Teacher's Love Letter

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THE TEACHERS LOVE LETTER [[[SUSPENSE both played with fire She a!

!"ed #e abo$t #y %f a&d ba'helorhood A&d ( a!"ed her abo$t her idea! of her f$t$re h$!ba&d a&d fa#ily life Her readi&% of ro#a&'e !torie!) Tea'hi&% wa! a *ob where yo$ +$ite fre+$e&tly wi!hed that yo$ were at lea!t te& year! older a&d) hopef$lly) wi!er ( di!'o,ered that whe& ( be%a& #y wor"i&% life a! a pri,ate ho#e t$tor Thi! wa! be'a$!e) with a%e) the !t$de&t! te&ded to re!pe't a&d tr$!t yo$ #ore) he&'e #ore willi&% to li!te& to yo$r le!!o&! -ith a tea'her &ot #$'h older by a few year!) they &eeded ti#e to b$ild $p the tr$!t a&d re!pe't a&d te&ded to be #ore playf$l with yo$) e!pe'ially whe& they are i& %ro$p! They fe#ale a&d yo$ #ale .ei&% a yo$&% #ale tea'her 'o$ld be ,ery da&%ero$! A&d de!tr$'ti,e A! pro,e& by Ra'hael Lee !o#e year! a%o She wa! the fir!t fe#ale !t$de&t ( ta$%ht whe& ( !tarted #y fir!t year i& t$tori&% ( wa! yo$&% a&d ea%er for &ew ad,e&t$re! a&d brea" &ew fro&tier! ( had *$!t %i,e& $p fir!t *ob a! a ba&" 'ler" to 'o&'e&trate f$ll/ti#e o& a 'o$r!e i& .$!i&e!! 0a&a%e#e&t T$tori&% wa! a way to ear& !o#e po'"et #o&ey to pay for the re&t a&d food by #a"i&% $!e of the "&owled%e ( obtai&ed fro# #y !'hool a&d wor"i&% !hort fle1ible ho$r! 2E.RUAR3So#e ti#e i& 2ebr$ary) ( wa! %i,e& her addre!! by the t$itio& 'e&tre Ra'hael Lee) 2or# 2i,e S'ie&'e !trea#) the &ote read So$&ded i&tere!ti&% .e!ide!) ( belie,ed %irl! were ea!ier to tea'h tha& boy! They !ho$ld be le!! playf$l a&d #ore ea%er to lear& 0aybe ea!ier to %et alo&% with) if !he! pretty .$!i&e!! a! $!$al) ( we&t o,er to her $phill 'o&do i& Old 4la&% Road After ri&%i&% the bell) there !he !tood with a !#ile wel'o#i&% #e i&to the li,i&% roo# She wa! i& a& o,er!i5ed &o&/de!'ripti,e T/!hirt a&d !hort pa&t! Apart fro# her lo&% !e1y le%!) !he wa! &othi&% to !ho$t abo$t Her o,al/!haped fa'e wa! o"ay) +$ite fair) had a pi#ple or two) $&tri##ed eyebrow!) well) *$!t plea!a&t a&d !weet A 'o##o& fa'e a&d !li# body Nothi&% e1'eptio&al abo$t her E1'ept whe& we 'a#e to the di&i&% table) o&e with a %la!! top) $&'o,ered by a&y table'loth So ( 'o$ld loo" thro$%h it a&d !ee her thi%h! a&d feet -e o''$pied o&e 'or&er a&d were fa'i&% forty/fi,e de%ree! away fro# ea'h other 6$ri&% le!!o&!) !he lo,ed to '$rl $p her le%! or !it i& a lot$! po!itio&) e1po!i&% +$ite a bit of her thi%h! That wa! the fir!t of all tro$ble) tho$%h it e!'aped #y &oti'e at fir!t A! a r$le) ( alway! !tart the fir!t le!!o& by tal"i&% to her to %et to "&ow her better ( wa! tryi&% to fi&d !o#e 'o##o& %ro$&d! where we 'o$ld both a%ree $po& -e tal"ed abo$t her !'hool) her tea'her! a&d their tea'hi&% #ethod!) her ow& attit$de! toward! her !t$die! a&d her a#bitio&! ( fo$&d her o"ay She wa! polite) 'o&,er!atio&al) frie&dly a&d had her ow& opi&io&! All of whi'h %a,e #e a %ood i#pre!!io& of her -he& we !tarted o$r fir!t le!!o& i& Additio&al 0ath!) ( fo$&d her f$&&y She !aid) 7Plea!e do&t #a"e the le!!o& too lo&%) be'a$!e ( alway! %et heada'he! whe&e,er ( try too hard at it 8 7All ri%ht)8 ( !aid) tho$%h ( wa! hopi&% !he wa! the "i&d who wa!&t afraid of hard wor" ( had to 'o#ply to a 'ertai& de%ree till ( had %a$%ed the !t$de&t! le,el a&d ability before ( be%a& p$!hi&% the# harder Ne,erthele!!) a! the le!!o& pro%re!!ed) (

