Pastor's Notes:: Woodruff Church of God E-Edition Newsletter January 7, 2014

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter January 7, 2014

Pastors Notes: As I am typing this, it is 9 degrees outside.thats COLD! Schools are on a delay, weve been told how to dress to stay warm and all the proper things to do to protect ourselves. The same thing is true spiritually. When we as individuals are growing cold.when our churches are growing cold, weve been instructed what to do. WE NEED SPIRITUAL FIRE!!!!!! Sunday morning we learned what the foundation for building that fire. #1 LAMENT for the Lord. Yearn, mourn, cry out for the Lord. When we get that desperation for Him, we will begin to grow warm and eventually catch on fire again. #2 WORK the plan of God. That plan involves confessing our sins, putting away anything that we have put above Him, serving Him and Him alone. 2 Chron. 7:14 says If my people, which are called by name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, I will forgive their sins and heal their land. WE NEED REVIVAL!!!!!! But is there anyone that WANTS revival? Is there anyone that desires more of God and the fire of God? If so, I call on you to begin to prepare yourselves. YEARN & LAMENT for Him..confess, seek, turn and humble yourselves. We learned Sunday, from I Sam. 7, that when the people lamented for God and worked the plan of God, GOD SHOWED UP!!! That is what I am looking for. I am looking for God to show up in supernatural power and to manifest Himself in His awesome glory. I am ready for some FIRE!!!!! Are you with me?

With all the talk of the cold, school delays, etc., I wanted to remind you of our inclement weather policy. Should there be inclement weather, there is only one service on Sunday at 2:00 PM. You can watch the local news stations to see the service schedule, as well as being notified by our phone system. It is important that we have your current contact information, so please help us by calling the church office if you have changed your phone numbers, or even address. If you read your Bible through for the year 2013, please sign the sheet located in the hallway that leads to the nursery & restrooms. This is needed to get your certificates prepared. Thanks!

There are new yearly Bible Reading brochures located in the black turn-style holder in the lobby. If you were part of our corporate FAST in 2013 and the Lord answered your prayer.maybe He answered a prayer in 2013 from a previous FAST.. and you would not mind doing a video interview and share what you were fasting for and how God met that need, please see PASTOR TERRY ASAP. We want to put together some videos to play during our teaching on FASTING as well as during our FASTING TIME. Some things only come about by prayer and fasting!.

Two years ago, we did a weekend (Friday night & Saturday) we called REKINDLE. It was a prayer retreat where we focused on several different things, both personal, corporate and revival. If you would be interested in being part of this prayer retreat in the year 2014, please call the church office and give your name. It will be held during the month of February (date TBA). There will be a cost attached. All that information will be available in the next couple of weeks. Our 21 day FAST will begin at midnight on February 8th. We have done a corporate fast for the last 4 or 5 years. We believe that this is necessary and imperative to see God move and respond to our call for Revival. We also believe that this is necessary in order to see some of our prayers answered. We are calling the body to a FAST. Please be in prayer between now and then as to what the Lord would have you fast and how you are to conduct this fast. Also be in the services on Sunday nights as we do some teaching on fasting.

Harold Chesney would like to thank the church for all your prayers, cards, the beautiful flower and your thoughts before, during and after the death of his sister, Betty Casey. Prayer List

AMERICA, Raymond Lowman, Kim Roberson, Ashley Layton, Megan Laster, Jackson Knight, Tommy Wallace, Jewell Hammons, Mike Cox, Cindy & Coty Cox, Cheryl Corbett, Teanna & Shea Cox, Barbara Logan, Tabatha Baker, Gia Olden ,James Perini, James Arnold, Randy Lambert, Loretta Kelley, Linda Lida & Family, Gayle & Aurthor Harris, Lawrence Clark , Audrey Clark, Jeremy Greene, Christa Cline, Tish York ,Jeremy York ,Josh Cline, Curt Ellison, Morgan Cooper, Heather Phillips Burson, June Osborne, Bruce Cash, Darlene Bright, Jack West, Caitlin Gillespie , Pat Roddy, Ann Richards, Loretta Burdette, Brenda Cobb, Frank Patterson, Beatrice Granger, Arelene Hughes, Catherine Blackwell, Paul Littlefield, Macky Littlefield, The Smith Family, The Beck Family, The Nabors Family, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes Sympathy to Mildred Hughes in the loss of her sister Sympathy to the family of Ruby Stevens

The choir will wear robes on Sunday. We are taking in new choir members this month! See Todd or Vickie right away to join!

