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Chapter 7


The main motive of the project is to make an Integrated tool in which we can use all the software simultaneously like Format, Protection , Detection , Information , Explore , Delete..

7.1 Initial Project Undertaken

Implementing this project was the major task to be accomplished by this project . Firstly we developed the code using c sharp and .NetFramework using Visual Studio.The Graphical User Interface(GUI) displayed on Visual Studio provides the options of Direct dropping of buttons and label . C# is a language in its own right. Although it is designed to generate code that targets the .NET environment, it is not itself part of .NET. There are some features that are supported by .NET but not by C#, and you might be surprised to learn that there are actually features of the C# language that are not supported by .NET (for example operator overloading)! However, since the C# language is intended for use with .NET, it is important for us to have an understanding of this Framework if we wish to develop applications in C# effectively.

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

Figure 7.1 User Interface The main motive of the project is to make an Integrated tool in which we can use all the software simultaneously such as :.

7.1.1 Detection
This is the very first feature by whom the user will interact. It will let the user know that the removable mass-storage device is correctly placed on the USB port and is being ready to be used by the user.

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

It may be possible that there would be more than 1 device in that case, user can select the desired drive by the use of the combo box This feature also adds the capability of knowing the free and used space in the pictorial form at it so that it becomes convenient and efficient to use.

Figure 7.2:Detection

7.1.2 Information
Information is the second feature present before the user in the USB Utility Tool. In the Information feature , the end user will come to know the different things about the USB massstorage device. There is a unique serial number for every device so by this feature the user will come to know its unique feature.

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

Other than this, the manufacture name, product name, the drive letter which is used to represent the device, capacity (in GB), no of cylinders and other information will be then known to the user.

Figure 7.3 : Information

7.1.3 Protection
User clicks on the protection button and will get the Access modes. The first mode is FullAccess ( Read & Write). In this mode , the user will have the access to write the data or modify the data in the USB mass-storage device. The second mode is Read Only. Here the user can only read the data in the USB mass-storage device. The user will not have the permission to write the data or modify it in the USB mass storage device.

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

To enable the above mentioned Access modes , the user will be given password protection.Through password button, the user will have the following options: 1. To create a new password. 2. To disable the current password of the user so that the user can change the password. When the user will select any of the Access Modes available and click the Apply button ,then it will ask the user to enter the password to make changes. Once the user enters the correct password , USB Utility Tool will ask the user to In order to enable new setting please reconnect your USB storage devices or restart your computer .

Through Explore feature , the user can see the changes .

Figure :7.4 Set Password

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

Figure 7.5: Protection

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions 7.1.4 Format

In this feature when the user will click on Format button , then the user will get the option to format the USB mass- storage device. As soon as the format is done the user can see whether the USB mass-storage device has been formatted or not through explore button.

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions

Figure 7.6 : Format

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions 7.1.5 Delete

In this feature , the user can select the folder and the files which the user wants to delete from the USB mass-storage device.

Figure 7.7 : Delete

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


Results and Discussions 7.1.6 Explore

In this feature , the user can explore the changes made in the USB mass-storage device by the USB Utility Tool features such as Format , Delete , Protection.

Figure 7.8 : Explore

Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, Pantnagar


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