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1 Hindi Next>>


1.Origin of the Indian Arm ! "T#e Indi$n Ar% &'r$n( )ro% *er &%$++ ,e(innin(&! -u$rd& .ere enro++ed )or t#e 'rotection o) t#e )$ctorie& or tr$din( 'o&t& .#ic# .ere e&t$,+i&#ed , t#e Honour$,+e E$&t Indi$ Co%'$n $t /ur$t! M$&u+i'$t$%0 Ar%$(on0 M$dr$&0 Hoo(#+ $nd 1$+$&ore in t#e )ir&t #$+) o) t#e &e*enteent# centur ! T#e&e (u$rd& .ere $t )ir&t intended to $dd to t#e di(nit o) t#e C#ie) O))ici$+& $& %uc# $& )or $ de)en&i*e 'ur'o&e0 $nd in &o%e c$&e& &'eci$+ re&triction& .ere e*en '+$ced , tre$t on t#eir &tren(t#0 &o $& to 're*ent t#eir $c2uirin( $n %i+it$r i%'ort$nce! -r$du$++ 0 #o.e*er0 t#e or($ni3$tion o) t#e&e (u$rd& .$& i%'ro*ed $nd )ro% t#e% &'r$n( t#e Honour$,+e E$&t Indi$ Co%'$n 4& Euro'e$n $nd Indi$n troo'&! 1ot# t#e&e &te$di+ incre$&ed in nu%,er&0 unti+ in 15670 it nu%,ered (inc+udin( +oc$+ )orce& $nd contin(ent&0 $nd $ ,od o) 850999 %i+it$r 'o+ice) no +e&& t#$n 80110985 o))icer& $nd %en0 (I%'eri$+ -$3etter o) Indi$0 1:970 ;o+ I; (C#0 <I)! !.E.I."#om$an %& M'tin A(t!"/t$tutor 'ro*i&ion .$& )ir&t %$de )or t#e di&ci'+ine o) t#e Honor$,+e E$&t Indi$ Co%'$n 4& troo'& , $n Act (=7 -eo II0 C$' :) '$&&ed in 176> )or ?'uni&#in( Mutin $nd @e&ertion o) o))icer& $nd &o+dier& in t#e &er*ice o) t#e United Co%'$n o) Merc#$nt& o) En(+$nd tr$din( to t#e E$&t Indie&0$nd )or t#e 'uni&#%ent o) o))ence& co%%itted in t#e E$&t Indie&0 or $t t#e I&+$nd o) /$int He+en$?! /ection 5 o) t#i& Act e%'o.ered t#e Cro.n to %$Ae Artic+e& o) W$r )or t#e (o*ern%ent o) t#e&e troo'&0 $nd &uc# $rtic+e& .ere $ccordin(+ %$de $nd 'u,+i&#ed! T#e ter%& o) t#e Act .ere .ide enou(# to co*er ,ot# Euro'e$n $nd Indi$n troo'&0 ,ut t#e +$n(u$(e o) t#e $rtic+e& t#e%&e+*e& &#o.ed t#$t t#e .ere ori(in$++ intended )or Euro'e$n& on+ ! In t#e $,&ence o) $n ot#er code0 #o.e*er0 t#e -o*ern%ent o) 1en($+0 M$dr$&0 $nd 1o%,$ &ee% to #$*e $''+ied t#e&e $rtic+e&0 .it# &uc# %odi)ic$tion $nd o%i&&ion& $& $''e$red nece&&$r 0 to t#e ,odie& o) Indi$n troo'& %$int$ined , t#e%0 o) .#ic# t#e 're&ent Indi$n Ar% i& t#e de&cend$nt! In 15180 to dou,t& #$*in( $ri&en $& to t#e +e($+ *$+idit o) t#e exi&tin( $rr$n(e%ent& )or t#e di&ci'+ine o) t#e Indi$n troo'&0 'ro*i&ion& .ere in&erted in t#e Act (68 -eo III0 C$' 166 && :B $nd :7) .#ic# .$& '$&&ed in t#$t e$r to extend t#e co%'$n 4& 'ri*i+e(e& )or $ )urt#er ter%0 .#ic# +e($+i&ed t#e exi&tin( & &te% $nd ($*e ' to e$c# o) t#e -o*ern%ent& o) Fort Wi++i$%0 Fort /$int -eor(e $nd 1o%,$ to %$Ae0 +$.&0 re(u+$tion&0 $nd Artic+e& o) W$r )or t#e (o*ern%ent o) $++ Indi$n o))icer& $nd &o+dier& in t#eir re&'ecti*e &er*ice&! It .$& )urt#er 'ro*ided in 15=> (> -eo I;0 C$' 510& B8)0 t#$t &uc# +e(i&+$tion &#ou+d $''+ to t#e Indi$n troo'& o) e$c# 're&idenc 0 .#ere*er &er*in(0 $nd .#et#er .it#in or ,e ond Hi& M$Ce&t 4& do%inion&! Next>>

= Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


). Ea(h *re&iden( frame& it& o+n (ode. Under t#e &t$tutor &$nction o) t#e&e t.o en$ct%ent& $ %i+it$r code .$& )r$%ed , t#e (o*ern%ent o) e$c# 're&idenc $nd 'ut in )orce $& re($rd& it& o.n troo'&! T#e&e code& &ti++ )o++o.ed to $ (re$t extent t#e Artic+e& o) W$r t#en $''+ic$,+e to t#e Co%'$n 4& Euro'e$n&0 ,ut t#e on+ 'uni&#%ent& $.$rd $,+e to Indi$n o))icer& &ee% to #$*e ,een de$t#0 di&%i&&$+0 &u&'en&ion0 $nd re'ri%$nd $nd to Indi$n &o+dier&0 de$t# $nd cor'or$+ 'uni&#%ent! Tr$n&'ort$tion $nd i%'ri&on%ent .ere not $.$rd$,+e! ,ii- The Arti(.e& of +ar /. Go0ernment of India A(t" 11))" and the 2Arti(.e& of War2! "1 &ection 78 o) t#e -o*ern%ent o) Indi$ Act0 1588 (8 $nd > Wi++! I;0 C$' 56) t#e ' to +e(i&+$te )or t#e .#o+e Indi$n Ar% .$& re&tricted to t#e -o*ernor -ener$+ in Counci+0 $nd +$.& &o %$de .ere (i*en (ener$+ $''+ic$tion to $++ Indi$n o))icer& $nd &o+dier& .#ere*er &er*in(! Under t#e ' con)erred u'on it , t#e Act o) 1588 t#e Indi$n Le(i&+$ture0 )or t#e )ir&t ti%e0 'ro*ided $ co%%on code )or t#e Indi$n o))icer& $nd &o+dier& in 15>60 ?Artic+e& o) W$r? ,ein( en$cted )or t#e% , t#e -o*ernor -ener$+ in Counci+ $& Act << o) t#$t e$r! T#i& Act .$& &#ort+ $)ter re'e$+ed $nd re'+$ced , Act <I< o) 15>7 .#ic#0 #$*in( ,een )re2uent+ $%ended (Act& o) -o*ernor -ener$+ in Counci+E ;I o) 15690 <<<;I o) 15690 III o) 156>0 < o) 156B0 ;III o) 15670 <<II o) 15670 $nd ;I o) 15B9) in t#e inter*enin( 'eriod0 .$& in it& turn re'e$+ed , Act <<I< o) 15B1! T#i& .$& re'e$+ed , Act ; o) 15B: (?t#e Indi$n Artic+e& o) W$r?) .#ic# re'+$ced it! T#e 're$%,+e to t#i& Act indic$te& t#$t )or t#e )ir&t ti%e reco(nition .$& (r$nted to t#e exi&tence o) .#$t $re co%%on+ Ano.n $& ?) $nd Act ; .$& e2u$++ %$de $''+ic$,+e to t#e%! 3.Amendment of 2Arti(.e&2 in 114/! "T#e $%$+($%$tion o) t#e t#ree $r%ie& %$int$ined , t#e Pre&idencie& into one in 15:6 nece&&it$ted con&ider$,+e $%end%ent& in t#e ?Indi$n Artic+e& o) W$r?! T#e&e $%end%ent& .ere e))ected , Act <II o) 15:> $nd t#e Indi$n Artic+e& o) W$r0 $& $+tered , t#i& Act0 $nd , *$riou& %inor $%endin( Act&0 (Act& o) -o*ernorE-ener$+ in Counci+0 <II o) 15:10 I o) 1:990 I o) 1:910 I< o) 1:910 <III o) 1:9>0 $nd ; o) 1:96) )urni&#ed t#e &t$tutor ,$&i& o) t#e Indi$n %i+it$r code unti+ 1:11! A& ti%e .ent on0 #o.e*er0 $nd t#e Indi$n Ar% ,e($n to t$Ae it& &#$re in t#e i%'eri$+ re&'on&i,i+itie& o) t#e 1riti&# Ar% 0 it .$& )ound t#$t $n Act ori(in$++ )r$%ed )or t#ree &e'$r$te +oc$+ )orce&0 e$c# &er*in( $& $ ru+e in it& o.n Pre&idenc 0 )$i+ed to 'ro*ide $de2u$te+ )or t#e di&ci'+ine $nd $d%ini&tr$tion o) t#$t $r% under %odern condition&! $+&o to t#e %$&& o) $%end%ent& &u'erEi%'o&ed on t#e ori(in$+ $rtic+e&0 t#e&e .ere o)ten di))icu+t to under&t$nd0 $nd &o%e ti%e& e*en &e+)Econtr$dictor ! 5.The Indian Arm A(t 1411!ET#e $%end%ent o) t#e Indi$n Artic+e& o) W$r .$&0 t#ere)ore0 $($in t$Aen u' in 1:950 ,ut t#e con&ider$tion t#en (i*en to t#e &u,Cect &#o.ed t#$t $ ne. con&o+id$tin( $nd $%endin( Act .ou+d ,e nece&&$r 0 $n )urt#er $%end%ent o) t#e $rtic+e& o) 15B: ,ein( on+ +iAe+ to $ccentu$te t#e exi&tin(

con)u&ion! Accordin(+ Indi$n Ar% Act0 con&o+id$tin( t#e exi&tin( +$. $& to t#e Indi$n Ar% into one &i%'+e $nd co%'re#en&i*e DDPre*iou& Next>> 8 Hindi MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW en$ct%ent $nd $ddin( &uc# 'ro*i&ion& $& ex'erience #$d &#o.n to ,eEnece&&$r 0 .$& '$&&ed into +$. in M$rc# 1:11 $nd c$%e into )orce on 1&t F$nu$r 1:1=! A++ 're*iou& Act& de$+in( .it# t#e &u,Cect .ere re'e$+ed , &ection 1=7 o) t#e &$id Act! A%end%ent& .ere &u,&e2uent+ %$de to t#i& Act , *$riou& $%endin( Act&! (Act& o) -o*ernor -ener$+ in Counci+0 <; o) 1:1>0 < o) 1:170 <I o) 1:150 <;III o) 1:1:0 II o) 1:=90 <<<;II o) 1:=90 <<<III o) 1:=80! ;III o) 1:890 <<<III o) 1:8> $nd ;II o) 1:86)! 6.The Indian Arm ,S'&$en&ion of Senten(e&- A(t" 14!7! E @urin( t#e 1:1>E15 .$r te%'or$r Act& (Act& o) -o*ernor -ener$+ in Counci+ I; o) 1:17 $nd <;III o) 1:15) .ere '$&&ed to 'ro*ide )or t#e &u&'en&ion o) &entence&! T#e&e %e$&ure& .ere )ound to ,e ,ene)ici$+0 $nd on =8rd M$rc# 1:=9 $ 'er%$nent Act to 'ro*ide )or t#e &u&'en&ion o) &entence& o) i%'ri&on%ent or tr$n&'ort$tion '$&&ed , court&E%$rti$+ on 'er&on& &u,Cect to t#e Indi$n Ar% Act0 .#ic# re'e$+ed t#e te%'or$r Act&0 c$%e into )orce! T#i& Act .#ic# i& Ano.n $& t#e ?Indi$n Ar% (/u&'en&ion o) /entence&) Act? (Act o) -o*ernor -ener$+ in Counci+ << o) 1:=9) .$& to ,e re$d $& one .it# t#e Indi$n Ar% Act! 1.Arm A(t 1437! "T#e need )or $ (ener$+ re*i&ion o) t#e Indi$n Ar% Act 1:11 .$& )e+t )or &o%e ti%e 'rior to 1:>7! /o%e o) t#e 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e &$id Act #$d ,eco%e out o)Ed$te $nd in&u))icient )or %odern re2uire%ent&G ,ut $)ter 16Au(1:>70 t#e need )or re*i&ion ,ec$%e i%'er$ti*e )or o,*iou& re$&on&! A 1i++ to con&o+id$te $nd $%end t#e +$. re+$tin( to t#e (o*ern%ent o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% .$&0 t#ere)ore0 introduced in t#e Con&tituent A&&e%,+ o) Indi$ on =1 @ece%,er 1:>:! T#i& .$& '$&&ed into +$. , t#e P$r+i$%ent on =9 M$ 1:69 $& Ar% Act (Act <L;I o) 1:69) $nd c$%e into )orce on == Fu+ 1:69 A%end%ent& &u,&e2uent+ %$de , t#e $%endin( Act& (Act& <I< o) 1:660<<<;I o) 1:670 Ad$'ted , 8 ALO 1:6B) #$*e ,een incor'or$ted in t#i& edition! 4.R'.e& and other 2&'8ordinate .egi&.ation2. "T#e 're&ent %i+it$r code o) Ar% i& t#u& cont$ined in t#e Ar% Act0 1:69 $nd cert$in ru+e& $nd ot#er %$tter& .#ic# +$tter0 ,ein( %$de in 'ur&u$nce o) t#e Ar% Act , $ut#oritie& t#erein e%'o.ered to do &o0 #$*e t#e )orce o) +$.! Ex$%'+e& o) t#i& +$tter c+$&& o) ?&u,ordin$te +e(i&+$tion? $re t#e Ar% Ru+e&0 1:6> )r$%ed , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent under &ection 1:1 o) t#e Ar% Act0 $nd t#o&e $& to ?/u%%$r $nd Minor 'uni&#%ent&? cont$ined in '$r$ >>8 o) t#e Re(u+$tion& )or t#e Ar% 0 1:B= .#ic# deri*e t#eir &t$tutor )orce )ro% order& i&&ued , t#e COA/ .it# t#e con&ent o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent in 'ur&u$nce o) AA!&!5= DDPre*iou&


> Hindi

Next>> CHAPTER II O9TLINE O: T;E ARMY A#T 1.S(heme of (ha$ter! "T#i& C#$'ter i& intended to (i*e $ (ener$+ $ccount o) t#e AA $nd to &#o. it& &co'e $nd 'ur'o&e! Cert$in ex'+$n$tion& o) $ (ener$+ c#$r$cter0 .#ic# .ou+d ,e out o) '+$ce in t#e note& to '$rticu+$r &ection& $re $+&o cont$ined in it! For $ det$i+ed ex'+$n$tion o) t#e AA re)erence &#ou+d #o.e*er ,e %$de to t#e&e note&! !.S'8<e(tion to Arm A(t. "C#$'ter& I $nd II o) t#e AA $re concerned .it# $''+ic$tion o) %i+it$r +$. $nd t#e de)inition o) ter%& u&ed in t#e &$id Act! Per&on& &u,Cect to t#e AA under c+$u&e& ($) to (() o) &!=(1) re%$in &o &u,Cect unti+ retired0 di&c#$r(ed0 re+e$&ed0 re%o*ed0 di&%i&&ed or c$&#iered )ro% t#e &er*ice0 t#o&e &u,Cect under c+$u&e (i) t#ereo) re%$in &u,Cect on+ &o +on( $& t#e condition& conte%'+$ted t#erein continue! T#e e))ect o) $ noti)ic$tion i&&ued under AA!&!B i& t#$t t#o&e .#o r$nA $& o))icer&0 Cunior co%%i&&ioned o))icer&0 .$rr$nt o))icer& $nd nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer& %u&t0 in t#eir re+$tion& to %i+it$r +$.0 ,e tre$ted in t#e &$%e .$ $& t#o&e .#o #o+d corre&'ondin( r$nA& in t#e Ar% H )or in&t$nce $ ci*i+ o))ici$+ .#o r$nA& $& $n o))icer c$n ,e tried , no %i+it$r tri,un$+ in)erior to $ (ener$+ or &u%%$r (ener$+ courtE%$rti$+0 .#i+e one .#o r$nA& $& $ .$rr$nt o))icer c$n ,e tried , $ di&trict courtE%$rti$+ ,ut c$nnot ,e $.$rded i%'ri&on%ent or )ie+d 'uni&#%ent , it! T#e &t$tu& con)erred i& $ 'er&on$+ one $nd doe& not (i*e $n co%%$nd o*er ot#er&! ). Definition&. "A++ t#e de)inition& in AA!&!8 %u&t ,e under&tood $& ,ein( &u,Cect to t#e re&er*$tion in t#e o'enin( c+$u&e o) t#$t &ection0 ie0 t#e $re not to ,e re$d into t#e Act i) ?t#ere i& &o%et#in( re'u(n$nt in t#e &u,Cect or context?! An in&t$nce o) &uc# $ re'u(n$nce .i++ ,e )ound in AA!&!1>8! ?O))icer? in t#i& &ection c$nnot ,e u&ed in t#e re&tricted &en&e indic$ted in t#e de)inition in &!8(x*iii)0 $& &uc# $ %e$nin( .ou+d ,e re'u(n$nt to t#e context $nd %u&t t#ere)ore ,e t$Aen in it& .ider %e$nin( o) ?O))ici$+?! It .i++ ,e noticed t#$t in &o%e c$&e&0 ter%& $re de)ined in AA!&!8 $& ?%e$nin(? &uc# $nd &uc#0 $nd in ot#er& $& ?inc+udin(? &o%e ot#er 'er&on or t#in(! In t#e )or%er c$&e t#e ter% de)ined i& u&ed $& $ & non % )or +on(er or %ore cu%,rou& ex're&&ion0 ,ut t#e +e($+ e))ect o) t#e en$ct%ent .ou+d not ,e $+tered i) t#e +on(er ex're&&ion .ere u&ed t#rou(#out in&te$d o) t#e &#orter! T#e e))ect o) t#o&e de)inition& or '$rt& o) de)inition&0 .#ic# dec+$re t#$t $ ter% ?inc+ude&? &o%et#in( e+&e i& &o%e.#$t di))erent! Here t#e re&u+t i& t#$t .#ere*er t#e +$.0 $& it &t$nd&0 $''+ie& to t#e c+$&& o) 'er&on&0 or t#in(&0 indic$ted , t#e )ir&t ter%0 it .i++ $+&o $''+ to t#e c+$&& or c+$&&e& .#o $re ?inc+uded?0 t#ou(# t#e n$tur$+ %e$nin( o) t#e En(+i&# +$n(u$(e %i(#t not indic$te t#$t it did $''+ to t#e +$tter! For in&t$nce0 t#e ex're&&ion ?nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer? doe& not0 $& it &t$nd&0 nece&&$ri+ co*er $n $ctin( nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer0 ,ut t#e re&u+t o) t#e conc+udin( .ord& o) de)inition in AA!&!8(x*) i& t#$t0 .#ere*er t#e .ord& ?nonE co%%i&&ioned o))icer? occur in t#e Act0 t#e $re $+&o to ,e t$Aen $& $''+ in( to $ctin( nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer&0 $nd $n $ctin( nonEco%E Next>> 6 Hindi



%i&&ioned o))icer c$nnot t#ere)ore ,e &u,Cected to i%'ri&on%ent $& $ &u%%$r $.$rd under AA!&!59! /i%i+$r+ t#e .ord& ?Fud(e Ad*oc$te -ener$+?0 do not $& t#e &t$nd0 indic$te $ ?@e'ut Fud(e Ad*oc$te -ener$+?0 ,ut t#e ex'+$n$tion to AA!&&!187 $nd 185 &#o.& t#$t .#ere*er in t#$t &ection $ ' or dut i& con)erred or i%'o&ed on t#e! Fud(e Ad*oc$te -ener$+ $ &i%i+$r ' or dut i& con)erred or i%'o&ed on e$c# @e'ut Fud(e Ad*oc$te -ener$+! /.AA.&./. "T#i& &ection en$,+e& t#e 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e AA to ,e $''+ied to $n )orce r$i&ed $nd %$int$ined in Indi$ under t#e $ut#orit o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent0 not ,ein( '$rt o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% 0 $nd &u&'end t#e o'er$tion o) $n ot#er en$ct%ent )or t#e ti%e ,ein( $''+ic$,+e to t#e %id )orce! It $+&o en$,+e& t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent to &'eci) t#e $ut#oritie& .#o c$n exerci&e t#e ' $nd dutie& incident to t#e o'er$tion o) t#e 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e AA in re&'ect o) &uc# $ )orce! A )orce to .#ic# t#e AA i& t#u& $''+ied doe& not t#ere, ,eco%e '$rt o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% ! 1 i&&ue o) $ noti)ic$tion under t#i& &ection0 t#e 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e AA #$*e ,een $''+ied to Ci*i+i$n -ener$+ Tr$n&'ort Co%'$nie&0 A&&$% Ri)+e& $nd -REF! 3.AA.&.1. "T#e ' con)erred , t#e AA on t#e Co%%$nder& o) $r%ie&0 $r% cor'&0 di*i&ion& $nd ,ri($de& $re0 in t#e )ir&t in&t$nce0 re&tricted to t#e o))icer& #o+din( &uc# co%%$nd&! T#i& &ection0 #o.e*er0 'ro*ide& )or t#e (r$nt o) ' to o))icer& co%%$ndin( %i+it$r or($ni3$tion&0 not &'eci)ic$++ %entioned in t#e Act0 .#ic#0 in t#e o'inion o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent0 $re not +e&& t#$n $ ,ri($de! T#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent , i&&ue o) $ noti)ic$tion under t#i& &ection! %$ 're&cri,e t#e o))icer , .#o% t#e ' .#ic# under t#e AA %$ ,e exerci&ed , o))icer& co%%$ndin( $r%ie&0 $r% cor'&0 di*i&ion& $nd ,ri($de&0 $& re($rd& 'er&on& &er*in( in &uc# %i+it$r or($ni3$tion&! C$&e& c$n t#u& ,e 'ro*ided )or $& t#e $ri&e $nd in $ccord$nce .it# +oc$+ circu%&t$nce&0 .it#out t#e nece&&it )or )re&# +e(i&+$ti*e $ction to %eet e*er ne. de*e+o'%ent! 5.Enro.ment and Atte&tation!"E*er one .#o i& 'er%$nent+ &u,Cect to %i+it$r +$. (exce't o))icer&0 Cunior co%%i&&ioned $nd .$rr$nt o))icer&) i& &u,Cect to t#$t +$. , *irtue o) #i& ?Enro+%ent?! T#i& 'roce&& $nd t#e &u,&e2uent $tte&t$tion o) cert$in enro++ed 'er&on&0 i& de&cri,ed in C#$'ter III o) t#e AA $nd in t#e Ru+e& %$de , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent under t#e ' t#erein con)erred! T#e 'rinci'+e under+ in( t#e&e 'ro*i&ion& i& t#$t no 'er&on &#ou+d ,e 'er%$nent+ &u,Cected to $n exce'tion$+ $nd &e*ere code0 +iAe t#$t cont$ined in t#e AA0 .it#out $ de)inite $ct on #i& '$rt0 &uc# $ct ,ein( &u&ce'ti,+e o) e$& 'roo)! ?Enro+%ent? i& t#ere)ore %$de $ de)inite $ct recorded in $ )or%$+ docu%ent0 t#e enro+%ent '$'er0 .#ic# i& it&e+) %$de +e($+ e*idence o) t#e )$ct& &t$ted in it (AA!&0 1>1) $nd .#ic# &#o.& c+e$r+ $++ t#e condition& o) t#e ,$r($in .#ic# t#e enro++ed 'er&on #$& %$de .it# t#e /t$te0 Atte&t$tion i& $n $ct o) $d%ini&tr$tion to t#e enro++ed 'er&on0 t#e o$t# or $))ir%$tion o) %i+it$r )ide+it ! It )or%& no '$rt o) t#e 'roce&& o) enro+%ent $nd t#i& o$t# or $))ir%$tion i& $d%ini&tered to co%,$t$nt&0 ot#er 'er&on& &e+ected to #o+d nonE co%%i&&ioned or $ctin( nonEco%%i&&ioned r$nA& $nd 'er&on& &u,Cect to t#e AA $& 're&cri,ed , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent! T#e cere%on t$Ae& '+$ce .#en t#e DDPre*iou& Next>>

B Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


c$ndid$te i& )it )or dut or #$& co%'+eted $ 're&cri,ed 'eriod o) 'ro,$tion $nd con)er& on t#e 'er&on $d%itted to it $ cert$in &t$tu& $nd t#e 'ri*i+e(e o) not ,ein( ordin$ri+ di&c#$r(e $,+e .it#out re)erence0 $t +e$&t0 to #i& 1ri($de Co%%$nder! (AR!18 $nd t$,+e $nnexed t#ereto)! On+ $tte&ted 'er&on& c$n ri&e to nonE co%%i&&ioned r$nA& in t#e re(u+$r Ar% ! T#e enro+%ent '$'er re)erred to $,o*e cont$in& $n o))ici$+ record o) t#e ,$r($in %$de .it# t#e enro++ed 'er&on on ,e#$+) o) t#e /t$te0 $nd t#e condition& o) t#$t ,$r($in c$nnot ,e $+tered exce't .it# t#e con&ent o) t#e 'er&on concerned! An in&t$nce o) &uc# con&ent i& .#en $ %$n0 on ,ein( tr$ined in &'eci$+ dutie&0 $(ree& to &er*e )or +on(er t#$n t#e ter% )or .#ic# #e .$& ori(in$++ en($(ed! /uc# $ *$ri$tion o) t#e condition& o) &er*ice i& t#ere)ore recorded on t#e %$n4& enro+%ent '$'er $nd &i(ned , #i%! No &e'$r$te $tte&t$tion docu%ent i& re2uired )or t#e c+$&&e& .#o $re $tte&ted! T#e )$ct o) $tte&t$tion i& in e$c# c$&e recorded on t#e enro+%ent '$'er $nd $ut#entic$ted , t#e &i(n$ture o) t#e $tte&tin( o))icer! 6. Di&mi&&a. = Di&(harge et(. "(i) O))icer&! "No $ut#orit #$& ,een 're&cri,ed under AA!&!== $& $ co%'etent $ut#orit to $ut#ori&e t#e di&c#$r(e o) o))icer&! T#e o))icer& recei*e t#eir co%%i&&ion )ro% t#e Pre&ident .#o $ut#ori&e& t#eir retire%ent )ro% t#e &er*ice on re&i(n$tion o) co%%i&&ion (/ee Re(& Ar% '$r$ 198)! T#e %$ $+&o ,e di&%i&&ed or re%o*ed , order o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent under AA!&!1:0 on (round& o) )$i+ure to 2u$+i) $t $n ex$%in$tion or cour&e0 %i&conduct0 ine))icienc or di&$,i+it (AR& 18A0 1>0 16 I 16A)0 t#e di&%i&&$+ or re%o*$+ t$Ain( e))ect $& 'ro*ided in AR!15! T#e %$ ,e c$&#iered or di&%i&&ed , &entence o) courtE%$rti$+0 t#e c$&#ierin( or di&%i&&$+ t$Ain( e))ect $& 'ro*ided in AR!1B5! T#e re%$in &u,Cect to t#e AA unti+ du+ retired0 c$&#iered0 re%o*ed or di&%i&&ed )ro% t#e &er*ice! (ii) JCOs, WOs and OR"@i&%i&&$+0 re%o*$+ or di&c#$r(e o) FCO&0 WO& $nd ot#er enro++ed 'er&on& i& 'ro*ided in AA!&&!=9 $nd == $nd AR&!18 $nd 170 t#e di&%i&&$+0 re%o*$+ or di&c#$r(e t$Ain( e))ect $& 'ro*ided in AR!15! T#e c$n $+&o ,e di&%i&&ed , &entence o) $ courtE%$rti$+0 t#e di&%i&&$+ t$Ain( e))ect $& 'ro*ided in AR!1B5! T#e re%$in &u,Cect to t#e AA unti+ du+ di&%i&&ed0 re%o*ed or di&c#$r(ed )ro% &er*ice! T#e 'rinci'$+ 'oint& to ,e noticed $re t#$t" ($) @i&%i&&$+0re%o*$+ or di&c#$r(e in e*er c$&e %u&t ,e $ut#ori&ed , co%'etent $ut#orit $& 'ro*ided in t#e AA $nd Ru+e&! (,)@i&%i&&$+0 re%o*$+ or di&c#$r(e t$Ae& e))ect $& 'ro*ided in AR&!15 or 1B50 $& t#e c$&e %$ ,e! (c)In no c$&e di&%i&&$+0 re%o*$+ or di&c#$r(e c$n ,e %$de retro&'ecti*e! AR!15(8)! (d)A *$+id di&%i&&$+ or di&c#$r(e0 .#ic# #$& t$Aen e))ect0 c$nnot &u,&e2uent+ c$nce++ed .it#out t#e con&ent o) t#e 'er&on concerned! AR!11(=)! DDPre*iou& Next>> ,e

7 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


(e)T#e di&c#$r(e o) $ 'er&on entit+ed under t#e condition& o) #i& enro+%ent to ,e di&c#$r(ed0 %u&t ,e c$rried out .it# $++ con*enient &'eed i!e! .it#out unre$&on$,+e de+$ ! ()) @i&%i&&$+ under exi&tin( re(u+$tion& in*o+*e& t#e +o&& o) $n 'en&ion or (r$tuit .#ic# t#e di&%i&&ed 'er&on %$ #$*e e$rnedG $nd (() E*er FCO0 WO or enro++ed 'er&on .#o i& di&%i&&ed0 re%o*ed0 di&c#$r(ed0 retired or re+e$&ed )ro% &er*ice %u&t ,e )urni&#ed , #i& CO! .it# $ di&c#$r(e certi)ic$te $& 'ro*ided in AA!&!=80 on t#e d$te0 i) 'o&&i,+e0 )ro% .#ic# t#e di&%i&&$+ or di&c#$r(e t$Ae& e))ect! 1. S'mmar red'(tion et(! "AA!&!=9(=)0 (>) $nd (B) 'ro*ide )or t#e &u%%$r reduction o) WO& $nd NCO&! A WO reduced to t#e r$nA& c$nnot #o.e*er0 ,e re2uired to &er*e in t#e r$nA& $& $ &e'o ! /uc# $d%ini&tr$ti*e reduction %$ ,e ordered i) t#e WO or NCO i& )ound ine))icient or un)it to #o+d t#e 'o&ition in .#ic# #e .$& '+$ced! /uc# reduction &#ou+d not0 #o.e*er0 ,e ordered on (round& o) %i&conduct0 ,ut t#e 'er&on &#ou+d ,e c#$r(ed )or t#e &$%e $nd ,rou(#t to tri$+! An $ctin( NCO %$ ,e ordered , #i& CO to re*ert )ro% #i& $ctin( or +$nce r$nA to #i& 'er%$nent (r$de! /uc# reduction %$ 0 in e$c# c$&e0 ,e ordered under AA!&!=9 (B) i) t#e $ctin( NCO #$& ,een )ound un&uited to t#e 'o&ition in .#ic# #e .$& '+$ced! Reduction o) WO& $nd NCO& c$n $+&o ,e ordered , t#e &entence o) $ court %$rti$+ $& 'ro*ided in AA!&!71())! A WO &entenced to reduction to t#e r$nA& , $ &entence o) $ courtE %$rti$+0 #o.e*er0 .i++ not ,e re2uired to &er*e in r$nA& $& $ &e'o ! A CO %$ $+&o de'ri*e $n $ctin( NCO o) #i& $ctin( or +$nce r$nA $& $ &u%%$r $.$rd under AA!&!59(e)! 4. Re&tri(tion& on f'ndamenta. right&. "AA!&!=1 'ro*ide& )or t#e re&triction& o) cert$in )und$%ent$+ ri(#t& .#ic# $re con)erred on e*er citi3en under P$rt III o) t#e Con&titution! T#e&e re&triction& $re cont$ined in AA!&!=1 $nd AR& 1: to =1! Under t#e &$id ru+e&0 t#e )und$%ent$+ ri(#t& to )or% $&&oci$tion& or union& $nd o) &'eec# $nd ex're&&ion $nd $&&e%,+ $re $,ro($ted! T#e&e ri(#t& #$*e ,een $,ro($ted ,ec$u&e o) t#e n$ture o) dutie& 'er)or%ed , %e%,er& o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% $nd )or t#e %$inten$nce o) di&ci'+ine $%on( t#e%! 17. Offen(e&! "C#$'ter ;I o) t#e AA c+$&&i)ie& under *$riou& #e$d& $nd de)ine& t#e %i+it$r $nd ci*i+ o))ence&! T#e&e o))ence& #$*e ,een de)ined in t#e &$%e0 or ne$r+ t#e &$%e +$n(u$(e $& t#$t o) t#e corre&'ondin( &ection& o) t#e Indi$n Ar% Act! T#i& +$n(u$(e #$& ,een (ener$++ $d#ered to0 t#ou(# not $+.$ & t#e ,e&t 'o&&i,+e0 $& it .$& con&idered in$d*i&$,+e to c#$n(e t#e )or%& o) ex're&&ion .it# .#ic# t#e Ar% #$d ,eco%e )$%i+i$r! On+ in $ )e. c$&e&0 t#ere)ore0 .#ere t#e +$n(u$(e o) t#e o+d &ection& .$& o,&cure or %i&+e$din( $n %$teri$+ $+ter$tion #$& ,een %$de! O))ence& o) $ &i%i+$r c#$r$cter $re DDPre*iou& Next>>

5 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW (rou'ed to(et#er $nd t#e (rou'& #$*e0 $& re($rd& %i+it$r o))ence&0 ,een $rr$n(ed in &uc# $n order $& to e%'#$&i3e t#eir re+$ti*e %i+it$r i%'ort$nce! It %u&t ,e re%e%,ered t#$t C#$'ter I; o) t#e Indi$n Pen$+ Code (-ener$+ Exce'tion&) $''+ie& to o))ence& under &'eci$+ +$.&0 &uc# $& t#e AA!(IPC!&!>9)! T#e de)inition& o) t#e&e o))ence& in AA %u&t0 t#ere)ore0 ,e re$d $& &u,Cect to t#e ?(ener$+ exce'tion&?! T#u&0 i) $ nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer c#$r(ed under AA!&!>7 .it# &triAin( $ &e'o 'ro*e& t#$t #e0 on+ 0 did &o in t#e exerci&e o) #i& ri(#t o) 'ri*$te de)ence0 #e .i++ ,e entit+ed to $n $c2uitt$+ (IPC!&!:B)! /i%i+$r+ 0 i) $ 'er&on c#$r(ed .it# $n o))ence under t#e AA i& 'ro*ed to #$*e co%%itted t#e o))ence .#i+e inc$'$,+e0 , re$&on o) in&$nit or in*o+unt$r intoxic$tion0 o) t#e n$ture o) #i& $ct0 or t#$t #e .$& doin( .#$t .$& eit#er .ron( or contr$r to +$.0 #e i& entit+ed to t#e ,ene)it o) IPC!&&!5> or 560 $& t#e c$&e %$ ,e $nd c$nnot ,e 'uni&#ed )or .#$t #e #$& done! 11.S(a.e of $'ni&hment&! "H$*in( +$id do.n t#e o))ence&0 AA!&&!71 to 76 'ro*ide $ &c$+e o) 'uni&#%ent& .#ic# c$n ,e $.$rded , court&E%$rti$+ to 'er&on& &u,Cect to t#e AA! For e$c# o))ence0 .it# t#e exce'tion o) ci*i+ o))ence& under AA!&!B:($) )or .#ic# $n o,+i($tor 'uni&#%ent i& 'ro*ided (e!(!0de$t# or i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e )or %urder)0 t#e AA 'ro*ide& t#$t t#e court0 &u,Cect o) cour&e0 to t#e +i%it& i%'o&ed , t#e &$id Act u'on it& ' (AA!&&!11: $nd 1=9)0 %$ $.$rd $ &'eci)ied (%$xi%u%) 'uni&#%ent or ?&uc# +e&& 'uni&#%ent $& i& %entioned in t#e Act? i!e!0 $& in $ccord$nce .it# t#e &c$+e +$id do.n! I)0 )or ex$%'+e0 t#e %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent $&&i(ned to t#e o))ence i& i%'ri&on%ent0 $n ot#er 'uni&#%ent in t#e &c$+e $nd $''ro'ri$te .it# t#e r$nA o) t#e o))ender c$n ,e $.$rded in it& '+$ce0 A %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent i& on+ intended to ,e i%'o&ed .#en t#e o))ence co%%itted i& t#e .or&t o) it& c+$&&0 or i& co%%itted , $ #$,itu$+ o))ender0 or i&E co%%itted in circu%&t$nce& .#ic# re2uire $n ex$%'+e to ,e %$de! An i%'ort$nt di&tinction i& %$de , t#e AA in t#$t cert$in o))ence& $re 'uni&#$,+e %ore &e*ere+ .#en co%%itted in ti%e o) .$r or on $cti*e &er*ice t#$n $t ot#er ti%e&! In&t$nce& o) t#i& di&tinction .i++ ,e )ound in AA!&&!8>0 8B0 850 >9 $nd >1! A (&entr 0 )or ex$%'+e0 )ound $&+ee' on #i& 'o&t or .#o 2uit& #i& 'o&t .it#out ,ein( re(u+$r+ re+ie*ed in ti%e o) .$r0 .ou+d0 i) t#e c#$r$cter $nd circu%&t$nce& o) t#e o))ence .ere &u))icient+ (r$*e0 ,e +i$,+e to &u))er de$t#0 .#i+e in ti%e o) 'e$ce #e cou+d $t t#e ut%o&t ,e &entenced to i%'ri&on%ent! 1!. #om8ination of $'ni&hment&! "Under AA!&!780 t.o or %ore 'uni&#%ent& $''+ic$,+e to t#e r$nA o) t#e o))ender %$ ,e $.$rded in co%,in$tion! T#u&0 $n o))icer0 FCO0 WO or NCO &entenced to )or)eiture o) &eniorit o) r$nA %$ $+&o ,e &entenced to &e*ere re'ri%$nd or re'ri%$nd $nd to &to''$(e&G or $ FCO0 WO or ot#er enro++ed 'er&on &entenced to i%'ri&on%ent %$ $+&o ,e di&%i&&ed )ro% t#e &er*ice00 $nd to )or)eit $++ $rre$r& o) '$ $nd $++o.$nce& etc!0 due to #i% $nd to &to''$(e&! An o))icer &entenced to i%'ri&on%ent %u&t $+&o ,e &entenced to ,e c$&#iered (AA!&!7>)! A WO or NCO &entenced , $ courtE%$rti$+ to i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e or i%'ri&on%ent0 di&%i&&$+ or )ie+d 'uni&#%ent0 i& dee%ed to ,e reduced to t#e Next>>

r$nA& e*en i) $0 &entence o) reduction i& not &'eci)ic$++ (AA!&!77)! DDPre*iou&

$.$rded ,

t#e court

Next>> : Hindi



1). :ie.d $'ni&hment0 "AA!&!76 'ro*ide& t#$t $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA0 under t#e r$nA o) $ WO0 co%%ittin( $n o))ence on $cti*e &er*ice %$ on con*iction , courtE%$rti$+ ,e $.$rded )ie+d 'uni&#%ent! AR& 17= to 17B 're&cri,e t#e t 'e& o) )ie+d 'uni&#%ent&0 t#eir extent $nd t#e %ode o) t#eir execution!

1/. S'mmar $'ni&hment&! "AA!&!59 'ro*ide& )or t#e $.$rd o) one or %ore o) t#e 'uni&#%ent& &'eci)ied in t#e &ection &u%%$ri+ , $ CO to 'er&on& &u,Cect to t#e AA ot#er t#$n o))icer&0 FCO& or WO&0 .it#in t#e +i%it& i%'o&ed , AA!&!51 $nd t#e extent 're&cri,ed in AR!1:=! A CO c$n $+&o &u%%$ri+ tr 0 under AA!&!560 $ FCO c#$r(ed .it# $n o))ence $nd $.$rd #i% &to''$(e& o) '$ $nd $++o.$nce& unti+ $n 'ro*ed +o&& or d$%$(e occ$&ioned , t#e o))ence i& %$de (ood!

13. #o..e(ti0e fine&! "AA!&!5: 'er%it& i%'o&ition o) co++ecti*e )ine& )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) en)orcin( co++ecti*e re&'on&i,i+it )or +o&&e& o) $r%&! Ex'erience #$& &#o.n t#$t &uc# re&'on&i,i+it i& t#e ,e&t &$)e(u$rd )or t#e &ecurit o) t#e $r%& o) $ co%'$n or &i%i+$r unit! T#e $%ount $nd incidence o) )ine& to ,e +e*ied $nd t#e 'rocedure to ,e o,&er*ed in &uc# c$&e&0 $re re(u+$ted , AR& 156 $nd 15B (AA!&!1:1(=)(,))! Exce't $& 'ro*ided in AA!&!5:0 'en$+ deduction& c$n ,e i%'o&ed on+ on indi*idu$+& $nd not co++ecti*e+ ! W#ere0 t#ere)ore0 t#e +o&& o) $r%& i& occ$&ioned , &o%e .i+)u+ $ct .#ic# c$n ,e ,rou(#t #o%e to $n indi*idu$+ or indi*idu$+&0 t#e c$&e &#ou+d ,e de$+t .it# &u%%$ri+ or , courtE%$rti$+ $nd &to''$(e& $.$rded to %$Ae (ood &uc# +o&& (AA!&&0:9(d) $nd :1(e))! Under AA!&!5: )ine c$nnot ,e i%'o&ed on o))icer& ,ut on+ on FCO&0 WO&0 NCO& $nd %en o) t#e co%'$n or e2ui*$+ent unit concerned!

15. *ena. ded'(tion&! "T#e '$ o) $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA i& 'rotected $& 'ro*ided in AA!&!=6! A 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA i&0 t#ere)ore0 entit+ed to recei*e #i& '$ .it#out $n deduction& ot#er t#$n &uc# deduction& $& %$ ,e $ut#ori3ed , 'ro'er $ut#orit under t#e &$id Act! A++o.$nce&0 #o.e*er0 $re not &o 'rotected! AA!&&!:9 $nd :1 +$ do.n t#e circu%&t$nce& under .#ic# 'en$+ deduction& %$ ,e %$de )ro% t#e '$ $nd $++o.$nce& o) $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AAG P$ $nd A++o.$nce& Re(u+$tion&0 P$rt I 'ro*ide )or t#e c$&e& in .#ic# '$ $nd $++o.$nce& $re to ,e )or)eited .it#in t#e +i%it& o) t#e &$id &ection& $nd no di&cretion i& (i*en to t#e CO .#et#er or not to en)orce .#o++ or '$rti$++ t#e )or)eiture! Ot#er deduction& .#ic# $re not ?'en$+? %$ ,e %$de )ro% t#e '$ $nd $++o.$nce& o) $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA to %eet 'u,+ic c+$i%& or re(i%ent$+ c+$i%&

or de,t& or $n &u% re2uired to %eet co%'u+&or contri,ution to $n 'ro*ident or ,ene*o+ent )und or ot#er )und $''ro*ed , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent0 $& 'ro*ided in AR!=96! T#e &$id ru+e0 in e))ect0 'ro*ide& $ con*enient $nd ex'editiou& %et#od o) en)orcin( &uc# c+$i%& $nd reco*erin( &uc# de,t& .it#out recour&e to t#e ci*i+ court&! DDPre*iou& Next>> 19 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW A ?'en$+? deduction i&0 in 'rinci'+e0 $ deduction %$de $& $ 'en$+t )or $n o))ence o) .#ic# $n $ccu&ed #$& ,een con*icted $nd con&titute& '$rt or t#e .#o+e o) #i& 'uni&#%ent! T#e ter% #$&0 #o.e*er0 $c2uired $ &o%e.#$t &'eci$+i3ed %e$nin( $nd e*er deduction .#ic# i& $ut#ori&ed in AA!&&!:9 $nd :1 %u&t ,e under&tood to ,e ?'en$+? irre&'ecti*e o) t#e co%%on u&e o) t#$t .ord! AA&!:6 $++o.& 'en$+ deduction& to ,e %$de $+&o )ro% $n 'u,+ic %one due to $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA0 ot#er t#$n $ 'en&ion $nd AA!&!:7 'ro*ide& )or t#e re%i&&ion o) &uc# deduction&! COURT/EMARTIAL 16.Arre&t& and $ro(eeding& 8efore tria.. C#$'ter I< o) t#e A A 'ro*ide& )or t#e $rre&t o) %i+it$r o))ender& , %i+it$r $nd ci*i+ $ut#oritie& (AA!&&!191019>0 1960 $nd 197)! T#e &$id c#$'ter $+&o cont$in& 'ro*i&ion& to en&ure t#$t $ %i+it$r o))ender i& not det$ined in cu&tod inde)inite+ .it#out t#e c#$r(e $($in&t #i% ,ein( in*e&ti($ted , #i& CO or .it#out ,ein( ,rou(#t to tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+ (AA!&&!19= $nd 198)! AR!=7 'ro*ide& )or t#e %$nner in .#ic# &uc# $ %i+it$r o))ender %$ ,e det$ined in cu&tod 0 .#ere nece&&$r 0 'endin( #i& tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+! 11.#o'rt>martia.. "C#$'ter& <0 <I $nd <II o) t#e AA (AA!&&!195 to 1B6) cont$in t#e 'rinci'$+ 'ro*i&ion& (o*ernin( t#e con*enin(0 co%'o&ition0 'rocedure0 re*i&ion $nd con)ir%$tion o) court&E%$rti$+ $nd cert$in 'ro*i&ion& re+$tin( to Curi&diction o) court&E%$rti$+ $nd e*idence! T#e re%$inder o) t#e +$. 'ert$inin( to t#e&e %$tter& i& cont$ined in AR&!87 to 1B6! 14.De&(ri$tion of (o'rt&>martia.! "T#ere $re )our di))erent Aind& o) court&E %$rti$+ $& underH " ($)-ener$+ court&E%$rti$+G (,) @i&trict Court&E%$rti$+G (c) /u%%$r -ener$+Ecourt&E%$rti$+G $nd (d) /u%%$r Court&E%$rti$+! !7. S'mmar (o'rt&>martia.. "T#e &u%%$r courtE%$rti$+ i& 'ecu+i$r to t#e Indi$n Ar% $nd t#ere)ore c$++& )or %ore det$i+ed notice! T#e&e court& .ere not introduced into t#e re(u+$r Ar% ti++ $)ter t#e %utin o) t#e (re$ter '$rt o) t#e Next>>

1en($+ Ar% in 1567! T#e di&ci'+ine o) t#e re(u+$r Indi$n Ar% #$d0 )or &o%e ti%e ,e)ore t#$t c$t$&tro'#e0 &eriou&+ deterior$ted $nd it .$& noticed t#$t t#e irre(u+$r troo'& $nd %ore e&'eci$++ t#e PunC$, Irre(u+$r Force0 .ere in t#i& re&'ect in $ %uc# ,etter &t$te t#$n t#eir co%r$de& o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% ! A)ter t#e &u''re&&ion o) t#e %utin t#e re$&on )or t#i& di))erence .$& &ou(#t0 $nd! it .$& )ound to ,e +$r(e+ due to t#e 'o&ition o) co%'$r$ti*e in&i(ni)ic$nce occu'ied , t#e co%%$nd$nt o) $ re(u+$r re(i%ent0 .#o #$d 'r$ctic$++ no ' to 'uni&# or re.$rd #i& o.n %en! In contr$&t to t#i&0 t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer o) $ re(i%ent o) t#e PunC$, Irre(u+$r Force #$d $+%o&t $,&o+ute ' in t#$t re(i%ent0 $nd cou+d0 under t#e & &te% 're*$i+in( in t#e Force0 #i%&e+) de$+ 'ro%'t+ $nd e))ecti*e+ .it# $++ %i+it$r o))ender&! T#i& & &te% $''e$r& to #$*e #$d it& ori(in DDPre*iou& Next>> 11 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


in t#e union0 )re2uent in t#o&e d$ & on t#e Frontier0 o) t#e )unction& o) de'ut co%%i&&ioner0 'o+itic$+ o))icer $nd %i+it$r co%%$nd$nt0 in one $nd t#e &$%e 'er&on! T#i& union en$,+ed t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer0 $& &uc#0 to con*ict $nd &entence $ %i+it$r o))ender0 $nd t#ere$)ter to i&&ue $ .$rr$nt )or t#e execution o) #i& &entence .#ic# .$& re&'ected , t#e ci*i+ $nd 'ri&on o))ici$+& $& e%$n$tin( )ro% #i% in #i& ci*i+ $nd %$(i&teri$+ c$'$cit ! W#en $ ne. Indi$n Ar% c$%e to ,e or($ni&ed on t#e ruin& o) t#e o+d0 it .$& re$+i&ed t#$t t#e #$nd& o) t#e re(i%ent$+ co%%$ndin( o))icer %u&t ,e &tren(t#ened i) t#e e*i+& .#ic# #$d +ed to t#e 'r$ctic$+ di&$''e$r$nce o) t#e 1en($+ Ar% .ere to ,e $*oided! Wit# t#i& o,Cect &u%%$r court&E%$rti$+ .ere $t )ir&t introduced tent$ti*e+ 0 $nd .ere in 15B: de)inite+ e&t$,+i&#ed $& '$rt o) t#e +e($+ %$c#iner o) t#e Indi$n Ar% ! T#e #$*e 'ro*ed 'ecu+i$r+ &uited to t#e condition& o) t#$t Ar% $nd $re no. t#e tri,un$+& , )$r t#e %o&t )re2uent+ uti+i&ed in it )or t#e tri$+ o) %i+it$r o))ender&! !1. E?e('tion of &enten(e&. "C#$'ter <III o) t#e AA 'ro*ide& )or t#e execution o) &entence& .#ic# #$*e ,een du+ '$&&ed $nd0 .#ere nece&&$r con)ir%ed! T#e Pri&oner& Act0 1:99 (Act III o) 1:99) render& unnece&&$r t#e e+$,or$te 'ro*i&ion& $& to t#e execution o) &entence& o) i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e or i%'ri&on%ent! A++ t#$t i& no. re2uired in ordin$r c$&e&0 i& to $rr$n(e )or t#e tr$n&%i&&ion o) %i+it$r con*ict& $nd 'ri&oner& to ci*i+ 'ri&on&0 $)ter .#ic# t#e $,o*e %entioned Act 'ro*ide& )or t#eir di&ci'+ine $nd0 .#en nece&&$r 0 t#eir tr$n&)er to ot#er &uc# 'ri&on& or to con*ict e&t$,+i&#%ent&! For%& o) co%%itt$+ .$rr$nt& under AA!&&!1B50 1B:0 1790 171 $nd 178 $re 'ro*ided in A''endix I; P$rt II $nd A''endix ; to AR (&ee AR&!1BB0 1B7 $nd 1B: to 171)! T#e .$rr$nt& i&&ued under AA!&!178 ,rin(& t#e c#$n(e re($rdin( &ettin( $&ide o) t#e 'roceedin(4&0 re%i&&ion or %iti($tion o) &entence $& it $))ect& t#e 'ri&oner0 to t#e o))ici$+ notice o) t#e &u'erintendent o) t#e ci*i+ 'ri&on .#ere #e i& con)ined0 $nd 'ro*ide& )or #i& re+e$&e or t#e %odi)ic$tion o) t#e 'uni&#%ent to ,e in)+icted u'on #i%! T#ere $re &e*er$+ )or%& o) .$rr$nt )or u&e in di))erent circu%&t$nce&0 $nd '$rticu+$r $ttention &#ou+d t#ere)ore ,e '$id , o))icer& u&in( t#e% to t#e note& to t#e $)ore&$id &ection& .#ere t#e 'ro'er .$rr$nt to ,e u&ed in e$c# c$&e i& c+e$r+ indic$ted! T#e u&e o) .ron( )or% o) .$rr$nt %i(#t #$*e &eriou& con&e2uence&! W#en $n o))ender .#o&e &entence #$& ,een under &u&'en&ion i&

