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In April 1993 the Forest Owners Association of Lithuania (FOAL) was founded first time in the history of the

country with the initiative to represent the interest of forest owners and to develop the institutional framework for
the family forestry and subsequently became registered as a public organisation (on 8 June, 1993). The FOAL is
the national interest organisation for the forest owners in Lithuania and has status of independent public NGO.
FOAL is recognized national organization in Lithuania and internationally. FOAL is:
• Member of Chamber of Agriculture of Lithuania;
• Active participant within the Baltic Sea private forest owners' association round table meetings;
• Associated member of Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF);
• Associated member of European Landowners' Organisation (ELO)
• Member of International Forestry Alliance (IFFA);
• Member of Pan European Forest Certification Council (PEFCC) [trough FOAL founded non profit
organization “PEFC Lietuva”].

FOAL is taking the steps to enhance the education and extension services for private forest owners in Lithuania. It
is the founder of public institution “Private Forest Extension Centre” (further PFEC) which is organizing courses
for forest owners throughout the country since 2000.
The main purposes and activities of the Association are: to represent forest owners interests in the Government
and other institutions, to have influence upon legal acts, to consults forest owners and to organise courses for
them, to support co-operation among forest owners and co-operate with representative organizations of
landowners in foreign countries.
The Association is actively enlarging and has established a country – wide network of organisational structures
(38 local branches and 25 co-operatives of private forest owners, uniting over 3000 members). FOAL is the
founder of not for profit organisations “Private Forest Extension Centre” (provides extension services) and “PEFC
Lithuania” (coordinates forest certification).

Forest Owners’ Association of Lithuania (FOAL) supports the development of the network of forest owners’
cooperatives and other umbrella companies. These companies act under FOAL umbrella and provide all forestry
related services, including trade in roundwood. FOAL umbrella organisations employ more than 130 skilled
specialists which advice and offer to forest owners the full range of services in management of their forest
property. During 2001-2003 the consolidated roundwood supply of FOAL companies has increased eightfold
making FOAL group the biggest supplier of roundwood in Lithuania (forecast for 2004 – 400,000 m³). Even if the
volumes supplied by separate FOAL cooperatives and companies are relatively small, 70-80% of their roundwood
is marketed through the specialised wood trading company EKOMEDIENA, which belongs to FOAL network.
The Board of FOAL consists of 17 elected members, and organisational work is carried out by the Administration.
The Board meets every month, and in order to solve rising questions more efficiently there are formed 8
committees (each led by Board member) dealing with different issues:
• Forest Policy and Organisational Development;
• Cooperation and Support to Private Forestry Development;
• Forest Certification and Environmental Protection;
• Hunting;
• Roundwood Trade;
• Education, Extension and Professional Training;
• Ethics and FOAL Logo Supervision;
• Project Initiation and Supervision.
Having the wide network of experts and specialists, FOAL is capable to offer the wide range forestry related
services and expertise. During the 11 years of activities the Association has initiated and participated in a number
of national and international projects

For more information visit, please, FOAL web site:

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