/ P!00+es-21 #ata Interpretation #ata S!fficienc2 Non "er3a+ S2++o4is'. 2 5ER6A7 TEST: #!ration: &% )!estions in $%'ins. T8o 3i4 passa4es are 4i"en. Fi"es 'ar9s for each passa4es :orrection of phrases in sentences T8o artic+es are 4i"en. Fi++ in the 6+an9s $ or & +ines para4raphs are 4i"en and correspondin4 conc+!sion for that para4raphs sho!+d 3e se+ected fro' the 4i"en options. A sentence is 4i"en 32 !sin4 different prepositions 8e ha"e to se+ect the ri4ht one. Rest * r different t2pes.

Technica+ ; <R Inter"ie8: In the Technica+ c!' <R Inter"ie81 It 8i++ 3e "er2 coo+1 First of a++ =e ha"e to 3e "er2 coo+1 p+ease 3e cheerf!+ thro!4h o!t the Inter"ie8. The <R 'a2 as9 2o! the )!estions +i9e: Te++ 'e a3o!t 2o!rse+f. Fa'i+2 6ac94ro!nd.

Pro>ect #etai+s Achie"e'ents. <o33ies. Paper Presentations. Si'p+e P!00+es.

One thin4 8e ha"e to re'e'3er that the <R 8i++ see the Spontaneit2 in 2o! and she? <e 8i++ o3ser"es 2o!r face fee+in4s and the 8a2 of 2o!r attit!de to8ards the !estions. In so'e cases 2o! 'a2 face stress Inter"ie81 there1 >!st test the Patience on+2. 6e coo+ and 4i"e c+ear and 3rief responses to the <R1 the chances of 4ettin4 @O6 in Infos2s is 'ore and 'ore once 2o! c+ear the 8ritten test. A77 T<E 6EST

INFOSYS PAPER -1 In the Test there are )!estions tota++2 aptit!de $% )!estions &* 'in!tes ti'e. NeAt ro!nd En4+ish it has &% )!estions $% 'in!tes. In the aptit!de 1. R!nnin4 race pro3+e' 2. Non-"er3a+ ana+o4ies $. #ata s!ffienc2 &. 6ar charts *. #resses1 co+ors and fr!its pro3+e' (. S2++o4is' En4+ish Paper: It is +itt+e to!4h >!st 3e thoro!4h 8ith the Bra''ar. INTER5IE= ECPERIEN:ES: <R ME <R ME <R ME <R ME <R In '2 pane+ t8o eAperienced 8o'en 8as there : 2aD anand ta9e 2o!r seat. : than9 2o! 'ada'. : Bi"e 2o!r res!'e. : I 4a"e '2 REs!'E1 the2 as9ed a3o!t '2 ho'eto8n F:!dda+oreG : Te++ 'e so'e interestin4 feat!res a3o!t :!dda+ore : I to+d so'e interestin4 p+aces in c!dda+ore1 : Te++ 'e a3o!t 2o!r co++e4e +ife :I to+d the'1 8hat 8as the ro+e I did in '2 co++e4e : The2 as9ed a3o!t '2 hoste+ +ifeH


: I to+d the' a3o!t '2 I3est o!t4oin4 hoste+ st!dent a8ardJ F3eca!se I 'entioned in '2 res!'eG : one of '2 inter"ie8er said that she ne"er sa8 s!ch an a8ard +i9e 'entioned a3o"e. :Then p!00+e C C C C C C

C C C : :onsider a++ A as 8o+f and there 8as a fence .Yo! sho!+d dra8 one s)!are and one rectan4+e so that each 8o+f sho!+d 3e in one 3oA. ME : I tried to so'e eAtend1 3!t canKt. <R : 8hat is 2o!r area of interestH ME : data co''!nication and net8or9in4 <R : 8hat is the c!rrent sec!rit2 s2ste' 8e !sin4H ME : I to+d a3o!t cr2pto4raph2 <R : 8hat is the +atest techno+o42 !sin4 in 'o3i+e co''!nicationH ME : I to+d L:#MAK and $4 net8or9s <R : 2o! or4ani0ed an2 s2'posi!'H ME : I to+d '2 co++e4e s2'posi!' Ltrend0%*K <R : 2o! attended pre"io!s an2 inter"ie8sH ME : I to+d sat2a' attended <R : ! c+eared 4ro!p disc!ssionH ME : 2es <R : 8hich topic the2 4a"eH ME : dress coat sho!+d 3e 3anned or not <R : nice 8e 8i++ disc!ss. ME : 8e disc!ssed +ot. <R : the2 as9ed I2o!r opinionJ ME : I eAp+ained '2 ideas and "ie8s <R : 8h2 2o! are choosin4 soft8areH =h2 2o! are not choosin4 E+ectronics >o3sH ,3eca!se I a' E:E strea'/ ME : I to+dJ I a' ha"in4 +o4ica+ and ana+2tica+ a3i+it2 and ti'e 'ana4e'entJ I eAp+ained a++ thin4s <R : o91 anand 2o! ha"e an2 )!estionsH ME : 8hat is '2 career 4ro8th in 2o!r co'pan2H <R : it is f!++2 3ased on 2o!r perfor'ance. o9 than9 ! anand. I 8as 8aitin4 o!tside for 1* 'in!tes. The2 to+d 4o and attend Second ro!nd There on+2 one person is there. I entered in to the roo'. <R : p+ease ta9e 2o!r seat. <R

ME : I to+d than9 2o! <R : anand 8hat is 2o!r ho33ies ME : p+a2in4 cric9et1 +istenin4 '!sic <R : 2o! ta+9 ha+f 'in!te a3o!t cric9et ME : I eAp+ained. <R : 8h2 no8ada2s India +oosin4 the 'atches 4i"e so'e reasonH ME : I to+d so'e reasons. he satisfied. <R : 8hat is 2o!r stren4thH ME : I to+d )!ic9 +earner <R : Bi"e one s'a++ incident a3o!t )!ic9 +earner ME : I eAp+ained '2 co++e4e incident <R : =hat 2o! 9no8 a3o!t infos2sH ME : a+read2 I 9no8 co'pan2 profi+e so I eAp+ained "er2 8e++. <R : 8h2 sho!+d I hire 2o!H ME : I a' ha"in4 ana+2tica+ a3i+it2 and +o4ica+ s9i++sM I a' a )!ic9 +earner1 =hate"er 4i"in4 assi4n'ent I 8i++ do '2 3est and effecti"e ro+e in a tea' sir <R ME : o9 anand 8e 8i++ contact 2o!r 'ai+ 8ithin & 8ee9s. :than9 2o!1 sir

INFOSYS PAPER-2 1/ There 8as a )!estion +i9e the2 are 2 races 1%%' race n 2%% 'eter race the participants are P1 1R1S1T1N15 so'e conditions +i9e,I donKt re'e'3er eAact conditions of P1 ....3!t the2 are +i9e this/ P is 3etter than T in 1%% 'ts race n +ess than so'e N in 2%% 'ts race R neither occ!pies +at position nor the first position S is 3etter than so'e N in 2%% 'ts and +ess than T in 1%% 'ts race P ha"e & 'e'3ers a3o"e it in 1%% 'ts race and & 'e'3ers 3e+o8 it in 2%% 'ts race accordin4 to this data so'e )!estions are 4i"en a/ <o8 'an2 are there 3e+o8 in 1%% 'ts raceH,options are 4i"en so'e (1*1&1none of these/ Ans ( 3/ <o8 'an2 are there 3e+o8 in 2%% 'ts raceH,options are 4i"en (1*1$1none of these/ c/ <o8 'an2 'e'3ers ha"e sa'e position in 3oth 1%% 'ts n 2%%'t raceH Ans S1R d/ =hich occ!pies first position in 2%% 'ts raceH,data not s!fficient/ e/ =hich occ!pies +ast position in so'e 1%% 'ts or 2%%'t raceH

2/ This a odd one o!t )!estion it a+so contains * )!estions each )!estion has so'e * fi4!res in 8hich & are re+ated and 1 is different the2 4a"e so'e fi4!res +i9e direction fi4!res it is c+oc9 8ise direction a a' +inear +ine 8ith so'e direction +i9e that,the2 are conf!sin4 3!t eas2/ $/ There are ( 'e'3ers seated ro!nd a conference ta3+e A161:1#1E1F the2 8ear different co+or t shirts of 8hite1 3+ac91 3+!e1 2e++o81 red1 4reen and the2 ha"e ordered for pastries1 3!r4ers1 sand8ich1 patters1 "inea+a1 pi00as1 so'e drin9 a++ in sa'e order and so'e conditions are 4i"en persons in 8hite and 3+ac9 does not eat pi00as pastries1 patters and so'e other condition i donKt re'e'3er it 3!t conditions are +i9e this A is neither in 8hite t-shirt nor is not on i''ediate +eft 8ho ordered for 3!r4er the person 3et8een E and F has ordered for sand8ich and is not to the person 8earin4 8hite T-shirt # has ordered for 3!r4er and the 'an opposite to hi' has ordered for sand8ich The person 8ho ordered for 3!r4er 8ears 4reen t-shirt and is not to the rid4t of so'e one +i9e this and so'e * )!estions are 4i"e. This )!estion ta9es ti'e 3!t 8i++ 4et the ans8er &/ a/ A/a++ doc9s are soc9s 6/ A++ roc9s are soc9s :/ So'e doc9s are soc9s #/ So'e roc9s are soc9s E/ A++ roc9s are doc9s +i9e this conditions are 4i"en and $ co'3ination options are 4i"en as9ed for 8hich is correct 7i9e a/ A6# 3/ A:6 c/ AE6 d/ A6E * )!estions are 4i"en in this 4ro!p its eas2 choose the ans8ers 32 +oo9in4 at the options */ So'e 4raph is 4i"en and so'e condition and so'e )!estions En4+ish 8as sa'e,$% 'in!tes/ 2 co'prehensi"e passa4es :orrection of sentences It 8as eas2 3!t prepare for it too ta9es ti'e

I 8as se+ected for the inter"ie8...o!t of OP1 the2 se+ect so'e 1*Q for inter"ie8 There are 2 ro!nds in the inter"ie8 so'e of the' are said to +ea"e after first ro!nd and so'e ha"e 3oth the ro!nds First ro!nd is <R on+2,i 8as as9ed 32 a +ad2 n 'an a3o"e so'e &%-&* and the2 are coo+/ 1/ The2 4a"e so'e topic and as9ed to choose 'e 1 topic and spea9 a3t it @oinin4 the or4ani0ation for 'one2 or i'pro"in4 s9i++sH I'portance of 'arria4e M!sharr!f the 3+!ff 'aster so'e Riran sin4h and one 'ore I ha"e se+ected the first one 2/ The2 as9ed a3o!t '2 se+f fa'i+2 3ac94ro!nd $/ The2 as9ed 'e to read so'e thin4 a+o!d 8hich is a )!estion a3t o!r pro>ect ......eAp+ain o!r pro>ect to a *th standard st!dent &/ <e 4a"e 'e 2 p!00+es,i eAp+ained the' 3!t 8as not correct/ */ #o ! ha"e an2 )!estions I 8as se+ected for the second ro!nd a+so,she 8as a+so 9oo+/ she as9ed 8hat the2 ha"e as9ed 'e in the first ro!nd......i to+d her...... did ! ans8er the p!00+es she as9ed i said no......she as9ed 'e one )!estion +i9e there are a car c2c+e tr!c91 a!to 8hich co'3ination of t8o 8i++ ! !se to 'a9e a aero p+ane I said so'e thin4 and she as9ed 2......i ans8ered >!s confidente+2 I donKt 9no8 8hether it is ri4ht or 8ron4 she as9ed do ! ha"e an2 )!estions I as9ed so'e )!estions


Aptit!de test had 2 papers: 1. Maths S $% )!es in &* 'ins .,1 'ar9 each/ 2. 5er3a+ a3i+it2 S &% )!es in $% 'ins ,1 'ar9 each/ , !es No. 1-*/ There 8as a )!estion on +o4ica+ reasonin41 the2 had 4i"en so'e conditions on ( 3oo9s and pa4e n!'3ers. ( 3oo9s r 9ept one a3o"e the other in so'e 'anner .the 3oo9s 8ere Sans9rit 1 Ph2sics1 :he'istr21 6io+o421

Econo'ics1 En4+ish and the pa4es of 3oo9s 8ere 2%*1&%*12P(1$1O12O(1$OQ not in sa'e order .Fro' so'e conditions I 8as a3+e to deri"e fo++o8in4 dia4ra' : S!3>ects :he'istr2 Ph2sics Sans9rit 6io+o42 Econo'ics En4+ish I donKt eAact+2 re'e'3er the pa4es of a++ 3oo9s. Fro' 1st * )!estions1 & 8ere as9ed on order of 3oo9s .The *th )!es 8as as fo++o8s: *. if the 3oo9 3inder 32 his fa!+t 3inds the 3oo9 co"er of 1 st 3oo9 fro' 3otto' to the pa4es of the &th 3oo9 fro' 3otto' 1 3oo9 co"er of 2nd fro' 3otto' to pa4es of *th fro' 3otto' 1and so on . then 8hat 8i++ 3e the tota+ pa4es of 3oo9 8ith 3io+o42 co+or co"er no8 H The )!estion 8as "er2 si'p+e. , !es No. (-1%/ There 8ere * )!es 3ased on findin4 the odd fi4!re o!t of * 4i"en fi4!re ha"in4 re+ation 3et8een the'.,si'p+e ones/ , !es No. 11-1*/ There 8ere * )!es 3ased on #ata s!fficienc2. ,eas2 ones/ , !es No. 1(-2%/ * )!es on #ata Interpretation. ,"er2 diffic!+t ones/ , !es No. 21-2*/ * )!es on 7o4ica+ reasonin4 .The * )!es 8ere 3ased on so'e conditions 4i"en .the conditions 8ere 3ased on fa'i+2 tree.,diffic!+t/ , !es No. 2(-$%/ * )!es on se)!ence on state'ents 4i"en to fit in a proper +o4ica+ re+ation. & options 8ere 4i"en 8ith ( state'ents and choose one 8hich is 4i"in4 a proper se)!ence. ,5er2 eas2/ 5er3a+ a3i+it2 8as prett2 si'p+e. It had 2 co'prehension passa4es and 3oth 8ere e)!a++2 si'p+e. And so'e )!estions 3ased on fi++ in the 3+an9s1 2 'eanin4s of 4i"en 8ord 1se+ection of one option 8hich 4i"es the centra+ idea a3o!t the 4i"en state'ents 1 rep+acin4 the !nder+ined sentence 8ith the 4i"en appropriate options 8itho!t chan4in4 its act!a+ 'eanin4 as in ori4ina+ state'ent . T<ERE =ERE NO PNTT7ES FROM S<ARNNTA7A #E5I IN =RITTEN TEST . pa4e n!'3er

In inter"ie8s1 there 8ere 2 ro!nds for each candidate and 3oth 8ere <R 3ased ,8ith so'e technica+ for candidates ha"in4 +itt+e 6A# 7N:R / .E+se the inter"ie8ers 8ere 4ood and friend+2. <ere 1 so'e 8ere as9ed p!00+es fro' sha9!nta+a de"i. INFOSYS PAPER-& The aptit!de test consisted of 2 sections: 1/ Ana+2tica+ thin9in4?+o4ica+ reasonin4 S$% , &*'in/ 2/ En4+ish - &% ,$% 'in/. Ana+2tica+ thin9in4?+o4ica+ reasonin4: !es,1-*/: ,3ased on arran4e'ents/ There are * 3oo9s of En4+ish1 3io+o42 1che'istr21 ph2sics1 Sans9rit1 econo'ics. The order in 8hich the2 are arran4ed 8ith respect to the other and the pa4e n!'3ers are 4i"en. and then * )!estion fo++o8ed each ha"in4 & options each. !es ,(-1%/: ,"is!a+ reasonin4/& o!t of the 4i"en * fi4!res are si'i+ar in certain 8a2. Find the one 8hich is odd. !es,11-1*/: ,#ata s!fficienc2/Each )!estion is fo++o8ed 32 t8o state'ent11 and 2.ans8er each )!estion !sin4 the fo++o8in4 instr!ctions: :hoose 1 if the )!eston can 3e ans8ered 32 !sin4 one of the state'ent a+one 13!t cannot 3e ans8ered !sin4 the other state'ent a+one. :hoose 2 if the )!estion can 3e ans8ered 32 !sin4 either of the state'ent a+one. :hoose $ if the )!estion can 3e ans8ered 32 !sin4 3oth of the state'ents to4ether 13!t cannot 3e ans8ered !sin4 either of the state'ent aone. :hoose & if the )!estion cannot 3e ans8ered e"en 32 !sin4 3oth the state'ents to4ether. !es,1(-2%/ ,#ata interpretation/so'e statistics of pop!+ation .the 'orta+it2 rate1 the 3irthrate etc. !es,21-2*/ ,3ased on fa'i+2 tree/.so'e re+ations 4i"en. and then fo++o8ed 32 * )!estions each ha"in4 & options. !est ,2(-$%/ , "er3a+ reasonin4/:hoose the set of three state'ent that 'a9e a +o4ica+ se)!ence fro' the 4i"en fo!r. EA: a/ the !ni"erse is conf!sin4.