&u,&e2uent+ co%%itted on t#$t &entence0 , re$&on o) it& #$*in( ,een eit#er &'eci)ic$++ or $uto%$tic$++ $+on( .it# $not#er &entence under AA!&!155(,) ordered into execution0 '$rticu+$r c$re &#ou+d ,e t$Aen in t#e 're'$r$tion o) t#e .$rr$nt0 .#ic# &#ou+d &#o. ex$ct+ .#$t i& t#e unex'ired ,$+$nce o) t#e &entence on .#ic# t#e o))ender i& co%%itted! !!. S'&$en&ion of &enten(e of im$ri&onment! "AA!&!15= 'ro*ide& t#$t .#en $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA i& &entenced , $ courtE%$rti$+ to i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e or i%'ri&on%ent0 t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent0 COA/ or $n o))icer e%'o.ered to con*ene $ -CM or /-CM %$ &u&'end t#e &entence! W#ere nece&&$r &uc# $ut#orit 0 .#i+e $ &entence i& &u&'ended0 %$ order t#$t t#e o))ender ,e co%%itted to under(o t#e unex'ired 'ortion o) t#e &entence or re%it t#e &entence (AA!&015B)! W#ere di&%i&&$+ i& $.$rded in $ddition to t#e &entence o) i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e or i%'ri&on%ent $nd .#ere t#e &entence o) i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e or i%'ri&on%ent i& &u&'ended0 di&%i&&$+ doe& not t$Ae e))ect unti+ &o ordered DDPre*iou& Next>> 1= Hindi MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW , $n o) t#e $ut#oritie& &'eci)ied in AA!&!15= (AA!&!1:9(1))! W#ere t#e &u&'ended &entence i& re%itted0 di&%i&&$+0 i) $n ! i& $+&o to ,e re%itted (AA!&!1:9(=))! I) $n o))ender under $ &u&'ended &entence i& $($in &entenced to i%'ri&on%ent )or t#ree %ont#& or %ore $nd &uc# &entence i& not &u&'ended0 #e i& re2uired to ,e co%%itted )or t#e unex'ired 'ortion o) t#e 're*iou& &entence (AA!&!155(,))! T#e 'ro*i&ion& re($rdin( &u&'en&ion o) &entence do not $''+ to o))icer& (&ee note& to AA!&!1:9)! T#e &#ou+d ,e re&orted to in $''ro'ri$te c$&e& in re&'ect o) ot#er& &u,Cect to t#e AA! W#en $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA i& to ,e di&%i&&ed or di&c#$r(ed ot#er.i&e t#$n , $ &entence o) $ courtE%$rti$+0 ,e)ore orderin( &uc# di&%i&&$+ or di&c#$r(e t#e )$ct .#et#er t#ere i& $ &u&'ended &entence on .#ic# t#e indi*idu$+ concerned #$& not ,een co%%itted0 &#ou+d ,e t$Aen note o)! !).Other $ro0i&ion&!ET#e re%$inin( c#$'ter& o) t#e AA de$+ .it# '$rdon& $nd re%i&&ion&0 /t$tutor Ru+e& $nd %i&ce++$neou& &u,Cect&0 one o) .#ic# i& t#e di&'o&$+ o) 'ro'ert or docu%ent& 'roduced ,e)ore court&E%$rti$+ or in t#eir cu&tod 0 or re($rdin( .#ic# $n o))ence $''e$r& to #$*e ,een co%%itted or .#ic# #$*e ,een u&ed )or t#e co%%i&&ion o) $n o))ence! T#e court0 t#e con)ir%in( o))icer or $n $ut#orit &u'erior to t#$t o))icer %$ under t#e 'ro*i&ion& o) AA!&&!169 $nd 161 %$Ae cert$in order& on t#i& &u,Cect! T#e&e c#$'ter& c$++ )or no &'eci$+ re%$rA& in $ddition to t#o&e .#ic# .i++ ,e )ound in t#e note& $''ended to t#e re&'ecti*e &ection&! DDPre*iou&


18 Hindi Next>>


1. Mi.itar ('&tod of $er&on (harged +ith offen(e! E A 'er&on &u,Cect to AA0 .#o i& c#$r(ed .it# $n o))ence0 %$ ,e t$Aen into %i+it$r cu&tod (AA!&&!8(<III)0 191(1) $nd Re(& Ar% '$r$ 8:1) in $ccord$nce .it# t#e ) 'ro*i&ion& (AA!&!191(=))H E ($) An &uc# 'er&on %$ (AA!&!8(<<III))! ,e ordered into %i+it$r cu&tod , $n &u'erior o))icer!

(,) An o))icer %$ order into %i+it$r cu&tod $n o))icer0 t#ou(# #e %$ #i(#er r$nA0 en($(ed in $ 2u$rre+0 $))r$ or di&order!

,e o) $

(c) A 'ro*o&tE%$r&#$+ (AA!&&!8(<<) $nd 197(>))0 .#ic# ter% inc+ude& $n o) #i& de'utie&0 $&&i&t$nt& or $n ot#er 'er&on +e($++ exerci&in( $ut#orit under #i% or on #i& ,e#$+)0 or $ 'ro*o&tE%$r&#$+ $''ointed under t#e N$*$+ or Air Force L$. or $n 'er&on +e($++ exerci&in( $ut#orit under #i% or on #i& ,e#$+)0 %$ $rre&t $nd det$in )or tri$+ $n 'er&on &u,Cect to AA .#o co%%it& or i& c#$r(ed .it# $n o))ence0 ,ut $n o))icer c$nnot ,e $rre&ted ot#er.i&e t#$n on t#e order o) $not#er o))icer (AA!&!197(8) (d)A 'o+ice o))icer or %$(i&tr$te %$ $rre&t0 .it#in #i& Curi&diction0 $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA .#o i& $ccu&ed o) $n o))ence under t#e &$id Act or .#o i& $ de&erter0 on $ .ritten re2ue&t in t#$t ,e#$+) o) t#e Co%%$ndin( o))icer o) &uc# $ 'er&on (AA!&&!19> I 196(1))! (e) An 'o+ice o))icer %$ $rre&t .it#out .$rr$nt $ 'er&on re$&on$,+ ,e+ie*ed to ,e &u,Cect to AA $nd to ,e $ de&erter or tr$*e+in( .it#out $ut#orit (AA!&!196(=))!

Mi+it$r cu&tod %e$n& t#e $rre&t or con)ine%ent o) $ 'er&on $ccordin( to t#e u&$(e& o) t#e &er*ice (AA!&!8(<III)) ,ut &uc# $ cour&e i& , no %e$n& o,+i($tor G i) t#e o))ence i& not &eriou& it %$ ,e in*e&ti($ted $nd di&'o&ed o) .it#out '+$cin( t#e o))ender under $rre&t! T#e $rre&t o) $n o))ender i& (o*erned , t#e ) )$ctor&HE ($) t#$t #e %$ not $,&cond $nd ,e $*$i+$,+e to &t$nd #i& tri$+H (,) t#$t #e %$ not do #$r% to #i%&e+)G (c) t#$t #e %$ not t$%'er .it# t#e 'ro&ecution e*idence or .itne&&e&G $nd

(d) t#$t t#e o))ence in*o+*ed i& &eriou& or t#e end& o) di&ci'+ine re2uire $n i%%edi$te $rre&t to %$Ae $n ex$%'+e o) t#e o))ender! Next>>

1> Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW !. Nat're of arre&toffi(er&! EIn t#e c$&e o) $n o))icer0 cu&tod %e$n& 44$rre&t?" eit#er o'en or c+o&eH ,ut0 i) circu%&t$nce& re2uire it0 #e %$ ,e '+$ced under t#e c#$r(e o) $ (u$rd0 'i2uet0 '$tro+0 &entr or 'ro*o&t %$r&#$+! W#et#er t#e $rre&t i& o'en or c+o&e .i++ de'end u'on t#e direction o) t#e o))icer .#o ordered it! An o))icer in c+o&e $rre&t i& '+$ced in c#$r(e o) $n ?e&cort? con&i&tin( o) $not#er (i) 'o&&i,+e0 $ &enior) o))icer o) t#e &$%e r$nA! He %u&t not +e$*e #i& 2u$rter& or tent exce't to t$Ae &uc# exerci&e under &u'er*i&ion $& t#e %edic$+ o))icer t#inA& nece&&$r ! An o))icer in o'en $rre&t %$ t$Ae exerci&e $t &t$ted 'eriod& .it#in cert$in +i%it&0 .#ic# $re u&u$++ t#e 'recinct& o) t#e re(i%ent$+ +ine& or c$%'G #e %u&t not0 #o.e*er0 $''e$r out o) uni)or%0 or $t $n '+$ce o) $%u&e%ent or 'u,+ic re&ort0 nor %u&t #e .e$r &$&#0 &.ord0 ,e+t0 or &'ur&! An o))icer '+$ced under $rre&t &#ou+d $+.$ & ,e in)or%ed in .ritin( o) t#e n$ture o) t#e $rre&t0 .#ic# .i++ ,e (o*erned , t#e circu%&t$nce& o) t#e c$&eG $nd $n c#$n(e in t#e n$ture o) t#e $rre&t &#ou+d ,e noti)ied in .ritin( to #i%! An o))icer (or ot#er 'er&on) under $rre&t %$ ,e ordered or 'er%itted to $ttend $& $ .itne&& ,e)ore $ courtE%$rti$+0 or ,e)ore $ ci*i+ court0 or to +e$*e #i& &t$tion )or &o%e &'eci$+ 'ur'o&e! ). Arre&t +hen ordered! "A& $ ru+e0 $ co%%$ndin( o))icer .i++ not '+$ce $n o))icer under $rre&t .it#out in*e&ti($tion o) t#e co%'+$int or t#e circu%&t$nce& tendin( to cri%in$te #i%G t#ou(# c$&e& %$ occur in .#ic# it .ou+d ,e nece&&$r to do &o! He &#ou+d $+.$ & '+$ce under $rre&t $n o))icer $($in&t .#o% #e decide& to 're)er $ c#$r(e0 $nd it i& #i& dut to re'ort e$c# c$&e o) $rre&t .it#out unnece&&$r de+$ to t#e 'ro'er &u'erior $ut#orit ! (AA!&!19=(=) I AR =7(1))! /. Arre&t" ho+ ordered! "An o))icer i& 'ut in $rre&t eit#er direct+ , t#e o))icer .#o order& it0 or0 %ore (ener$++ 0 , &o%e &u,ordin$te c$rr in( out #i& order&0 i!e!0 , t#e $dCut$nt o) t#e unit .#en t#e $rre&t i& ordered , t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer0 $nd! , $n o))icer o) t#e &t$)) .#en t#e $rre&t i& ordered , $ &u'erior o))icer0 $nd not t#rou(# t#e c#$nne+ o) t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer! T#e order %$ ,e *er,$+ or .ritten0 t#e +$tter $& ,ein( %ore )or%$+ ,ein( t#e 're)er$,+e %et#od0exce't .#ere t#e o))ence i& co%%itted $ctu$++ in t#e 're&ence o) t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer or &u'erior o))icer! On ,ein( 'ut in $rre&t0 $n o))icer i& de'ri*ed o) #i& &.ord! 3. Re.ea&e from arre&t! "T#e re+e$&e o) $n o))icer under $rre&t %$ ,e ordered , t#e o))icer .#o i%'o&ed t#e $rre&t0 or t#e &u'erior to .#o% it %$ #$*e ,een re'ortedG ,ut0 $& $ ru+e0 exce't in c$&e& o) o,*iou& error0 t#e re+e$&e &#ou+d not ,e ordered .it#out t#e &$nction o) t#e #i(#e&t $ut#orit to .#o% t#e c$&e %$ #$*e ,een re)erred! (Re(&Ar% '$r$8:>)! An o))icer re+e$&ed0 exce't &'eci)ic$++ .it#out 'reCudice to reE$rre&t0 .i++ not $($in ,e $rre&ted on t#e &$%e c#$r(e un+e&& &o%e ne. $nd &'eci$+ circu%&t$nce& #$*e $ri&en! Next>>

5. B'nior (ommi&&ioned" +arrant and non>(ommi&&ioned offi(er&. "T#e ru+e& .#ic# (o*ern t#e cu&tod o) o))icer& $''+ $+&o to $ Cunior co%%i&&ioned0 .$rr$nt or nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer! I) c#$r(ed .it# $ &eriou& o))ence0 $ Cunior co%%i&&ioned0 .$rr$nt or nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer .i++0 $& $ ru+e0 ,e '+$ced under DDPre*iou& Next>> 16 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF M1LTARY LAW $rre&t ) ,ut in c$&e o) dou,t $& to t#e co%%i&&ion o) t#e o))ence0 t#e $rre&t %$ ,e de+$ edG $nd i) t#e o))ence i& not &eriou&0 it %$ ,e di&'o&ed o) .it#out 're*iou& $rre&t! Per&on& &u,Cect to t#e AA under &!=(+)(i) $& o))icer&0 Cunior co%%i&&ioned o))icer&0 .$rr$nt o))icer& $nd nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer& %$ 0 .#en c#$r(ed .it# $n o))ence0 ,e '+$ced under $rre&t under t#e &$%e condition& $& 'er&on& #o+din( t#e&e r$nA&! 6.Other $er&on&. "A 'er&on under t#e r$nA o) nonEco%%i&&ioned o))icer t$Aen into %i+it$r cu&tod on $ c#$r(e o) #$*in( co%%itted $n o))ence i& '+$ced eit#er under c+o&e $rre&t or under o'en $rre&t! C+o&e $rre&t in t#e c$&e o) &uc# $ 'er&on %e$n& con)ine%ent in c#$r(e o) $ (u$rd0 'i2uet0 '$tro+0 &entr or 'ro*o&t %$r&#$+! He i& not to ,e '+$ced in c+o&e $rre&t un+e&& con)ine%ent i& nece&&$r )or #i& &$)e cu&tod or t#e %$inten$nce o) di&ci'+ine! For %inor o))ence&0 &uc# $& $,&ence )ro% ro++ c$++& $nd ot#er &+i(#t irre(u+$ritie& %en $re '+$ced under o'en $rre&t! A 'er&on under o'en $rre&t .i++ not 2uit t#e re(i%ent$+ +ine&0 exce't on dut or .it# &'eci$+ 'er%i&&ion0 unti+ #i& c$&e i& di&'o&ed o) (Re(&Ar% '$r$8:6(e))0 ,ut #e .i++ $ttend '$r$de& $nd %$ ,e ordered to 'er)or% $++ dutie&! (Re(& Ar% '$r$ 8:B (c))! 1.*erforman(e of d'tie& +hi.e in (.o&ed arre&t."An o))icer0 Cunior co%%i&&ioned o))icer or .$rr$nt o))icer under $rre&t .i++ not 'er)or% $n dut ot#er t#$n 'er&on$+ routine dutie& $nd &uc# dutie& $& %$ ,e nece&&$r to re+ie*e #i% )ro% t#e c#$r(e o) $n c$&#0 e2ui'%ent0 &tore&0 $ccount& or o))ice o) .#ic# #e %$ #$*e c#$r(e or )or .#ic# #e %$ ,e re&'on&i,+e! (Re(& Ar% '$r$ 8:B ($))! Exce't on $cti*e &er*ice0 $ NCO under $rre&t or $ &e'o under c+o&e $rre&t0 i& not to ,e re2uired to 'er)or% $n dut ot#er t#$n 'er&on$+ routine dutie& $nd &uc# $& %$ ,e nece&&$r to re+ie*e #i% )ro% t#e c$re o) $n c$&#0 &tore&0 etc0 )or .#ic# #e i& re&'on&i,+e0 nor i& #e 'er%itted to ,e$r $r%&0 exce't in $n e%er(enc , order o) #i& co%%$ndin( o))icer0 or on t#e +ine o) %$rc#! (Re(& Ar% '$r$ 8:B(,))! I)0 #o.e*er0 , error0 #e i& ordered to 'er)or% $n dut 0 #i& o))ence i& not t#ere, condoned! (Re(&Ar% '$r$8:B(e))! 4.No right to demand tria.. "Exce't in t#e circu%&t$nce& %entioned in AA!&!5>($) .#en it i& 'ro'o&ed to $.$rd &u%%$ri+ to $n o))icer0 Cunior co%%i&&ioned or .$rr$nt o))icer0 $ 'uni&#%ent o) )or)eiture o) &eniorit or o) &er*ice )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) 'ro%otion0 $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA #$& no ri(#t to de%$nd $ courtE%$rti$+! I) Next>>

#e dee%& #i%&e+) .ron(ed , t#e $rre&t0 or ot#er.i&e0 #i& re%ed t#e %$nner 're&cri,ed , t#e AA! (AA!&&!=B $nd =7)!

i& $ co%'+$int in

E*er o))icer .#o&e c#$r$cter or conduct $& $n o))icer $nd (ent+e%$n #$& ,een i%'u(ned or .#o #$& ,een c#$r(ed or $rr$i(ned ,e)ore $ ci*i+ (cri%in$+) court0 %$ ,e &u&'ended )ro% dut 0 in .#ic# c$&e #e .i++ ,e '+$ced under t#e &$%e re&triction& $& $n o))icer in o'en $rre&t $nd %$ ,e 'er%itted to .e$r '+$in c+ot#e&0 (Re(& Ar% '$r$ 8>B)! DDPre*iou& Next>> 1B Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>

MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW (ii) In*e&ti($tion o) C#$r(e&

17.T#e c#$r(e $($in&t e*er 'er&on t$Aen into %i+it$r cu&tod %u&t ,e in*e&ti($ted .it#out unnece&&$r de+$ (AA!&!19=(I))! T#e co%%$ndin( o))icer o) t#e $ccu&ed i& re&'on&i,+e t#$t t#e in*e&ti($tion i& ,e(un .it#in )ort Eei(#t #our& o) t#e co%%itt$+ o) t#e 'er&on ,ein( re'orted to #i% un+e&& in*e&ti($tion .it#in t#$t 'eriod &ee%& to #i% to ,e i%'r$ctic$,+e .it# due re($rd to t#e 'u,+ic &er*ice! E*er c$&e o) $ 'er&on ,ein( det$ined in cu&tod ,e ond )ort Eei(#t #our&0 $nd t#e re$&on& )or t#e de+$ in di&'o&in( o) t#e c$&e0 %u&t ,e re'orted to &u'erior $ut#orit ! (AA!&!19=(=)0 AR!=7(1))! 11.In the (a&e of an offi(er! T#ere i& &o%e di))erence in 'rocedure ,et.een t#e c$&e& o) o))icer& $nd o) ot#er 'er&on&! In $++ c$&e& t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer i& %$de re&'on&i,+e )or decidin( .#et#er t#e c#$r(e ou(#t to ,e di&%i&&ed or 'roceeded .it#0 $nd in t#e +$tter e*ent )or t$Ain( t#e )urt#er nece&&$r &te'&H ,ut in t#e c$&e o) $n o))icer t#ere need not0 un+e&& t#e o))icer0 re2uire& it0 ,e $ )or%$+ ex$%in$tion o) .itne&&e& $nd $ recordin( o) t#eir e*idence in t#e 're&ence o) t#e $ccu&ed! I) #e +iAe&0 #e c$n .$i*e &uc# )or%$+ in*e&ti($tion (AR!=6)G $t t#e &$%e ti%e t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer %$ #o+d one $t #i& di&cretion! 1!..n the (a&e of other $er&on&! Prior to t#e $''e$r$nce ,e)ore t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer o) $n $++e(ed o))ender0 $ 're+i%in$r in*e&ti($tion into #i& c$&e i& (ener$++ %$de , #i& &2u$dron or co%'$n co%%$nder0 or , t#e corre&'ondin( o))icer in ot#er ,r$nc#e& o) t#e &er*ice! I) t#e $ccu&ed i& not in $rre&t or con)ine%ent0 or t#e c$&e i& not one .#ic# t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer #$& re&er*ed )or #i& o.n di&'o&$+ t#i& o))icer %$ decide to de$+ .it# t#e c$&e #i%&e+) , $.$rdin( one o) t#e %inor 'uni&#%ent& .it#in #i& ' or , di&%i&&in( it! E*er c$&e in .#ic# t#e $ccu&ed i& in $rre&t or con)ine%ent i& de$+t .it# , t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer0 un+e&& t#e +$tter re%$nd& it to t#e &2u$dron or co%'$n co%%$nder )or di&'o&$+! AR!== $''+ie& to t#i& 're+i%in$r in*e&ti($tion e2u$++ .it# t#$t ,e)ore t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer! 1).D't of offi(er (ond'(ting in0e&tigation!ET#e %$nner in .#ic# t#e in*e&ti($tion o) c#$r(e& , $ co%%$ndin( o))icer i& to ,e c$rried out i& re(u+$ted , AR&!== to =6! T#i& dut re2uire& de+i,er$tion $nd t#e exerci&e o) te%'er $nd Cud(%ent0 in t#e intere&t $+iAe o) di&ci'+ine $nd o) Cu&tice to t#e $ccu&ed! Exce't in

c$&e o) o))icer&0 t#e in*e&ti($tion %u&t ,e conducted $ccu&ed! AR&!==(1) $nd =6!

in t#e

're&ence o) t#e

A)ter t#e n$ture o) t#e o))ence c#$r(ed #$& ,een %$de Ano.n to t#e $ccu&ed0 t#e .itne&&e& 're&ent on t#e &'ot .#o de'o&e to t#e )$ct& on .#ic# t#e c#$r(e i& ,$&ed $re ex$%ined! T#e $ccu&ed %u&t #$*e )u++ +i,ert o) cro&&Eex$%in$tion! T#e co%%$ndin( o))icer0 $)ter #e$rin( .#$t i& &t$ted $($in&t t#e $ccu&ed .i++0 i) #e i& o) o'inion t#$t no o))ence $t $++0 or no o))ence re2uirin( notice0 #$& ,een %$de out0 $t once di&%i&& t#e c#$r(e (AR!==(=))! Ot#er.i&e0 #e %u&t $&A t#e $ccu&ed .#$t #e #$& to &$ in #i& de)ence0 $nd .#et#er #e #$& $n .itne&&e& to c$++0 $nd .i++ (i*e #i% )u++ o''ortunit ,ot# o) %$Ain( $ &t$te%ent $nd o) DDPre*iou& Next>> 17 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>> MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW &u''ortin( it , e*idence! T#e co%%$ndin( o))icer .i++ t#en con&ider .#et#er to di&%i&& t#e c$&e0 or to de$+ &u%%$ri+ .it# it #i%&e+)0 or0 i) t#e $ccu&ed i& ,e+o. t#e r$nA o) .$rr$nt o))icer0 to order tri$+ , &u%%$r courtE%$rti$+0 or to $dCourn t#e c$&e )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) #$*in( t#e e*idence reduced to .ritin(0 .it# $ *ie. to tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+0 or .#en t#e $ccu&ed i& $n o))icer ,e+o. t#e r$nA o) +ieuten$nt co+one+0 or i& $ Cunior co%%i&&ioned or $ .$rr$nt o))icer +ore &u%%$r di&'o&$+ under AA!&&!58 $nd 5> (AR!==(8))! He c$nnot ) #o+d $! &u%%$r courtE%$rti$+0 un+e&& t#e o))ence i& one .#ic# $ co%%$ndin( o))icer c$n tr .it#out re)erence to &u'erior $ut#orit 0 or0 i) t#e o))ence i& one re2uirin( &uc# re)erence0 #e certi)ie& t#$t t#ere i& (r$*e re$&on )or i%%edi$te $ction $nd t#$t &uc# re)erence c$nnot ,e %$de .it#out detri%ent to di&ci'+ine! (AA&!1=9(=)0 AR 189)! A &u%%$r o) e*idence $nd c#$r(e &#eet %u&t $cco%'$n $++ re)erence& to &u'erior $ut#orit !

1/.#a'tion a& to e?$re&&ing o$inion. "@urin( t#e in*e&ti($tion0 t#e o))icer conductin( it %u&t ,e c$re)u+ not to +et )$++0 ,e)ore #e di&'o&e& o) t#e c$&e0 $n ex're&&ion o) o'inion $& to t#e (ui+t o) t#e $ccu&ed0 or one .#ic# %i(#t 'reCudice #i% $t $ &u,&e2uent tri$+! It %$ #$''en t#$t o))icer& .#o #$*e ,een 're&ent $t t#e in*e&ti($tion $re det$i+ed $& %e%,er& o) t#e court con*ened in con&e2uence o) itG t#ere)ore0 not#in( &#ou+d ,e &$id or done .#ic# %i(#t0 t#ou(# uncon&ciou&+ 0 ,i$& t#eir Cud(%ent ,e)ore#$nd! Conduct &#eet& &#ou+d ,e ex$%ined , t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer .#en0 $nd not ,e)ore0 #e #$& &$ti&)ied #i%&e+) $& to t#e (ui+t o) t#e $ccu&ed!

