Health CG (GR 1-6)

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City

K to 12 Curriculum Guide

(Grades 1 to 6 )
January 2012

WRITING TEAM GRADE 1 WRITERS LUALHATI F. CALLO, M.A. Health Education Special Teacher, Philippine Science High School (PSHS) Quezon City TEODORA D. CONDE, Ed.D. Master Teacher II A.Bonifacio Elementary School, Manila, JOSEFINA ERA-DE GUZMAN, M.A. Childhood Education Assistant Professor, University of the East (UE) Manila RHODORA FORMENTO, M.A. Health Education Instructor, University of the Philippines Integrated School (UPIS) Diliman, Quezon City FLORMAY O. MANALO, B.S. Zoology Faculty Member, Elementary/Secondary Laboratory School (ESLS-UE) University of the East Manila JENNIFER E. QUINTO, M.A. Guidance and Counseling Education Program Supervisor 1, Department of Education City of San Jose del Monte MARK KENNETH S. CAMILING Teacher, Miriam College Elementary School MINERVA DAVID Principal, Taytay Elem. Sch. NERISA M. BELTRAN Education Program Specialist II BEE-CDD, DepEd CO
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GRADE 7 WRITERS ANGELINA A. MOJICA, M.Ed. Health Principal Juan Sumulong Elementary School, Manila MARIA LOURDES H. PACALDO, DMD, M.A. Ed., Health Associate Professor, College of Education University of the East (UE) Manila FRANCIS GRACE H. DUKA-PANTE, M.A. Health Education Assistant Professor, College of Education. University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman, Quezon City APOLLO R. PASCUAL, BEEd, Science & Health Faculty Member, Elementary/Secondary Laboratory School (ESLS-UE) University of the East Manila EVELINA MACLANG-VICENCIO, M.Ed. Health Personnel Education Dean, College of Education University of the East Manila


LANGUAGE EDITORS MILAGROS J. ARIAS, PhD Professor, College of Education University of the East, Manila CYNTHIA L. DIAZ, M.A. English Assistant Professor, College of Education University of the East, Manila BERNADETTE Y. SANTOS, M.A. English Special Lecturer, College of Education University of the East MA. LOURDES G. TAYAO, PhD Special Lecturer, College of Education University of the East, Manila

CONTENT EDITOR JOSEFINA A. TUAZON, DrPH Former Dean, College of Nursing University of the Philippines, Manila

CONVENOR and TECHNICAL EDITOR EVELINA M. VICENCIO, PhD Dean, College of Education University of the East, Manila

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK With the K to 12 Health curriculum, a learner should be able to achieve, sustain and promote lifelong health and wellness. challenging learning experiences promote the development of the macro skills of practicing desirable health habits. The programs rich and

Health Education from Kindergarten to Grade 10 focuses on the physical, mental, emotional, social, moral and spiritual dimensions of holistic health and enables the learners to acquire essential knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to promote good nutrition, prevent and control diseases and substance misuse and abuse, reduce health-related risk behaviors to prevent and control injuries with the end in view of maintaining and improving personal, family, community, and environmental health. In order to facilitate the development of macro skills, the teacher is encouraged to use appropriate learner-centered teaching approaches, such as experiential/contextual learning; problem-based action learning; differentiated instruction; health skillsbased education with life skills and value-based strategies... This is not to exclude teacher-centered pedagogical strategies, which are likewise applied, but to a lesser extent. Each learner-centered strategy is anchored on educational theories developed by theorists, expanded by other educators and validated by practitioners. Health Areas Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid: Causes, cost, and prevention of accidents and injuries at home, in the school and in the community and in the performance of different activities, through promotion of safe environments, safety programs, procedures and services, including first aid education. Community and Environmental Health: Situates the learner as an integral part of his/her community and the environment, with responsibility to help protect the environment, supported by individual and community actions and legislation to promote a standard of health, hygiene and safety in food and water supply, waste management, pollution control, noxious animal control, and the delivery of primary health care. Consumer health: Application of consumer skills in the wise evaluation, selection and use of health information, products, and services. Family Health: The human life cycle related to the personal interactions within the family that nurtures the individual and that provides a home environment that enhances his/her growth as a person and the development of ideals, values and standards of behavior regarding sexuality and responsible parenthood Growth and Development: Developmental milestones in childhood and adolescence with emphasis on attention to personal health and the development of self-management skills to cope with lifes changes. Nutrition: Recognition of the nutrients children and adolescents need, analysis of the quality and quantity of their food intake, and development of proper eating habits to meet physiological, psychological and social needs, including diseases and disorders that arise from improper eating habits Personal Health: Development and daily practice of health behaviors that promote physical, mental, social, emotional, and moral/spiritual health and prevention and management of personal health problems
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Prevention and Control of Diseases and Disorders: Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases and disorders through the development of health habits and practices and health programs supported by legislation and provision of health services in the school and the community Substance Use and Abuse: The prevention and control of the use and abuse of substances: their identification; causes; effects on the person, the family, society and the nation Characteristics of the Health Curriculum Holistic: Analyzes the interrelationship among the factors that influence the health status, the areas of health, and the dimensions of health (physical, mental, social, emotional, moral/spiritual Preventive: Helps people take positive action on their health and lifestyle to prevent disease and achieve optimum health Epidemiological: Studies the Incidence, prevalence of disease in large populations, including detection of the source and cause of epidemics Culture-responsive: Uses the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, and performance styles of diverse students to make learning more appropriate and effective for them (Gay, 2000) Rights-based: Furthers the realization of human rights as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments Values-based: Promotes an educational philosophy based on valuing self, others and the environment, through the consideration of ethical values as the bases of good educational practice. Learner-centered: Focuses on the student's needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles with the teacher as a facilitator of learning Health and Life skills-based: Applies life skills to specific health choices and behaviors Standards and outcomes-based: Requires students to demonstrate that they have learned the academic standards set on required skills and content

