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Cooking Time: 1 hour 20 minutes Servings: 6 Preparation Time: 40 Crust: 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 cup unsalte !utter" cut into 1 t!sp# pcs#" ver$ col 1/4-1/2 cup col %ater &illing: 1 cup rie fruit !its 1/2 cup packe light !ro%n sugar
'hat is packe !ro%n sugar( 'hat section of the store o ) fin it in( *h ear heart" the cook!ook %riters of the %orl are tr$ing to run $ou ragge # Packe !ro%n sugar" unlike light or ark !ro%n sugar" is not a t$pe of !ro%n sugar" !ut a reference to ho% $ou measure it# )t means that rather than lightl$ spooning the !ro%n sugar into a measuring cup an leaving lots of air pockets" $ou pack it into the measuring cup an s+uish it o%n until $ou can,t fit an$ more in##

1/2 cup - 1 tsp# sugar 1/2 cup flour ./4 tsp# groun cinnamon 1/2 tsp# vanilla 1/4 tsp# groun nutmeg . l!# fro/en peaches" tha%e 1 egg" !eaten

Crust: Put the flour" salt an sugar into a foo processor an pulse once or t%ice# 0 the !utter an process until the mi1ture looks grain$# Then slo%l$" %hile pulsing" a the %ater until $ou can form the ough !$ pressing it !et%een $our fingers# 2ecant the loose ough onto a piece of plastic %rap# 3sing the %rap" fol the loose ough to%ar s the mi le an press %ith the !ack of $our han s to form ough# Split into t%o pieces an %rap each an chill for at least 4 hours !efore using# 2ough can !e ma e ahea for up to one %eek# &illing: Com!ine fruit !its" !ro%n sugar" 1/2 cup granulate sugar" flour" cinnamon" vanilla an nutmeg4 stir in peaches# *n floure surface" roll larger ough isk into 12 inch circle4 fit into 5 inch pie pan# Spoon peach mi1ture into crust# 6oll remaining ough into 5 inch circle4 cut into 1 inch %i e strips# 0rrange in lattice pattern over pie filling4 trim an flute e ge# 6efrigerate until firm" 17 minutes# Place !aking sheet on rack in oven4 preheat to .87 egrees &# 9rush crust %ith egg4 sprinkle %ith remaining sugar# 9ake on hot !aking sheet 1 hour" 20 minutes or until gol en an !u!!l$# Cool# :There,s nothing more elightful than some peach pie %ith a little ;vanilla; goo ness to !righten $our a$# )t,s a plate full of sunshine#<


Pecan &illing 2 C Sugar 2 C 2ark corn s$rup = ea >ggs 2 T ?anilla 1/2 l! 9utter" melte 2 C Pecans or pecan pieces &lak$ Pie Crust 2 1/2 C 0ll-purpose flour 2 1/2 C Cake flour 1/4 C Sugar 1 t Salt 1 ea >gg $olk 1/2 l! 9utter" col 1/2 C Shortening ./4 C 'ater" col

&illing: Pre-heat oven to .87@# Com!ine sugar" corn s$rup" eggs an vanilla in a large mi1ing !o%l an %hisk !$ han or !eat %ith a mi1er until smooth# 0 the !utter gra uall$" mi1ing constantl$# Sprinkle 1 cup of pecans to each un!ake pie shell# Pour the filling over the pecans" filling to %ithin 1/2; from the top# 9ake for 20 minutes# Ao%er oven temperature to .70@ an !ake for an a itional 40 minutes or until set# Crust: Bi1 the all-purpose flour" cake flour" sugar an salt in a large stainless steel !o%l# Stir in the egg $olk# Cut in the col !utter an shortening %ith a pastr$ cutter or 2 knives to make crum!s the si/e of small peas# 0 a thir of the ice %ater at a time an s+uee/e together !$ han to make a ough that is stick$ an slightl$ moist !ut not too %et# 2o not over-mi1 the ough4 having small pieces of !utter visi!le in the ough is fine# Shape into t%o e+ual portions" %rap in plastic %rap an chill for 2 hours or longer# Place one portion of the ough at a time on a floure surface an sprinkle %ith a small amount of flour# 6oll into a circle three inches larger than the top of an =-inch pie pan4 flip the ough several times %hile rolling to ensure an even thickness# Sprinkle the rolling surface an rolling pin %ith a itional flour if necessar$ to prevent sticking# 6oll the ough aroun the rolling pin then unroll it into the pie pan# Pat gentl$ into the pie pan an trim the e ges" patching an$ tears %ith the trimmings if necessar$# &lute the e ge# 6epeat the process %ith the remaining ough# Chill slightl$ in the refrigerator#


