Media of Advertising Project File

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In advertising the term media refers to communication vehicles such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, billboards, direct mail, and internet. Advertisers use media to convey commercial message to their target audience, and the media depends to the different degrees on advertising revenues to cover their cost of their operations. The media usually classified into either mass or niche media. Newspapers, television, radio, and magazines consider mass media because they deliver messages to a widespread, anonymous audience. There were 1,4 ! daily ".# newspapers in $%%%, with total circulation of 4&.$ million on wee'days and ().) million on #undays. In #eptember $%%1, the five largest newspapers were "#A Today. Advertising media such as cable television and direct mail are often viewed as *niche+ media because they reach a narrowly defined audience with uni,ue demographic characteristics or special interests. The internet has emerged as medium for mar'eting and advertising since 1))4. the internet is different from conventional advertising media in several respects. -irst it can serves as not only a communication channel but also a transaction and distribution channel. .onsumer can get information and ma'e purchases.

Media of Advertising
An advertising medium is the means to deliver the advertising message. The advertiser is to go in for right message carrier or a set of carriers 'eeping in mind the cost, efficacy and specialties of the media. There are number of media open to the advertiser to select and get benefited. /roadly, these media can be grouped into four categories, as under.

1. $. !. 4. (.

0ress 1edia 2adio 1edia Television 1edia -ilm 1edia 3ideo 1edia


1. $. !. 4. (.

0osters 0ainted 4isplays Traveling 4isplays 5lectric #igns #'y67riting


1. $. !. 4. (. :. &.

5nvelop 5nclosures /oo'68ets and .atalogues /road #ides #ales 8etters 9ift6novelties #tore6publications 0ac'age inserts


1. 4isplays $. #howrooms and #how6cases !. 5;hibitions

INDOOR MEDIA Indoor advertising means the use of those vehicles by the advertisers that carry the message right in the houses or indoors of the audiences. These vehicles are newspapers, magazines, radio, tele6vision, and video film. <ere, the message reaches the audience indoors when it is in cosy and receptive atmosphere because house is the resting place and rela;ation. !. PRESS MEDIA

It is really hard to imagine life without newspaper. It is as a good cup of tea in the morning or even more important than tea to start the day. Newspaper is the one that gives news6views ideas6interpretations6opinions6comments and e;planations regarding the social, economic, political, educational, moral, cultural, ecological developments and the li'e. It entertains and enlightens, of all the media, newspaper is considered as the bac'bone of advertising programme as it has continued to remain the most powerful massage carrier. =f the total space, 4( percent goes to advertisements in form or the other and rest for te;ture matter. The newspapers are classified on the bases of coverage, fre,uency, and language. <ere coverage means geographical and sub>ect coverage. =n the basis of area ? a newspaper can be national, regional and local. In India, national newspapers are @ Times of India, <indu, Indian 5;press, 5conomic Times, -inancial 5;press, the #tatesman, The Indian 0ost to illustrate a few. 2egional papers are@ in 1aharashtra, these are /ombay #amachar, <itwadi, 8o'satta, Nagpur Times, and Aanmabhoomi. In Barnata'a, these are6 0r>vani, "dya6vani, and #amyu'ta Barnata'a. The papers covering economic sub>ects are@ 5conomic Times, -inancial 5;press, 5mployment /ulletin,

0rofit, and 1oney. Non economic papers are@ #creen, all other papers. =n the basis of fre,uency, these newspapers are ? 4ailies and bi6wee'lies. #ome leading papers have two editions on every day ?morning and evening. This is normally seen in cosmopolies of India and other advanced nations.

"ii#. MAGA%INES 8i'e newspapers, magazines are one of the oldest media of advertising. 1agazines are the periodicals published wee'ly, fort6 nightly, monthly, ,uarterly and annually. These are with the editorial approach appealing to specific classes of consumers of the readers. They cover a wide variety of topics providing light leisure reading in easy chairs. These magazines may be classified into two broad categories as special and general. The e;amples of special magazines are ? -ilm6fare, #tar and #tyle, -emina, 5veCs 7ee'ly,<ealth care,Architect, 4entist, 5;ecutive, /an'er, Industrial Times, /usiness India, 0romotion which cater to the needs of a selected group. At the present, there are :,((% wee'lies, 4(% fortnightlies, ,%4% monthlies, (:% ,uarterlies and 1$,$!% annuals totaling to a staggering figure of $&, !%. among the wee'lies *Bumudam+ has the highest circulation of ,&:,%%% of copies@ in case of fortnightlies *India6 Today+ has a circulation of !,):,%%%copiesD in case of monthlies readerCs digest has the highest circulation of !, :,%%% copies.

