Setup hMailServer To Use A SSL Certificate - Dovetail Software

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How To Setup hMailServer To Use a SSL Certificate | Dovetail Software

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How To Setup hMailServer To Use a SSL Certificate

Author: Kevin Miller Posted on: August 17, 2010



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I am adding IMAP support to one of our products. Likely more that one person out there a needed to do this, so enjoy. Ill take you from creating an SSL certificate to configuring hMailServer to work with both secure and regular connections to testing your setup. Chad Myers's Blog Nathan Shilling's Blog Kent Valentine 's Blog Gary Sherman's Blog Stephen Lynn's Blog Sam Tyson's Blog >openssl genrsa -out <host>.key 1024 Kevin Miller's Blog

Creating a Self Signed SSL Certificate

First things first youll need to download OpenSSL. I downloaded the 64bit 1.0 light version which required Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables (x64) to be installed first. I told the installer to put OpenSSL in my c:\utilites\ folder.

Create a Key
Next up youll need to create a key. I recommend you replace <host> with your machine name.

Certificate Request
Brandon Behrens's Blog Now you need to create a certificate request. This is the file you normally send off to your SSL certificate provider. David Greyson's Blog >openssl req -new -nodes -key <host>.key -out <host>.csr Mike Hiltabidle's Blog Oops if youre like me here youll get this error: Unable to load config info from C:/lan/ssl/openssl.cnf Looks like the default config location is not cutting it. You can clue OpenSSL in with an environment variable: SET OPENSSL_CONF=c:\utilities\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.cfg Lets try that again >openssl req -new -nodes -key <host>.key -out <host>.csr Answer the questions the best you can. Russ Resslhuber's Blog Emily Lewis's Blog Marek Pawelczyk's Blog Kirby Orosco's Blog Dwane Lay's Blog

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How To Setup hMailServer To Use a SSL Certificate | Dovetail Software

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For the Common Name you should put the fully qualified domain name of the server where you will deploy the certificate.

Self Signing the Certificate Request

If you are like me this certificate is for development and you wont really need a certificate authority to sign it for testing purposes. Luckily it is easy to generate your own certificate. >openssl x509 -req -days 1024 -in <host>.csr -signkey <host>.key -out <host>.cert

Configuring hMailServer With Your New SSL Certificate

Bring up your hMailServer administrator UI and add a SSL certificate

Next create new TCP/IP ports which use SSL for each protocol you are interested in testing.

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11/10/2012 02:02 p.m.

How To Setup hMailServer To Use a SSL Certificate | Dovetail Software

Notice the port numbers I use for IMAP (993) POP3 (995) seem to be the default secure ports for these two protocols. Each change will restart hMailServer.

Test Your Secure Connection

Go ahead and fire up your favorite email client. I use Windows Live Mail which Ive configured to pull email from one of the test accounts Ive setup on hMailServer.

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11/10/2012 02:02 p.m.

How To Setup hMailServer To Use a SSL Certificate | Dovetail Software

And now for a test message or two?

Ive setup a few pop3 accounts and an IMAP and had a lot of fun sending my virtual test personas emails. The dialog is not so riveting.

Youve Got SSL

There you go. Hopefully you didnt run into anything weird that I did not. This post is basically a roll up of the hMailServer SSL certificate documentation. And Generating Certificate Signing Requests from Jeremy Mate

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Re: How To Setup hMailServer To Use a SSL Certificate

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11/10/2012 02:02 p.m.

How To Setup hMailServer To Use a SSL Certificate | Dovetail Software

25 September 2010 - 7:30am kmiller Yes I believe there is a SMTP mechanism for auto switching to encryption but hMailServer does not currently support it. reply

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