13. Ad<o'rnment for taCing a &'mmar of e0iden(e!E W#ere $ co%%$ndin( o))icer $dCourn& t#e c$&e )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) #$*in( t#e e*idence reduced to .ritin( t#e e*idence o) $++ %$teri$+ .itne&&e& (.#et#er c$++ed ,e)ore t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer or not) %u&t ,e t$Aen do.n in .ritin( ,e)ore t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer or ($& i& u&u$++ t#e c$&e) ,e)ore &o%e o))icer de'uted , #i%0 in t#e 're&ence o) t#e $ccu&ed0 .#o %u&t ,e $++o.ed to cro&&Eex$%ine t#e%! (AR!=8(1) $nd (=))! T#e co%%$ndin( o))icer c$n0 i) nece&&$r 0 i&&ue $ &u%%on re2uirin( t#e $ttend$nce o) $

ci*i+i$n .itne&&!(AR!=8!(B))! T#e .itne&&e& c$nnot ,e &.orn or $))ir%ed! In cert$in c$&e& $ &i(ned &t$te%ent o) e*idence %$ ,e $cce'ted Ee!(! .#ere t#e $ttend$nce o) .itne&& c$nnot ,e re$di+ 'rocured! In &uc# $ c$&e t#e o))icer t$Ain( t#e &u%%$r %u&t certi) t#e re$&on )or $cce'tin( $ .ritten &t$te%ent! (AR!=8(6))!! W#en $++ t#e e*idence )or t#e 'ro&ecution #$& ,een t$Aen0 t#e $ccu&ed0 ,e)ore #e %$Ae& $n &t$te%ent0 %u&t ,e )or%$++ c$utioned in t#e 're&cri,ed .ord&! (AR!=8(8))! An &t$te%ent o) t#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e t$Aen do.n0 ,ut #e .i++ not ,e cro&&Eex$%ined u'on it! 15.Mode of taCing &'mmar !E-re$t c$re i& nece&&$r in t$Ain( $ &u%%$r o) e*idence! T#e di&cre'$ncie& not in)re2uent+ o,&er*$,+e ,et.een t#e &t$te%ent& recorded in t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence $nd t#e e*idence (i*en ,e)ore $ courtE%$rti$+ %$ o)ten ,e tr$ced r$t#er to t#e #$&t or c$re+e&& 're'$r$tion o) t#e &u%%$r t#$n to $n 're*$ric$tion or de&ire to %i&+e$d on t#e '$rt o) t#e .itne&&e&! Moreo*er0 $ c$re+e&&+ 're'$red &u%%$r o) e*idence %$ re2uire re)erence& ,et.een t#e con*enin( o))icer $nd t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer o) t#e $ccu&ed $nd ,e $ c$u&e o) de+$ in ,rin(in( t#e $ccu&ed to tri$+! DDPre*iou& Next>> 15 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW 16.Remand of a(('&ed for tria. 8 (o'rt>martia.!EW#en t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence #$& ,een t$Aen0 t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer %u&t con&ider it $nd )in$++ deter%ine .#et#er or not to re%$nd t#e $ccu&ed )or tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+ (AR!=>)! It %$ ,e t#$t on re$din( t#e e*idence #e .i++ co%e to t#e conc+u&ion t#$t t#e c$&e i& one .#ic# ou(#t to ,e di&'o&ed o) &u%%$ri+ 0 or e*en di&%i&&ed! I) $ courtE%$rti$+ i& ordered or $''+ied )or0 it i& $ %$tter )or di&cretion .#et#er t#e $ccu&ed need ,e Ae't in $rre&t or con)ine%ent un+it t#e c#$r(e i& di&'o&ed o)! It i& t#e dut o) t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer on re$din( t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence to note .#et#er or not t#e e*idence t$Aen do.n in t#e &u%%$r corre&'ond& .it# t#e e*idence (i*en $t t#e in2uir ,e)ore #i%! I) t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer decide& to re%$nd t#e $ccu&ed )or tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+0 #e %u&t next con&ider , .#$t c+$&& o) court #e &#ou+d ,e tried! A& $ ru+e t#i& .i++ ,e $ &u%%$r courtE%$rti$+0 &$nction ,ein( 're*iou&+ o,t$ined .#ere &uc# &$nction i& nece&&$r ! (AA!&!1=9(=))! W#en $''+ in( )or $ (ener$+ or di&trict courtE%$rti$+ or )or &$nction to #o+d $ &u%%$r courtE%$rti$+0 t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence $nd c#$r(eE&#eet &#ou+d ,e &u,%itted .it# t#e $''+ic$tion! 11.9&e of &'mmar of e0iden(e!E T#e &u%%$r o) e*idence %$ ,e u&ed )or cert$in +i%ited 'ur'o&e& $t t#e tri$+0 $nd $+&o )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) (i*in( notice to t#e $ccu&ed o) t#e c#$r(e #e .i++ #$*e to %eet0 $nd to t#e con*enin( o))icer0 're&idin( o))icer $nd Cud(eE$d*oc$te (i) $n ) o) t#e c$&e to ,e tried! Eit#er t#e &u%%$r it&e+) or $ co' %u&t ,e +$id ,e)ore t#e courtE%$rti$+! (AR!>1)! (iii) /u%%$r o) $ Co%%$ndin( O))icer Next>>

14.*o+er& of (ommanding offi(er! "AA!&!5= $ut#ori&e& C#ie) o) t#e Ar% /t$)) to &'eci) t#e %inor 'uni&#%ent& .#ic# %$ ,e $.$rded &u%%$ri+ to 'er&on& &u,Cect to t#e ActG $nd AA!&!59 $ut#ori&e& #i% to &'eci) t#e o))icer& , .#o% &uc# 'uni&#%ent& %$ ,e $.$rded! T#e %inor 'uni&#%ent& &'eci)ied under t#i& &ection &et out $nd0 )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) $.$rdin( &uc# 'uni&#%ent&0 t#e o))icer& $re &'eci)ied in t#e Re(& Ar% '$r$!>>8! T#ere i& no o))ence .#ic# $ co%%$ndin( o))icer i& co%'e++ed , +$. or , ru+e& to &end ,e)ore $ courtE%$rti$+0 $nd e$c# c$&e &#ou+d ,e con&idered on it& %erit&0 ,ut $ co%%$ndin( o))icer &#ou+d not0 o) cour&e0 di&'o&e &u%%$ri+ o) c$&e .#ic# #e i& de,$rred , AA!&!1=9(=) )ro% tr in( , &u%%$r courtE%$rti$+ .it#out re)erence to t#e &u'erior $ut#orit 0 or $n ot#er c$&e .#ic# o,*iou&+ de&er*e& $ %ore &e*ere 'uni&#%ent t#$n #e i& e%'o.ered to $.$rd &u%%$ri+ ! A co%%$ndin( o))icer #$& no ' to 'uni&# $n o))icer ,ut t#e cu&to% o) t#e &er*ice $++o.& $ co%%$ndin( o))icer or $n &u'erior o))icer to re'ro*e $n o))icer )or $ %inor ,re$c# o) di&ci'+ine not &u))icient+ &eriou& to Cu&ti) it& ,ein( %$de t#e &u,Cect o) $ c#$r(e under t#e AA $nd ,rou(#t to tri$+ ,e)ore $ courtE DDPre*iou& Next>> 1: Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW E%$rti$+0 or tor &u%%$r di&'o&$+ , $ &u'erior $ut#orit under AA!&!58 or 5>! /uc# $ re'roo) i& not $ 'uni&#%ent0 ,ut in cert$in circu%&t$nce& it %i(#t de,$r $ c#$r(e )ro% ,ein( &u,&e2uent+ +$id $($in&t t#e o))icer! CO& &#ou+d t#ere)ore ,e c$re)u+ not to $d%ini&ter &uc# $ re'roo) in c$&e& .#ere &u'erior $ut#orit %i(#t .i&# to t$Ae &tron(er di&ci'+in$r $ction! !7. No tria. after $'ni&hment 8 (ommanding offi(erE! W#en once $n o))ender #$& ,een 'uni&#ed or t#e c#$r(e ot#er.i&e di&'o&ed o) , #i& CO or &o%e ot#er o))icer0 #e c$nnot ,e tried , court %$rti$+ )or t#e &$%e o))ence0 $nd &i%i+$r+ #e c$nnot ,e &u,Cected to $ %inor 'uni&#%ent0 )or $n o))ence o) .#ic# #e #$& ,een $c2uitted or con*icted , $ court %$rti$+ or $ cri%in$+ court (AA! &!1=1)! W#en co%%$ndin( o))icer #$& once $.$rded 'uni&#%ent0 #e c$nnot $)ter.$rd& incre$&e it! It i& con&idered t#$t #i& $.$rd i& co%'+ete .#en t#e %$n #$& +e)t #i& 're&ence (/ee note7to AA!&!59)! !1. S'mmar a+ard& 8 &'$erior a'thorit EO))icer& ,e+o. t#e r$nA o) +ieuten$nt co+one+0 FCO& $nd WO& %$ ,e &u%%$ri+ de$+t .it# , one o) t#e &u'erior $ut#oritie& &'eci)ied in AA!&&!58 $nd 5>! /uc# o))icer&0 FCO& $nd WO& %$ ,e &u,Cected to one or %ore o) t#e ) 'uni&#%ent&")or)eiture o) &eniorit or )or)eiture o) &er*ice )or 'ro%otion (in t#e c$&e o) t#o&e .#o&e 'ro%otion de'end& on +en(t# o) &er*ice) )or $ 'eriod not exceedin( t.e+*e %ont#&0 &e*ere re'ri%$nd0 or re'ri%$nd $nd &to''$(e&! A CO i& on+ $ut#ori&ed to $.$rd cto''$(e& to $ FCO (AA!&!56!)! A.$rd& .#ic# $''e$r to ,e i++e($+ or exce&&i*e c$n ,e re*ie.ed , Next>>

&u'erior $ut#orit re)er&)!

$& 'ro*ided in AA!&&!57 $nd 55! (Re(& Ar%

'$r$!>>=0 $+&o

!!. ;earing of (harge!"W#en $n o))icer0 FCO or WO i& re%$nded )or &u%%$r di&'o&$+ o) $ c#$r(e $($in&t #i% , &u'erior $ut#orit $ co' o) t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence or (in t#e c$&e o) $n o))icer .#ere t#ere i& no &u%%$r o) e*idence) $n $,&tr$ct o) e*idence &#ou+d ,e (i*en to #i% not +e&& t#$n => #our& ,e)ore t#e tri$+ (AR =B(1))! T#e $ut#orit e%'o.ered to de$+ &u%%$ri+ .it# t#e c#$r(e %u&t0 un+e&& #e di&%i&&e& t#e c#$r(e0 or un+e&& t#e $ccu&ed #$& con&ented in .ritin( to di&'en&e .it# t#e $ttend$nce o) .itne&&e&0 #e$r t#e e*idence in t#e 're&ence o) t#e $ccu&ed0 .#o .i++ ,e (i*en )u++ o''ortunit to cro&&Eex$%ine $n .itne&& $($in&t #i%0 $nd to c$++ $n .itne&&e& $nd to %$Ae $ &t$te%ent in #i& de)ence! I) t#e $ccu&ed con&ent& in .ritin(0 t#e $,o*e $ut#orit %$ de$+ .it# t#e c$&e &u%%$ri+ $)ter re$din( t#e &u%%$r or $,&tr$ct o) e*idence! (AR!=B(=))! E*idence (i*en ,e)ore $ court o) in2uir i& not $d%i&&i,+e0 $nd c$nnot ,e u&ed $& $ &u%%$r or $,&tr$ct o) e*idence0 e*en .it# t#e con&ent o) t#e $ccu&ed (AR 15=)! !). Di&$o&a. of (harge&!"An $ut#orit c$n di&'o&e o) $ c$&e &u%%$ri+ 0 not on+ i) $&Aed to do &o0 ,ut $+&o i) #e i& $&Aed to con*ene $ court %$rti$+ )or t#e tri$+ o) t#e o))ender0 E*en i) #e i& $&Aed to de$+ &u%%$ri+ .it# t#e c$&e0 #e DDPre*iou& Next>> =9 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


c$n0 i) #e t#inA& it de&ir$,+e0 con*ene $ court %$rti$+! (Re(& Ar% '$r$!>>:)! I) on 'eru&$+ o) t#e &u%%$r (or $,&tr$ct) o) e*idence $nd ot#er docu%ent& #e t#inA& )it0 #e c$n $t once0 .it#out ,rin(in( t#e $ccu&ed ,e)ore #i%0 eit#er order t#e c#$r(e to ,e di&%i&&ed or order $ court %$rti$+0 or #e c$n decide to #e$r t#e e*idence .it# $ *ie. to de$+in( &u%%$ri+ .it# t#e c$&e! A)ter #e$rin( t#e e*idence0 t#e? $ut#orit c$n &ti++ order di&%i&&$+ o) t#e c#$r(e or order $ court %$rti$+0 or #e c$n de$+ &u%%$ri+ .it# it0 ,ut0 i) #e 'ro'o&e& to $.$rd $ 'uni&#%ent o) )or)eiture o) &eniorit or &er*ice )or 'ro%otion0 t#e $ccu&ed #$& t#e ri(#t to e+ect tri$+ , court %$rti$+ (AA!&!5>!($))! !/. Right of a$$ea. from &'mmar a+ard! "T#ere i& no $''e$+ )ro% $ &u%%$r $.$rd ,ut $& #$& ,een $+re$d %entioned0 $n o))icer0 FCO or WO %$ in&te$d o) &u,%ittin( to $ &u%%$r $.$rd o) )or)eiture o) &eniorit or &er*ice )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) 'ro%otion0 e+ect to ,e tried , court %$rti$+! Ot#er 'er&on& c$nnot de%$nd $ court %$rti$+G ,ut i) $n 'er&on con&ider& #i%&e+) .ron(ed , t#e $.$rd #e %$ %$Ae $ co%'+$int in t#e %$nner 're&cri,ed in AA!&&!=B $nd =7! A 'uni&#%ent $.$rded , $ CO under AA!&!590 .#ic# $''e$r& to ,e .#o++ or '$rt+ i++e($+0 unCu&t or exce&&i*e or too &e*ere0 c$n ,e c$nce++ed0 *$ried0 or re%itted , cert$in &u'erior o))icer&! (Re(& Ar% '$r$ >>=)!

!3. *ena. ded'(tion& and remi&&ion& ,Sto$$age%& fromD $a and a..o+an(e&-! " Under AA!&!:10 $nd P$ $nd A++o.$nce&0 Re(u+$tion&0 $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA0 ot#er t#$n $n o))icer0 )or)eit& '$ $nd $++o.$nce& $uto%$tic$++ )or e*er d$ o) de&ertion0 or $,&ence .it#out +e$*e0 or $& $ 'ri&oner o) .$rG $+&o )or e*er d$ o) i%'ri&on%ent or )ie+d 'uni&#%ent $.$rded , $ cri%in$+ court0 court %$rti$+ or $n o))icer exerci&in( $ut#orit under AA!&!59 or in cu&tod under $n c#$r(e re&u+tin( in $ con*iction , $ cri%in$+ court or courtE%$rti$+0 or under $ c#$r(e o) $,&ence .it#out +e$*e0 re&u+tin( in $ &u%%$r $.$rd o) i%'ri&on%ent or )ie+d 'uni&#%ent under AA!&!59G $+&o )or e*er d$ in #o&'it$+ on $ccount o) &icAne&& certi)ied to #$*e ,een c$u&ed , $n o))ence co%%itted , #i%! Under AA!&!:7 $nd AR!1:6! "($) An )or)eiture o) '$ $nd $++o.$nce& under c#$'ter ;III o) t#e AA %$ ,e re%itted , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%entG (,) on &u%%$r con*iction )or $,&ence .it#out +e$*e )or $ 'eriod not exceedin( )i*e d$ &0 t#e CO %$ re%it t#e )or)eiture o) '$ $nd $++o.$nce& entit+ed , t#$t $,&enceG $nd (c) t#e )or)eiture o) '$ $nd $++o.$nce& incurred , $ 'ri&oner o) .$r %$ ,e re%itted , t#e 're&cri,ed $ut#orit un+e&& $ court o) in2uir )ind& t#$t t#e $,&ence .$& due to t#e %$n4& o.n )$u+t or %i&conduct! P$ $nd $++o.$nce& Re(u+$tion& on+ $ut#ori&e )or)eiture o) '$ $nd $++o.$nce& under c+$u&e (,) o) AA!&!:1 )or $n 'eriod t#e o))ender %$ #$*e ,een in con)ine%entG $ FCO0 WO $nd NCO in $rre&t (not con)ine%ent) $nd $ 'er&on in o'en $rre&t0 incur& no )or)eiture o) '$ $nd $++o.$nce& under t#i& c+$u&e! DDPre*iou& Next>> =1 Hindi DDPre*iou&


In t#e c$&e o) $,&ence .it#out +e$*e0 $& '$ $nd $++o.$nce& $re )or)eited $uto%$tic$++ 0 t#e o))icer de$+in( .it# t#e c$&e &#ou+d %$Ae no $.$rd $& to it0 ,ut %ere+ in)or% t#e o))ender o) t#e nu%,er o) d$ & '$ $nd $++o.$nce& )or)eited! I) $ 'eriod o) $,&ence doe& not $%ount to &ix #our& or u'.$rd&0 no '$ $nd $++o.$nce& $re )or)eited0 exce't .#ere t#e $,&ence 're*ent& t#e $,&entee )ro% )u+)i++in( &o%e %i+it$r dut 0 .#ic# i& t#ere, t#ro.n on &o%e ot#er 'er&on0 in .#ic# c$&e t#e $,&entee .i++ )or)eit $ d$ 4& '$ $nd $++o.$nce& no %$tter #o. &#ort #i& $,&ence %$ ,e! I) t#e 'eriod o) $,&ence $%ount& to &ix #our&0 ,ut not to t.e+*e #our&0 one d$ 4& '$ $nd $++o.$nce& $re )or)eited! I) t#e 'eriod o) $,&ence $%ount& to t.e+*e #our& or u'.$rd&0 '$ $nd $++o.$nce& $re )or)eited )or t#e .#o+e o) e$c# c+$ durin( $n 'ortion o) .#ic# t#e %$n .$& $,&ent! (AA!&!:=)! A CO %$ 0 .#ere $ %$n i& not tried , court %$rti$+0 order &to''$(e& o) #i& '$ $nd $++o.$nce& to %$Ae co%'en&$tion )or $n ex'en&e& c$u&ed , #i%0 or )or $n +o&& or d$%$(e or de&truction done , #i% to $n $r%&0 $%%unition0 e2ui'%ent0 c+ot#in(0 in&tru%ent&0 or re(i%ent$+ nece&&$rie& or %i+it$r decor$tion0 or to $n ,ui+din(& or 'ro'ert G $nd %$ +iAe.i&e order t#e &to''$(e o) t#e $%ount o) $n )or)eiture or )ine $.$rded , #i%&e+)! DDPre*iou&

== Hindi Next>> CHAPTER I; #O9RTS>MARTIAL (i) @e&cri'tion o) court&E%$rti$+ $nd Ho. Con*ened 1.De&(ri$tion of (o'rt&>martia.. "A 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA .#o i& to ,e tried , courtE%$rti$+ %$ ,e ,rou(#t ,e)ore $ -CM0 $ @CM0 or $ /CM! In cert$in circu%&t$nce& tri$+ %$ ,e , $ /-CM T#e /CM i& t#e tri,un$+ %o&t )re2uent+ .it# in '$r$& 19= to 118 o) t#i& c#$'ter! u&ed in t#e Ar% $nd i& &'eci$++ de$+t

!. Di&tin(tion 8et+een D#M and G#M" "T#e di))erence ,et.een $ @CM $nd $ -CM con&i&t& %$in+ in t#eir co%'o&ition $nd in t#e extent o) 'uni&#%ent .#ic# e$c# tri,un$+ c$n $.$rd! ).Order (on0ening the (o'rt. "A @CM or -CM de'end& )or it& Curi&diction u'on t#e order .#ic# ,rin(& it into ,ein(0 n$%e+ t#e con*enin( order i&&ued , $n o))icer $ut#ori&ed under t#e AA &o to do! /.#on0ening of a G#M. "A -CM %$ ,e con*ened , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent or t#e COA/ or , $n o))icer e%'o.ered in t#i& ,e#$+) , .$rr$nt o) t#e COA/ (AA!&!19:)! 3.#on0ening of a D#M. "A @CM %$ ,e con*ened , $n o))icer #$*in( ' to con*ene $ -CM or , $n o))icer e%'o.ered in t#i& ,e#$+) , .$rr$nt o) $n &uc# o))icer (AA!&!119)! 5.:orm of +arrant&. "T#e )or%& o) *$riou& court&E%$rti$+ .$rr$nt& $t 're&ent in u&e $re &et out in '$rt I;! T#e $re t#e ) " (i) AE1 .$rr$nt&"I&&ued , t#e COA/ to O))icer& Co%%$ndin( Ar% ! Ar% Cor'&0 di*i&ion0 inde'endent ,ri($de or e2ui*$+ent co%%$nder& $ut#ori&in( t#e% to con*ene -CM )or t#e tri$+ o) $n 'er&on under t#eir co%%$nd .#o i& &u,Cect to %i+it$r +$.G (ii) AE= .$rr$nt&"I&&ued , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent to t#e COA/ e%'o.erin( #i% to con)ir% t#e )indin(& $nd &entence o) $ -CM #e+d )or tri$+ o) $n 'er&on &u,Cect to %i+it$r +$.! (/ee $+&o '$r$ 7 ,e+o.)G (iii) AE8 .$rr$nt&"I&&ued , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent to o))icer& Co%%$ndin( Ar% 0 Ar% cor'&0 di*i&ion0 inde'endent ,ri($de or e2ui*$+ent co%%$nder& e%'o.erin( t#e% to con)ir% t#e )indin(& $nd &entence o) $ -CM #e+d )or t#e tri$+ o) $n 'er&on under t#eir co%%$nd .#o i& &u,Cect to %i+it$r +$. (/ee $+&o '$r$ 7 ,e+o.)G Next>>

=8 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


(i*) 1E1 .$rr$nt&"I&&ued , t#e o))icer& #$*in( ' to con*ene $ -CM to 1ri($de or e2ui*$+ent co%%$nder& e%'o.erin( t#e% to con*ene $ @CM )or t#e tri$+ o) $n 'er&on under t#eir co%%$nd .#o i& &u,Cect to %i+it$r +$. $nd to con)ir% t#e )indin(& $nd &entence t#ereo)! 6. *o+er& (onferred 8 +arrant. "/uc# .$rr$nt& $re nor%$++ $ddre&&ed to $n o))icer , t#e de&i(n$tion o) #i& o))ice $nd (i*e $ut#orit to t#e o))icer on .#o% t#e co%%$nd %$ de*o+*e in #i& $,&ence! An &uc# .$rr$nt %$ cont$in $n re&triction&0 re&er*$tion& or condition& (AA!&&!111 $nd 16B) $& t#e o))icerJ $ut#orit i&&uin( it %$ t#inA )it! Under AE= $nd AE8 .$rr$nt&0 i) , t#e &entence o) $n -CM0 $ 'er&on &u,Cect to %i+it$r +$. #$& ,een &entenced to &u))er de$t#0 con)ir%$tion i& to ,e .it##e+d $nd t#e 'roceedin(& tr$n&%itted to t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent! A+&o in t#e c$&e o) $n ot#er -CM0 in .#ic# t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit t#inA& )it to do0 t#e con)ir%$tion %$ ,e .it##e+d $nd 'roceedin(& tr$n&%itted to t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent (i) t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit i& t#e COA/) or to $ &u'erior $ut#orit (in ot#er c$&e&)! 1E+ .$rr$nt& cont$in no re&triction& or &'eci$+ condition&! 1.#on0ening of SG#M. "A /-CM %$ ,e con*ened , $n o))icer e%'o.ered in t#i& ,e#$+) , $n order o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent or t#e COA/G $nd on $cti*e &er*ice , t#e O))icer Co%%$ndin( t#e )orce& in t#e )ie+d0 or , $n o))icer e%'o.ered , #i% in t#i& ,e#$+)G $nd $+&o , $n O))icer Co%%$ndin( $n det$c#ed 'ortion o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% 0 on $cti*e &er*ice0 .#en in #i& o'inion0 it i& not 'r$ctic$,+e .it# due re($rd to di&ci'+ine $nd t#e exi(encie& o) t#e &er*ice0 t#$t $n o))ence &#ou+d ,e tried , $ -CM (AA!&!11=)! 4.;o.ding of S#M! "No con*enin( order i& nece&&$r )or t#e #o+din( o) $ /CM! It %$ ,e #e+d , t#e CO o) $n Cor'&0 de'$rt%ent or det$c#%ent o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% (AA!&&!11B(1) $nd 8(*))! (ii) Furi&diction 17. B'ri&di(tion of G#&M and SG#&M. "A -CM $nd /-CM c$n tr $n 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA! T#e #$*e co%'+ete Curi&diction to tr $n o))ence0 t#ou(# cert$in re&triction& $re '+$ced , AA!&!79 u'on t#eir ' to tr c$&e& o) %urder0 cu+'$,+e #o%icide $nd r$'e! T#e c$n $.$rd $n 'uni&#%ent $ut#ori&ed , t#e AA inc+udin( t#e 'uni&#%ent o) de$t# $nd i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e (AA!&!115)! 11. B'ri&di(tion of D#M. "A @CM c$nnot tr $n o))icer or FCO! It c$n tr $ WO0 ,ut it& ' o) 'uni&#in( #i% $re +i%ited! It #$& co%'+ete Curi&diction to tr $n o))ence0 t#ou(# t#e &$%e re&triction& $re '+$ced , AA!&!79 u'on it& ' to tr c$&e& o) cu+'$,+e #o%icide $nd r$'e $& $re i%'o&ed u'on $ -CM or /-CM!

A @CM c$nnot $.$rd $ &entence #i(#er t#$n t.o e$r&4 ri(orou& or &i%'+e i%'ri&on%ent (AA!&!11:)G it t#ere)ore c$nnot tr $ c$&e o) %urder .#ere t#e on+ 'uni&#%ent .#ic# c$n ,e $.$rded i& de$t# or i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e! A @CM c$nnot $.$rd $ &entence o) i%'ri&on%ent to $ WO (AA!&!11:)! DDPre*iou& Next>> => Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW Next>>

1!. B'ri&di(tion of S#M. " A /CM c$nnot tr $n o))icer0 $ FCO or WO or $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA $& $n o))icer0 FCO or WO (AA&!1=9(8))! It #$& Curi&diction to tr $n o))ence under t#e AA exce't &uc# $& c$n on+ ,e co%%itted , $n o))icer0 FCO or WO (e!(! $n o))ence under AA!&!>6)! 1ut in t#e c$&e o) cert$in o))ence& t#e &$nction o) &u'erior $ut#orit %u&t ,e o,t$ined un+e&& i%%edi$te tri$+ i& con&idered , t#e CO to ,e nece&&$r (AA!&1=9(=))! Cert$in re&triction& $re $+&o '+$ced , AA!&!79 u'on it& ' to tr c$&e& o) cu+'$,+e #o%icide $nd r$'eG it c$nnot0 o) cour&e tr $ c$&e o) %urder! A /CM c$nnot $.$rd $ &entence #i(#er t#$n one e$r4& ri(orou& or &i%'+e i%'ri&on%ent i) t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+ i& o) t#e r$nA o) Lt! Co+ $nd u'.$rd&0 $nd t#ree %ont#4& ri(orou& or &i%'+e i%'ri&on%ent i) &uc# $n o))icer i& ,e+o. t#$t r$nA (AA!&!1=9(6))G it c$nnot0 t#ere)ore0 tr $ c$&e o) %urder! 1). *rohi8ition of &e(ond tria.. " A courtE%$rti$+ c$nnot tr or 'uni&# $ 'er&on )or $n o))ence o) .#ic# #e #$& ,een $+re$d $c2uitted or con*icted , $ courtE %$rti$+ or , $ co%'etent ci*i+ (Cri%in$+) court or .#ere t#e c#$r(e $($in&t #i% #$& ,een di&%i&&ed0 or #e #$& ,een de$+t .it# &u%%$ri+ (AA!&!1=10 AR!68(1)($)) T#e 'ro#i,ition doe& not $''+ .#ere t#ere #$& ,een no *$+id tri$+0 re&u+tin( in $n $c2uitt$+ or con*iction0 or .#ere t#e )indin( $nd &entence .#ic# re2uire con)ir%$tion0 #$*e not ,een con)ir%ed! In &uc# c$&e& t#e o))ender c$n ,e tried $)re&#! /uc# )re&# tri$+ &#ou+d ,e ordered on+ in exce'tion$+ circu%&t$nce& (AA!&&!117(>) $nd 168)! P$rdon or condon$tion , co%'etent %i+it$r ,$r to t#e tri$+ o) $n o))ender (AR 68(1) (,))! $ut#orit 0 i) 'ro*ed0 o'er$te& $& $

1/. Time .imit for tria.. " An o))ence ot#er t#$n %utin 0 de&ertion or )r$udu+ent enro+%ent c$nnot ,e tried , courtE%$rti$+0 i) t#ree e$r& #$*e e+$'&ed &ince t#e d$te o) it& co%%i&&ion! A 'er&on (ot#er t#$n $n o))icer) c$nnot ,e tried e*en )or de&ertion0 ot#er t#$n de&ertion on $cti*e &er*ice0 or )or )r$udu+ent enro+%ent i) t#e &$id 'er&on0 #$&0 &u,&e2uent+ to t#e co%%i&&ion o) o))ence0 &er*ed continuou&+ in $n exe%'+$r %$nner )or not +e&& t#$n t#ree e$r& .it# $n 'ortion o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% ! (AA!&!1==(>))! A+&o &ee Re(& Ar% '$r$ >B6!

