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McMaster Un|vers|ty, Department of Lng||sh and Cu|tura| Stud|es

Course Sy||abus

!"#$%"$ '#"(#)%
W|nter 2013 (1erm 2)

Lauia Wiebe
Cff|ce hours:
Weu 2:Su-S:Su, CNB S1u
Lectures: Nonuay, Weunesuay, Thuisuay 1:Su-2:2u p.m. in NBCL11uS
1As: valeiie Caiun, }effiey Bouglas, }antina Ellens, Baviu Regan, Kiisten Shaw
1A ema||s: foi communication with TAs use Nail featuie in Avenue to Leain

This couise is an intiouuction to the science fiction genie as a contempoiaiy cultuial anu
naiiative phenomenon. 0ui couise texts iepiesent a suivey of science fiction shoit stoiies
anu novels in English fiom the eaily 2u
centuiy to the piesent. We will also be looking at
science fiction in othei meuia, incluuing film anu television. The naiiatives we will examine
uepict a numbei of stanuaiu science fiction tiopes incluuing futuiistic technologies, iobots
anu cyboigs, viitual iealities, space tiavel anu inteigalactic colonization.
0ui key focus thioughout the teim will be on !"#$%"$ '#"(#)% *! (+$ %*,,*(#-$ .$%,$ )'
($"+%)/).0 *%1 !"#$%"$. 0ui texts, which we will appioach in ioughly chionological oiuei,
aie oiganizeu into thiee main thematic gioupings: (1) Eaily Wainings anu visions of
Tomoiiow; (2) Extiapolations of Technocapitalism; anu (S) Posthuman Futuies.
Within each of these sections of the couise we will begin oui uiscussions by engaging with
the same thiee questions to investigate the ielationship between the science fiction genie
anu science anu technology: (1) What iole uoes science anu technology play in the stoiy.
(2) Bow uoes the naiiative exploie the social, ethical, oi political implications of
technoscientific ieseaich anu uevelopment. (S) Bow uoes the stoiy use sciences anu
technologies to exploie oui unueistanuing of the human oi uiffeient kinus of human.
2'($, !3""$!!'3//0 ")45/$(#%. (+#! ")3,!$6 !(31$%(! 7#// 8$ *8/$ ()
Iuentify anu uesciibe key science fiction tiopes anu themes anu uiscuss uiffeient ways
of uefining the genie.
Analyze anu evaluate naiiative featuies of science fiction texts to explain anu illustiate
the genie's ielationship with science anu technology in social contexts.
Cleaily aiticulate an unueistanuing of specific science fiction naiiatives anu the issues
they engage with thiough the completion of wiitten assignments, assessments anu

This syllabus is subject to ievision as ciicumstances iequiie. Any necessaiy amenuments
will be announceu to the class anu posteu to Avenue to Leain.
LNGL]CSC1 3D03: Sc|ence I|ct|on, W|nter 2013
Response papei 2u% due |n c|ass Iebruary 7
Essay Su% due |n c|ass March 28
In-class wiiting (xS): 1S% due |n c|ass b|-week|y
Final exam SS% dur|ng f|na| exam per|od

8ooks - available in the bookstoie
Isaac Asimov, 9 :)8)( (19Su)
Naige Pieicy, ;$6 <+$6 9( (1991)
Nalo Bopkinson, =#1%#.+( :)88$, (2uuu)
LNGLISn]CSC1 3D03 Coursepack - also available in the bookstoie
Sam Noskowitz, "Bow Science Fiction uot Its Name" (19S7)
B. u. Wells, "The Lanu Iionclaus" (19uS)
E. N. Foistei, "The Nachine Stops" (19u9)
}ohn W. Campbell }i., "Night" (19SS)
Philip K. Bick, "We Can Remembei It Foi You Wholesale" (1966)
William uibson, "Buining Chiome" (1982)
Kail Schioeuei, "To Bie fiom Fai Cilenia" (2uu9)
uieg Beai, "Bloou Nusic" (198S)
Cther Med|a - to be playeu in class
96 :)8)( exceipts (2uu4)
"uuess What's Coming to Binnei." episoue 9 - season 4 fiom >*((/$!(*, ?*/*"(#"* (2uu8)
vaiious SF exceipts anu examples fiom film, Tv, music, uigital meuia
Exceipts fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$ A#"(#)% (2uu9) - available as an e-book loan
thiough the NcNastei libiaiy
<$$ 8$/)7 '), ,$*1#%.B-#$7#%. !"+$13/$C
We will meet foi thiee fifty-minute lectuie classes each week. Lectuies aie the piimaiy
means of communicating infoimation about the ieauings, ciitical issues anu appioaches,
assignment instiuctions, anu othei iueas anu concepts ciucial to youi success in the couise.
These classes will also be useu to scieen meuia exceipts anu examples incluueu in the
couise syllabus. As theie aie no tutoiials foi this couise, this is also oui only oppoitunity
foi class uiscussion. Youi attentive anu active piesence is essential foi compiehension of
the couise mateiials anu concepts, as is uoing the assigneu ieauings in piepaiation foi

