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FRAUD of the COURTS: Trustees Have No Standing To Sue!

Office-holders Are NOT Officials FRAUD of the COURTS: All office-holders use Trust! against the "eo#le!: Trustees Have No STAND$N% TO SU&! TRUST&& defined: estates' A trustee is one to (ho) an estate has *een conve+ed in trust' ,' The trust estate is not su*-ect to the s#ecialt+ or -udg)ent de*ts of the trustee. to the do(er of his (ife. or the curtes+ of the hus*and of a fe)ale trustee' /' 0ith res#ect to the duties of trustees. it is held. in confor)it+ to the old la( of uses. that #ernanc+ of the #rofits. e1ecution of estates. and defense of the land. are the three great #ro#erties of a trust. so that the courts of chancer+ (ill co)#el trustees. 2' To #er)it the cestui 3ue trust to receive the rents and #rofits of the land' ,' To e1ecute such conve+ances. in accordance (ith the #rovisions of the trust. as the cestui 3ue trust shall direct' /' To defend the title of the land in an+ court of la( or e3uit+' Cruise. Dig' tit' 2,. c' 4. s' 4' 4' $t has *een -udiciousl+ re)ar5ed *+ 6r' 7ustice Stor+. , &3' 7ur' Sec' 2,89. that in a great variet+ of cases. it is not eas+ to sa+ (hat the dut+ of a trustee is: and that therefore. it often *eco)es indis#ensa*le for hi). *efore he acts. to see5. the aid and direction of a court of e3uit+' Fon*' &3' *oo5 ,. c' 9. Sec' ,. and note c' ;ide ;in' A*' tit' Trusts. O. ". <. R. S. T: =ouv' $nst' $nde1. h't' Fiduciar+ Ca#acit+ defined: One is said to act in a >fiduciar+ ca#acit+> or to receive )one+ or contract a de*t in a >fiduciar+ ca#acit+.> (hen the *usiness (hich he transacts. or the )one+ or #ro#ert+ (hich he handles. is not his o(n or for his o(n *enefit. *ut for the *enefit of another #erson. as to (ho) he stands in a relation i)#l+ing and necessitating great confidence and trust on the one #art and a high degree of good faith on the other #art' The ter) is not restricted to technical or e1#ress trusts. *ut includes also such offices or relations as those of an attorne+ at la(. a guardian. e1ecutor. or *ro5er. a director of a cor#oration. and a #u*lic officer' =lac5?s @a( Dictionar+ Si1th &dition A#age 8,BC Fiduciar+ =ond defined: T+#e of suret+ *ond re3uired *+ court to *e filed *+ trustees. ad)inistrators. e1ecutors. guardians. and conservators to insure #ro#er #erfor)ance of their duties' =lac5?s @a( Dictionar+ Si1th &dition A#age 8,BC Fiduciar+ Dut+ defined: A dut+ to act for so)eone elseDs *enefit. (hile su*ordinating oneDs #ersonal interests to that of the other #erson' $t is the highest standard of dut+ i)#lied *+ la( A e.g., trustee. guardianC' E All =AR attorne+s are #rohi*ited! fro) re#resenting the "eo#le!: can onl+ re#resent govern)ent office-holders and e)#lo+ees (ithin! their o(n cor#orations. defined #ursuant to =AR Charter' E An+ 7udge that #rohi*its +ou fro) re#resenting +ourself or hiring a counsel other than a =AR attorne+. is in fact. co))itting a felon+ on the *ench in violation of the Taft-Hartl+ Act Arunning a closed union sho#C and the S)ith Act Acting As Agents of Foreign "rinci#al! Aoverthro( of Constitutional for) of govern)entC' E An+ti)e a =AR attorne+ re#resents so)eone! in a case against +ou. +ou have #roof that #erson is inco)#etent: a (ard of the state. (ith no standing to sue'! E An+ and all ta1 collectors. #olice officers. sheriffs de#art)ents. DOT. tag agencies. =AR attorne+s. 7udges. High(a+ "atrol. a##earing as elected officials.! are -ust #rivate contractors.! (ho can no( *e *rought u# on fraud charges for i)#ersonating a #u*lic official (hile receiving federal funding'! STAND$N% TO =& SU&D defined: ca#acit+ of a #erson or sovereign to *e a #art+ defendant in an action' a state as sovereign has no ca#acit+ to *e sued e1ce#t in cases in (hich it has consented to suit' =lac5?s @a( Dictionar+ Si1th &dition A#age 24FBC Cor#orations have no sovereignt+' STAND$N% TO SU& DOCTR$N& defined: >standing to sue> )eans that #art+ has sufficient sta5e in an other(ise -usticia*le controvers+ to o*tain -udicial resolution of that controvers+' GSierra Clu* v' 6orton.