1/2 cup appleCack !ran $ or !ran $ 1/2 cup rie currants 2 ta!lespoons fresh lemon Cuice 2 teaspoons vanilla e1tract 7 ta!lespoons unsalte !utter 1 1/4 poun s Drann$ Smith apples" peele " +uartere " core " cut into 1/.-inch-thick 1 teaspoon groun cinnamon 1 teaspoon groun nutmeg 1 poun firm !ut ripe 9artlett pears" peele " core " cut into 1/.-inch-thick %e ges 2 ta!lespoons cornstarch ./4 cup Epacke F gol en !ro%n sugar 1/4 cup light corn s$rup 1/4 cup %hipping cream ./4 cup coarsel$ choppe lightl$ toaste %alnuts 1 Cinnamon Pastr$ Crust" chille Esee recipe !elo%F ?anilla ice cream Position rack in center of oven an preheat to .70&# Bi1 appleCack !ran $" rie currants" fresh lemon Cuice an vanilla e1tract in large !o%l# Aet mi1ture stan 17 minutes# Cook . ta!lespoons unsalte !utter in heav$ large skillet over me ium heat until pale gol en" a!out . minutes# 0 apple %e ges" groun cinnamon an groun nutmeg# Saute until apple %e ges are crisp-ten er" a!out 12 minutes# 0 apple mi1ture" pear %e ges an 2 ta!lespoons cornstarch to currant mi1ture4 toss to coat# Bi1 gol en !ro%n sugar" corn s$rup" %hipping cream an remaining 2 ta!lespoons unsalte !utter in heav$ small saucepan# 9oil over me ium-high heat until slightl$ thickene " stirring until sugar issolves" a!out 7 minutes# Stir in choppe %alnuts# 0 to fruit mi1ture# Toss to coat# Transfer %arm filling to prepare crust# 9ake .0 minutes# Tent pie %ith foil# 9ake pie until apples an pears are ten er an li+ui !u!!les thickl$" a!out 47 minutes longer# Cool pie on rack# Serve %arm or at room temperature %ith ice cream# E6ecipe originall$ from 9on 0ppetitF


Cinnamon Pastr$ Crust: )ngre ients: 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/. cup %alnuts or slivere almon s" toaste 2 ta!lespoons sugar 1 teaspoon groun cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup E1 stickF chille unsalte !utter" cut into 1/2-inch pieces 2 ta!lespoons chille soli vegeta!le shortening" cut into 1/2-inch pieces 2 ta!lespoons Eor moreF ice %ater or chille ark creme e cacao 9len flour" nuts" sugar" cinnamon an salt in processor until nuts are coarsel$ groun # Chille !utter an vegeta!le shortening# 3sing on/off turns" process until coarse crum!s form# 0 2 ta!lespoons ice %ater or chille creme e cacao# Process ough until small moist clumps form" a ing more ice %ater !$ teaspoonfuls if ough is r$# Dather ough into !all4 flatten into isk# 'rap ough isk in plastic# 6efrigerate until col enough to roll out" a!out .0 minutes# 6oll out ough on floure %ork surface to 12-inch roun # Transfer ough to 5-inchiameter glass pie ish# Press ough into ish# &ol overhang un er# Crimp e ges ecorativel$# Cover an chill until col " a!out .0 minutes# ECan !e prepare 2 a$s ahea # Geep refrigerate #F


