Iron Man Oikodome - "No Provision"

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Dear Bros in Christ,

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Brothers in Christ, this weekly encouragement is sent and meant to be an encouragement to all and to build up and edify in the Lord Jesus Christ. Oikodome means "Builder". The Lord has put this on my heart to send out a monthly ron !an Oikodome "oy#kod#om#ay$% to build up and encourage the men who lo&e and follow Jesus Christ in their walk with 'im. Hebrews 3:13 " ut encoura!e one another dai"#, as "on! as it is ca""ed $oda#, so that none of #ou ma# be hardened b# sin%s deceitfu"ness." PRAYER REQUESTS: f you ha&e any prayer re(uests please send them and will send them out to the bros for prayer, if pri&acy is needed will send in a discreet way.

IRON MAN OIKODOME BOX TOP 099 And [do] this, knowing the ti e, th!t now [it is] high ti e to !w!ke o"t o# s$ee%& #o' now o"' s!$(!tion [is] ne!'e' th!n when we [#i'st] )e$ie(ed* The night is #!' s%ent, the d!+ is !t h!nd* The'e#o'e $et "s ,!st o## the wo'ks o# d!'kness, !nd $et "s %"t on the !' o' o# $ight* -et "s w!$k %'o%e'$+, !s in the d!+, not in 'e(e$'+ !nd d'"nkenness, not in $ewdness !nd $"st, not in st'i#e !nd en(+* B"t %"t on the -o'd .es"s /h'ist, !nd !ke no %'o(ision #o' the #$esh, to [#"$#i$$ its] $"sts*0[Ro !ns 12311415 NK.6] No P'o(ision0 Bros how long should we wait until we share the Lord) Time is running out for each of us* +,wake to righteousness, and do not sin- for some do not ha&e the knowledge of .od. speak /this0 to your shame.1 /2Corinthians23456 78J90 :e are running out of time# not knowing the e;act day, but the night is far spent and we are in the day when the time is nearer* +,nd ha&e no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather e;pose them.1/<phesians 3422 78J90 :e ha&e no time for fellowship with sin- no time to hang out in that arena of darkness that once held us prisoner. But it=s time to use our time to step up and out to be the light to the darkness#not to be a part of the darkness# but illuminate it with the Lord Jesus Christ. +>ut on the whole armor of .od, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the de&il.1 /<phesians ?422 78J90 Bros we want to be fully e(uipped not in and of our flesh to engage in the battle but by the fullness of .od and the e(uipping of 'is armor. +Therefore take up the whole armor of .od, that you may be able to withstand in the e&il day, and ha&ing done all, to stand.1 /<phesians ?425 78J90 Bros we can walk about in a lackadaisical state of preparedness and be totally unprepared to engage in the battle for souls, unprepared to meet our neighbor=s spiritual needs with the sharing of the .ospel. f we are operating in this state we only show up half ready and halfhearted to share the .ood 7ews. :e ha&e not prepared to go to battle and as a result we make a pro&ision for our flesh to enter the battle and it can and will fall to its lust if we don=t armor up* Therefore by the grace of .od we need to put on the Lord Jesus Christ# not like a garment we take on and off but rather because we are in Christ and 'e is in us#ne&er to be remo&ed. +@or as many of you as were baptiAed into Christ ha&e put on Christ.1 /.alatians 54BC 78J90 By not making a pro&ision for our flesh we can operate and walk in the Dpirit so that we may not fulfill the lusts of our flesh which we all know cannot be satisfied, our flesh will kill us trying to be fulfilled by its lust. + say then4 :alk in the Dpirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.1 /.alatians 342? 78J90 Lord help us to make no pro&ision for our flesh but help us to4 :alk in the Dpirit, to remain in Eou, to abide in Eou, to be the :itness Eou ha&e called us to be and to Lo&e our neighbors because Eou told us too, plus time is running out and there is no time left to waste in unfruitful works of darkness# may we redeem the time doing Eour :ill in our li&es#amenF ,gape,
Ganiel :right Iron Man Oikodome >ro&erbs BC42C

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