Intro Physics Equation Sheet

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speed of light elementary charge gravitational constant universal gas constant Avogadros number Boltzman constant

2.99 10

1.60 10 6.67 10 8.31

Electron mass

6.022 10 8.62 10 1.38 10

Compton wavelength classical radius Thomson cross section magnetic moment g factor Proton mass

9.109 10 5.486 10 0.511 1.321 10 2.818 10 0.665 10 928.48 10 2.002 1.673 10 1.007 938.27 1.321 10 1.411 10 1.675 10 1.009 939.57 1.320 10

= 83 = , ,

StefanBoltzman constant permittivity constant permeability constant fine structure constant Bohr radius Ryberg constant Bohr magneton

5.67 10

8.85 10

1.26 10 7.297 10

Compton wavelength magnetic moment Neutron mass

nuclear magneton

Planck constant

= 2

4.136 10 6.582 10 9.65 10 1.055 10

6.626 10

9.27 10 5.788 10 5.05 10 3.152 10

5.29 10 1 1.10 10

Compton wavelength Deuteron mass

magnetic moment Alpha particle mass Muon mass

0.433 10 6.645 10 3727.38 1.884 10 0.113 105.66 2.002

3.344 10 2.014 1875.6

Faraday constant

magnetic moment g factor Tau mass

4.49 10 3.168 10 1.908 1776.99


1 km 1 m

1 in 1 mile 1 rod 1 fathom 1 nautical mile 1 angstrom 1 light year 1 par sec Area 1 1 1 1 Volume 1 1

0.6215 miles 1.0936 yds 3.281 ft 39.37 in 2.54 cm 5280 ft 16.5 ft 6 ft 6076.1 ft 0.1 nm 9.467 10 3.084 10 0.3861 247.1 10 43560 10 1000 3.786 4 8 128 231 28.32 2.832 10 1 / 57.30 9.549 / 1000 1.6606 10 931.50 / 14.59 1000 / 1 62.4 /


1 1 1

0.2248 10 2.2046 32.17 1 / 101.325 1.01325 1.013 10 14.7 760 29.9 33.8 6.895 1 133.32 100

Pressure 1 1

1 / 1 1

1 Speed


1 1 /

Mass 1 1 1 Density 1 / 1

Energy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Power 1 1 1

3.6 4.184 1.356 1.286 10 101.325 24.217 252 1.602 10 931.50 1 10 3.725 10 550 745.7 17.58 1 1.341 10 0.7376 / 1.257 10 10 64.52 / 10 10 2.998 1.257 4 2.665 10

Electric charge 1

0.10 2.778 10 1.036 10

Magnetic vector H 1 Magnetic field B 1 Magnetic flux 1 1

Magnetomotive force 1 1 1

Length Mass Time Electric current Thermodynamic temperature Amount of substance Luminous intensity SI prefixes prefix factor yotta10 zetta10 exa10 peta10 tera10 giga10 mega10 Area Volume Velocity Acceleration Wave number Mass density Specific volume Current density Magnetic field strength Amount of substance concentration Luminance

Meter Kilogram Second Ampere Kelvin Mole Candela

symbol k h da d c m prefix nanopicofemtoattozeptoyocto factor 10 10 10 10 10 10 symbol n p f a z y

symbol Y Z E P T G M

prefix Kilohectodekadecicentimillimicro-

factor 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Square meter Cubic meter Meter per second Meter per second squared Reciprocal meter Kilogram per cubic meter Cubic meter per kilogram Ampere per square meter Ampere per meter Mole per cubic meter Candela per square meter

Plane angle Solid angle Frequency Force Pressure Energy Power Electric charge Electric potential difference Capacitance Electric resistance Electric conductance Magnetic flux Magnetic flux density Inductance Luminous flux Illuminance Activity of a radionuclide Absorbed dose Dose equivalent Catalytic activity

Radian Steradian Hertz Newton Pascal Joule Watt Coulomb Volt Farad Ohm Siemens Weber Tesla Henry Lumen Lux Becquerel Gray Sievert Katal

Rad Sr Hz N Pa J W C V F S Wb T H Lm Lx Bq Gy Sv Kat Pascal second Newton meter Newton per meter Radian per second Radian per second squared Watt per square meter Joule per Kelvin Joule per kilogram Kelvin Joule per kilogram Watt per meter Kelvin Joule per cubic meter Volt per meter Coulomb per cubic meter Coulomb per square meter Farad per meter Henry per meter Joule per mole Joule per mole Kelvin Coulomb per kilogram Gray per second Watt per steradian Watt per square meter steradian Katal per cubic meter

Dynamic viscosity Moment of force Surface tension Angular velocity Angular acceleration Heat flux density, irradiance Heat capacity, entropy Specific heat capacity Specific energy Thermal conductivity Energy density Electric field strength Electric charge density Electric flux density Permittivity Permeability Molar energy Molar entropy, molar heat capacity Exposure (x and rays) Absorbed dose rate Radiant intensity Radiance Catalytic concentration

Motion Position vector Average velocity Average acceleration Instantaneous velocity Instantaneous acceleration Oscillations Period and frequency Period