fo$&d her ,ery willi&% to lear& a&d +$i'" to a'"&owled%e her #i!ta"e! She wa!&t a +$i'" lear&er) tho$%h .$t !he !howed !o#e pro#i!e .y the e&d of the le!!o&) ( wa! +$ite !ati!fied with her pro%re!! -e did&t %et ,ery far) b$t ( wa! 'ertai& that with !$'h !teady pro%re!!) !he wo$ld %o far i& #o&th! to 'o#e A&d ( !ee a f$t$re of both of $! wor"i&% to%ether happily) li"e a 'oa'h a&d athlete) for her fi&al e1a#! The le!!o&! 'o&ti&$ed !#oothly) twi'e a wee") o& T$e!day! a&d 2riday! ( fo$&d her li"i&% Che#i!try or 0athe#ati'! #ore -ith #y %$ida&'e) !he 'o$ld &ow 'o&'e&trate #$'h lo&%er o& a #ath! proble# (& fa't) there were ti#e! whe& !he %ot !o i&,ol,ed i& #o,i&% aro$&d with the &$#ber! a&d tryi&% to fi&d a !ol$tio& that !he !ee#ed to for%et #y pre!e&'e At !$'h ti#e!) it wa! her habit to #o$th the &$#ber! a&d for#$lae 7Throw thi! $!ele!! thi&% to the ri%ht a&d %et the a&!wer)8 !hed !ay 7A'id! a&d ba!e! #a"e &e$tral !ol$tio&!) re#e#ber that plea!e 8 She had repeated word! ( fre+$e&tly $!ed to #a"e #y le!!o&! #ore li,ely) hopi&% to #a"e tho!e ab!tra't poi&t! !ti'" to her brai&! #ore !teadfa!tly A&y tea'her! or pare&t! who heard thi! wo$ld feel deli%hted So it wa! with #e 0ore !o whe& !he wo$ld p$r!e her eyebrow!) tap the tip of her &o!e with a pe&) r$b her 'hi& or po$t her lip! i& deep 'o&'e&tratio& At ti#e! !he wo$ld "&o'" her head tryi&% to lo'ate a fa't !hed !tored !o#ewhere i&!ide her brai& S$'h i#a%e! &e,er failed to fi&d their a''epta&'e i& #y appro,i&% heart) &o #atter how #a&y war&i&%! ( %a,e #y!elf E,e& #ore !o whe& !he be%a& to be o& frie&dlier ter#! with #e Al#o!t $&'o&!'io$!ly !he wo$ld loo!e& her lo&% hair with both ha&d!) wa,e it aro$&d a bit to 'at'h !o#e 'ool air before tyi&% it $p a%ai& All the while her head wo$ld be thi&"i&% of the proble# at ha&d -he& !he wa! do&e with that) !hed 'o&ti&$e with the followi&% !tep! 0ARCHO&'e) o$t of !y#pathy for her pli%ht) ( !tared at her while !he wa! doi&% her hair Of 'o$r!e) the wa,i&% of her lo&% !trai%ht healthy hair wa! bea$tif$lly e&deari&% a&d ( had a wea"&e!! for %irl! with $plifted ar#! ( alway! !aw !o#ethi&% ,$l&erable i& the# To #y !$rpri!e) !he did&t e,e& &oti'e #y ob!er,atio& The &e1t ti#e ro$&d) ( did that a%ai&) o$t of f$& a&d the a&ti'ipatio& of a&other $&!'athed e!'ape ( %ot away with that a&d #a&y #ore ti#e! [[[add her pretty feat$re!999 The& !he &oti'ed #e) !$dde&ly loo"i&% #y way) !ee#i&%ly with the i&te&tio& of a!"i&% a +$e!tio& 7-hat wa! the:hey) are yo$ !tari&% at #e;8 73e!) ( wa!)8 ( !aid) feeli&% !li%htly heated $p 7(t! &ot %ood to !tare at people li"e that) yo$ "&ow 8 7( "&ow) b$t yo$ *$!t loo" !o ,ery '$te a&d !o !weet whe& yo$re deep i& 'o&'e&tratio& Re#e#ber o$r fir!t le!!o& where yo$ !aid) <Plea!e do&t #a"e the le!!o& too lo&%) be'a$!e ( alway! %et heada'he! ea!ily 8 She !t$'" o$t her to&%$e i& prote!t a&d loo"ed ba'" at her ope& e1er'i!e boo" 7See=8 !he e1'lai#ed 7(t! yo$r fa$lt 8 7-hat;8 73o$/lah 3o$ 'a$!ed #e to for%et whi'h ,ariable! ( !ho$ld %et rid fi!t 8