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Conceptual Framework of Health Education

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The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of health in achieving, sustaining and promoting wellness for quality life.

KEY STAGE STANDARDS: K3 The learner demonstrates understanding and observance of healthy practices to achieve wellness. 46 The learner demonstrates understanding of how changes as s/he grows and develops impact on healthy practices to help achieve and sustain the desired level of health. 7 10 The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of health in achieving, sustaining and promoting wellness for quality life for the individual, the family and the larger community.

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: Grade Level Grade 1 Grade Level Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of essential concepts related to personal health; nutrition; and injury prevention, safety and first aid to enhance health and well-being. The learner demonstrates understanding of personal health; prevention and control of diseases and disorders; family health; and injury prevention, safety and first aid to achieve optimum health. The learner demonstrates understanding of nutrition, family health; disease prevention and control; injury prevention, safety and first aid; and consumer health to achieve optimum health and well-being. The learner demonstrates understanding of nutrition; injury prevention, safety and first aid; and substance use and abuse to achieve optimum health. The learner demonstrates understanding of the nature of growth and development; accident prevention, safety and first aid; substance use and abuse; and community and environmental concerns on health. The learner demonstrates understanding of personal health, disease prevention and control; and consumer health to achieve the desired level of health. The learner demonstrates understanding of growth and development, nutrition, disease prevention and control, and community and environmental health and their impact on the individuals health and well-being... The learner demonstrates understanding of family health; disease prevention and control; personal health; and injury prevention, safety and first aid to develop and promote wellness for quality life. The learner demonstrates understanding of injury prevention, safety and first aid; substance use and abuse, and the promotion of consumer health to achieve wellness in life. The learner demonstrates understanding of injury prevention, safety and first aid; family health; health trends, issues and concerns;, the development of a health plan and exploration of careers in health to promote wellness for quality life.

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

HEALTH CONTENT MATRIX for Grades 1 to 10

Grading Period

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10

First Quarter


Personal Health



Personal Health

Personal Health


Personal Health


Family Health

Second Quarter

Personal Health

Prevention and Control of Diseases & Disorders

Prevention and Control of Diseases & Disorders

Prevention and Control of Diseases & Disorders

Growth & Development

Prevention and Control of Diseases & Disorders

Growth and Development

Prevention and Control of Diseases & Disorders

Substance Use and Abuse

Growth & Development

Third Quartet

Personal Health

Prevention and Control of Diseases & Disorders

Consumer Health

Substance Use and Abuse

Substance Use and Abuse

Consumer Health

Prevention and Control of Diseases & Disorders

Family Health

Consumer Health

Health Trends, Issues and Concerns

Fourth Quarter

Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid

Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid

Community & Environmental Health

Injury Prevention, Safety & First Aid

Community and Environmental Health

Injury Prevention, Safety & First Aid

Community and Environmental Health

Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid

Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid

Planning for Health and for a Career


*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

GRADE - 1 Content Grade 1 - NUTRITION 1

Content Standards QUARTER The learner

Performance Standards The learner practices healthful eating habits daily

Learning Competencies The learner identifies plant and animal sources of food distinguishes healthful from less healthful foods Drinks at least 8 glasses of water and 1 glass of milk a day. Eats fruits and vegetables daily. Avoids soft drinks and junk diet. infers the consequences of eating less healthful foods practices good eating habits that can help one become healthy Eats regular meals without skipping breakfast. demonstrates good mealtime behavior shows good decision-making skill in food choices