3/ The stars and the s92 are !ni"ersa+ . c/ 7ife is a part of the !ni"erse. d/ 7ife is conf!sin4. 1Gcad 2Gca3 $G 3cd &G c3a. En4+ish: 1/ There 8ere 2 co'prehension passa4es. 2/ Fi++ in the 3+an9s 8ith the appropriate 8ords. En4+ish section 8as prett2 to!4h since a++ options 8ere )!ite c+ose and +ot 'an2 )!estions 8ere as9ed. Inter"ie8: I had 2 ro!nds of inter"ie8 .first pane+ consisted of $ peop+e. It 8as a ho!r inter"ie81 no technica+ )!estions as9ed. . Te++ 'e so'ethin4 a3t 2o!rse+f. <o33ies. =h2 ! 8ant 2 4et into soft8areH =hat are 2o!r persona+ 4oa+s in +ifeH A3o!t the pro>ect. EAtra c!rric!+ar acti"ities. The2 >!st 8ant to find o!t 8hether ! are a tea' p+a2er1 a tea' +eader. 2o!r +earn a3i+it21 Yo!r co''!nication s9i++s. I 8as not as9ed an2 p!00+e. I ha"e tried to 4i"e ! an idea of ho8 the ne8 pattern is. I 8ant 2 reiterate 8hat I said ear+ier1 >!st re'e'3er its not diffic!+t >!st one needs 2 chan4e ones 'indset or e+se ha"e a f+eAi3+e one. #onKt eApect on+2 p!00+es. @!st 3e read2 2 face 8hate"er ! 4et and then ! 8o!+d 3e a3+e to crac9 it.


There 8ere t8o tests 1. 7R &* 'ins. and this ti'e I fee+ it 8as si'p+e than p!00+es.. 1 #I 8as a+so there1 1 4raphica+ )!estion 8as there... 2. ENB7IS< test : it 8as 4ood $%'ins U $% )!estions1 startin4 8ith 2 +on4 R:11 5O:A61 BRAMMER11 INTER5IE= ECPERIEN:ES: And it 8as 4reat eAp. to hr Inter"ie8 at INFOSYS11 There 8ere t8o persons... M111 M2111 M1:: te++ !s a3t 2o!rse+f I:: si'p+2 ans M2:: ha"e ! 4one thro!4h 8ith !s e"er

I: no M1:: as9ed a3o!t1 if I ha"e appeared & an2 other recent+2 M2:: as9ed a3t '2 pro>ect.. I:: I to+d on+2 pro>ect na'es it is 'inor U 'a>or pro>ect na'es M1:: as9ed on+2 sin4+e ) re+ated to '2 'a>or pro>ect11 M2:: as9ed a3t '2 'inor pro>ect in detai+ M2:: as9ed a3t MOSFET ,as i 8as fro' EU:/ U TIMER *** I: that i h" !sed in pro>ect M2:: 8hat is p!rpose of 2o!r pro>ectHH M2:: Fe8 'ore )!estions re+ated to '2 'inor pro>ect,#IBITA7 S.=AT:</ M1:: do 2o! ha"e an2 )!estions..HH I :: Ma2 I 9no8 a3t B#M Mode+ that ! prefer.. M1: Yo! 8i++ 9no8 after ! se+ected d!rin4 trainin4.. I: than9 2o! sir

INFOSYS P7A:EMENT PAPER -( EAercise 1: The passa4e 4i"en 3e+o8 is fo++o8ed 32 )!estions 3ased on its content. Read the passa4e U choose the 3est ans8er & the )!estions The #eath :ar It 8as co+d ni4ht in Septe'3er. The rain 8as dr!''in4 on the car roof as Beor4e U Marie =inston dro"e thro!4h the e'pt2 co!ntr2 roads to8ards the ho!se of their friends1 the <arrisonKs1 8here the2 8ere 4oin4 to attend a part2 to ce+e3rate the en4a4e'ent of the <arrisonKs da!4hter1 7isa. As the2 dro"e1 the2 +istened to the +oca+ radio station1 8hich 8as p+a2in4 c+assica+ '!sic. The2 8ere a3o!t * 'i+es fro' the destination 8hen the '!sic on the radio 8as interr!pted 32 a ne8s anno!nce'ent: IThe :heshire po+ice ha"e iss!ed a serio!s 8arnin4 after a 'an escaped fro' :o+ford Menta+ <ospita+ ear+ier this e"enin4. The 'an1 @ohn #o8ne21 is '!rderer 8ho 9i++ed ( peop+e 3efore he 8as capt!red 2 2ears a4o. <e is descri3ed as +ar4e1 "er2 stron4 U eAtre'e+2 dan4ero!s. Peop+e in the :heshire area are 8arned to 9eep their doors U 8indo8s +oc9ed1 U to ca++ the po+ice i''ediate+2 if the2 se an2one actin4 stran4e+2.J Marie shi"ered1 IA cra02 9i++er. And heKs o!t there so'e8here. ThatKs scar2.J #onKt 8orr2 a3o!t it1J said her h!s3and. I=eKre near+2 there no8. An28a21 8e ha"e 'ore i'portant thin4s to 8orr2 a3o!t. This car is +osin4 po8er for so'e reasonVit '!st 3e that o+d pro3+e' 8ith the car3!retor1 If it 4ets an2 8orse1 8eK++ ha"e to sta2 at the <arrisonKsK toni4ht U 4et it fiAed 3efore 8e tra"e+ 3ac9 to'orro81J As he

spo9e1 the car 3e4an to s+o8 do8n1 Beor4e pressed the acce+erator1 3!t the en4ine on+2 co!4hed. Fina++2 the2 ro++ed to a ha+t1 as the en4ine died co'p+ete+21 @!st as the2 stopped1 Beor4e p!++ed the car off the road1 U it ca'e to rest !nder a +ar4e tree. I6+astDJ said Beor4e an4ri+2. INo8 8eK++ ha"e to 8a+9 in the rain.J I6!t thatK++ ta9e !s an ho!r at +east1J said Marie. IAnd I ha"e '2 hi4h-he+d shoes U '2 nice c+othes on. The2K++ 3e r!inedDJ I=e++1 2o!K++ ha"e to 8ait 8hi+e I r!n to the nearest ho!se U ca++ the <arissons. So'eone can co'e o!t U pic9s !s !p1J said Beor4e. I6!t Beor4eD <a"e 2o! for4otten 8hat the radio saidH ThereKs a ho'icida+ 'aniac o!t thereD Yo! canKt +ea"e 'e a+one hereDJ IYo!K++ ha"e to hide in the 3ac9 of the car. 7oc9 a++ the doors U +ie on the f+oor in the 3ac91 !nder this 3+an9et. No-one 8i++ see 2o!1 8hen I co'e 3ac91 IK++ 9noc9 $ ti'es on the door. Then 2o! can 4et !p U open it. #onKt open it !n+ess 2o! here $ 9noc9s.J Beor4e opened the door U s+ipped o!t into the rain. <e )!ic9+2 disappeared into the 3+ac9ness. Marie )!ic9+2 +oc9ed the doors U sett+ed do8n !nder the 3+an9et in the 3ac9 for a +on4 8ait. She 8as fri4htened U 8orried1 3!t she 8as a stron4-'inded 8o'an. She had not 3een 8aitin4 +on41 ho8e"er1 8hen she heard a stran4e scratchin4 noise. It see'ed to 3e co'in4 fro' the roof of the car. Marie 8as terrified. She +istened1 ho+din4 her 3reath. Then she heard $ s+o8 9noc9s1 one after the other1 a+so on the roof of the car. =as it her h!s3andH Sho!+d she open the doorH Then she heard another 9noc91 and another. This 8as not her h!s3and. It 8as so'e3od2--or so'ethin4--e+se. She 8as sha9in4 8ith fear. 6!t she forced herse+f to +ie sti++. The 9noc9in4 contin!ed-- 3!'p1 3!'p1 3!'p1 3!'p 'an2 ho!rs +ater1 as the s!n rose1 she 8as sti++ +2in4 there. She had not s+ept for a 'o'ent. The 9noc9in4 had ne"er stopped1 a++ ni4ht +on4. She did not 9no8 8hat to do. =here 8as Beor4eH =h2 had he not co'e for herH S!dden+21 she heard the so!nd of $ or & "ehic+es1 racin4 )!ic9+2 do8n the road. A++ of the' p!++ed !p aro!nd her1 their tires screechin4 on the road. At +astD So'e one had co'eD Marie sat !p )!ic9+2 U +oo9ed o!t the 8indo8. The $ "ehic+es 8ere a++ po+ice cars1 U 2 sti++ had their +i4hts f+ashin4. Se"era+ po+ice'en +eap o!t. One of the' r!shed to8ards the car as Marie opened the door. <e too9 her 32 the hand. IBet o!t of the car U 8a+9 8ith 'e to the po+ice "ehic+e. Miss 2o!Kre safe no8. 7oo9 strai4ht ahead. Reep +oo9in4 at po+ice car. #onKt +oo9 3ac9. @!st donKt +oo9 3ac9.J So'ethin4 in the 8a2 he spo9e fi++ed Marie 8ith co+d horror. She co!+d not he+p herse+f. After 1% 2ards fro' the po+ice car1 she stopped1 t!rned U +oo9ed 3ac9 at the e'pt2 "ehic+e.

Beor4e 8as han4in4 fro' the tree a3o"e the car1 a rope tied aro!nd his nec9. As the 8ind 3+e8 his 3od2 3ac9 U forth1 his feet 8ere 3!'pin4 4ent+2 on the roof of the car-- 3!'p1 3!'p1 3!'p1 3!'p 1/ =hat 8as the reason for the ne8s anno!nce'ent on the radioH a/ ( peop+e. Inc+!din4 @ohn #o8ne21 had 3een '!rderedH 3/ A dan4ero!s prisoner had escaped c/ The po+ice 8ere 8arnin4 of accidents on the roads in the 3ad 8eather d/ So'e peop+e had 3ens en actin4 stran4e+2 in the :heshire area

2/ =hat did Beor4e thin9 8as ca!sin4 tro!3+e 8ith the carH a/ The car3!retor 3/ The rain dr!''in4 on the roof c/ The acce+erator d/ <e had no idea

$/ =h2 did he p!++ the car off the roadH a/ To ha"e a rest 3/ To 4o for a 8a+9 c/ To 8a+9 to the nearest ho!se d/ It 3ro9e do8n

&/ =h2 did Marie sta2 in the car 8hen Beor4e +eftH a/ She 8as afraid to 4o o!t in the dar9 3/ So no one co!+d stee+ the car

c/ <er c+othes 8erenKt s!ita3+e for the rain d/ She 8anted to 4et so'e s+eep

*/ =here did Beor4e set off to 8a+9H a/ The 'enta+ hospita+ 3/ The nearest ho!se c/ The <arrisonKs ho!se d/ The po+ice station

(/ =hat 'ade Marie so fri4htened as she 8aited in the carH a/ There 8as a stran4e so!nd co'in4 fro' the roof 3/ She co!+d see a 'an stran4e+2 o!tside the car c/ So'e po+ice cars ca'e racin4 do8n the road d/ She 8as afraid of the rain and the dar9

EAercise 2: Each sentence 3e+o8 has 1 or 2 3+an9s S each 3+an9 indicatin4 that so'ethin4 has 3een o'itted. 6eneath the sentence are so'e 8ords. :hoose the 8ord for each 3+an9 that 3est fits the 'eanin4 of the sentence as a 8ho+e

O/ Ath+etes ha"e so perfected their techni)!es in trac9 and fie+d e"ents that the WWWWWWWWW 3eco'es WWWWWWWWW 3efore record 3oo9s a/ Anno!nce'ent XXXXp!3+ic 3/ MeetXXXXXXXX.officia+

c/ Ti'eXXXXXXXX.a!thentic d/''on p+ace

Q/ AWWWWWWWW chi+d1 she 8as soon 3ored in c+assM she a+read2 9ne8 'ore 'athe'atics than her >!nior schoo+ teachers a/ O3d!rate 3/ Precocio!s c/ Reca+citrant d/ :onte'porar2

P/ The s!3t+e shades of 'eanin41 U sti++ s!3t+er echoes of association1 'a9e +an4!a4e an instr!'ent 8hich scarce+2 an2thin4 short of 4eni!s can 8ie+d 8ith WWWWWWWWWWWW U WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW a/ :onfidence----------a+oofness 3/ #efiniteness---------certaint2 c/ Sincerit2--------------hope d/ E+o)!ence------------r!th+essness

1%/ Nn8i++in4 to ad'it that the2 had 3een in error1 the researchers tried toWWWWWWW tried case 8ith 'ore data o3tained fro' d!3io!s so!rces a/ Ascertain 3/ 6!ttress c/ Ref!te d/ #isp!te

11/ <is one "ice 8as 4+!tton2 U so it is not s!rprisin4 that as he a4ed he 3eca'e increasin4+2WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW a/ #espondent 3/ :orp!+ent c/ :arpin4 d/ 7ithe EAercise $: P+ease read a++ the )!estions in the ta3+e 3e+o8 ,12-21/ as one contin!o!s passa4e. Tic9 the "er3 8ith ri4ht tense or the correct 8ord to fi++ in the 4aps in each of the sentences.

State'ent 12/ A fa'o!s sin4er had 3een contracted to si4n at a Paris opera ho!se U tic9et sa+esWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 3oo'in4.

Options a/ is 3/ are c/ 8ere

1$/ In fact1 the ni4ht of the concert1 the ho!se 8as pac9edM e"er2 tic9et WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

d/ ha"e 3een a/ is se++in4 3/ 8as se++in4 c/ so+d d/ had 3een so+d

1&/ The fee+in4 of anticipation U eAcite'ent 8as in the air as the ho!se 'ana4erWWWWWWWWWW the sta4e U said1 I7adies U 4ent+e'en1 than9 2o! for 2o!r enth!siastic s!pportD 1*/ I a' afraid that d!e to i++ness1 the

a/ too9 3/ ta9es c/ had ta9en d/ 8as ta9in4 a/ 8i++ not 3e

'an 8ho' 2o!K"e a++ co'e to hearWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW perfor'in4 toni4ht

3/ has not 3een c/ had not 3een d/ 8as not a/ are findin4

1(/ <o8e"er1 8e WWWWWWWWW a s!ita3+e s!3stit!te 8ho1 8e hope1 8i++ pro"ide 2o! 8ith co'para3+e entertain'ent.J

3/ 8ere findin4 c/ had fo!nd

1O/ The cro8dWWWWWWWWWWWW in disappoint'ent U fai+ed to hear the anno!ncer 'ention the stand-inKs na'e

d/ ha"e fo!nd a/ 4roans 3/ 4roaned c/ had 4roaned d/ 8ere 4roanin4

1Q/ The en"iron'ent t!rned fro' eAcite'ent to fr!stration The stand-in perfor'erWWWWWWWWWW the perfor'ance e"er2thin4 he had. 1P/ =hen he had finished1 there 8as nothin4 3!t an !nco'forta3+e si+ence. No one WWWWWWWWWWWWW

a/ 8i++ 4i"e 3/ had 4i"en c/ 4a"e d/ 4i"es a/ App+a!ded 3/ App+a!ds c/ =as app+a!din4

2%/ S!dden+21 fro' the 3a+con21 a +itt+e 3o2 stood !p andWWWWWWWWWWWW1 I#add21 I thin9 2o!Kre 8onderf!+DJ

d/ <as app+a!ded a/sho!ts 3/ 8as sho!tin4 c/ had sho!ted

21/ The cro8dWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW into th!ndero!s app+a!se

d/ sho!ted a/ 3rea9s

3/ 3ro9e c/ had 3ro9en d/ 8as 3rea9in4

EAercise &: Fro' each 4ro!p of sentences 4i"en 3e+o81 indicate the sentence that contains the error:

22/ Bro!p 1 a/ #ri"in4 +on4 distances ca!ses s+eepiness1 U s+eepiness ca!ses serio!s accidents. 3/ On a ta3+e at the rear of the roo' 8as a note3oo91 a pair of scissors1 U a 3io+o42 teAt3oo9 c/ Fina++21 there see's to 3e a 4ro8in4 interest in "e4etarianis' in this co!ntr2 d/ Either the +oca+ chief of po+ice or his officers are 4!i+t2 of "io+atin4 the ri4hts of prisoners

2$/ Bro!p 2 a/ Si'p+e coo93oo9s for ineAperienced coo9s ha"e 3eco'e )!ite pop!+ar in recent 2ears the2 are a"ai+a3+e at 'an2 3oo9stores 3/ So'e coo93oo9s1 s!ch as The @o2 of coo9in41 ha"e 3een c+assics for 4enerations c/ One pop!+ar coo93oo9 is The Art of French :oo9in41 32 @!+ia :hi+d1 a co+orf!+ character 8ho char'ed te+e"ision a!diences for 'an2 2ears

d/ The Art of French :oo9in4 3+ends c+assic recipes 8ith 'etic!+o!s eAp+anationM ordinar2 coo9s find the recipes 'ana4ea3+e

2&/ Bro!p $ a/ Aro!nd *%Y of the forest are destro2ed e"er2 2ear 3/ The 3!s +ea"es to'orro8 'ornin4 c/ A ti4er is a dan4ero!s ani'a+ d/ :an 2o! p+ease the s!4arH

2*/ Bro!p & a/ There '!st 3e so'e 'ista9e. I sho!+d ha"e scored 'ore 'ar9s 3/ The n!'3er of trainees are h!ndred c/ *%Y of the ho!ses need repairs d/ The :o''issioner1 a+on4 8ith his fa'i+2 'e'3ers 8as seen the part2

2(/ Bro!p * a/ The scissors is "er2 sharp 3/ :on4rat!+ations are in order c/ One of the cases is open d/ She p+a2s tennis 8e++ 3!t sheK++ ne"er 3e a Steffi Braf