13. Tria.& of $er&on& to .onger &'8<e(t to the AA! " A courtE%$rti$+ c$n tr $ 'er&on .#o #$& ce$&ed to ,e &u,Cect to t#e AA 'ro*ided t#$t t#e tri$+ )or t#e o))ence co%%itted , #i% .#i+e &o &u,Cect0 co%%ence& .it#in &ix %ont#& o) #i& ce$&in( to ,e &o &u,Cect! /uc# $ 'er&on c$n ,e tried e*en t#ou(# #e #$& ce$&ed to ,e &u,Cect to t#e AA )or %ore t#$n &ix %ont#& i) t#e tri$+ i& )or $n o))ence o) %utin 0 de&ertion or )r$udu+ent enro+%ent! (AA!&!1=8)! DDPre*iou& Next>> =6 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


15.*.a(e of tria.! "An o))ence0 .#ere*er 'uni&#ed $t $n '+$ce .#$te*er0 (AA!&!1=>)!

co%%itted0 %$

,e tried


(iii) Co%'o&ition 16.#om$o&ition of G#M. "A -CM %u&t ,e co%'o&ed o) $t +e$&t )i*e o))icer&0 e$c# o) .#o% #$*e #e+d co%%i&&ion )or not +e&& t#$n t#ree .#o+e e$r& $nd %u&t ,e &u,Cect to t#e AAG $nd not +e&& t#$n )our o) t#e %e%,er& o) t#e court %u&t ,e o) $ r$nA not ,e+o. t#$t o) C$'t$in! (AA!&!118)! T#e %e%,er& o) t#e court %u&t0 &o )$r $& 'r$ctic$,+e0 ,e+on( to di))erent cor'& or de'$rt%ent& $nd in no c$&e &#$++ t#e court ,e co%'o&ed exc+u&i*e+ o) t#e o))icer& o) t#e cor'& or de'$rt%ent to .#ic# t#e $ccu&ed ,e+on(&! (AR!>9(1))! Me%,er& &#ou+d ,e o) e2ui*$+ent or &u'erior r$nA to t#e $ccu&ed i) #e i& $n o))icer (AR >9(=)) $nd $n o))icer under t#e r$nA o) C$'t$in %u&t not ,e $ %e%,er o) $ court tr in( $ )ie+d o))icer (AR >9(8))! T#e %e%,er& o) t#e court %$ ,e %entioned , n$%e in t#e con*enin( order0 or t#eir r$nA $nd t#e unit to .#ic# t#e ,e+on( %$ $+one ,e &t$ted! T#e &enior %e%,er &it& $& t#e 're&idin( o))icer! (AA!&!1=5)! Cert$in o))icer& $re di&2u$+i)ied )ro% &ittin( $& %e%,er&! /ee '$r$!=1! A FA %u&t ,e $''ointed to &it on e*er >6:! -CM! (AA!&!1=:)! A+&o &ee Re(& Ar% '$r$

11.#om$o&ition of D#M!"T#e 'ro*i&ion& $& to t#e co%'o&ition re)erred to in '$r$ 17 $,o*e0 $+&o $''+ to @CM exce't t#$t"

o) $ -CM

($) t#e +e($+ %ini%u% o) %e%,er& re2uired i& t#ree in&te$d o) )i*e (AA!&!11>)G (,) t#e +en(t# o) co%%i&&ioned &er*ice i& t.o e$r& in&te$d o) t#ree (AA!&!11>)! (c) AA!&!11> doe& not &ti'u+$te $n '$rticu+$r r$nA o) %e%,er&G

(d) t#e %e%,er& %$ ,e dr$.n exc+u&i*e+ t#e $ccu&ed ,e+on(&G $nd

)ro% t#e cor'& or de'$rt%ent to .#ic#

(e) $ FA %$ or %$ not ,e $''ointed to &it on $ @CM (AA!&01=:)! 14. #om$o&ition of SG#M! "A /-CM &#$++ con&i&t o) not +e&& t#$n t#ree o))icer&! (AA!&!116)! Me%,er& &#ou+d #$*e #e+d $ co%%i&&ion )or not +e&& t#$n one e$rG ,ut0 i) $n o))icer& $re $*$i+$,+e .#o #$*e #e+d co%%i&&ion& )or not +e&& t#$n t#ree e$r&0 t#e &#ou+d ,e &e+ected in 're)erence to o))icer& o) +e&& &er*ice! (AR!161(=))! DDPre*iou& Next>>

=B Hindi

DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW A FA %$ or %$ not ,e $''ointed to &it on $ /-CM! (AA!&!1=:)!


!7.S#M!"A /CM %$ ,e #e+d , t#e CO o) $n cor'&0 de'$rt%ent or det$c#%ent o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% $nd #e &#$++ $+one con&titute t#e Court! T#e 'roceedin(& &#$++ ,e $ttended t#rou(#out , t.o ot#er 'er&on&0 .#o &#$++ ,e o))icer&0 Cunior co%%i&&ioned o))icer& or one o) eit#er $nd .#o &#$++ not $& &uc# #e &.orn or $))ir%ed! (AA!&!11B)! !1.Di&E'a.ifi(ation of offi(er&!EO))icer& .#o $re e+i(i,+e t#rou(# t#e +en(t# o) t#eir co%%i&&ioned &er*ice to $ct $& %e%,er& o) court&E%$rti$+ %$ ne*ert#e+e&& ,e di&2u$+i)ied )ro% &er*in( on $ '$rticu+$r courtE%$rti$+! T#e ) 'er&on& $re di&2u$+i)ied in t#e c$&e o) $ -CM $nd @CMH " (i)t#e con*enin( o))icerG (ii) t#e 'ro&ecutorG (iii) $ .itne&& )or t#e 'ro&ecutionG (i*) t#e CO o) t#e $ccu&ed or $n o))icer .#o in*e&ti($ted t#e c#$r(e& ,e)ore tri$+ or tooA do.n t#e &u%%$r o) e*idenceG (*) t#e co%'$n etc!0 co%%$nder .#o %$de 're+i%in$r en2uir into t#e c$&eG (*i) $n o))icer .#o .$& $ %e%,er o) $ court o) in2uir into t#e %$tter& on .#ic# t#e c#$r(e& $($in&t t#e $ccu&ed $re )oundedG (*ii) .#ere t#e $ccu&ed #$& ,een 're*iou&+ tried )or t#e &$%e o))ence0 $n o))icer .#o .$& $ %e%,er o) t#e courtE%$rti$+ , .#ic# t#e o))ence .$& triedG $nd (*iii) $n o))icer .#o #$& $ 'er&on$+ intere&t in t#e c$&e (AR 8:(=))! T#e 'ro*o&tE%$r&#$+ or $&&i&t$nt 'ro*o&tE%$r&#$+ i& $+&o di&2u$+i)ied )ro% &er*in( in $ -CM or @CM! (AR!8:(8))! (i*) @utie& o) con*enin( o))icer !!.#on&ideration of $ro$o&ed (harge& and e0iden(e. "An $''+ic$tion )or $ -CM or @CM &#ou+d ,e $cco%'$nied , $ &u%%$r o) e*idence (or $,&tr$ct o)

e*idence0 in t#e c$&e o) o))icer&) $ c#$r(eE&#eet $nd cert$in ot#er docu%ent& &t$ted on t#e )or% 'ro*ided )or &uc# $''+ic$tion&! 1e)ore $ccedin( to $n $''+ic$tion )or $ -CM or @CM &u,%itted , $ CO0 t#e con*enin( o))icer %u&t con&ider t#e n$ture o) t#e c$&e0 t#e &t$tutor 'ro*i&ion& $nd re(u+$tion& $''+ic$,+e to it $nd0 &u,Cect t#ereto0 %u&t u&e #i& di&cretion $& to t#e %ode o) di&'o&in( o) t#e $''+ic$tion! He %u&t &$ti&) #i%&e+) t#$t t#e c#$r(e &u,%itted , t#e CO di&c+o&e& $n o))ence under t#e AA $nd i& 'ro'er+ )r$%ed in $ccord$nce .it# t#e AR! He %u&t $+&o ,e &$ti&)ied t#$t e*idence &u))icient to Cu&ti) tri$+ i& di&c+o&ed in t#e &u%%$r or $,&tr$ct o) e*idenceG i) #e t#inA& t#$t it doe& not0 #e &#ou+d order t#e $ccu&ed to ,e re+e$&edG i) #e i& in dou,t0 it i& .it#in #i& di&cretion to order t#e re+e$&e o) t#e $ccu&ed or to re)er t#e %$tter to &u'erior $ut#orit ! (AR!87(1))! In $n c$&e #e %$ direct t#e CO to $+ter t#e )or% o) t#e 'ro'o&ed c#$r(e in *ie. o) t#e e*idence &u,%ittedG #e %$ (i*e direction& t#$t )urt#er e*idence &#ou+d ,e o,t$inedG in $ &uit$,+e c$&e #e %$ direct t#$t t#e $ccu&ed &#ou+d ,e re+e$&ed .it#out 'reCudice to #i& reE$rre&t ti++ )urt#er e*idence i& )ort#co%in(! DDPre*iou& Next>>

=7 Hindi



W#ere $n $ccu&ed 'er&on i& to ,e $rr$i(ned on $ &eriou& c#$r(e0 t#e ot#er c#$r(e& in re&'ect o) %inor o))ence& &#ou+d ,e dro''ed! I) t#e con*enin( o))icer con&ider& t#$t $ c$&e &#ou+d ,e di&'o&ed o) &u%%$ri+ , /CM in&te$d o) , $ @CM or -CM0 #e &#ou+d t$Ae &te'& to e))ect t#i&! or

In $++ c$&e& o) tri$+ , -CM $nd $++ c$&e& o) indecenc 0 )r$ud or t#e)t (exce't ordin$r t#e)t) $nd ci*i+ o))ence& (exce't &i%'+e $&&$u+t&) $nd in c$&e& o) dou,t or di))icu+t 0 t#e c#$r(e $nd &u%%$r o) e*idence #$*e to ,e &u,%itted to @FA- o) t#e co%%$nd ,e)ore tri$+ i& ordered! Re(& Ar% '$r$ >65 !).De(i&ion to tr 8 (o'rt>martia.! " I) t#e con*enin( o))icer i& o) o'inion t#$t t#e c$&e &#ou+d ,e tried eit#er , $ @CM or -CM0 #e .i++ i) t#e ter%& o) t#e .$rr$nt (r$nted to #i% 'er%it0 con*ene t#e courtE%$rti$+! I) t#e c$&e i& one )or tri$+ , $ -CM $nd #e #o+d& no .$rr$nt to con*ene E&uc# $ court0 #e .i++ re)er t#e c$&e to 'ro'er &u'erior $ut#orit #o+din( &uc# $ .$rr$nt! !/.T $e of (o'rt>martia. to 8e (on0ened ! " T#e ' o) $ /CM $re &u))icient to de$+ .it# $++ ordin$r o))ence& co%%itted , 'er&on& ,e+o. t#e r$nA o) WO! In t#e c$&e o) $((r$*$ted o))ence&0 #o.e*er0 $ @CM or -CM %$ 'ro'er+ ,e con*ened! In decidin( .#et#er $n $ccu&ed &#ou+d ,e tried , -CM or @CM0 .#ere t#e circu%&t$nce& 'er%it tri$+ , eit#er o) t#e&e tri,un$+&0 t#e con*enin( o))icer .i++ ,e$r in %ind ($) t#e n$ture o) t#e o))enceG

(,) t#e 're*$+$nce o) t#e '$rticu+$r o))ence c#$r(edG (c) t#e (ener$+ &t$te o) di&ci'+ine in #i& co%%$ndG (d) t#e c#$r$cter o) t#e $ccu&edH $nd (e) t#e %$xi%u% &entence .#ic# c$n ,e i%'o&ed #$*in( re($rd to $n .#ic# t#e $ccu&ed i& $+re$d &er*in(!


A c$&e &#ou+d not $& $ ru+e ,e &ent )or tri$+0 un+e&& t#ere i& re$&on$,+e 'ro,$,i+it t#$t t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on .i++ ,e con*icted! At t#e &$%e ti%e t#ere %$ ,e c$&e& .#ere di&(r$ce)u+ c#$r(e& #$*e ,een 're)erred $nd .#ere $ courtE%$rti$+ $))ord& t#e on+ %e$n& to t#e $ccu&ed o) c+e$rin( #i& c#$r$cter! /ee Re(& Ar% '$r$ >96(c)! !3. Order for tria. 8 (o'rt>martia.! " I) t#e c#$r(e& &u,%itted , t#e CO $re $''ro*ed0 or i) t#e #$*e ,een $%ended $nd t#e $ccu&ed #$& $($in ,een re%$nded )or tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+ on t#e $%ended c#$r(e&0 t#e .i++ ,e %$de into $ c#$r(eE &#eet (AR =5) $nd t#e con*enin( o))icer or $ &t$)) o))icer on #i& ,e#$+)0 .i++ i&&ue $n order t#ereon directin( tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+! DDPre*iou& Next>>

=5 Hindi




A con*enin( o))icer .i++ con&ider .#et#er t#e c#$r(e& u'on .#ic# t#e $ccu&ed i& to ,e ,rou(#t to tri$+ $re $++ to ,e cont$ined in one c#$r(eE&#eet or .#et#er t#e &#ou+d ,e in&erted in di))erent c#$r(eE&#eet& (AR 7:(1))! W#ere $n $ccu&ed i& ordered to ,e tried on $ nu%,er o) c#$r(e& in t#e &$%e c#$r(eE&#eet #e %$ $''+ to t#e con*enin( o))icer or $t t#e tri$+ )or $n o) t#e c#$r(e& to ,e tried &e'$r$te+ (AR!7:(6))! I) t#e con*enin( o))icer #$& ordered tri$+ on &e'$r$te c#$r(eE&#eet& #e .i++ direct t#e order in .#ic# t#e $ccu&ed i& to ,e tried (AR7:(=))0 $nd %$ direct t#e court t#$t in t#e e*ent o) $ con*iction u'on $ c#$r(e in $n c#$r(eE&#eet0 t#e $ccu&ed need not ,e tried u'on t#e &u,&e2uent c#$r(eE&#eet& (AR!7:(>))! T.o or %ore $ccu&ed %$ ,e tried Coint+ on one c#$r(e0 $nd t#e c#$r(eE&#eet %$ cont$in $ddition$+ c#$r(e& $($in&t one or %ore o) t#e $ccu&ed $++e(in( o))ence& co%%itted &e'$r$te+ 'ro*ided t#e $re '$rt o) t#e &$%e &erie& o) o))ence& (AR!86(1)0(=)$nd(8))! W#ere t.o or %ore $ccu&ed $re Coint+ c#$r(ed0 $n one o) t#e% %$ t#e con*enin( o))icer or t#e court to ,e tried &e'$r$te+ (AR!86(>))! $''+ to

E$c# c#$r(eE&#eet %u&t ,e &i(ned , t#e co%%$ndin( o))icer o) t#e $ccu&ed $nd ,e$r u'on t#e )$ce o) it t#e con*enin( o))icer4& direction& )or tri$+ (AR!81$nd note& t#ereto)! !5.#on0ening order&. "Once it i& decided t#$t $n $ccu&ed .i++ ,e tried , courtE %$rti$+0 $n order )or t#e $&&e%,+ o) t#e court0 Ano.n $& t#e con*enin( order0 .i++ ,e i&&ued! T#i& order .i++ ,e &i(ned , t#e con*enin( o))icer or , $ &t$)) o))icer on #i& ,e#$+)!

!6.*a$er& for mem8er& et(!"T#e con*enin( o))icer i& re&'on&i,+e )or en&urin( t#$t t#e %e%,er& $nd FA (i) $''ointed) recei*e t#e '$'er& re)erred to in AR!87(>)! T#e&e &#ou+d ,e &ent $& &oon $& 'o&&i,+e $)ter t#e court #$& ,een con*ened! (*) Pre'$r$tion o) @e)ence !1. Information to 8e gi0en to the a(('&ed"A& &oon $& 'r$ctic$,+e $)ter $n $ccu&ed #$& ,een re%$nded )or tri$+ , $ -CM or @CM $nd $t +e$&t :B #our& (or on $cti*e &er*ice => #our&) ,e)ore #e i& ,rou(#t u' )or tri$+0 $n o))icer %u&t (i*e #i% $ co' o) t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence or in c$&e o) $n o))icer .#ere t#ere i& no &u%%$r o) e*idence $n $,&tr$ct o) e*idence0 $nd $''ri&e #i% o) #i& ri(#t& in connection .it# t#e 're'$r$tion o) #i& de)ence (AR!88(7))! A& &oon $& tri$+ #$& ,een ordered0 $ 'ro'er o''ortunit to 're'$re #i& de)ence %u&t ,e $))orded to t#e $ccu&ed0 .#o %u&t ,e 'er%itted to #$*e )ree co%%unic$tion .it# $n .itne&&e& .#o% #e %$ de&ire to c$++0 $nd .it# $n 4)riend40 de)endin( o))icer or +e($+ $d*i&er .#o% #e %$ .i&# to con&u+t i) t#e $re $*$i+$,+e! DDPre*iou& Next>>

=: Hindi



A& &oon $& 'r$ctic$,+e ,e)ore #e i& $rr$i(ned )or tri$+0 $nd $t +e$&t :B #our& (or .#ere t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on i& on $cti*e &er*ice => #our&) ,e)ore #e i& &o $rr$i(ned0 $n o))icer %u&t (i*e #i% $ co' o) t#e c#$r(eE&#eet $nd i) nece&&$r ex'+$in t#e c#$r(e& to #i%! T#e &$id o))icer %u&t $+&o in)or% #i% o) #i& ri(#t& in connection .it# t#e &ecurin( o) .itne&&e& on #i& ,e#$+) (AR!8>(1))! T#e o))icer &#$++ $+&o de+i*er to t#e $ccu&ed $ +i&t o) t#e n$%e&0 r$nA $nd cor'& (i) $n ) o) t#e o))icer& .#o $re to )or% t#e court0 $nd .#ere o))icer& in0 .$itin( $re n$%ed $+&o o) t#e&e o))icer& (AR 8>(8))! T#e $ccu&ed 'er&on &#$++ #$*e t#e ri(#t to $ddre&& $n $''+ic$tion to t#e @FA-JAFA- o)! t#e Co%%$nd .it#in .#ic# #e )or t#e ti%e ,ein( i&0 i) #e i& Ae't under $rre&t )or $ 'eriod +on(er t#$n >5 d$ & .it#out ,ein( ,rou(#t to tri$+ or i& not (i*en )u++ +i,ert )or 're'$rin( #i& de)ence (AR!88(B))! E !4. Re$re&entation of the a(('&ed. T#e $ccu&ed %$ de)end #i%&e+) or #e %$ ,e re're&ented , $ de)endin( o))icer or $ coun&e+! I) #e intend& to ,e re're&ented , coun&e+0 #e %u&t (i*e notice to t#$t e))ect0 &o t#$t t#e con*enin( o))icer0 %$ 0 i) #e con&ider& it de&ir$,+e0 o,t$in0 t#e &er*ice& o) coun&e+ on ,e#$+) o) t#e 'ro&ecutor! I) t#e $ccu&ed doe& not intend to ,e0 &o re're&ented ,ut coun&e+ #$& ,een o,t$ined on ,e#$+) o) t#e 'ro&ecutor0 t#e con*enin( o))icer %u&t t$Ae &te'& to in)or% t#e $ccu&ed to t#$t e))ect not +e&& t#$n &e*en d$ & ,e)ore t#e tri$+0 &o t#$t t#e $ccu&ed %$ o,t$in coun&e+ )or #i& de)ence0 i) #e &o de&ire&! /i%i+$r notice &#ou+d ,e (i*en to t#e $ccu&ed .#ere t#e con*enin( o))icer intend& to $''oint or $''+ )or t#e &er*ice& o) $n o))icer .it# +e($+ 2u$+i)ic$tion& to $ct $& 'ro&ecutor $t t#e tri$+ (AR!:7)!

)7. F'a.ifi(ation&" d'tie& of (o'n&e. and defending offi(er! "T#e 2u$+i)ic$tion& o) Coun&e+ $& $+&o t#eir )unction&0 ri(#t& $nd dutie& $re &et out in AR& :B to 191! A de)endin( o))icer #$& t#e &$%e )unction&0 ri(#t& $nd dutie& $& $ coun&e+ (AR!:6(8))! T#e )riend o) t#e $ccu&ed c$n on+ $ct in $n $d*i&or c$'$cit (AR :6(>))! )1. A&&ignment of defending offi(er for a(('&ed. "In order to en&ure t#$t $n $ccu&ed 'er&on i& re're&ented $t #i& tri$+ i) #e &o de&ire&0 it i& t#e dut o) t#e o))icer re)erred to in '$r$ =5 $,o*e0 $t t#e ti%e0 #e #$nd&0 t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence to t#e $ccu&ed0 to $&A #i% to &t$te in .ritin( i) #e .i&#e& to #$*e $ de)endin( o))icer $&&i(ned to #i% , t#e con*enin( o))icer (AR 88(7))G i) #e doe& &o t#e con*enin( o))icer %u&t u&e #i& ,e&t ende$*our& to &ecure t#e &er*ice& o) $ &uit$,+e o))icer (AR :6(=))! (*i) A&&e%,+ o) Court )!.A&&em8. of #o'rt! "A -CM or @CM .i++ $&&e%,+e $t t#e ti%e $nd '+$ce n$%ed in t#e con*enin( order! I) $ FA #$& ,een $''ointed0 #e %u&t ,e 're&ent0 &o &#ou+d $+&o ,e $n .$itin( %e%,er& det$i+ed in t#e con*enin( order to &er*e $& %e%,er& o) t#e court0 i) re2uired! DDPre*iou& Next>> 89 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW On $&&e%,+ t#e %e%,er& o) t#e court .i++ t$Ae t#eir &e$t& in $ccord$nce .it# t#eir &eniorit (AR!76)G t#e FA0 i) $n 0 ,ein( &e$ted on t#e ri(#t o) t#e 're&idin( o))icer! T#e order con*enin( t#e court0 t#e c#$r(eE&#eet $nd t#e &u%%$r (or $,&tr$ct) o) e*idence .i++ t#en ,e '+$ced ,e)ore t#e court0 , t#e FA (or i) no FA #$& ,een $''ointed0 , t#e &enior %e%,er)0 to .#o% t#e .ou+d #$*e ,een )or.$rded 're*iou&+ , t#e con*enin( o))icer (AR!87(>))! At t#i& &t$(e no one &#ou+d ,e in t#e court roo% exce't t#e %e%,er&0 t#e FA0 i) $''ointed0 $nd t#e .$itin( %e%,er&! )). InE'ir a& to (om$o&ition of #o'rt! "T#e court .i++ ex$%ine t#e con*enin( order )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) $&cert$inin( .#et#er t#e %e%,er& .#o #$*e t$Aen t#eir &e$t&0 t#e FA0 i) $n 0 $nd t#e .$itin( %e%,er& 're&ent .#o %$ #$*e ,een det$i+ed $re t#o&e %entioned in t#e order! I) t#e %e%,er& 're&ent $re not $ctu$++ n$%ed in t#e order t#e %u&t ,e o) t#e $ctu$+ r$nA& $nd ,e+on( to t#e $ctu$+ unit& &t$ted t#erein! T#e 're&idin( o))icer i& not $''ointed , n$%e $nd t#e &enior %e%,er 're&ide& (AA!&!1=5)! T#e court .i++ $+&o #$*e re($rd to AR!>9! Next>>

I) t#e con*enin( order $''e$r& on t#e )$ce o) it to ,e 'ro'er $nd to #$*e ,een du+ &i(ned0 t#e court .i++ #$*e )u+)i++ed it& )ir&t dut 0 n$%e+ t#$t o) &$ti&) in( it&e+)0 t#$t t#e court i& con*ened in $ccord$nce .it# t#e AA $nd AR (AR!>1(1) ($))! )/.InE'ir a& to .ega. minim'm of mem8er&. "T#e court .i++ next $&cert$in t#$t t#e +e($+ %ini%u% o) %e%,er& re2uired )or $ -CM or @CM0 $& t#e c$&e %$ ,e0 #$*e ,een det$i+ed $nd $re 're&ent (AA!&&!118 $nd 11>)! W#ere t#e %e%,er&#i' o) t#e court0 $& det$i+ed in t#e con*enin( order0 i& inco%'+ete0 .$itin( %e%,er&0 i) t#ere $re $n 0 $nd i) t#e $re e+i(i,+e $nd 2u$+i)ied0 %u&t t$Ae t#e '+$ce o) $,&entee %e%,er&! I) t#e nu%,er o) %e%,er& det$i+ed in t#e con*enin( order exceed& t#e +e($+ %ini%u%0 ,ut &o%e o) t#e% $re $,&ent $t t#e $&&e%,+ o) t#e court0 t#e court &#ou+d ordin$ri+ $dCourn un+e&& &u))icient .$itin( %e%,er& $re $*$i+$,+e in t#e '+$ce o) t#e $,&entee %e%,er& to %$Ae u' t#e )u++ nu%,er det$i+ed in t#e con*enin( orderG ,ut t#e court0 in t#e intere&t& o) Cu&tice $nd )or t#e (ood o) t#e &er*ice0 %$ 'roceed .it# t#e tri$+ 'ro*ided t#$t t#e +e($+ %ini%u% i& 're&ent! I) t#e +e($+ %ini%u% i& not 're&ent0 t#e court %u&t $dCourn (AR!85)! )3. InE'ir a& to and E'a.ifi(ation of mem8er&. "T#e court .i++ t#en &$ti&) it&e+) (AR >1(+)(c)) t#$t $++ t#e %e%,er& $re e+i(i,+e $nd not di&2u$+i)ied under t#e AA $nd AR! T#e e+i(i,i+it o) $n o))icer de'end& on #i& &t$tu& $& $n o))icer0 i!e!0 on #i& ,ein( &u,Cect to %i+it$r +$. or ot#er.i&e 2u$+i)ied to &er*e under t#e 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e AR $nd #$*in( #e+d $ co%%i&&ion )or t#e re2uired 'eriod! @i&2u$+i)ic$tion i& $ 'er&on$+ 2ue&tion $nd de'end& on #i& ,ein( or #$*in( ,een in $n %$nner $ '$rt to t#e c$&e! T#e (round& o) ine+i(i,i+it $nd di&2u$+i)ic$tion $re &et out in '$r$(r$'#& 170 15 $nd =1 $,o*e! I) t#e tri$+ i& , -CM0 t#e court %u&t ,e &$ti&)ied t#$t t#e %e%,er& $re o) t#e re2uired r$nA (AA!&!118 $nd AR!>9)! DDPre*iou& Next>>