LNGL]CSC1 3D03: Sc|ence I|ct|on, W|nter 2013
Avenue to Learn
0utsiue of lectuies, Avenue to Leain will be oui main venue foi communication anu
uiscussion. Class iesouices will be centializeu on oui Avenue to Leain page as uploaueu
files anu links to othei mateiials, such as optional ieauings. Check the page iegulaily foi
new iesouices anu impoitant announcements.
All wiitten woik submitteu foi this couise will incluue appiopiiate submission infoimation
anu a woiks citeu page (not incluueu in youi woiu count), anu will be foimatteu accoiuing
to NLA guiuelines. Stuuents aie ieminueu of the univeisity's policies on Acauemic Integiity
anu the penalties foi violating those policies.
:$!5)%!$ 5*5$, (2u%): Wiite anu submit a shoit papei (Suu woius) iesponuing to one of
oui coie questions - eithei "Bow uoes the naiiative exploie the social, ethical, oi political
implications of technoscientific ieseaich anu uevelopment." oi "Bow uoes the stoiy use
sciences anu technologies to exploie oui unueistanuing of the human oi uiffeient kinus of
human." - by applying it to one of the stoiies we have examineu so fai. Youi papei will
incluue iefeiences to specific uetails fiom youi chosen text. The iesponse papei is due |n
c|ass on Iebruary 7.
D!!*0 (Su%): Wiite anu submit a foimal essay (1uuu woius) compaiing anu contiasting
two of the science fiction naiiatives coveieu in this couise (excluuing the stoiy you
uiscusseu in youi iesponse papei). You will be expecteu to uevelop youi own aigument
aiounu a focuseu thesis anu suppoit youi analysis with specific eviuence anu examples.
Essays aie due |n c|ass on March 28"
9%E"/*!! 7,#(#%. (1S%): 0n five occasions thioughout the teim stuuents will use the final
minutes of lectuie to compose infoimal iesponses to an iuea, issue oi question iaiseu in the
ieauings anuoi lectuies foi that week's classes. These papeis will be giaueu on a passfail
basis, wheie any sinceie effoit to engage with the lectuies constitutes a passing giaue; a
passing giaue is contingent on youi attenuance anu paiticipation in these exeicises.
A#%*/ $F*4 (SS%): Buiing the final exam peiiou stuuents will wiite an exam with questions
uiawn fiom the couise lectuies, ieauing mateiials anu in-class exceipts anu examples.
Lma|| & Cff|ce nours
Stuuents aie inviteu anu encouiageu to consult with the instiuctoi in peison about couise
mateiial anu assignments. Please visit uuiing office houis oi make an appointment. Foi
consultation via email, please allow 48 houis foi iesponse, not incluuing weekenus. Lengthy
anu complicateu questions will only be uealt with in peison, not by email. When emailing,
please use youi NcNastei email account anu list the couise coue in youi subject line;
iuentify youiself by youi full name, anu be couiteous anu piofessional.