EAercise *: P+ease 'ar9 the correct state'ent fro' the pairs 4i"en 3e+o8: 2O/ Pair 1

a/ Repeated occ!rrences cannot 3e i4nored 3/ Repeated occ!rrences cannot 3e i4nored 2Q/ Pair 2 a/ =e need to 4et a consens!s on the decision 3/ =e need to 4et a consens!s on the decision 2P/ Pair $ a/ On+2 a!thorit2 personne+ are a++o8ed in this area 3/ On+2 a!thori0ed personne+ are a++o8ed in this area $%/ Pair & a/ The actress decided to s!e the s+ea02 ta3+oid for defor'ation of her character 3/ The actress decided to s!e the s+ea02 ta3+oid for defa'ation of her character $1/ Pair * a/ E"er2one 9no8s that <o48arts in the <arr2 Potter series is a '2thica+ schoo+ 3/ E"er2one 9no8s that <o48arts in the <arr2 Potter series is a +e4endar2 schoo+ $2/ Pair ( a/ Most peop+e thin9 caffeine is not 4ood for hea+th 3/ Most peop+e thin9 caffiene is not 4ood for hea+th EAercise (: Se+ect the 3est 8ord?phrase?+ine to co'p+ete each sentence in the 'ost appropriate 'anner $$/ LRee'aKs 3ad-'o!thin4 Peter on+2 3eca!se she is >ea+o!s of hi'.K MeansWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

a/ Peter rea++2 is a nice person 3/ Peter rea++2 is a 'ean person c/ Peter rea++2 is a diffic!+t person d/ Peter rea++2 is a to!4h person $&/ If so'e one is I4!n4 hoJ1 the2 areWWWWWWW a/ st!pid 3/ :hi+dish c/ Enth!siastic d/ 7o!d $*/ Mr. <!4hes has 3een as9ed toWWWWWWWWWWW this diffic!+t pro>ect 3eca!se of his eAperience 8or9in4 for 'an2 2ears in Iran a/ Nnder4o 3/ Nnderstand c/ Nnder"a+!e d/ Nnderta9e $(/ LStop ta+9in4 to those an4r2 'en1 2o! are >!st addin4 f!e+ to the fireK is the sa'e asWWWWWWWW a/ Stop ta+9in4 to those an4r2 'en1 2o! are >!st co'in4 in the 8a2 3/ Stop ta+9in4 to those an4r2 'en1 2o! are >!st 'a9in4 it 8orse c/ Stop ta+9in4 to those an4r2 'en1 2o! are >!st addin4 to the noise d/ Stop ta+9in4 to those an4r2 'en1 2o! are >!st ta+9in4 too '!ch $O/ LS!dhirKs 8or9 is 3ehind sched!+e S I thin9 he 3it 'ore than he co!+d che8K is the sa'e asWWWWWWWW a/ S!dhir has ta9en too '!ch of 8or9 3/ S!dhir ta9es "er2 +on4 3rea9s

c/ S!dhir does not 9no8 ho8 to do the 8or9 d/ S!dhir is a +a02 person $Q/ There are 'an2WWWWWWWWWW to o!r r!+es1 and I do not thin9 thatKs fair. a/ EAa'p+es 3/ EAceptions c/ Instances d/ Pro"isions EAercise O: :hoose the correct ? 'ost appropriate 8ord?s to fi++ in the 4ap in the sentences 4i"en 3e+o8. $P/ I didnKt set WWWWWWWWW to do this 3!t IK' p+eased 8ith the res!+t. a/ In 3/ O!t c/ On d/ #o8n &%/ This +oo9s too hea"21WWWWWWWWWWWWWW pic9 it !pH a/ :an I 3/ Ma2 I c/ Need I d/ =o!+d I &1/ I a' 4+ad so 'an2 peop+e ha"e passed the test. In fact1 there 8ereWWWWWWWWW 8ho ha"enKt. a/ +itt+e 3/ a +itt+e

c/ fe8 d/ a fe8 &2/ Pope @ohn Pa!+ II WWWWWWWWWWW 'ore than P% co!ntries. a/ <as "isited 3/ =as "isited c/ 5isits d/ <as 3een "isitin4 &$/ I WWWWWWWWWWWWW :ar+ since I WWWWWWWWWWWWWW a +itt+e chi+d. a/ <a"e 9no8n1 ha"e 3een 3/ <a"e 9no8n1 8as c/ 9ne81 ha"e 3een d/ Rne81 8as &&/ I 8onder if WWWWWWWWWWWWW 8i++ sho8 !p at the 'eetin4H a/ So'eone 3/ An2one c/ One d/ E"er2one &*/ <a"e 2o! 4i"en !pWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. a/ To s'o9e 3/ S'o9e c/ So'e s'o9in4 d/ S'o9in4


EAa' Paper: ,1-*/ Si'p+e )!estion on p!00+e test SiA 3oo9s are Sans9rit 1 6io+o42 1En4+ish 1Econo'ics 1Ph2sics1 :he'istr2 and these 3oo9s are ha"in4 pa4es in no &%* 1$QO 1 *%21 $(Q1 &1O1$2% 3!t not in a order 1/ 6oo9 8hich is second fro' 3otto' is che'istr2 and is ha"in4 &1O pa4es 2/ En4+ish is neither in top nor in the 3otto' $/ Econo'ics is ha"in4 $QO pa4es 8hich is second fro' top &/ 6oo9 8hich is ha"in4 *%2 is fo!rth fro' the 3otto'

,(-1%/ !estions on dia4ra's odd 'an o!t "er2 >!st +oo9in4 at the' ! 8i++ find easi+2 the odd 'an ,11-1*/ )!estion on fa'i+2 re+ations a+so fro' p!00+es test in RS ABAR=A7 A1 61 :1 #1 E1 F are 'e'3ers of a fa'i+2 there are t8o pairs in this siA 'e'3ers # is 3rother of F 6 is 'other of # : is +ad2 and is neither hea"2 nor +i4ht in the fa'i+2 Brand father is hea"iest in the fa'i+2 So'e )!estions are 1/ Re+ation 3et8een e and f 2/ <o8 'an2 'a+e 'e'3ers are there in the fa'i+2 $/ Find the option 8hich is a pair fro' the fo++o8in4 &/ =hat is the re+ation 3et8een c and d ,1(-2%/ #ata interpretation )!estion: Pop!+ation in 2ear P2-P$ is ad!+ts *& +a9hs1 non ad!+ts 1& +a9hs for e"er2 2ear 2Y of non ad!+tKs con"erts into ad!+ts 6irth rate Y non ad!+tKs 'orta+it2 Y ad!+ts 'orta+it2 Y P$-P& 1O O 1& P&-P* 1P ( 1$ P*-P( 1Q Q 12 1. Pop!+ation at the end of the 2ear P*-P( is

2. Pop!+ation of ad!+ts in the 2ear P&-P* is $. Pop!+ation percent increase in the 2ear P$-P& ,21-2*/ #ata S!fficienc2 1 For sa2in4 A is a 8ho+e n!'3er a/ CZ$;1.% 3/ CZ&-1.% A/ on+2 one is s!fficient 6/ on+2 t8o is s!fficient :/ Either of the one is eno!4h #/ 3oth are re)!ired E/ 6oth are not s!fficient 2. In an e+ection there are A161: participants find the indi"id!a+ "otes of each other a/ A has 4ot 1*%% 'ore than 6 3/ : has 4ot ha+f 'ore than 8hat a has 4ot si'i+ar to this "er2 eas2 )!estions >!st "erif2 the RS ABAR=A7 not 'ore than 1?2 hr that is eno!4h to ans8er this data s!fficienc2 )!estions ,2(-$%/ 7o4ica+ connecti"it2 I 8i++ 4i"e ! an idea a3o!t this A a++ ran9 st!dents are a8arded 8ith a pri0e 6. Bopa+ is hard 8or9in4 :. Ra'! has 4ot the pri0e #. Ra'! 4ot the first ran9 E. Bopa+ is t2pica+ fe++o8 a/ :#A 3/ A#6 c/E#A ans is a IT <AS T=O FN77 PABE PASSABES EA:< <AS * NESTIONS ON T<EM



Reasonin4 test: $%

Ks in &* 'ins

A++ si'i+ar )!estions fro' A4ar8a+Ks reasonin4 3oo9. :anKt re'e'3er the eAact )!estions. So 4i"in4 ! on+2 t2pes. A++ )!estions are "er2 eas2 !estions: ,1-&/: * 6oo9s are arran4ed one 32 one. There pa4e n!'3ers are 2%*1 *121 $1(1 and so'e c+!es r 4i"en. =e ha"e to ans8er & )!estions 3ased on that para4raph. ,*/: #ata s!ffienc2 )!estion. Find the "a+!e of CH a/ C$;1 3/ C&;1.% Ans8er for this )!estion is a1 3eca!se 8e 8i+ 4et i'a4inar2 "a+!es for second choice. ,(-1%/: Find the O## fi4!re o!t )!estions (/ Ans8er is :1 3eca!se it is 'o"in4 in anti c+oc9 8ise direction. A++ are 'o"in4 c+oc98ise directions in a3o"e fi4!re 7i9e this another fo!r eas2 )!estions ca'e !es ,11-1*/: A si'i+ar pro3+e' fro' a4ar8a+ reasonin4. @!st chan4e E+der?2o!n4er are 4i"en instead of +i4hter?hea"ier in 3e+o8 )!estion. 1. 2. $. &. *. A1 61 :1#1 E and F r ('e'3ers in a fa'i+2 in 8hich there t8o 'arried co!p+es. # is 3rother of F 6oth # and F r +i4hter than 6. : is a +ad21 is neither hea"iest nor the +i4htest in the fa'i+2. E is +i4hter than :. The 4rand father in the fa'i+2 is hea"iest. c/ Father d/#ata inade)!ate e/none of

11/ <o8 is E re+ated to FH a/ Brand 'other 3/ 6rother these Ans8er is :

12/ =hich of the fo++o8in4 is a pair of 'arried co!p+esH a/ A6 3/ 6: c/ A# d/ 6E e/ None of these Ans8er is # 1$/ <o8 'an2 'a+es are there in the fa'i+2H a/ 2 3/ $ c/ & d/data inade)!ate e/None of these Ans8er is #

1&/ =ho is the second p+ace1 if a++ the fa'i+2 'e'3ers 8ei4hts are arran4ed in descendin4 orderH a/ A 3/: c / # d / #ata inade)!ate e/None of these Ans8er is 6 1*/ <o8 is : re+ated to #H a/ Brand 'other 3/:o!sin Ans8er is A c/Sister d/Mother e/None of these

!es ,1(-2%/: One data interpretation )!estion !es ,21-22/: S!' of a++ sa+aries of A1 6 and : are (%%%. A is 12$% 'ore than 6 and 1%%% 'ore than :. T8o )!estions 3ased on this The rest r 3ased on 3+ood re+ations and )!estions si'i+ar to p!00+e test topic in A4ar8aa+Ks reasonin4 3oo9. 5ER6A7 TEST: &% )!estions in $%'ins. 7itt+e 3it to!4h. !estions ,1-1%/: T8o 3i4 passa4es are 4i"en. Fi"es 'ar9s for each passa4es. !estions ,11-1(/: :orrection of phrases in sentences $ or & +ines 8i++ 3e 4i"en. In that a phrase 8i+ 3e !nder+ined. =e ans8er the correct fro' the 4i"en choices. !estions ,1(-1O/: T8o artic+es are 4i"en. !estions ,1Q-2$/: Fi++ in the 3+an9s !estions ,2&-2P/: $ or & +ines para4raphs r 4i"en and correspondin4 conc+!sion for that para4raphs sho!+d 3 se+ected fro' the 4i"en options. !es,$%-$*/:A sentence r 4i"en 32 !sin4 different prepositions. =e ha"e to se+ect the ri4ht one. Rest * is different t2pes. It ta9es +ot of ti'e .6 thoro!4h in En4+ish. E"er2 4i"en choices differ 8ith 'in!te 'ista9es. #iffic!+t to se+ect choices.


1-* !estions 1/ There is a 8ooden rectan4!+ar 3oA of +en4th 13readth1 hei4ht of Oc'1(1* c's 8hen it is di"ided into three parts and painted 8ith red1 "io+et and 4reen co+or of +1 31 h of 1c'-1-1c' 1/ ho8 'an2 are o facedH A/O% 3/(2 c/ O( d/ none of these 2/ <o8 'an2 are 1 facedH

$/ <o8 'an2 are 2 facedH &/ <o8 'an2 are $ faced The )!estion fo++o8s in that 8a2 (-11 Fi4!res Pro3+e': Tr2 to so+"e as 'an2 as possi3+e fro' "er3a+ and non "er3a+ reasonin4 ,R.S.A4ar8aa+/ <ere1 2o! need to find the contin!ation fi4 fro' the 4i"en options .9eep trac9 of the ti'e especia++2. 11-1( #ata s!fficienc2 a/if 1U2 are re)!ired to ans8er 3/if either is ins!fficient c/an2 of the state'ent is s!fficient d/ either is re)!ired ,sorr2 fo+9s I donKt re'e'3er the eAact order11...that rea++2 i'portant/ 11/is C[2H a/8hen.,p-1/,pZ2-p;1/ and 2.,p-1/,pZ2;p;1/ 3/IF C[.O and rest of the )!estions fo++o8s in that 8a2. 1(-2% #ata interpretation Ti'e is not at a++ s!fficient for this section to so+"e the +isted )!estions so 3etter so+"e the' at the +ast1 <ere t8o 4raphs are 4i"en one is sa+es and the other one is cost of a co'pan2 for $ prod!cts A161: I canKt dra8 2o! 13!t I 8i++ eAp+ain 2o!: 1/ =hat is the profit of the co'pan2 in P$-P& fro' prod!ct 6H a/ OOY 3/ $2Y c/ &&Y d/ none of these , I donKt re'e'3er the eAact "a+!es 13!t 8ant to te++ 2o! 1ho8 the 8a2 is/ 21-2* p!00+e test so+"in4 There are ( persons na'ed prasad 1etc 1/ The2 are sta2in4 in (f+ats in a $ Store2ed 3!i+din4 2/ one person 8ho is teacher doesnKt o8n a frid4e $/the person 8ho is ha"in4 three chi+dren o8ns a "o+ts frid4e &/peop+e 8ho sta2 in top f+oor need to ha"e & or 'ore chi+dren and conditions 4oes +i9e these.......

21/ 8ho is the teacherH a/ Prasad 3/......... 22/ 8ho is ha"in4 9e+"inator frid4eH 2(-$% This section consists of +o4ica+ red!ction ,a+so ca++ed S2++o4is'/ ! can 4et these )!estions fro' "er3a+ and non "er3a+ reasonin4 32 R.S.A4ar8a+. Refer to that/

INFOSYS PAPER ON 1Pth NO5EM6ER AT #E7<I !estions are: 1-* :!3oids 3!t t2pica+ c!t in different t2pe each ha"in4 different co+or so it is "er2 t!ff (-1% Fi4!re reasonin4 3asica++2 stren4th to A fi4!re 8hich r rotatin4. 11-1* #ata s!fficienc2 Pro3+e's: One State'ent t8o conc+!sion find 8hich is 3est 1(-2% #ata interpretation "er2 to!4h re+ated to it 2*-$% >!st a++ peop+e are 4ir+s1 t8o different fi4!re 1 cost 2 sa+es )!estion a++ 4ir+s are 3o2s >!st +i9e this

21-2*/ ( 'en +i"in4 in f+at1 Find 8ho is at 1 2 $ & * (f+at different condition Tota+ no. of chi+dren En4+ish paper 2 para4raph "er2 +on4 %ne Fine 8or+d in p+ace !nder+ined Find correct sentences Nse of tenses Preposition En4+ish is not so eas2


First of a++ a "er2 i'portant thin4 to te++ 2o! that p+ease +ea"e st!d2in4 p!00+es1 the pattern has 3een entire+2 chan4ed Start 2o!r preparation 8ith RS A4ra8aa+ and tr2 to co'p+ete it. I 8as not at a++ prepared for the chan4ed patternM e"en 3efore ha+f an ho!r of '2 eAa' i 8as '!44in4 the p!00+es. First+2 8e 8ere 4i"en a for' to fi++ in ha+f an ho!r. P+ease fi++ it in proper hand8ritin41 it co!nt a +ot. After fi++in4 the for' 8e 8ere 4i"en a 3+an9 sheet for ro!4h 8or9.. Mind it ro!4h 8or9 is as i'p as 2o!r ans8er sheet After seein4 the paper I 8as shoc9ed.. Then I started doin4 it 8ith patience.. M2 friends <AR#=ORR co!nts a +ot a+on4 8ith the 3+essin4. I c+eared the 8ritten eAa' Paper Pattern:!estions 1-* A *A(AO c!3e is 4i"en 8ith their 3o!ndaries painted 8ith diff co+or. If the c!3e is di"ided into s'a++ c!3es of di' 1A1A1 c' 1- <o8 'an2 c!3es ha"e red co+or painted sideH 2- <o8 'an2 c!3es ha"e red and "io+et co+or painted sidesH $- No of c!3es 8hich are !npaintedH &- :!3es 8ith three sides painted 8ith 2e++o81 "io+et and redH * On+2 one painted side of red co+orH ,@!st practice this )!es 32 2o!rse+f consider an2 co+or in an2 side and so+"e it/ (-1% fi4!re 3ased )!es fro' RS A4ra8aa+ Fi"e fi4!res 8ere 4i"en and the siAth 8as as9ed so'e )!estions 8ere on #ata s!fficienc2 : * )!estions 8ere 3ased on:: their are ( persons M Tend!+9ar1 Mr Shar'a1 Mr #ra"id the2 +i"e in a three f+oored 3!i+din4 2 in one f+oor so'e conditions 8ere 4i"e 8ho sta2 in 8hich f+oorH Fro' RS a4ra8a+ * !estions on #ata Interpretation

