How To Recognize Cults 7 Characteristics

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KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH We want all to be equipped to see and expose deception and to help others avoid it. We must warn and rescue those who are involved in false teaching by teaching them the truth. Satans weapon is deception; our defense is love for the truth (2 hes. 2!"#$. %nowledge of the truth is powerful and lac& of &nowledge of basic truths can lead to great harm.

You !$% )now t$e t&ut$* %n+ t$e t&ut$ !$% ,%)e -ou .&ee/ 01n/ 2"'(3

M- 5eo5 e %&e +e!t&o-e+ .o& %c) o. )now e+ge/ 0Ho!/ 6"43

' cult is a group that deviates from the doctrines and practices of historic (hristianity and has an inordinate loyalty to one leader) whose beliefs are not found in Scripture. *f a group displays even one of these seven characteristics) they are a cult or have cultish tendencies. (ults start with one or two of these characteristics before they escalate into more. +aul warned of false teachers in the mighty church of ,phesus ('cts 2#!-#; " im. "!-./; 0!-.1) 2#.2"$. 2esus and +aul both prophesied of false teachers in the end times (3t. 24!4.1) "") 24; " im. 4!".-; 2 im. -!".5$. 's the end.time revival greatly increases so will deception.

Fo& I )now t$i!* t$%t %.te& ,- +e5%&tu&e !%8%ge wo 8e! wi co,e in %,ong -ou* not !5%&ing t$e . oc)/ '9A !o .&o, %,ong -ou&!e 8e! ,en wi &i!e u5* !5e%)ing 5e&8e&!e t$ing!* to +&%w %w%- t$e +i!ci5 e! %.te& t$e,!e 8e!/ ':T$e&e.o&e w%tc$/ 0Act! (9"(7;':3 ESSENTIAL BELIEFS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH 6alse teachers do not hold to the main and plain doctrines of Scripture. Some cults start by drifting from some of these doctrines and then eventually deny some of them. We must accept the main and p ain hist!"ica Ch"istian d!ct"ines# $hich inc ude% 2esus) 7ods only son) is fully 7od and fully man) born of virgin birth) without sin. 2esus death) bodily resurrection) and ascension. 8ne 7od exists in three +ersons (the rinity$ as 6ather) Son) and 9oly Spirit. Salvation is by faith alone) through grace alone) and in (hrist alone. he infallibility of Scripture; Scripture is our final authority for all matters of faith and practice. he unity and diversity of the :ody of (hrist. We stand firmly with the teachings of historic orthodox (hristianity as defined in statements such as the A5o!t e!< C&ee+) the Nicene C&ee+) and the =e!t,in!te& Con.e!!ion (see these creeds at the end of this document on our website$. he battle for truth today focuses on defining who 2esus is and how we are to love 9im. We must love 7od on 9is terms as expressed through allegiance to 2esus and the :ible. ruths about 2esus that offend humanists include 9is right) as 7od) to establish %>!o ute !t%n+%&+! of life and morality) to which the nations will be held accountable; second) that 2esus is the on - w%- of salvation; and third) that 2esus possesses the wisdom and love to ?u+ge !in in time and eternity.

Inte&n%tion% Hou!e o. P&%-e& o. K%n!%! CitF&ee Te%c$ing Li>&%&,i)e>ic) e/o&g


SE&EN CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTS @: T$e- o55o!e c&itic% t$in)ing instead of allowing people to thin& for themselves. (ritical thin&ing is ob;ective<it evaluates information received (not the same as a critical spirit$. Cu t!" heir members must accept what the cult leader believes without ever challenging their doctrines. hey do not want their members to thin& critically for themselves. T$e Bi> e" We must all test each teaching that we hear in the light of Scripture. Do not receive a teaching that you cannot see with your eyes in your Bible. =o not quic&ly accept new ideas before examining them. >oyalty to a ministry involves humbly challenging it when needed. =o not say) ?8ur leaders say@)A but) ? he :ible says@A

Te!t % t$ing!A $o + .%!t w$%t i! goo+/ 0: T$e!/ B"(:3

he :ereans only accepted +auls teaching when they saw it in the Scriptures.

T$e- [the Bereans] &ecei8e+ t$e wo&+ wit$ % &e%+ine!!* %n+ !e%&c$e+ t$e Sc&i5tu&e! +%i - to .in+ out w$et$e& t$e!e t$ing! we&e !o/ 0Act! :#"::3 (hristians are exhorted to test the spirits<to discern the spirit behind a teaching.