LNGL]CSC1 3D03: Sc|ence I|ct|on, W|nter 2013
C|assroom Lt|quette
The classioom is a shaieu space foi leaining anu exploiing intellectual challenges. A
iespectful anu civil enviionment is an absolute necessity. Listen attentively while otheis aie
speaking anu uuiing the playing of auuiovisual examples. Tiy to avoiu uistuibing otheis by
aiiiving late, leaving uuiing lectuies, oi packing up befoie being uismisseu. If you have to
leave uuiing class times, please uo so as quickly anu quietly as possible. Laptop computeis
may be useu foi note taking oi consulting couise ieauings but biowsing websites, checking
email, instant messaging anu othei non-couise-ielateu anu uistiacting use of electionic
uevices is piohibiteu in class. Those violating this policy may be askeu to leave the
Ass|gnments & Assessments
All assignments aie to be submitteu at the beginning of class on the uue uate stateu in the
syllabus; stuuents aie iequiieu to hanu in theii own woik uiiectly to the instiuctoi. Except
wheie specifieu, electionically submitteu assignments will not be accepteu foi giauing.
Stuuents aie iesponsible foi ensuiing that assignments have been submitteu piopeily, anu
stuuents must complete all couise woik to be eligible to pass the couise. Late assignments
will be ueuucteu one giaue pei uay (foi example, fiom a B to a B-) to a maximum of seven
uays, aftei which time a zeio (u) will be iegisteieu. Any excuseu absences (foi meuical
issues, family emeigencies, oi ieligious obligations) must be accompanieu by foimal
uocumentation. In auuition, examinations anu in-class wiiting exeicises can only be maue
up in the case of foimally uocumenteu anu excuseu absences on the class examination uate.
Stuuents iegisteieu with Stuuent Accessibility Seivices shoulu meet with the couise
instiuctoi within the fiist two weeks of class to uiscuss any necessaiy accommouations.
Any iequests foi extensions must be maue in peison anu well in auvance of the assignment
uue uate (please note that simply iequesting an extension uoes not guaiantee that one will
be gianteu).
Academ|c M|sconduct
Acauemic misconuuct is a seiious offence. Acauemic uishonesty consists of
misiepiesentation by ueception oi by othei fiauuulent means anu can iesult in seiious
consequences, e.g. the giaue of zeio on an assignment, loss of cieuit with a notation on the
tiansciipt, anuoi suspension oi expulsion fiom the univeisity. It is youi iesponsibility to
unueistanu what constitutes acauemic uishonesty (which incluues but is not limiteu to
plagiaiism, e.g. the submission of woik that is not one's own oi foi which othei cieuit has
been obtaineu; impiopei collaboiation in gioup woik; copying oi using unauthoiizeu aius
in tests anu examinations. NcNastei 0niveisity pioviues stuuents with a uetaileu outline of
the most common foims of misconuuct, togethei with cleaily woiueu uefinitions,
pioceuuial uesciiptions, anu a statement of penalties (see the NcNastei website:
http:www.mcmastei.capolicyStuuents-AcauemicStuuiesAcauemicIntegiity.puf. In
oiuei to help stuuents avoiu acauemic misconuuct the instiuctoi may iequiie the use of foi the submission of wiitten assignments; see
http:www.mcmastei.caacauemicintegiitytuinitinstuuentsinuex.html foi an
explanation of this tool anu instiuctions iegaiuing its use. Failuie to submit assignments to wheie iequiieu will iesult in a giaue of zeio (u), except wheie stuuents have a
LNGL]CSC1 3D03: Sc|ence I|ct|on, W|nter 2013
piincipleu objection to using anu have maue alteinate aiiangements with the
instiuctoi within the fiist foui (4) weeks of class.
Ianuary 7, 9, 10
0veiview of couise objectives, expectations anu iequiiements
Sam Noskowitz, "Bow Science Fiction uot Its Name" (G+$ =*.*H#%$ )' A*%(*!0 *%1
<"#$%"$ A#"(#)%, Febiuaiy 19S7)
In-class exceipts: SF film, iauio, Tv, music.
o optional ieauing: "Science Stuuies" (fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$
Ianuary 14, 16, 17
B. u. Wells, "The Lanu Iionclaus" (19uS)
E. N. Foistei, "The Nachine Stops" (19u9)
o optional ieauing: "Fiction, 189S-1926" (fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$
Ianuary 21, 23, 24
}ohn W. Campbell }i., "Night" (19SS)
o optional ieauing: "Fiction, 1926-1949" (fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$
Isaac Asimov, 96 :)8)( (19Su)
o optional ieauing: "Fiction, 19Su-196S" (fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$
Ianuary 28, 30, 31
Isaac Asimov, 96 :)8)( (19Su), continueu
In-class film exceipts, incluuing 96 :)8)( (2uu4)
Iebruary 4, 6, 7
Philip K. Bick, "We Can Remembei It Foi You Wholesale" (1966)
o optional ieauing: "Fiction, 1964-1979" (fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$
William uibson, "Buining Chiome" (1982)
o optional ieauing: "Fiction, 198u-1992" (fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$
Iebruary 11, 12, 14
William uibson, "Buining Chiome," continueu
Naige Pieicy, ;$6 <+$6 9( (1991)

