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Primary Sources Ackerman, Jen. Trapped: Mental Illness in Americas Prisons. 3 October 2012. Photograph. King, James.

Letters From the Hole: SHU Inmate Says Prison Staff Confiscated His Sons Report Card. The Village Voice. 3 October 2012. Web. 30 November 2013. Armstrong v. Davis. No. 00-15132. United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. 28 November, 2001. Web. 8 November 2013. This trial supplied information about the "defendants engaged in systematic and widespread discrimination which violated the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act." Cooper, Bruce. Alcatraz Island Lighthouse. 14 July 2009. Photograph. 30 November 2013. This photograph of Alcatraz is not directly related to our topic of the rights of prisoners and the responsibilities of government and prisons. We just needed a background for our website and all of the other options were not quite to a specific group member's liking. Cruel and Unusual Punishment. 23 May 2011. Photograph. California Ordered to Cut Prisoner Population. Fellowship of the Minds. 23 May 2011. Web. 30 November 2013. This picture provided a clear understanding of how overcrowded the prisons were in California, and why the U.S. Supreme Court decided to cut the population due to such poor living conditions that violated the Eighth Amendment. Djansezian, Kevork and Getty Images. Photograph of prisoners in cage. 28 March 2013. Photograph. Small, Julie. State Awaits Ruling on Prison Mental Health Care. California Report. 28 March 2013. Web. 30 November 2013.

This picture shows inmates waiting in cramped cages for medical and mental health appointments. This shows that even while waiting for an appointment, inmates are still not being provided adequate accomodations. Eighth Amendment. U.S. Government Printing Office. Web. 16 November 2013. The Eighth Amendment, being a primary source, developed the basis of our argument on cruel and unusual punishments in the court case of Madrid v. Gomez. Findings and Purposes of the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as Amended. 15 June 2009. Web. 16 November 2013. This source provided us with a "clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination" and "clear, strong, consistent, enforceable standards addressing discrimination." Guard beating prisoner. 28 December 2010. Photograph. Bukowski, Diane. This beautiful photo shows a guard beating a helpless prisoner on the ground, when he has surrended or lost the will to fight. Although laws forbid the punishment, there is no way to rid a guard's mind of when enough is use of cruel enough. even

Prisoners Support Coalition Meets with Georgia Dept. of Corrections. Voice of Detroit. 28 December 2010. Web. 30 November 2013. Although prisoners were able to hold a peaceful strike, Department of Corrections wardens and administrators and Tactical Squads brutally retaliated striking prisoners. So, while prisoners remained within their rights, against

officials took matters

into their own hands and act almost mercilessly. This was categorized as a primary source because it is an independent newspaper that also included first hand account photos.

Madrid v. Gomez. No. 96-17277. United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. 30 August 1999. Web. 16 November 2013. This source gave detail about the poor prison conditions for the disabled, and were counted as a violation of the Eighth Amendment leading to a decision that improved living quarters. Madrid v. Gomez. University of Michigan Law School. The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse. Web. 16 November 2013. This case provides information about disability rights and prison conditions that disabled prisoners and parolees faced in California. This source was used to express how prisons cruelly targeted disabled prisoners and discriminated on them by not providing reasonable accommodations. Photograph of ADA/Section 504 Design Guide. Photograph. Enforcing the ADA Part 1. United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. Web. 30 November 2013. This guide, which "focuses on the prevention of discrimination against inmates with mobility disabilities through the design of accessible cells," has conceded that the government has tried to accomodate for those with mobility isssues. Photograph of prisoners hands. 21 May 2013. Photograph. Ridgeway, James, and Casella, Jean. Deaf Prisoners in Florida Face Abuse and Solitary Confinement. Solitary Watch: News from a Nation in Lockdown. 21 May 2013. Web. 30 November 2013. This source was used for our gallery, and shows a deaf prisoner communicating in sign language. The article contains a multitude of accounts where deaf, blind, elderly, and crippled prisoners were harassed, beaten, raped, and even denied regular showers due to the guards' superiority.

Photograph of third-degree burn. Photograph. Complete healing of extensive third-degree burn would through the use of polymeric membrane dressings. WOCN Society 38th Annual Conference. Web. 30 November 2013. This photo was used to show what a third degree burn looks like. On top of this, we hoped it would create a sense of empathy in our audience when they try to imagine what pain the poor man faced while being soaked in the tub of scalding hot water. Plata v. Schwarzenegger. No. C01-1351. U.S. District Courts for the Eastern District of California and the Northern District of California. 8 April 2009. PDF. 30 November 2013. Case against the state where prisoners alleged that California officials inflicted cruel and unusual punishment by being deliberately indifferent to serious medical needs. Tanner, Adam , and Reuters. Pelican Bay SHU Cell. 11 April 2013. Photograph. Rodriguez, Sal. Systemic failures persist in California prison mental health care, judge rules. BayView. 11 April 2013. Web. 30 November 2013. This photo shows how cramped prisoners' cells were, and with their poor housing conditions, they demanded improved accomodations.

Secondary Sources Casella, Jean, and Ridgeway, James. Case Closed on Supermax Abuses at Pelican Bay. Solitary Watch: News from a Nation in Lockdown. 15 February 2011. Web. 16 November 2013. This secondary source provided horrific details about the way prisoners were treated at Pelican Bay. And "under the American system of jurisprudence, incarceration does not mean the surrender of all rights and any semblance of humanity." Major Cases and Achievements. Prison Law Office: Protecting the constitutional rights of California prisoners. Web. 8 November 2013. This secondary source provides brief information about overcrowding, disability rights, and excessive force in which prisoners faced in penetentiaries. It also helped us to understand that no matter how severe a persons crime is, they should not be denied their basic rights. Your Rights Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. June 2006. PDF. 16 November 2013. This secondary source interprets section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973, which is a national law that protects qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability.

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