81 Hindi



)5.B'dge Ad0o(ate. "W#ere $ FA #$& ,een $''ointed0 t#e court &#ou+d $&cert$in t#$t #e #$& ,een du+ $''ointed $nd i& not di&2u$+i)ied (AR&!>1(=) $nd 19=)! T#e con*enin( o))icer $''oint& t#e FA0 .#o %u&t ,e $n o))icer o) t#e de'$rt%ent o) t#e Fud(e Ad*oc$te -ener$+0 i) &uc# o))icer i& $*$i+$,+e0 or i) no &uc# o))icer i& $*$i+$,+e0 t#en $n o))icer $''ro*ed o) , t#e Fud(e Ad*oc$te -ener$+ or $n o) #i& de'utie& (AA!&!1=:)! A FA %u&t ,e $''ointed )or e*er -CM0 $nd %$ ,e $''ointed )or $ @CM (AA!&!1=:)! )6.*o+er& of ad<o'rnment of (o'rt.>T#e court #$& .ide di&cretion$r $dCourn%ent i) not &$ti&)ied on $n o) t#e $,o*e %$tter&! i& ' o)

Circu%&t$nce& %$ $ri&e .#ic# render $dCourn%ent co%'u+&or e!(!0 i) t#e court )in$++ reduced ,e+o. t#e +e($+ %ini%u%! An $dCourn%ent ot#er t#$n

$dCourn%ent& )ro% d$ to d$ 0 .it# t#e re$&on t#ere)ore0 &#ou+d ,e re'orted to t#e con*enin( o))icer (AR!>1(8))! )1. of the a(('&ed and 0a.idit of the (harge. "A)ter $&cert$inin( t#e *$+idit o) it& con&titution0 t#e Court .i++ next con&ider .#et#er t#e $ccu&ed i& $%en$,+e to it& Curi&diction (AR >=(+)($))! Fin$++ 0 t#e court %u&t ,e &$ti&)ied t#$t e$c# c#$r(e di&c+o&e& $n o))ence under t#e A A $nd i& 'ro'er+ )r$%ed in $ccord$nce .it# ARG $nd i& &o ex'+icit $& to en$,+e t#e $ccu&ed re$di+ to under&t$nd .#$t #e i& to $n&.er (AR >= (+)(,))! I) not &$ti&)ied on t#e $,o*e %$tter0 t#e court .i++ re'ort it& o'inion to t#e con*enin( $ut#orit $nd %$ $dCourn )or t#e 'ur'o&e (AR!>=(=))! (*ii) O'enin( o) t#e court )4.A$$earan(e of a(('&ed et(. "At t#e conc+u&ion o) t#e $,o*e 're+i%in$r 'roceedin(& t#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e ,rou(#t! ,e)ore t#e court .it# #i& e&cort! T#e 'ro&ecutor .#o %u&t ,e $ 'er&on &u,Cect to %i+it$r +$. (.it# #i& coun&e+0 i) $n ) .i++ t$Ae #i& '+$ce in court0 $nd $cco%%od$tion .i++ ,e $))orded )or t#e! de)endin( o))icer0 de)ence coun&e+ or 4)riend4 o) t#e $ccu&ed! It i& cu&to%$r 0 t#ou(# not o,+i($tor 0 )or t#e .itne&&e& to ,e 're&ent in court )ro% t#e ti%e .#en t#e $ccu&ed i& ,rou(#t in unti+ $)ter t#e %e%,er& #$*e ,een &.ornG t#e %u&t t#en .it#dr$. $nd &#ou+d not0 $& $ ru+e0 ,e $++o.ed to ,e in t#e court .#en not under ex$%in$tion! /7. O$ening of (o'rt. "T#e court i& no. o'en0 $nd t#e 'u,+ic .#et#er %i+it$r or ot#er.i&e (inc+udin( t#e 're&&) %$ ,e $d%itted &o )$r $& $cco%%od$tion 'er%it&! It %$ ,e c+o&ed $t $n ti%e to en$,+e t#e %e%,er& to de+i,er$te in c+o&ed court (AR!59)! T#e CourtEM$rti$+ i& $n o'en court +iAe ot#er Court& o) Cu&tice0 ,ut it #$& in#erent ' to &it in c$%er$ i) &uc# cour&e i& nece&&$r )or t#e $d%ini&tr$tion o) Cu&tice! DDPre*iou& Next>>

8= Hindi




/1. O8<e(tion 8 the a(('&ed to mem8er& of the (o'rt ! "T#e con*enin( order .i++ next ,e re$d in )u++ , t#e 're&idin( o))icer or FA (i) $n ) $nd t#e %e%,er& .i++ $n&.er to t#eir n$%e& (AA!&!189 $nd AR!>>)! T#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e $&Aed .#et#er #e o,Cect& to ,e tried , $n o))icer &ittin( on t#e court! T#e AA $nd AR cont$in e+$,or$te 'ro*i&ion& $& to t#e %ode o) en2uirin( $nd di&'o&in( o) o,Cection& , or on ,e#$+) o) t#e $ccu&ed! I)0 u'on $ &ucce&&)u+ o,Cection to $ %e%,er0 no .$itin( %e%,er0 .#o i& e+i(i,+e $nd 2u$+i)ied0 i& $*$i+$,+e to )i++ t#e

*$c$nc 0 t#e court &#ou+d nor%$++ $dCournG ,ut %$ 'roceed .it# t#e tri$+ in cert$in circu%&t$nce&0 'ro*ided t#$t t#ere i& $ +e($+ %ini%u% o) %e%,er& 're&ent (AA!&!1890 AR& 85 I >>)! W#ere0 u'on $ &ucce&&)u+ o,Cection to $ %e%,er o) t#e court0 $n $dCourn%ent i& nece&&$r 0 t#e con*enin( o))icer c$n0 i) #e '+e$&e&0 con*ene $ ne. court (AR 85(=))! An $ccu&ed #$& no ri(#t o) o,Cection to t#e 'ro&ecutor0 F A or $n o))icer under in&truction! /!.Tria.. of more than one a(('&ed. "W#ere %ore t#$n one $ccu&ed i& ordered in one con*enin( order to ,e tried , t#e &$%e court0 ,ut on &e'$r$te c#$r(eE&#eet&0 t#e %$ $++ ,e ,rou(#t ,e)ore t#e court )or t#e re$din( o) t#e con*enin( order! E$c# $ccu&ed 'er&on &#$++ #$*e ' to o,Cect to t#e %e%,er& o) t#e court $nd &#$++ ,e $&Aed &e'$r$te+ .#et#er #e o,Cect& to $n %e%,er (AR 5:)! /).S+earing of (o'rt" <'dge ad0o(ate et(. "A& &oon $& t#e court i& )in$++ con&tituted0 t#e 're&idin( o))icer .i++ direct $++ 'er&on& to &t$nd! T#e 're&idin( o))icer0 %e%,er&0 FA (i) $n ) $nd o))icer& under in&truction .i++ ,e &.orn or $))ir%ed0 t#e &#ort#$nd .riter $nd inter'reter (i) $n ) .i++ $+&o ,e &.orn or $))ir%ed $t t#i& &t$(e0 t#ou(# $ &#ort#$nd .riter $nd inter'reter %$ ,e &.orn $t $n ti%e durin( t#e tri$+! T#e $ccu&ed #$& $ ri(#t o) o,Cection to $ &#ort#$nd .riter or inter'retor (AR :9(8))! T#e )or% o) o$t# or $))ir%$tion $nd t#e %$nner o) t$Ain( it , $++ 'er&on& re2uired to ,e &.orn or $))ir%ed $nd t#e 'er&on& .#o $re to $d%ini&ter it $re (i*en in AR! Pro*i&ion i& $+&o %$de .#ere, $n o$t# or $))ir%$tion %$ ,e t$Aen in &uc# )or% $& t#e court $&cert$in& to ,e ,indin( on t#e 'er&on4& con&cience (AR&!>60 >70 19: $nd 1>9)! //.A8&en(e of mem8er& d'ring tria.! "A %e%,er o) t#e court .#o #$& ,een $,&ent durin( $n '$rt o) t#e e*idence ce$&e& to ,e $ %e%,er0 $nd $n o))icer c$nnot ,e $dded to $ courtE%$rti$+ $)ter t#e $ccu&ed #$& ,een $rr$i(ned (AR 5B(=))! (*iii) Arr$i(n%ent o) Accu&ed /3. Reading of (harge&! "A& &oon $& t#e %e%,er&0 FA (i) $n ) $nd ot#er& #$*e ,een &.orn0 t#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e $rr$i(ned on t#e c#$r(e& cont$ined in t#e c#$r(eE &#eet! DDPre*iou& Next>>

88 Hindi



T#e $rr$i(n%ent con&i&t& o) t#e re$din( o) e$c# c#$r(e &e'$r$te+ to t#e $ccu&ed $nd $&Ain( #i% .#et#er #e i& (ui+t or not (ui+t o) it (AR >5)! T#e FA or .#ere t#ere i& no FA0 t#e 're&idin( o))icer conduct& t#e $rr$i(n%ent!

I) t#ere $re &e*er$+ c#$r(e& in one c#$r(eE&#eet0 t#e $ccu&ed %$ c+$i% &e'$r$te tri$+ on e$c# or $n one c#$r(e on t#e (round t#$t un+e&& &o tried #e .i++ ,e e%,$rr$&&ed in #i& de)ence (AR 7:(6))! I) t#ere $re $+tern$ti*e c#$r(e& in one c#$r(eE&#eet $nd t#e $ccu&ed '+e$d& (ui+t to t#e )ir&t o) &uc# $+tern$ti*e&0t#e 'ro&ecutor %$ .it#dr$. t#e ot#er $+tern$ti*e c#$r(e or c#$r(e& ,e)ore t#e $ccu&ed i& $rr$i(ned u'on t#e%G ot#er.i&e t#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e $rr$i(ned u'on $++ t#e c#$r(e& .#et#er t#e $re $+tern$ti*e or not (AR 6=(8))! I) t#ere i& %ore t#$n one c#$r(eE&#eet t#e court %u&t not $rr$i(n t#e $ccu&ed u'on $n &u,&e2uent c#$r(eE&#eet unti+ t#e )indin( u'on t#e )ir&t c#$r(eE&#eet #$& ,een $rri*ed $t (AR 7:(1))! T#e $ccu&ed0 i) c#$r(ed Coint+ .it# $n 'er&on .#o% #e c+$i%& $& $ %$teri$+ .itne&& )or t#e de)ence0 %$ $''+ i) #e #$& not $+re$d done &o to ,e tried &e'$r$te+ )ro% t#$t 'er&on0 $nd t#e court %$ (r$nt &e'$r$te tri$+ i) t#e n$ture o) t#e c#$r(e 'er%it& (AR 86(>))! /5.*.ea to the <'ri&di(tion. "An $ccu&ed0 ,e)ore '+e$din( to $n c#$r(e %$ o))er $ '+e$ to t#e (ener$+ Curi&diction o) t#e court $nd (i*e e*idence in &u''ort o) t#$t '+e$! T#e court .i++ decide t#i& 2ue&tion o) Curi&diction in t#e &$%e %$nner $& $n ot#er 2ue&tion! I) t#e '+e$ i& o*erEru+ed0 t#e court .i++ 'roceed .it# t#e tri$+G i) it i& $++o.ed t#e court %u&t record it& deci&ion $nd t#e re$&on t#ere)or0 re'ort to t#e con*enin( o))icer $nd $dCourn! /uc# deci&ion i& not &u,Cect to con)ir%$tion $nd t#e con*enin( $ut#orit &#ou+d eit#er ) con*ene $not#er court )or t#e tri$+ o) t#e $ccu&ed0 or order #i& re+e$&e! I) in dou,t $& to *$+idit o) t#e '+e$0 t#e court %$ eit#er re)er t#e %$tter to t#e con*enin( $ut#orit or record $ &'eci$+ deci&ion $nd 'roceed .it# t#e tri$+ (AR!61)! A '+e$ to t#e Curi&diction i& $ '+e$ to t#e ri(#t to tr t#e $ccu&ed on $n c#$r(e $& di&tinct )ro% $ '+e$ .#ic# re+$te& to $ '$rticu+$r c#$r(e! /6. O8<e(tion to (harge! E1e)ore '+e$din( to $n c#$r(e t#e $ccu&ed %$ o,Cect to it on t#e (round& t#$t it doe& not di&c+o&e $n o))ence under t#e AA or $& not ,ein( in $ccord$nce .it# t#e AR! I) t#e court0 di&$++o.& t#e o,Cection t#e tri$+ .i++ 'roceedG i) it $++o.& it0 it .i++ or i) in dou,t0 it %$ 0 $dCourn to con&u+t t#e con*enin( $ut#orit .#o %$ $%end t#e c#$r(e $nd direct t#$t t#e tri$+ ,e 'roceeded .it# (AR!>:)! DDPre*iou& Next>>

8> Hindi



T#e court %$ $+.$ & it&e+) $%end $ %i&t$Ae in t#e c#$r(eE&#eet &o )$r $& it re+$te& to t#e n$%e $nd de&cri'tion o) t#e $ccu&ed ,ut not ot#er.i&e (AR!69(1))! A'$rt )ro% $n o,Cection , t#e $ccu&ed0 t#e court #$& 'o.er0 ,e)ore $n .itne&&e& $re ex$%ined0 to re'ort it& o'inion $& to $n c#$r(e .#ic# %$ $''e$r to it to ,e )$u+t 0 to t#e con*enin( $ut#orit 0 .#o %$ eit#er $%end t#e c#$r(e or direct $ ne. tri$+ to ,e co%%enced (AR 69(=))!

/1.Re(ording of $.eaD ref'&a. to $.ead" in&anit et(! "T#e '+e$ $nd o,Cection re)erred to in t#e t.o 'recedin( '$r$(r$'#& #$*in( ,een di&'o&ed o) (i) r$i&ed)0 t#e $ccu&ed4& '+e$ to t#e c#$r(e& u'on .#ic# #e #$& ,een $rr$i(ned .i++ ,e recordedG t#i& .i++ nor%$++ ,e 4(ui+t 4 or 4not (ui+t 4! 1ut t#e $ccu&ed %$ re)u&e to '+e$d or '+e$d uninte++i(i,+ 0 in .#ic# c$&e $ '+e$ o) 4not (ui+t 4 %u&t ,e recorded (AR!6=(1))G or it %$ ,e ur(ed t#$t t#e $ccu&ed i& un)it to '+e$d , re$&on o) in&$nit )or .#ic# e*ent AA $nd AR %$Ae 'ro*i&ion (AA!&&!1>6 to 1>: $nd AR!1>6)! /4.*.ea in 8ar of tria.! "In $ddition to '+e$din( 4(ui+t 4 or 4not (ui+t 4 t#e $ccu&ed %$ o))er $ '+e$ in ,$r o) tri$+ on t#e (round t#$t" ($) #e #$& ,een 're*iou&+ con*icted or $c2uitted o) t#e o))ence , Cri%in$+ Court or CourtEM$rti$+G or (,) #e #$& ,een de$+t .it# &u%%$ri+ %$ ,e0 )or t#e o))enceG or $ co%'etent

under AA!&&!590 580 5> $nd 56 $& t#e c$&e

(c) $ c#$r(e in re&'ect o) t#e o))ence #$& ,een di&%i&&ed $& 'ro*ided in AR!==(=)G or (d) t#e o))ence #$& ,een '$rdoned or condoned , co%'etent %i+it$r $ut#orit G or (e) t#e ti%e .#ic# #$& e+$'&ed ,et.een t#e co%%i&&ion o) t#e o))ence $nd t#e co%%ence%ent o) tri$+ i& %ore t#$n 8 e$r&0 $nd t#e ti%e +i%it )or tri$+ i& not extended under AA!&!1==! U'on t#e #e$rin( o) t#i& '+e$ e*idence %$ ,e o))ered ,ot# , t#e $ccu&ed $nd 'ro&ecutor $nd $ddre&&e& %$ ,e %$de! I) t#e court )ind& t#e '+e$ not 'ro*ed0 it .i++ 'roceed .it# t#e tri$+G i) it )ind& it 'ro*ed0 it .i++ record it& )indin( $nd noti) t#e &$%e to t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit $nd $dCourn0 t#ou(# it %$ 'roceed .it# $n ot#er c#$r(e not $))ected , t#e '+e$! In eit#er c$&e it& )indin( on t#e '+e$ re2uire& con)ir%$tion (AR!68)! 37. *.ea of g'i.t ! "I) t#e $ccu&ed '+e$d& 4(ui+t 4 to $ c#$r(e0 t#e 're&idin( o))icer or FA (i) $n ) %u&t0 ,e)ore recordin( t#e '+e$0 c$re)u++ ex'+$in to #i% t#e n$ture o) t#e c#$r(e $nd t#e e))ect o) #i& '+e$! It &#ou+d $+&o ,e 'ointed out to #i% t#$t on $ '+e$ o) 4(ui+t 4 t#ere .i++ ,e no re(u+$r tri$+ ,ut %ere+ $ con&ider$tion , t#e court o) t#e &entence to ,e $.$rded0 t#$t #e i& entit+ed to %$Ae $ DDPre*iou& Next>> 86 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


/t$te%ent in %iti($tion o) 'uni&#%ent $nd! c$++ .itne&&e& $& to #i& c#$r$cter (AR!6=(=))! He &#ou+d $+&o ,e in)or%ed t#$t i) #e .i&#e& to 'ro*e 'ro*oc$tion or extenu$tin( circu%&t$nce& #$*in( direct re+$tion to t#e O))ence #e &#ou+d '+e$d 4not (ui+t 4!

W#ere $n $ccu&ed '+e$d& (ui+t not to t#e o))ence c#$r(ed ,ut to $n o))ence .#ic# t#e court $)ter tri$+ cou+d #$*e )ound #i% (ui+t or (ui+t &u,Cect to *$ri$tion& $nd exce'tion& under AR!B=(>) $nd (6)0 t#e court %$ Kin&te$d o) $+terin( t#e '+e$ to one o) not (ui+t ) $cce't &uc# '+e$ o) (ui+t i) it i& &$ti&)ied o) t#e Cu&tice o) &uc# cour&e $nd t#e concurrence o) t#e con*enin( o))icer i& &i(ni)ied , t#e 'ro&ecutorG 'ro*ided0 #o.e*er0 )$i+ure to o,t$in t#e concurrence o) t#e con*enin( $ut#orit .i++ not in*$+id$te t#e 'roceedin(&0 .#en con)ir%ed (AR B= (:))0 T#e court c$nnot $cce't $ '+e$ o) 4(ui+t 4 in $ c$&e .#ere t#e $ccu&ed i& +i$,+e0 i) con*icted0 to ,e &entenced to de$t#G in &uc# $ c$&e $ '+e$ o) 4not (ui+t 4 .i++ ,e recorded (AR 6=(>))! 31.Mi?ed $.ea."EI) t#e $ccu&ed $d#ere& to #i& '+e$ o) 4(ui+t 40 t#e court .i++ t#en 'roceed to tr t#e $ccu&ed u'on $n ot#er c#$r(e u'on t#e &$%e c#$r(eE&#eet to .#ic# #e #$& '+e$ded 4not (ui+t 4 $nd re$c# it& )indin( t#ereon ,e)ore 'roceedin( )urt#er .it# t#e '+e$ o) 4(ui+t 4 (AR 6>(1))! T#e AR %$Ae &'eci$+! 'ro*i&ion& in t#e c$&e .#ere t#e $ccu&ed '+e$d& (ui+t to t#e )ir&t o) t.o or %ore $+tern$ti*e c#$r(e& (AR& 6=(8) $nd 6>(=))! 3!.*ro(ed're on $.ea of g'i.t E! W#en t#e court 'roceed& .it# $ '+e$ o) 4(ui+t 4 t#e &u%%$r (or $,&tr$ct) o) e*idence .i++ ,e re$d $nd &u))icient e*idence .i++ ,e recorded to co*er $n de)iciencie& in t#e &u%%$r (or $,&tr$ct)! T#e $ccu&ed %$ %$Ae $ &t$te%ent in re)erence to t#e c#$r(e $nd in %iti($tion o) 'uni&#%ent0 $nd .itne&&e& $& to c#$r$cter %$ ,e c$++ed (AR 6>(>) $nd (7))! I) )ro% t#e &t$te%ent o) t#e $ccu&ed or )ro% t#e &u%%$r (or $,&tr$ct) o) e*idence or ot#er.i&e0 it $''e$r& to t#e court t#$t t#e $ccu&ed did not under&t$nd t#e e))ect o) #i& '+e$0 t#e court %u&t enter $ '+e$ o) 4not (ui+t 4 $nd 'roceed .it# t#e tri$+ (AR 6>(6))! T#e 'rocedure in connection .it# t$Ain( e*idence o) c#$r$cter o) t#e $ccu&ed $nd t#e '$rticu+$r& o) #i& &er*ice $nd t#e con&ider$tion $nd $.$rd o) &entence i& de$+t .it# in '$r$&!59 to 57 ,e+o.! 3).D'tie& of *re&iding Offi(er!ET#e 're&idin( o))icer i& re&'on&i,+e )or t#e 'ro'er conduct o) e*er tri$+ .#et#er t#e $ccu&ed '+e$d& 4(ui+t 4 or 4not (ui+t 4! He %u&t en&ure t#$t t#e $ccu&ed doe& not &u))er $n di&$d*$nt$(e , re$&on o) t#e )$ct t#$t #e i& ,ein( tried or ,ec$u&e o) #i& i(nor$nce or inc$'$cit to %$Ae c+e$r eit#er #i& de)ence to t#e c#$r(e or t#e (round& u'on .#ic# #e re+ie& in %iti($tion o) $n 'uni&#%ent .#ic# %$ ,e $.$rded (AR 7B)! DDPre*iou& Next>>

8B Hindi


MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW ,i?- Tria. on $.ea of not g'i.t


3/.Ad<o'rnment of tria. on $i(a of not g'i.t !E 1e)ore 'roceedin( .it# $ tri$+ on $ '+e$ o) not (ui+t 0 $n $ccu&ed .i++ #e $&Aed .#et#er #e .i&#e& to $''+ )or

$n $dCourn%ent on t#e (round& t#$t #e #$& ,een 'reCudiced , nonEco%'+i$nce .it# $n o) t#e ru+e& re+$tin( to 'rocedure ,e)ore tri$+ or t#$t #e #$& not #$d &u))icient o''ortunit to 're'$re #i& de)ence! I) t#e court con&ider& t#$t #e #$& ,een 'reCudiced eit#er , nonEco%'+i$nce .it# $n o) t#e ru+e& or ,ec$u&e #e #$d not #$d ti%e to 're'$re #i& de)ence0 it .i++ (r$nt $n $dCourn%ent0 i) t#e intere&t& o) Cu&tice &o re2uire (AR 6B(1) $nd (=))! 33!T#e 'ro&ecutor &#ou+d $+.$ & %$Ae $n o'enin( $ddre&& i) t#e c$&e i& $ co%'+ic$ted one0 $nd t#e court %$ re2uire &uc# $ddre&& to ,e %$de! He &#ou+d ex'+$in t#e &u,&t$nce o) t#e c#$r(e $nd out+ine t#e 'ro'o&ed e*idence to ,e c$++ed in &u''ort o) it (AR 6B(8))! T#e 'ro&ecutor i& not $ '$rti&$n ,ut $n o))icer o) Cu&tice .#o&e dut it i&0 , +$ in( $++ re+e*$nt )$ct& in e*idence ,e)ore t#e court0 to $&&i&t t#e court in $&cert$inin( t#e trut#! He %u&t $ct .it# &cru'u+ou& c$ndour0 )$irne&& $nd %oder$tion to.$rd& t#e $ccu&ed0 t#e .itne&&e& $nd t#e court (AR!77(1)0(=))! An de'$rture )ro% t#i& ru+e o) conduct &#ou+d $t once ,e c#ecAed , t#e court! 35. Witne&&e& for $ro&e('tion!ET#e .itne&&e& )or t#e 'ro&ecution .i++ no. ,e c$++ed! E$c# .itne&& .i++ t$Ae t#e nece&&$r o$t# or %$Ae t#e re2uired $))ir%$tion (AA!&!181 $nd AR!1>9)! T#i& 'ro*i&ion .i++ not0 #o.e*er0 $''+ .#ere t#e .itne&& i& $ c#i+d under t.e+*e e$r& o) $(e $nd t#e courtE%$rti$+ i& o) o'inion t#$t t#ou(# t#e .itne&& under&t$nd& t#e dut o) &'e$Ain( t#e trut#0 #e doe& not under&t$nd t#e n$ture o) $n o$t# or $))ir%$tion (AA!&!181(8))! T#e ex$%in$tion o) t#e .itne&& .i++ ,e conducted , t#e 'ro&ecutor .#o %u&t ,e c$re)u+ to re)r$in )ro% $&Ain( +e$din( 2ue&tion&! A)ter (i*in( e*idence ?inEc#ie)? t#e .itne&& %$ ,e cro&&Eex$%ined , t#e de)ence $nd $)ter &uc# cro&&Eex$%in$tion #e %$ ,e reEex$%ined , t#e 'ro&ecutor on %$tter& $ri&in( out o) cro&&E ex$%in$tion (IEA!&!187)! At t#e conc+u&ion o) t#e ex$%in$tion0 cro&&Eex$%in$tion $nd reEex$%in$tion0 t#e 're&idin( o))icer0 FA (i) $n ) $nd .it# t#e 'er%i&&ion o) t#e court $n %e%,er o) t#e court %$ 2ue&tion $ .itne&& $t $n ti%e ,e)ore #e .it#dr$.&0 ,ut &uc# 2ue&tion& &#ou+d not ,e 'ut unti+ $)ter t#e reEex$%in$tion , t#e 'ro&ecutorG $nd t#e 'ro&ecutor $nd t#e de)ence %$ $&A $n 2ue&tion& t#rou(# t#e court $ri&in( out o) &uc# ex$%in$tion (AR!1>=)! T#e %e%,er& o) t#e court &#ou+d ,e c$re)u+ .#en 2ue&tionin( $ .itne&& to en&ure t#$t t#e do not $&A $n 2ue&tion& .#ic# %i(#t re&u+t in in$d%i&&i,+e e*idence ,ein( (i*en! I) $n o,Cection i& t$Aen to $ 2ue&tion , t#e .itne&&0 t#e court or t#e o''o&ite '$rt 0 t#e o,Cection .i++ ,e de$+t .it# $t t#e &$%e ti%e (AR!55)! T#e court %$ order t#e .itne&& to +e$*e t#e court .#en t#e %$tter i& di&cu&&ed! 36. Re(ording of e0iden(e! "A& $ .itne&& (i*e& #i& e*idence0 it %u&t ,e tr$n&+$ted (i) not in En(+i&#) $nd t$Aen do.n in n$rr$ti*e )or% in t#e )ir&t 'er&on in $& ne$r+ $& 'o&&i,+e t#e .ord& u&edG occ$&ion$++ 0 it %$ ,e %$teri$+ or de&ir$,+e to t$Ae do.n 2ue&tion& $nd $n&.er& *er,$ti%! DDPre*iou& Next>>

