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INDUSTRY PROFILE India is blessed with abundant natural resources.

Dall milling is the third largest processing industry in India after rice and wheat milling. The word dall derives from the Sanskrit verbal root dall- 'to split'. India is one of the major pulse growing countries in the world. Dall (also spelled Dahl or Daal or Dhal! is a preparation of pulses (dried lentils peas or beans! which have been stripped of their outer hulls and split. It also refers to the thick stew prepared from these an important part of Indian "epali #akistani Sri $ankan and %angladeshi cuisine. It is regularly eaten with rice and vegetables in southern India and with both rice and roti (wheat&based flat bread! throughout northern India and #akistan. Dall is a ready source of proteins for a balanced diet containing little or no meat. Sri $ankan cooking of dall resembles that of southern Indian dishes. #ulses are the major protein in source in Indian diets. 't the house&hold level stone grinders are used to dehusk and split pulses. (hereas the mechani)ed rollers and shellers are used by the organi)ed industry (over **+++ mills! to prepare splits (dall! from pulses. Some pulses are processed for roasted produces and flour India has traditional wisdom knowledge skill and crafts to practice agriculture. ,owever other inputs including agricultural engineering technologies are gaining importance for increasing production productivity and cost competitiveness. The country has attained not only self sufficiency in food grain production but also maintains buffer stock to meet eventuality. 'gricultural engineering inputs have played appreciable role in increasing production and productivity through appropriate mechani)ation inputs for and post production agriculture covering timely field operation. The details of the nature and type of plant and machinery their capacity power consumption level of automation varies upon the market needs nature and type of the end products and the investment capacity of the entrepreneur. The word dall can at times be used in a disparaging fashion as some use the label -dall khor- (-dall eater- in #ersian! in a belittling manner toward #akistanis or those from the Indian Subcontinent. Some #akistanis living in rural areas have been nicknamed dall khor seemingly

more often than those living in the urban cities given the popularity of vegetarianism in the countryside. #ulses are basically grain legumes. They occupy an important place in human nutrition due to their high protein content than cereal grains. In Indian dietary regime it occupies an important place. Since majority of Indians are vegetarians they depend largely on grain legumes (pulses! for their dietary protein. $egumes contribute a major portion of lysine in the vegetarian diet. They are also a fairly good source of vitamins like thiamine machine riboflavin and much needed iron. Therefore its .uality availability to the common man is a major challenge. Since recovery was poor in traditional technologies adoption of modern technology will go a long way in meeting the need of the common man. They are also a fairly good source of vitamins like thiamine niacine riboflavin and much needed iron. Therefore its .uality availability to the common man is a major challenge. Since recovery was poor in traditional technologies adoption of modern technology will go a long way in meeting the need of the common man. /ost of the legumes in raw form contain a wide variety of anti&nutritional factors. In addition many of the grain legumes cause flatulence. Thus there e0ists a need for processing the grain legumes into consumable form. The model unit is based on the versatile dall milling technology developed by 1entral 2ood Technology 3esearch Institute (12T3I! /ysore and the machinery is fabricated under the supervision of the scientists from 12T3I. 12T3I /ysore besides providing assistance in the establishment of the dall mills also provides need based. STATUS OF PULSES PROCESSING INDUSTRY IN INDIA: Dall milling industry is one of the major agro processing industries in India. 4ut of the total production of *5.*6 million tonnes of pulse in the country 789 is processed by these dall mills. There were about :+++ dall mills in the country in *67:. The numbers grew steadily to ;+++ units in *6<: *:+++ units in *668 and *=+++ units during the year *666&:+++. /ost of the dall mills in the country are concentrated in selected pockets of the country i.e. pulses producing areas such as Indore (/#! >algaon 'kola and "agpur (/aharashtra! and in or near major consumption 1entres such as ?olkata /umbai 1hennai ,yderabad and Delhi. The units are

mostly traditional ones. They are capital intensive and energy sapping in nature. The dehusking efficiency in traditional mills is .uite low. /oreover the yield of dehusked and splitted pulses in traditional mills is about ;8&7+ 9 in comparison to <<&<69 ma0imum potential recovery of splits. Thus there is e0cessive loss of pulse cotyleadons and embroyos in the form of brokens and powdered grains (8& *89!. The industry is also besieged with other problems such as low domestic availability of pulses high block capital and working capital re.uirement and presence of large number of intermediaries in pulses and marketing of finished products.

