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The name of the church shall be called Miami Bible Church, Inc.


The general nature and objective of this church is to conduct Protestant services for
religious worship and instruction to the end that its own members and others may be
generally instructed and guided concerning those articles of faith which are most
surely held among Bible-believing, born-again believers, and to advance spiritual
growth and enlightenment, moral and personal purity among its own membership
and the people of the community in which it is located, to work actively for and stir up
interest in home and foreign missions, and to aid the spread of the Gospel of Jesus


Section I - Qualifications

A. The membership shall be limited to those who have accepted the Lord
Jesus Christ as Savior and who are willing to confess Him publicly.

B. The applicant must also, after accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as his
Savior, have submitted to baptism by submersion.

C. One must be at least six (6) years of age to join.

D. A candidate for membership must be in accord with Doctrinal Statement

and By-Laws of Miami Bible Church.

E. The applicant must not have any connections with apostasy as

manifested by such organizations as Word Council of Churches, National
Council of Churches of Christ in America, or their successors, or any
other such organizations of other apostate, theologically-liberal, or
atheistic groups, including secret societies.

F. The membership application form must be submitted to the Board of

Elders, and approved by the Board.

G. Each approved candidate will be required to attend a membership class

conducted by a designated Elder (s) or a teacher appointed by the Elders.
Upon the successful completion of membership class, the prospective
member will be required to give his personal testimony before the Board of
Elders. It shall be the responsibility of the Board to accept or automatically
reject the prospect for membership.
Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

H. The Elders of this church reserve the right to deny membership to

anyone who fails to meet the qualifications for membership as defined in
Section I of this article.
Section II - Types of Membership

A. Active. All members shall be considered active.

1. Only active members will have voting privileges on matters

presented to the church congregation by the Board of Elders. An
active member must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to

2. Only active members can occupy ministerial positions.

B. Probationary. A member or regular attender who is under discipline (2

Thess. 3:14-15)1 as has been so determined by the Elders. Voting
privileges and ministry positions are removed from the one under this
status. (See below, Section V – Discipline and Restoration of Members
and Regular Attenders).

C. Associate. Associate Membership is offered to those who reside in the

area during part of the year and desire to join Miami Bible Church while
they are here (e.g. part-time residents, college students, missionaries on
furlough, military or government personnel, etc.). While retaining their
membership in another church, Associate Members may enjoy, except
voting, the same fellowship, privileges, and responsibilities as an active
member of Miami Bible Church

Section III - Termination of Membership

A. By transfer upon request.

B. Inactivity, as determined by the Board of Elders.

C. Expulsion, as determined by the Board of Elders via the process of

church discipline (see below, Section V on the Discipline and Restoration
of Members).

D. Death

Section IV - Duties of Members

Miami Bible Church expects and encourages its members to pray for and serve
one another regularly, to personally participate in the work of the church
ministry according to God-given gifts and abilities, to submit to the government
and the discipline of the church, to attend and participate willingly in regularly
scheduled worship services including the observation of the Lord's Supper, and
The use of Scripture references in these Bylaws are a sample representation of
references to show the biblical basis for a principle(s) or procedure(s), and should not to be
understood as complete Scriptural references concerning those principle(s) or procedure(s).

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

to support prayerfully and financially the ministry of the church and its

Overall, every member of Miami Bible Church is expected to live obediently

according to the Bible as its highest and final authority, to conduct themselves
in love and humility, and to grow spiritually unto the likeness of Christ in order
that in all things God may be glorified through the Lord Jesus Christ, and the
church body of Miami Bible Church may be edified spiritually.

Section V. - Discipline and Restoration of Members or Regular Attenders

A. The fourfold purpose of church discipline is to glorify God by restoring an

erring member (Galatians 6:1; Matthew 18:15); to deter sin (2
Corinthians 7:10-11); to purify the Church (1 Corinthians 5:1-8; Titus 3:9-
11); and to demonstrate righteous and godly living to the unsaved world
(1 Corinthians 5:8; 11:32). Members of this church and all other
professing Christians who regularly attend or fellowship with this church
who engage in evident, persistent and uncorrected sin and/or public
scandals (1 Timothy 5:24), as determined by the Elders, will become
subject to church discipline, including dismissal after the pattern of
Matthew 18:15-18.

B. The Board of Elders shall have sole authority in determining deviations

from the Scripture and the Doctrinal Statement. Once the process of
discipline has begun of any member, resignation of the membership will
not end the process. The Spirit of Discipline must always be that of
restoration through repentance, with the objective of maintaining the
purity and unity of Christ’s Church.