7H### (& thi! 'a!e) yo$ !ho$ld %et rid of the ,ariable! L) O) V a&d E Plea!e re#e#ber that 8 7O"ay L) O) V a&d E .$t where i! the L;8 7There) ope& $p yo$r eye! a bit 8 7L) O) V) E)8 !he repeated i& a& effort to re#e#ber the# (t too" her !e'o&d! to reali!e it 73o$ are p$lli&% #y le%! a%ai& 3o$:yo$:8 ( had to la$%h while !he had to #a"e a fa'e a&d !ti'" o$t her to&%$e 7( did that to #a"e yo$ rela1)8 ( !aid) 7for ( feel !orry to %i,e yo$ !$'h a hard ti#e .e!ide!) tho$%h it! &at$ral for people of yo$r a%e) it! &ot %ood drea#i&% abo$t boy! all the ti#e 8 7E1'$!e #e ( &eed to $!e the loo 8 She !tor#ed to that dire'tio& ( 'o&ti&$ed la$%hi&%) "&owi&% ,ery well !he wo&t feel h$rt a&d wo$ld 'o#e ba'" refre!hed She did) b$t with %lowi&% 'hee"! A! ti#e pa!!ed by) ( al!o fo$&d her %etti&% +$ite tal"ati,e) #aybe e&'o$ra%ed by #y willi&%&e!! to a&!wer her +$e!tio&! e,e& whe& they were &ot related to the le!!o&! ( had alway! had the idea that to !t$dy well) o&e #$!t %et rid of their do$bt!) whether they were abo$t life) pare&t!) tea'her!) !t$de&t! or whate,er 2ro# her #a&&er) ( %athered that !he wa! the o&ly %irl) her elder brother wa! the& !t$dyi&% e&%i&eeri&% i& Lo&do& Her pare&t! were both wor"i&% hard to pay for hi! fee! a&d they e1pe'ted her to %o o,er!ea! later E,er !i&'e la!t Septe#ber) !he had bee& ho#e alo&e with the (&do&e!ia& #aid #o!t of the ti#e 6$e to the lo'atio& of the 'o&do) !he rarely we&t o$t with frie&d!) !i&'e the &eare!t b$! !top wa! o&e "ilo#etre away She wa! lo&ely) ( wa! 'ertai& (& !$'h a !it$atio&) for a ho#e t$tor to ha,e !$''e!! with a&y !t$de&t) he #$!t fir!t be a frie&d to the !t$de&t) %ai& their tr$!t a&d help red$'e their worrie! a&d 'orre't their #i!ta"e& ,iew! where,er po!!ible >$d%i&% fro# her beha,io$r a&d re!$lt!) ( belie,ed ( had !$''eeded !o#ewhat APR(L.y &ow !o#e wee"! ha,e pa!!ed) ( be%a& to !ee #$'h better pro%re!! i& her wor" ( told her !o with !o#e 'o#pli#e&t! She be%a& to war# $p a&d dared her!elf to a!" #e abo$t #y %irlfrie&d 7Tea'her)8 !he !aid) with a loo" a! tho$%h !he wa! %$ilty of for%etti&% a 'o##o& for#$la 76o yo$ ha,e a %irlfrie&d;8 70e; No 8 ( wa! !o#ewhat ta"e& aba'" by her !$dde& bl$&t&e!!) a 'o##o& trait i& her .$t her eye! were !o !oft a&d p$re that ( did&t ha,e the heart to tell her to %et ba'" to wor" 7-hy do&t yo$ ha,e o&e;8 7-ell) ( %$e!! ( wa!&t ready for a relatio&!hip (# !t$dyi&% f$ll/ti#e for a diplo#a a&d &o ti#e for dati&% 8 7.$t dati&% doe!&t ha,e to ta"e a lo&% ti#e 3o$ 'a& date d$ri&% l$&'h or di&&er -hile waiti&% for the b$! or e,e& while doi&% re,i!io& 3o$ 'a& al!o date by 'hatti&% o& the pho&e or !e&di&% S0S) 'a&t yo$ 8 7( !$ppo!e ( 'a&) b$t it will be e1pe&!i,e 8

7(t doe!&t ha,e to 0o!t %irl! wo$ld prefer to pay for her ow& food &owaday!) !i&'e they ha,e *ob! a&d 'areer! 8 73e!) thi! i! tr$e 8 7A&yway) if the wor!t 'o#e to wor!t) yo$ 'a& date i& the 'la!!roo# Or the !tair'a!e after le!!o&! 8 7-hi'h %irl wo$ld li"e that;8 7There are So#e %irl!) li"e o&e of #y frie&d!) wo$ld&t #i&d !o lo&% a! the boy! are !i&'ere a&d &i'e to be with 3o$ o&ly ha,e to a!" a&d !ee 8 7-ell):8 ( he##ed a&d hawed Thi&%! are &ot !o !i#ple a! they loo") ( tho$%ht with a hea,y heart 7The& what "i&d of %irlfrie&d do yo$ prefer;8 72or #y f$t$re %irlfrie&d)8 ( replied tho$%htf$lly) 7(d prefer !o#eo&e +$ite pretty 8 7Li"e #e;8 !he i&terr$pted with i#p$l!i,e ea%er&e!! 7-ell) yo$re pretty) 'a&t de&y that)8 ( !aid) &ot dire'tly a&!weri&% her +$e!tio&!) for that wa! what ( too" her to #ea& 7Not o&ly that The !pe'ial o&e #$!t be hardwor"i&%:8 7(# hardwor"i&% too) ri%ht;8 73e!) ye!) yo$ are 8 ( !e&!ed !o#e da&%er here) b$t di!