2 c# slice fresh peaches Eor an$ fresh fruitF 1 c# granulate sugar 1/2 c# !utter ./4 c# self-rising flour Esee noteF ./4 c# milk Droun nutmeg

Com!ine fruit %ith sugar in a !o%l4 set asi e# Put !utter in an 11 1 = 1 2 1/2-inch !aking ish# Place in .70 egree oven to melt !utter# 9utter shoul !e !u!!l$ !ut not !ro%n# Com!ine flour an milk4 pour over melte !utter in pan# Spoon fruit mi1ture on top# Sprinkle %ith nutmeg# 2o not stir# 6eturn to .70 egree oven an !ake 1 hour" or until co!!ler is gol en !ro%n# Hote: To make $our o%n self-rising flour" a 1 teaspoon !aking po% er an 1/4 teaspoon salt to ./4 cup all-purpose flour#


9ake 5; pie shell 6 o/# cream cheese 2 T# milk 1 tsp# grate lemon peel 4 c# fresh !lue!erries 1 T# lemon Cuice 1/= t# salt 'ater 1 c# sugar 2 T# cornstarch Soften cream cheese# 0 milk an lemon peel4 !eat until smooth# Sprea cheese mi1ture evenl$ in !ottom of !ake pie shell# Sprinkle 2 c# %hole !lue!erries over cheese la$er# Bash remain er of !lue!erries4 spoon into a 1-1/2 c# measure# 0 lemon Cuice an salt an enough %ater to make 1-1/2 c# of pulp an li+ui # Place in a small saucepan# Bi1 sugar an cornstarch# Stir into the !lue!err$ pulp# 9ring to a !oil" stirring constantl$" an cook for a!out 2 minutes or until thickene # Cool mi1ture to luke%arm# Spoon the !lue!err$ sauce over !lue!erries# Chill pie for several hours# Cut pie an %atch## in one minute it %ill !e goneI >nCo$I


. ta!lespoons cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 cups sugar 2 cups stra%!erries" halve 2 cups ice rhu!ar! 1 ta!lespoon !utter Pastr$ for a 1-crust pie 9len cornstarch" salt" an sugar# 0 to fruit an mi1# Place filling in eep =-inch pie pan" heaping center of filling slightl$ a!ove top of pan so that it %ill support pastr$# 2ot %ith !utter# Boisten rim of pan# 6oll pastr$" cut several gashes in it" an place over filling# Trim e ge -- leaving 1/2inch margin !e$on e ge of pan# Turn margin over an flute e ge of crust" pressing firml$ to pan# Sprinkle lightl$ %ith sugar# 9ake in hot oven E427 egrees &F until crust is !ro%ne an rhu!ar! ten er Ea!out .0 minutesF


2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup E1 stickF chille unsalte !utter" cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1/2 cup fro/en vegeta!le shortening" cut into 1/2-inch pieces 7 ta!lespoons Eor moreF ice %ater 1 teaspoon vanilla e1tract

9len flour" sugar an salt in processor# 0 !utter an shortening an cut in using on/off turns until mi1ture resem!les coarse meal# Bi1 7 ta!lespoons ice %ater an vanilla in small !o%l4 a to processor an !len using on/off turns until mi1ture !egins to form moist clumps" a ing more ice %ater !$ teaspoonfuls if ough is r$# Dather ough into 2 !alls# &latten each into isk4 %rap each in plastic %rap an refrigerate at least 1 hour# ECan !e prepare 2 a$s ahea # Geep refrigerate # Soften ough slightl$ at room temperature !efore rolling out#F &*6 0 P6>-90G>2 P)> C63ST: Aine the pie ish %ith crust4 crimp e ges an !ake at .87 egrees &# until gol en an !ake through an piercing crust in a fe% places %ith fork if crust !u!!les" a!out .0 minutes# Cool an then fill %ith $our choice of alrea $ prepare fillings" such as mousses" cream fillings" or lemon cur #


