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Edu cation Mohammed K.


Ph. D. Wayne State Univ ersity , Det roit, Michi gan

M.S . Pu rdue Univ ersit y, Laf ayet te, Ind iana

Teachin g Expe rien ce

19 91 — Present Schoo lcr aft Col lege , Liv onia, Mi chigan

19 89 — 93 Wayne Count y Communit y Co ll ege, De tr oit , Mich igan
19 77 — 86 Univ ersit y of I ow a, Iow a Cit y, I ow a
19 80 — 81 Iow a State Univ ersit y, A mes, I ow a
19 70 — 72 Ket terin g Senior High , Detroi t, Mi chigan

Resea rch Ex peri ence

19 93 -Su mmer Gastr oenterolo gy Division, Univ ersit y of Mi chigan , A nn

Arbo r, Mi chigan
19 92 -Su mmer Gastr oenterolo gy Division, Univ ersit y of Mi chigan , A nn
Arbo r, Mi chigan
19 90 -1 99 1 Pulmonary Div ision, Univ ersit y of Mich igan, Ann Arbor ,
Michi gan
19 89 -1 99 0 Me di cal Schoo l, U niv ersit y of Mich igan, Ann Arb or,
Michi gan
19 86 — 89 Me di cal Schoo l, U niv ersit y of Iow a, I ow a Cit y, Iow a
19 76 — 86 Biolo gy De partment , U niv ers it y of Iow a, Iow a Cit y, Iowa
19 79 — 80 VA Me dica l Center , Iow a Cit y, I ow a

Pub lica tions

M.K. Abbas, Learning Human A natom y U sing Anatomica l Mode ls.

McGr aw–Hi ll , 1 99 6. Pea rson Custom Pub lishing ,2 00 0.

T.B . Casale / M.K. Ab bas / E.J . Car olan

De gree of Neutr ophil chemota xis is de pendent upon the chemoat tr actant
and barr ier . Am J Respi ratory Cel l and Mole cular Biolo gy, 7, 1 12 -1 17
(1 99 2)

T.B . Casale & M.K. Abbas

Ef fects of v arious barr iers on pla tele t activ ating factor( PAF) –induced
neut roph ils chemotaxis. J All ergy and Cl inica l I mmunolo gy, 87, 56 5-57 4
(1 99 1)

T.B . Casale & M.K. Abbas

Compar ison of leuk ot riene B4 –induce d neutr ophil mig ration through
dif ferent ce llu lar barr iers. American J. Ph ysio logy : Cell Ph ysiolo gy, 25 8,
C6 39 , C 64 7 ( 19 89)

M.K. Abbas , G. D. Cain

Two –dimensional ge l analy sis of isof orms of actin of schistosomes.

Par as itol ogy R esear ch , 7 6, 17 8–18 0 (1 98 9)

M.K. Abbas , L. Foster , G. D. Cain

Solu ble prote ins fr om Schistosoma m ansoni and j apon icum: A compar ativ e
biochemi cal and immunolog ical analysis. Compar ativ e Biochemistry and
Ph ysiolo gy. 93 B, 6 35 –6 42 ( 19 89)

M.K. Abbas & G.D .Cain

Act in a nd inte rmedia te –siz ed filaments of the spines and cytos kele ton of
Sch istoso ma man soni . P ar asito logy R esearch, 7 3, 6 6–74 ( 19 87)
M.K. Abbas , W.Johnson , G. D. Cain

Fat ty acids of the a meb oid sperm of A scar is suu m(Nemato da).
Compar at iv e B iochemistry and Ph ysiolo gy. 80 B, 7 91 –7 94 ( 19 85)

M.K. Abbas & G.D .Cain

Amino aci ds and li pid comp ositi on of refringent gr anu les fr om the
amebo id sperm of Ascaris s uum(Nematoda). Histo chemistry , 81, 59 –6 5
(1 98 4)

M.K. Abbas & E. C. P owe ll

Ident ifi cation of sur face anti gens of Sarcocystis m uris(Coc cid ia,
Proto zoa).
J. Protozool ogy , 30, 35 6–36 1 (1 98 3).

M.K. Abbas & T.J . Y oo

Compar ison of io dinate d antigens of m etastati c and non –metastati c
adeno-ca rcinoma cel ls. Ar ch Al lergy and App lie d I mmunolo gy, 72, 19 3-
19 8
(1 98 3)

M.K. Abbas , T.J . Y oo , J.Vi les

Ultr astru cture and fat ty acid compos ition of Mo rris 7 77 7 hepat oma ce lls.
Cance r R esear ch , 4 2 (1 98 2)

J. Yoo , A.A. Whitak er, A.A.Spec ter , J.K. Kim , M.K. Abbas , C.Y . Kuo

Ef fect of f at ty aci ds mod ifi cation of cu ltur ed hepatoma cel ls on

su sce pti bi lit y to natur al kil ler ce lls. Cance r R esear ch , 4 2, 35 96 –36 00
(1 98 2)

M.K. Abbas & G.D . Cain

Subce llu lar fractions and the refringen t gr anules of Ascaris s uum
spermato zoa. Ce ll and Tissue Resea rch, 22 1, 1 25 –1 36 ( 19 81)

M.K. Abbas & G.D .Cain

lo dinat ion of s urf ace components of the s phe roi dal and ameboid
spermato zoa of A sca ris. B iology of R ep rodu ction 22, 10 07 –1 01 4 (1 98 0)
M.K. Abbas & G.D . Cain

In vitro activ ation and beha vi or of the amebo id spermatozoa of A scar is.
Ce ll and Tissue Resea rch 2 00, 27 8–28 4 (1 97 9).

M.K. Abbas & G.D . Cain

In vitro activ ation and beha vi or of the amebo id spermatozoa of A scar is.
Ce ll and Tissue Resea rch 2 00, 27 8–28 4 (1 97 9).

M.K. Abbas & W.E. Foor

Ascaris s uum: Fr ee amino acids and pr oteins in the pseudo coelom ,

seminal vesicles and glandu lar v as defer ens. Exper imental Par asi tolo gy,
45, 26 3–27 3 (1 97 8)

Honors and Gr ants

• B.S . with honor in B iology

• NSF Scho larship in Chemistry

• NIH P ostdoct or al Fel lowship

Courses T aught

• Int roduc tory • Hu man • Par as itol og • Human

Biolo gy Eco logy y Anatom y &
• Chemistry • Invertebr at • Mic rob iolo g Ph ysiolo gy

• Patho ph ysi olo e Zool ogy y • Mammal ian

gy Ph ysiolo gy

• Emai l: School cr aft .edu

mabbas@ s

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