#i!!ed it a! !o#ethi&% i&&o'e&t) !o#e !'hool%irl! &at$ral '$rio!ity re%ardi&% her ow& body ( a't$ally wel'o#e !$'h '$rio!ity whi'h ( belie,ed 'o$ld be 'ha&&eled i&to be&efiti&% her !t$die! a&d de'ided to play the %a#e a little lo&%er (f dire'ted properly) it 'o$ld %i,e her a 'learer idea of how a %irl !ho$ld %roo# her!elf 7A&d !he !ho$ld be 'o&!iderate) 'o#ely) i&depe&de&t ? 7(# al!o 'o&!iderate) 'o#ely a&d i&depe&de&t too Tell #e (# ri%ht 8 She wa! +$ite ri%ht there) b$t ( had e&o$%h of her i&terr$ptio& a&d wi!hed to b$r!t her b$bble) for her ow& %ood 7O&ly +$ite ri%ht 3e!) yo$re 'o&!iderate a&d 'o#ely a&d +$ite i&depe&de&t (# happy with all that .$t) (# !orry to !ay !o) yo$re &ot i&telli%e&t e&o$%h 8 7No;8 7No 8 7.$t yo$ %a,e #e %ood %rade! for yo$r te!t 8 7(t wa! o&ly a !i#ple te!t 6oe!&t 'o$&t 8 7.$t ( al!o did well i& !'hool! te!t ( %ot a& A for that 8 7Li"e ( !aid) it wa! o&ly a #o&thly te!t .ei&% i&telli%e&t #ea&! yo$ 'a& lear& !o#ethi&% &ew +$i'"ly) re#e#ber it well a&d be able to apply the "&owled%e a&d !"ill! later U&der!ta&d;8 She &odded !lowly) with a dow&'a!t loo" 7Now do&t be !ad)8 ( 'o#forted 7>$!t wor" harder at yo$r !t$die!) apply yo$r brai&! #ore ofte& a&d yo$ll be ,ery i&telli%e&t 8 She &odded a%ai& 3o$ 'o$ld feel her !pirit! ri!i&% $p alo&% with !o#e deter#i&atio& 7A&d "&owi&% whe& &ot to i&terr$pt #e 'o&!tit$te! a 'ertai& de%ree of i&telli%e&'e O"ay; Let #e 'o&ti&$e telli&% yo$ abo$t the #erit! #y f$t$re %irlfrie&d !ho$ld po!!e!! She !ho$ld be i&telli%e&t) hardwor"i&%) pretty) i&depe&de&t) 'o#ely a&d 'o&!iderate 8

She loo"ed at #e with wide eye! for a #o#e&t before !ayi&%) 7A&d;8 7That! all 8 7That! all; Oh) yo$re leadi&% #e o& 3o$:yo$:8 7Ah/ah/ah) do&t !ay it)8 ( wa,ed a fi&%er before her fa'e 73o$ "&ow ( forbid a&y ,$l%arity i& #y 'la!!e!:8 U&able to %i,e ,oi'e to her fr$!tratio&) !he a,e&%ed by doi&% what #o!t %irl! wo$ld do to their boyfrie&d! pi&'hi&% #y ar# ( 'ried o$t #o'"i&% a&d la$%hed o$t lo$d (t wa! !i#ply !o f$&&y a&d lo,ely to behold her !$l"y fa'e a&d po$ti&% lip! .$t) a! tho$%h $&willi&% to ad#it defeat) !he %rad$ally la$%hed alo&%) with a ha&d 'o,eri&% her #o$th i& polite&e!! The %ood/&at$red ri&%! of la$%hter !$b!idi&% i&to %irli!h %i%%le! %ot to #e a&d ( apolo%i5ed 2ro# the& o&ward!) her #ood i#pro,ed) !o did the 'a#araderie betwee& $!) &arrowi&% the %ap by a%e! 2or a !e'o&d) ( tho$%ht of a!"i&% her pare&t! if they were willi&% to re&t a& e#pty roo# to #e !o that ( 'o$ld !a,e $p o& the tra&!port a&d at the !a#e ti#e ha,e free di&&er! a&d a <frie&d a&d #aid .$t feeli&% that we were drifti&% too 'lo!e to da&%ero$! water!) ( !hoo" off the idea a&d i&!tr$'ted her to !top wa!ti&% ti#e a&d fi&i!h the !$# !he wa! tryi&% to !ol,e The 'o&,er!atio& had thi&"i&% of !t$ff ( "&ew ( !ho$ld&t e&tertai& at the #o#e&t ( o$%ht to be thi&"i&% abo$t #a'ro e'o&o#i'! or !tati!ti'! rather tha& thi! 'o#pli'ated a&d !ti'"y b$!i&e!! of h$#a& relatio&!hip! .$t the& it wa! &i'e to ha,e !o#eo&e who# yo$ 'o$ld lo,e a&d 'are a&d %et lo,e i& ret$r& So#eo&e who $&der!ta&d! yo$ a&d who i! willi&% to be yo$r 'o#pa&io& a&d tal" a&d la$%h at the !a#e *o"e! So#eo&e to 'o#fort a&d ad,i!e yo$ whe& yo$re dow& a&d o$t A&d !o#eo&e who# yo$ 'a& !tare at for a! lo&% a! yo$ li"e (f o&ly Rahael were !o#e year! older: 7-hat abo$t yo$ yo$&% people; -hat "i&d of boyfrie&d wo$ld yo$ li"e 8 7Per!o&ally) ( thi&" !o#eo&e i&tere!ti&% a&d f$& to be with He doe!