87 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


I) t#ere i& no &#ort#$nd .riter t#e FA or i) t#ere i& none0 t#e 're&idin( o))icer %u&t record t#e e*idence or c$u&e it to #e recorded0 $nd i& re&'on&i,+e )or it& $ccur$c $nd t#e 'roceedin(& $& $ .#o+e (AR& :1 $nd :=)! 31. Inter$reter0! "W#ere $n inter'reter i& e%'+o ed0 (re$t c$ution &#ou+d ,e exerci&ed to en&ure $ccur$te tr$n&+$tion0 $nd to (u$rd $($in&t %i&conce'tion o) t#e true %e$nin( o) $n ex're&&ion0 )ro% eit#er t#e inco%'etence or 'o&&i,+e ,i$& o) t#e inter'reter! A %e%,er o) $ courtE%$rti$+ i& not di&2u$+i)ied )ro% $ctin( $& inter'reter0 ,ut t#i& i& incon*enient .#ere t#e e*idence re2uirin( inter'ret$tion i& +iAe+ to ,e 'ro+on(ed! 34. Reading o0er the e0iden(e! "1e)ore $ .itne&& .it#dr$.&0 t#e .#o+e o) #i& e*idence $& recorded &#$++ ,e re$d to #i% i) #e &o re2ue&t&G #e %$ t#en %$Ae )urt#er ex'+$n$tion& or correction& (AR 1>1(=))! W#ere e*idence i& recorded , &#ort#$nd .riter0 it &#$++ not! ,e nece&&$r to re$d t#e e*idence o) t#e .itne&& to #i% i) in t#e o'inion o) t#e court $nd t#e FA (i) $n ) it i& unnece&&$r &o to do (AR 1>1(6))! 57. *.ea of no (a&e! "At t#e c+o&e o) t#e c$&e )or t#e 'ro&ecution t#e de)ence %$ &u,%it t#$t t#e e*idence $dduced doe& not di&c+o&e $ 'ri%$E)$cie c$&e0 $($in&t t#e $ccu&ed $nd #e &#ou+d not0 t#ere)ore0 ,e c$++ed u'on )or #i& de)ence! T#e 'ro&ecutor %$ $n&.er t#e &u,%i&&ion $nd t#e de)ence %$ re'+ ! I) $ FA i& 're&ent0 #e %$ 0 i) #e t#inA& it nece&&$r &u%Eu' on t#e &u,%i&&ion! T#e court .i++ t#en c+o&e to con&ider t#e &u,%i&&ion0 t#e FA0 i) $n 0 ,ein( 're&ent AR 67! I) t#e court $++o.& t#e &u,%i&&ion it .i++ record $ )indin( o) 4not (ui+t 4 in re&'ect o) $n one or %ore c#$r(e&0 to .#ic# t#e '+e$ re+$ted! I) t#e court o*erEru+e& t#e &u,%i&&ion it .i++ 'roceed .it# t#e tri$+! T#e &u,%i&&ion .i++ not ,e $++o.ed i) t#e court cou+d on t#e e*idence $dduced0 ,rin( in $ &'eci$+ )indin(! 51. O$ening of defen(e. "At t#e c+o&e o) t#e c$&e o) t#e 'ro&ecution0 $nd $)ter t#e '+e$ o) no c$&e0 i) $n 0 #$& ,een di&$++o.ed0 t#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e $&Aed i) #e intend& to c$++ $n .itne&&e& eit#er $& to t#e )$ct& or $& to c#$r$cterG $nd #i& $n&.er .i++ ,e recorded! I) t#e $ccu&ed &t$te& t#$t #e doe& not intend to c$++ $n .itne&&e& $& to t#e )$ct& o) t#e c$&e0 t#e $ccu&ed %$ %$Ae $ &t$te%ent (i*in( #i& $ccount o) t#e c$&eG &uc# &t$te%ent %$ ,e %$de or$++ or in .ritin( ,ut no o$t# &#$++ ,e $d%ini&tered to t#e $ccu&ed! T#e court or t#e FA0 i) $n 0 %$ 2ue&tion t#e $ccu&ed )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) en$,+in( #i% to ex'+$in $n circu%&t$nce& $''e$rin( in #i& &t$te%ent or in t#e e*idence $($in&t #i%! T#e $ccu&ed &#$++ not render #i%&e+) +i$,+e to 'uni&#%ent , re)u&in( to $n&.er &uc# 2ue&tion& or , (i*in( $n&.er& to t#e% .#ic# #e Ano.& not to ,e trueG ,ut t#e court %$ dr$. &uc# in)erence )ro% &uc# re)u&$+ or $n&.er& $& it t#inA& Cu&t (AR 65(=)($))!



85 Hindi




T#e $ccu&ed %$ 0 i) #e .i&#e&0 c$++ .itne&&e& $& to #i& c#$r$cter AR 65(=)(,) 5!. *ro(ed're on (a&e for the defen(e. E I) t#e $ccu&ed &t$te& in $n&.er to t#e 2ue&tion re)erred to in t#e 'recedin( '$r$0 t#$t #e intend& to c$++ .itne&&e& $& or in .ritin( ,ut no o$t# &#$++ ,e $d%ini&tered to t#e $ccu&ed! T#e court or FA out+inin( t#e )$ct& .#ic# it intend& to 'ro*e (AR 6:($))! 5). E0iden(e for the defen(e. "T#e $ccu&ed %$ t#en %$Ae $ &t$te%ent (i*in( t#e &u,Cect o) t#e c#$r(e $($in&t #i%G t#e &t$te%ent %$ ,e %$de or$++ or in .ritin( ,ut no o$t# &#$++ ,e $d%ini&tered to t#e $ccu&ed! T#e court or FA (i) $n ) %$ t#en 2ue&tion #i% $& out+ined in '$r$ B1 $,o*e (AR 6:(,))! T#e $ccu&ed &#$++ t#en c$++ #i& .itne&&e& inc+udin( i) #e &o de&ire& $n .itne&&e& $& to c#$r$cter (AR 6:(c))! 5/.Re( of +itne&&e&!"At t#e re2ue&t o) t#e 'ro&ecutor or $ccu&ed $nd , +e$*e o) t#e court0 $ .itne&& %$ ,e rec$++ed $t $n ti%e0 )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) #$*in( )urt#er 2ue&tion& 'ut to #i% t#rou(# t#e 're&idin( o))icer or FA (i) $n ) (AR 1>8(1))! T#e court %$ $+&o $++o. t#e 'ro&ecutor to c$++ or rec$++ $ .itne&& to re,ut $n %$teri$+ &t$te%ent %$de , $ .itne&& )or t#e de)ence or )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) (i*in( e*idence on $n ne. %$tter .#ic# t#e 'ro&ecutor cou+d not #$*e re$&on$,+ )ore&een (AR 1>8 (=)) or $& $ re'+ to t#e .itne&&e& to c#$r$cter c$++ed )or t#e de)ence0 to 'ro*e 're*iou& con*iction& $($in&t t#e $ccu&ed (AR 1>8(8))! In $++ t#e&e c$&e& t#e $ddition$+ e*idence %u&t ,e (i*en ,e)ore t#e c+o&in( $ddre&& , or on ,e#$+) o) t#e $ccu&ed! T#e court %$ o) t#eir o.n %otion0 c$++ or rec$++ $n %$teri$+ .itne&& i) it i& nece&&$r to do &o in t#e intere&t& o) Cu&ticeG &uc# .itne&& %$ ,e c$++ed or rec$++ed $t $n ti%e ,e)ore t#e )indin( o) t#e court i& $rri*ed $t (AR 1>8(>))! 53. Withdra+a. of $.ea of not g'i.t ! "An $ccu&ed 'er&on i& $t +i,ert ! $t $n ti%e0 to .it#dr$. $ '+e$ o) 4not (ui+t 4 $nd '+e$d 4(ui+t 4 (AR 66)! 55. #.o&ing addre&&e&. E"T#e order in .#ic# t#e 'ro&ecutor $nd de)ence $ddre&&e& t#e court de'end& on .#et#er t#e $ccu&ed c$++& .itne&&e& to t#e )$ct&! T#e 'rocedure i& +$id do.n in AR& 65 $nd 6:! W#ere t#e $ccu&ed doe& not c$++ .itne&&e& to )$ct&0 t#e de)ence #$& t#e ri(#t o) re'+ ! 56. Latit'de to a(('&ed in defen(e. "T#e $ccu&ed %u&t ,e $++o.ed (re$t +$titude in %$Ain( #i& de)ence0 $nd .i++ not0 .it#in re$&on$,+e +i%it& ,e &to''ed , t#e court %ere+ )or %$Ain( irre+e*$nt o,&er*$tion&!

In no c$&e %$ t#e 'ro&ecutor or de)ence in t#e cour&e o) $n $ddre&& &t$te $& $ )$ct $n %$tter .#ic# #$& not ,een 'ro*ed! 51. S'mming '$ 8 <'dge ad0o(ate. "W#en t#e c+o&in( $ddre&&e& #$*e ,een (i*en0 t#e FA (i) $n ) .i++ &u% u' t#e e*idence $nd $d*i&e t#e court u'on t#e +$. re+$tin( to t#e c$&e (AR& B9 $nd 196(6))! A)ter t#e &u%%in( u' o) t#e FA0 no ot#er $ddre&& .i++ ,e $++o.ed! DDPre*iou& 8: Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW A++ $ddre&&e& , t#e 'ro&ecutor $nd t#e de)ence $nd t#e &u%%in( u' o) t#e FA %$ eit#er ,e (i*en or$++ or in .ritin(0 $nd i) in .ritin(0 &#$++ ,e re$d in o'en court (AR 1>>)! A& $ ru+e t#e &u%%in( u' o) t#e FA &#ou+d ,e in .ritin(! 54. Time and $.a(e of tria.! "AR&590 51 $nd 5= +$ o) t#e court0 #our& o) &ittin( $nd $dCourn%ent re&'ecti*e+ ! do.n )or t#e &ittin( Next>> Next>>

67. Aie+&! "W#ere $ court con&ider& it nece&&$r to *ie. $n '+$ce it %$ do &o $t $n ti%e ,e)ore )indin( (AR 5=(=))0 ,ut t#ere %u&t ,e 're&ent $t &uc# *ie. not on+ t#e 're&idin( o))icer $nd %e%,er o) t#e court $nd t#e FA0 i) $n 0 ,ut $+&o t#e 'ro&ecutor0 t#e $ccu&ed $nd #i& de)endin( o))icer or coun&e+! ,?- De.i8eration of finding 61. :inding in (.o&ed% (o'rt. E T#e )indin( %u&t ,e de+i,er$ted in c+o&ed court0 t#e %e%,er&0 FA (i) $n )0 $nd o))icer& under in&truction $+one ,ein( 're&ent KAR B1(1))! T#e court %u&t record $ )indin( on e*er c#$r(e u'on .#ic# t#e $ccu&ed i& $rr$i(ned0 inc+udin( $n $+tern$ti*e c#$r(e (AR B=(1))! 6!. On'& of $roof rea&ona8.e do'8t" (orro8oration! "At t#e out&et o) it& de+i,er$tion& t#e court %u&t re%e%,er t#$t t#e $ccu&ed i& 're&u%ed to ,e innocent unti+ #e i& 'ro*ed to ,e (ui+t 0 $nd t#$t t#e ,urden o) 'roo) re&t& u'on t#e 'ro&ecution! Un+e&&0 t#ere)ore0 t#e (ui+t o) t#e $ccu&ed i& e&t$,+i&#ed ,e ond $ re$&on$,+e dou,t0 t#e $ccu&ed %u&t ,e $c2uitted0 $& t#e 'ro&ecution #$& )$i+ed to &u&t$in $de2u$te+ t#e ,urden o) 'ro*in( #i& (ui+t! It i& +e($++ o'en to $ court to con*ict $n $ccu&ed 'er&on u'on t#e e*idence o) one credi,+e .itne&&! 1ut in &o%e c$&e& corro,or$tion o) &uc# .itne&& i& re2uired0 , 'r$ctice $+%o&t $%ountin( to $ ru+e o) +$.G in ot#er& it i& de&ir$,+e t#$t corro,or$tion &#ou+d ,e +ooAed )or0 t#ou(# not $ctu$++ re2uired , +$. or 'r$ctice! 6). E?traneo'& (on&ideration! "T#e court0 in con&iderin( it& deci&ion %u&t not ,e in)+uenced , t#e con&ider$tion o) $n &u''o&ed intention o) t#e con*enin( $ut#orit in &endin( t#e $ccu&ed )or tri$+ , $ '$rticu+$r Aind o) courtE%$rti$+! In

%$n c$&e& t#e con*enin( $ut#orit .i++ #$*e decided no %ore t#$n $ 'ri%$E)$cie c$&e $($in&t t#e $ccu&ed i& &#o.n u'on t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence $nd #e .i++ #$*e )or%ed no o'inion $& to t#e (ui+t o) t#e $ccu&ed! An $c2uitt$+0 t#ere)ore0 i& not in it&e+) $ re)+ection u'on t#e con*enin( $ut#orit ! E*en i) it .ere0 it .ou+d $))ord no re$&on .#$te*er )or $ court to con*ict0 un+e&& t#e e*idence e&t$,+i&#e& t#e c#$r(e! 6/. *roof of fa(t& (hargedD &$e(ia. finding on the (harge. "T#e court %u&t decide .#et#er t#e )$ct& $++e(ed in t#e '$rticu+$r& o) e$c# c#$r(e #$*e ,een 'ro*ed in e*idence0 $nd i) 'ro*ed0 .#et#er t#e di&c+o&e t#e o))ence &t$ted in t#e c#$r(e it&e+) or $n o))ence .#ic# it %$ 0 'ur&u$nt to it& ' under AA!&!18:0 )ind t#e $ccu&ed (ui+t ! T#u& on $ c#$r(e o) de&ertion0 it %$ )ind t#e '$rticu+$r& $& to t#e 'eriod o) $,&ence 'ro*ed0 ,ut not t#e intent to +e$*e t#e &er*ice DDPre*iou& Next>> >9 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


$+to(et#er or to $*oid &o%e '$rticu+$r i%'ort$nt dut E$ nece&&$r in(redient o) t#e c#$r(e0 in &uc# $ c$&e0 it %$ return $! )indin( o) not (ui+t o) de&ertion0 ,ut (ui+t o) $,&ence .it#out +e$*e (AA!&!18:(1))! 63. S$e(ia. finding& a& to the $arti('.ar& of a (harge. E"W#ere t#e court )ind& .#$t t#e )$ct& 'ro*ed in e*idence di))er %$teri$++ )ro% t#e )$ct& $++e(ed in t#e '$rticu+$r& o) $ c#$r(e0 ,ut $re ne*ert#e+e&&! &u))icient to 'ro*e t#e o))ence c#$r(ed0 $nd t#e di))erence i& not &o %$teri$+ $& to #$*e 'reCudiced t#e $ccu&ed in #i& de)ence0 it %$ record $ &'eci$+ )indin( $& to t#e '$rticu+$r&! T#u&0 on $ c#$r(e o) de&ertion0 i) t#e court i& &$ti&)ied t#$t t#e c#$r(e $& +$id i& 'ro*ed0 ,ut t#e 'eriod o) $,&ence i& &#orter t#$n t#$t $++e(ed in t#e '$rticu+$r&0 it %$ %$Ae &'eci$+ )indin( to t#$t e))ect (AR B=(>) $nd (6))! 65. Referen(e to #onfirming A'thorit 8efore finding! "I) t#e court dou,t& .#et#er t#e )$ct& 'ro*ed &#o. t#e $ccu&ed to ,e (ui+t o) t#e o))ence c#$r(ed or o) $n ot#er o))ence o) .#ic# #e %$ ,e )ound (ui+t under t#e AA0 ,e)ore recordin( it& )indin( it %$ re)er t#e %$tter to t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit 0 &ettin( out t#e )$ct& .#ic# it )ind& 'ro*ed! T#e court %$ )o++o. &i%i+$r 'rocedure in re&'ect o) $+tern$ti*e c#$r(e& (AR B=(8L $nd (5))! 66. Aoting on the finding! E*er %e%,er %u&t (i*e0 , .ord o) %out#0 #i& o'inion $& to t#e )indin( .#ic# &#ou+d ,e %$de on e$c# c#$r(e &e'$r$te+ (AR 57(1))! T#e o'inion& %u&t ,e t$Aen in &ucce&&ion ,e(innin( .it# t#e %e%,er +o.e&t in r$nA (AR 57(=))! I) t#e *ote& (i*en $re e2u$+ t#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e dee%ed to ,e $c2uitted! T#e 're&idin( o))icer #$& no &econd or c$&tin( *ote u'on t#e )indin(! T#e %$Corit o) *ote& .i++ decide t#e i&&ue0 $nd t#e )indin( o) t#e %$Corit .i++ ,e recorded $& t#e )indin( o) t#e court (AA&!18=(1))! T#e )indin( on e$c# c#$r(e &#$++ ,e $nnounced ) in o'en court $& &u,Cect to con)ir%$tion (AR B=(19))!

61. A(E'itta.!"A )indin( o) $c2uitt$+ , $ courtE%$rti$+ (ot#er t#$n /CM)0 .#et#er u'on $++ or $n one or %ore o) t#e c#$r(e& in t#e c#$r(eE&#eet i& not *$+id unti+ continued , t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit (AA!&!168)0 $nd it %$ ,e re*i&ed (AA!&!1B9)! T#e record o) t#e 'roceedin(& in t#e c$&e o) $n $c2uitt$+ u'on t#e c#$r(e& in $ c#$r(eE&#eet .i++ ,e $ut#entic$ted , t#e &i(n$ture& o) t#e 're&idin( o))icer $nd A (i) $n ) $nd )or.$rded to t#e con)ir%in( o))icer (AR B8)! 64. G'i.t 8't of 'n&o'nd mind!EEW#ere t#e court )ind& t#$t t#e $ccu&ed i& (ui+t o) t#e o))ence c#$r(ed ,ut .$& , re$&on o) un&oundne&& o) %ind inc$'$,+e o) t#e n$ture o) t#e $ct or t#$t it .$& .ron( or contr$r to +$.0 t#e court &#$++ record $ )indin( $ccordin(+ (AA&!1>6(1))0 $nd t#e 're&idin( o))ice &#$++ ) re'ort t#e c$&e to t#e con)ir%in( o))icer (AA&! 1>6(=))! DDPre*iou& Next>>

>1 Hindi



I) t#e con)ir%in( o))icer doe& not con)ir% t#e )indin(0 #e &#$++ t$Ae &te'& to #$*e t#e $ccu&ed tried , t#e &$%e or $not#er courtE%$rti$+ )or t#e &$%e o))ence (AA!&!1>6(8))! ,?i- *ro(eeding& on (on0i(tion 17. E0iden(e a& to (hara(ter and &er0i(e"I) t#e )indin( u'on $n c#$r(e i& (ui+t (.#et#er or not t#e $ccu&ed #$& '+e$ded (ui+t t#ereto) $nd t#e tri$+ in re&'ect o) $++ c#$r(e& $nd c#$r(eE&#eet& #$& ,een co%'+eted0 t#e court )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) deter%inin( it& &entence0 &#$++0 .#ene*er 'o&&i,+e0 t$Ae e*idence o) $nd record t#e (ener$+ c#$r$cter0 $(e0 &er*ice0 r$nA $nd $n reco(ni&ed $ct& o) ($++$ntr or di&tin(ui&#ed conduct etc!0 o) t#e $ccu&ed! T#i& e*idence %u&t ,e (i*en , $ .itne&& on o$t# or $))ir%$tion0 u&u$++ t#e 'ro&ecutor0 .#o .i++ 'roduce extr$ct& )ro% t#e re(i%ent$+ ,ooA& re+$tin( to t#e $ccu&ed in $ccord$nce .it# t#e Ru+e&! T#e $ccu&ed or #i& re're&ent$ti*e %$ t#en cro&&Eex$%ine t#i& .itne&&! Or$+ e*idence o) ,$d c#$r$cter c$nnot ,e (i*en )or t#e 'ro&ecution! T#e $ccu&ed %$ c$++ e*idence $& to #i& (ood c#$r$cter $t t#i& &t$(e0 $& .e++ $& durin( t#e #e$rin( o) t#e c$&e )or t#e de)ence0 $nd t#e 'ro&ecutor #$& t#e ri(#t o) cro&&Eex$%in$tion to te&t t#e *er$cit o) &uc# e*idence0 e*en i) #e t#ere, ,rin(& out e*idence o) t#e $ccu&ed4& ,$d c#$r$cter! A)ter $++ t#e e*idence $& to c#$r$cter #$& ,een (i*en0 t#e $ccu&ed or #i& re're&ent$ti*e %$ $ddre&& t#e court t#ereon $nd in %iti($tion o) 'uni&#%ent (AA!&!1>> $nd AR B>(>))!

