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OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

About This Chapter

T2000 Routine Maintenance

You need to regularly maintain the system to ensure that the system keeps running normally. 7.1 Maintenance Items This section introduces some common maintenance items. 7.2 Daily Maintenance The purpose of daily maintenance is to monitor the operation status of the devices and network in real time, and improve the efficiency of handling emergency cases. 7.3 Weekly Maintenance The purpose of weekly maintenance is to find defects such as malfunction or performance deterioration during the operation of the devices. You can then take proper actions to remove the problems and avoid accidents. You can also back up data to avoid data loss. 7.4 Monthly Maintenance The purpose of monthly maintenance is to keep the devices in a good condition. This ensures that the T2000 can run securely, stably, and reliably.

Issue 01 (2008-02-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd


7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

7.1 Maintenance Items

This section introduces some common maintenance items. Table 7-1 shows recommended maintenance items for the T2000. Choose the ones you need based on practical situations. Table 7-1 able of maintenance items NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Item Checking Communication Between the T2000 Server and NEs Viewing Current NM Alarms Viewing Server Performance Status Monitoring Server Resource Status Monitoring Database Status Monitoring Process Status Viewing Server Disk Usage Viewing Solaris Error Log Backing Up All Data in the T2000 Database Viewing Server Time Checking Consistency of Configuration Data Between an NE and the T2000 Periodically Changing the Password of NM Deleting User Rights Viewing the T2000 Operation Logs Frequency Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

7.2 Daily Maintenance

The purpose of daily maintenance is to monitor the operation status of the devices and network in real time, and improve the efficiency of handling emergency cases. 7.2.1 Checking Communication Between the T2000 Server and NEs To ensure that the T2000 server and NEs normally communicate with each other, you are recommended to daily check the communication status between them. 7.2.2 Viewing Current NM Alarms By viewing the current NM alarms, you can query the status of the T2000 and whether the communication between the T2000 and NEs is normal. When you view all the current alarms on the T2000, you can perform other operations for these alarms at the same time. For example, synchronize, refresh, check, acknowledge and filter alarms.
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OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

7.2.3 Viewing Server Performance Status You can view the information on CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, or database usage. This helps you to know the status of the server. You can then find and remove possible faults to ensure that the server works properly. 7.2.4 Monitoring Server Resource Status You can regularly check the server information such as memory usage and CPU usage to ensure the normal operation of the T2000. 7.2.5 Monitoring Database Status You can check the status of the database regularly. This ensures the normal operation of the T2000. 7.2.6 Monitoring Process Status You can check the profile of the processes in the T2000. This section describes how to start and stop processes and set start modes for processes.

7.2.1 Checking Communication Between the T2000 Server and NEs

To ensure that the T2000 server and NEs normally communicate with each other, you are recommended to daily check the communication status between them.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Step 1 In the Main Topology, choose System Administration > DCN Management from the Main Menu. Step 2 Click the NE or GNE tab. Click Refresh to view the communication status of all NEs or of the GNE. Step 3 Select an NE and right-click in the Communication Status column. Choose Test NE from the shortcut menu. Step 4 A dialog box appears, telling you the result of the NE test. ----End

7.2.2 Viewing Current NM Alarms

By viewing the current NM alarms, you can query the status of the T2000 and whether the communication between the T2000 and NEs is normal. When you view all the current alarms on the T2000, you can perform other operations for these alarms at the same time. For example, synchronize, refresh, check, acknowledge and filter alarms.


For the viewing, checking, filtering, and refreshing operations, you must be an NM user with the "NE and Network Monitor" authority or higher. To acknowledge alarms, you must be an NM user with the "NM Monitor" authority or higher. For the synchronization and deletion operations, you must be an NM user with the "NE and network operator" authority or higher.
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Issue 01 (2008-02-28)

7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

Step 1 Right-click the local NM icon on the Main Topology and choose Browse Current Alarms. The current NM alarms of all severity levels are displayed. You can also choose Fault > Browse Current Alarms from the Main Menu and select the local NM to view the current NM alarm. Step 2 If you want to display the latest alarms, check the Display the Latest Alarms check box.

The function of the checked check box is equivalent to the refresh function. Thus, when the check box is checked, the Refresh button is grayed out.

Step 3 To query alarms by certain criteria, click Filter, and the Filter dialog box is displayed.

If you check the Display the Latest Alarms check box, in the Filter dialog box that is displayed, the Cleared Time filter criteria is not available.

Step 4 Set the filter criteria, such as Alarm Name, Remarks, Rising Time, Alarm Status, Alarm Severity, Alarm Type and so on. Then, click Filter to filter the alarms. The alarm information is displayed according to the criteria you set. Step 5 Optional: Select one or more alarms, and click Check to check the selected alarms.

