Ministry of Man Power - Regulation-Simplified

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Ministry of Man Power (MOM) Singapore - Regulations

Registration of Pressure Vessels

All pressure vessels must be registered with the Ministry of Manpower. Pressure vessels that fail during operations can seriously injure or kill a person, as well as cause serious damage to property.

The following types of pressure vessels must be registered with the Occupational Safety and Health Division under the Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions) Regulations.

Air Receivers (AR) Steam Receivers (SR) Refrigeration Plant Pressure Receivers (PR) Steam Boilers, including autoclaves (BR) Economisers (BE) Superheaters (BS)

Pressure vessels of types BR, BS and BE whose heating surfaces are more than 1000 sq.m must be registered and examined by MOM Authorised Boiler Inspectors. The Heating Surface is defined as the total surface of all plates and tubes exposed to heat on one side, and in contact with water on the other. It is measured on either the water or fire side, depending on which side has a greater heating surface (excluding the heating surface of any economiser and superheater connected to the boiler). The pressure vessel types above are must be examined on a periodic basis by anAuthorised Examiner.

First Time Registration of Pressure Vessels

The owner shall provide the Authorised Examiner with the following documents and to retain such documents till the pressure vessel is longer in operation. 1. Construction drawing of the pressure vessel, showing welding details; 2. Design calculations (endorsed by the Approved Overseas Inspection Agency) made to either ASME or BSI codes); 3. A layout plan of the boiler house/room conforming to SS 567: 2011 factory layout safety health and welfare considerations; 4. A steam piping diagram (drawn to ASME 31.1/31.3); 5. Approval letter from the National Environment Agency for installation of chimney and blow-down pit (for fuel or gas or dual-fired steam boilers); 6. Gas Train Layout Plan in compliance with BS5885. (for gas or dual-fired steam boilers) 7. If the vessel is fabricated overseas, a 3rd party fabrication survey report from anApproved Overseas Inspection Agency certifying that the pressure vessel has been fabricated and tested in accordance with either ASME or BSI pressure vessel standards. Use of other pressure vessel codes will require approval from the Commissioner; 8. If the vessel is fabricated in Singapore, a fabrication survey report from an authorised examiner or approved local inspection agency.

Re-registration of Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels must be re-registered when they are moved from the registered location, replaced, as well as when ownership changes. The owner must provide the Authorised Examiner with the previous inspection report when re-registering his pressure vessel. The Authorised Examiner will determine the types of tests for the pressure vessel based on the information provided. He may carry out any further examination he considers necessary before he registers the pressure vessel. The owner will bear the costs incurred for these tests. The Authorised Examiner will issue a Report of Examination after the tests have been satisfactorily completed.

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