= + + = =

Angular momentum

= = =

= = =

Motion with constant acceleration Linear motion Rotational motion = + = + 1 1 = + + = + + 2 2 = + 2 = + 2 Force Newtons First Law If there is no net force on a body, the body remains at rest if it is initially at rest or moves in a straight line at constant speed if it is in motion. Newtons Second law = Newtons Third If a force acts on body B due to Law body C, then there is an equal and opposite force on body C due to body B. Conservative The net work done on a particle force around a closed path is zero. The net work done on a particle is path independent. Friction force = Drag force = Centripetal force Spring force-Hookes law Gravitation force Electric force Magnetic force on particle =

The time required for one complete oscillation or cycle. Frequency The number of oscillations per second. Angular frequency of = 2 = linear oscillator One dimension = + oscillation = + = + Spring force-Hookes = law Work by spring =

Rotation Arc length Average angular velocity Average angular acceleration Instantaneous angular velocity Instantaneous angular acceleration Tangential velocity Tangential component of circular motion acceleration Radial component of circular motion acceleration Period of motion Centripetal force Radial power Rotation kinetic energy Torque Work

= = = =

= = =

= = = =

= =

= = = = =

Energy and Work Kinetic energy Rotational kinetic energy Conservation of energy

= =

System of particles Center of mass Acceleration of system of particles Moment of inertia Parallel axis theorem: The rotational inertia of a body about any axis to that of the same body about a parallel axis through the center of mass where h is the perpendicular distance between the two axes. Electricity Coulombs law Electric field Gauss law Electric potential Choosing initial position to have zero potential Potential from point charge From n number of point charges Continuous distribution of charge E and V relationship Potential energy

Work Work

The total energy of a system can change only by amounts of energy that are transferred to or from the system. = = =

= =

Work by spring

Work is energy transferred to or from an object via a force acting on the object. Energy transferred to the object is positive work, and from the object, negative work. =

= +

Power due to force average Instantaneous power Radial power Potential energy Gravitation potential

= =

= = = =

Momentum Linear momentum = Conservation of If a system is isolated so that no linear external force acts on it, the momentum linear momentum of the system remains constant. Newtons second law = = Angular momentum Newtons second law Impulse-due to the force exerted on the body by another body during a collision Elastic collision (perfect) Inelastic collision (perfect) = = = = =

= = = =

= =

+ = + + = +

Magnetism Force of magnetic field force experienced by a charge moving through the field with certain velocity Biot-Savart law Amperes law line integral around a closed loop Magnetic flux through an area A

= =

Energy density (charge per unit volume) Ohms law Power Series circuits Parallel circuits Gravitation Force of gravity Gravitational field Thermodynamics Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

= =

= = =

= =

= = = = + + = + + = = = = =

Faradays law of = = induction Induction If a magnetic flux through an area bounded by a closed conducting loop changes with time then a current and EMF are produced in the loop. this process is called induction Lenzs Law An induced current has a direction such that the magnetic field due to the current opposes the change in the magnetic flux that induces the current Inductance = Inductor A device that can be used to produce a known magnetic field in a specified region. If a current I is established through each of the N windings of an inductor, a magnetic flux links those windings. =

Heat capacity Heat of transformation Work done by expanding gas

If bodies A and B are each in thermal equilibrium with a third body C, then A and B are in thermal equilibrium with each other. = = = =

First law of thermodynamics (internal energy) Ideal gas

= , , = = = = =

For an ideal gas

, = =

Magnetic energy Circuits Capacitance Capacitor in parallel Capacitors in series Resistors in series Resistors in parallel EMF a device that does work on charges to maintain a potential difference between its output terminals Potential energy of capacitors ( work done to charge the capacitor)

Entropy change Second law of thermodynamics Third law of thermodynamics

= 0

= =

The entropy of a perfect crystal, at absolute zero Kelvin, is equal to zero.

Waves Sinusoidal waves moving in positive direction of x-axis

, = sin k=angular wave number =angular frequency kx-t=phase Transverse are waves in which the particles waves of the medium oscillate perpendicular to the waves direction of travel Longitudinal are waves in which the particles waves of the medium oscillate parallel to the waves direction of travel Angular wave number = Period The wave speed Doppler effect = =

Optics Snells law Mirror equation Magnification Power

= where =

= =

Objects or images in front of the mirror have positive distances and images behind the mirror have negative distances. Inverted images have a negative image height. + = Thin lenses equation Magnification

= =

Power of a lens

Vd is velocity of detector relative to medium and Vs is velocity of source to medium Fluids Density Pressure Pascals Principle = =

Archimedes principle Buoyancy force Weight Flow rate Ideal fluid

A change in the pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and to the walls of the containing vessel. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid that has been displaced. = = = = volume = mass = = is incompressible and lacks viscosity, and its flow is steady and irrotational.

Focal length is positive for converging lenses and negative for diverging lenses. Object distance is positive if on the same side of the lens as the light source. Image distance is positive if on the opposite side of the lens from light source. Image height is negative if its inverted. = for m=1,2,3 (minima) Single slit diffraction =

Double slit diffraction

= =

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