Alumini Questioner

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Dear Alumni, For each of the Program Outcomes (a-l) given below, which of the three statements describes your understanding of your field, Please include any comments. Q1: efore each statement, indicate the answer ! through " which most closely fits this statement for you# 1: Strongly agree 2.Indirectly agree : !i"agree

My U# ed$cation at ($nstitute)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&a" gi'en (e: T&e (ec&anical engineering )rogra( *ill gi'e o$r grad$ating "enior" t&e "+ill" and +no*ledge ,a"e to allo* t&e( to ac&ie'e o$r )rogra( o,-ecti'e" a.ter grad$ation. /y t&e ti(e o. grad$ation0 o$r "t$dent" *ill &a'e: 1O An"*er 1rogra((e O$tco(e" an a,ility to a))ly +no*ledge o. (at&e(atic"0 "cience0 and engineering a an a,ility to de"ign and cond$ct e2)eri(ent"0 a" *ell a" to analy3e and b inter)ret data an a,ility to de"ign a "y"te(0 co()onent0 or )roce"" to (eet de"ired c need" *it&in reali"tic con"traint" "$c& a" econo(ic0 en'iron(ental0 "ocial0 )olitical0 et&ical0 &ealt& and "a.ety0 (an$.act$ra,ility0 and "$"taina,ility an a,ility to .$nction on ($lti4di"ci)linary tea(" an a,ility to identi.y0 .or($late0 and "ol'e engineering )ro,le(" an $nder"tanding o. )ro.e""ional and et&ical re")on"i,ility an a,ility to co(($nicate e..ecti'ely t&e ,road ed$cation nece""ary to $nder"tand t&e i()act o. engineering "ol$tion" in a glo,al0 econo(ic0 en'iron(ental0 and "ocietal conte2t a recognition o. t&e need .or0 and an a,ility to engage in li.e4long learning a +no*ledge o. conte()orary i""$e" an a,ility to $"e t&e tec&ni5$e"0 "+ill"0 and (odern engineering tool" nece""ary .or engineering )ractice. an a,ility to *or+ )ro.e""ionally in all in (ec&anical "y"te(" area"

d e f g h i % & l

. Q2: 'ould you identify a single course (sub%ect) ta&en which is most beneficial to your (resent (osition)

*o what e+tent the following (rogramme educational ob%ectives fulfilled by the $nstitute) For each of the Program ,ducational Ob%ectives (!-") given below, which of the three statements (!-") a(tly describes your understanding, Please include any comments.
Indirectl y Agree

Yo$r a""e""(ent 1rogra((e Ed$cational O,-ecti'e" !. Professionals will be e-ui((ed with engineering s&ills to demonstrate technical com(etence. .. ,ngineers will engage in lifelong learning / imbibe innovative thin&ing ca(acities.

Strongly Agree


". Professionals will have confidence to ac-uire em(loyment, catering the industrial needs.

Your detailed comments based on your graduation experiences (you can post or E-mail):

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