&. RADIO MEDIA 2adio advertising can be aptly called as *word of mouth+ advertising on a whole6sale scale which was welcomed in 1)$%. it is a different mass medium as it appeals to ears than eyes through sound. As a new6comer then has a colorful history of &( years. At the prime of its youth ?that is ? during and after 7orld 7ar II, it reached its clima;. In spite of its very strong competitor namely, television, still it is a vital medium of advertiser considers the use radio as an advertising medium and he is 'eenly interested in the facilities provided for broad6casting and receiving his advertising message. Though radio was the medium for cultural programmes and news, with the rapid industrialization, it went commercial and today when we are the *broad ?casting+ we man *commercial broad6casting+. In India, 2adio broadcasting started in 1)$& with two privately owned transmitted at /ombay and .alcutta. The government too' them over in 1)!% and started operating under the name, Indian /roadcasting #ervice. AirCs networ', consisted of si; radio station in 1)4&. .ommercial broadcasting started only from 1st November 1):& from /ombay, Nagpur, and 0une on pilot schemes basis. The radio broadcasting is of two types namely *-.1.+ and *A.1.+. That is *-re,uency 1odulation+ and *Amplitude 1odulation+ *-.1.+ broadcasting has an edge over *A.1.+ /roadcasting in that it is static free and its signals are received with greater fidelity, as a result the sound is too clear, in case of *A.1.+, the wave length varies in size and fre,uency remains constant. =n the other hand, in case of *-.1.+, the size of wave remains constant while fre,uency varies. In India, it was tried in the year 1) : with 4 stations all over the country. The following tables give the details up6to6date.

'. TELEVISION MEDIA 2adio regined as a powerful medium over a period of (% years from 1)$%s to 1)&%s. Its supremacy was slashed by the arrival of the greatest and latest rival namelyD television by 1)(%s in America and its impact was so deep that with a decade it was spread over to 5uropean countries, .anada, Australia and Aapan. It is the gift of the current century. In India television was first commissioned in 1)() and commercially telecasting started only in 1)&:. it is $) years old. It is the youngest, glamorous and highly specialized as it provides scientific synchronization of sound, light, motion, colour and immediancy that no other medium does e;cept film. .olour transmission started in 1) $ on the eve of A#IA46 $. it is state owned and controlled and is 'nown as E4oordarshanC. The telecasting systems based on coverage are of two types namely, 3.<.-., and ".<.-. 3.<.-. means 3ery <igh -re,uency band spectrum. ".<.-. implies "ltra <igh -re,uency band spectrum. The latest one is ..A.T.3. which means .ommunity antenna Television system. Now it is better 'nown as .able Television. In order to face and contain the challenges of satellite T3 companies of multinational li'e .NNN,ATN, #TA2 and national companies li'e F55, E1C, E3C,C"C, The 4oordarshan has started regional programmes of variety and versatility through IN#AT I 4 and IN#AT II A.

4. (ILM MEDIA -ilm advertising is yet another medium of publicity characterized by sound, motion, colour, vision and timeliness. It is li'e a television run on the enlarged screen for a large audience. This audio6visual medium has a wide range starting from an ordinary slide presentation to the ad films screening. #creen publicity is li'ed by people of all ages, se;es, professions, political affiliation, cultural heritage and income groups because of its magic of life6size presentation of theme. E#lideC is the protected glass piece covering advertising message. It is the outcome of photographic engraving. =nce the slides are ready ? may be blac' and white or colour6 are distributed to the theaters for e;hibition. #lides have limited use to the advertiser. It is still that presents a very limited message. It is best suited to retail6 local advertising. That is why, launcherers, tailors drycleaners, coaching classes, grocers, florists, <air dressers, beauty parlours do use these. Another variation is films. EIn theatre films are of three types namely, a Efilm6letC, a EsolusC and aEmgazineC. A Efilm6letC, is a flash, short in length, running appro;imately over 1( seconds. It is silent and is in colour. EsolusC film is one that lasts for 1$% to !%% seconds having sound trac' and may be blac' and white or colour. A EmagazineC type of film is a short one reeler lasting up to !%% seconds combining advertisement entertainment. In India, there are about :%%% cinema town with 1(,%%% cinema houses with an average capacity of 1%%% seats. In addition to these permanent theatres, there about !,%%% touring theatres with an average capacity of 4(% seats.