&or &illing: 1 cup plus 1 ta!lespoon sugar 2 1/2 ta!lespoons cornstarch 1/4 teaspoon EgenerousF groun car amom 1 1/2 cups fresh rasp!erries Ea!out = ouncesF 1 1/2 cups fresh !lue!erries Ea!out = ouncesF 1 cup fresh !lack!erries Ea!out 7 1/2 ouncesF 1/4 cup see less rasp!err$ Cam 1 teaspoon grate lemon peel 2 Ten er Pie Crust 2isks Esee recipe !elo%F 'hipping Cream Efor gla/eF ?anilla ice cream or S%eetene %hippe cream EoptionalF &*6 &)AA)HD: 'hisk 1 cup sugar" cornstarch an car amom in large !o%l to !len %ell# 0 all !erries" Cam an lemon peel an toss gentl$ to coat %ith sugar mi1ture# Aet stan until !erries !egin to Cuice" a!out 20 minutes# T* 0SS>B9A>: Aine !aking sheet %ith foil4 place in !ottom of oven Eto catch an$ potential spillsF# Position rack in center of oven an preheat to .87 egrees &# 6oll out 1 pie crust isk on generousl$ floure surface to 121/2-inch roun # Transfer to 5-inch- iameter glass pie ish# Spoon filling into crust# 6oll our secon pie crust isk to 12 -inch roun 4 cut into thiteen 1/2- to ./4-inch %i e strips# 0rrange 8 ough strips across filling" spacing evenl$ apart# Place 6 more more ough strips iagonall$ across first 8 strips forming lattice# Trim strips even %ith overhang on !ottom crust# Tuck en s of ough strips an overhang un er4 press to seal# Crimp e ges ecorativel$" forming 1/2-to ./4-inch high stan ing rim a!ove si es of pie ish# 9rush lattice strips Enot crust e gesF lightl$ %ith cream# Sprinkle strips %ith remaining 1 ta!lespoon sugar# 9ake pie .0 minutes# Cover crust e ges %ith foil collar to protect from over!ro%ning# Continue to !ake pie until filling !u!!les thickl$ in center" a!out 70 minutes longer# Transfer pie to rack# Cool completel$# ECan !e prepare = hours ahea # Aet stan at room temperature#F T* S>6?>: Cut pie into %e ges# Serve %ith ice cream or s%eetene %hippe cream" if esire #


Cooking Time: 40 Preparation Time: 10 1 cup canne pumpkin 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup milk 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 E. 1/2 ounceF !o1 vanilla instant pu ing mi1 ./4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon groun ginger 1/4 teaspoon groun cloves 1 pastr$ for ou!le-crust pie E$our favorite recipe or purchase F 6oll out pastr$ ough to 1/4 inch thickness# Cut out 2-1/2; circles from the ough# Jou shoul have 17# Place each circle in a muffin cup an push in to fit pan# Preheat oven to .70 egrees# )n a large !o%l" !eat together pumpkin" sugar" milk" egg an vanilla# 0 the pu ing mi1 an !eat until !len e # )t %ill thicken nicel$# 0 spices# Stir to com!ine# &ill pastr$ crusts evenl$# Place in oven an !ake for .0 minutes# Cool on rack# 'hen cool" $ou can place in a rigi free/er container %ith la$ers of %a1e paper in !et%een# &ree/e until nee e # Jou can tha% these in the refrigerator or put in the micro%ave for a!out 1 minute# This epen s on the %attage of $our micro# >nCo$I