2 Braphs 8ere 4i"en one cost 3ased and one sa+es 3ased three co'panies are there A161: )!estions +i9e 8hich co'pan2 4i"es profit1 8hich is in +oss And +i9e thatX. En4+ish Paper:It 8as eas21 I thin4 En4+ish Paper he+ped 'e to c+ear the 8ritten 2 eas2 R: 8ere their1 direct co"ered 1% )!estions

1% )!estions 8ere on correct the sentences 1% )!es 8ere on en4+ish !sa4e * )!es 8ere on s2non2's no ne4ati"e 'ar9in4

INFOSYS INTER5IE= ON 21st NO5EM6ER INTER5IE= ECPERIEN:E: M2 Inter"ie8: There 8ere '2 se+f Sir and 1 Mada'. Me-sir 'a2 i co'e in <e- 2es She- so Adit2a 2o! are an Instr!'entation en4ineer Me- 2es 'ada'. She- so 8h2 does ! 8ant to >oin ITH Me- 8hat e"er I co!+d re'e'3er at that 'o'ent I spo9e <e- so Adit2a do ! read an2 'a4a0ines or no"e+sH Me- no sir ia' an eAtro"ert 9ind of a person so I donKt read often 3!t I do read ne8spaper She- o91 then te++ 'e a3t pre"io!s 2 8ee9s Internationa+ Ne8s Me- to+d it <e- o9 Adit2a te++ 'e so'e thin4 a3o!t Shahshi TharoorH Me- for a 'o'entDDDDDDDDD After that I re'e'3ered and to+d hi' <e- o9 Adit2a te++ 'e so'e thin4 a3o!t Nnited Nations Me- a4ainDDDDDDTo+d hi' a++ that I 9ne8 ,and it 8as a++ 8ron4DDD/ <e- +a!4hedDDDD She- o9 Adit2a te++ 'e one criteria thatKs i'portant to ! 8hi+e choosin4 a co'pan2 Me- Mada' 'e the c!+t!re of the co'pan2 sho!+d 3e a'ica3+e She- 8hat does c!+t!re 'eans to 2o!H

Me- I didnKt eApected this )!estion so I said-'ada' it 'eans the co''on +an4!a4e that the peop+e ha"e she- so does that 'atters to ! as in infos2s 8e ha"e Q%Y peop+e spea9in4 so!th Indian so h8 8i+ ! cope !p 8it thatH Me- no8 I tho!4ht it 8as a++ o"erD 6!t sti++ I 4a"e hr a creati"e ans8er'ada'1 if the peop+e Ia' 8or9in4 8ith doesnKt !nderstand '2 ideas 3eca!se of +an4!a4e difference so it 8i+ 3 diffic!+t for 3oth of !s and a+so 'ada' the 3i44est ad"anta4e 8e Indians ha"e is that 8e 9no8 at +east 2 +an4!a4es and En4+ish is one of the' so i cn co''!nicate 8ith the' in En4+ish a+so. She-4oodDDDD 2nd <R:- 1 sir 8as thereM <e- <e++o adit2a te++ 'e for ho8 +on4 ! ha"e 3een 8aitin4H Me- Sir for o"er 2 hrs. <e- o9 so 8hat ! did in that ti'eH Me- Sir1 I >!st ta+9ed to '2 friends and +isten t their inter"ie8 eAperience <e-9 so adit2a ! 4ot Q%Y in 1%th and (Q in it is. so h8 can I eApect ! to co'p+ete a 8or9 efficient+2H 'e-sir in that case i 8i+ 4i"e '2 12%Y and 'a9e s!re that i 4et at +east P*Y o!t of it. <e-4oodDDD <e-9 so do ! ha"e an2thin4 to as9H 'e-2es sir in h8 'an2 da2s 8i+ i 3 4ettin4 to 9no8 '2 res!+tH he-8ithin $ 8ee9s 'e-than9 2o!.

INFOSYS PAPER ON 1Pth NO5EM6ER AT <Y#ERA6A# !estions:.1: A c!3oid of di'ension (-*-Oc' is painted 8ith red on t8o opposite faces1114reen on other t8o opposite faces n see other co+or on other t8o faces n fina++2 its is c!t into s'a++ c!3es of 1-1-1 si0e........ a/ Find ho8 'an2 $faced s'a++ c!3es 8ith so'e co+or.... 3/T8o side painted c!3es... c/One side painted d/No side painted e/so'e other )!estion1 .....Ia' >!st 4i"in4 an Idea a3o!t the )!estion.a 3it to!4h

/ 2 : Find neAt pict!re fro' the series.....5ISNA7 7OBI:...* diff s!3 )!estion each of different series.... / $ : #ATA SNFFI:IEN:Y. One )!estion 8i++ 3e as9ed n 3e+o8 that t8o state'ents 8i++ 3e 4i"en ! sho!+d ans8er 8hether the 4i"en )!estion can 3e as9ed 8ith on+2 1st state'ent or 8ith on+2 second state'ent or !sin4 3oth or can\t 3 ans8ered 8ith neither of the )!estion. / & : #ATA INTERPRETATION 11 T8o +ine 4raphs are 4i"en co'parin4 the sa+es n costs of three different prod!cts of a co'pan2 n )!estions 3ased on these 4raphs. / * : This a +o4ica+ p!00+es11(diff peop+e Shar'a1 A>ar1 @ohar1 Prasad1 Tend!+9ar1 #ra"id are +i"in4 in (diff f+ats of a $-stor2ed apart''e Pconditions are 4i"en 'arried11!n'aried11no:of chi+dren1 their profession and * diff )!estions are as9ed 3ased on these +i9e to find 8ho sta2s in top f+oor11no of chi+dren of so'e 4!2s n their profession etc..... / ( : On 7OBI:A7 #E#N:TION .....this one is the eas2 of a++....+i9e...A++ cats r do4s11 A++ do4s are pi4s n find the conc+!sion....+i9e this *different )!es r 4i"en... So 4!2s in 7OBI:A7 'ain+2 2o! ha"e to 3 "er2 )!ic9 since there is on+2 $%'in n 'ost of the' r ti'e cons!' ne4ati"e 'ar9in4 so don\t +ea"e an2 )!estion a+so ! sho!+d 8or9o!t a++ )!estions on ro!4h sheet....... 5ER6A7 : Si'p+e section 3!t ! sho!+d 3 "er2 )!ic9 a+so the2 4i"e 'ore i'portance to 2o!r "er3a+ than 2o!r +o4ica+ section.... $%'in &%)!e... t8o "er2 +en4th2 Readin4 :o'prehensions a3o!t one n ha+f pa4e each11111 fina++2 each passa4e ha"in4 *direct )!estions....."er2 ti'e ta9in4 practice to read ne8spaper fast+2...... )!estion on findin4 correct sentence111sentence co'p+etion etc "er2 eas2....tenses n preposition t2pe.... I did 4ra''atica+ )!estion first n 8ent to passa4es 8here i co!+d co'p+ete on+2 'ana4e 2o!r ti'e 8e++.


1. !estion is as9in4 +i9e te++ a3o!t 2o!rse+f. 2. Te++ the condition of co!ntr2 for econo'ic po+itica+ and socia+ reference. $. If 2o! 3e the pri'e 'inister then 8hat 8o!+d 2o! do for refor' the condition of the co!ntr2. &. So'e technica+ )!estion ,'2 3ranch is EE/ *. So'e p!00+es +i9e A6:# ; #. A6:#,a++ are 3?8 1 to P/ (. ARRANBE SIC Q\s it 'a9e 1%%. O. Pro"e A6: .EFB ,a++ are 3?8 1 to P/ Q. Te++ a3o!t 2o!r cit2 RANPNR. 1%. Te++ a3o!t 2o!r ro+e 'ode+. 11. If 2o!r ro+e 'ode+ is standin4 in front of 2o! 8hat is 2o!r first )!estion. 12. So'e 'ore )!estion i a' not re'e'3er. Then second ro!nd one person pane+. 1. Te++ ho8 2o! spend the ti'e 3?8 1st U 2nd ro!nd inter"ie8. 2. An2thin4 2o! 8ant to te++ a3o!t 2o!rse+f. $. An2 )!estion a3o!t infos2s.

INFOSYS PAPER ON 1%th #E:EM6ER AT <Y#ERA6A# Ana+2tica+ section: 1. A 4ir+ has a phone 8hich has di4its fro' 1-P,none repeated/ as n!'3er and it is di"isi3+e 32 P.if the +ast no is re'o"ed it is di"isi3+e 32 Q and if another no di"isi3+e 32 O and so on. i/ =hat is the first n!'3erH ans $ ii/ =hat co!+d 3e the fifth noH ans * ,as there is no % it sho!+d 3 */ and $ 'ore )!estions of this t2pe. This is 8as the p!00+e 8hich i fo!nd in one of the pre"io!s infos2s papers. These )!estions 8here fro' RS a4ar8a+ non "er3a+ reasonin4.& fi4!res 8i++ 3e 4i"en and ! 8i++ 3e as9ed to find o!t one of the 'issin4 fi4!ers.Mind ! this 8as the 'ost to!4h part 8hich i faced in the eAa' ! need to ha"e +ot of practice to ans8er these )!estions.

These )!estions are fro' data s!fficienc2 "er2 eas2 to ans8er ! >!st need to ha"e 4rip on si'p+e e)!ations1 ratios etc. one of these )!estions 8as a+so a p!00+e fro' the pre"io!s papers. is n.[pH St't I n.n;.... St't II 1?n.';n?p Sorr2 i donKt re'e'3er the eAact e)!ations 3!t the2 8ere of this t2pe. :an 8e find the a4e of ra'H State'ent I if & 2ears 3ac9 he 8as t8ice the a4e of his sister #ata Interpretation )!estions 1. a 3ar 4raph 8as 4i"en 8ith sa+es of so'e ite' in fe8 2ears and a ta3+e 8as 4i"en 8hich consisted of sa+es as percenta4e of prod!ction +i9e Q%Y in 1PP%1 O*Y in 1PP1 etc.and then he 4a"e a sentence 8hich said that the prod!ction capacit2 8as 1*%%%%% and 32 1PP& it 8as increased 32 1%Y and 2%Y in the neAt 2ear. 2. )!estion fro' this section 8ere as9ed as 8hat is prod!ction in 1PP*1 ratio of sa+es to prod!ction in so'e 2ear to the other.this section 8as a+so a 3it ti'e cons!'in4 3!t 8as can 3e done. 1. Asho9 1 6i99! 1:handa......1Poo+ 3a3!...are siA chi+dren of ra>esh8ari.e"er2 3od2 8ere 3orn in a+ternati"e 2ear 1and on a different da2 of the 8ee9 and no one 8as 3orn on s!nda2. each chi+d too9 a different s!3>ect of 'aths 3io+o42 1.......and asho9 8as 3orn in 1PP% and too9 3io+o42 as s!3>ect. and fe8 conditions 8ere 4i"en .this )!estion 'i4ht see' conf!sin4 3!t 8as "er2 eas2 if ! str!ct!red the 4i"en c+!es. 2 )!estions 8ere as9ed direct+2 fro' the c+!es. This 8as the section 8hich i so+"ed in +ess than $ 'in. a++ pens are 4!ns etc siA state'ents 8ere 4i"en and in options the2 as9ed 8hich three o!t of siA are in +o4ica+ order1 its 3etter if 8e ana+ai0e the options. Practice fro' RS A4ara8a+ and donKt si'p+2 i'p+e'ent the r!+es in this )!estions ! 8i++ not find ans8ers ans8er the' +o4ica++2. Friends1 =hat I o3ser"ed fro' the paper is that ! 8i++ for s!re ha"e * )!estions of the t2pe F1#1:16. i.e. ! can so+"e at +east 1* o!t of these 2% )!estions. First fi"e )!estions can 3e of an2 t2pe +i9e c!3es1 5enn dia4ra's etc. so 8e are not s!re a3t first fi"e )!estions .)!estions of t2pe

E are a+so 'ost pro3a3+e so 8e 9no8 O%Y of the )!estions in ad"ance 1p+ease concentrate on these 9no8n )!estions to 4et thro!4h the ana+2tica+ section. En4+ish Section: A passa4e on operatin4 s2ste's and other on a4ric!+t!re .+ea"e the passa4es and tr2 to atte'pt the re'ainin4. +i9e sentence corrections 1conc+!sion fro' a s'a++ para4raph etc. this section 8as the easiest. the2 attached the En4+ish ans8er sheet first so this section 'i4ht 3 the first priorit2 in se+ection. INFOSYS PAPER ON 1%th #E:EM6ER AT :<ENNAI First !estion : So'e thin4 +i9e ... Man>!\s Phone n!' is a P di4it n!' .. a++ the di4its added !p to4ether is di"isi3+e 32 P. Fro' rite if the P di4it is ta9en the re'ainin4 Q di4its is di"isi3+e 32 Q and so on11 it 4oes !p to 1.. there 8ere fi"e )!estion.. 7i9e 8hat is the &th n!'.. fro' +eft etc.. 2nd )!estion it 8as test of reasonin4 .. so'e pict!res 4i"en . and )!estion +i9e 8at 8i+ 3e the neAt pict!re.. .. fi"e )!estions1.1 +i9e tat.. $ rd )!estion #ata s!fficienc2 )!estion &th )!estion 6ar 4raph and )!estion on it Sorr2 pp+ i don re'e'3er the +ast t8o )!estion..... On+2 aro!nd &*% pp+ 8rote the test and ($ 8ere short +isted .. I too 8as short +isted111 MY INTER5IE=: There 8ere t8o <R pp+ 8ho inter"ie8ed 'e.. The2 4a"e 'e three +o4ica+ reasonin4 )!estions11 and one p!00+e sort of thin4 the2 as9ed a3o!t '2 paper presentation and '2 pro>ect.. and the2 a+so as9ed )!estion 8it respect to '2 attit!de.. '2 inter"ie8 +asted for 1*'in .. i had on+2 one ro!nd of inter"ie8.. fe8 peop+e .. <as t8o ro!nds in 8hich there 8ere as9ed technica+ )!estions a+so..

Inter"ie8 EAperience: +et 'e te++ ! a3o!t test paper 1 1/ the first section is of 7R ... 1-it 8as a p!00+e ....a si'p+e one so'e thin4 +i9e P R S T N 5 = Q doctors 8or9s Q da2s in 8ea9 in a charita3+e hospita+ fro' t!e-s!nda21 Monda2 is a ho+ida2 ....and Sat!rda2 is a ha+f da2 the ti'in4 for 8or9 is P to 1 in 'ornin411-2 is a +!nch 3rea9 and 2-( in e"enin4 r 8or9s in * to ( N fro' P to 1% +i9e that T 8or9s >!st 3 fore +!nch ti'e and then there 8ere )!estions on the' 2-there 8ere non "er3a+ reasonin4 )!estion ...fi4!re pro3s 1 rather diffic!+t to so+"e .........4o for RS ABRA=A7 start fr' )!estion no. *%% ....then ! 8i++ 4et a 4ood co''and on the' $- #ata s!fficienc2 pro3+e's'p+est section1 can 3 done in & 'in!tes <o8 far a is fro' 3 H 1-a is (% 9' fro' c 3 is $% 9' fro' c Ans -3oth condition fai+ed distance can 3 an2thin4 P% or $% there fore # 7i9e that 1a++ are si'p+e &-#ata interpretation ........."er2 to!4h i ha"e ne"er seen s!ch a pro3+e' ......on 3ar 4raph there is a "aria3+e +i9e \a\...\3\ so'e conditions. are 4i"en .8e ha"e to find "a+!es of "aria3+es * 8as a p!00+e .............."er2 si'p+e ( 8as s2++o4is's........3!t of & state'ents the neAt section 8as on En4+ish 1&% )!estion in $% 'in!tes t8o Fpassa4es fo++o8ed 32 sentence correction 1 correct preposition 1 s'a++ passa4es 1 )!estion on each passa4e 8as si'p+e dont atte'pt passa4e in 3e4innin4 ......... INFOSYS PAPER 1 to* : !estion +i9e P1 1R1S1N151T1= 8ere Q doctors "isit hospita+ in d ti'in4s P a.'. to 1 p.' and 2 p.'. to (p.'.. 1p.'. To 2 p.'. 8as the +!nch 3rea9.Monda2 is the ho+ida2 and Sat!rda2 8as the ha+f da2 so each 8i++ 8or9 for on+2 ha+f an ho!r. No one "isit 3efore And after N.S 8i++ "isit as the sa'e order as P in the after noon. R 8i++ co'e i''ediate+2 after +!nch 3rea9 fo++o8ed 32 =. so )\s +i9e at =hat ti'e 8 "isitedH