). VIDEO MEDIA =f late, video advertising has captured the sizeable part of increasing budget of small and medium sized companies on a very large scale and some large companies to a limited e;tent. If we ta'e video ?visual advertising as a medium, %G of small and medium firms and only $%G of large sized firms have accepted it as the most economical and effective vehicle. In India video6medium intruded in 1)&%s and each set was costing around 2s. 4(,%%% and the castes were to be imported. Today, the scene has changed. A video is available at half the original price and cassettes are available in plenty as Indian companies too' lead particularly under the programmes of foreign collaboration with world 'nowned producers. To start with a video cassette of 1 % . contained ( minutes of ad time but now it has gone upto 1( minutes. 1a>or ads of full screen are continuously imposed adds covering 1H of the screen to 1H4th of the screen at the bottom continuously. In some cases !%G of the screen from bottom is preoccupied with ads thus film coverage and causing irritation and intrusion. It is li'ed by the advertisers as it is the most cost efficient medium. Thus a 1% secondCs spot on networ' program a slot costs 2s. &%,%%%, to 2s. 1, $(,%%% while on video it wor's as low as 2s. :,%%% to &,%%%. The per 1,%%% viewers cost of !% seconds spot wor's out 2s.(.(% to 2s.:.(% as compared to 2s. 1$ to 2s. 14 on cinema and 2s. 1: to $% on television. That is per head cost is paise %.:% to %.:( as against paise 1.1% to 1.$( in case of cinema and paise 1.(% to 1.1)% in case of television.


=utdoor advertising is the only one of its 'ind that has been carried for ages. It was the earliest media from the time immemorial to6 date that has not lost its originality. This EpositionC or E1oralC or EIndirectC advertising is one which is clothed with people who move out of doors. It is the media to reach the people when they are out of door or traveling than when they are in the homes or offices.

A poster is a sheet of paper pasted on a wooden or card or metal board depicting the advertising message. 0oster is the #ingle 8argest form of outdoor media accounting for &( per cent of this media. A poster can be standardized non6 standardized as to size. The most commonly accepted wooden or card or metal board is of1$ feet to ! inches high by $4 feet : inches long. =n these standardized specially erected boards, poster of different sizes are pasted of different sizes are pasted. These sizes are@ 1. C$4 feet posterC I C6 +;1)C 6&+J. The remaining area of the board is a margin of blan' 0aper. $, C!% sheet posterC I)C 6&+ ; $1C 6&+J. The rest of board is a margin of blan' paper.

0ainted displays are painted bulletins and wall paintings. A painted bulletin is nothing but a metal sheet of rectangular shape of standard size, errrected at heights to command the visibility from a distance. It is larger and elaborate form of outdoor advertising these structures have a pre ?fabricated steel facing with a standardized border trim. The most common size of bulletin board is 14 feetD though the actual sizes vary depending on the space availablility painted bulletins are illuminated for the night traffic. These bulletins board have enlarged cut ?outs such as pac'age or a trade ? mar' displayed in brilliant lights, e;tending beyond the board itself. These dimensional structures made of #tyrofoam are getting common to 'eep the message moving with the moving population. To ma'e these bulletins really attractive to serve the purpose, the same care is to be ta'en as in case of posters. The rentals are based on a period of one year than on the basis of monthly. The strength of painted displays lies in attractive display of sales message, durability, and fle;ibility. The wea'nesses are ?high cost and dead investment.

5lectrical signs are more popularly 'nown as spectacular signs. #pectaculars are non6standardized and large permanent signs that ma'e use of elaborate lights and action effects. #pectaculars are the most conspicuous vehicle of the outdoor media designed and placed to attract the largest number of passers6by particularly during night time. They are built of steel beams metal sheets, plastic using bright and flash lights, animation movies, neon signs and colour. 8atest techni,ues of painting and lighting are combined to provide special 'ind of illuminative effects. The rentals are for a period of ( to 1% years at a stretch.

The strength of these spectaculars is evident in their dynamic and lively presentation of the message providing an atmosphere of wonderland and permanence. The limitations are6 high cost involving dead investment and of operation. It needs a commanding height where s'y6scrapers are most suited.

