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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says - CNN.


1/7/14 5:56 PM

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Show 21 New Comments j_m_h

6 hours ago

When the police "don't have time" to allow an "improving situation" to resolve itself without violence we as a society don't have time to allow such officers to remain out of jail.
2943 39 512Kirk
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j_m_h 6 hours ago

Three grown men couldn't subdue one teenager without use of a firearm. Unbelievable. Murder one.
508 19
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512Kirk 6 hours ago

what's worse, is that this kid was a twig, he barely weighed 90 pounds from what I've read
201 3
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ancv1992 136 bob 1

someguy223 6 hours ago

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And he was a "tased" twig, at that.

ancv1992 3 hours ago

I'm surprised they tased him before shooting him. Cops are really trigger happy lately!


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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM


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bob 2 hours ago

"Authorities have not released the exact sequence of events......." ................and won't until they all get rehearsed to sell their cover-up to the public.
76 2
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UrbanFlatuanceFighter 24 1

snobsuncle 2 hours ago

"we don't have time for that"... shoot the cop!

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UrbanFlatuanceFighter an hour ago

"Everything was going good, then this fat cop from Southport walks in the room............. This was probably interrupting Tubby's donut run.
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snobsuncle an hour ago

Tubby has issues.

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UrbanFlatuanceFighter an hour ago

It's time that we stop tiptoeing around and start talking about the elephant in the room........
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an hour ago

At first I thought Zimmerman had a job.

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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM


UrbanFlatuanceFighter 2 hours ago

So because the dad claimed the cop said that, it must be gospel.
10 10
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Jackson Lewantowicz

LadyScot an hour ago

I'll believe the father over the cops on this one. I think most others will too.
24 2
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Jackson Lewantowicz an hour ago

The father who called the cop fat, and can not keep his story straight, and thinks his dangerous violent son is innocent and sweet. Right.
6 5
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LadyScot an hour ago

The same step father who said that his son didn't have a violent bone in his body calls 911 and tells them that the boy's mother is "scared to death of him right now" and "he wants to fight his mother." More objective facts need to come out before people rush to judgment...but hey, where's the fun in that?
3 1
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Chris James

LadyScot 2 hours ago

I know.. Lets all jump over the Cops on account of what the family said. Because obviously it must be the truth, right? They're always good people when they're dead.
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LadyScot 2 hours ago

Gospel? ...I don't trust anything that has to be reinterpreted over and over.

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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

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LadyScot 42 minutes ago

You're taking the cop's innocence for gospel and there hasn't even been a word spoken in his defense by his PD or any of the witnesses. Doesn't seem to bother you much.
2 Fiddy
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snobsuncle 2 hours ago

A psycho attacks his parents and cops with a screwdriver, and suddenly the cops that saved normal people are villains. News flash, if your kid is a psycho and is attacking you with a screw driver, and you don't want the cops to shoot him, you don't call the cops. If this kid ended up killing his parents, which they obviously felt was possible since they called the cops, everyone would boohoo about mental health and about how the state should have done something earlier. Nobody wins with crazy people anymore.
37 E. Ellet 23
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Fiddy 2 hours ago

it was a very small screw driver, and he did not attack anyone. He did threaten to attack his mother, though. The officers name is Detective Byron Vassey, though the police chief did not confirm whether he pulled the trigger. Obviously, Vassey took the kid's life. He is also under investigation by the feds for other killings.
25 Fiddy 2
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E. Ellet 2 hours ago

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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

If the "kid" were so helpless, the stepfather could have restrained him. Obviously, the guy was a menace to his family and a man couldn't do anything about it, so he called men with guns into the situation.
17 6
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Fiddy 2 hours ago

The stepfather said "she is scared to death of him". sounds like neither the mom or stepfather thought he was helpless before.
13 2
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Chris James

lazrrocketarm 2 hours ago

Of course after the fact: He was a helpless, "good kid" Who was "awesome" and just happened to attack people with screw drivers and fight his parents. People make me sick.
8 4
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Marta Rizzo

