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Advanced C Training Course Outline

The C Language C Program Compilation Execution Process Tokens of C Program C Instructions Constants, Variables Identifiers and Keywords Primitive Data Types Structures The Definition Structures Declaration & Type Accessing Elements of Structure Range of Signed/Unsigned Data-types Efficient way of Printing Pointer Compiler Memory Allocation for Data-types Compiler Memory Allocation for Structures Data-type Alignments Compiler Memory Allocation for Unions Union Data Corruption Practical Usage of Unions Practical Usage of Bitfields Printing every byte of an Integer Enumeration Typedef Statements Practical example of Typedef Usage Bit-Fields in Structure Practical examples of Bitfield Usage Structure Padding & Pitfalls Programming Model & Memory Sizes Why Sizeof Int and Long is 4 or 8? IA-32, IA-64, ILP-32, LP64, x86-64 Array Representation Array Memory Allocation Array Declaration & Initialization Two Dimensional Arrays Pointers Accessing a Variable Through Pointer Pointer Memory Allocation Pointer Declaration & Initialization Pointer Dereferencing Pointers & Arrays Character Arrays using Pointers Array of Character Pointers Memory Diagram Array of Char Pointers Arrays as Pointers a[i] == i[a]? Constant Pointers Pointer Arithmetic String Handling Functions String Conversion Functions Efficient usage of sscanf()/sprintf() Computing Basic Binary & Octal Systems Decimal & Hexadecimal Systems Signed Representations in Memory Binary Shifts Right & Left Sign Bits and Bit-Shift Operations ASCII Representations Endian-ness Little Vs Big Endian-ness Portability Issues Operators Bitwise Operations Logical Operators Short Circuit Bitwise Vs Logical Operations sizeof() operator Pitfalls/Issues with sizeof() usage Pointer Increment & Scaling Operator Precedence Operator Associativity True meaning of Associativity Examples of Precedence & Associativity Ternary Operator Associativity Rule Data-type Conversion Rules Float to Int to Float Conversions Printf Idiosynchracies Signed Vs Unsigned Pitfalls Evaluation of i = ++i + ++i Evaluation of i = ++i + ++i + ++i Concept of Sequence Points Example of Sequence Points Storage Classes Storage Class Specifiers Scope of a Variable Register, Auto, Static, Extern Why Register Class and Practical Examples Automatic Variables and Stack Static Variables and Functions True meaning of Extern How to Use extern across Multiple Files with Examples Best Practices for Extern Usage Local/Block/Global Scope Nesting of Scope Lifetime of a Variable Linkage of a Variable What is Const? Practical Examples of Const Qualifier What is Volatile? Practical Examples of Volatile Qualifier Const Volatile Together? Practical Examples of Const Volatile Pointer Aliasing What is Restrict Qualifier? Examples of Restrict Qualifier

Memory Dynamic Memory Allocations malloc, calloc, realloc, free Heap Memory Stack Memory Pitfalls Dangling Pointers DMA Errors Best Practices for malloc() & free() DMA Unspecified Behaviour Functions & Pointers Invoking Functions Passing Arguments to Functions Call by Value & Reference Is C call by Value? Is C call by Reference? Array as Function Argument Rules for Array Argument Passing Multi-dimensional Array Argument Passing Structure as Function Argument Static Vs Dynamic Runtime Environment Function Call and Runtime Stack Rules for Evaluation of Function Arguments Memory Organization Code Segment Data Segment Heap Segment Stack Segment free space register space Stack Frames Calling Sequence View of Runtime Stack with Example Access to Local Variable in Stack Local Temporaries Function Pointers Declaration and Usage of Function Pointers Function Pointers as Function Parameters Practical Example of Function Pointers Pointer to an Integer Array C Pointers Complexity Chart int **p int (*p)() int (*p)[] int *p() int *(*p[])() int *(**p)[]

