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Diocese of Westminster

Priest in Charge: Father Stewart Hasker

Parish Administrator: Marie Gleeson
Parish Office: 112, Twickenham Road,
Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 6DL
Parish Office Opening Hours: 9.30am to 1.00pm
Monday to Friday
Telephone: 020 8560 1431
Parish Office Email:
Parish Website:
Parish Directory:
Sketch by G. Bagnall

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

13th September 2009

1st Reading Isaiah 50: 4-9

In this reading, the prophet describes the servant of God who will lead Israel back to God.
The servant will suffer, but God will uphold him. In the New Testament these words take on new
meaning for us. Jesus was the suffering servant in Isaiah, the Messiah who was destined to suffer
and so enter into his glory.
As followers of Jesus, we must follow him in his mission and in his trials and suffering. We
may not be asked to die for our faith, but we are asked to live our faith with courage and full

2nd Reading James 2:14-18

In this reading the difference between merely talking about faith and practicing it is stressed.
What good are kindly wishes to those who need clothing and food for today? Faith without good
works is dead.
Let us be concerned for the people around us who are in need. Good intentions are not
enough. The love of Christ urges us to act for justice and peace for all God’s people.

Gospel Mark 8:27-35

In this reading, Jesus teaches his disciples what they have gradually come to discover. He is
indeed the Messiah. But he is a Messiah who must suffer and die.
Peter found this hard to accept. For Peter, the Messiah, would not, could not, suffer. Judging
by human standards, not God’s, Peter failed to accept God’s will for the Messiah. Jesus assured all
his disciples, that they, too, must suffer: deny themselves, take up the cross, and follow him.
Next Week
Archbishop Vincent’s First Pastoral Letter will replace the homily at all Masses.
Home Mission Sunday
Is next week. There are some envelopes in the porch. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please
use one of these envelopes.
Exposition Of The Blessed Sacrament
Has begun again. It takes place at the usual times. On Tue, Wed, Thurs at 8.20am until the 9.00am
Mass. Mon 6.20pm until the 7.00pm Mass. Friday after the 7.00pm Mass with Benediction (finishing by
8.00pm). Sat after the 10.00am Mass until 11.00am.
Eucharistic Ministers
We have reached that time of year again when we need to recruit Eucharistic Ministers at all the
Masses. If you would like to be a minister, there will be a session for new ministers on Saturday 10th
October from 11.30am to 1.00pm in the Church. Please sign up on the list in the porch.
Do you know anyone who might want to know more about the Catholic Faith, or is thinking of
becoming a Catholic. Or, are you one of these people? The R.C.I.A (Rite Of Christian Initiation for
Adults) is for those who would like to find out more about the Catholic Faith and who wish to be
received into the Catholic Church. If you are interested in finding out more, speak to Fr Stewart.
British Sign Lanuguage - B S L Interpreted Mass
Is held at St Edmunds, Whitton on the 2nd Sunday of the month at the 11.15am Mass. The next
interpreted Mass is Sunday 13th September. For further information, contact Liz Nicholas 07791 488758
St Mary's Autumn Fair - Saturday 19th September 1-5pm.
Entry £1 per adult. Lots of activities and fun to be had by all!!!
1st prize - Virgin Atlantic Air Balloon Flight for 2 (value £378)
2nd prize - Nintendo DSi console
3rd prize - PAYG mobile phone (3 network)
4th prize - £25 National Schoolwear uniform vouchers
Raffle tickets on sale after Mass on Saturday evening and 10.00am on Sunday.
A Day Of Renewal
Is to be held at St Vincent’s, Osterley on 19th September from 9.30 to 5.00pm.
Guest speaker Ross Powell.
Medjugorje October 29th – November 5th 2009
Cost £385 – travel to Dubrovnic from Gatwick by British Airways. All transport and H/Board
accommodation included. Phone Moira to secure your autumn pilgrimage on 0208 894 1491.
Christmas Fayre
There is a meeting in the hall on Monday 5th October at 7.30pm for anyone who is interested in helping
to organise this year’s fayre.
Beginning Experience
Are holding a weekend for those who find themselves alone again through bereavement, divorce or
separation. This will take place from 23rd to 25th October at the Emmaus Centre, West Wickham. For
further details, telephone Nicky on 01296 488289.
MacMillan Cancer Support / Feel Good Coffee Morning
Be part of the world’s biggest coffee morning on Friday 25th September from 10.00am to 12noon at the
WERFA, Woodlands Gardens, Isleworth. Superb raffle prizes. Tickets £1 or £5 for a strip. There are
some available in the parish office. Contact Jo on 07968 126370.

The Parish Office would be grateful if announcements for the newsletter could be submitted by
Wednesday each week. Thank you.

