Kahala Yoga: Charles Manson

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Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power

Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power

Jaya Yoga forming planets, Andretti won the 1978 Grand Prix Formula
One racecar championships. Jaya Yoga particularly gives conquest and
victory over competitors.

Kahala Yoga
In the horoscope of convicted
murderer and Satanist Charles
Manson, The 4
lord Moon and
Jupiter are in mutual angles, and the
lagna lord is strong in a trine in a great
friends rasi, forming Kahala Yoga.
Some of the results of which are:
high moral training, obedient, well-
balanced, etc., none of which
describe Charles Manson, who, upon
hearing voices in his head and through
his interpretation of the Beatles White Album, led others to commit
murder. No yoga can give character qualities if the basic important
astrological factors are weak. The Sun, the Moon, the Atmakaraka, the
Svamsa, the Nabhasa Yogas, and final dispositors are most important for
determining the quality of character. The affliction of Mansons Moon and
house destroys the sanity and, therefore, other yogas are not able to give
good effects in respect to character. Other effects of Kahala Yoga are
present. He was charming, able to convince others of his ideas and be
seen as a leader, and he strongly believed that his life had purpose and
meaning. Jupiter dasa gave worldwide recognition and imprisonment for his
crimes, and established him as a cult figure. Jupiter is a component in the
Kahala Yoga; therefore, its dasa must give success, recognition, etc.
Qualifying the horoscope, it is found that Jupiter is with two benefics,
one of which, Venus, is in its own rasi and its own navamsa. Jupiter is also
influenced by two malefics, by being conjunct the Sun and rasi aspected by
Mars. Jupiter is only moderately well disposed, however, the rasi aspect of
Mars with Jupiter also forms a raja yoga since Jupiter is a trine lord and
Mars an angular lord, therefore, Mars increases success but harms the
Kahala Yoga. The Moon is with two malefics, Rahu and Saturn, but, since
Saturn is in its own rasi, it does not reduce the effects of the yoga. The
Moon is also rasi aspected by another malefic, Mars, who the Moon is
forming a raja yoga with. Mars, therefore, harms the Kahala Yoga but
Nov. 12, 1934
16:40 EST
Cincinnati, OH
39N10, 841W25
m = M =

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