An alarm check helps you to confirm the status of the uncleared alarms. It also clears the alarms that are actually cleared but still are uncleared in the NM alarm library.

Step 6 Select an alarm. Its details and causes are displayed in the table below. Step 7 Select one or more alarms and click Acknowledge. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Step 8 Click Close. The corresponding parameter values are displayed in the Ack Time and Ack User fields.

Acknowledged and cleared alarms automatically change to history alarms.

Step 9 Select one or more alarms and click Delete. The Delete Alarms dialog box is displayed. Click Yes. The progress bar about the alarm deletion is displayed. Step 10 Click Yes in the Operation Result dialog box. Step 11 Optional: Click Print or Save As to output the alarm data. ----End

7.2.3 Viewing Server Performance Status

You can view the information on CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, or database usage. This helps you to know the status of the server. You can then find and remove possible faults to ensure that the server works properly.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Issue 01 (2008-02-28)

OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

When the CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, or database usage exceeds the preset threshold, the System Monitor sends an alarm to the server. You can also see on the client that the related usage record turns red.

Step 1 Log in to the System Monitor. Step 2 In the System Monitor window, monitor the performance status of the server. ----End

7.2.4 Monitoring Server Resource Status

You can regularly check the server information such as memory usage and CPU usage to ensure the normal operation of the T2000.

Step 1 Log in to the System Monitor. Step 2 Choose System Resource. The system resource of the computer is displayed. Step 3 Right-click in the system resource table and choose Refresh from the shortcut menu to refresh the statistics listed in the system resource table. ----End

7.2.5 Monitoring Database Status

You can check the status of the database regularly. This ensures the normal operation of the T2000.

When the database usage reaches the threshold value, the System Monitor server sends an alarm to the T2000, and the related icon is displayed in red.

Step 1 Log in to the System Monitor. Step 2 Click the Database tab. Details of all the manageable databases are listed in a table. Step 3 Select one or more databases from the list. Right-click and choose Refresh from the shortcut menu to update the information about the selected databases. ----End

7.2.6 Monitoring Process Status

You can check the profile of the processes in the T2000. This section describes how to start and stop processes and set start modes for processes.
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7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

You can check the process status in daily maintenance. This ensures the correct operation of the T2000.

Step 1 Log in to the System Monitor. Step 2 Choose Process, and all monitored processes are listed in details. Step 3 Choose and right-click one or multiple processes, and you can perform the following tasks: l l l Start Process: To start the selected processes. You do not have to restart a process if it is already started. Stop Process: To stop the selected processes. Set Mode: To set the start mode of the processes.

There are three start modes:

l l l

Automatic: The processes restart automatically when they become abnormal. Manual: The processes do not automatically restart when they become abnormal, and you need to manually start them. Disabled: The processes cannot be started by using the remote monitor tool.

l l

Refresh: To refresh the profile of the processes. Detail Information: Details of the processes.


7.3 Weekly Maintenance

The purpose of weekly maintenance is to find defects such as malfunction or performance deterioration during the operation of the devices. You can then take proper actions to remove the problems and avoid accidents. You can also back up data to avoid data loss. 7.3.1 Viewing Server Disk Usage You need to check the server disk usage to ensure that the server has adequate available disk space. 7.3.2 Viewing Solaris Error Log You can view Solaris error log to detect errors or faults. You can then take proper actions to correct the errors or faults to ensure that the T2000 runs on a stable OS. 7.3.3 Backing Up All Data in the T2000 Database To quickly restore the database in the event of a failure, back up the T2000 database by using the database management tool. 7.3.4 Viewing Server Time You can use the date command to view the time of the T2000 server to check whether the server time is consistent with the local time.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Issue 01 (2008-02-28)

OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

7.3.1 Viewing Server Disk Usage

You need to check the server disk usage to ensure that the server has adequate available disk space.

When the disk usage exceeds the threshold, the System Monitor server reports an alarm to the T2000 server. You will see that the related record on the System Monitor client is displayed in red.

Step 1 Log in to the System Monitor. Step 2 Click the Disk tab. The sever disk information is listed. Step 3 Choose and right-click one or more records. In the shortcut menu, choose Refresh to refresh the disk information.

You can also right-click in the blank area and choose Refresh to refresh the disk information.


7.3.2 Viewing Solaris Error Log

You can view Solaris error log to detect errors or faults. You can then take proper actions to correct the errors or faults to ensure that the T2000 runs on a stable OS.