Chris James an hour ago

OK lets shoot and kill all the kids that are mean and nasty to their parents. Way too many cops killing innocent USA folks each day. Bad cops belong in JAIL.
4 bridget
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Chris James an hour ago

he was mentally handicapped and not taking his medicine. he wasn't a gangbanger on heroin. he was also 90 pounds. he was also shot point blank in his mother's home.
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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM


bridget an hour ago

He wasn't mentally hadicapped, he was psychotic, and attacking his family with a weapon.
3 1
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Fiddy an hour ago

Is the cop your father or are you a cop wannabe? You seem to be obsessed.
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Chris James an hour ago

Some people make me sick, too, but you cant compare someone with a mental illness, especially schizophrenia, to an otherwise mentally healthy person. This is a condition that does not usually appear until people are in their teens, 20s or older. Prior to this, they are typically stable,normally functioning people. Untreated schizophrenia can cause people to become extremely delusional, paranoid and frightened. Millions of people have experienced psychosis related to various mental disorders. Having a psychotic episode has no correlation whatsoever to ones character and it makes me very sad to see that there are still people who unfairly judge those with mental conditions. Considering how frequently the police encounter the mentally ill, its appalling that they are not required to complete extensive mental health training.
7 E. Ellet
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Fiddy 2 hours ago

Good point, but the police murdered a kid and they will have to pay for that.
7 2
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Marta Rizzo

Fiddy an hour ago

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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

But it doesnt mean go and kill the kid. USA cops are killing too many innocent folks for small infractions or mistakes. Those cops are terrorist and belong in jail or on death row.
1 j317
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Fiddy an hour ago

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E. Ellet an hour ago

very small screw driver.. A Chicago jewelry designer was brutally stabbed to death by a screwdriver-wielding parolee who broke into her apartment hoping to steal her DVD player, police have revealed. if it's not a big deal then why did the parents call the cops?
5 2
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E. Ellet

MRASoldier an hour ago

Why did the cops kill the kid, when he was already subdued by two other police officers? Why?
15 1
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E. Ellet an hour ago

if you are saying he was not a threat then why call the police...the reality is he was a threat..i have a feeling the story isn't quite what the media is claiming and while I am no lover of cops i think the facts will show this was a justifiable homicide.
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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

Marta Rizzo

MRASoldier an hour ago

Europeans, Canadians and even in Japan or Cuba cops dont go around killing innocent citizens they way is done in the USA. THe kid had issues but it didnt merit to had been killed. Cops should be able to talk and subdue a child.
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MRASoldier an hour ago

It's always justifiable when American cops shoot. This sort of incidents do not happen in the rest of the civilized world. Cops shooting blue trucks, cops shooting drunk unarmed students, cops shooting 100 year olds, cops shooting mentally ill, cops shooting wheel chair patients... American cops are always shooting in self defense.
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Marta Rizzo

MRASoldier an hour ago

THe key world is PAROLEE. This was an innocent kid that ha some issues like most kids. Tell me any top nation where cops go around killing innocent citizens each day they was is done in the USA. Cops are the #1 terrorist in the USA! They belong in jail or in death row.
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E. Ellet an hour ago

I'm sure he'll find nice accomodation's when they put him in jail.
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Chris James 1 2

E. Ellet 2 hours ago

How would you know?

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E. Ellet

Chris James an hour ago

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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

Hey, Chris, CNN is not the only one to have covered this story. Others have done a better job of it.
5 1
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Fiddy 2 hours ago

all they wanted was help getting him to a hospital. a 90 pound kid with a screwdriver is hardly a threat against 3 cops. i am sure that these 3 policemen could have saved a life, rather than took a life...right in front of his own mother. i cannot imagine his mother's pain right now.
14 E. Ellet 1
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bridget an hour ago

The fatdonutsucking cop wanted to kill the kid. That's all there is to the story. The cop is a murderer with a badge.
8 1
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Marta Rizzo

E. Ellet an hour ago

Too many bad cops in the USA going around killing innocent folks each day. They have become the #1 form of terrorism in the USA. No other top nation have cops going around killing so easily the way is in the USA. They belong in jail and congress need to step up.
1 Fiddy
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bridget an hour ago