&t ha,e to be ri'h) b$t he #$!t be tr$!tworthy) reliable) !i&'ere a&d ha! a pro#i!i&% 'areer 8 7Tr$!tworthy) reliable) !i&'ere a&d a pro#i!i&% 'areer)8 ( replied po&dero$!ly) %i,i&% i& to a te#ptatio& 7So$&d! li"e ( fit the bill perfe'tly (&tere!ted;8 7-hat; 0e a&d yo$; -hat a *o"e=8 ( la$%hed while !he +$i'"ly lowered her eye! a&d loo"ed hard at the boo"! A #o#e&t or two) !he a!"ed to be e1'$!ed to %o to the loo >UL3 So#e ti#e aro$&d >$ly the 'la!!e! pro,ided by the (&!tit$te of .$!i&e!! St$die! were re!'hed$led A! a re!$lt ( fo$&d #y!elf !t$dyi&% i& the !a#e 'la!! with Co&&ie She wa! a& e1/'ollea%$e of #i&e who wa! !till wor"i&% i& the !a#e ba&" She wa! the o&e who $r%ed #e to ta"e $p thi! 'o$r!e at the !a#e i&!tit$te She wa! al!o !t$dyi&% the !a#e 'o$r!e Haili&% fro# 4$a&ta&) !he wa! of the !a#e a%e a! #e) a&d bei&% !o) we had a lot of thi&%! to tal" abo$t Soo& we fo$&d o$r!el,e! !itti&% &e1t to ea'h other d$ri&% le!!o&! a&d wal"i&% to the b$! !tatio& to%ether after the 'la!!e! (t !tarted o&e e,e&i&% whe& ( 'a!$ally i&,ited her to ha,e di&&er with #e before %oi&% ho#e She a%reed) a&d fro# the& o&ward!) we wo$ld $!$ally ha,e o$r di&&er! to%ether a&d ( wo$ld !ee her i&to a b$! before waiti&% for #i&e O&'e i& a while) we !hopped to%ether for o$r ba!i' &eed! ( %$e!! the 'o&tra't wa!

!ealed o&e wee"e&d a #o&th later whe& ( a!"ed her to %o for a #o,ie with #e There) i& the dar"&e!!) #y fi&%er! to$'hed her ha&d a&d !tayed there) $!heri&% i& a ti#e of *oy a&d f$lfill#e&t 0y *oy 'o&,eyed it!elf to Ra'hael witho$t #e "&owi&% it 6$ri&% o&e 'la!!) !he &oti'ed #e !tari&% at her fa'e a%ai& a&d !aid@ 7Hello) tea'her Are yo$ !tari&% at #e a%ai&;8 7H$h; -hat;8 73o$ are !tari&% at #e a%ai& (! there !o#ethi&% wro&% with #y #a"e $p;8 7No) &o A&d ( wa!&t !tari&% at yo$ 8 7.$t yo$ were loo"i&% at #e 8 7-ell) ( wa!&t !tari&% at yo$ 8 7Ah) the& yo$ were drea#i&%) were&t yo$;8 ( wa! b$t) &at$rally) ( de&ied it ( wa! thi&"i&% of where to ta"e Co&&ie for a &i'e di&&er 76o&t bl$ff #e A&d before that yo$ were fre+$e&tly loo"i&% at yo$ wat'h 8 To t$r& the table aro$&d) ( !aid) 7How 'o#e yo$ are alway! "eepi&% a& eye o& #e &owaday! 6o&t yo$ ha,e wor" to do;8 73a/lah 3a/lah ( wa! *$!t !howi&% 'o&'er& for yo$ f$t$re 8 7Tha&"!) b$t there! &o &eed for yo$r 'o&'er& a! ( a# fi&e -e ha,e a lot to 'o,er today) yo$ "&ow 8 7( "&ow) ( wa! a!"i&% yo$ a +$e!tio& b$t yo$ did&t hear #e 8 76id&t (; -hat wa! it a%ai&;8 7(t doe!&t #atter &ow (,e fi%$red o$t the a&!wer >$!t 'a&t !ta&d yo$r loo" whe& yo$re drea#i&% of yo$r %irlfrie&d 8 She %i%%led a&d we&t o& wor"i&% at the proble# at ha&d ( de&ied it b$t did&t !ay a&ythi&% #ore) !eei&% her wor"i&% hard AUAUSTLater o&) !he wore a rather body/h$%%i&% !lee,ele!! ,e!t a&d a pair of !hort!) re,eali&% her !ho$lder! a&d #$'h of her 'he!t) !ta&di&% by the ope& door) %reeti&% #e with a !weet !#ile 7Aood after&oo&) !ir 8 ( ad#itted her loo" bloo#i&% with yo$thf$l&e!! wa! &ot o&ly !t$&&i&% b$t e&deari&% The &ot/!o/fre+$e&t ear/to/ear !#ile) %li!te&i&% teeth a&d %la#oro$! red lip! 