&or the &illing: . cups !lue!erries Efresh are !estF 1 cup !lack!erries or !o$sen!erries 1 cup rasp!erries 1 cup cran!erries 2 ta!lespoons of !utter 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 2/. cup flour 1-2 cups sugar &or the Crust: 2 cups of flour 2/. cup" plus 1 ta!lespoon shortening 1 teaspoon salt 1 ta!lespoon sugar 1/4 cup of ice %ater Bake the Crust Com!ine flour" salt" an sugar# Bi1 %ith a fork# 0 shortening an mi1 %ith a pastr$ !len er or a fork until %ell com!ine # 0 ice %ater an mi1 lightl$ %ith a fork until ough is a!le to !e forme into a !all# Spra$ pie pan lightl$ %ith a non-stick cooking spra$# 3se appro1imatel$ half of the ough to form the !ottom crust an the remain er for the top crust# Bake the Pie Preheat oven to 427@&# Bi1 flour" sugar an cinnamon in a !o%l# Bi1 all !erries in a separate !o%l# 0 half of the r$ ingre ients %ith the !erries# Place a la$er of !err$ mi1ture in pie pan an top %ith part of the remaining r$ ingre ients" continue until all !erries an r$ ingre ients are use # 2ot the top %ith !utter# Top %ith crust# 9rush top crust lightl$ %ith %ater an sprinkle %ith sugar# 9ake in preheate oven for appro1imatel$ 40-47 minutes -- until Cuices are !u!!l$ an crust is !ro%ne # Cool completel$ an serve# He : ;Jester a$,s &our 9err$ Pie %as actuall$ three-an -a-half !ecause ) ran out of cran!erries# ) i n,t tell $ou that#; Chuck: ;0ctuall$" $ou i # Jou aske if orange counte as a !err$# 0n ) sai it i n,t" !ut no one ha to kno% !ut us#; He : ;) like that $ou sai ,us#,; Chuck: ;'ell %e are an ,us, aren,t %e(;


C63ST: 2 egg %hites 1/= tsp# EscantF cream of tartar 1/2 c# sugar 1 1/2 c# E2 - . o/# pkgs#F finel$ choppe !lanche almon s &)AA)HD: 1 c# sugar 1 env# unflavore gelatin Pinch of salt 2 eggs" separate 1 c# milk 1 E12 o/#F pkg# semi-s%eet chocolate chips 1/4 c# coffee li+ueur 1 c# %hipping cream 1 tsp# ?anilla &*6 C63ST: Preheat oven to .87 egrees# 9eat egg %hites until foam$# 0 cream of tartar# Dra uall$ a sugar an continue !eating until stiff an gloss$# &ol in almon s# Sprea mi1ture over !ottom an si es of an oile 10; pie pan# 9ake 17 to 20 minutes or until lightl$ !ro%ne # Cool# &*6 &)AA)HD: Place 1/4 cup sugar" gelatin an salt in top of ou!le !oiler# 9eat together egg $olks an milk an a to gelatin# Cook over simmering %ater" stirring constantl$" until slightl$ thickene # 0 chocolate chips an continue cooking until chocolate has melte # Cool# Stir in coffee li+ueur# 9eat egg %hites until foam$# Slo%l$ a 1/2 cup sugar an continue !eating until %hites are stiff an gloss$# &ol into chocolate mi1ture# 'hip cream" a ing final 1/4 cup sugar an vanilla %hen cream is partiall$ !eaten# Spoon chocolate mi1ture an cream in alternating sections of coole pie shell# S%irl %ith spoon to create mar!le effect# Chill until firm#

