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AppendixAppendix- Quick Quick Search Yogas List


Kalanidhi Yoga: Jupiter in the 2nd or 5th, joined with or aspected by Mercury or Venus, or in a rasi owned by Mercury or Venus. Pg.176 Kahala Yoga: Jupiter & 4th lord in mutual angles, and lagna lord strong. Pg.175 Sarada Yoga: Jupiter or Mercury in a trine to the Moon, and Mars in 11th. Pg.181 Sarada Yoga: Jupiter in the 11th from Mercury, & the 10th lord in the 5th. Pg.181 Sarada Yoga: Jupiter in 11th from Mercury, and in an angle from Moon. Pg.181 Sarada Yoga: Jupiter in 11th from Mercury, & Mars in a trine to Mercury. Pg.181 Daridra Yoga: Jupiter as the lagna or 8th lord is stronger then the 9th lord & the weak 11th lord is combust & not in an angle. Pg.217 Srinatha Yoga: Venus, the 9th lord & Mercury in angles or trines, & in own, friendly or exaltation rasis. Pg.147 Muni Yoga: Venus with only malefics in the lagna or a trine, unaspected by benefics, & the said malefics are also in debilitation or inimical amsas. Pg.209 Daridra Yoga: Saturn in the 9th aspected by malefics, & Mercury, in conjunction with the Sun, is in the lagna and in debilitation navamsa. Pg.217 Chamara Yoga: Two benefics in the lagna, 9th, 10th, or 7th. Pg.172 Susubha Yoga: Only benefics in the 2nd, unaspected by malefics. Pg.210 Srikanta Yoga: The lagna lord, the Sun, & the Moon in angles or trines, & in own, friendly or exaltation rasis. Pg.147 Parijatha Yoga: The dispositor of the lord of the lagna lord, & the navamsa lord of that dispositor must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi. Pg.133 Kalpadruma Yoga: The lagna lord, its dispositor, the dispositor of that, & the navamsa lord of the last, in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi. Pg.134 Brahma Yoga: From the lagna lord, benefics in the 4th, 10th, & 11th. Pg.148 Parvata Yoga: The lagna & 12th lords in angles to each other & aspected by benefics. Pg.179 Bheri Yoga Lagna lord & Venus in angles to Jupiter, & the 9th lord strong. Pg.171 Sankha Yoga: The lagna lord along with the 10th lord is in a movable rasi & the 9th lord is strong. Pg.180 Hari Yoga: From the 2nd lord, benefics in the 2nd, 12th, & 8th. Pg.148 Kapata Yoga: 4th lord with Saturn, Rahu, or Mandi, aspected by a malefic. Pg.219 Kahala Yoga: The lords of the 4th & 9th in angles to each other, & the lagna lord strong. Pg.176 Sankha Yoga: The 5th & 6th lords in mutual angles, & a strong lagna lord. Pg.180 Hara Yoga: From the 7th lord, the 4th, 9th, & 8th occupied by benefics. Pg.148 Vishnu Yoga: The navamsa lord of the 9th lord joins the 10th lord in the 2nd with the 9th lord. Pg.149 Marajadhiraj Yoga: The 10th lord in the 9th in Paravatamsa, the 9th lord in the 2nd, & the 11th lord in Gopuramsa. Pg.179 Daridra Yoga: Planets placed in continuous houses in such a manner that the planet next in natural order is in the preceding house. Pg.218 Non Dasa Dependent Foundation Yogas (Not including Nabhasa Yogas) Hamsa Yoga: All seven planets in the lagna, 5th, 7th & 9th. Pg.120

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