Step 1 Log in as user root. Run the following command to view the server time:
# date Fri Nov 19 21:37:01 CST 2004

Step 2 Open /var/adm/messages to check errors or faults. Normally, there is no record marked with "err" or "failed". Step 3 Open /var/log/syslog to check errors or faults. Normally, there is no error. ----End

7.3.3 Backing Up All Data in the T2000 Database

To quickly restore the database in the event of a failure, back up the T2000 database by using the database management tool.

l l

On UNIX, the current user is root and the Sybase database must be started. On Windows, the current user must have the administrator authority of the operating system. The MS SQL database server must also be started.
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Issue 01 (2008-02-28)

7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

On UNIX, to back up the T2000 database by using the command line, run the following commands on the active server:
# cd /T2000/server/database # ./

Step 1 Start the database management tool. l l On UNIX, right-click on the CDE desktop and select Tools > Terminal to display a terminal window. In the /T2000/server/database directory, run "". On Windows, open the Resource Browser. In the \T2000\server\database directory, run "T2000DM.exe".

Step 2 Select T2000DBServer from the left-hand Database Server List. Step 3 Enter the password of user sa.

The default password of user sa is null.

Step 4 Click Backup Database. The Description dialog box is displayed. Step 5 Specify a directory to save the backup file.

Make sure that no space, punctuation or non-English character exists in the path.

Step 6 Click Backup to back up the T2000 database. ----End

7.3.4 Viewing Server Time

You can use the date command to view the time of the T2000 server to check whether the server time is consistent with the local time.

Run the following command to view the server time:
# date Fri Nov 19 21:37:01 CST 2004


7.4 Monthly Maintenance

The purpose of monthly maintenance is to keep the devices in a good condition. This ensures that the T2000 can run securely, stably, and reliably. 7.4.1 Checking Consistency of Configuration Data Between an NE and the T2000 A consistency check is done to compare the configuration data in the NEs with the data in the T2000. After the check, a report of the result is created. If the result shows the configuration data is inconsistent, you need to upload the configuration data from the NE to the T2000 or download the data from the T2000 to the NE for data synchronization.
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OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

7.4.2 Periodically Changing the Password of NM To ensure the NE security, you need to periodically change the passwords of the NM and NE users and keep them in a safe place. 7.4.3 Deleting User Rights You should delete user rights periodically to ensure the security of the T2000. 7.4.4 Viewing the T2000 Operation Logs All NM users' operations on the T2000 and NEs are recorded in the operation logs. The T2000 provides the ability to view the logs and different ways to filter the operation logs.

7.4.1 Checking Consistency of Configuration Data Between an NE and the T2000

A consistency check is done to compare the configuration data in the NEs with the data in the T2000. After the check, a report of the result is created. If the result shows the configuration data is inconsistent, you need to upload the configuration data from the NE to the T2000 or download the data from the T2000 to the NE for data synchronization.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.


Configuration data consistency check between the T2000 and NEs does not change the configuration data in the NEs and in the T2000. To ensure that the T2000 properly manages the NEs, it is recommended that you run this function on a monthly basis to keep the consistency of configuration data in NEs and the T2000 server.

Step 1 Select Configuration > Configuration Data Management from the Main Menu. Step 2 Select one or more NEs in the left pane and click the double-right-arrow button (red). Step 3 Select one or more NEs from the Configuration Data Management List. Step 4 Click Consistency Check. Alternatively, right-click the NE and select Consistency Check from the shortcut menu. Step 5 Click OK.

l l

If the result indicates an inconsistency in the configuration data between the NE and the T2000, you need to upload or download the data to achieve consistency. Click Save As to save inconsistent information to a file.

Step 6 Click Close in the Operation Result dialog box. ----End

Issue 01 (2008-02-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd


7 T2000 Routine Maintenance

OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator Guide

7.4.2 Periodically Changing the Password of NM

To ensure the NE security, you need to periodically change the passwords of the NM and NE users and keep them in a safe place. To manage password and authority of each user, refer to 2.5.4 Changing the NM User Password and 2.14.2 Changing the NE User Password.

7.4.3 Deleting User Rights

You should delete user rights periodically to ensure the security of the T2000.

Step 1 Log in to the T2000 as administrator. Step 2 Choose System Administration > NM Security Management > NM User Management . Step 3 In the NM User Management window, delete the rights of the T2000 users. Follow the rules below to delete user rights:

Delete discarded user accounts in time. When a device is added, assign proper rights to the operators. Assign user rights by user group. Add users with similar rights to the same group. To maintain system performance, do not assign rights to users one by one.


7.4.4 Viewing the T2000 Operation Logs

All NM users' operations on the T2000 and NEs are recorded in the operation logs. The T2000 provides the ability to view the logs and different ways to filter the operation logs.

You must be an NM user with "NM administrator" authority or higher.

Step 1 Choose System Administration > Operation Log from the Main Menu. Step 2 Set the condition for viewing the logs. Step 3 Click Query and view the logs.

7-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Issue 01 (2008-02-28)

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