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Writing Links & Links for Writers Word Stuff
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Unsorted [/writers] James Patrick Kelly - Murder Your Darlings - "When time comes to make that final revision, however, you must harden your heart, sharpen the ax and murder your darlings." Greda Vaso - Determining the Readability of a Book - includes formulas for Gunning's Fog Index, Flesch Formula, Powers Sumner Kearl L. Kip Wheeler - Literary Terms and Definitions L. Kip Wheeler - Comp - Lit Poetry - Links - more Style - Grammar - Errors in English [/writers] American Heritage - Book of English Usage - free download Band-Aid AP Stylebook Paul Brians - Common Errors in English CJ Cherryh - Writerisms and other Sins The Chicago Manual of Style FAQ Gary N. Curtis - The Fallacy Files - Logical fallacies and bad arguments Prof. Charles Darling [RIP] Guide to Grammar and Writing The Economist (UK) - Style Guide

Dictionaries [/writers] - English Dictionary - With Multi-Lingual Search - Download oneclick quick reference tool (was GuruNet; was Atomica) The Cambridge Dictionaries search all five or a subset Century Dictionary Online 100+ yrs old. Need DjVu plug-in : 500K defns The Free Dictionary - much more than just a dictionary Grandiloquent Dictionary ~2700 obscure words Merriam Webster online dictionary and thesaurus OneLook dictionaries 1913 + 1828 Webster's Rev'd Unabrg'd Dictionary - ~110K entries Wordsmyth: Educational Dictionary-Thesaurus WordWeb - online. Available as well as a free tool: thesaurus and dictionary for Windows - slews of dictionaries & resources, incl. Roget's Thesaurus TalkTalk Reference Dictionaries: difficult words Hutchinson Dictionary of English Usage Robert Todd Carroll - Skeptic's

Quotations [/writers] [020070815] Word Stuff [/writers] alt.usage.english FAQ American Dialect Society ADS-L archives The Linguist List Douglas Harper - Online Etymology Dictionary CBC - Words: Woe and Wonder Barbara Wallraff - Word Police Dr. Mardy Grothe Chiasmus,Oxymoronica, Repartee, Metaphor Subscribe to Dr. Mardy's Quotes of the Week Melanie & Mike Crowley - Take Our Word For It - etymology Michael Quinion - World Wide Words - fr a British vwpt Subscribe to World Wide Words Weekly newsletter David Wilton - Word & Phrase Origins John Bartlett - Familiar Quotations (10th ed - 1919) EC Brewer - Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898) Thomas Bulfinch - Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable or Beauties of Mythology Jon Carroll - Red, White And Mondegreen Jon Carroll - more Mondegreen

John Eshleman - Logical Fallacies H.W. Fowler - The Kings English (2nd ed - 1908) Jennifer Frost - English Grammar: Grammar lessons, exercises, and rules for everyday use IUPUI - Style & Writing Guides Gary B. Larson - Garbl's Writing Resources Jack Lynch - Guide to Grammar and Style Jack Lynch - Getting an A on an English Paper LEO - Concise one page guide to verb tenses Heather MacFadyen (U of Ottawa) - Using Verb Tenses Mary Baldwin College - Citation and Style Manuals Ted Montgomery - Ted's Punctuation Guide George Orwell - "Politics and the English Language" 1946 -a classic Paradigm Online Writing Assistant Purdue - Online Writing Lab Robert Radford - How to write footnotes, endnotes, electronic references and bibliographies in a proper format RPI - One-pager on "revising prose" Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (peer-reviewed academic resource) - Logical Paradoxes Jane Straus - Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation William Strunk, Jr - Elements of Style (1918) The Guardian and Observer Style Guide Karla Tonella - Guide to Citation Style Guides University of Delaware - Writing Center - Rules for Commas, Semi-colons, and Colons [PDF] University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign - Writers' Workshop: writer resources UNC at Chapel Hill - Writing