'o$ld ea!ily ta#e a 'har%i&% b$ll a&d !hred #y !elf/'o&trol i&to pie'e! if ( had&t !potted the da&%er fa!t e&o$%h .e!ide!) ( had Co&&ie i&!talled fir#ly i& #y #i&d a&d heart Ne,erthele!!) ( prete&ded to feel di55y) #elt a&d %o wea" at #y "&ee! ( !aid@ 7Oh) thi! lo,ely ro!e of !pri&% -ith petal! !o !oft a&d pi&" Oh) her dre!! !o $&be'o#i&% Pray %et ba'" to boo" lear&i&% 8 73a/lah) ya/lah ( 'a& $&der!ta&d yo$ witho$t a&y of yo$r poetry 8 -e headed to the di&i&% table where her boo"! were already ope& A&yway) ( tho$%ht) if Co&&ie were to be i& her po!itio&) ( wo$ld be pre!!i&% a ha&d"er'hief to #y &o!e to !top the bleedi&% 7How do yo$ fi&d #y &ew lip!ti'";8 Ra'hael a!"ed a few #i&$te! later 7Ni'e 8

7How abo$t #y &ew 'lothe!; Ni'e) too) i!&t it; ( bo$%ht it at a %ood bar%ai& at the 6ebe&ha#! la!t :8 7-ait a bit)8 ( !topped her) 7-ere !$ppo!e to ha,e a 'la!!) are&t we; -ere &ot ha,i&% a party &ow) ri%ht;8 7( "&ow) b$t (# %oi&% o$t with #y frie&d! i##ediately after 'la!! ( wa&t yo$ to !ee if ( loo" o"ay or &ot 8 7.$t yo$ wore !o#ethi&% e+$ally $&!$itable !o#e ti#e a%o) re#e#ber;8 7Oh) that wa! d$e to the hot weather O"ay) o"ay (f yo$ do&t li"e it) li"e !o#e %$y! who do&t) (ll %o 'ha&%e later 8 7No) &o &eed to wa!te #ore ti#e >$!t %et o& with yo$r wor" 8 7>$!t o&e #ore +$e!tio&@ 6o&t yo$ li"e it *$!t o&e bit;8 7All ri%ht) all ri%ht ( li"e it *$!t o&e bit 2i&e;8 0i&$te! later) #y ha&dpho&e) i& #y po'"et) beeped twi'e ( read the #e!!a%e 'o#i&% fro# Co&&ie) de!iri&% to "&ow what ( wa! doi&% at the #o#e&t) #i!!i&% #e witho$t !ayi&% !o ( tho$%ht of how to reply a&d wrote that ( wa! 'oi&'ide&tally thi&"i&% of her a&d her o&ly) i& a rather poeti' #a&&er Ra'hael bro$%ht #e ba'" to #y !eat 7Tea'her) yo$re !tari&% at #e a%ai& 8 76id (;8 ( !aid i& a !ho'") +$ite e#barra!!ed 7(# !orry) ( wa! thi&"i&% of how to reply a& i#porta&t #e!!a%e 8 72ro# a %irlfrie&d;8 7Of 'o$r!e &ot 8 7.$t yo$ !#iled !o 'o&te&tedly) !o:!o %leef$lly 8 She #ade a& a't of !hi,eri&% i& the 'old 7Ca&t !ta&d the loo" 8 7-ell) if yo$ 'a&t !ta&d #e) p$t i& #ore hardwor" a&d 'o&'e&tratio& i&to yo$r wor") $&der!ta&d;8 The& !he !$rpri!ed #e 2ir!t) !he appeared to be thi&"i&% hard a&d re'alli&% !o#ethi&%) the& her fa'e wa! harde&ed by fr$!tratio& She tapped the pe& o& the table a&d the& her p$r!ed lip! The& !he appeared to be $&'o#fortable a&d !hifted her botto# She 'ro!!ed a&d $&'ro!!ed her le%!) !tret'hed her ar#! hi%h abo,e her head a&d lea&ed a%ai&!t the ed%e of the table to loo" 'lo!ely at the boo"! ( had &e,er !ee& her wor"i&% !o deter#i&edly before ( tho$%ht it wa! be'a$!e ( had 'o&,eyed #y wi!h for her to try her be!t before a!"i&% for !ol$tio&! Not !$!pe'ti&% a&ythi&% a#i!!) ( wa! %lad to !ee that 2i&ally) her de#ea&o$r !ofte&ed a&d !he ad#itted defeat 7-hat! the proble#;8 ( 'a#e to the re!'$e 7( 'a&t fi%$re o$t how to li&" the !phere a&d 'o&e 8 ( too" a pe&'il a&d drew a few li&e!) %i,i&% !o#e e1pla&atio& alo&% the way 7Oh) ( !ee 3e!) why did&t ( !ee it earlier ( wi!h ( were o&e/te&th a! 'le,er a! yo$ are 8 (t wa! a rare 'o#pli#e&t fro# her) o&e !o rare that ( had to loo" for !i%&! of $lterior #oti,e! i& her fa'e Seei&% &o&e) ( !aid) 7Tha&"!) b$t *$!t o&e/te&th;8 7-ell) that! e&o$%h for #e to do well i& #y e1a#! 0ore ( 'a&t hope for 8 7Of 'o$r!e yo$ 'a& >$!t "eep wor"i&% hard a&d o&e day yo$ #i%ht e,e& be !#arter tha& #e 8 7(! it;8 73e!) ( pro#i!e yo$ 8