Valentine Bulletin: We will publish our Valentine Bulletin again this year. $1 for a simple to/from message to your family or friends. For $5 You can get 1/2 page and write your own 15 word message.

Ladies Fun Friday Jewelry making class--January 24 @6:30 . Sign up in the hall and pay $12 to Judy Crocker.

We will be holding our monthly meeting this coming Thursday, January 9th at 6:30 at the home of Paul Lundberg. Food will be provided. Also, Our Band Of Brothers "Projects coordinator", Brother Phil Pruitt is asking us to meet this this coming Saturday, 11:00 a.m. at the mancave for a workday. This will only take an hour or two so please come help us. We will be discarding lumber and "stuff" from the renovation, working on toilets, hanging a shelf, and cleaning out the storage area, etc. With your help, this will not take long and you will be proud of YOUR area of ministry. I know we can count on you so thanks in advance for your help.

Our January activity will be playing Win-Lose-or-Draw (men vs/ women) on Friday the 24th at the CLC dining room at 6:30. The cost is $5 per person and includes dinner (hamburgers/fries/desert). Sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway at church by Wednesday the 22nd.

JOY CLUB MEETING: Our very first 2014 Joy Club meeting is coming up on January 23 at 6:30 PM and our sign-up sheet should be on the board by this coming weekend. Our meal for this month will be Beans and Greens with all the trimmings. We will also have some special singing along with our devotions and fun time. The doors will be open at 6 PM and you are welcome to come early and enjoy a time of fellowship. Please go by our Bulletin Board and sign up and help make this a great start for 2014. Be sure to sign up on the FOOD sheet as well. and as always remember to feel free to invite a friend to come along with you.

Youth will be going to Gravitopia Saturday, January 25th. More information will be available in the weeks ahead.

Saturday January 11 Extreme Kidz Lunch to community. We still need bottle water, can soup and Debbie cakes. If you would like to donate one of these items please see Donna. We will start packing lunches at 8:00 am on Saturday Morning and Deliver at 9:30. Everyone is invited to come help pack and deliver. This is an outreach to our community to share God's love with them. Sunday, January 5th - Praise and Worship Practice @ 4:30 Drama Practice @ 5:00 (these practices are preparing the kidz for Jr. Talent, please make sure you are at practice) Upcoming Events: January 18 Greenville Road Warrior Hockey Game Saturday January 18 ages 7-12. The cost is $5.00 a ticket, and they will need at least $10.00-$15.00 to eat or by souvenirs with. This is Super Hero Night, we have 30 tickets available. If you would like to go please RSVP your ticket with Ms. Donna. If you have any questions please see Ms Donna

January 19 Children's Board Meeting @ 5:00 January 26 VBS Meeting @ 5:00 (anyone who interested in planning VBS for 2014)

Upcoming event: Pro-templo (building fundraiser) there will be food after the services January 26 in the morning. Menu will be in the next bulletin and cost. Prayer service: Friday the 24th 8:00 pm

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Jeanette Bragg & Kathy Simmons Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Sam Garrett Usher Team #3 Buddy Arnold, Freddie Bright, Lamar Crowe, Tracy Grant, Clint Letourneau, & Marion Simmons Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip Pruitt and Rob Laster Bus Take Home: Clint and Rob Laster Van 1 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian Hellems Van 2 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 1 Take Home: Garren & Craig Van 2 Take Home: Tim and Daniel Wednesday Late Workers: Lynette & Patsy NurseryWednesday- Izzy Nichols AM Ann Knight & Tanya Tumblin PM: Stephanie Fowler Kiddie Church Sunday Night: Anita Eubanks & Denise Coffey Music- Wednesday-Jeanne Nemitz AM-Pam Garrett PM-Mike Peeler Praise Team-Maroon Computer- Alison, Rob Guitar- Korey, Duck, Greg

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