If an Elder is the subject of a disciplinary matter, he shall not sit as a

member of the Board. He shall be entitled to the same Biblical process of
discipline and restoration as other church members. Two or more
witnesses must substantiate an accusation brought against an Elder. (I
Timothy 5:19) See Article VI, Section II.F.

C. Members are expected to demonstrate special loyalty to God, with love,

and concern for one another. Scripture outlines the Biblical process of
accountability as follows:

1. It shall be the duty of any member of this church who has

knowledge of an individual's persistent sin in heresy or
misconduct, to warn and correct such erring individual in private,
seeking his or her repentance, restoration, and reconciliation.
Before he2 goes, he should first examine himself, and approach
the offending party in a spirit of humility and a willingness to
forgive. (Matthew 7:1-5; 18:15, 21-35; Luke 17:3-4; James 5:19-
20; Galatians 6:1-2)

"He" is generic applying to either a male or female person.

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

2. If restoration is not reached, then “By the mouth of two or three

witnesses every word shall be established.” These witnesses are
to accompany the one seeking to resolve the matter and confirm
that the sin has occurred or is continuing to occur, and/or that the
erring individual has been appropriately confronted and has
refused to repent. The second step should also be preceded by
self-examination, and, approach the offending party in a spirit of
humility and a willingness to forgive. (Matthew 18:1-16, 21-35;
Luke 17:3-4; Deuteronomy 19:15-20, II Corinthians 12:20—13:6)

If genuine repentance does occur, the offender should seek the

forgiveness from the circle of offense, and no more. The circle of
knowledge should never exceed the circle of offense, if at all
possible, in order to avoid falling into the sins of malicious
gossiping, slander, and overall malice. (2 Corinthians 12:20;
Ephesians 4:31; 1 Timothy 5:13; James 4:11; 1 Peter 2:1)

3. If there is no repentance after taking the steps outlined in

subsections C1 and C2 the matter shall be brought before the
Board of Elders. If the Board of Elders determines there is an
offense with no confession of sin and repentance. The Elders will
“tell it to the church” at a Communion Service. At that point
subsequent contact should focus on admonishment and calling
the person to repentance, including suspension of normal
fellowship (including prohibition of partaking of the Lord's Table)
as all efforts and contacts focus on winning the offending
person(s) back to full fellowship, which comes upon a clear
demonstration of repentance. Such offending individual(s) are
still considered a professing brother3 in Christ, and not as an
unbeliever. (Matthew 18:17-20, II Thessalonians 3:14-25)

4. If the person refuses to hear the church an announcement will be

made to the church of their refusal to repent, the member’s name
will be removed from the church roll and they shall be to the
church “as an unbeliever.” If an unrepentant offending party is
removed from the church membership, contact with the person
from that point forward should be for the sake of salvation or
restoration. The congregation will be informed of this action at a
Communion Service.

There shall be no appeal to any court outside of the church as a

result of this decision (1 Corinthians 6:1-2).

D. In case of a substantiated accusation against a member in leadership,

that person shall step down until such a time that the Board of Elders
deems the accusation false or the matter to be closed. The Board of
Elders must then review the accusation and seek restoration of all

"Brother" is generic, applying to a male or female professing Christian.

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

E. In the case of a divisive person who comes into the church the Elders
may act quickly to reject him so as to protect the unity and purity of the
church as instructed in Titus 3:9-11.

F. Should the restoration process be successful, an announcement should

be made at the earliest Sunday morning worship service reinstating their
membership with all its rights and privileges.

G. The following sinful behaviors that damage the church, weaken its
testimony, or promote disunity warrant disciplinary action and can be
categorized as follows:
1. Divisive or disruptive behavior (Matthew 18:15-18; Romans 16:17,
20; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8; Philippians 4:2-3; Thessalonians 3:11);

2. Unruly, disorderly and undisciplined living (1 Thessalonians 5:14;

2 Thessalonians 3:6, 11, 14);

3. Persistent immorality or other sinful conduct (Romans 1:24-32; 1

Corinthians 5:11; 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21);

4. Public denials of the doctrines of Miami Bible Church, and the

promotion and proliferation of false doctrine (Galatians 1:9; 2 John

Section VI – Voting Rights

No member shall have any voting rights on any matter pertaining to the
church, except on matters submitted to the congregation by the Board of
Elders. In such cases, voting privileges are restricted to active members (i.e.,
those who are not under any disciplinary actions [see Section II of this article]).
Membership shall not be assignable or transferable. Voting by proxy is
permitted if submitted in writing via a form preapproved by the Board of Elders
prior to a congregational business meeting.