LNGL]CSC1 3D03: Sc|ence I|ct|on, W|nter 2013
kLADING WLLk: Iebruary 18-22
Iebruary 2S, 27, 28
Naige Pieicy, ;$6 <+$6 9( (1991)
March 4, 6, 7
Naige Pieicy, ;$6 <+$6 9(, continueu
=$(*(,)5)/#!, "To Bie fiom Fai Cilenia"
o optional ieauing: "Fiction since 1992" (fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$
March 11, 12, 14
uieg Beai, "Bloou Nusic"
o optional ieauing: "Posthumanism anu Cyboig Theoiy" (fiom :)3(/$1.$
@)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$ A#"(#)%)
March 18, 19, 21
"uuess What's Coming to Binnei." episoue 9 - season 4 fiom >*((/$!(*, ?*/*"(#"*
March 2S, 27, 28
Nalo Bopkinson, =#1%#.+( :)88$, (2uuu)
o optional ieauing: "Empiie" (fiom :)3(/$1.$ @)45*%#)% () <"#$%"$ A#"(#)%)
Apr|| 1, 2, 4
Nalo Bopkinson, =#1%#.+( :)88$,, continueu
Apr|| 8, 10
Wiap-up anu ieview
It is to youi auvantage to ieau the assigneu mateiial befoie class anu come piepaieu
with questions. Take notes anu highlight key woiuspassages as you go anu biing all
ielevant couise mateiials with you to class.
Reau all assignment guiuelines closely anu caiefully when you begin youi
assignments but also befoie you hanu youi woik in foi giauing. Remembei that
wiiting is a 5,)"$!!, so give youiself enough time to think thiough youi iueas but
also ievise youi wiiting once it's on the scieen oi the page.
Be piepaieu to enjoy some, even all, of the fiction you ieau, view anu heai in this
couise - science fiction is an enteitaining genie! But also be piepaieu to think
ciitically about the iueas anu mateiial you encountei.

LNGL]CSC1 3D03: Sc|ence I|ct|on, W|nter 2013
#$%&'()*( +&(, -: In the event of class cancellations, stuuents will be notifieu on Avenue
anu the English Bepaitment Website. It is youi iesponsibility to check these sites iegulaily
foi any such announcements.
Link: (Bepaitment)
Link: (Avenue to Leain)

#$%&'()*( +&(, .: In this couise we will be using a web-baseu seivice ( to
ieveal plagiaiism. Stuuents will be iequiieu to submit theii woik electionically to anu in haiu copy that it can be checkeu foi acauemic uishonesty.
Link:, foi moie infoimation:

#$%&'()*( +&(, /0 It is the policy of the Faculty of Bumanities that all email
communication sent fiom stuuents to instiuctois (incluuing TAs), anu fiom stuuents to
staff, must oiiginate fiom the stuuent's own NcNastei 0niveisity email account. This policy
piotects confiuentiality anu confiims the iuentity of the stuuent. Instiuctois will uelete
emails that uo not oiiginate fiom a NcNastei email account.

* Stuuents will be iequesteu to complete an online couise evaluation at the enu of the

Since Septembei 1982, the giauing scale has been:
uiaue Point
A+ 12 9u-1uu
A 11 8S-89
A- 1u 8u-84
B+ 9 77-79
B 8 7S-76
B- 7 7u-72
C+ 6 67-69
C S 6S-66
C- 4 6u-62
B+ S S7-S9
B 2 SS-S6
B- 1 Su-S2
F u u-49 -- Failuie

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