Be o8e+* +o not >e ie8e e8e&- !5i&it* >ut te!t t$e !5i&it!* w$et$e& t$e- %&e o. Co+A >ec%u!e ,%n- .% !e 5&o5$et! $%8e gone out into t$e wo& +/ 0: 1n/ 6":3 @( T$e- +i!$ono& t$e .%,i - unit instead of insisting on the biblical priority of the family unit. Cu t!" (hildren are taught to be more loyal to the leaders than to their parents. Women are taught to be more loyal to the leaders than to their husbands) and husbands are taught to accept this as normal. he cult leader see&s to ta&e the place of fathers) mothers) or other authority figures. he members are often required to cut ties with their family. T$e Bi> e" 8ur first relational commitment is to spouse) children) and parents. 8ur family is far more important than the ministry we are involved in. eaching that undermines the sanctity of the family unit is unbiblical. Scripture urges us to see& reconciliation and to mend bro&en family relationships through love) humility) and forgiveness (as far as it depends on us$. hose who obey Scripture will see& to communicate with and honor their families. 2esus insists that people honor their parents with integrity (3ar& /!5."-$ :efore becoming responsible adults) children are commanded by the Word to obey their parents (,ph. 0!".-$. Bet the commitment to love and communicate with oneCs family is not the same as needing to receive their ?approvalA to obey the Scripture (>& "4!20$. 9owever) even if our family disapproves of us doing 7ods will) we must still continue to reach out to them in love and see& to communicate with them. *n other words) our obedience to 2esus and 9is Word has priority over any of our ministry commitments) personal agenda) or even our family ties. @' T$e- i!o %te ,e,>e&! %n+ &e?ect t$e, .o& e%8ing instead of helping them do 7ods will.

Inte&n%tion% Hou!e o. P&%-e& o. K%n!%! CitF&ee Te%c$ing Li>&%&,i)e>ic) e/o&g



How to Recognize Cu t!" # C$%&%cte&i!tic! P%ge -

Cu t!" hey isolate their people from their families) the (hurch) and society. hey re;ect any who leave and warn them) saying that they will be ;udged by 7od and will lose 7ods best if they leave. +eople are taught to ma&e lifelong commitments to the group. Some groups teach that their members must get permission to ;oin another ministry. T$e Bi> e" ' leaders concern is to help people succeed in doing 7ods will for their own lives) regardless of whether it means ;oining another ministry. he foundational value is that 7od owns the people) not the leader of a ministry. @6 T$e- 5&o,ote in%55&o5&i%te o-% t- %n+ connection to t$e cu t e%+e&!$i5 instead of to 2esus. Cu t!" (ults see& to connect their members to the cult leader and require loyalty to him instead of to 2esus. >oyalty is defined as not questioning the leader. *t is very dangerous when the leader cannot be questioned. 6aithfulness is defined as supporting the leader) rather than obeying 2esus. (ult leaders warn their members to not touch ?7ods anointed.A T$e Bi> e" 8ur first loyalty and connection is to 2esus ((ol. 2!"5$. 6aithfulness is defined as loyalty to 2esus and obeying 9is Word and will.

Ho +ing .%!t to t$e He%+ [Jesus]* .&o, w$o, % t$e >o+-Dg&ow!D 0Co / (":73

@B T$e- c&o!! >i> ic% >oun+%&ie! o. >e$%8io& instead of wal&ing in purity and integrity. Cu t!" (ults cross biblical boundaries of behavior) especially in immorality and finances. hey twist the Scripture to validate their impurity and lac& of financial integrity. 6alse teachers can be detected by their covetousness and immorality (2 +et. 2!-."D$.

B- co8etou!ne!! t$e- wi eE5 oit///:6$%8ing e-e! .u o. %+u te&-D$e%&t t&%ine+ in co8etou! 5&%ctice!D:2T$e- % u&e t$&oug$ t$e u!t! o. t$e . e!$* t$&oug$ ew+ne!!/ 0( Pet/ ("';:23 hey usually insist on owning or controlling the money and property of members who ?;oin the community.A hey often promote unethical ways of gaining money (e.g.) lying about collecting money for charities that do not exist$. Some cult leaders claim that 7od directed them to have sexual relationships with ?spiritual partnersA for the benefit of the movement. T$e Bi> e" Scripture teaches sexual purity and the private ownership of property. *n 'cts 4!-2.-1) the disciples laid their money and property at the apostles feet as a one.time free.will offering) not as a permanent economic arrangement.

@4 T$e- !e5%&%te .&o, t$e C$u&c$ instead of promoting a culture of honor toward the (hurch.

