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FLATBUSH FARM SHARE a partnership of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger, Hunger Action Network, and Just Food

NEWS Trader
1.14 / SEP 2 2009

This week’s eats*: Key Food*

1 celery
1 bunch of radish
2 garlic Co-Op
1 bunch of chiogga beets
1 head of lettuce
1 bunch of collards or green kale Associated
1 Sunshine Kabocha wintersquash Markets*
1 lb. tomatoes
Peaches and pears from Breezy Hill Whole
* Let us know what you think of the veggies! Our Foods
farmers want to know and will try to adjust accord-
ingly. Email
Flatbush Farm Share
(high income)

$0.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00

Farm Trip: RSVP ASAP!
Saturday, September 19. Please RSVP to What’s in a Share, pt 2: Another Price Comparison (put “Farm Trip” Back in July you’ll remember we checked prices at some local grocery
as the subject of your email) and let us know if you
are definitely coming and with how many people stores and compared them to what we receive in a half-share, and found
(including children); if you can provide a ride(s), that buying the same produce in the same quantity at shops could cost
need a ride, can drive a rented van, and/or are able up to twice as much as the highest level CSA share price. Now further
or willing to share the rental cost of a van (about into the season we have different vegetables available, so we repeated
$25). We need a minimum of 15 people confirmed the comparison. The CSA even at its highest level share price remains
and with transportation sorted out by 9/8. Thanks!
the best bargain for you and your family for fresh and nutritious veg-
etables, and continues to offer the added values of community; eating
Help Plan the End of the Year organic for the health of your family and the environment; knowing
Potluck! Committee needed to organize and supporting a local farmer--and the local economy; preserving local
this important event at the end of the season in farmland; and much more. (Special thanks to FFS Members Sarah Falkner and
October. We’d like to have another chance for Amy Seek who diligently compared green peppers, lettuce, leeks, basil/dill, green beans,
members to socialize with each other as well as swiss chard, potatoes, and tomatoes at all five stores; * denotes not organic)
with our community at large, and it’s also great
time for the general public and potential new
members to meet us and find out the benefits Breezy Hill Invitation to Grand Opening at Stone
of belonging to Flatbush Farm Share. Please Ridge Orchard, Sept. 5th & 6th We want to extend a special
contact if you’re invitation to our CSA members to join us this weekend for the grand open-
interested in helping to make this event happen!
ing at Stone Ridge Orchard for the U-Pick Apple Season! There will be local
artists, local food, and wine & cheese set up in the heart of the orchard. In
Volunteer Hours We now have two the evening we’ll have live music under the full moon. The farm stand and
more jobs you can do to contribute your volunteer U-Pick will be open seven days a week with music on Saturday evenings until
hours outside of distribution: 1) With assistance November 1st. CSA members will receive a discount on the U-Pick Apples
from the web committee, data entry of recipes from (tbd). Stone Ridge Orchard is located at 3012 Route 213, Stone Ridge, NY
previous newsletters on our new, revamped website,
and 2) Earn 2 hours credit for writing an article for 12484. It’s about two hours north from the heart of New York City. Call
the newsletter. Contact volunteer@flatbushfarm- us at 845-266-3979 or email for more information. We’d love to have you!
French Onion Soup, with a side of trivia Some Ideas for Dill
courtesy of FFS member Diane Chia courtesy of FFS member Diane Chia

Preparation time: 2 hours (it will pay off, trust me!) Every time dill is available at the pick-up table, I see
Serves: 2 mounds of it in the swap box. Here’s some ideas for how
to use it.
5 medium onions, sliced finely 1. Dill goes very well with fish. Clean a whole fish and
1 1/2 Tbsp butter rub the skin with salt and olive oil. Stuff the cavity with
1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil some lemon or orange slices (or both!), dill and parsley,
1/2 tsp salt bake for about 20 minutes at 350F, or until the flesh flakes
1/4 tsp sugar when poked with a fork.
2 cups broth
1/2 tsp dried thyme 2. Fried dill is delicious. Heat 1-2 tablespoons of oil in a
pan over medium high heat and throw in small bunches
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add olive oil and onions, of dill. Toss them in the oil until crisp, then remove
letting them cook gently at low heat for about 15 minutes, them to a paper towel to drain. Use the now dill-flavored
or until the onions are translucent. oil in the rest of your cooking (pan-fried fish perhaps?)
and serve the fried dill as a side.
Trivia #1: This is letting the onions “sweat”, as opposed to the
more common term “sauté”, which means cooking at a high heat 3. Spice up your mayonnaise. Mix 2 parts mayonnaise to
with a small amount of oil. 1 part dill, by volume. Season with salt and pepper.

Add the salt and sugar, increase the heat to medium and 4. Spice up your butter too. Mix 1 tablespoon of chopped
cover the saucepan. Let it sit for 30-45 minutes, stirring dill with 6 tablespoons of softened (not melted) butter.
occasionally to turn the onions. The onions will slowly Store chilled in a covered container. You can substitute
reach a caramel brown as they cook. the dill for any herb of your choice. You can also add
peeled roasted garlic for garlic spread.
Add the broth and thyme and let the pot come to a boil.
Reduce the heat and let simmer for 30 minutes. 5. The slight minty taste of dill also goes very well with
the cool juiciness of cucumbers. Add a tablespoon of dill
Serve with a sprinkling of parmesan or gruyere cheese to your favourite cucumber salad.
and a twist of black pepper.
6. The coarse dill stems aren’t as delicate as the herb it-
Trivia #2: A traditional German appetizer is a hand-made self, but are still very flavourful. Save and add to chicken
sour milk cheese served with chopped onions. This dish is soup as it simmers, it adds a great flavour.
poetically named Handkäse mit Musik, or “Hand-cheese with
Music”, because of the flatulence commonly brought on by the
onions. It varies in degree from person to person, but vegetables
such as onions and cabbage contain fiber that the body has some
difficulty digesting, resulting in gas build-up.

So be warned! As delicious as it is, this may not be the

dish to impress a new boy/girlfriend, I’d definitely keep
this for at least the 8th date, or for meals with friends
you wouldn’t feel too self-conscious with if some “music”

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