Charlotte Charles Apple-Gruyre Pie Bakes 1 5-inch" eep- ish apple pie . l!s# tart re apples EHorthern Sp$" 6omes" >mpires" or KarralsonsF 1/2 c# sugar 1 t!sp# lemon Cuice 1/= tsp# cinnamon 7 tsp# cornstarch or all-purpose flour 1 egg" lightl$ !eaten 1 Dru$Lre Pie CrustMrecipe !elo% Preheat oven to 400 egrees &# Take ough out of fri ge# Peel" core an slice apples into +uarters# Slice each +uarter thinl$# Bi1 %ith other ingre ients# 6oll the larger piece of ough into a isk a!out fourteen inches in iameter# ) use a piece of parchment paper uste %ith flour to prevent sticking# &lip parchment paper over 5 inch eep ish or 10 inch glass pie plate" an ease ough into plate# 6oll smaller piece of ough into circle t%elve inches in iameter# Pile apples into pie plate" scraping an$ Cuice on top of the apples# Place smaller roun of ough on top of the apples# Seal t%o crusts together" !rush %ith the !eaten egg" an make three parallel slits in the top crust to allo% steam to escape# Place pie on a cookie sheet to catch an$ rips" put in oven" an re uce oven temperature to .87 egrees# 9ake 70 minutes to an hour" or until $ou can see the filling !u!!ling up !et%een the slits in the crust# Cool on a %ire rack at least 20 minutes !efore serving# Gruyre Pie Crust Baking pie ough is governe !$ three principles# 1F 3se leaf-lar # Spare me $our gasp of horror4 leaf lar makes the most ten er pie crust aroun an unlike Crisco" contains no transfats an oesnNt leave an unpleasant" soap$ taste in $our mouth# 2onNt use lar from the grocer$ store4 it is most likel$ ranci # Aeaf lar shoul smell pure# 9u$ from a !utcher" or or er here# 0n oka$" if $ou are utterl$ oppose to lar " $ou ma$ use !utter# 2F Aeave pea si/e lumps of !utter in the ough# 3n er the pressure of the rolling pin" the lumps of !utter flatten into thin sheets that alternate %ith the flour# )n the heat of the oven" the$ create the flak$ la$ers that characteri/e the !est pie oughs# .F Geep in min the pie ough rule of escalating insanit$# The more $our pie ough makes $ou %eep" gnash $our teeth an lie on the kitchen floor convince that the %hole enterprise is a complete isaster" the more likel$ it is that $our pie ough %ill !e heavenl$# 9e%are the pie ough that is eas$ to %ork %ith4 it %ill most likel$ en up r$ an tough# 'hile ever$one from CookNs )llustrate to 6ose Aev$ 9eren!aum recommen s the foo processor for +uick an eas$ pie crusts" ) have never ha luck %ith it# The foo processor overprocesses the ough" an m$ crusts en up tough# )f $ou use the foo processor" onl$ use it to cut the !utter into the flour# 0fter that mi1 %ith a fork# )f $ou onNt use a foo processor" a pastr$ !len er %ill o# Jou can use $our fingers" !ut $ou run the risk of melting the !utter %ith the heat of $our han s" ruining the effect of those pea si/e pockets of !utter# Auckil$ for me" m$ ic$" grim reaper fingers pose no such threat to the pie ough#

Bakes one ou!le-cruste 5-10 inch pie# 2 1/2 c# un!leache all-purpose flour 1 tsp salt 1 t!sp# sugar 1. t!sp# col " unsalte !utter" cut into 1 in pieces an store in the fri ge 8 t!sp# leaf lar Eor more !utter" if $ou mustF 2 o/# Dru$Lre" grate %ith a microplane rasp grater 6-8 t!sp# ice %ater Bi1 flour" salt" sugar an Dru$ere in a large mi1ing !o%l or !o%l of a foo processor# 3sing a foo processor" pastr$ !len er" or $our fingers" cut in the large until no large pieces remain# 0 the !utter" an cut into flour until the largest pieces of !utter are the si/e of large peas# 6emove flour-!utter mi1ture from foo processor" if using" an place in a large mi1ing !o%l# Sprinkle ice %ater over flour in increments of one ta!lespoon" toss %ith fork after each a ition# ETr$ not to a too much e1tra %ater" !ut ) usuall$ en up going over the recommen e amount#F 'hen ough clumps together %hen s+uee/e in $our palm" gather ough together into t%o isks" one slightl$ larger than the other" %rap in plastic %rap an refrigerate overnight#

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