I'm sure the 90 pound kid was hardly a threat to real men like police or the stepfather, which is why the stepfather handled it without calling the cops, right?
8 Dazy 4
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Fiddy an hour ago

First of all, there is no evidence at all that he attacked Page 9 of 21

'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

anyone. Parents of adult mentally ill children have to prove their child may be a danger to themselves or others in order to force them to get treatment. They are told to call the police when there's episodes to document them. That is why they called the police. Not because they couldn't handle him.
9 Fiddy
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Dazy an hour ago

Again, 18 is NOT a child. There was a psychotic MAN in their home with a weapon. THAT is why they called police.
4 7
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Rayne Millaray

Fiddy an hour ago

Just because the law says 18=adult doesn't mean the kid was mentally mature. Our society keeps some of our kids children well into their twenties.
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Rayne Millaray an hour ago

Absolutism and Technicalities are usually just desperate justifications for stupidity.
1 E. Ellet
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Fiddy an hour ago

I wish I was standing right in front of you so I could give you a good punch in the stomach, and then a knee to the nuts.
7 Fiddy 2
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E. Ellet an hour ago

Because you're a violent psychopath, and you think that committing violence against others is a good way to behave. No wonder you're crying in defense of the death of Page 10 of 21

'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

a psycho who was threatening his family with a weapon.

2 4
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m brunner

Fiddy an hour ago

sounds like the cop who didn't have time to resolve the situation without gunfire is the violent psychopath. Do you want that murdering cop coming to your property?
4 E. Ellet
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Fiddy an hour ago

lol only kidding about the gut punch and the knee to the nuts, cause you are probably have a huge beer belly and you would not feel a thing, and about the punch to the nuts, well, you wouldn't feel that either as you don't have any.
1 Bn 1
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E. Ellet an hour ago

You are a pathetic internet loser. Go run to the police station with a screwdriver and do us all a favor.
2 Fiddy 2
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E. Ellet an hour ago

Right, you're a violent psychopath who should be shot by cops.

1 3
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Fiddy an hour ago

the parent's need to document the mental issue in order to get help for their son. also, police are trained in this, or should be. i once called the cops on my 14 year old daughter because i could not get her to stop screaming her head off at 1am without having to hurt her. Page 11 of 21

'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

she never screamed and woke up the whole building again and she is now a 24 year old well on her way to being a special ed teacher.....not a societal deadbeat. have you seen any pictures of this boy? he is, or was, the size of a 13 year old girl. please look them up as well as images of the cop who shot him. the cops name is byron vassey. all in all, a 90 pound boy who the cops knew had mental issues was shot dead in front of his mother. he didn't need to die that day.
4 Tactful
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bridget 41 minutes ago

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Right on point and well said!

Marta Rizzo

Fiddy an hour ago

So call the cops and kill the kid? Cops should be helping instead of shooting abusing and killing. Bad cops belong in JAIL.
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m brunner

Fiddy an hour ago

real men like the police, that is laughable. don't call the police, they cannot help anymore, they just resort to violence and murder.
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Marta Rizzo

bridget an hour ago

Many bad USA cops are the #1 form of terrorism in the USA. THey keep killing innocent folks each day when no other top nation is doing that. Heck not even in Cuba. They belong in JAIL!.
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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM


Fiddy 2 hours ago

If a police officer cant disarm a child with a screw driver, then they might want to consider a new line of work. If they shoot and kill a child with a screw driver then they should never have been a cop in the first place.
16 E. Ellet 2
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derpleton an hour ago

Especially three of them, when the kid was small and light weight to begin with. This is a tragic story of a killer cop on the lose who committed murder, if the step father's story is found to be true.
6 Fiddy
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E. Ellet an hour ago

The kid was so small and lightweight and nonthreatening that the stepfather called the police rather than handle it himself. Gotcha.
2 3
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E. Ellet

Fiddy an hour ago

You're probably the kind of cop who has probably already murdered an unarmed kid or adult already.
7 Fiddy 1
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E. Ellet an hour ago

No DA ever charges police with the shooting of a psycho during a call about a psycho with a weapon. It can't be murder unless there are charges.
3 Dazy
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Fiddy an hour ago

That's what parents of adult mentally ill children are told to do. It doesn't mean he couldn't handle him. It means they Page 13 of 21

'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

needed documentation of his instability.

