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Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power


Minister. Mercury, the 8th lord in the 8th with the Sun, the 10th lord and dispositor of two of the Bheri Yoga planets disrupted his position and status. Qualifying the yoga, it is found that Mars is afflicted by Rahu and Ketus rasi aspect and debilitated in the navamsa, quite afflicted. Mars gets a bit of relief due to its union with the Moon. Even though the Moon is a malefic, it is exalted in the navamsa and, therefore, strengthens Mars. Jupiter is joined with Venus who is in its own rasi and in its exaltation navamsa, though they both suffer a bit due Ketus rasi aspect. The other planet forming the yoga, the Moon, is afflicted by the nodes, but is in its exaltation navamsa, so it gets a bit of strength. Jupiter and Venus are the best disposed of the planets forming the yoga, while the Moon and Mars suffer some afflictions that will cause them to give trouble in their dasas. Considering Subha/Asubha influences, it is found that Mars has only 2 virupas of Subha influence, but the Moon has 55, Jupiter 76 and Venus 110, so all but Mars are well or better disposed. Mars being the most afflicted planet forming the Bheri Yoga made Mars dasa the most difficult of the dasas of the Bheri Yoga forming planets, which resulted in the assassination attempts in Mars dasa as well as economic struggles for his country, which also occurred in the Moons dasa due to the Moons affliction by Rahu and Ketu. Rahu dasa, following Mars dasa, also gives the results of Mars, due to being in his rasi and navamsa (Scorpio), and of Venus, due to being in Venus nakshatra, both of which are Bheri Yoga forming planets, so the result of Bheri Yoga continue in Rahu Dasa. Since Venus is one of the welldisposed planets in the Bheri Yoga, Hassan was able to annex the Western Sahara, making him more powerful. However, due to the malefic influences on Mars and, due to the fact that Rahu is one of the afflicting planets to two of the Bheri Yoga forming planets, Subha/Asubha Mo Ma Ju Ve Mars and the Moon, he earned the -30 -30 30 30 Ben/Mal Rasi, 30 hostility of Algeria and found himself in a 30 Dignity in Rasi: 30 30 -30 30 Ben/Mal Nav. 30 costly struggle with Saharan guerrillas. 60 60 Dignity in Nav. Important also to note is the Sankha Vargottama: + 60 N/A 60 60 -60 Tara, 60: Yoga formed by the 5th lord Jupiter and 60 60 Ben. Conjunctions 6th lord Mars being on angles from each -60 -60 Mal. Conjunctions other while the lagna lord is strong by 91 108 Ben. Aspect -36 -46 -44 -40 Mal. Aspect being in the 10th. Sankha Yoga gives Hemmed by Ben. authority, a love of knowledge and Hemmed by Mal. 55 2 76 110 spirituality. Jupiter takes part in three Total

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