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Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power

Yogas of Character, Virtue and Power

Considering Subha/Asubha influences, the Moon has 12 virupas of
Subha influences and Jupiter 46. Mercury again suffers the most with 85
virupas of Asubha influences. The results of the Parvata Yoga will be most
easily realized in Jupiter dasa, while Mercury dasa would give the results
with much more difficulty and stress, and due to Mercury being debilitated
in the navamsa, the benefic results would also be less.
Many of his best works, including the The Foundation Trilogy, were
actually written in Rahu dasa. Rahu, in the nakshatra of Jupiter, and the
navamsa of Mercury, gives the result of Jupiter and Mercury, two of the
Parvata Yoga forming planets.

Pushkala Yoga
In the horoscope of actor and
American President Ronald Reagan,
the lagna lord Mercury and the
Moons lord Mars join in an angle, and
a strong planet Mercury, who is
vargottama, rasi aspects the lagna,
thereby forming Pushkala Yoga. The
yoga is well disposed due to the fact
that there are no malefic influences to
the yoga forming planets and due to
Mercury being vargottama. The only
blemish to the Pushkala Yoga is that Mars is debilitated in the navamsa.
However, since it is the 6
lord rasi aspecting the lagna, the fact that it is
debilitated in the navamsa actually forms a raja yoga. Mars, therefore,
becomes capable of greater success. The dasas and antardasas of Mercury
and Mars have to be successful. Mercury has 92
virupas of Subha influences and Mars has 97, both
well disposed indicating that the effects of Pushkala
Yoga will fructify quite readily and smoothly. In the
antardasa of Mars in the dasa of Saturn Reagan
became president by a landslide, and, most
miraculously, he was immediately able to easily free
Americans who had been kept hostage in Iraq for
over a year. Mars and Mercury are also forming
Ubayachari Yoga along with Venus by being in the
from the Sun while Venus is in the 2
from the
Subha/Asubha Subha/Asubha Subha/Asubha Subha/Asubha Mo Mo Mo Mo Me Me Me Me
Ben/Mal Rasi, 30 30 -30
Dignity in Rasi: 45
Ben/Mal Nav. 30 -30 30
Dignity in Nav. -60
Vargottama: + 60
Tara, 60: N/A -60
Ben. Conjunctions 60
Mal. Conjunctions
Ben. Aspect 77 97
Mal. Aspect -110 -62
Hemmed by Ben.
Hemmed by Mal. -60
Total Total Total Total 12 -85
m = M =
Ronald Reagan
Feb. 6, 1911
14:00 CST
Tampico, IL
41N38, 89W47

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