70i&d if ( a!" what yo$ %ot for SP0;8 7Not e1'elle&t) o&ly three A! a&d !tro&% 'redit! for 0ath! a&d Che#i!try .$t ( wor"ed really hard a&d did well i& #y A le,el! >$!t wor" harder There! &o #a%i' i& it 8 73o$ #$!t ha,e !t$died !o#ethi&% li"e te& ho$r! a day before the e1a#! 8 7Not e1a'tly) b$t ( tried #y be!t to $&der!ta&d a&d #e#ori5e e,ery le!!o& #y tea'her! ta$%ht #e 6o&t wait to the e&d to be%i& re,i!i&% 8 (t wa! a %ood feeli&% bei&% <i&ter,iewed a&d %i,e& a 'ha&'e to !how #y wor"i&% #ethod! Her willi&%&e!! to li!te& a&d #aybe adopt #y way! it!elf 'arried hope! !he !ee#ed to be wa&ti&% to ri!e to the &e1t le,el of ad,a&'e#e&t The& !he we&t beyo&d the !'hool le,el a&d a!"ed if !he !ho$ld !t$dy .$!i&e!! 0a&a%e#e&t i& the f$t$re ( !pe&t a&other te& #i&$te! or !o i& a& atte#pt to %et her to be'o#e #ore a#bitio$! (d de'ided to le&%the& the 'la!! for a +$arter of a& ho$r to #a"e $p for the lo!t ti#e At the e&d of the 'la!!) !he did&t fid%et or !hift abo$t) e,e& tho$%h !he had a party to atte&d (&!tead) for the fir!t ti#e) !he pleaded #e to ha,e di&&er with her) *$!t be'a$!e it! bori&% to eat alo&e ( !aw &o har# i& that) !i&'e ( wa! too early for #y 'la!! 6i&&er at the !a#e table wa! a bi% 'ha&%e of ro$ti&e She %ot !o happy that !he 'o$ld&t wait for the #aid to !er,e $! She fet'hed #e a plate of !tea#i&% ri'e) !'ooped !o#e !o$p fro# the !low 'oo"er a&d pla'ed a plate of !weet/a&d/!o$r 'hi'"e& wi&%! before #y eye! Alo&% with a !tea#ed po#fret a&d air/flow& Chi&e!e !pi&a'h) it wa! a !$#pt$o$! #eal by all #ea&!) a far 'ry fro# what ( $!$ally ate o$t!ide whe& ( wa! alo&e ( wa! h$&%ry) #y &o!tril! ha,i&% bee& titillated by the aro#a 'o#i&% fro# the "it'he& for a lo&% ti#e The& !eei&% #y he!itatio&) !he !'ooped a pie'e of 'hi'"e& wi&% o&to #y plate All the di!he! were deli'io$!) perfe't -hat #ore with ha,i&% a yo$&%) pretty a&d !e1y %irl a! a 'o#pa&io& (t all #ade #e rethi&" the po!!ibility of re&ti&% a roo# here .$t fra&"ly ( wa! !$re ( wo$ld ha,e e&*oyed it #ore if Ra'hael had bee& !li%htly le!! tal"ati,e a&d i&+$i!iti,e 7-o$ld yo$ li"e !o#e wi&e;8 -i&e; -ith thi! offer throw& i&) the pro!pe't of re&ti&% a roo# here wa! irre!i!tible ( !o#ehow #a&a%ed to de'li&e The& !he had the #aid bri&% her !o#ethi&% %ood for #y di%e!tio& ora&%e!) peeled She too" o&e) peeled it i&to two a&d !a&" her teeth i&) !+$eali&%@ 70##%h) plea!e ha&d #e !o#e ti!!$e 8 ( wa! ha&di&% her the ti!!$e a&d !aw drop! of *$i'e rolli&% o$t of a 'or&er of her lip! dow& to her 'hi& a&d threate&ed to wet her throat 7Plea!e) plea!e)8 !he #$#bled a&d poi&ted at her 'hi& ( $&der!tood a&d wiped off the !weet *$i'e with a& $&!teady ha&d) la#e&ti&% that tho!e pre'io$! drop! had to %o to wa!te 7Tha&"! a lot 0i&d if we wal" to the b$! !top after thi!; Ta"i&% a b$! to #y frie&d! ho$!e will !a,e #e !o#e #o&ey 8 2i&e She wa! &ot a! !pe&dthrift a! (d alway! tho$%ht Aood for her) a&d #e) of 'o$r!e .$t the b$! !top wa! a "ilo#etre away a&d ( wa! afraid !he #i%ht %et a !$&!tro"e o& her fair !ho$lder! 7No worry)8 !he !aid 7( ha,e Copperto&e a&d a& $#brella 8