Dictionary Google's Glossary tool More dictionary links -- strange fun, strange dictionaries. yourDictionary Alpha Dictionary Search 1065 Online English Dictionaries at Once! and more Webopedia - covers computer and Internet technology One Look's Reverse Dictionary enter description and retrieve word or information Language Dictionaries A plethora of language-tolanguage dictionaries Another (smaller) plethora: includes Latin, Swahili, Swedish British to American Translator and reverse - AmericanBritish/British-American Dictionary yourDictionary - Grammar and Language Courses - over 100 languages Malcom MacFarlane - The School Gaelic Dictionary (Scottish-)Gaelic-English Terry Gliedt - UK English for the American Novice Mike Etherington - The Very Best of British: the American's guide to speaking British David Stybr - Australian English Glossary from A to Zed Australian National Dictionary Centre - Australian Words NZ English to US English Dictionary Slang GonMad - Cumbrian Slang Dictionary Australian Slang Rap Dictionary (wiki) Chris Rae - The Septic's Companion: a British slang dictionary with audio pronunciations

columns Collective Terms for Animals Fredd Culbertson - The Phobia List - Word of the Day - daily e-mail/archives C Ellis - Antagonyms - a single word that has meanings that contradict each other S. Morgan Friedman - Clich Finder Anu Garg - A.Word.A.Day daily e-mail/archives Anu Garg - Internet Anagram Server Gender Neutral Pronoun FAQ John and Muriel Higgins - A Language Museum John and Muriel Higgins Homographs Richard Lederer - Verbivore Jim Lingerfelt and Roger Kershaw - Word Traps & other tips Paul McFedries - WordSpy The Phrase Finder - Meanings and Origins of Phrases Jeff Miller - A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia Chuck Moreland - A Word A Day And [much] More Evan Morris - The Word Detective Rhyme Zone - Rhymes, Synonyms, Definitions, and more The Vocabula Review Ambigram News Ambigram-matic - ambigram generator LSSU - Issues latest List of Banished Words - archives include lists back to 1976 Kelly Smith - GovSpeak: A Guide to Government Abbreviations & Acronyms Doug Beeferman - Lexical FreeNet - connected thesaurus ThinkMap - Visual Thesaurus S. Morgan Friedman - Word Counter - exclude "small" words, group roots &c. Alan Cooper - Homophones -

tips, essays and more University of Ottawa - Writing Centre - HyperGrammar electronic grammar course University of Victoria - Writers' Guide - Index UWisconsin-Madison Writing Center - Writer's Handbook UWisconsin-Madison Writing Center - Grammar and Punctuation Tim van Gelder - Critical Thinking on the Web: a directory of quality online resources Maggie Walter - The Fiveminute Stylebook - [PDF] "10 percent of the rules cover 90 percent of style questions" Webgrammar - Webgrammar's Writing area - loads of links Copy Editing [/writers] American Copy Editors Society Words commonly confused American Copy Editors Society job postings Copyediting-L Copyediting-L Archives (restricted to list subscribers) Electric Editors - resources for editors Journalist's Toolbox - Links and more for Copy Editors Terry McGarry - A Writer's Guide to Understanding the Copyeditor Merriam-Webster - Proofreaders' Marks Prentice Hall - Proofreading Marks Bill Walsh - The Slot Urban Dictionary Indexing [/writers] Society of Indexers - FAQs American Society for Indexing American Society for Indexing About Indexing ASI - Indexing Evaluation Checklist ASI - Online discussion groups Subscribe to Index-L Index-L Archives Index style & format decisions Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada - Resources

over seven hundred sets of words pronounced alike but different in meaning or spelling Tracy Rotton - The Homonym/Homophone Page Samuel Stoddard - Fun With Words Daniel Austin - Julian Burnside - Wordwatching Ruth Pettis - Word Safari Ruth Pettis - Megalist of Word Links

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