A. Plant and animal sources of food B. Healthful and less healthful foods

understands the importance of good eating habits and behavior

C. Good eating habits

D. Good behavior during mealtime

Grade 1 PERSONAL HEALTH 2ND QUARTER The learner demonstrates understanding of the proper ways of taking care of ones health The learner practices good health habits and hygiene The learner demonstrates proper hand washing before and after eating after using the toilet when the hands get dirty practices habits of: washing the feet when dirty, before going to bed, and after wading in flood waters wiping hands and face with a clean handkerchief covering cough and sneeze with arm,

A. Health habits and hygiene

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies clean handkerchief or tissue paper wearing clean clothes appropriate to the activity preparing bed and using clean sheets having enough rest and sleep increasing physical activity, such as walking, running, biking, and playing active games (to P.E.) maintaining good posture Grade 1 PERSONAL HEALTH 3RD QUARTER The learner A. Health habits and hygiene for the sense organs B. Development of self-management skills demonstrates understanding of the proper ways of taking care of the sense organs The learner practices good health habits and hygiene in caring for the sense organs The learner discusses the role of the sense organs in distinguishing the sensory qualities of food demonstrates proper ways of caring for the sense organs to prevent common ailments Eyes Ears Nose Tongue/Mouth/teeth Skin practices habits of: proper tooth brushing and flossing at least twice a day and always before sleeping going to the dentist twice a year for dental check-up taking a bath daily protecting self from the suns harmful effects (avoiding playing under the sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) displays self-management skills in caring

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies for the sense organs Grade 1 INJURY PREVENTION, SAFETY AND FIRST AID 4th QUARTER The learner The learner A. Personal information demonstrates understanding of safe and responsible behavior to lessen risk and prevent injuries in day-to-day living demonstrates safety behaviors in daily activities The learner gives personal information, such as name and address identifies appropriate persons to ask for assistance follows rules at home, in school, and in riding vehicles follows rules during fire and other disaster drills practices first aid for small wounds by washing with soap and water demonstrates appropriate responses to harmful or threatening situations observes safety rules with stray or strange animals describes ways people can be intentionally helpful or harmful to one another distinguishes between good and bad touch practices ways to protect oneself against violent or unwanted behaviors of others

B. Prevention of childhood injuries

C. First aid for small wounds D. Appropriate response to harmful or threatening situations E. Safety with animals F. Ways people are intentionally helpful or hurtful

G. Protection against violent or unwanted behaviors of others

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Content PERSONAL HEALTH 1st Quarter A. Respect for individual differences and similarities B. Expressions of feelings Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of respecting differences and managing feelings. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates respect for individual differences and managing feelings in healthful ways. Learning Competencies The learner Accepts individual differences and similarities Demonstrates skill in adapting to a new environment and relating to other people to create a sense of belonging Shares feelings when in a new environment Recognizes situations that are appropriate and inappropriate for children Displays a helping attitude for differently abled and mentally challenged individuals Expresses feelings of happiness in appropriate ways Demonstrates respect for the feelings of others The learner The learner The learner

C. Adapting to a new environment

D. Appropriate and inappropriate situations

PREVENTION OF DISEASES AND DISORDERS 2nd Quarter A. Germs and illness (Science concepts) B. Diseases and their effects on growth and development C. Prevention and control of common childhood diseases

demonstrates understanding of the importance of disease prevention and control.

applies self-management skills to prevent and control the spread of common childhood diseases.