LAND AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: The land re.uirement for establishing a modern pulse milling unit will depend upon whether the unit will be using wet milling or dry milling operations for conditioning the pulses prior to dehusking and splitting operations and the method of drying of the soaked grain pulses. @enerally *.++ acre of land is re.uired for establishing an improved pulse milling unit having a processing capacity of =<+ /T Aannum. The land should be with proper elevation. $ow lying areas should be avoided else proper land filling compaction and consolidation should be done. 'vailability of suitable drainage facility road linkages and communication facility should also be ensured. The layout of the pulse milling plant should be done in a manner that helps in smooth operation of various unit operations in tandem to bring about optimal capacity utili)ation. 'dditional area will be re.uired for sundrying of soaked grain legumes THE PULSE MILLING PROCESS: In India most of the pulses are consumed in dehusked and split form. Thus processing of pulses assumes a lot of importance. #ulses processing industry helps in processing the raw grain legumesA pulses into edible form. #ulses are usually converted into Dall by dehuskingA Decutilating and splitting. %oth dry and wet milling processes are employed. /ostly carborundum emery rollers are used for dehusking and burr grinders for splitting the pulses. Decutilating is seldom complete in single pass thereby re.uiring multiple passes. Bach pass produces around *.8 to :9 fines thereby reducing the overall recovery of dall during the milling operation. #rocessing activity is undertaken at 5 different levels. They are

PRIMARY PROCESSING: #rimary processing activities consist of production of cleaned graded packaged pulses. SECONDARY PROCESSING: Cnder secondary processing activities such as dehusking splitting polishing turmericA spicesA salt coating and powdered besan and packaged dall are done. TERTIARY PROCESSING: These activities mostly consist of preparation of roasted fried dall and other associated dall products. %asic processes in dall milling are cleaning grading conditioning dehusking splitting separation polishing and bagging. /ajor variation is involved with dehusking process only. Dalls like 'rahar Crad /oong and $entil are difficult to dehusk as a result repeated operations by dehusking rollers are re.uired. 3epeated soaking drying tempering is done to loosen portions of husk sticking after rolling operations. Sometimes $inseed oil is also used during dry milling operation to impart shine or better appeal to the milled dall. The removal of the outer layer of husk and splitting the grain into two e.ual halves is known as milling of pulses. To facilitate dehusking and splitting of pulses alternate wetting and drying method is used. In India traditional milling methods produce dehusked split pulses. $oosening of husk by conditioning is insufficient in traditional methods. To obtain complete dehusking of the grains a large number of abrasive forces is applied resulting in high losses in the form of broken and powder. Dield of split E dehusked pulses in traditional mills are only ;8 to 789 due to the above losses compared to << to <69 potential yield.

#eriod of soaking in water will vary according to weather condition and .uality of pulses. Duration of sun drying will vary according to weather condition. #ulses should not be warm at the time of De&huskingAsplitting. #ulses should be de&husk and split in graded lots only.

#ulses shown at one E two must be dry within 5 days to get better results. Their processing in any season should be avoiding. The de&husked pulses mi0ed with the un&husked pulses and the husks are again de& husked in the >as brand mini Dall mill as usual. In second pass all the pulses are de& husked.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF DALLF They are some many varities of dall some e0ample are follows. %lack Crid dall. Crad dall. /oong dall. 1hana dall. /oth dall. Indian masur dall. Split /oong dall. Toor dall. ,orse gram. @reen peas. URAD DALLF There are three types of Crad Dall (hole urad split black urad with skin split washed white Crad. Crad dall has black skin while the inside is creamy white. This white lentil is rich in protein and the iron content is good for improving hemoglobin count. Crad dall is great for vegan and low fat diets. (ith the help of our team of professionals we are involved in the supply of wide range of Crad (ash in the domestic as well as overseas markets. These are offered in sealed packaging to retain their freshness and nutritional value. Crad dall sometimes referred to as -black gram- is the main ingredient of the South Indian dishesF idly and dosai. TOOR DALL:

Toor dall that is yellow pigeon peas is available either plain or oily. It is the main ingredient for the South Indian recipe called sambar. CHANA DALLF 1hana dall is produced by removing the outer layer of kala 1hana (black chickpeas! and then splitting the kernel. 'lthough machines can do this it can also be done at home by soaking the whole chickpeas and removing the loose skins by rubbing.?ala 1hana are small chickpeas with brown skins. In the CS and 1anada it is known as Desi chickpea and the variety most used is called '/yles'. It is very disease resistant. This foodG1hana dallGis practically unknown in the (est but is becoming available here too. 1hana dal is a bean that comes from India where they appreciate it very much. MOONG DALLF /oong dall is known as /oong bean. This food grain product is small ovoid in shape and green in color. /oong %eans are widely grown in 1hina #hilippines India and other countries of the world. /oong Dall is used in cooked food as well as dry food. These are also used in making flour sweet recipes and many other products. /oong beans are rich in protein and therefore highly beneficial for good health. (e pack /oong Dall in >ute as well as #olythene bags of multiple si)es as per the re.uirements of the customers. SPLIT MOONG DALL: Split /oong dall is a skinned and halved version of the whole /oong bean. They are golden in color have a mild taste and easy to cook. In 'yurveda split /oong dall is recommended for children elderly people and convalescents as it is easily digested. INDIAN MASUR DALL: Dall (pulsesAlegumes! can be made as simple or as complicated as possible. ' simple Dall recipe mainly calls for pulses tomatoes onions and cumin. Though this recipe talks of /asur Dall (4range $entils! it can be replaced by any other Dall like whole or split /oong Dall(/ung %ean! Tuvar Dall (#igeon #ea! etc. ,owever the cooking time for different Dall

vary. Dall that take longer to cook can be soaked for a couple of hours to let them soften and speed up cooking. /asoor Dall is one of the fastest cooking Dall and most commonly used as lentils in 'merica. MOTH DALLF /oth is grown especially in dry parts of South 'sia for its tiny (5&= mm! edible beans which range in color from light brown to dark reddish brown. The sprouted beans taste somewhat sweet. GREEN PEAF The pea is a most commonly green occasionally purple or golden yellow pod&shaped vegetable widely grown as a cool season vegetable crop. The seeds may be planted as soon as the soil temperature reaches *+ H1 (8+ H2! with the plants growing best at temperatures of *5 to *< H1 (88 to ;= H2!. HORSE GRAMF ,orse gram and moth bean are legumes of the tropics and subtropics grown mostly under dry&land agriculture. The chemical composition is comparable with more commonly cultivated legumes. $ike other legumes these are deficient in methionine and tryptophan though horse gram is an e0cellent source of iron and molybdenum. 1omparatively horse gram seeds have higher trypsin inhibitor and hem agglutinin activities and polyphenols than most bean seeds. "atural phenols are mostly phenolic acids namely 5 =&dihydro0y ben)oic p&hydro0y ben)oic vanillic caffeic p&coumaric ferulic syringic and sinapic acids.Dehusking germination cooking and roasting have been shown to produce beneficial effects on nutritional .uality of both the legumes. Though both re.uire prolonged cooking a soak solution has been shown to reduce cooking time and improve protein .uality.

COMPANY PROFILE This company established in *6=+ by /r.T.I. 'runachla "adar a man optimistic 4utlook and enormous business acumen as a discrete unit since he felt the need of the #ublic for commercial processing of the pulses at large scale in consumption of .uality %ased dhal and gram flour. Today we have grown with the blessing of almighty and sheer hard work to 'ccomplish the mission of our founder for which we rewarded by T'/I$ "'DC 14"SC/B3 II@I$'"1B 14C"1I$ for the best since *665 till the current year. The acme for our pains tacking effort in maintaining our .uality standard is to serve the public and gather up its support as a determinant for our dhal being completely Devoid of adulating and standard maintenance. 4ur e0tended unit is well furnished a sophisticated with high tech /achineries. This makes it a humdinger rending our product hygienic. 's our unit is self contained and automatic it curtails any sort of manual contamination. 4ur mill is supposed to be a %eau ideal of kind and uni.ue in the country for not only complete stainless steel and finish but also in the line of hygiene and maintenance++:B. 4ur premises are strictly kept hygiene to ensure .uality .(e make sure that our Bmployees are provided with the best provisions for the maintenance of hygiene and personal health. 4ur mill is self contained with the modern high tech E automatic /achineries %oth for processing and packing thus avoiding the contamination directly over the finished products.

The processed products are packed in the most modern forms of consumer convenient '@/'3? sealed safe eco&friendly packs using the automatic packing machineries to safe our consumers against adulteration and contamination. The products packing are carefully dispatched intact and fresh various (holesale and retail outlet from our mill according to the convenience of our Dealers and consumers depending on their necessity. OUR PRODUCTS 3aw materials we purchase are always superior .uality when these raw /aterials are subjected to our salacious methods of processing renders our final products awesome and nutritious. They are totally devoid of adulterations and their standard maintenance is Imperious throughout the year. (e take seismic Bffort in maintaining the .uality "utrition savor and geniuses of dhal

