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Date: 9/16/2013 Responding to Reading: A27 A36

Name: Michael Turley#32

Historical Management Scientific Management Focused on efficiency and the one best way to achieve productivity Administrative Management Focused on the training of managers to be more effective and thus increase productivity among workers. Strenghts:Increases the managers effectiveness and allows workers to follow the managers example. Weaknesses:Does not specifically account for human needs and the functionality of workers.

Behavioral Management Focused on the conditioning of the work environment to meet the subtle human needs of the workers and thus increase productivity. Strenghts:Determines by identification of human behavior what human needs are not met.

Strenghts: Determines by observations and facts what the best solution will be. Weaknesses: Does not account for human behavior and emotional or social needs.

Weaknesses:Does not account for efficiency in the managers or workers use of time or methods of working.

Empirical, Social System, Human Behavior Approaches So

Successful Management Increased Productivity

Together these approaches are successful

So I have learned that to be a successful manager you must take into account human behavior, observations of what works best, and self-evaluation as an administrator. The scientific method can be used to discover the best methods to increase productivity while remembering that humans are not machines you can program. I feel I could apply this knowledge to my management and leadership experiences by recognizing that I cant attack problems from only one angle. I need to consider what will be the effects on human behavior when I think I have a good idea about how to run things differently. Also I need to be accountable for the progress I am making with my own responsibilities and progression as a leader before I go trying to correct others. I have come to realize that a great part of being a successful manager seems to be how aware you are of yourself as a manager and of your subordinates. Being aware allows you to tackle large and small problems because you are able to identify them in the first place. I have observed managers who have focused solely on increasing productivity by scientific management. My general observation was that the workers did not respect that manager and did not reach their full potential. So I should increase my awareness and try to balance myself among these three main approaches to manage successfully. I have no questions at this time about the content within this reading assignment.

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