Section VII - Open Fellowship

Prior to becoming a formal member of Miami Bible Church, any person who has
confessed faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is welcome to attend and
participate in any corporate gatherings of worship, fellowship, edification,
communion or baptism. If such persons become regular attenders, then they
will be encouraged to pursue membership at Miami Bible Church in a timely
manner, whereby they can employ the full potential of their gifts and
commitment for the mutual edification of the local body. If such persons cannot
agree in good conscience to membership at Miami Bible Church, then they will
be encouraged to pursue fellowship at another, more compatible, Bible-
teaching church.


Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

Section I - Annual Congregational Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held as early as possible in the

month of January.

Section II - Other Meetings

Meetings of the congregation shall be called by the Board of Elders.

Announcements of this meeting shall be made no less than twenty-one (21)
days prior to the meeting, including a statement of the business to be
transacted; said announcement shall be published in the church bulletins.

An Emergency meeting may be called at any time upon the unanimous vote of
the Board, and one announcement from the Pulpit.

Section III - Regulations Governing All Meetings

A. Any issue presented to the congregation by the Board of Elders for a

vote shall require a Quorum. A Quorum shall be 50% plus 1 member of
the active membership.

B. Any issue presented to the congregation by the Board shall set forth the
true vote of the Board with no mention of personalities.

C. The Board of Elders will be responsible to set the agenda.


The Church Year shall conform to the calendar year.


Section I. – Senior Vocational Elder/ Pastor

A. Qualifications

1. Exhibits the characteristics enumerated in I Timothy 3:1-7 and

Titus 1:6-9 as evidenced by the elders.

2. Must have an educational and pastoral background approved by

the Elders

3. He must be in complete accord with, and willing to sign, the

Doctrinal Statement and By-Laws, philosophy of ministry, and
ministry objectives approved by the Board.

B. Selection

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

The Senior Vocational Pastor/Elder is selected by the Pulpit Committee

according to the procedure outlined in the Standard Operating Procedure
Manual, and approved by unanimous vote of the Board. The Senior
Vocational Pastor becomes automatically a member of the Board of

C. Discharge

The Pastor can be discharged for cause by recommendations of two-

thirds (2/3) vote of the Full Board of Elders and approval by fifty-one
percent (51%) of those voting in a duty-called Congregational Meeting.
Severance pay shall not be less than accrued vacation pay or more than
thirty days (30) salary.
D. Vacation or Leave of Absence

1. The Pastor shall be entitled to two (2) weeks annual vacation for
each of the first two (2) years, and four (4) weeks annually for
each and every year thereafter.

2. All vacations or leaves of absences must be approved by the


Section II. – Elders/Pastors

The Board of Elders (hereafter BOE) is the governing body (the Board of
Directors) of the church. The BOE has the power and authority to make rules
and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Florida, these
Bylaws, and Scripture. The BOE oversees:

o the management of the business affairs of the corporation,

o all matters concerning the conduct of the church's public worship,
o all matter concerning the best measures for promoting the church's spiritual
o all matters concerning the biblical, non-pragmatic methods of the church's
evangelistic witness,
o the exercise of discipline over the members of the church,
o the activities of the Deacons and all other groups, organizations, and
councils directly related to the church,
o the use of church property as its final authority.

The BOE acknowledges no ecclesiastical authority other than our Lord Jesus
Christ, who is the Head of the Church (Colossians 1:18) and who directs the
affairs of the Church through Elders who are chosen and appointed according
to the precepts of Holy Scripture (Acts 20:17-32; Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Timothy
3; Titus 1:5; 1 Peter 5). The Elders themselves stand under the supreme
authority of the Scriptures.

A. Qualifications

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

1. An elder must be a male who exhibits the characteristics outlined

in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 as evidenced by the Board of

2. He must have been an active member of Miami Bible Church for

no less than 12 consecutive months to serve as an elder.

3. He must be in complete accord with, and willing to sign, the

Doctrinal Statement, By-Laws, and the philosophy of ministry and
ministry objectives approved by the Board.

B. Selection

Elders are nominated as a candidate for the Board of Elders by any

member of the church during a time period made available by the Board,
pass through a time of examination, and approved by the Board.
C. Term of Office

The term of office of an Elder shall be indefinite.

D. Composition

The BOE shall always consist of a plurality (more than one). The number
of Elders salaried by the church cannot be a majority.