Preprocessor Preprocessor #include statements Preprocessor #define statements Preprocessor Conditional Compilation Preprocessor Nested Macros Preprocessor Multiline Macros Preprocessor Stringizer Preprocessor Token Concatenation Preprocessor Useful Directives Conditional Directives for Debugging Where Macros are Heavily Used Practical Examples of Macros Macros Pitfalls Macros Vs Enums Inline Functions Macros Vs Inline Inline Recursive Functions Command Line Argument Environment Variables in C Programs Recursion Example Recursion Vs Iteration Code/Space/Time Complexity Standard I/O Library Files & Streams Streams Buffers No Buffer, Line Buffer and Full Buffer Setting & Flushing Buffers File Access File Access Modes Sequential Vs Random Access Concept of File Offsets File Operation Errors End-of-File Condition? Return Values and Error Values Character Based File I/O Line Based File I/O Formatted File I/O Block File I/O File Random Access Methods

Linux Training Fundamentals to Advanced Concepts

Course Overview Linux Administration training course makes the participant completely knowledgeable in Linux System Administration. The course is an in-depth coverage on Linux system fundamentals (the essentials of Linux) as well as advanced administration including monitoring and troubleshooting. It starts with Linux environment and then jumps to Bash Shell scripting/programming which is essential for any serious Sys admin. Then it moves on to describe important concepts and aspects of Linux sub-systems like User/Group/Process Management, Automated Job Scheduling, Backup, Networking, package management, installation, event log files, monitoring and troubleshooting aspects which are necessary to perform regular day-to-day operations efficiently on a Linux System. The course will be focusing primarily on CLI commands as opposed to GUIs so that the participant will have a significantly high learning curve. Introduction to Linux/Unix History of Linux Layered Architecture Kernel & Shell Common UNIX Flavors System Boot Up Virtual Consoles Linux Fundamentals Introduction to Bash shell Getting Started Shell prompts Linux Command Arguments & Options Basic Commands pwd, date, who, id uname, whereis, tty Getting help on Commands Managing Files & Directories Hard Link & Soft Link vi Editor Files & Directories Search find command Filters tee, wc, tr, cut sort, head, tail more, less, grep File System Commands df & du Awk Programming Language Working with Run Levels Shutting the System down System Directories User Management User and Group Concepts Creating, modifying and deleting User Accounts Creating, modifying and deleting Group Accounts Password Aging Default User Files Bash Shell Scripting Bash Shell Configuration Scripts Shell Variables Environment Variables Set & unset of variables Exporting Variables Configuring Shell Use of /etc/profile and .profile Exit status of a Command cat Command Standard Files I/O Redirection Sample Shell script Executing a Shell script Passing parameters to Shell script Arithmetic Operations Logical Operations Conditional Statements Iterative Statments Case Statements Functionss Debugging Shell scripts Linux/Unix Backup Tool Backup through tar / cpio / dd commands Recovering single / multiple files Linux/Unix Networking IPv4 Fundamentals TCP/UDP Fundamentals Linux Network Interfaces Services & Ports ping telnet ssh netstat tool Job Scheduling Scheduling jobs through at & cron

The su command switch between users Understanding File and Directory Permissions chown & chgrp umask command Process Management Viewing Processes Process Tree & Process Status ps & pstree commands Identifying System & Daemon Processes Foreground and Background Processes Tuning Process Scheduling Process Priority nice & renice commands Killing / Terminating a Processes Max Processes per User ulimit Software Package Management Software Repositories Redhat Vs. Debian Redhat Tools rpm and yum Debian Tools dpkg and apt-get

Managing access permissions to at & cron utilities crontab file format Performance Monitoring & Troubleshooting System Status Resource Consumption System Status Memory Usage System Status I/O Activity System Status CPU Usage Resource Usage Trends top, iostat, vmstat, sar commands Troubleshooting Methods Process Profiling Process Syscall Tracing strace Process Libcall Tracing ltrace Process Kernel/User Space Time Check Filesystem Corruptions and Recovery Installation of Linux OS Partition Considerations Installing Linux DVD/Virtual Machine

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