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Chapter 3 ( Coordination and Response ) Organism respond to both external and internal stimuli to adapt to charges in the externalenvironment

and for survival. The process that involves the reception of stimuli by the receptors, the intergration of that information and the subse uent responses of the organism is called coordination. The coordination process starts !ith the receptors receiving the stimulus and ends !ith theeffectors producing a respone to!ards the stimulus. Coordination in humans involves the nervous system and the endocrine system. The nervous system consists of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system" a) The central nervious system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. b) The peripheral nervous system is mode up of the cranial nerves and the spinal verves. #igures $ and # igures sho! the components and organisation of the nervous system

The basic unit of the vervous system is the nerve cells called neurones. There are three types of neurones" a) afferent neurone !hich carries nerve impulses from the receptor to central nervous system b) .b) efferent neurone !hich carries nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the efferent neurone. c) interneurone !hich lin%s the afferent neurone to the efferent neurone. &ynapse is a narro! gap bet!een t!o neurones in contact .Reflex action is an automatic response !hich does not involve the brain

The path!ay of nerve impulses from receptor to effector to produce a reflex action is called thereflex arc. 'n a raflex action, the receptor detects the stimulus that are transmitted by the afferent neuroneto the spinal cord across a synapse, !hich are then transmitted by the efferent neurone to theeffector to produce an autonomic response. (erve impulses are transmitted by the neurone in the form of electric signals but are thentranmitted across a synapse in the form of chemical signals by neurotransmitters. )xamples of reflex actions are %nee *er% and !ithdra!al from a hot ob*ect

Coordination by hormones involves the endocrine system The endocrine system coordinates the physiological processes of the body through hormones The endocrine system consists of endocrine glands"

)ndocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.The hormones are then carried bt the blood to the target organs, tissue and cells to produce a response. +omeostasis is the process of regulating the physical and chemical factors in the internalenvironment. 't is inderpendent of unfavourable and fluctuating external conditions. ) xamples of processes regulated by homeostasis are " a) regulation of blood osmatic pressure(by %idneys) b) regulation of blood sugar level (by liver and pancreas) c) regulation of body temperature (by s%in)

+omeostasis osccurs by negative feedbac% system. , deviation from a normal level is detected and then the negative feedbac% mechanism is triggered to restore it to the normal level . The %idneys are involved in regulating the !ater balance

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