CATEGORIES AVAILABLE A. T he sublime and superior .uality products are marketed under the %rand %rand name "'"D,I. B. 'nd our secondary .uality products for standard in the market competency is marketed under the brand of %4@'3 C. 1lassified just for the sake of cost effectiveness to be consumed by all class of people but still it is unrivalled by other brands available in the market. TYPES OF OUR PRODUCTS 1. JILEBY DHAL 2. BLACK GRAM DHAL

3. GRAM FLOUR 4. COMMERCIAL GRAM FLOUR 5. RED GRAM DHAL Ji !"# D$% This is the pierce de resistant of our dhal products. 2or the first time commercially introduced by /r.T.I. 'runchla "adar himself in the country it is a used for preparing traditional and scrumption sweet dish called >ileby mostly confined to south India. B %&' G(%) D$% : 2or the first time in the country (innowed but whole pulse was used for culinary %enefits by /r.T.I. 'runchla "adar. The advantage being the perseverance of its savor nutrition and #rodigious 'mount of flour yield that is uniform and standard throughout the year regardless of the Seasonal variation. G(%) F *+(: This is sublime best flour manufacturing in our unit by the traditional Stone @rinding method using a very special variety of %engal gram. The /ode of production Includes proper desiccation hygiene maintenance and @ood package that make the flour. Durable to be consumed even for about for si0 month without being soiled. %esides the 1ulinary benefits our brand has cosmetic values too as it can be used for cosmetic skin #acks. C*))!(&i% G(%) D$% : This us a variant of gram flour which is manufacturing just to fulfill the increasing Demands of gram flour for day to day use or for bulk and immediate consumption as in ,otels. R!, G(%) D$% :

This product of us is nutritionJs delicious and its advantage is reduced 1onsumption of while cooking

CREDENTIALS: (e were honored with GEM OF INDIA A-ARD FOR BEST DHAL AND GRAM FLOUR i. INDIA/ in the year *66; by M01 RATANMALA SAVANOOR (Cnion /inister for #lanning and programs at "ew Delhi!. (e bagged BEST PUBLIC SERVANT A-ARD in the year *667 #resented by S$(i.ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE/ #rime minister of India. (e received award for CIVIL E2CELENCE in the year 2331 by

D(.RADHAKRISHNAN/ 1ollector of Salem India. (e were rewarded by award for ARCH OF E2CELLANCE (%usiness! in the year :++: for NO.1 4UALITY DHAL PRODUCTS /anufacturers in INDIA by Cnion /inister of State for 1onsumer 'ffairs 2ood and #ublic Distribution at "ew Delhi India. NANDHI DALL MILLS/ N*.253/ N%(%1$i))% R*%,/ S$!6%7!8/ S% !)9:3:332 T%)i N%,+/ I.,i%. P$*.!: ;<1 425 2223333/ 222233</ 2222114. F%=: ;<1 425 2223343/ 22222>>. ???..%),$i,% .&*) E9)%i : .%.,$i,$% @A)%i .&*)




In this mill gram is the major raw material in the production of yarn purchase department plays a major role in the company. The grams samples are received from various suppliers are tested with HIGH VOLUME INSTRUMENTS. The director of this company has direct control over this department and grams supervisor and store supervisor assisted him. This purchase department not concentrates the purchase spares and other packing materials.

This department maintains regular stock register for grams spares well as for the packing materials. The main function of the department is to get .uotations from different suppliers analy)ing the samples placing order with the suppliers.

These raw materials are purchased at reasonable rate and .uality the company stores raw materials at least for three months production.

'fter the receipts of the goods the storekeeper enters the particular in the share register. The following documents are maintained the stores. *. @oods receipts book :. Stores ledger 5. @ram ledger =. 2orm II PROCEDURE FOR PURCHASE The purchase of gram is headed by managing director samples are collected from the different merchant and taken to the mill for testing. The report produced the testing machine are

carefully read by the managing director. The samples which compile the e0pected .uality norms are segregated out the order are placed with the merchant. The merchant will supply the order .uality directly to the mill. The mill purchases different varieties of gram from different areas and from the different suppliers some of the more.