Inte&n%tion% Hou!e o. P&%-e& o. K%n!%! CitF&ee Te%c$ing Li>&%&,i)e>ic) e/o&g


Cu t!" (ults separate from the wider (hurch) believing that they alone have a special status with 7od. hey criticiEe the rest of the :ody of (hrist and often claim to be the only ones truly saved. hey view all other ministries and denominations as being in error. T$e Bi> e" We love 2esus by loving the whole (hurch according to that is so dear to 9im. We cultivate a cu tu&e o. $ono& by loving the whole (hurch. >oving the (hurch is not the same as agreeing with the practices of each local church in the body of (hrist. *t is biblical to identify compromises being promoted in the (hurch but without criticiEing specific ministries by name unless going through the biblical process (3t. "D!"1."/$ here are times to bring ;udgment to ministries that have destructive doctrines and behavior (3t. "D!"1."/; " (or. 1!".""; 2 (or. ""!"2."1; " hes. 1!"4) 2"; 2 hes. -!0."4; Fev. 2!2) "4."1) 2#$. We must do this in the right way and with a right spirit. he :ible requires 7ods people to ta&e a stand against compromising trends or doctrines in the (hurch without dismissing the whole (hurch as participating in them. *n Fevelation 2.-) 2esus identified compromise in five of the seven churches. We must ta&e a stand against issues that 2esus too& a stand against) but we must not assume that ?entireA denominations or ?streamsA in the :ody of (hrist are in error. 3illions of believers worldwide are faithful to 2esus and refuse to compromise. We all have deficiencies or wea&nesses in ministry) and we need other ministries to express the fullness of (hrist. We are to bless the budding virtues of other ministries) regardless of their +e.iciencie! (wea&nesses$) and without needing to point out their +i..e&ence! in ministry focus) style) and standards of excellence. @# E,5$%!izing !5eci% &e8e %tion! t$%t cont&%+ict Sc&i5tu&e instead of honoring the Scripture. Cu t!" (ults emphasiEe the special revelations of their leader that contradict Scripture. T$e Bi> e" We emphasiEe the infallibility of Scripture as the final authority of truth. We emphasiEe the main and plain themes of Scripture) such as the supremacy of 2esus) the two great commandments) the 7reat (ommission) the Sermon on the 3ount lifestyle) prayer) reading the Word) winning the lost) healing the sic&) serving others) etc. 'UDGING FRUIT 2esus said that we can only test) or &now) a ministry by its fruit<words and deeds (3t. /!"1.2#$. *f the >ord gives you insight into a persons hidden sin) receive it as a call to pray for that person or to go to them in private loving way to as& questions to understand their beliefs and practices. +ractical ways to avoid deception include regular) prayerful :ible reading; setting our hearts to obey the >ord; staying in close relationship with others; regular involvement with a body of believers that has established leaders who uphold biblical doctrines and leadership principles; and maintaining a teachable spirit<a spirit that receives instruction and correction from others. THE A(OSTLES) CREED * believe in 7od the 6ather 'lmighty) (reator of heaven and earth 'nd in 2esus (hrist) 9is only Son) our >ord;

Inte&n%tion% Hou!e o. P&%-e& o. K%n!%! CitF&ee Te%c$ing Li>&%&,i)e>ic) e/o&g



How to Recognize Cu t!" # C$%&%cte&i!tic! P%ge 1

Who was conceived by the 9oly 7host) born of the Girgin 3ary) Suffered under +ontius +ilate) was crucified) dead) and buried; 9e descended into hell; the third day 9e rose again from the dead; 9e ascended into heaven) and sitteth at the right hand of 7od the 6ather 'lmighty; 6rom thence 9e shall come to ;udge the living and the dead. * believe in the 9oly 7host) the holy catholic church) he communion of saints) the forgiveness of sins) he resurrection of the body) and the life everlasting. THE NICENE CREED We believe in one 7od) the 6ather) the 'lmighty) ma&er of heaven earth) of all that is) seen and unseen. We believe in one >ord) 2esus (hrist) the only Son of 7od) eternally begotten of the 6ather) 7od from 7od) >ight from >ight) true 7od from true 7od) :egotten) not made) of one :eing with the 6ather; through 9im all things were made. 6or us and for our salvation 9e came down from heaven) was incarnate of the 9oly Spirit) born of the Girgin 3ary and was made man. 6or our sa&e 9e was crucified under +ontius +ilate; he suffered death and was buried. 8n the third day 9e rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; 9e ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the 6ather. 9e will come again in glory to ;udge the living and the dead) and 9is &ingdom will have no end. We believe in the 9oly Spirit) the >ord) the giver of life) who proceeds from the 6ather and the Son) who with the 6ather and the Son is worshiped and glorified. 9e has spo&en through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. We ac&nowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We loo& for the resurrection of the dead) and the life of the world to come

Inte&n%tion% Hou!e o. P&%-e& o. K%n!%! CitF&ee Te%c$ing Li>&%&,i)e>ic) e/o&g


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