(t wa! &ear/perfe't day (d do&e #y re,i!io&) ta$%ht a 'la!!) had a wo&derf$l #eal) wal"ed !ho$lder to !ho$lder to the b$! !top) a''o#pa&ied by a yo$&% %irl) o& the way to !ee #y %irlfrie&d How i&tere!ti&%= The o&ly proble# wa! that the free di&&er! were %etti&% #ore a&d #ore fre+$e&t ( wa! r$&&i&% o$t of topi'! to tal" to her a&d !o the topi'! $!$ally t$r&ed to #e) #y hobbie!) f$t$re) !t$die!) *ob a&d life [[[#ore999 No,e#ber Aro$&d No,e#ber) we were already ha,i&% e1tra 'la!!e! i& a& effort to i&te&!ify the lear&i&% a&d re,i!io& The year wa! 'o#i&% to a& e&d a&d Ra'hael wa! doi&% wo&derf$lly well i& the 'la!!e! a&d at !'hool) al#o!t li"e a top !t$de&t Her pare&t! were ,ery happy with her pro%re!! a&d Ra'hael wa! 'ertai& of %etti&% A! for the two !$b*e't! There were ti#e! whe& !he had fi,e 'la!!e! i& a wee" Shed %otte& $!ed to ha,i&% a t$tor/'$#/frie&d a&d !o#eo&e to di&e with while ( wa! %etti&% well/fed for free 7(! that a letter;8 !he a!"ed d$ri&% a 'la!!) her !harp eye! %a5i&% at a li%ht bl$e e&,elope lyi&% o& a& ope& pa%e of #y diary (t wa! a letter to Co&&ie that ( had yet to fi&i!h ( had bee& too 'arele!! to let it lye i& #y diary where Ra'hael 'o$ld !ee it (d be%$& writi&% lo,e letter! to her !i&'e !hed %o&e ho#e to Sere#ba& for a lo&% holiday to prepare for her e1a#! 73e!)8 ( !aid 7To yo$r %irlfrie&d;8 7No/lah 8 7The& to who;8 7No&e of yo$r b$!i&e!! really 8 She po$ted her lip! a&d #$#bled !o#ethi&% i&a$dible Nowaday! ( fo$&d #y!elf hati&% to !ee $&happy Bfor #y free di&&er 'o$ld be at !ta"eC a&d !aid that it wa! writte& to a %irl 7-hat i! i& it;8 7>$!t !o#e poe#! 8 7Lo,e poe#!;8 73e! a&d &o 8 70ay ( read the#;8 7Certai&ly &ot 8 She pleaded a&d be%%ed a&d !$l"ed a&d !#iled with a ,ehe#e&'e that baffled #e She) bei&% a polite 'hild) had &e,er i&tr$ded i&to #y pri,a'y: The& !he did !o#ethi&% !ho'"i&%@ She l$&%ed forward a&d %rabbed the e&,elope= A&d !he ra& aro$&d the li,i&% roo# tryi&% to ope& it (& pa&i') ( r$!hed after her a&d) faili&% to 'at'h hold of the letter) %rabbed her wai!t a&d p$!hed her o&to the !ofa -e fell dow& to%ether) lyi&% !ide by !ide) her ba'" pre!!ed a%ai&!t #y 'he!t 0y ar# wa! too !hort to rea'h it whi'h !he held a! far a! !he 'o$ld -he& ( %rabbed her wri!t to p$ll it 'lo!er to #e) !he dropped the letter ( had to p$ll her 'lo!er to #e !o that her toe! 'o$ld &ot rea'h it ( wa! !till lo!i&% o$t i& the !tr$%%le a! !he wa! too !tro&% a&d wa! di%%i&% hi! elbow! pai&f$lly i&to #y rib! ( tho$%ht of a& idea a&d ti'"led her ar#pit! That di!abled her for a #o#e&t a&d with #$'h effort) ( fl$&% her to a&other 'o$'h before retrie,i&% the pre'io$! do'$#e&t -he& ( had draw& i& e&o$%h breath) ( reali5ed !he wa! !till la$%hi&% o& the 'o$'h a&d that ( wa! l$'"y the #aid had %o&e o$t to 'olle't the la$&dry Ta"i&% the opport$&ity) ( !'olded her for bei&% !o r$de a&d $&wo#a&ly) $&'i,ili5ed) !ha#ele!!) !poilt a&d

#a&&erle!! She !hra&" i&to her!elf a&d !hed tear!) be%%i&% for #y for%i,e&e!! ( #ade her %et ba'" to her !t$die!) &ot +$ite ready to for%i,e a&d for%et [[[Plot #aybe at e&d) after 'o&fro&tatio&) !he !topped #y le!!o&! !ayi&% to pare&t! that it! e1a# a&d ( wo&t be &eeded Threate&ed to tell pare&t! of #y ad,a&'e! if ( dared to 'o#e &ear her 999 [[[No,e#ber) Co&&ie) prior to the e1a#!) !he we&t ba'" & !t$dy f$ll ti#e for a #o&th So ( be%a& writi&% letter! to her be!ide! !e&di&% !#! a&d lo,e #e!!a%e! So#e ti#e Ra'hael wo$ld !ee #e readi&% the !#! with a !#ile Aot !$!pi'io$!) a&d !tole #y letter to read -ill !he 'o&fro&t #e; 0a"e #e 'o&fe!! ( do&t lo,e her at all; Off 'o$r!e ( will de&y it) 'o! it! &ot %ood for her Lead to !ad e&di&% So !t$pid) failed her e1a#! to a,e&%e #e999

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