In the event that one elder remains on the board, the men on the
Council of Deacons become temporary members of the BOE until a
majority of qualified men are nominated and appointed as members of
the BOE. The vote of the Council of Deacons will equate to one (1) elder

E. Duties

The Duties of the BOE shall be as outlined in the Standard Operating

Procedure Manual.

F. Accountability, Termination or Removal of Elders

Elder accountability is first and foremost unto God (1 Peter 5:1-5). It is

mandatory, however, that the Elders be accountable to one another at
all times.

1. Any Elder may be removed from office if he becomes physically

incapacitated, spiritually unqualified, or his inability to serve is
established in the minds of all the remaining Elders.

2. Any Elder may be disciplined according to biblical principles, although

no accusation against an Elder is to be taken seriously unless there
are two (2) or three (3) witnesses (1 Timothy 5:19). When the
confronted Elder “continues to sin,” he is to be rebuked by the other

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

Elders before the whole assembly, that others may fear (1 Timothy

3. An Elder will be subject to scrutiny not only in the area which might
call for general church discipline but also as to his continued meeting
of the biblical qualifications for Eldership listed above. When an Elder
ceases to meet those qualifications, he will be asked by the Elders to
step down for a time so that he may get his life in order in any
deficient area. Such a request by the other Elders shall be made only
when they are in unanimous agreement.

4. An Elder may also desire to be relieved from office either temporarily

or permanently, if he is unable to serve for any reason. The process
of his possible reinstatement at a later date shall be governed by the
attendant circumstances of his particular situation.

G. Equality

All Elders by calling, desire, responsibility, and accountability before the

Lord of the Church, are to be recognized and respected equally as
Elders-Overseers-Pastors, although there are distinctions in duties,
giftedness, and levels of commitment (1 Timothy 5:17-18).

H. Decisions

1. Formal voting follows a discussion period where unanimity is

sought. If any Elder has a reservation about a matter before the
Elders, the members supporting an action shall table the item to
allow the member opposed to such action to reconsider his
position and agree with the majority or propose, and have
accepted, an alternative plan.

2. This provision does not provide for stalemating decisions. If after a

reasonable length of time, based on the judgment of the majority
of the members, the objection is not lifted nor is an acceptable
alternative presented, the Elders may call for a formal vote on the
issue. The minority, (1) must submit to the majority and support
the decision or, (2) resign from the Elders, or, if unwilling to
resign, is automatically removed from the office of Elder.

3. Elders may vote on any issue before them except as follows:

(a) His own personal salary and benefits

(b) His own position as a staff member
(c) His own membership as an Elder
(d) His own position as an officer of the Elders (e.g., Vice-
Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer)

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

Section III - Deacons

A. Qualifications

1) A deacon must be a male who exhibits the qualifications specified

in I Timothy 3:8-13 and is essentially of the Christian character as
an Elder, except for possessing the gift of teaching.

2) He must have been an active member of Miami Bible Church for

at least twelve (12) consecutive months.

B. Selection

Deacons are nominated as a candidate for the Council of Deacons by

any member of the church during a time period made available by the
BOE, pass through a time of examination, and approved by the Board.

C. Term of Office

The term of office of a Deacon shall be indefinite, subject to that

person's continuing desire to do so, his or her maintenance of the
qualifications for office, and the capacity to carry out his responsibilities.
In reference to those stipulations, periodically, a Deacon will be reviewed
by the Board of Elders, and if any are found to be deficient in any of
these areas, he may be asked to relinquish the office.

D. Composition of Council of Deacons

The number of Deacons shall be determined by the BOE. All Deacons

shall be appointed by unanimous vote of the Elders.

E. Duties

The duties of a Deacon shall be as outlined in the Standard Operating

Procedure Manual.

F. Termination of Office

The office of a Deacon may be terminated by:

1) Resignation

2) Request of any Elder, together with three quarter (3/4) approval of

the BOE.

Section IV - Clerk of the Board of Elders

A. Selection

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

The Clerk of the BOE shall be appointed or re-appointed annually by the

Board, at the first meeting of the Board following the Annual
Congregational Meeting, to serve for a period of one year, renewable by
the Elders.

The Clerk must be a male who exhibits the qualifications of deacon

specified in I Timothy 3:8-13.

B. Duties

The duties of the Clerk of the BOE shall be as outlined in the Standard
Operating Procedure Manual.

Selection V. - Treasurer

A. Selection
The Treasurer shall be appointed or re-appointed annually from the BOE
or Council of Deacons by the Board at the first meeting of the BOE
following the Annual Congregational Meeting, to serve for a period of
one year.


