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Diet and Colorectal Cancer

Col orectal Cancer Risk Factors

o Convlnclng: 8ed meaL and processed meaL
o Convlnclng: Lxcess body faL, sLomach
o Convlnclng: Lxcess alcohol lnLake ln males
o robable: Lxcess alcohol lnLake ln females
o Convlnclng: hyslcal acuvlLy reduces rlsk
Ametlcoo losutote fot coocet keseotcb, 8y coocet 5lte, ovolloble ot.
Col orectal Cancer Preventabil ity
o AlC8 esumaLes LhaL posluve changes ln:
8ed meaL, processed meaL, excess alcohol,
faLness, lnacuvlLy
o Could prevenL 43 of colorecLal cancer ln uS
every year
o 64,000 cases per year
Ametlcoo losutote fot coocet keseotcb, 8y coocet 5lte, ovolloble ot.
Meat Consumption
o 1999: 218 mllllon Lons annual, global
o 2030: 376 mllllon Lons annually predlcLed
o Consumpuon of red and processed meaL has
been assoclaLed wlLh lncreased rlsk colorecLal
o !"#$%&'"# )*+,--*./01,.2 34-45 )*/ -*05 5,
6 78 ,9 :;<< => ?*) @**AB -4.4-49* ?),+*CC*/
wotlJ coocet keseotcb looJ ooJ Ametlcoo losutote fot coocet keseotcb,
5ecooJ xpett kepott. looJ, Nottluoo, lbyslcol Acuvlty & 1be lteveouoo of coocet, 2007.
Proposed Mechanisms: Meat & Ca
o Peme lron ln red meaL may serve as caLalysL ln
guL Lo generaLe free radlcals, damaglng unA
o Carclnogens formed durlng hlgh heaL cooklng,
processed meaLs oen cooked aL hlgh heaL
o rocessed meaLs may conLaln nlLrlLes LhaL
become carclnogenlc nlLrosamlnes
Meat Consumption Trends
wotlJ coocet keseotcb looJ ooJ lAO
1rends ln meaL
consumpuon over ume
(kg/per caplLa/per year)
Meat Consumption Trends
wotlJ coocet keseotcb looJ ooJ lAO
1rends ln meaL
consumpuon over ume
(kg/per caplLa/per year)
by reglon
Research: Fiber and Col on Cancer
o 2011, 8M!, meLa-analysls of 23 sLudles
o 1oLal ber lnLake - lncludlng from whole gralns and
cereals - sLrongly llnked Lo reducuon ln colon cancer
o Lvldence weaker for ber from frulLs, vegeLables,
o 7<D )4CA )*/E+1,. 4. +,3,)*+503 +0.+*) F,) *0+G 7<
=)0-C ,F HI*) *05*. ?*) /0J
o Assoclauon, noL cause and eecL
8MI. 2011 Nov 10,J4J.J6617
Research: Cal cium & Col orectal Ca
o 2009, nCl, 36,963 male cancer cases, 16,603 female
o Calclum lnLake noL relaLed Lo LoLal ca ln men
o Was nonllnearly assoclaLed wlLh LoLal ca ln women - rlsk decreased
up Lo approxlmaLely 1300 mg/day (above LhaL, no furLher 88)
o Males & females: dalry food & calclum lnversely assoclaLed wlLh
cancer of dlgesuve sysLem
o K*+)*0C*/ )4CA ?0)1+E30)3J ?),.,E.+*/ 4. +,3,)*+503 +0.+*)
o SupplemenLal calclum lnLake also lnversely assoclaLed wlLh
colorecLal cancer rlsk
Atcb loteto MeJ. 2009 leb 2J,169(4).J91-401
Research: Exercise & Col on Ca
o nlP-AA8 uleL and PealLh SLudy, n=488,720 aged
o L*. @G, *.=0=*/ 4. C?,)5C ,) *M*)+4C* 05 3*0C5 ;
1-*C ?*) @**A G0/ N<D 3,@*) )4CA +,3,. +0.+*) 5G0.
-*. @G, )0)*3J%.*O*) *M*)+4C*/
o 20 hlgher rlsk for men who waLched 1v or vldeos for
3 or 6 hours a day Lhan men who waLched less Lhan 3
o lmpacL of exerclse less clear for women
coocet cooses coottol. 2008 Nov,19(9).9J9-5J.
For More Infor mation
o Parvard SP llbet ooJ coloo coocet. lollowloq
tbe 5cleoufc 1toll

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