*. 'ndhra #radesh :. /aharashtra 5. Tamil "adu GOODS RECEIPTS BOOK 'fter placing the order with the suppliers the goods are directly dispatched to the mill. (hen the goods arrivals is received in this book. The storekeeper is responsible for this job. BIN CARDS IndividualJs card is given for every item in the store. This card has the receipt Issues of the material and other relevant information. This is nothing but a miniature of the stock ledger. STORES LEDGER In this ledger the purchase of item issues along (eight the values are entered. 't any point of the time the stock of the store and values are known from this ledger. In cash of raw material from II is maintained to know the stock. The storekeeper must produce a report of stock its value and given time. These reports will directly go to the /anaging Director. The storekeeper is also responsible for placing order for items when then order level of the item falls below the average. STORAGE:

SPARE PARTS ROOM The storekeeper protects this. The storekeeper issues spare parts to all departments. The spare parts are separated by wise the department and machines. /ostly the spare parts are purchasing from foreign countries. FUNCTIONS AREA OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT: 4n the basis of the various functions which the personnel management. @enerally undertakes about the functional areas of personnel management may be set for this below. *. 4rgani)ational planning its development. :. Staffing and employment 5. Training and development. =. 1omparison wages and salary administration. 8. /otivation and incentives. ;. Bmployee service and benefits. 7. Bmployee records. <. $abor or industrial relationship. PERSONNEL RESEARCH AND PERSONNEL AUDIT *. The company employees worked < hours per day as due to the following companyJs shift and times. The total employee of the mill is 58+. SHIFT *. 2irst shift :. Second shift 5. Third shift ; '/ to : #/ : #/ to *+ #/ *+ #/ to ; '/ TIME

=. @eneral shift

<.5+ '/ to 8 #/


4UALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT The factory managerA Technical department and assisted by production master and assisted production master. The management together with the production department will decide the plan and other cost factors. The company is awarded IS4 6++* K :+++ certification. The customer is awarded fi0ed in the standard. The customers are motivated according to the norms fi0ed in the standard. It is the policy of the company to sell the ERiA$8 P(*,+&8 8* RiA$8 C+18*)!(F and hence the company does not face any problem in Luality defects form its products. The production clerk receiver the daily production details and maintains it in a register. The register is called 3@ K * register. The productions of all the three shifts are recorded in this register. The production clerk prepared daily production statement. This statement is sent to the /anaging Director factory manager and other officers concerned.

4UALITY MAINTAIN Luality is imposed right from the selection of raw material. The main function of this department is to control and monitor the .uality of raw material is as well as the finished product.

COMPUTER SECTION The computer section is controlled by system manager ('114C"T E BD#!. The mill has large centrali)ed computer system. The mill has one file server and *8 nodes. Bach is connected with its own local pointer. 'll the computers are connected to the file server through cables CT#1'TS cables via ,C%. The accounts fed the day to day transaction in the computer

and all data are centrali)ed at the file server. The system manager then generators the re.uired reports in accordance with the data fed to all computers. The whole office is air conditioned not only to avoid dust and but also to keep the employees always to feel fresh and fireless. %ecause of having such a good. Bfficient and fast computing systems. The computer stands "4.*. India first fully automatic and hygienic gram flow processing units.

STOPPAGES During the process of production the machine will be stopped for some time for various reasons. These know of stoppage the stoppage will result in the loss of production. The reasons for those stoppages are described below. *. 2or cleaning the machine. :. 3epairs and maintenance. 5. Blectric faults. =. (ants of labors. 8. Doffing. ;. 1ount changing. 7. #ower failures. <. @enerators changing over. 6. 4ther maintenance re.uirements. *+. /oderations.

(hen the daily production is decreased then there should be a problem behind it. The controlled departmentJs authorities will assess the problem and take immediate steps to rectify it and to ensure inform uninterrupted production this department is headed by assistant spinning muster.

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Department plays a vital in the company. The cost factors are received from the production department and other marketing costs are added and then sales price is fi0ed. /arketing officers looks after marketing of yarn. Cnder him here are three officers. Then yam produced at the mill is sold directly to the customer as well as through their brokers at Thirupur and Brode Tiruchengode Sankari #allipalayam. The company also appoints consignment agents at /umbai who will sell the products on behalf of the company. The mill also sells its products to the foreign countries through brokers at 1oimbatore and /umbai (otherwise called merchant e0porters! and they are paid commission in according to the volume of sales. 2or every trading concern ma0imi)ation is a must thing. There are two options for firm to increase its profit. 4ne is sales promotion and the other is washer control and cost control. The first one is implemented by effective business and the e0ecutive and workers of the company implement the second one.

E2PORTING DEPARTMENT "andi Dall /ills is the IndiaJs first automatic fully dall manufacturing mill. These mills to e0port our product are various countries. E2PORTING COUNTRIES ARE BELO-.

*. /alaysia :. Singapore 5. 'ustralia =. Thailand 8. Dubai ;. 'merica 7. 1hina <. Srilanka etcM

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