Explains the relationship between germs and illness Recognizes that illness can affect a childs growth and development Discusses basic information about common childhood diseases o Mumps o Measles o Chickenpox

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies o Primary complex o Poliomyelitis o Diphtheria o Tetanus Discusses the effect of exercise, good nutrition, rest, and sleep on disease Analyzes the importance of immunization in protecting oneself from certain communicable diseases Demonstrates measures to prevent and control common childhood diseases The learner

DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL 3rd Quarter A. Prevention and control of diseases due to contaminated food or water

The learner

The learner

demonstrates understanding of the importance of disease prevention and control

Consistently applies skills to prevent and control the spread of diseases

B. Prevention and control of diseases due to parasites

INJURY PREVENTION, SAFETY AND FIRST AID 4th Quarter A. Home Safety - Hazards at home - Safety rules B. School safety

The learner

The learner

Identifies the common signs and symptoms of food-borne diseases such as diarrhea and vomiting Practices good health habits to prevent foodborne diseases Explains the nature of parasitic infections - Pediculosis - Parasitic worm infestation (pinworm, hookworm and tapeworm) Practices personal hygiene and cleanliness of the surroundings to prevent and control parasitic infections Practices self-monitoring skills to protect oneself from food-borne and parasitic infections The learner

demonstrates understanding of rules to ensure safety at home and in school

demonstrates consistency in following safety rules at home, in school

Identifies home hazards, such as household products that are harmful if touched, ingested, or inhaled, especially electrical appliances Recognizes warning labels that identify harmful things and substances

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Content - hazards in school - safety rules Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Explains rules for the safe use of household chemicals Follows safety rules at home to avoid accidents Identifies safe and unsafe practices and conditions in the school Practices safety rules during physical activities Practices safety rules in school to avoid injuries

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Content NUTRITION 1st Quarter A. Health and nutrition Content Standards The learner understands the importance of eating a balanced diet. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates good decisionmaking skills in choosing food to eat to have a balanced diet. Learning Competencies The learner States that children have the right to nutrition (Right of the child to nutrition (Article 24 of the UN Rights of the Child) Discusses the healthful reasons for eating Discusses the important functions of food o Provides energy o Promotes growth and body-building o Regulates body functions Uses the Food Guide Pyramid for Filipino children in meal planning C. Guide in eating a balanced meal D. Development of decision-making skills in food choices PREVENTION OF DISEASES AND DISORDERS 2nd Quarter A. Prevention and control of diseases due to contaminated food or water The learner The learner Chooses to believe information on healthful and less healthful foods to eat from reliable sources. o Influence of media on snacks and junk foods The learner

B. Functions of food

Identifies the common signs and symptoms of food-borne diseases o Diarrhea o Typhoid o Cholera o Food poisoning o Etc. Practices good health habits to prevent foodborne diseases

B. Prevention and control of diseases due to parasites

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Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Explains the nature of parasitic infections Pediculosis Parasitic worm infestation (pinworm, hookworm, and tapeworm) Practices personal hygiene and cleanliness of the surroundings to prevent and control parasitic infections The learner understands the concepts and principles of selecting and utilizing health information. The learner demonstrates information gathering skills as a wise consumer of health information. The learner Discusses the importance of consumer health Describes a wise buyer and seller (consumer) of health products Identifies sources of health information o Reliable adult o Government agency: Department of Health, Barangay health center o Media o Friends and neighbors o Folk beliefs and practices o Etc. Discusses the criteria for judging whether the source of health information is reliable or not Applies the criteria to the sources of health information Recognizes that a parent or a trusted adult can help when media messages are confusing Discusses the influence of family practices, values, and emotions in analyzing reliable and unreliable sources of health information

C. Practices self-monitoring skills to protect oneself from food-borne and parasitic infections CONSUMER HEALTH 3rd Quarter A. Consumer health

B. Health information

C. Evaluating health information

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Content COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 4th Quarter A. Clean and healthful home environment Content Standards The learner Performance Standards The learner Learning Competencies The learner

understands the importance of demonstrates healthful keeping the home environment practices for a healthful home clean and healthful. environment.

Illustrates the characteristics of a clean and healthful home environment Explains the effect of a clean and healthful home environment and the health of the people living in it Demonstrates how to keep the home environment clean and healthful o Segregating waste o Disposing waste properly o Keeping the toilet clean o Keeping things orderly o Controlling insect pests and rodents Discusses the effect of clean water and health Discusses how to keeping water at home clean Practices water conservation Explains the effect of indoor air on health Identifies sources of indoor air pollution Practices ways to keep indoor air clean Explains the effect of noise on health Discusses ways of achieving and maintaining a peaceful home environment Explains the effect of adequate lighting and ventilation on health Discusses ways of keeping the home welllighted and ventilated Identifies things that can be recycled at home

B. Clean water

C. Clean indoor air

D. Peaceful home environment

E. Healthful lighting and ventilation

F. Recycling
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Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Practices family recycling Explains the importance of maintaining a home garden Maintains a family indoor and/or outdoor home garden