<o8 'an2 3et8een this and this H If the +!nch 3rea9 8as red!ced 32 1* 'in 1and each one 8i++ a+so red!ce accordin4+2 then at 8hat ti'e N 8i++ arri"eH +i9e8ise 2 'ore !estions. fi"e s fro' #ata interpretation so............... diffic!+t that I tried to atte'pt at +ast and >!st 4!essed the ans8ers One ta3+e 8as 4i"en ha"e so'e of its "a+!es as a131c d +i9e8ise so 8e ha"e find those "a+!es and then ans8er fi"e 'ore )!estions so'e ro8s ha"in4 a++ "a+!es fi++ed so 4et the re+ation 1 Y increase 8hate"er and find o!t ans. Series co'p+etion: T8o 8ere "er2 eas2 one I fi++ +itt+e 3it diffic!+t 3!t had ans and one 'ore "er2 diffic!+t1 so I 8atched the a+ternati"es and cance++ed 8hich can 3e not the ans and an2ho8 4ot the ans8er. @!st practice non"er3a+ series co'p+etion fro' R.S. A4ara8a+. It is eno!4h for this at +east. !estion for data s!ffienc2 is the data s!fficient to ans8erH The 'ost eas2 fo!r state'ents 8ere 4i"en ,inc+!din4 state'ents and conc+!sions/ 8ith the order A161:1#and as9 8hich of fo++o8in4 is ri4ht se)!ence ,'eans state'ents and conc+!sion / FONR a+ternati"es 8ere 4i"en as A6:1A#E 6:# 1None of these .It 8as eas2 3!t ti'e cons!'in4 Test is eas2 3!t 'ana4e the ti'e .so do practice Nice pattern . 2nd 8as En4+ish test ha"in4 t8o passa4es 8ith 1% ) fi"e 4i"en so'e sentences and as9ed for the 'eanin4 of !nder+ined part so'e fi++ in 3+an9s 8ith ri4ht a+ternati"e


#!ration of TEST is : 1?2 hr for fi++in4 the app+ication1 7OBI:A7 - &*'in $% !e , ( 'ain )!e each h"in4 * s!3 )!e/ En4+ish - $%'in &% !e , 2 +on4 R:\s - 1% !e11Sentence co'p+etion1 Findin4 correct sentence of t8o../ I. Read the fo++o8in4 infor'ation caref!++2 and ans8er the )!estions that fo++o8:

1. P1 1R1S1T1N15 U = are Q doctors are "isitin4 a charita3+e hospita+ 1hr each da2 ,fro' Pa'-1p' U fro' 2p'-(p' 1 1p'-2p' is a +!nch 6rea9/ eAcept ho+ida2 i.e. Monda2. 2. Sat!rda2 the2 8i++ "isit on+2 ha+f an ho!r. $. No one 8i++ "isit the hospita+ 3efore and after N

&. = 8i++ "isit i''ediate+2 after the +!nch and is fo++o8ed 32 R *. Position of S 8i++ 3e sa'e as P in after noon session. 1/ At 8hat ti'e R 8i++ "isit the hospita+H a/ 2p' 3/ $p' c/ &p' d/ *p' 2/If the2 8i++ start their ear+ier 32 1*'ins 1 then 8hat 8i++ 3e the ti'e of P "isitin4 to the hospita+H a/ &.%%p' 3/ &.1*p' c/ &.&*p' d/ *p' $/1 &/1 U */ sorr2 I donKt re'e'3er. II. :hoosin4 the 'issin4 fi4!re in a series:,* pro3+e's/ EA: 1/ Pro3+e' fi4!res ] % ^ %^] H ]^ -%

Ans8er fi4!res - % - ^% ] ^] %U ]1. 2. $. &. *. ]^ ]^ %U - %

III. #ata S!fficienc2 ,* pro3+e's/: Yo! ha"e to decide if the infor'ation 4i"en in the state'ents is s!fficient for ans8erin4 the pro3+e'. Indicate 2o!r ans8er as: a/ I a+one is s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. 3/ II a+one is s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. c/ Either I or II are s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion.

d/ 6oth are not s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. e/ 6oth are needed to ans8er the )!estion 1/ Is P hei4ht is +ess than 1O%c'sH a. if 8e add * PKs hei4ht 3eco'e 'ore than 1O%c's. 3. If 8e add 2 PKs hei4ht 3eco'e +ess than 1O%c's. 2/ 8ho is shortest a'on4 P1 1R U SH P is ta++er than . R U are shorter than S. $/1 &/1 U */ sorr2 I donKt re'e'3er I5. #ata interpretation: In so'e 8ater p+ant 1 to 4enerate ener42 the 8ater is rep+enished and drained 1 the ti'e 8hen rep+enished and drained is ta3!+ated as fo++o8s. Accordin4 to this ans the fo++o8in4 )!es.. #a2 =ater is =ater is drained at =ater +e"e+ at rep+enished at *p'-1%p',Y/ 11p' 1a'-1% a',in c's/ In,c's/ a 3 c d O $2P 1* Q $&% 1( e $*% 1% 12 f 2* 4 $$P h i $*1

Mon T!e =ed Th! Fri Sat S!n

1/ =hat is the "a+!e of 4H a/12.1 3/12.& c/12.P d/1$.& 2/ =hat is the "a+!e of cH a/ $(2 3/ $*% c/$** d/$*2 $/ =hat is the "a+!e of dH a/ 1% 3/12 c/( d/P &/ =hat is the "a+!e of 3H a/ Q 3/P c/1% d/& */ =hat is the "a+!e of fH a/ 3/ c/ d/ 5. A4ain 7o4ica+ p!00+e t2pe: A161:1# U E are * friends.

1. : is ta++er than # 3!t 2o!n4er than A 2. A is e+der than E U # 3!t shorter than 6 1/ 8ho is the E+destH a/ : 3/ A c/

6 d/ E

2/ =ho is the shorterH a/ 3/ c/ d/ $/ If its ascendin4 order 32 their a4es 8ho is the 'idd+eH a/ 3/ c/ d/ &/ Accordin4 to their hei4ht ho8 'an2 persons r their in 3?8 6 U EH a/ 3/ c/ d/ */ =ho is 2o!n4er than E H a/ 3/ c/ d/ 5I. In the fo++o8in4 choose the ans8er1 8hich 8o!+d 3e the state'ent 8ith conc+!sion. 7i9e this * pro3+e's.. 1/ A. <er3a+ cos'etics are in 4reat de'and. 6. Re"+on U =e++ are in 4reat de'and. :. Re"+on in 4reat de'and. #. =e++ in 4reat de'and. E. Re"+on U =e++ are her3a+ cos'etics. 1/ A6: 2/ AE# $/ AE: &/ 6AE */ None of these. 2/1 $/1 &/1 U */ sorr2 I donKt re'e'3er.

INFOSYS PAPER ON 1Oth #E:EM6ER AT MNM6AI The Aptit!de test of Infos2s :onsists Of 2 sections 1./ P!00+es - $% )!estions - &* 'ins 2./ En4+ish - &% )!estions - $% 'ins WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW O% )!estions - O* 'ins

=e 8ere +!c92 not to ha"e the c!3e p!00+e1 3!t 3e prepared 8ith it. 5er2 I'portant. The2 a+8a2s as9 it. So it co'es !p to O* !estions - O* 'ins For P!00+es refer R. S. A44ar8a+ ,5er3a+ and Non-5er3a+ Reasonin4/ P!00+es ./ 1 - * Se)!entia+ Order Of Thin4s ,P!00+e/ ./ ( - 1% :hoose The Missin4 Fi4!re In The Series ,Non 5er3a+ Reasonin4/ ./ 11 - 1* #ata S!fficienc2 ./ 1( - 2% #ata Interpretation ./ 21 - 2* :o'parision T2pe !estion ,P!00+e/ ./ 2* - $% 7o4ica+ Reasonin4 ,S2++o4is'/ En4+ish ./ 1 - * Readin4 :o'prehension ./ ( - 1% readin4 :o'prehension ./ 11 - 1* Ana+o42 ./ 1( - 2% S2non2's ./ 21 - 2* Anon2's ./ 2( - $% Fi++ in the 6+an9s ./ $1 - $* correct 8a2 to for' a sentence ./ $* - &% State'ent - Ar4!'ents1 Ass!'ptions1 :onc+!sions1 Inference A++ the )!estions as9ed in the aptit!de test are the so+"ed eAa'p+es fro' R. S. A44ar8a+ ,5er3a+ and Non-5er3a+ Reasonin4/ Bo Thro!4h each and e"er2 chapter of it. #o not 7ea"e an2 thin4. I'portant :hapters Fro' R.S. A44ar8a+ ,5er3a+ and Non 5er3a+ Reasonin4/ Section I - Benera+ Menta+ A3i+it2 :hapter & - :odin4 #ecodin4 :hapter * - 6+ood Re+ations :hapter ( - P!00+e Test ,5er2 I'portant/ :hapter O - Se)!entia+ O!tp!t Tracin4 :hapter Q - #irection sense Test :hapter P - 7o4ica+ 5enn #ia4ra's :hapter 1%- N!'3ers1 Ran9in4 U Ti'e Se)!ence Test :hapter 11 - Arith'etica+ reasonin4 ,5er2 I'portant/ :hapter 12 - #ata S!fficienc2 ,5er2 I'portant/ Section II - 7o4ica+ reasonin4 :hapter 1 - 7o4ic ,S2++o4is'/ ,5er2 I'portant/

Section III - Non 5er3a+ Reasonin4 :hp 1 - Series ,5er2 I'portant/ :hp 2 - Ana+o42 :hp $ - :+assification :hp * - Mirror I'a4es :hp ( - =ater I'a4es :hp 1& - :!3es And #ices ,5er2 I'portant/ <.R. !estions As9ed are -

1. Bo thro!4h Yo!r RESNME "er2 8e++. The "er2 First thin4 the2 can as9 is fro' it. It can 3e an2thin4 fro' Res!'e 2. =hat is 2o!r O3>ecti"eH $. :o'p!ter Proficienc2 &. 7an4!a4e Proficienc2 *. Yo!r Interests ? <o33ies (. =hat S9i++s do ! Possess ,Stren4ths/ ? An2 =ea9ness in 2o! O. =hat do ! 9no8 a3t infos2sH Refer the a3o"e para4raph for it. Q. =h2 do ! 8ant to >oin infos2s P. =h2 sho!+d infos2s se+ect 2o!H 1%. =h2 did ! choose IT SE:TORH 11. Te++ 'e so'ethin4 a3t 2o!rse+f. 12. Te++ 'e a3t 2o!r fa'i+2 1$. =hat Pro>ects ha"e ! 8or9ed in 1&. =hat 8as 2o!r Part in the pro>ectH 1*. =hat 8as the 6i44est #iffic!+t2 faced in 2o!r pro>ect and ho8 ! tac9+ed it and 8hat did ! +earn fro' it 1(. Bi"en a chance to choose 3et8een an2 other co'pan2 and Infos2s 8hich 8o!+d 2o! se+ect and 8h2 1O. =ho is the P!3+isher and Editor of Ti'es of India 1Q. =hat is the Ta4 7ine Of Infos2s 1P. =ho is The :EO of Infos2sH 2%. =ho is The :hair'an of Infos2sH 21. on 1Qth #ec1 2%%( there 8as a Test Match 3et8een India and So!th Africa. It 8as the third da2 of the 'atch. The2 as9ed 'e The 7atest Score 22. =hat is the difference 3et8een nor'a+ coo9in4 and coo9in4 in a press!re coo9erH 2$. EAp+ain the 'echanis' of coo+in4 in A: and refri4erators 2&. =hat are the Nn!s!a+ !ses of a 3ott+e1 8ater 4+ass1 pen1 tie etc 2*. Nse the N!'3er & siAteen ti'es and 'a9e the tota+ of 1%%% 2(. There are 1% cand+es 8ith 2o!. Arran4e the' in s!ch a 8a2 that it co'prises of * +ines and & cand+es in each +ine. 2O. An2 )!estions fro' 2o!r side. Prepare 8e++ for 2o!r tests fro' R.S. A44ar8a+ ,5er3a+ and Non-5er3a+ Reasonin4/1 aptit!de is eas21 and <.R. is >!st a for'a+it2


The En4+ish section 8as prett2 si' had sentences 8ith 'issin4 phrases....n a+so the 3asic sentence had t8o 2%% 8ords passa4es 8ith * each on the'D A+so it had s as9in4 !s to choose the 3est 4ra''atica++2 correct sentence o!t of 4i"en optionsD I had atte'pted 2*-1( s o!t of $%1 and 8as )!ite s!re a3t a++ of the'D I fe++ short of ti'e to 3 a3+e to atte'pt re'ainin4 $-& s..... The Aptit!de section 3asica++2 constit!ted of Arith'etic reasonin4 s and +ots of s on ana+2tica+ reasonin4...that is 4!essin4 the fi4!re 8hich sh!d fa++ neAt in seriesD It had an Eas2 s on Fa'i+2 tree and s on findin4 o!t the 'ost +o4ica++2 correct se)!ence of sentences o!t of &-* 4i"en sentences..... M c+ear+2 a3+e to reca++ the 1st 4oes.... There is a c!3e 8ith di'ension 1*c',each side1 o3"io!s+2/ 8ith opp sides painted 8ith sa'e co+ors....t8o sides are painted 8ith red1t8o opp sides are painted 8ith 3+!e and the rest of the t8o painted 8ith 2e++o8D the c!3e is c!t into c!3es 8ith di'ension $ c'..... 1. <o8 'an2 c!3es ha"e sin4+e side paintedH 2. <o8 'an2 ha"e 2 side paintedH $. <o8 'an2 ha"e $ sides paintedH &. <o8 'an2 ha"e $ sides painted 8ith diff co+orsH *. <o8 'an2 ha"e no side paintedH

INFOSYS PAPER ON Oth @ANNARY AT :<ENNAI <ere is the :ritica+ reasonin4D 1/ Most of the series of )!estion paper has the :N6E pro3+e' as first )!estion. Ne"er 4et pissed off1 its a+8a2s $-$ 1&-& 1*-* rare+2 1%-1% c!3e 4i"en. M2 )!estion 8as this A :N6E OF 1*M IN 7ENBT< IS :NT INTO FE= SMA77ER :N6ES IN SN:< A =AY T<AT T<E :N6ES ARE E NA77Y $M IN SI#E1 AN# T<E :N6E IS PAINTE# BREEN1 67NE1 YE77O= ON A77 T<E PAIR OF OPPOSITE SI#ES1 ANS=ER T<E FO77O=INB NESTIONS.

A/ 6/ :/ #/ E/

<o8 'an2 c!3es are no side paintedH <o8 'an2 c!3es 1 side paintedH <o8 'an2 c!3es 2 sides painted <o8 'an2 c!3es $ sides paintedH <o8 'an2 c!3es painted $ sides 8ith $ different co+orsH

So+!tion: P+ease ha"e ref to c!3es and dices topic fro' "er3a+ and non"er3a+ RS.A4ar8a+ Approach can 3e +i9e this.. =hat e"er the c!3e is 4i"en ta9e it into +a2ers. Top +a2er1 3otto' +a2er and the 'idd+e +a2er,s/. Since this c!3e is *-* ! ha"e $ 'idd+e +a2ers. #ra8 do8n the c!3e i''ediate+2 and !se penci+1 3+!e pen and 3+ac9 pen to iso+ate the 1 side painted1 2 side painted1 $ sides painted . This is ho8 ! can approach. :!3e pro3+e' a+8a2s cons!'es ti'e. So '2 s!44estion is to ha"e it as a +ast option. 2/ This 8as pict!re oriented pro3+e's. M2 )!estion paper had 'issin4 fi4 identification. So pict!re pro3+e's can 3e of :ontin!e the series Missin4 one ,the third 'issin4 ++ 3 as9ed/ Odd one o!t It too9 *'ins co'p+ete+2. N need to ha"e concentration 'ore and 2o!r o3ser"in4 needs to 3 fiAed on to the paper. :+!es are.. first chec9 for the shapes1 then direction1 then fi4 in fi4 o!t co'3inations1 addition of ne8 fi4 8i++ 3 +itt+e co'p+icated don 4et scre8ed !p. If there is a e+i'ination of a part in the fi4 >!s chec9 o!t if there is addition of a ne8 fi4. this is the approach. Yo! need to spend 'in * 'ins 'aA of 1% 'ins. Ne"er i4nore the RS A4ar8a+ pict!res pro3+e's. $/ #ata s!fficienc2. RSA4ar8a+ doesnKt he+p '!ch in this section. so p+ease 4o thro an2 cat 'ateria+s for this partic!+ar section. :o0 it a+8a2s ana+2tica+ or 4eo'etrica+ chec9s for so+!tion. RSA4ar8a+ has >!s the theor2-3ased )!estions. 1/ PNR ca+c!+ation1 find P. #ata 4i"en 8ere n separate+2 and are separate+2 2/ a s)!are 8ith dia4ona+ 8as 4i"en1 and the data 8ere 'eas!re of the side and the "a+!e of the dia4ona+. !estion 8as to sa2 if it is a s)!are or not. $/ A theoretica+ )!estion to find if ra"i is an en4ineer or not data 8ere a/ a++ ra'Ks friends are en4ineers 3/ ra"i is not ra'Ks friend. &/ An e)!ation 8as 4i"en and the constant 8as as9ed a+4e3raica++2 ca+c!+ation. 6oth the data 8ere re)!ired.