To promote efficient handling of Elder Board matters, the Board may appoint various
councils and committees from within its membership, including its church staff.
These councils and committees shall perform tasks solely in accordance with the
duties and with powers specifically delegated by the Elder Board. The general
functions of councils and committees are:

o To bring recommendations to the Elder Board concerning ministries.

o To provide a wider base of counsel to the Elders having the oversight of specific
areas of ministries.

All councils and committees shall submit to the governing authority of the Elder Board
and shall exist for the period specified by the Board.


A quorum for the BOE, the Council of Deacons, and all other Councils and Committees
shall be fifty (50%) percent of its membership plus one (1) member.


Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

Miami Bible Church shall have the power to license men who are call to the Gospel
ministry. A Council of Licensure and Examination shall be appointed by the BOE to
examine the candidate as to his call. Upon receiving full and satisfactory evidence of
the candidate’s call, his testimony of life, and his soundness of doctrine, the Council
shall recommend to the BOE that he be licensed to preach.

The Church shall have the power to ordain the Gospel ministry men who have been
licensed by said Church at least six (6) months previously. The BOE shall appoint a
Council of Examination which shall examine the candidate carefully as to soundness
of doctrine, testimony of life, and other qualifications for the Gospel ministry. Upon
receiving full and satisfactory testimony from the candidate, the Council shall
recommend to the BOE his Ordination to the Gospel ministry. The BOE shall then
proceed to arrange the Ordination.

When ordination or licensing is unnecessary or inappropriate, a person is

commissioned by the BOE to minister. This authorization continues as long as the
opportunity to minister remains in effect and as long as the person maintains the
qualifications for ministry (e.g. a missionary).


The By-Laws of Miami Bible Church shall be adopted, amended, revised or rescinded
by the Board of Elders in the exercise of the power granted to said Board of Elders in
these Bylaws.


See the separate document entitled, "What We Teach: the Doctrinal Statement of
Miami Bible Church."


Miami Bible Church recognizes water baptism and communion as the two ordinances
Jesus Christ instituted for His Church. These are activities of Christian obedience not
grounds for forgiveness and eternal salvation.

Section I - Baptism

The Bible commands every believer to be water baptized (Mt. 28:19-20; Acts
2:37-42). Baptism is a public statement and testimony of a person’s faith
commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ as their one and only Savior. It is also a
symbolic act illustrating a person’s spiritual union with Christ by the baptism of
the Holy Spirit in His death, burial, and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-6). Anyone who
desires to be baptized must be interviewed and approved by the Elders who
will administer baptism by immersion (Mt. 3:16; Mk. 1:10; Jn. 3:23; Acts 8:38-

Miami Bible Church Bylaw 2009

Section II - Communion

The Lord’s Supper shall be observed regularly as designated by the Elders. All
believers are encouraged to participate in this time of remembrance and
celebration of the death of Jesus Christ as long as they carefully examine
themselves so that they do not take communion in an unworthy manner (Mt.
26:26-29; 1 Cor. 11:17-34).


Section I – Moral Conduct

The Bible clearly teaches that sexual immorality (such as, but not restricted to,
adultery, fornication, homosexuality, incest, pedophilia, bestiality), abortion,
unbiblical divorce, physical abuse, and any other immoral, abusive, factious or
divisive behavior are offenses grievous unto God, and that, apart from genuine
confession and repentance, they are sufficient grounds for church discipline (I
Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Titus 3:9-11; Proverbs 6:16-19).

Section II – Biblical Definition of Marriage

The only legitimate marriage is the joining of one natural man and one natural
woman (Gen. 2:24, Rom. 7:2, I Cor. 7:10; Eph. 5:22-23).

Section III – Functional Roles in the Home and Church

Men and women are spiritually equal in position before God but God has
ordained distinct and separate spiritual functions for men and women in the
home and in the church. As God the Father is the head of Christ in the
functional hierarchy of the Divine Trinity though they are both one in divine
essence, so the man is the head of the woman in the functional hierarchy of
the home and the church though they are equal in human dignity and spiritual
position. Accordingly, only men are eligible to occupy the offices of elders and
deacons, to lead and teach over men, and for licensure and ordination by the
church (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:18; I Tim. 2:8-15; 3: 4-5, 12).

Section IV – Distribution of Funds

The church in the exercise of its religious, educational, and charitable purposes
may establish various funds to accomplish specific goals. Contributors may
suggest uses for their contributions but all suggestions shall be deemed
advisory rather than mandatory in nature. All contributions shall remain subject
to the exclusive control and discretion of the BOE.


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