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City Council Meeting

January 7, 2014

City Council Room 06:50 PM P.H. - Amend Capital Budget for Police Department Infrastructure Project 06:55 PM P.H. - Street Acceptance Hyde Street, Daggs Lane, Richard Avenue, and Taylor Street


7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL SALUTE TO FLAG PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD / 15 MINUTES PRESENTATION(S): EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discussion regarding proposed, pending or current litigation; Collective Negotiations CONSENT AGENDA
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Approval of 12/2/13 Pre-Agenda Meeting Minutes Approve Payroll 01/03/14 $267,036.58 Approve Payroll 12/20/13 $466,507.15 Approve Payroll 12/27/13 $451,535.30 Approve Payroll 12/31/13 $167,267.28 Approve Warrant: 2013 Mid - 13MWDEC2 $3,060,012.72 Approve Warrant: 2013 REG - 13DEC3 $528,060.07 Approve Warrant: 2014 REG - 14JAN1 $46,135.86



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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Discussion and Vote: Accept Donations for Inauguration Ceremony Discussion and Vote: Ratification of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement with Police Administrative Officers Unit Discussion: Code Blue Announcement: State of the City Address Appointment: Recreation Commission

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Award of Bid: Extension of Flower Bid to Dehns Flowers Award of Bid: Saratoga Springs Police Department Infrastructure Project - Electrical Construction to Harold R Clune, Inc. Award of Bid: Saratoga Springs Police Department Infrastructure Project - General Construction to Eastern Building and Restoration, Inc. Award of Bid: Saratoga Springs Police Department Infrastructure Project - Mechanical Work to Jack Hall Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Award of Bid: Saratoga Springs Police Department Infrastructure Project - Plumbing and Fire Protection to Jack Hall Plumbing and Heating, Inc.

1. 2. 3. 4. Discussion and Vote: Resolution for the Use of Reserve Capital Reserve Fund to Finance the Construction, Reconstruction or Acquisition of Buildings Discussion and Vote: Capital Budget Amendment-Police Infrastructure Discussion and Vote: Budget Transfers Payroll Announcement: Retirement Reserve


1. 2. 3. 4. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to sign Agreement with Fitzgerald, Morris, Baker & Firth LLC Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to sign agreement with Ryan-Biggs Associates , P.C. Evaluation and Analysis of East Exterior Masonry Wall of the City Hall Annex Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to sign an Addendum Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services Inc for the Adams Street Sanitary Pump Station Discussion and Vote: Street Acceptance - Hyde Street - Daggs Lane - Richard Avenue - Taylor Street


1. 2. 3. 4. Discussion and Vote: Amend Capital Budget for Police Infrastructure project Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to sign General Construction & Abatement contract for Eastern Building & Restoration INC Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to sign agreement for HVAC Contract with Jack Hall Plumbing & Heating INC Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to sign agreement for Plumbing & Fire Protection Work Contract with Jack Hall Plumbing & Heating INC 1/6/2014


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5. 6. 7. 8.

Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to sign agreement for Electrical Work contract with Harold R. Clune, Inc Discussion and Vote: Authorization to pay Hinman & Straub for services rendered to complete Certificate of Need Application Discussion and Vote: Authorization to pay LLV Office Concepts, LLC Set Public Hearing: Amend Chapter 225 of the City Code

1. Matthew Veitch 1. 2014 Board of Supervisors Organizational Meeting 2. 2014 Committee Assignments 2. Peter Martin 1. 2014 Board of Supervisors Organizational Meeting Revisions to responsibilities of Racing, Economic Development and Social Services Committees 2. 2014 Committee Assignments

ADJOURN 1/6/2014

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