*/ This 8as a4ain a theor2 .i for4ot the )!estion.. Sorr2 The other possi3i+ities are +inear e)!ations a+so &/ #ata interpretation this section 8as rea++2 a 'ind 3+o8in4 one. :ons!'es 1* 'ins at +east1 a stoc9 'ar9et 3ar 4raph 8as 4i"en and * )!estions fo++o8ed. O!t of 8hich $ )!estions 8ere 3ased on the a"era4e ca+c!+ation. E"en the difference 8as 8ith deci'a+s so 2o! need acc!rate ca+c!+ation. 6!t donKt 8aste ti'e. 7oo9 for 2 direct )!estions and ans8er the' first and ca+c!+ate a"era4e and if ha"e patience to do that do it e+se i4nore the $ )!estions. It too9 'ore than 1* 'ins for 'e.. */ No8 a4ain co'es the +o4ica+ 3ased critica+1 here ! need to concentrate on a++ the topics 4i"en in p!00+es and 'isa++ano!s p!00+es fro' RSA4ar8a+. P!00+es are not +itera++2 p!00+es +i9e sha9!ntha+a #e"i or Beor4e s!''ers the2 are +i9e ho8 its 4i"en in RSA4ar8a+ "er3a+ n non "er3a+ Fi"e to siA topics are there p+ease don i4nore an2 topic co0 the2 as9 fro' an2 of the siA. The2 can 3e fro' co''ittee for'ation1 se)!entia+ pro3+e's ,Monda2 thro Sat!rda2 and ti'in4s 3ased/ 1seatin4 arran4e'ent or 5enn dia4ra' 3ased and 8hat 8as as9ed for 'e 8as fro' 3+ood re+ations. It 8as "er2 si'p+e 3!t don i4nore an2 section. (/ 7o4ica+ se)!ence. The options 8ere 'ore +o4ica+ indeed !n+i9e cats are h!'ans1 3ats are 3a++s.. Nothin4 +i9e that it 8as "er2 +o4ica+ For eA: a/ A++ the deter4ents are che'ica+s 3/ A++ the deter4ents are har'f!+ c/ 6rand A is a deter4ent d/ 6rand A is not har'f!+ e/ 6rand A is har'f!+ so if ! !nderstand the sense in it ! can +o4ica++2 arran4e it. 5ER6A7 :OMPRE<ENSION: There are 2 co'prehension as9ed o!t of 8hich one 8i++ 3e se)!entia++2 )!estioned1. Nr first )!estion 8i++ ha"e the ans8er in the first Para the second in the second +i9e that the other co'prehension 8i++ 3e ant se)!entia+ first )!estioned at the +ast so the tip I can 4i"e is.. read the )!estions ha"e the )!estions 3ehind the 'ind then start readin4 the Para and the second tip is ne"er do co'prehension first 9eep it for the +ast 1% 'ins.

One co'pre 8o!+d ta9e O 'ins and the other $ 'ins. So p+an accordin4+2 2/ :o'prehension ,anti se)!entia+/ $/ Pic9 o!t the ri4ht sentence fro' the 4i"en & sentences. The concentration is 'ore into prepositions. So chec9 for the 8ords +i9e1 of1 off1 for1 fro' 132 and a++ preposition 8ord. #on 9eep readin4 the entire sentence co0 the sentence is +en4th21 trace o!t 8here the difference is 'ade and chec9 8hich 8o!+d 3e apt one. &/ fi++ in the 3+an9s 8ith s!ita3+e phrases1 "er2 "er2 si'p+e e4: -------------------- +ost '2 8a++et I had to 4o 3ac9 ho'e to 4et the 'one2 a/ as I had 3/ tho!4h I c/ e"en 8hen d/ 3eca!se INTER5IE= ECPERIEN:ES: Pane+ of t8o one 'a+e one fe'a+e a+8a2s Mar9 sheet "erification is first done1 ! need to ha"e photocopies of a++ Nr 'ar9 sheets ,this 8as not inti'ated and fe8 8ere r!nnin4 for photo copies/ Mada': <ad 2o!r +!nch Sir: so 2%%* passed o!tH Mada': Nr na'e so!nds different 8hat is the 'eanin4 Sir: so ! r e'p+o2ed no8H Mada': 8hat is that ! en>o2 in 2o!r >o3H Sir: ha"e ! e"er fe+t this >o3 3oresH Mada': ho8 is Nr 3oss to ! Sir: te++ 'e a3o!t Nr >o3 profi+e eAp+ain it Mada': ho8 'an2 e'p+o2ees in 2o!r co'pan2 Mada': 8hen 8as Nr :o'pan2 esta3+ishedH Mada': 8ho is the :.E.O in 2o!r co'pan2 Sir: 8h2 do ! need a chan4e fro' net8or9in4 to soft8are Mada': do ! 'ind re+ocatin4H Sir: 'arria4e p+ansH Sir : sit!ation 8as 4i"en 1 c!sto'er A needs a +o8er end prod!ct 3!t !r 'ana4er as9s ! to se++ a hi4her end prod!ct 1 8hat 8i++ ! do , 9eep the 9e2 in 'ind c!sto'ers first and I ans8ered 9eepin4 that in 'ind/ Mada': so ! sin4 H , '2 ho332 said that / and ! coo9 HH so ho8 do ! 'ana4e ho'e 1 'o' and office to4ether H , since '2 'o' 8as 3ed ridden she as9ed that / Mada': ha"e ! or4ani0ed an2 pro4ra's at co++e4e or officeH <a"e ! en>o2ed thatH I said 8ith eAa'p+es.

Sir: a p!00+e at the fo!r corners tress are there in 3et8een 8hich a s)!are shaped s8i''in4 poo+ 8as there of side 'eas!re 1 ' 1. <o8 8i++ ! eApand the s8i''in4 poo+ & ti'es 'ore 8itho!t re'o"in4 the tressH Sir : ha"e ! e"er 3een a decision 'a9er in 2o!r >o3 H Mada': has 2o!r 3oss accepted a++ 2o!r decisionsH, I ans8ered 8ith eAa'p+e and said (?O is accepted/ Sir: 8h2 8as the one decision deniedH Mada': ha"e ! inrecated 8ith a++ the e'p+o2ees at officeH Mada': an2 )!estions to !s.. , I >!s as9ed a3o!t 8hat 9ind of pro>ects 8i++ 3e assi4ned and a3o!t the trainin4 p+ace 8h2 is it a+8a2s '2 sore / =hi+e ! r as9ed to 8or9 the p!00+e the2 o3ser"e !r dressin4s1 3od2 +an4!a4e11 eApressions.. so 9eep !r face coo+ and sit erect >!s 3endin4 the head and don stri9e and scri33+e and 8or9 o!t p!t it as steps and sho8 the' >!s the approach is 8hat the2 8ant . Ne"er +ie ne"er !se an2 ne4ati"e ter's.


7R section consists of $% )!estions. First fi"e )!estions re+ated to ran9 of the st!dent in the c+ass !es.-Ra>esh ran9 1* fro' the +eft and 1( fro' the ri4ht .ho8 'an2 st!dent in the c+ass. a. $% 3. $1 c.$2 d. none. ans.$% These )!estions are "er2 si'p+e. NeAt (-1% )!estion are re+ated to the fi4. There are fi"e fi4 into 8hich one is e'pt2. 2o! ha"e to find that fi4 fro' choice. NeAt * )!estions pattern is that there are siA state'ents are 4i"en. 2o! ha"e to find o!t the co'3ination of three o!t of 8hich s!ita3+e conc+!sion 8i++ o3tained. In the )!estion no.21-2* so'e ta3!+ar data is 4i"en in the fro' of three co+!'n

2ear 1PP1 1PP2 1PP$ 1PP& 1PP*

Ne8s cost of iss!e $%% &2% 1*%%

Se++in4 price 2(&

No. of iss!e 12 2& $( (% O2

,Effecti"e cost.'ar9et pri0e; posta4e char4e-4ift 4i"en/ in the )!estion it is 4i"en that posta4e char4e for one 2ear rs.2&per iss!e/ if 2o! p!rchase 'a4a0ine for t8o 2ear 4ift is Rs.(% disco!nt. $ 2ear.RS$%% 4ift. & 2ear RS(%%4ift/ Act!a++2 I ha"enKt re'e'3er the 8ho+e data 3!t pattern +i9e this T<E NESTIN 7IRE T<IS -8hich 2ear the effecti"e cost?iss!e is 'ini'!'. a. 1PP11 3.1PP2 c.1PP$ d.1PP* -8hich 2ear the increase in effecti"e cost is 'ini'!'. Section 2,En4+ish/ Tota+ )!estion.&% Ti'e: $% 'in The 1-* )!estion is re+ated to one pa4e passa4e. NeAt (-1% )!estions re+ated to one pa4e passa4e. NeAt 1%-1* )!estion to fi++ the 3+an9.,re+ated to !se of 8o!+d1since1for1tences/ In 1(-2% )!estion there are 2-$ contin!es +ines are 8ritten o!t of 8hich one +ine is !nder+ine. 2o! ha"e to chose the option to fit in the sentences .find the 4ra''atica+ 'ista9e. In 21-$% )!estions one para4raph t2pe short passa4e is 4i"en 2o! ha"e to dra8 conc+!sion fro' it1 2o! ha"e to 4i"e the ass!'ption 3ehind passa4e1 data inferred fro' passa4e.

INFOSYS PAPER ON Oth @ANNARY AT :<ENNAI 1. a c!3e pro3 1* c' c!t into $c' and opp sides are painted 8ith 3+ac91 4reen and 2e++o8. i. ho8 'an2 c!3es ha"e three sides painted. ans. 2O

ii. <o8 'an2 c!3es ha"e t8o sides paintedH ans. $( iii. <o8 'an2 c!3es 8ith one side paintedH ans.*& i". <o8 'an2 c!3es 8ith no side paintedH Ans.Q ". <o8 'an2 c!3es 8ith different co+or sides painted., )!estion a 44o4+2/ ans .Q

for'!+a is no of c!ts . n no side . n-2 po8er $ one side . n-2 po8er 2 '!+ip+2 ( t8o side . n-2 '!+tip+2 12 three side . Q . 2. a non "er3a+ reasonin4 pro3 dia4ra' fro' r.s.a4ar8a+ p+s 4o thro a++ the dia4ra's in that 3oo9 . * 'ar9s is in 2o!r hand s!re )!estion. $. #ata s!fficienc2 si'p+e )!estions r.s.a4ar8a+ &. #ata interpretation si'p+e 3!t +en4th so no ti'e to so+"e refer ti'e cat 'ateria+ * ."er2 si'p+e re+ations )!estion >!st dra8 the f+o8 chart 2o! 8i++ 4et the ans8er (. O!t of fi"e or siA state'ents se+ect the state'ents in correct order the 3est 8a2 to so+"e is read the options and e+i'inate the other choices "er2 si'p+e )!estion En4+ish "er2 eas2 3!t p+ease 4o thro 6arronKs its fro' there the2 sa'e )!estions e"en the options r sa'e after 4ettin4 se+ected o!t of Q** 121 8ere se+ected for hr ro!nd 1. <o8 did ! prepare for INFY test '2 'ar9s 8ere "er2 hi4h 2. =hat 8i++ ! do if 2o! are c' of 2o!r state. $. =hat 8i++ ! do to pre"ent peop+e co'in4 fro' "i++a4es to cit2 &. T8o p!00+es "er2 si'p+e 1( 12 2 $ . PP pro"e !sin4 an2 arith'etic +o4ic si'p+e 3!t I didnKt ans i had a 3rain drain 1( root & -12 .&Q - 2 . P( ; $ . PP . As soon as I ca'e o!t i 4ot the ans

a3t inf2 8hose :EO 8hat 8as the 'a>or e"ent in inf2 recent+2 2* 2ears co'p+etion

INFOSYS INTER5IE= ON 2%th @ANNARY AT SE:NN#ERA6A# INTER5IE= ECPERIEN:ES: Me: eAc!se 'e sir. Intr: 4et in1. ta9e !r seat. Me:than9 ! sir intr: 4i"e 'e !r res!'e n 9eep a++ !r st!ff d8n eAcept pen 'e :4a"e '2 res!'e intr :8hich co++e4e 'e :'2 co++e4e na'e in f!++ n +ocation intr :4a"e 'e a paper in 8hich fe8 topics r 4i"en +i9e 1.sadda' h!ssain - a 3+!ff 'aster 2. po+itics $.is 'arria4e necessar2 n he as9ed 'e 8ats dat 'e :topic on 8hich a' s!pposed to spea9 intr :ta+9 for a 'in!te 'e :spo9e intr :8at0 !r father 'e :ans8ered intr :sa2 a3t the co'pan2 in 8hich !r father 8or9ed 'e :to+d int :ta9e ( 'atch> stic9s n pose 'e a )!estion 'e :pardon 'e sir intr :pose a )!estion 'e :posed intr :! do dat 'e :i did intr :if ! ho!se is ca!4ht fire n ! r +eft 8ith $% sec to r!n a8a2 fro' '2 ho'e n 8at is the i'portant thin9 dat ! 8+d ta9e 8ith ! dat is fit in 12A12 3oA 'e :'2 doc!'ents sir intr :2H 'e :as a' !ne'p+o2eed i prefer dat intr :an2thin4 e+se 'e :'one2 intr :an2 atte'pts 3efore 'e :2es sir this is '2 fifth atte'pt intr :+et 'e 9no8 a3t !r fo!r atte'pts 'e :to+d intr :did ! recei"e an2 ca++ fro' infos2s 3& 'e :2es da2

intr :2 didnt ! attend 'e :i to+d hi' d reson int r:2 shd infos2s ta9e 'e 'e:to+d intr:an2 thin4 4rQ dat !r co++e4e can pro!d+2 sa2 a3t ! 'e :nothin4 sir intr Mthin9 'e :to+d

INFOSYS PAPER ON $1st @ANNARY AT <Y#ERA6A# <ai friends there are T=O SE:TIONS: 1/ 7OBI:A7 REASONINB $% NESTIONS &% MINS 2/ ENB7IS< &% NESTIONS $* MINS 7OBI:A7 REASONINB: 1/ P!00+e on se)!entia+ order t2pe there are O 3!ses p ) r s ' n o each 3!s +ea"es the station at a ti'e the2 ha"e & ro!nds for each 3!sX first 3!s starts at Q:$%a' neAt after &*'ins..neAt after $% 'ins neAt after 1hr and neAt after $*'insXn so on. fro' Monda2 to Frida2.. on Sat!rda2 and S!nda2 the2 start at O:$% each after 1hr ti'e inter"a+. N starts after ' 3!t 3efore s . ois the +ast 3!s no 3!s after it. R str!ts 3efore ' 3!t not 3efore p.. so )!estion s on this data 8as as9ed.H a/ at 8hat ti'e do 3!s ' start on Sat!rda2H 3/ AT 8hat ti'e o reach on Frida2H Aro!nd * )!estions 8ere as9ed don this. This sort of )!estions are fo!nd in R.S ABRA=A7 5ER6A7 N NON 5ER6A7 2/ #ATA SNFFI:EN:Y: -, * NESTIONS/ Yo! ha"e to decide if the infor'ation 4i"en in the state'ents is s!fficient for ans8erin4 the pro3+e'. Indicate 2o!r ans8er as: a/ a+one is s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. 3/ II a+one is s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. c/ either I or II are s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. d/ 3oth are not s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. e/ 3oth are needed to ans8er the )!estion. a/ Are a and 3 e"en noH 4i"e a;3.e"en

a-3.odd 3/is A an inte4erH Bi"en AZ& is an inte4er And AZ$-1.% $/ #ATA INTERPRETATION ,* NESTIONS/ A 3ar 4raph 8as 4i"en and )!estions fo++o8ed the' Its +itt+e ti'e cons!'in4 and a 3it to!4h a+so..practise R.S ABRA=A7 #I )!estion &/SERIES NESTION TO FI77 T<E SERIES ,* NESTIONS/ RS A4ar8a+ "er2 !sef!+ series t2pe )!estions */ 7OBI:A7 PNTT7E ,* NESTIONS/

* STN#ENTS A 6 : # E F and condition 4i"e +i9e a is hea"ier than 3 3!t ta++er then c1 d is ta++er than 3Uc 8e '!st find 8ho is ta++est 1hea"iestXits "er2 eas2D Si'i+ar to R.S ABRA=A7 PNTT7E NESTION.. (/ 7OBI: ARRANBMENT OF SENTEN:ES Aro!nd * -( state'ents 4i"e ! ha"e to find the 3est +o4ic fro' the options 7i9e * state'ents 4i"en 1/ 6rea9fast is "er2 essentia+ for 4ood hea+th 2/ 6rea9fast '!st ha"e 4ood content of car3oh2drates . $/ E44s are 4ood in car3oh2drates. &/ <2drocar3ons are a+so re)!ired */ So e44 not 4ood for hea+th a/ 12$ 3/$2& c/&*1 d/$2*Xso )!estion +i9e this can 3e so+"ed 32 readin4 the state'ents and the e+i'inatin4 the options.. ENB7IS< Its "er2 eas2 X 2 passa4es 3!t eas2 to so+"e.. :orrection of sentence aro!nd *-( Fi++ in the 3+an9s !sin4 proper tenses and prepositions t2pe its a+so )!ite eas2. So'e state'ent 4i"en and as9ed to find the conc+!sion ,&*/ Sa'e t2pe 3!t as9ed 4i"e ass!'ption fro' those state'ent..

INFOSYS PAPER ON %&th FE6RNARY AT #E7<I The2 8ere as9in4 4enera+ hr )!estions fro' e"er2one. no technica+ )!es. 8ere as9ed fro' an2one 2es1 so'e peop+e 8ere as9ed p!00+es. 'ine 8as..