4 Fiddy 2 derpleton 2 Fiddy
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Dazy an hour ago

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He wasn't a child.

Fiddy an hour ago

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You have repeatedly called him a kid. Now he isn't a kid?

derpleton an hour ago

I called him a kid seeing that he's near half my age. That doesn't make him a child. 18 is a grown man.
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Marta Rizzo

Fiddy an hour ago

They call so they could get help and the cops could talk with the kid. Not for them to shoot and kill. They are murderers who belong in jail.
2 Fiddy
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Marta Rizzo 38 minutes ago

They're heroes that saved a family from a psycho with a weapon and deserve medals.
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derpleton an hour ago

18 years old isn't a child. On top of that, the stepfather couldn't disarm the psycho, so why should the cops be expected to?
6 6
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Fiddy an hour ago

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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

18 years old is only "not a child" on a technicality alone. Regardless, he was very small, had mental problems, and for all intents an purposes has the physicality of a child. So my point still stands.
5 Fiddy
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derpleton an hour ago

Wrong according to almost every sense of definition of adulthood in any law on the books in America.
2 derpleton
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Fiddy an hour ago

The legal definition of child is irrelevant in this matter. Attempting to dismiss a point because of a semantical error is hardly a valid argument.
2 Fiddy
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derpleton an hour ago

There's no point. He wasn't a child. He was a grown man with a dangerous weapon who was an active threat to his family. That's why they called the cops, who then saved them from a psycho nutcase.
1 5
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Fiddy an hour ago

There is a point you simpleton, it's that the officer used excessive force. He could have "saved" the family via nonlethal means, and if he didn't antagonize the 18 year old adult male the other two officers may have been able to talk him down to a point they could have taken him in without incident. He screwed up, and then he shot him. The person may have been an adult but they were also physically small and therefore much more easy to detain Page 15 of 21

'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

without deadly force. They were also mentally ill so special consideration was due. And before you try to straw man my argument, no I dont mean that officers should let crazy people attack them. I mean they should come into the situation knowing that it will be tense, and ready to use any means necessary to deflate the situation without lethal means. You can call me a nutcase all you want but it is better than being a fool.
6 Fiddy
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derpleton an hour ago

See, this is where you have no concept of reality. I called the psycho that police shot a nutcase, not you. It's clear as day. If you can't even follow that, I don't expect you to understand the nuances of how the police saved a family from a psycho murderer with a dangerous weapon.
3 derpleton
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Fiddy an hour ago

Christ, misreading your post has no bearing on my or anyone's concept of reality. Do you understand what concept of reality is? I dont think you do, a concept of reality is someones idea of how the world works what is real to them, a misinterpration of someones post in a forum has no bearing on my concept of reality. But saying concept of reality makes you feel smart right? Furthermore you again, don't attack the argument you attack a fallacy in the argument, you are committing the fallacy of fallacies, furthermore the faults in my statements that you are pointing out are ultimately irrelevant to the actual argument. I can be the dumbest SOB on the planet Page 16 of 21

'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

and that doesn't mean that you are right or that I am wrong. You have no leg to stand on and so rely on ad hominem, and nitpicking to detract from the faults in your own argument rather than addressing them.
3 tauchnitz
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Fiddy 39 minutes ago

The only "psycho murderer" was the cop.

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E. Ellet

Fiddy an hour ago

Fiddy, you are just plain dumb. Why don't you leave the board? Three big fat cops couldn't disarm a kid. When they did, the two of them. It was over when the fat donutsucker cop jumped in an murdered the kid in cold blood in front of his mother. This cop is going to prison if the step father's version of the story is true.
7 Fiddy 2
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E. Ellet an hour ago

The officer in question will never see a conviction. I'm glad you're so upset that your supporting evidence of how fat guys are supposed to disarm psychos applies to the stepfather and makes you realize that there was a greater threat present than what you want to believe. If the stepfather had disarmed the psycho, there'd be no issue, but he couldn't, because the psycho was an active threat. Police handled an active threat for him.
2 9
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m brunner