Travelling displays refer to the transit advertising. It stands for all types of advertising signs or displays used in trains, busses, cars, trams, autos and other such transportations vehicles and the terminals or the stations from which they operate. There are three basic types of transit advertising namely@ 1. .ar6cards $. =utside displays !. station posters E.ar6cardsC are the advertisements placed inside the vehicles may be a bus, train, car, ta;i, tram or an auto. The most standard sizes are @ 11+ K14+ or $1+K $ + or 4$+K(:+ or :!+K 4+, depending on the nature of the vehicle and the re,uirements of the advertiser, E=utside 4isplaysC are the signs posted or painted on the outside of the vehicles6may be a bus, tram, car, ta;i or an auto. These may be sides ? bac's and fronts of the vehicles. The Estation postersC are the posters and printed bulletins of different sizes placed inside and outside the bus6train and airport terminals.

Advertising industry has not spared even the s'y from its away. Air advertising has caught fancy of advertisers. #'y6 writing is the 'ind of publicity where message is spread in the s'y in one form or the other. #mo'e writing is one where the pilot ta'es his plane to a height of 1$,%%% to 14,%%% feet to write the message by smo'e. -or him the s'y becomes the slate for crayon writing as in case of a child. The message visible from a distance of (% to :% 'ilometers. 4uring night time, same procedure may be followed to illuminate the message, instead of the thic' smo'e. The other forms of s'y6writing are?s'y balloons, giant 'ites and search6lights. These being novel, unusual and distinct, attract the attention of prospects easily. A medium that is novel costs a lot. -urther, the message spread is of very short duration. It involves good deal of investment.


4irect advertising is one of the oldest methods of reaching the consumer or a prospect. There is lot of confusion with the phrases. 4irect advertising is very comprehensive phrase covering all forms of printed advertising delivered directly to the prospective customers, instead of indirect distribution li'e newspapers or the magazines. The printed matter is the automobiles, struc' under the wind screen of an automobile, handed over at the retail counters or may be sent through post. It is direct mail advertising if it reaches by mail alone. 1ail order advertising is face to face selling method. ENVELOP ENCLOSURES The phrase Eenvelops enclosureC is ,uite li'ely to mislead us. /y EenclosureC normally we mean a paper enclosed or attached or tagged to the main letter. <ere, it stands for the bunch of papers itself which is posted separately. It may be circular, or a stuffer or a folder. A EcircularC is a sheet of paper or sheets of paper, printed on one or both the sides, featuring the products in colour or blac' and white with illustrations. They give detailed information amplifying the buyersC needs. They list products specifications, emphasize product features. They are versatile ine;pensive and handy. They are most popular form of enclosures because, they are very effective in producing immediate sales as are most popular form of enclosure because they are very effective in producing immediate sales as they cut sufficiently in large size to enable the advertiser to tell the facts of one or more products.

BOO* LETS /oo' let is a very small boo' consisting of not more than 61% pages fastened with staples or glue to allow it to open as a boo'. A boo' let is usually mailed in an envelop. It is designed for a thorough reading and study with the intension of 'eeping it for the future reference. It contains use full information answering the ,uestions of intending buyers about product features and product stories. The advertiser has no limit on length, colour illustrations and hence cost. The point worth remembering here is that it gives details about limited number of products.

CATALOGUES .atalogue is ,uite similar to the boo'6let in physical ma'e6up, e;cept that it is much larger and presents wider range of products of the business house. It is more substantial in cobering sales literature and can be 'ept much longer as refrence boo'. In addition to the details of product information catalogues are 'nown as giving prices and other conditions of purchase. The differences between presented. It is costlier than boo'6let and is normally used as a reference material than mere browsing through.

BROAD ,SIDES /road6 side is a large size advertising folder. The stri'ing features are its superior or >umbo size typographical and illustrative display. The usual size are@ 1&+K$$+ or 1)K $(+ or even $(+ K $ +. These are called as Espectaculars in printC because they are e;cellent attention getters. They ma'e possible huge illustration, bold headlines and ma;imum of copy, to narrate a pictorial story of the product or the product range. These are normally mailed to wholesalers and retailers than the customers. SALES LETTERS 8etters or the sales letter is the silent ambassador of the firm spea'ing about the company products and consumer satisfaction.a sales letter sells first the name of the company then the product or the services. The siccess of a sales letter is ban'ing heavily on its convincing, appealing and impelling capacity. Tone of the stationery, the style of writing and theme of the letter are ,uite important. These sales letters are structured on s'elton of A6I646A principle. That is series of letterare written to complete the the process of arresting the attention, generating interest, developing desires and actuating the action on the part of the recipient.