INFOSYS PAPER ON 1&th FE6RNARY AT 6ANBA7ORE <i B!2s1 I do not re'e'3er a++ the )!estions that 8ere as9ed in the Inter"ie81 3!t so'e are hereM The ne8 patter is as fo++o8sM &% Min!tes for #ata Interpretation1 #ata S!fficienc21 Aptit!de1 7o4ica+1 Odd 'an o!t1 8hat is the neAt fi4!re1 5enn #ia4ra's1 5er3a+ and Non-5er3a+ Reasonin4. 1Q !estions S 1* One 'ar9 ; $ Fi"e 'ar9s ,that is $ )!estions 8ith Fi"e S!3-di"isions/. A++ )!estions 8i++ ha"e Fo!r :hoices and 2o! 8i++ ha"e to se+ect one. No ne4ati"e 'ar9in4s. So tota++2 $% - 1 'ar9 . $% Mar9s. 6. $* Min!tes for En4+ish S :orrect the Sentences1 Fi++ in the 3+an9s1 Readin4 co'prehension etc. $2 )!estions S $% One 'ar9s ; 2 Fi"e Mar9s ,that is 2 )!estions 8ith Fi"e S!3-di"isions/. A++ )!estions 8i++ ha"e Fo!r :hoices and 2o! 8i++ ha"e to se+ect one. No ne4ati"e 'ar9in4s. So tota++2 &% - 1 . &% Mar9s. A fe8 of those )!estions are as fo++o8sM 1. =hat is the "a+!e of M;NH A. ,C;M/,C;N/.CZ2;*C;MN 6. M;N[% Yo! 8i++ ha"e to se+ect fro' the fo++o8in4 A a+one is eno!4h 6 a+one is eno!4h

A and 6 are re)!ire A and 6 cannot 4i"e the ans8er. 2. Se+ect the 3est +o4ica+ ans8erM A. Tata S!'o has +on4 +ife 6. Tata S!'a !ses CCC spar9 p+!4 :. O+d spar9 p+!4s are 8ea9er #. So'e tr!c9s are Tata S!'os E. So'e tr!c9s are !se+ess ,So'ethin4 +i9e this/ Options1 A6E1 #E:1 AE6 etc ,3est 8a2 to so+"e these pro3+e's are to dra8 a 5en #ia4ra' 2o!rse+f1 if 2o! donKt find it eas21 ta9e the options fro' the ans8ers and se+ect the 3est +o4ica+ ans8er/. $. Se+ect the 3est +o4ica+ ans8erM So'e :heethas are Baints So'e Bains are 8ea9 Not a++ 4aints are 8ee9 etc Options1 A6E1 #E:1 AE6 etc X. ,3est 8a2 to so+"e these pro3+e's are to dra8 a 5en #ia4ra' 2o!rse+f1 if 2o! donKt find it eas21 ta9e the options fro' the ans8ers and se+ect the 3est +o4ica+ ans8er/. &. A ta3!+ar co+!'n 8as 4i"en 8ith the :o+!'ns as Red1 Ye++o81 Breen and tota+. The Ro8s as :!3e1 :!3oids1 :ones and Tota+. So'e of the co+!'ns 8ere !nfi++ed. Yo! 8i++ ha"e to fi++ !p the 3+an9 co+!'ns 8ith the he+p of the data. Then ans8er the fi"e s!3di"isions in the'. !estions 8ere +i9e1 8hat is the ratio 3et8een Red :!3es and Ye++o8 conesH If a++ Breen cones 8ere rep+aced 32 2e++o8 c!3es1 8hat is the ratio 3et8een Ye++o8 c!3es and Red :!3oidsH Etc. *. A #ia4ra' 8as 4i"en that +oo9ed 'ore +i9e a 3+!erpint of a ho!se ,8ith di'ensions/. So'e di'ensions 8ere 'issin4. The data 4i"en 8asM P . $ and R . &. Find the "a+!e of PSH PS . $ PS [ % Options

A a+one is eno!4h 6 a+one is eno!4h A and 6 are re)!ire A and 6 cannot 4i"e the ans8er. (. A )!estion 8here the data is 4i"en +i9e1 S!nda2 or =ednesda2 the eAa' starts and it is 6io+o421 there are nine papers and none ta9es p+ace on a sin4+e da2. One da2 is dec+ared as ho+ida2 in 3et8een. Maths co'es after :he'istr2. Ph2sics is t8o da2s after En4+ish etcXX !estions 8ereM 8hen did the eAa' startH =hen 8as the ho+ida2H =hat is the paper after Beo4raph2 etcHHH O. Then so'e )!estions +i9e Odd Man o!t1 So'e dia4ra's 8ere 4i"en1 and 8hat is the neAt #ia4ra'H Or =hich #ia4ra' does not fit inH There 8ere aro!nd Fo!r to fi"e )!estions +i9e this. Q. Find CM A. CZ*.CZ$ 6. C[% A a+one is eno!4h 6 a+one is eno!4h A and 6 are re)!ire A and 6 cannot 4i"e the ans8er. I a' rea++2 sorr21 I do not re'e'3er a++ the )!estions. 6!t the2 8ere eas2 pro"ided 2o! are read2 to thin9 at that point of ti'e. P+ease refer to the other paper _:andidate EAperiences S 6an4a+ore S 1&th Fe3 2%%O_ that I ha"e s!3'itted to 4et the co'p+ete detai+s. En4+ish 8as prett2 eas21 pro"ided 2o! ha"e a 4ood co''and o"er 2o!r Spo9en +an4!a4e. If not1 donKt hesitate to do so'e En4+ish tests 8ith the he+p of =ren U Martin or so'e 4ood En4+ish eAercise 3oo9.

8rite so'e )!estions fron' d aptit!de test on !r ro!4h sheet...then ! can so+"e it once !r en4+ish paper is o" rea++2 he+ps... After 2 hrs de2 dec+ared d res!+ts...o!t of 2%% candidates *$ 8ere se+ected for d inter"ie8. &.INTER5IE=.

d inter"ie8 aint an2 tro!3+e at a++.! >!st ha" 2 3 coo+ and s+i4ht+2 confident...3e+ie"e 'e thats a++ it ta9es...enter d roo' 8a+9in4 strai4ht...dont s+o!ch..and sit on+2 8en as9ed too....there 8as >!st 1 inter"ie8er d!rin4 '2 inter"ie8. so'e of d )!estions 8ere.. 1.te++ 'e so'ethin4 a3t !rse+f and !r fa'i+2. 2.2 do ! 8anna >oin infos2sH $stren4th and 8ea9ness.. &.8hat r !r ho33iesH *.do ! s!rf d netHif 2es...den 8at do ! s!rfH (.r ! read2 2 +ea"e 3o'3a2H'e p!00+es?...dont 8orr2 if ! cant ans8er de'...the2 >!st see !r approach...and dont 4i" !p instant+2...tr2 doin so'ethin4....an2thin4...>!st dont 4i" !p 2 ear+2.. Q.1% !ses of a stap+er.. Pdo ! 8anna as9 'e an2 )!estionH the inter"ie8 is 4enera++2 aro!nd 2% 'in...and !n+ess so'e rea+ 3ad pro3 occ!rs d!rin4 d inter"ie8 ...!r s!re 2 3 se+ected...aro!nd Q*Y pp+ are !r 'ain priorit2 sh+d 3 c+earin4 d apti.. 1. #onKt 4et tension 8hi+e ! r 4oin4 for test. Ma9e !Kr se+f coo+. 2. Thoro!4h preparation on series1 codin4 U decodin41 etc1 En4+ish 4ra''er. $. Ti'e Mana4e'ent. &. P+ease 3e there 3efore often ho!r Sfor the test The test is not in o3>ecti"e t2pe1 its tota++2 fi++ in the 3+an9s t2pe )!estions . The 'ain pro3+e' is no 4!essin4s. Its tota++2 $* )!estions S I can sa2 its "er2 eas2 to 4et thro!4h the test if ! had 'ini'!' 9no8+ed4e on a++ the topics13Kco0 the2 co"ered a++ the topics .the2 ha"e chan4ed the pattern. 1-1% : SERIES Each 2M E4: $1 &1O1Q1111WW 11-1$ :O#INB U #E:O#INB Each 2M E4: If 6OY is $O then F7AS< is WW 1&-1Q En4+ish Each 2M E4: Po+ite : R!de: 5ice : WWWW M!tton : 6!tcher : 6read :WWW 1P-2* : So'e 'athe'atica+ )!estions ,the fi4!res are not acc!rate ones/ I a' >!st tr2in4 to 4i"e an idea a3t the )!estions. Each *M 1. If LAK 'en co'p+ete the 8or9 in 1% da2s 1 and ( 8ere not present and the2 co'p+ete the 8or9 in 1Q da2s. Tota++2 ho8 'an2 r thereH So'e thin4 +i9e this.H 2. =hats the s!' of first $% noKsH ,EAact )!estion/

The )!estion is 7i9e ---- *$ T!esda2s in anon-+eap 2ear. ,On pro3a3i+it2/ &. Q 'en ----- * di4 ho+es --- 1% da2s H ------ O di4 ho+es --- Q da2s . Find o!t the 'en co!nt. ,Fi4!res are not acc!rate. P+0 donKt tr2 for the ans8ers./ *. Fathers a4e is &ti'es of his son. ------------------------------ 8hat 8as their a4es.H (. C +tr is there1 1?$ is e"aporates1 ` is --------. EAact+2 ho8 'an2 +tr are there. 2(-$1 : Arran4in4 the sentences in aproper 8a2. Each 2M 1. Is to err to di"ine h!'an for4i"e. ,Sorr2 I didnKt re'e'3er a++ the )!estions./ If 2o! r 4ood at En4+ish 2o! can easi+2 score in this section. $2-$$ :odin4 U #ecodin4: $&-$* Mathe'atica+ )!estions.



T8o inter"ie8ers 8ere in the pane+ 1'a+e and 1 fe'a+e... i 8ent into the roo' n 8ished the'..the2 as9ed 'e to ta9e '2 seat nd then '2 res!'e..p+0 3e thoro!4h 8id 8at ! 8rote in !r res!'e.. here are fe8 )!estions i ca'e across in the inter"ie8..the2 'a2 3e !sef!+ to !... 1/INT:8at did ! do for a++ these 1% 'onths fr' the da2 of passin4 o!tH,ia' a 2%%( pass o!ta 2/INT:3ein4 fr' a nonIT 3ac4ro!nd ho8 do ! thin9 ! can s!it for infos2sH ta+9 a3t +o4ica+ s9i++s ! ha"e etc..1 $/INT:te++ 'e a3o!t !r pro>ectH &/ <e 4a"e 'e 1 topic n as9ed to ta+9 a3t it & 1 'in.Hi a' 4i"en $% secs to thin9 onit. The topic 8as b:ha++en4es 3ein4 faced 32 Indiab here the2 are tr2in4 to chec9 !r co''!nication s9i++s. */ <e 4a"e 'e ( 'atchstic9s and as9ed 'e to 'a9e ( e)!i+atera+ trian4+es. 8e need to 'a9e it in the shape of STAR here the2 are 4oin4 to chec9 !r ner"o!sness.A+tho!4h i dint so+"e it ia' not ner"o!s tats 8at 'atters so 3e caref!+ (/INT:Te++ 'e so'ethin4 a3t infos2sH so 4ather so'e info a3t inf2 and it 8i++ 3e he+pf!+ +i9e 8hos the chair'an1M#1tota+ e'p+o2ees in inf21 NAS#A aspect etc.1 O/he 4a"e 'e a sit!ation 8hich is as fo++o8s: Nr car 4ot st!c9 on a rai+8a2

+ine and thers no one aro!nd !...and the train 8i++ co'e in * 'ins 8at 8o!+d ! doH i said tat i 8i++ tr2 ti++ the &th 'in to p!sh '2 car off the trac9 and if it is not possi3+e i 8i++ ta9e the i'p. doc!'ents i the car and 'o"e off. here the2 are tr2in4 to chec9 !r thin9in4 a3i+it2...therebs no sin4+e ans8er & this )!estion. 7ast 3!t not the +east 3e s!re 8id 8at ! 8rote in !r res!'e and 3 confident..

DD INFOSYS PAPER ON 2Oth FE6RNARY AT :<ENNAI 7OBI:A7 REASONINB I. There are ( operations perfor'ed to 'an!fact!re a co'p!ter chip. a131c1d1e and f conditions 4i"en 1 on+2 a13 and d are the first opration to 3e perfor'ed 2. operation f is perfor'ed i''ediate+2 after a $. operation c is perfor'ed after f &. operation e is perfor'ed i''ediate+2 after c !estions 1 If operation a is perfor'ed at the third postion then ho8 'an2 co'3inations are possi3+e 2. if operation 3 is perfor'ed first then ho8 'an2 co'3inations are possi3+e $. if c and e operations are rep+aced 32 a sin4+e operation 4 then the tota+ no of possi3i+ities are red!ced or increased co'pared to the pre"io!s possi3i+ities & if operation a is perfor'ed first then ho8 'an2 possi3+e co'3inations are possi3+e * if operation' a costs 11 3 costs 21 c costs $ and so on.. then 8at 8i++ 3e the 'an!fact!rin4 cost of Q1 chips for the a3o"e )!estions & choices 8ere 4i"en II * )!estions to find the 'issin4 dia4ra' in series. fo!r options 8ere 4i"en III Pie chart dia4ra' and * )!estions 8ith fo!r options

I5 6+ood re+ations A is a far'er and he has t8o sons and a da!4hter # is a !n'arried da!4hter E is a +a82er and 3rother of : 6 is a teacher and 8ife of : !estions 1. <o8 'an2 !n'arried persons are there in fa'i+2 2. =ho is the 'arried fa'i+2 $. 8hose occ!pation is not 9no8n &. ho8 'an2 8o'ens are there in the fa'i+2 *. 8ho are the sons of a 5 #ata s!fficienc2 as in rs a4ar8a+ or other cat 3oo9s 5I the2 8i++ 4i"e t8o state'ents +i9e a. So'e cats are do4s 3. So'e do4s are horses an d then the2 8i++ 4i"e t8o state'ents +i9e A.So'e horses are do4s 6.a++ cats are horses and ! ha"e to sa2 8hether I/ A is correct II/6 is correct III/ 6oth A and 6 are correct I5/ None of the' are correct


The criteria 8as an2 t8o (%Y and one (*Y. , 4enera++2 it is 1%th and 6-tech (*Y and 12th (%Y/ I'portant Tips:1. Start fro' eas2 )!estions and then proceed to8ards the diffic!+t ones. 2. Ma9e a 'indset that the )!estions 8hich are diffic!+t for 2o!1 8i++ 3e diffic!+t for others too.. 6!t the )!estion 8hich is eas2 for 2o! 'a2 not 3 eas2 for others. The 8ritten eAa' 8as di"ided into t8o sections: 1/ Aptit!de ,$% )!es &% 'in/

2/ En4+ish ,&% )!es $% 'in/ 8e 8ere first+2 as9ed to fi++ !p a si'p+e for'.. , do not for4et to carr2 a passport si0ed photo 8ith 2o!/.. the aptit!de paper 8as 4i"en firstXthen the En4+ish PaperX APTITN#E The paper 8as not to!4h 3!t needs practice and proper ti'e 'ana4e'entXfor aptit!de section fo++o8 R.S. A44ar8a+ I5er3a+ and non 5er3a+ reasonin4J... :hapters to 3e fo++o8ed:Section 1 1. 2. $. &. *. Series co'p+etion 6+ood Re+ations P!00+e Test N!'3er1 Ran9in4 U Ti'e Se)!ence Test #ata S!fficienc2

Section 2 1. 7o4ic , This is a+so 9no8n as S2++o4is'/- 5er2 I'portant

Section $ 1. 2. Series :!3es and #ice.

So'e of the )!es I re'e'3er are!es ,1-*/ S Ran9in4 The )!estions 8ere "er2 eas2. 1. Ra' is 1%th fro' front and Sh2a' is 1%th fro' 3ac9. if 3oth interchan4e their positions then Ra' is 2Oth fro' front1 then Sh2a'Ks position fro' 3ac9 is ,1/ 2* ,2/ 2( ,$/ 2O ,&/ 2Q

2. <ari stands 1%th in the c+ass and 'ohan stands 1Oth fro' 3ac9 and there are & st!dents in 3et8een the' then the tota+ stren4th of the c+ass isX.. !es ,(-1%/- NeAt fi4!re i.e. the (th fi4!re in the series.. <ere fi"e fi4!res 8ere 4i"en and 8e had to find o!t the neAt fi4!re in the series fro' the fi"e fi4!res 4i"en as options. These 8ere eas2 too.. !es ,11-1*/- #ata s!fficienc2 pro3+e's !es ,1(-2%/- Braph <ere one 4raph on So+!3i+it2 5s te'perat!re for ( different co'po!nds +i9e ca+ci!' s!+phate1 ca+ci!' ch+oride1 etc.. 8as 4i"en.. * )!es fo++o8ed itX this 8as +itt+e to!4h as there 8ere ( different +ines in a s'a++ 4raph .. !estions 8ere +i9e- 8hich has the hi4hest so+!3i+it2X ,1/ ca+ci!' ch+oride at 2Pde4 ,2/ca+ci!' s!+phate at 1*de4 ,$/sodi!' ch+oride at 22de4 ,&/potassi!' ch+oride at 2%de4. !es ,21-2*/- P!00+e Test I donKt re'e'3er the 8ho+e )!es 8as so'ethin4 +i9eThere are siA persons A161:1#1E1FXeach person 8ore a cap and a tie. No person 8ore sa'e co+ored cap and tie..caps co+o!r 8ere red13+ac913ro8n12e++o814reen18hite. Tie co+ors 8ere red13+!e12e++o813ro8n1oran4e14reenX E 8ore cap as the co+o!r of the FKs tie. : 8ore cap as the co+o!r of the #Ks tieXXX. Fi"e )!estions fo++o8ed itX !es ,2(-$%/- S2++o4is' These 8ere rea++2 to!4hXfo++o8 the nine r!+es 4i"en in R.S. A44ar8a+ or fo++o8 the r!+es to!4ht 32 !r PPT teacherXFor 6h!3anes8ar st!dents fo++o8 Nanda SirKs notesX ENB7IS< The En4+ish section 8as a to!4h oneXfor this prepare fro' 6aronKs 4!ide or re"ise 2o!r 3asics fro' =ren and MartinX+oo9 for the section in the paper 8hich is eas2 for 2o! and atte'pt 1. 2 +on4 passa4es fo++o8ed 32 * )!es eachXthese passa4es 8ere "er2 to!4hXone ad"ice- read the passa4e once then fro' the )!estions tr2 to find o!t the ans8ers fro' the passa4eXthis 'i4ht he+p 2o! in co'p+etin4 )!es ,1-1%/ '!ch faster.. donKt 4i"e too '!ch ti'e readin4 the passa4e..