G. Home garden

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K TO 12 HEALTH GRADE 4 Content NUTRITION 1st Quarter A. Major nutrients Content Standards The learner understands the important functions of nutrients that support body systems. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates selfmanagement skills in choosing food that contains essential nutrients good for the body. Learning Competencies The learner Identifies foods that contain essential nutrients that support body systems Explains the important functions of each nutrient Explains the importance of reading food labels Interprets the contents of labels in food products Analyzes Filipino food habits and customs Analyzes Filipino ethnic diets Analyzes some common food myths and misconceptions The learner The learner The learner Explains basic information about some communicable diseases o Common colds o Cough o Strep throat o Influenza o Dengue fever

B. Food labels

C. Food habits and customs D. Food myths and misconceptions PREVENTION OF DISEASES AND DISORDERS 2nd Quarter A. Some common communicable diseases

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K TO 12 HEALTH Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies o Malaria o Rabies (Republic Act 9482 AntiRabies Act of 2007) o Others Debunks myths and misconceptions about communicable diseases Explains the importance of practicing safety measures during certain weather conditions to prevent colds, cough and other common upper respiratory diseases Explain safety measures to prevent and control some common communicable diseases The learner Differentiates prescription from non-prescription medicines Distinguishes between medicine use and misuse Describes the potential dangers associated with medicine misuse, especially of over-the-counter drugs Discusses basic information about caffeine Identifies products with caffeine Describes the effects of caffeine on the body Discusses reasons why people take beverages with caffeine
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B. Prevention and control of communicable diseases

SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE 3rd Quarter A. Medicine use and misuse

The learner demonstrates understanding of the dangers of misusing medicines and taking caffeine and gateway drugs.

The learner demonstrates resistance skills in the face of pressure to misuse medicine and take caffeine and gateway drugs.

B. Caffeine

K TO 12 HEALTH Content INJURY PREVENTION, SAFETY AND FIRST AID 4th Quarter A. Safety during games and recreational activities (Correlate with P.E.) B. Nature, objectives and principles of first aid C. First aid for common injuries or conditions Content Standards The learner Performance Standards The learner Learning Competencies The learner Explain principles of games and recreational safety to avoid accidents Explains the nature and objectives of first aid Explains basic first aid principles Analyzes folk beliefs and misconceptions related to first aid for common injuries Demonstrates appropriate first aid for common injuries or conditions o Small wound o Nosebleed o Insect bite o Animal bite o Burn and scald o Food poisoning o Fainting o Sprain, strain, cramps o Bruise

D. Promotes the need for the development of first aid skills through advocacy materials E. Displays self-management skills when giving first aid
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K TO 12 HEALTH GRADE 5 Content PERSONAL HEALTH 1st Quarter A. Mental, Social and Emotional Health Content Standards The learner Performance Standards The learner Learning Competencies The learner Illustrates the characteristics of a mentally and emotionally healthy person Explains how friends influence the development of social and emotional Distinguishes between healthy and unhealthy relationships Explains how healthy relationships promote the development of selfesteem Describes some social, mental and emotional health concerns o Teasing o Bullying, including cyber bullying o Harassment o Emotional abuse o Other stress-producing situations Discusses the effects of mental and emotional concerns on ones health Demonstrates skills in preventing or managing teasing, bullying, harassment or emotional abuse Identifies significant people who can help intervene in social, mental and emotional health concerns Identifies effective school- and

B. Healthy and unhealthy relationships

C. Social, mental and emotional health concerns

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K TO 12 HEALTH Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies community-based strategies for the prevention and intervention of mental and emotional health concerns The learner Practices proper care of the different body systems to prevent diseases and disorders o Skeletal system o Muscular system o Integumentary system o Nervous system o Digestive system o Cardiovascular system o Respiratory system o Urinary system o Endocrine system o Reproductive system The learner Discusses basic information about gateway drugs Analyzes reasons why people choose to use or not to use gateway drugs Describes the short and long-term effects of gateway drugs on the body Corrects myths and misconceptions about gateway drugs

GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 2nd Quarter A. Care of the Body Systems

The learner demonstrates understanding of ways of caring for the body systems.

The learner demonstrates health practices to prevent health problems of the different body systems.

SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE 3rd Quarter A. Gateway drugs (tobacco, alcohol and chemical inhalants)

The learner

The learner

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K TO 12 HEALTH Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Analyzes the impact on the family and community of abusing gateway drugs Discusses the health benefits of abstaining from gateway drugs Explains school policies and laws related to the sale and use of gateway drugs (RA 9211-Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003) Practices resistance skills on the use of gateway drugs. The learner Illustrates the characteristics of a clean and healthful school and community Explains the effect of a clean, sanitary and beautiful school and community on the health of the pupils, teachers, school personnel, and the people of the community Demonstrates how to keep the school and community clean o Regular cleaning o Segregating waste o Disposing waste properly o Controlling insect pests and rodents o Etc.

COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 4th Quarter A. Clean and healthful school and community environment

The learner understands the importance of keeping the school and community environment clean and healthful.

The learner demonstrates healthful practices for a healthful school and community environment.

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

K TO 12 HEALTH Content B. Clean water Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Discusses the effect of clean water on the health of the community Practices water conservation in the community Identifies sources of air pollution in the community Practices ways to keep the air clean in the community D. Peaceful school and community Explains the effect of a noisy school and community on health Discusses ways of maintaining a peaceful school and community Campaigns for a peaceful school and community Discusses ways of maintaining welllighted and well-ventilated classrooms Identifies things that can be recycled in school and in the community Practices school and community recycling

C. Clean air

E. Healthful lighting and ventilation

F. Recycling

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K TO 12 HEALTH GRADE 6 Content PERSONAL HEALTH 1st Quarter A. Personal health habits Content Standards The learner Performance Standards The learner Learning Competencies The learner Practices habits of good grooming Seeks help for problems arising from poor health habits and other factors o Body odor o Poor posture and disorders of the spine: scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis o Sunburn and UVH o Dandriuff o Corns, blisters and calluses o Ingrown toenails Practices habits of caring for the sense organs Distinguishes health problems related to the sense organs o Eyes: nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, crosseyes o Ears: hearing loss o Nose: sinusitis o Mouth: bad breath o Throat: sore throat o Teeth: malocclusion, gingivitis, etc. The learner The learner The learner

B. Care of the sense organs


*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

K TO 12 HEALTH Content 2nd Quarter A. Communicable and noncommunicable diseases Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Identifies the top 10 causes of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines Distinguishes the communicable from the non-communicable diseases among the 10 causes of morbidity and mortality Describes each non-communicable disease based on cause and effect, signs and symptoms, protective and risk factors (including heredity), and possible complications o Allergy o Asthma o Cardiovascular diseases o Cancer o Diabetes o Arthritis Analyzes myth and fallacies about non-communicable diseases Applies ways to prevent and control non-communicable diseases Explains the provisions of R.A. 3573 Prevention and Suppression of Dangerous Communicable Diseases Demonstrates self-monitoring skills to prevent non-communicable diseases

B. Common non-communicable diseases

C. Prevention and control of common non-communicable diseases

D. Self-monitoring skills to prevent non-communicable diseases

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K TO 12 HEALTH Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies o Physical activity and exercise o Weight o No smoking o Stress management The learner Explains the components of consumer health o Health information o Health products o Health services

CONSUMER HEALTH 3rd Quarter A. Consumer health

The learner understands the concepts and principles of selecting and using consumer health products.

The learner demonstrates critical thinking skills in the selection of health products.

B. Health products

Discusses the influence of family practices, values, and emotions in choosing health products Evaluates propaganda techniques used in advertising health products, especially cosmetic products Analyzes packages and labels of health products Explains the concept and functions of trademark Reports selling of fake products Informs others that patronizing fake products is illegal Formulates criteria for evaluating health products

C. Distinguishes branding from trademark of health products

D. Evaluating health products

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K TO 12 HEALTH Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Assesses the quality of health products using the criteria formulated, especially health fads Spends money wisely on health products Reports defective health products to authorities identifies medicinal plants that are accepted as alternative medicines by the Department of Health Explains the proper external uses of the medicinal plants INJURY PREVENTION, SAFETY AND FIRST AID 4th Quarter A. Safety guidelines during disasters and other emergency situations The learner The learner The learner Recognizes disasters or emergency situations Debunks myths about the causes of disasters (correlate with Science) Demonstrates proper response before, during, and after a disaster or an emergency situation (Review during National Disaster Consciousness Month-July) o Typhoon o Flood o Landslide o Volcanic eruption o Earthquake o Tsunami

E. Medicinal plants

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012

K TO 12 HEALTH Content B. Safety guidelines during special occasions (Correlate with Social Studies) Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Describes appropriate safety measures during special occasions o New Year o Fiesta o Rallies and other events with many people (Independence Day) o Parties

*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum version as January 31, 2012


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