GI(T NOVELTIES 9ift advertising or specially adverting is the medium that employs useful articles 'nown as advertising specialties or the gift novelties that are printed with the name and address and the sales message of the advertiser. These are presented to selected audience free of cost or obligation. These act as good will or reminders gifts. The advertiser hopes strongly that the receipt is li'ely to be influent favorably to buy in future as he is reminder of the company every time he or she loo's at the gifts there are countless such items that can be presented.

STORE PUBLICATIONS A store publication is house organ or bulletin is the magazine or a miscellany published by the company mainly for the purpose of promoting good will and moulding the public opinion, though it has the tinge of sales e;pansion these house organs are freely distributed to the dealers, customers and the employees. The success of any house organ depends on the factors li'e ? formatD get up, internal layout, color combination, language, stuff and the style. <ouse organ to very victorious must be separately design for the customers on one hand and dealer, agents, employee, on the other as interests differ widely.

4isplaying merchandise is not a new idea. It has been there from the time immemorial. 7hat has changes over the passage of time is its style, the made of displaying. The heart of display is its selling idea design to generate purchase. The dictionary meaning of the word display is arranging something for a view in this conte;t, it is the systematic arrangements of sample of saleable products to catch the imagination and notices of the people. 4isplays demonstrate directly about the product or pro>ect by them rather than telling and selling points in directly.

DISPLA S 4isplays can be of several types li'e window6counter6 wall6shelf6 overhead6corner6floor6>umble. <ere, only two types which are prominent are discussed namely, EwindowC and EcounterC. !. $INDO$ DISPLA The term window or e;terior display implies the showing of goods in the windows of the shop it is a window showmanship. The usual function of a window of a house is to allow the inmates to see what is happening outside not that the outsider are to peep in house of others. 7indow of a shop or a store is the front part of the shop or the sides of the shop which are used to display the merchandise. .onversely, here the out sider are to peep in deliberately window are the dimensions of the shop and constitute the first impression that the retail establishment can ma'e on the prospector the passersby.

&. COUNTER DISPLA In the goods old past, advertisers thought that window display was sufficient to attract the prospectus and once the prospectus get in. the actual sale could be affected by the counter salesman. <owever it is now realized that counter or interior display is important as or even more important than the window display cretes interest after interacting the prospectus. it is the term of the counter display to convert interest into desire into action counter display to all the arrangement that is made in the sale hall of the shop.


In cases of consumer durable and industrial goods it almost inevitable pre purchase demonstration is also e;pected to accommodate these consumer needs, showrooms and show cases are used on grand scale bye the advertisers. !. S-O$+ROOM A show6room is specially designed room or room6cum6office, rented or owned, located in the prominent place of the sales territory used mainly for display, demonstration and after6sale services. 0ractically all the industrial and consumer durable manufacturing houses have their show6rooms in all the important cities of the country. A show6room becomes the hub of activities of e;plaining the product features and the merits, demonstrating and after sale services particularly repairs and maintenance. &. S-O$+CASES A E#how6.ase is a glass bo;C glazed case, cabinet with glass doors or panes or a glass cup6board used to display the products in an artistic way. These are normally 'ept in prominent places of railway stations, airports, bus terminals, and cinema houses specially rented fronts of buildings, city s,uares, par's, post offices and mar'et places. #how6cases are essential ad>uncts of retail business. These show6cases are lavishly designed, brightly and colorfully illuminated and the products are dressed in a novel way to attract the attention of passersby.

E.-IBITIONS Though the people do use these two terms namely,C e;hibitionC and Etrade fairC inter6 changeably, there is difference between the two. E5;hibitionC is in effect, a congregation of show ?rooms of different manufacturers under a single roof. It is a huge gathering of manufacturers for the purpose of displaying, demonstrating and boo'ing orders for their latest products. 5;hibitions are normally organized by trade association and chambers of commerce. =f late government is ta'ing 'een interested in these. The theme of e;hibition is to attract dealers and consumers towards the latest products in the line by providing detailed information and demonstration. These can be inter state, or inter6 national. The e;amples of this 'ind are@ 1otor trade 5;hibition of ".#.A of 1): , All India 1achine Tools 5;hibition of 1) :.

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