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2013-01-25 intro

Concepts for the body

Haecceity: the body has an event. How to find a mean to describe the same individual that is the morning and evening star? This is the same individual that quantified different, however they both represent the same individual in the realm of representation. The body is then understood as an event, the actualisation of properties for a duration of time. The principle of haecceity for Deleuze entails that individuation is seen as an event.

Univocity The principle of haecceity and univocity are linked. How did Duns Scotus conceived the concept of classification. Univocity of being links God of the substance, composed of multitudes of attributes. This is about proving the concept of difference. Substance is composed of an infinity of parts, and is expressed on the realm of nature in an infinite number of the way through modes. The one, the whole is also difference, multiple. This simplistically defines the concept of univocity. In an approach, A whole is composed of different parts that exist concomitantly A body is composed in multiple of parts. How is the body composed of differences? When difference mean that under of the actions of new forces, a body we be actualise in the different way.

I have established the problematic of bodies/mind parallelism, Deleuze/Spinoza now concentrates on defining their conception of body and affection. The body is being affected and the sensation bring about thoughts or ideas. In the next immediate section I concentrate on the body of not only the form that is in the real, but I will demonstrate Deleuze interest in the body defined as differences. As for Deleuze, the body is to be understood as a form in the plane of the real, and properties that determines 1 is capacity is an forms that exists in a virtual plan that will be named the plan of immanence. The fundamental questions are how do matter takes form, what is the relationship between matter and form? The body as formed of matter: representation of the sensible. What we see, what is felt, the body of the sign, sign as a cause. Body is expressed only through causes. What is the individual? dog, a stone, a person, are something that is expressed. The body is composed of differences, one of the most important ontological point of Deleuze. Deleuze denies Aristotle account of reality on the basis of representation, the abstract classification of individuals into categories. For many reasons: it does not account for a perfect rendering of evolution of species, how to categorise individual of a particular category that is different in a very slight manner. But also, Deleuze criticises Aristotle categories for being an current into judgement and categories are produced by society. (DR 50-56)Here is the concern of Deleuze to produce a theory of sign where signs are defined outside any constraints of the society. Sort of defining signs ungrounded. (Willy ch3)

Individual as difference, what does it means? Duns Scotus, against the individual expressed on it representation, there is more to the body as what is seen, there are some properties t hat are hidden that are not necessarily revealed.

in the next section I will bring about the Bergsonian vocabulary of real and virtual that define Deleuze philosophy.

2013-01-25 intro

Univocity: for Duns Scotus an individual is composed of many parts each of these have a way of functioning. Duns Scotus proposes a modal conception of the body. A conception that goes with Deleuze interest in difference this is a bit more complicated. Two triad response to each other, God the world and us, substance attributes and mode. How to explain this. The body is made of many parts. The body is a form that is in the realm of the real. The body is a composition of modes. Body has many attributes, the body essence is made up by attributes that which are expressed in modes in the realm of the real. The expressions of the attributes in modes is not determined as modes take different forms. I did not new is that.

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