4FB U'S' 9,9. H, S'Ct' 2/82. 2/84. /2 @'&d',d 8/8'I standing is a conce#t utiliJed to deter)ine if a #art+ is sufficientl+ affected so as to insure that a -usticia*le controvers+ is #resented to the court: it is the right to ta5e the initial ste# that fra)es legal issues for ulti)ate ad-udication *+ court or -ur+' GState e1 rel' Cart(right v' O5laho)a Ta1 Co)?n. O5l' 8B/ "',d 2,/F. 2,/,'I the re3uire)ent for >standing> is satisfied if it can *e said that the #laintiff has a legall+ #rotecti*le and tangi*le interest at sta5e in the litigation' G%uidr+ v' Ro*erts. @a'A##' //2 So',d 44. BF'I standing is a -urisdictional issue (hich concerns #o(er of federal courts to hear and decide cases and does not concern ulti)ate )erits of su*stantive clai)s involved in action' G0einer v' =an5 of King of "russia. D'C'"a'. /BL F'Su##' 8L4. 8HB'I the doctrine e)anates fro) the case or controvers+ re3uire)ent of the Constitution and fro) general #rinci#als of -udicial ad)inistration. and see5s to insure that the #laintiff has alleged such a #ersonal sta5e in the outco)e of the controvers+ as to assure concrete adverseness' GCa)#aign Clean 0ater. $nc' v' Ruc5elshaus. D'C';a'. /82 F'Su##' 8LH. 8H,'I standing is a re3uire)ent that the #laintiffs have *een in-ured or *een threatened (ith in-ur+ *+ govern)ental action co)#lained of. and focuses on the 3uestion of (hether the litigant is the #ro#er #art+ to fight the la(suit. not (hether the issue itself is -usticia*le' GCarolina &nviron)ental Stud+ %rou#. $nc' v' U'S' Ato)ic &nerg+ Co))'. D'C'N'C'. 4/2 F'Su##' ,F/. ,2L'I essence of standing is that no #erson is entitled to assail the constitutionalit+ of an ordinance or statute e1ce#t as he hi)self is adversel+ affected *+ it' GSandoval v' R+an. Colo'A##'. B/B "',d ,44. ,49'I =lac5?s @a( Dictionar+ Si1th &dition A#age 24FBC Office-holders Afederal. state. count+. )unici#alC cor#orate actors and cor#orations 5no( the "eo#le! don?t full+ over-stand the UN$T&D STAT&S s+ste)! (as setu# as a Trust >$n %od 0e Trust> *+ the Founders' The "eo#le! don?t have an+ rights as Trustees A>the NA6&>C to tell Ad)inistrators (hat to do' The+ #resu)e (e are Trustees *+ s#elling the "eo#le! into contractingMsu*)itting to the court (hen the+ call out >the NA6&> and the "eo#le! un5no(ingl+ ans(er to the NA6&'! The "eo#le! have a*andoned their clai)s. and assu)e the #osition as Trustees of the UN$T&D STAT&S Cor# instead of (hat their real status as %eneral &1ecutor-&1ecutri1-=eneficiar+ of said Trust' $t (as hidden in #lain sight. scri*ed in the concrete *uildings all over 0ashington DC and ever+ State Ca#itol >$n %od 0e Trust'> The Founders setu# the (hole countr+ as a Trust Agree)ent' 0e "eo#le! are the %eneral &1ecutorN&1ecutri1. =eneficiar+' The elected officials and 7udges are the Fiduciar+ Trustees' Office-holders have NO "O0&R Auntil the "eo#le! consent to *eing the NA6&!C. it (as intended that (a+ fro) the get-go! $t?s the Hol+ Trinit+. AThe @ast 0ill and Testa)entC it?s the Hol+ %rail of "olitical "o(er' CON;&RS$ON defined: An unauthoriJed assu)#tion and e1ercise of the right of o(nershi# over goods or #ersonal chattels *elonging to another. to the alteration of their condition or the e1clusion of the o(ner?s rights' An+ unauthoriJed act (hich de#rives an o(ner of his #ro#ert+ #er)anentl+ or for an indefinite ti)e' UnauthoriJed and (rongful e1ercise of do)inion and control over another?s #ersonal #ro#ert+. to e1clusion of or inconsistent (ith rights of o(ner' Catania v' %arage De @e "ai1. $nc'. Te1'Civ'A##'. B4, S'0',d ,/H. ,42' See also &)*eJJle)ent: &3uita*le conversion: Fraudulent conversion: $nvoluntar+ conversion' Act of e1changing a converti*le securit+ for another securit+' See Converti*le securities' Co))ercial instru)ents' An instru)ent is converted (hen: a dra(ee to (ho) it is delivered for acce#tance refuses to return it on de)and: or an+ #erson to (ho) it is delivered for #a+)ent refuses on de)and either to #a+ or to return it: or it is #aid on a forged indorse)ent' U'C'C' O /-42HA2C' &1ecutor-=eneficiar+-Trust N %od The "eo#le!-%overn)ent' See: htt#:MM+outu'*eMriSt+,RKBnF The "eo#le! O;&R - STAND! The "eo#le! Do Not UND&RSTAND!

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