2. )!es ,11-1O/- choose the correct sentence o!t of the fo!r X $. )!es on fi++ in the 3+an9s 8ith the correct 8ord or phrase &. choose the 3est s!ited 8ords or phrases for the !nder+ined 8ords 62 1 p.' the 8ritten eAa' 8as o"er Xthe res!+ts 8ere o!t 32 $p.'. the c!t off 8as aro!nd 1$ each in Aptit!de as 8e++ as En4+ish sectionXX8ithin 1% 'in the <R Inter"ie8 startedX <R INTER5IE= The 'ost i'portant thin4 to crac9 the inter"ie8 is that 2o! ha"e to 3e 8e++ prepared a3o!t 8hat is there in 2o!r :5X:onfidence co!nts a +otX9eep s'i+in4 3!t donKt sho8 2o!r teethXif 2o! donKt 9no8 the ans8er sa2 po+ite+2 that 2o! donKt 9no8 the ans8er do not 3+!ff.. the <R 8i++ catch 2o!X a person 8ith the a3o"e )!a+ities and a 4ood co''!nication s9i++ ,in En4+ish/ can crac9 the <R inter"ie8 easi+2.. The inter"ie8 8as for aro!nd 1Q-2% 'inXthe <R person 8as "er2 friend+2X his )!estions fo++o8ed fro' 8hat I spo9eX'2 )!estions 8ere1. te++ 'e a3o!t 2o!rse+fX 2. 8here do 2o!r parents +i"eH $. ho8 co'e 2o! ha"e done schoo+in4 fro' @a'shedp!r rather than 2o!r nati"e p+aceH &. 2o! '!st 3e +ea"in4 in the hoste+H *. 2o! fro' 8hich 3ranchH (. do 2o! ha"e eApos!re to co'p!tersH,8hi+e ans8erin4 this )!es I spo9e a3o!t '2 s!''er co!rse i.e. Net8or9 Mana4e'ent in I7in!AJ en"iron' the neAt )!estions 8ere fro' this/ O. 8hat 8as the co!rse a++ a3o!tH Q. 8hat is a s8itchH P. 8hat is ro!tin4H 1%. na'e a co'pan2 8hich prod!ces s8itches..,I didnKt 9ne8 the ans8er so I said II donKt 9no8 the ans8er/ 11. then he as9ed donKt 2o! 8atch R6:XI rep+ied S ISir1 for the +ast $2rs I donKt ha"e access to the te+e"ision as I sta2 in the 'ess..

12. 8hat is Orac+eH 1$. do 2o! ha"e an2 interest in sportsH,'2 ans8er 8as cric9et/ 1&. are 2o! there in the co++e4e tea'H 1*. ha"e 2o! p+a2ed cric9et for 2o!r co++e4eH 1(. then he 4a"e 'e a Maths )!es.- there are C no of st!dents in the c+ass..2o! ha"e Rs(*%%..2o! distri3!ted (*%% a'on4 a++ the st!dents..if 1* 'ore st!dents are inc+!ded and the sa'e a'o!nt is distri3!ted a'on4 a++ then the ne8 share for each 4ets red!ced 32 Rs$% than the pre"io!s one..can ! find o!t the act!a+ no of st!dents,C/H <ere he 8anted to see that 8hether I 8as read2 to accept ne8 pro3+e's and ho8 I proceedXne"er sa2 no to these )!estions.. a+8a2s 4i"e it a tr2.tr2 !nti+ he?she stops 2o!.. then eAp+ain hi'?her 8hat 2o! ha"e done..i 4a"e hi' the ans8er and eAp+ained 8hat I had done.. 1O. a4ain he as9ed 'e )!estion on cric9et- =hat is :hina 'anH S I didnKt 9ne8 the ans8er so rep+ied- ISorr2 sir I donKt 9no8 the ans8er So'e other )!es 8hich 8ere as9ed to '2 friends 8ere +i9e1. 2. $. &. *. (. O. 8hat is the 'eanin4 of 2o!r na'eH 8ho in"ented 0eroH- Ar2a3hata 8hat is the +oss in a +ineH S IZ2R +oss 8h2 sho!+d I hire 2o!H 8h2 Infos2sH te++ 'e a3o!t 2o!r stren4thsH 4i"e an eAa'p+e 8here 2o! ha"e 8or9ed as a tea'.


I. P!00+e t2pe,As in R.S. ABAR=AA7/ To 'an!fact!re a co'p!ter chip ( operations r re)!ired,A161:1#1E1F/1 c 7et 6 or A or # operations occ!r first c Operation : is perfor'ed after E c F co'es after A c E is not perfor'ed i''ediate+2 after F 1. If Operation 6 occ!rs first then 8hat is the state of A ,Ans is either i/ or ii/ i/ 2nd sta4e ii/ $rd sta4e iii/ either I and ii i"/ None 2. If a sin4+e operation costs Rs.21 then 8hat is the tota+ cost for 'an!fact!rin4 Q% chipsX Si'i+ar t2pe of )!estions.. 62 specif2in4 the state of an2 operations and as9in4 to find the other operation statesX.. II. 67OO# RE7ATION: In a fa'i+2 there r fi"e 'e'3ers A161:1#1E. and their professions r far'er1 doctor1 +a82er1 trader1 n!rse. A/ 6 ,n!rse/ is the da!4hter of A1 8ho is a far'er. 6/ :,+a82er/ is the 3rother of E1 8ho is a on+2 'arried co!p+e in the fa'i+2. :/ A has t8o sons and 1 da!4hter #/ The da!4hter in +a8 of A is a doctor. .(. A'on4 these 8hich one for's the 'a+e 4ro!pX ,Ans. A1:1E/ .O. Fe'a+e 4ro!psX,Ans. 61#/ .Q. =ho is the trader in the fa'i+2,Ans. E/ .P. =ho is the doctor in the fa'i+2,Ans. #/ .1%. The 'arried co!p+e ,Ans. E#/ 5 can 4et the so+n. 32 for'in4 a f+o8chartXXX. A,far'er/ his son and da!4hter WWWWWWWWWWWWWWdWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW d d d 6,N!rse1da!4hter/ :,+a82er1son-1/ E,son1 'arried1son21trader/ d #,doctor1 8ife of E/ III. PI:TNRE PRO67EMS: The for'at is se+ect the 'issin4 pict!re fro' the fo!r choicesXX. I5. PIE :<ART :

T8o charts are 4i"enX ,Fo++o8 #ata Interpretation in in R.S. ABAR=AA7/ 5er2 eas2 oneX.

!antitati"e Aptit!de

5. SY77OBISM: On+2 2 conc+!sions 8ere 4i"en.. 5 ha"e to identif2 the correct so+!tion fro' the 2 4i"en pre'ises.. I 4ot No conc+!sion for & state'ents.. 7earn a++ the P +o4ica+ r!+es fro' R.S.A4ar8aa+ 5I. #ATA SNFFI:IEN:YX. Sorr2 FriendsX.. I donKt re'e'3er the +ast * )!estionsXX. ENB7IS<,&% 1. 2. -$* Min!tes/

2 :o'prehensions: ,5er2 Eas2 one/, . 1 to 1%/ Nnder+ined state'ents has to 3e rep+aced 32 an appropriate +ine ,Bi"en & choices/, . 11 to 1Q/ $. Find the ri4ht option fro' the choice 4i"en 3e+o8., . 1P to 2*/ &. Se+ect the correct state'ents., . 2( to $1/ *. s'a++ para4raphs ,Each consists of 1 /, .$2-&%/ After $ hrs the se+ected +ist 8as anno!nced.. Tota++2 *2 se+ected fro' o!r co++e4e and I 8as one a'on4 the'.. I''ediate+2 the2 ca++ed for <R INTER5IE=X. I 8as too ner"o!s1 since this is '2 first inter"ie8X '2 <R 8as a +ad2 and she ta+9ed "er2 nice+2.. the Inter"ie8 8as of 4enera+1 She 4a"e so'e sit!ation and as9ed ho8 I 8i++ tac9+e that so+!tionX M2 <R inter"ie8 is for >!st 1% 'in!tesXX.. After 3ein4 8aited for 'ore than &hrs I a' there in &$ fina+ists. At+ast I ha"e p+aced in Infos2sX M2 friends of other pane+s faced s on p!00+es X. Rea++2 I a' "er2 happ2 no8 3eca!se fro' no8 I a' one a'on4 Infos2s . Friends p+ease 3e confident and 9eep 3e+ief on Nrse+f definite+2 ! can 3e p+aced in Infos2s.


1/ Reasonin4 A3i+it2 ,$% )!estions 1&% 'in!tes/ En4+ish Aptit!de ,&% )!estions1$* 'in!tes/ 2/ <R ro!nd The2 e+i'inated 'ost of !s in 8ritten so I 8o!+d s!44est 2o! to prepare 8e++ for it.. On+2 (( of !s 4ot se+ected for 8ritten o!t of 2*%.. The 'ost i'portant thin4 is TIME MANABEMENTX. I donKt re'e'3er the )!estions 8e++.. 3!t 8hat a++ I can reco++ect is here.. 1/ PNTT7E A #I )!es has to pass thro!4h three sta4es A161:.. there are & 'en to chec9 at sta4e A1 1% 'en at sta4e 6 and & 'en at sta4e :.. each 'an 8or9s for 1% hrs a da2.. A #I )!es ta9es 1 hr at Sta4e A12 hrs at Sta4e 6 and 1 hr at Sta4e : and an apti )!es ta9es &* 'ins at Sta4e A12hrs at sta4e 6 and 1 hr at Sta4e :. There 8ere * )!es 3ased on the data pro"ided.. +i9eX At 'ost ho8 'an2 #I )!es co!+d 3e so+"ed in a da2.. If $ 'ore 'en 4et in"o+"ed in sta4e A then at 'ost ho8 'an2 )!es can 3e so+"ed in a da2.. The2 8ere prett2 eas2.. 2/ 7OBI: * )!es 8ere there to find the odd one a'on4 the * pict!res 4i"en for each.. the2 8ere a +itt+e tric92.. Yo! can find these t2pe of )!es in 5ER6A7 AN# NON 5ER6A7 REASONINB1 R.S A44ar8a+ $/ #ATA SNFFI:EN:Y,* )!es/ one of then 8hich I re'e'3er is: find the an4+e A#: in c2c+ic )!adri+atera+ A6:# 1. an4+e 6:# ; an4+e A#: . OO 2. an4+e 6A#. ** Re'e'3er 2o! donKt ha"e to so+"e the )!es 3!t to find o!t 8hether a/ 1 a+one is s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. 3/ 2 a+one is s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. c/ either of 1 or 2 is s!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. d/ 3oth are ins!fficient to ans8er the )!estion. e/ 3oth are re)!ired to ans8er the )!estion. Ans to a3o"e is e &/ #ATA INTERPRETATION A ta3+e of i'ports fro' diff co!ntries to India 8as 4i"en and * )!es 8ere 3ased on it.. there 8ere "er2 +en4th2 ca+c!+ations and I 8o!+d s!44est to

app+2 hit and tria+ here other8ise 2o!K++ end !p 8astin4 'ost of 2o!r ti'e. Practice #I )!es fro' NANTITATI5E APTITNTE 32 R.S a44ar8a+ */ A PNTT7E a4ain It 8as +i9e there 8ere siA peop+e A161:1#1E sittin4 in 2 ro8s.. 6 and : can not sit in corner and other re+e"ant data and then * )!es 3ased on it.. It 8as "er2 eas2.. Practice the p!00+es fro' 5ER6A7 AN# NON 5ER6A7 REASONINB1 R.S A44ar8a+ (/ SY77OBISM This is a4ain there in 5ER6A7 AN# NON 5ER6A7 REASONINB1 R.S A44ar8a+ I 8o!+d s!44!est 2o! to 4o thro!4h eAa'p+es of 6+ood re+ations P!00+e test 7o4ica+ 5enn #ia4ra's Ran9in4 and ti'e se)!ence Test #ata S!fficienc2 7o4ic ,@!st +earn those P r!+es/ Series :!3es , 4o thro!4h the )!es +i9e a painted c!3e 8as c!t and then 2o! ha"e to find the no. of find 1 side painted c!3esX and so on../ fro' 5ER6A7 AN# NON 5ER6A7 REASONINB1 R.S A44ar8a+.. n do a3o!t 1% eAa'p+es fro' each chapter.. n if can arran4e for an2 :AT 'ateria+ then p+0 do thatX it rea++2 he+ps.. the paper is !s!a++2 +en4th2 so 4o for easier first +i9e p!00+es1 #S and SY77OBISM.. #I can 3e to!4h so do it at end.. At the end of the da2 its a++ +!c9.. so 4i"e 2o!r 3est 3!t 3e prepared for the 8orst.. The En4+ish paper had 1/ 2 Readin4 :o'prehensions.. #O the' at the end.. the2 are )!ite +en4th2.. and if 2o! donKt 4et eno!4h ti'e to read the' then tr2 to 'a9e o!t ans8ers 32 4oin4 thro!4h 4+i'pse of the co'prehensions 2/ Ar4!'ent-:onc+!sion t2pe. $/ Sentence :orrection. &/ :hoosin4 4ra''atica++2 correct sentences. En4+ish is eas2 if 2o! are 4o at spo9en En4+ish.. 2o! can not +earn En4+ish in fe8 da2s 3!t i 8o!+d s!44est 2o! to 4o thro!4h IMS 'ateria+ on En4+ish.. itKs 4ood.. M2 <R 8as rea++2 coo+..

In <R the2 >!d4e 2o!r ana+2tica+ a3i+it2.. The2 chec9 for ho8 2o! hand+e stress.. 2o!r confidence1 co''!nicationa+ s9i++s1 presence of 'ind1 o"era++ persona+it2.. 'e: BOO# AFTERNOON 'aKa'.. intr: BOO# AFTERNOON.. <a"e 2o!r seat.. 'e: than9 2o! 'aKa'X ,then she as9ed 'e to si4n a paper/ intr: te++ 'e a3!t 2o!r 3ac94ro!nd 1 2o!r achie"e'ents1 2o!r ed!cationX 'e: to+d ,3e coo+.. donKt 4et ner"o!s.. the2 8i++ 'a9e it o!t.. 3e nat!ra+ 8hen 2o! ans8er e"en if 2o! ha"e prepared the ans8er 3efore.. re+ate 2o!r stren4ths 8ith their re)!ire'ents.. / intr: te++ 'e a3o!t 2o!r fa'i+2 3ac94ro!nd 'e: to+d , te++ ho8 2o! ha"e +earned fro' 2o!r parents.. the2 donKt 8ant to 9no8 8hether 2o!r dad is a doctor or an IAS.. the2 8ant to 9no8 'ore of 2o!1 so donKt 3oost a3o!t 2o!r fa'i+2 3!t te++ the' 8hat 2o! +earned fro' their eAperiences/ intr: 8hat sacrifice 2o!r parents ha"e 'ade for 2o!.. 'e: to+d.. intr: then she as9ed 'e to 'a9e Q e)!i+atera+ trian4+es fro' 12 'atchstic9s.. 'e: ,the2 donKt 8ant 2o!r ans8er1 the2 8ant to >!d4e 2o! presence of 'ind and ho8 2o! hand+e stress.. >st 9eep tr2in4 !nti+ she?he as9s 2o! to stop/ intr: te++ 'e a3o!t 2o!r c+ose friends.. 'e: to+d.. intr: ho8 do 2o! !pdate 2o!rse+f.. 'e: IK' not that 4ood ne8spaper reader 3!t I do 9eep record of 8hat is happenin4 aro!nd 'e thro!4h internet and te+e"ision.. , #onKt +ie1 if 2o! donKt read ne8spaper itKs perfect+2 fine.. / intr: If fire catches 2o!r ho!se and 2o! ha"e a 2%-2% 3oA1 8hat 8i++ 2o! ta9e in it.. 'e: IK++ ta9e '2 certificates and so'e 'one2 in it.. intr: 8here do 2o! 9eep a++ 2o!r certificates.. 'e: to+d.. intr: if 2o!r t8o c+ose friends !tter a++ 3ad a3o!t 2o! to 2o!r pro>ect head and 2o! ca'e to 9no8 a3o!t it fro' a "er2 re+ia3+e so!rce then ho8 8i++ 2o! react.. 'e: to+d , see1 the2 do chec9 ho8 2o! hand+e sit!ationsX donKt 'iA !p professiona+ +ife 8ith 2o!r persona+ +ife./ intr: o9a2.. 6EST OF 7N:R.. 'e: than9 2o! 'aKa'.. It 8as nice 'eetin4 2o!X I'portant is to 3e confident1 ca+'1 and to i'press the pane+... Yo! sho!+d 9no8 a3o!t the capita+ of a++ states in India and 'a>or co!ntries.. 4o thro!4h head+ines ,6!d4et1 e+ections,ne8+2 e+ected chief

'inisters../1 IT sector.. TATA-chor!s/ the2 can as9 2o! to 'ention 2* ne8s.. Yo! sho!+d 3e 8e++ a8are of na'es of a++ 'inisters.. A++ )!estions are fro' 2o!r :5 so 3e thro!4h 8ith it.. a+8a2s 3ac9 !p 2o!r stren4ths and 8ea9nesses 8ith eAa'p+es..

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