St Bridget's Centenary Events - Dates for Your Diary

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th September - Open Door Weekend - Guided Tours of
the Church and Gumley House Convent & Parish Groups Exhibition
This event which was due to take place this weekend has been postponed and will be rescheduled for
a later date in the year. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Tuesday 29th September – Talk on The Catholic Community in Isleworth

by Stuart Bagnall
Stuart Bagnall, a life-long parishioner and author of the successful book on
the subject published earlier the year will give a talk about the Isleworth
Catholics at Isleworth Public Hall, South Street at 8.00pm on the 29th
September. [Not at Montague Hall, Hounslow as previously advertised.] The
event is being organised by the Hounslow & District History Society. All are
welcome. Entry is free.
Stuart said: “Isleworth is a special place and one of the reasons it is special is
that it has a rich history as a centre of Catholicism. The talk will approach the
subject from a different angle to that adopted in the book”.
Whether you have lived in the area for a long time or you are new to the
parish, this talk will give you an insight into the story of our community and
its past. Copies of Stuart's book are available from the Repository Shop.
Price £5.
St Bridget’s Centenary Appeal - Sponsor a Café Style Chair and Table for the Parish Hall
The chairs have now arrived and are in use. Please be careful with them and the new tables, which
need to be stacked correctly. If you would like to participate by sponsoring one of these chairs for £15
or a table for £50, please take a form in the porch and return with your donation to the Parish Office.
Thank you in advance for supporting this worthwhile cause which will benefit us all.

Friendship Club For Older People Collection 6th September

Monday 14th September. Planned £880 / Loose £416
Tuesday Club For Adults With Learning Difficulties Thank you for your
Will return 15 September.
th continuous generosity over
Gentle Seated Exercises For Older People the summer and for all who
These are run by an AGE CONCERN physiotherapist. Every pay by bankers order.
Thursday in the Parish Hall from 2.00 – 3.00pm.
'Mini Mary's Music Mayhem'
£1.50/child, £2.50 max. Next meets Friday 18th September at 9.15am.
Sunday Breakfast
This weekend after 8.00am Mass in the parish hall. Tea/coffee and croissants served. All are welcome.
The parish e-newsletter is available electronically each week. If you would like to receive it,
please email
Saturday 12/09/09 6.00pm Vigil Mass Charles Piddock R.I.P Anniv
Sunday 13/09/09 8.00am Mass Agnes McGuire (Intentions)
Twenty Fourth Sunday In 10.00am Mass Don & Josie (Intentions)
Ordinary Time 12.00pm Mass Terence Carbery R.I.P (Intentions)
Monday 14/09/09 6.30pm Exposition
EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS 7.00pm Mass St James’s Primary School,
Twickenham (Intentions)
7.30pm Novena
Tuesday 15/09/09 8.20am Exposition
Our Lady Of Sorrows 9.00am Mass Tom McGrane (Intentions)
Wednesday 16/09/09 8.20am Exposition
Ss Cornelius & Cyprian 9.00am Mass Christine McDonagh R.I.P
(1st Anniv)
Thursday 17/09/09 8.20am Exposition
Feria 9.00am Mass Tom McGrane (Intentions)
Friday 18/09/09 7.00pm Mass Anne (Sick)
Feria Followed by Exposition and Benediction
Saturday 19/09/09 10.00am Mass
Feria 6.00pm Vigil Mass Marie Phillips R.I.P (Anniv) &
John Toolan R.I.P (Anniv)
Confessions : Saturday 10.30am – 11.00am and 5.00 – 5.30pm


Sick: Ben & Rosemary Casey, Sylvia Wood, Elizabeth Dalton, Olive Beach, Tony Diggins, Joan
Pugh, Chris Robson, Mary Doherty, Noel Paul, Luigia De Nardo, Sheila Dodd, Mai Kelt, June
Rahaman, Ted Reilly, Mary Reilly, Pat Cooke, Paul Blower, Salah Ghoussoub, Aida Ghoussoub,
Naomi White, Eileen Treacy, Anne Kelleher, Rosemary Casey, Ma Sawme, Ma Gbanua, Heather
Russell, Blinne Cooney,Jonathon Gleed, Judy Shelly, Jean Moores, Laura Hopkins, Lily Tate, Derek
White, Pamela Fernando, Loretta De Silva, Marie Aiyadorai, Eileen Treacy, Anne Kelleher, Majella
Meagher, Kiana Gooding, Geraldine Maggiora, Dean Ade, Glen De Mellow, Ray, Pat McCausland,
Sue Egan, Jean Daneiga, Peggy Convery, Angela Convery, Paul Rendell, Fr Fernando, Bob Stainton,
Henry & Edna Garrod, Tony & Florence Harwood, Hannah Collins, Alekander Legare, Eloise Poiret,
Clement Poiret, Dominic Regan, Peter Lennon, Len Barnes, Marta Jasinska, Shirley, Joy, Justus Esuru,
Jose Ignacion Bernal Zuluaga, Muriel Smith, Shabanu Allad.

The Recently Deceased: Phyllis Colclough, Kathleen Carroll, Katherine Moran.

Those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Patricia Perera, Gaudencio Bosi, Terence Carbery,
Mrs Christiana Okonjo, Joan Nova, Betty Le Gro.

May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace

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