Fiddy an hour ago

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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

you keep using the word psycho to describe a human being with schizophrenia. I feel sorry for you, I truly do.
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Mezzy Music

Fiddy an hour ago

Both of you are wrong. E. Ellet is wrong to stereotype cops because one cop seems to have obviously did something wrong. Just because it appears very likely that he unjustifiably used deadly force against someone who had already been tased, we still shouldn't make the George Zimmerman mistake and try him in the media before he has had his day in court...he is innocent until proven guilty. But Fiddy is also clearly wrong to try to justify one of three police officers firing at a 100-pound unarmed mentally ill person with a screw-driver, be he 18 or under 18. I don't know why there are so many people here trying to defend the indefensible. It's nuts. Clearly there is something wrong with these people. They are not seeing reality clearly.
1 tauchnitz
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Mezzy Music 37 minutes ago

A lot more than one cop. It happens every day in this country. The police are out of control.
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m brunner

Fiddy an hour ago

active threat... you pajama boy

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Marta Rizzo

Fiddy an hour ago

Are you a bad cop too and a terrorist? Bad cops belong in jail or in death row. USA cops are killing TOO MANY innocent folks in the USA and getting away with it.
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'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM


Marta Rizzo 36 minutes ago

A psychotic man with a dangerous weapon threatening his family is NOT innocent folks. A man playing frisbee with his dog at the park being gunned down? I'd be with you there. A psycho with a weapon is only defended by the insane.
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Eric Conrad

Fiddy an hour ago

because he would have gone to jail for child abuse.

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Chris James

derpleton an hour ago

Age doesn't matter. Size doesn't matter. You don't even know exactly what happened from that article above.
2 3
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Chris James an hour ago

The same defense as usual in situations like this, you just don't know what happened. Thanks to the blue wall we conveniently rarely ever find out and when we do they just get a slap on the wrist compared to what a normal person would get. Anyways, there are other sources of information about this other than the above article.
3 E. Ellet
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Chris James an hour ago

That's because you're too lazy to surf over to a better news site and get the facts from some real reporters.
3 DeLisi47
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derpleton an hour ago

What, do you just assume all cops are like William Page 19 of 21

'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

Wallace? Yeah, let's run right at him and have the possibility of getting shived in the neck.
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DeLisi47 an hour ago

I assume all cops are trained to defend themselves without their firearm, I also assume they are trained with other methods to subdue violent criminals. So no, while you argument is a nice straw man, I do not assume everyone is going to go "William Wallace" on them. Though I will give you points for the obscurity of your reference.
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Eric Conrad

Fiddy an hour ago

So on the one hand we are told that to receive any sort of medical intervention we have to go through the courts, on the other, when you call the cops, that intervention comes in the form of gunpowder and lead.
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hussein winfield

Fiddy an hour ago

who made you or them judge jury or executioner.. he was not an animal that needed to be put gown but a sick kid.. if you think they did him or his parents a favor your crazy.. that kid was sick whats the cops excuse..? even if the kid killed his folks it would be sad and he would still be sick.. at least this kid was diagnosed at least the police had an idea what they were walking into.. this kid and many more people dont know what they getting into when they call police or get stopped by them.. the problem is the sick people pretending to be healthy.. so these cops deserve no consequence because they were doing a job but this kid deserved to die for being sick at the hands of the cop.. that is in a cops duty to not only protect but to serve.. this Page 20 of 21

'We called for help, and they killed my son,' North Carolina man says -

1/7/14 5:56 PM

is just proof that anyone with authority needs to have a public mental health posting.. the police need oversight.. cops killing or assaulting civilians are almost as common as criminal complaints.. cops are paid to put their life on the line to serve and protect the public trust.. they swear
see more

6 Fiddy

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hussein winfield an hour ago

That's a pretty good rambling wall of text you have there, son, and I'm sure it's good and full of all sorts of reasons why psychokillers who threaten their family with weapons and then threaten police officers who are responding shouldn't be shot. Unfortunately, that's not how the real world works.
2 4
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m brunner 1

Fiddy an hour ago

I don't think you know how the real world works, boy
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