T#e court .i++ t#en ,e c+o&ed )or con&ider$tion o) &entence! 11. *o&t$onement of &enten(e!"W#ere &e*er$+ $ccu&ed $re tried &e'$r$te+ , t#e &$%e court on c#$r(e& $ri&in( out o) t#e &$%e tr$n&$ction0 t#e court %$ 0 i) it con&ider& it de&ir$,+e in t#e intere&t& o) Cu&tice0 'o&t'one con&ider$tion o) $n &entence to ,e $.$rded to $n one or %ore 'er&on& unti+ t#e tri$+& o) $++ &uc# $ccu&ed 'er&on& #$*e ,een co%'+eted (AR 5:(>))! ,?ii- A+ard of &enten(e 1! and form of &enten(e."T#e 'uni&#%ent $.$rded %u&t ,e one o) t#o&e $++o.ed , t#e AA (AA c#$'ter ;II)0 in &o%e c$&e& $ co%,in$tion o) 'uni&#%ent& i& 'er%itted , AA (AA!&!78)! One &entence on+ %u&t ,e $.$rded in re&'ect o) $++ t#e o))ence& o) .#ic# $n $ccu&ed 'er&on #$& ,een )ound (ui+t 0 e*en i) t#e tri$+ #$& 'roceeded on di))erent c#$r(eE&#eet&0 $nd .#ere $n $ccu&ed 'er&on #$& ,een )ound (ui+t on &e*er$+ c#$r(e&0 $ &entence .#ic# c$n +e($++ ,e $.$rded in re&'ect o) one o) t#e% .i++ ,e *$+id$ndin( t#$t it cou+d not +e($++ #$*e ,een $.$rded in re&'ect o) t#e ot#er& (AR B6)! T#e &entence &#ou+d )o++o. t#e 're&cri,ed )or%& &et out in A''endix III to AR&G or0 i) no )or% i& ex$ct+ $''+ic$,+e0 it &#ou+d )o++o. $& ne$r+ $& 'o&&i,+e t#e .ord& o) t#e AA! DDPre*iou& Next>> >= Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


1). Di&(retion a& to &enten(e!"A courtE%$rti$+ #$& (exce't in t#e c$&e o) $n o,+i($tor 'uni&#%ent )or $n o))ence under AA!&!B: e!(!0 %urder) $n $,&o+ute di&cretion $& to it& &entence! It %$ $.$rd t#e %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent 're&cri,ed )or t#e '$rticu+$r o))ence c#$r(ed or &uc# +e&& 'uni&#%ent $& i& +$id do.n in AA!&!710 .#ic# &et& out $ (r$du$ted &c$+e o) 'uni&#%ent& .#ic# $ courtE%$rti$+ %$ E $.$rd (AA!&!7=)! 1/. #on&ideration& affe(ting &enten(e!"A courtE%$rti$+ 'uni&#%ent &#ou+d t$Ae into con&ider$tion t#e ) 'oint&HE $.$rdin(

(a) The maintenance of disciplineH T#e 'ro'er $%ount o) 'uni&#%ent to ,e in)+icted i& t#e +e$&t $%ount , .#ic# di&ci'+ine c$n e))ecti*e+ ,e %$int$inedG occ$&ion$++ t#e exi(encie& o) di&ci'+ine0 $'$rt )ro% t#e circu%&t$nce& o) t#e c$&e %$ render $ &e*ere &entence nece&&$r 0 ,ut in $++ c$&e& t#e .#o+e )orce &#ou+d ,e in $ 'o&ition to re$+i3e t#$t t#e 'uni&#%ent $.$rded to $n indi*idu$+ i& not %ore t#$n i& nece&&$r in t#e intere&t& o) t#e )orce it&e+) $nd )or t#e %$inten$nce o) t#$t di&ci'+ine0 .it#out .#ic# $n ,od o) troo'& %u&t ,eco%e $n irre&'on&i,+e %o, $nd u&e+e&& )or t#e 'ur'o&e )or .#ic# it exi&t&! It %u&t ,e t#e o,Cect o) $++ concerned to $i% $t t#$t #i(# &t$te o) di&ci'+ine .#ic# &'rin(& )ro% $ %i+it$r & &te% $d%ini&tered .it# Cud(%ent $nd i%'$rti$+it $nd to induce in $++ r$nA& $

)ee+in( o) con)idence t#$t0 .#i+e no o))ence .i++ ,e '$&&ed o*er0 no o))ender .i++ in $n circu%&t$nce& &u))er inCu&tice! (b) Degrees of criminalityH A NCO &#ou+d ,e de$+t .it# %ore &e*er$++ t#$n $ &e'o G .#ere &e*er$+ o))ender& $re )ound (ui+t o) t#e &$%e o))ence it %$ ,e 'ro'er to $.$rd di))erent $%ount& o) 'uni&#%ent! (c) PremeditationHAn $ccu&ed .#o #$& c+e$r+ %$de +on( 're'$r$tion to co%%it &o%e cri%e &#ou+d ,e %ore &e*ere+ 'uni&#ed t#$n one .#o #$& $cted on t#e &'ur o) t#e %o%ent! (d) ProvocationHW#i+e 'ro*oc$tion i& no de)ence to $ c#$r(e t#e court .i++ no dou,t t$Ae t#i& %$tter into con&ider$tion! (e) Previo s convictionsH An #$,itu$+ o))ender de&er*e& %ore 'uni&#%ent t#$n $n in)re2uent o))ender0 $nd $ )ir&t o))ender i) 'o&&i,+e ,e tre$ted +enient+ ! ()) Pre*$+ence o) o))ence H Mi+it$r o))ence& %u&t &o%eti%e& ,e con&idered in re)erence to circu%&t$nce& ot#er t#$n t#o&e connected .it# t#e indi*idu$+ o))ender! W#en t#ere i& $ (ener$+ 're*$+ence o) o))ence& or o) o))ence o) $ '$rticu+$r Aind0 $n ex$%'+e %$ ,e nece&&$r 0 $nd on t#$t $ccount $ &e*ere 'uni&#%ent %$ 'ro'er+ ,e $.$rded0 in re&'ect o) $n o))ence .#ic# .ou+d ot#er.i&e recei*e $ %ore +enient 'uni&#%ent! In &uc# c$&e& t#e 'uni&#%ent %u&t ,e re($rded %ore )ro% t#e 'oint o) *ie. o) t#e e))ect .#ic# it .i++ 'roduce on t#e )orce to .#ic# t#e o))ender ,e+on(& t#$n t#$t o) t#e o))ender #i%&e+)! T#e court %u&t $+.$ & $.$rd &uc# 'uni&#%ent $& t#e %e%,er& con&ider to ,e Cu&t $nd 'ro'er $nd %u&t not 're&u%e t#$t (#e con*enin( $ut#orit 0 in &endin( t#e c$&e )or tri$+0 tooA $ %ore &eriou& *ie. o) t#e )$ct&! DDPre*iou& Next>>

>8 Hindi



13. Re(ommendation to mer( !"T#e court %$ 0 in $.$rdin( &entence0 %$Ae $ reco%%end$tion to %erc 0 ,ut in *ie. o) t#e di&cretion o) t#e court in t#e %$tter o) $.$rdin( &entence0 &uc# $ reco%%end$tion .ou+d #e unu&u$+0 exce't in c$&e& .#ere t#e court c$n $.$rd on+ one 'uni&#%ent! I) &uc# reco%%end$tion i& %$de0 it %u&t )or% '$rt o) t#e 'roceedin(& $nd t#e re$&on )or it %u&t ,e recorded (AR BB)! 15. Aoting on the &enten(e!"E*er %e%,er o) t#e court %u&t (i*e #i& o'inion $& to t#e &entence to ,e $.$rded0 e*en i) #e #$d *oted )or $n $c2uitt$+ u'on t#e )indin(! T#e o))icer Cunior in r$nA %u&t )ir&t (i*e #i& o'inion0 In t#e c$&e o) $n e2u$+it o) *ote&0 t#e deci&ion %u&t ,e in )$*our o) t#e $ccu&ed! T#e 're&idin( o))icer #$& no &econd or c$&tin( *ote u'on t#e &entence! An $,&o+ute %$Corit o) t#e o'inion& o) t#e %e%,er& %u&t ,e &ecured (AA!&!18=)G $ &entence o) de$t# c$nnot ,e '$&&ed , $ -CM .it#out t#e concurrence o) $t +e$&t t.oEt#ird& o) t#e %e%,er&! A &entence o) de$t# c$nnot ,e '$&&ed , $ /-CM .it#out t#e concurrence o) $++ t#e %e%,er& (AA!&!18=)!

16. Anno'n(ement of the &enten(e!"T#e &entence to(et#er .it# reco%%end$tion to %erc 0 i) $n 0 $nd t#e re$&on& )or &uc# reco%%end$tion .i++ ,e $nnounced in o'en court $& &u,Cect to con)ir%$tion (AR B7)! U'on t#e court $.$rdin( t#e &entence0 t#e record .i++ ,e d$ted $nd &i(ned , t#e 're&idin( o))icer $nd FA (i) $n )! T#e FA or i) t#ere i& none0 t#e 're&idin( o))icer0 .i++ t#en )or.$rd t#e 'roceedin(& to t#e @FA- or AFA- o) t#e co%%$nd in c$&e& o) tri$+ , -CM $nd direct to t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit in c$&e& o) tri$+ , @CMG .#o %u&t in $++ c$&e& .#ere t#e &entence i& di&%i&&$+ or $,o*e &eeA $d*ice o) t#e @FAor AFA- o) t#e co%%$nd ,e)ore con)ir%$tion (AR B:)! ,?iii- #onfirmation and re0i&ion 11. #on0i(tion not 'nti. (onfirmation!"A )indin( o) $ -CM or @CM $nd t#e &entence con&e2uent t#ereon $rc not *$+id unti+ con)ir%ed (AA!&!168))! Unti+ 'ro%u+($tion #$& ,een e))ected0 con)ir%$tion i& not co%'+ete $nd t#e )indin( $nd &entence &#$++ not ,e #e+d to #$*e ,een con)ir%ed unti+ t#e #$*e ,een 'ro%u+($ted (AR!71)! 14. #onfirmation of G#M" D#M!"T#e )indin( $nd &entence o) $ -CM $re to ,e con)ir%ed , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent or , $n o))icer e%'o.ered in t#i& ,e#$+) , .$rr$nt o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent (AA!&!16>)! T#e )indin( $nd &entence o) $ @CM $re to ,e con)ir%ed , $n o))icer #$*in( ' to con*ene $ -CM or , $n o))icer e%'o.ered in t#i& ,e#$+) , .$rr$nt o) &uc# o))icer KAA!&!166)! Aut#orit to con)ir% (i*en , .$rr$nt& %$ cont$in &uc# re&triction&0 re&er*$tion& or condition& $& t#e i&&uin( $ut#orit %$ t#inA )it! T#e .$rr$nt& $t 're&ent i&&ued under AA $re ex'+$ined in '$r$& B $nd 7 $,o*e! DDPre*iou& Next>>

>> Hindi



A %e%,er o) $ courtE%$rti$+ or $n o))icer .#o $cted $& $ 'ro&ecutor $t $ courtE%$rti$+ c$nnot con)ir% t#e )indin( or &entence o) t#$t courtE%$rti$+ (AR 7>)! /i%i+$r+ 0 $n o))icer .#o $& t#e CO in*e&ti($ted t#e c#$r(e& or .#o )or t#e ti%e ,ein( i& t#e $ccu&ed4& CO &#ou+d not con)ir% t#e )indin( or &entence (&ee Re(& Ar% '$r$ >71)! I) 'roceedin(& $re con)ir%ed in error , $n o))icer not #$*in( ' to con)ir%0 #i& $ct $nd t#e &u,&e2uent 'ro%u+($tion $re nu++ $nd it i& o'en to t#e 'ro'er $ut#orit to con)ir%! 47. #onfirmation of finding& and &enten(e& on 8oard a &hi$!EW#en $n 'er&on i& tried $nd &entenced , $ courtE%$rti$+ .#i+e on ,o$rd $ &#i'0 t#e )indin(

$nd &entence i) not con)ir%ed $nd executed on ,o$rd t#e &#i'0 %$ $nd executed $t t#e 'ort o) di&e%,$rA$tion (AA!&!16:)!

,e con)ir%ed

41.Re0i&ion of finding and &enten(e!"U'on recei't o) 'roceedin(& t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit 0 ,e)ore con)ir%in(0 %$ direct t#e reE$&&e%,+ o) t#e court )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) re*i&in( t#eir )indin( $nd &entence or eit#er o) t#e%! On+ one re*i&ion c$n ,e ordered or %$de! I) t#e court i& directed to t$Ae )re&# e*idence0 &uc# e*idence %u&t ,e t$Aen in o'en court $nd in t#e 're&ence o) t#e $ccu&ed (AA!&!1B90 AR!B5)! I) t#e )indin( i& &ent ,$cA )or re*i&ion $nd t#e court doe& not $d#ere to it0 it %u&t re*oAe it $nd record $ ne. )indin(! I) t#e )indin( i& re*oAed0 it %u&t $+&o re*oAe t#e &entence0 $nd0 i) t#e ne. )indin( in*o+*e& $ &entence0 (ie!0 i& not $n $c2uitt$+) %u&t '$&& $ ne. &entence! I) t#e &entence on+ i& &ent ,$cA )or re*i&ion0 t#e court %$ not re*i&e t#e )indin(! In 'r$ctice re*i&ion o) &entence on+ (un+e&& it i& intended to incre$&e t#e 'uni&#%ent) i& &e+do% nece&&$r in *ie. o) t#e ' o) t#e con)ir%in( o))icer! 1ot# t#e ne. )indin( $nd &entence $.$rded0 i) $n 0 %u&t ,e $nnounced in o'en court $& ,ein( &u,Cect to con)ir%$tion! 4!. Non>(onfirmation and@ retria.!"A& t#e )indin( $nd &entence o) $ -CM $nd @CM $re not *$+id unti+ con)ir%ed (AA&!168) $ re)u&$+ o) con)ir%$tion du+ entered u'on t#e 'roceedin(&0 o'er$te& to $nnu+ t#e .#o+e tri$+! In &uc# $ c$&e t#e $ccu&ed #$& not ,een $c2uitted or con*icted $nd %$ +e($++ ,e tried $($inG ,ut reE tri$+& &#ou+d r$re+ ,e re&orted to0 un+e&& t#e need& o) di&ci'+ine $nd Cu&tice de%$nd t#$t $n o))ender &#$++ not e&c$'e 'uni&#%ent on $ccount o) $ +e($+ tec#nic$+it ! It %u&t ,e re%e%,ered t#$t i) $n $ccu&ed $t t#e tri$+ #$& di&c+o&ed #i& de)ence0 t#$t de)ence $t t#e &econd tri$+ %$ t#ere, ,e 'reCudiced! ReEtri$+ &#ou+d not ,e ordered unti+ t#e @FA- or AFA- o) t#e co%%$nd #$d ,een con&u+ted $nd t#e &$nction o) &u'erior $ut#orit o,t$ined! DDPre*iou& Next>> >6 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


I) t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit con&ider& t#$t t#e 'roceedin(& o) $ courtE%$rti$+ $re i++e($+ or in*o+*e &u,&t$nti$+ inCu&tice to $n $ccu&ed 'er&on0 #e .i++ .it##o+d it& con)ir%$tion! It i& o'en to t#e con)ir%in( o))icer to .it##o+d con)ir%$tion0 eit#er .#o++ or in '$rt0 $nd t#en re)er t#e 'roceedin(& to $ &u'erior $ut#orit co%'etent to con)ir% t#e% (AR!79)! 4)! T#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit #$& no ' to $+ter or $%end t#e )indin(0 .#et#er ori(in$+ or re*i&ed o) $ courtE%$rti$+! A)ter one re*i&ion or i) #e doe& not order $ re*i&ion0 #e c$n on+ con)ir% it or re)u&e con)ir%$tion0 $nd $n &u'erior

$ut#orit to .#o% #e %$ 'o&ition!

re)er t#e 'roceedin(& )or con)ir%$tion i& in t#e &$%e

/i%i+$r+ 0 t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit c$nnot $+ter t#e )indin( on $ '+e$ in ,$r o) tri$+ or on $ )indin( o) in&$nit 0 ,ot# o) .#ic# re2uire con)ir%$tion to &u''ort t#eir *$+idit ! W#ere t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit re)u&e& con)ir%$tion o) t#e )indin( o) (ui+t on &o%e ,ut not on $++ c#$r(e&0 #e %u&t t$Ae into con&ider$tion t#e )$ct o) &uc# nonE con)ir%$tion $nd %iti($te etc!0 t#e &entence $& %$ &ee% Cu&t0 #$*in( re($rd to t#e o))ence& in t#e c#$r(e&0 t#e )indin(& on .#ic# #e #$& con)ir%ed (AR 7=)! 4/. *o+er of (onfirming a'thorit o0er &enten(e&."T#e ) $re t#e ' o) t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit .it# re+$tion to t#e &entence& o) courtE%$rti$+ .#et#er or not t#e #$*e ,een re*i&edH " ($) Miti($tion o) 'uni&#%ent to $ +e&& $%ount o) t#e &$%e 'uni&#%ent (AA!&!165 $nd AR 7=)! (,) Re%i&&ion o) t#e .#o+e or '$rt o) $ &entence (AA!&!165 $nd AR!7=)! (c) Co%%ut$tion o) t#e 'uni&#%ent to $ di))erent )or% o) 'uni&#%ent in t#e &c$+e o) 'uni&#%ent& $ut#ori&ed in AA!&!71 (AA!&!165 $nd AR!7=)! (d) ;$ri$tion o) $ &entence in)or%$++ ex're&&ed0 or .#ic# i& in exce&& $& re($rd& it& dur$tion o) t#e 'uni&#%ent $++o.ed , +$. (e!(!0 t#ree e$r&4 i%'ri&on%ent $.$rded , $ @CM) (AR 78)! (e) /u&'en&ion o) t#e execution o) t#e &entence (.#ic# .i++0 #o.e*er0 ,e in )orce durin( t#e &u&'en&ion)! T#i& ' c$n on+ ,e exerci&ed , t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent0 t#e COA/ or $n o))icer e%'o.ered to con*ene $ -CM or /-CM0 $nd on+ .#ere t#e &entence $.$rded i& one o) i%'ri&on%ent! I) t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit i& not one o) t#e $ut#oritie& %entioned $,o*e0 #e c$n direct t#$t t#e o))ender &#$++ not ,e co%%itted unti+ t#e order& o) &uc# $ut#orit #$*e ,een o,t$ined (AA!&&!15= $nd 158)! DDPre*iou& Next>>

>B Hindi



()) In t#e c$&e o) &entence& o) i%'ri&on%ent not co%,ined .it# di&%i&&$+ t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit %$ direct t#$t t#e &entence &#$++ ,e c$rried out , con)ine%ent in %i+it$r cu&tod or %i+it$r 'ri&on (i) it #$& ,een e&t$,+i&#ed)! Un+e&& $ direction to t#i& e))ect i& (i*en0 t#e o))ender #$& to ,e co%%itted to $ ci*i+ 'ri&on (exce't on $cti*e &er*ice) .#ic# i& %o&t unde&ir$,+e in t#e c$&e o) $ 'er&on .#o i& to return to dut $)ter

under(oin( #i& 'uni&#%ent! /entence& o) i%'ri&on%ent0 co%,ined .it# di&%i&&$+ &#ou+d0 $& $ ru+e0 ,e under(one in ci*i+ 'ri&on! ,?i0- *rom'.gation 43. *rom'.gation of finding et(!"T#e c#$r(e0 )indin( $nd &entence $nd $n reco%%end$tion to %erc %u&t ,e 'ro%u+($ted to t#e $ccu&ed $& .e++ $& t#e con)ir%$tion $nd nonEcon)ir%$tion o) t#e 'roceedin(&! Pro%u+($tion %u&t ,e C$rried out in &uc# %$nner $& t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit %$ directG $nd i) no direction i& (i*en0 $ccordin( to t#e cu&to% o) t#e &er*ice! A+&o &ee Re(& Ar% '$r$ >7=! A& con)ir%$tion i& not co%'+ete unti+ 'ro%u+($tion t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit %$ $+.$ & $+ter it& %inute o) con)ir%$tion or nonEcon)ir%$tion ,e)ore t#e 'roceedin(& #$*e ,een 'ro%u+($tedG (AR 71)! ,?0- *ro(ed're after $rom'.gation 45. Setting a&ide (on0i(tion!"E*en $)ter 'ro%u+($tion0 t#e $ut#orit .#o con)ir%ed t#e )indin( $nd &entence (or $n $ut#orit &u'erior to #i%) on t#e $d*ice o) t#e @FA- or AFA-0 %$ direct t#e record o) t#e con*iction to ,e er$&ed $nd t#e $ccu&ed to ,e re+ie*ed o) $++ con&e2uence& o) #i& tri$+ i) #e t#inA& t#$t t#e 'roceedin(& $re i++e($+ or t#$t circu%&t$nce& #$*e $ri&en .#ic# &#o. t#$t t#e $ccu&ed cou+d not #$*e ,een (ui+t 0 or t#$t t#e con*iction in*o+*e& &u,&t$nti$+ inCu&tice to t#e $ccu&ed (AA!&!1B6)! W#en t#e con*iction on $n one ,ut not $++ t#e c#$r(e& #$& ,een $nnu++ed0 t#e $ut#orit #$*in( ' to %iti($te etc!0 t#e &entence under AA!&!17:0 %u&t t$Ae into con&ider$tion t#e )$ct o) &uc# $nnu+%ent0 $nd %iti($te etc!0 t#e &entence $& %$ &ee% Cu&t #$*in( re($rd to t#e o))ence& t#e con*iction& on .#ic# #$*e not ,een $nnu++ed (AR 7=)! 46.S'8&tit'tion of for finding or &enten(e !"I) $)ter 'ro%u+($tion $ )indin( i& )ound to ,e in*$+id t#e $ut#orit .#ic# .ou+d #$*e #$d ' under AA!&!17: to co%%ute t#e 'uni&#%ent $.$rded , t#e &entence i) t#e )indin( #$d ,een *$+id0 %$ &u,&titute $ ne. )indin( $nd '$&& $ &entence &'eci)ied or in*o+*ed in &uc# )indin(0 'ro*ided0 #o.e*er0 no &uc# &u,&titution &#$++ ,e %$de un+e&& &uc# )indin( cou+d #$*e ,een *$+id+ %$de , t#e courtE%$rti$+ on t#e c#$r(e $nd un+e&& it $''e$r& t#$t t#e courtE%$rti$+ %u&t #$*e ,een &$ti&)ied o) t#e )$ct& e&t$,+i&#in( t#e &$id o))ence! I) $)ter 'ro%u+($tion $ &entence '$&&ed , $ courtE%$rti$+0 not ,ein( $ &entence '$&&ed in 'ur&u$nce o) $ ne. &u,&tituted )indin(0 i& )ound )or $n re$&on to ,e in*$+id0 t#e $ut#orit re)erred to in t#e &u,E'$r$ $,o*e %$ '$&& $ *$+id &entence! DDPre*iou& Next>>

>7 Hindi



T#e 'uni&#%ent $.$rded , $ &entence '$&&ed $)ter &u,&titution o) $ ne. )indin( or &entence &#$++ not ,e #i(#er in t#e &c$+e o) 'uni&#%ent& t#$n or in exce&& o) t#e 'uni&#%ent $.$rded , 0 t#e &entence )or .#ic# $ ne. &entence i& &u,&tituted (AA!&!1B8)! 41.Mitigation et(." after (onfirmation."A)ter 'ro%u+($tion t#e 'uni&#%ent $.$rded c$n on+ ,e %iti($ted0 re%itted or co%%uted , t#e $ut#oritie& re)erred to in AA!&!17:0 $nd &u&'ended &entence& c$n ,e re%itted , t#e $ut#oritie& re)erred to in AA!&!15=! 44. Date from +hi(h &enten(e o$erate&!"A &entence o) i%'ri&on%ent %u&t ,e recAoned to co%%ence on t#e d$ on .#ic# t#e ori(in$+ 'roceedin(& (irre&'ecti*e o) t#e re*i&ion0 i) $n ) .ere &i(ned , t#e 're&idin( o))icer o) t#e court! I)0 t#ere)ore0 $ &entence i& u+ti%$te+ con)ir%ed $nd 'ro%u+($ted0 it .i++ 'ro,$,+ #$*e ,een runnin( )or &e*er$+ d$ &0 $+t#ou(# not et 'ut into $ctu$+ execution (AA!&!1B7)! 177. #'&tod of (o'rt>martia. $ro(eeding&!"A)ter 'ro%u+($tion0 courtE %$rti$+ 'roceedin(& (ot#er t#$n /CM 'roceedin(&) %u&t ,e )or.$rded to t#e @FA- o) t#e co%%$nd )or tr$n&%i&&ion )or t#e &$)e cu&tod to t#e o))ice o) t#e FA-0 .#ere t#e %u&t ,e 're&er*ed )or not +e&& t#$n &e*en e$r& in t#e c$&e o) -CM or t#ree e$r& in t#e c$&e o) /-CM $nd @CM (AR 1>B)! A co' o) t#e 'roceedin(& &#$++ ,e &u''+ied (exce't .#ere t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent certi)ied t#$t it i& $($in&t t#e intere&t& o) t#e &ecurit o) t#e &t$te or )riend+ re+$tion& .it# )orei(n &t$te&) to $n 'er&on tried , courtE%$rti$+ i) #e de%$nd& it (AR&!1>7 $nd 1>7A)! 171! A 'er&on .#o con&ider& #i%&e+) $((rie*ed , t#e )indin( or &entence o) $ -CM0 @CM or /-CM %$ )or.$rd $ 'etition to t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit ,e)ore con)ir%$tion $nd $)ter con)ir%$tion to t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent0 COA/ or $n o))icer &u'erior to t#e one .#o con)ir%ed &uc# )indin( or &entence (AA!&! 1B> $nd AR =91)! In t#e c$&e o) $ /CM0 t#e $((rie*ed 'er&on %$ 're&ent $ 'etition to $n o))icer0 #$*in( ' not +e&& t#$n $ ,ri($de co%%$nder0 &u'erior to t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+0 t#e re* $ut#orit t#rou(# t#e u&u$+ c#$nne+& (AR =91)! A+&o &ee Re(& Ar% '$r$ 8B>! ,?0i- S'mmar #O9RT>MARTIAL 17!! T#e Curi&diction o) $ /CM i& de$+t .it# in '$r$& 1= to 1> $,o*e! A CO i& not ordin$ri+ co%'etent to tr , $ /CM $ c#$r(e )or $n o))ence &'eci)ied in AA!&!1=9(=) .it#out t#e &$nction o) t#e &u'erior $ut#orit ! He %$ 0 #o.e*er0 do &o i) #e con&ider& t#$t t#ere i& (r$*e re$&on )or i%%edi$te $ction $nd re)erence c$nnot0 .it#out detri%ent to di&ci'+ine0 ,e %$de to t#e o))icer e%'o.ered to con*ene $ @CM or on $cti*e &er*ice $ /-CM! I) #e trie& .it#out re)erence &uc# $n o))ence0 #e %u&t $tt$c# $n ex'+$n$tor %e%or$ndu% to t#e 'roceedin(& (AR!189)! DDPre*iou& Next>> >5


In $++ c$&e& o) indecenc 0 )r$ud or o))ence& (exce't &i%'+e $&&$u+t) $nd in $n &#eet $nd &u%%$r o) e*idence $re to ,e co%%$nd ,e)ore tri$+ i& ordered (Re(& Ar%

t#e)t (exce't ordin$r t#e)t) $nd ci*i+ c$&e o) dou,t or di))icu+t 0 t#e c#$r(eE &u,%itted to t#e @FA- or AFA- o) t#e '$r$ >65)!

17)! W#en $ CO $''+ie& to t#e o))icer re)erred to in '$r$ 19= $,o*e )or &$nction to #o+d $ /CM t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence $nd c#$r(eE&#eet .i++ ,e &u,%itted .it# t#e $''+ic$tion! In )or%in( #i& deci&ion .#et#er t#e c$&e &#ou+d ,e tried , /CM or , &o%e ot#er tri,un$+ t#e o))icer recei*in( t#e $''+ic$tion &#ou+d re%e%,er t#$t t#e ' o) $ /CM $re &u))icient to de$+ .it# $++ ordin$r o))ence& co%%itted , 'er&on& ,e+o. t#e r$nA o) WO! In t#e c$&e o) $((r$*$ted o))ence& .#ic# $''e$r to %erit $ #i(#er 'uni&#%ent t#$n $ /CM c$n $.$rd0 $ -CM or @CM %$ 'ro'er+ ,e con*ened0 $nd it i& (ener$++ unde&ir$,+e t#$t $ CO &#ou+d tr , /CM $ c$&e in .#ic# #e #$& $ 'er&on$+ intere&t (AA!&!1=9)! /$nction to tr $n o))ence , /CM %$ 0 #o.e*er0 +e($++ ,e (i*en , t#e 'ro'er $ut#orit ! T#e o))icer recei*in( t#e $''+ic$tion #$& $ dut &i%i+$r to t#$t o) $ con*enin( $ut#orit o) &$ti&) in( #i%&e+) t#$t t#e c#$r(e i& 'ro'er+ )r$%ed $nd t#$t t#e e*idence i& &u))icient to Cu&ti) tri$+0 $nd #e %$ direct t#e CO to $+ter t#e c#$r(e or to o,t$in )urt#er e*idenceG in $ &uit$,+e c$&e0 #e0 %$ order t#e re+e$&e o) t#e $ccu&ed or t#e c$&e to ,e de$+t .it# &u%%$ri+ ! T#e $ut#orit &$nctionin( tri$+ , /CM .i++ in&ert or c$u&e to ,e in&erted on t#e c#$r(eE&#eet #i& order )or tri$+ , t#$t tri,un$+! 17/. *re$aration of defen(e 8 a(('&ed !"A& &oon $& tri$+ i& ordered0 'ro'er o''ortunit to 're'$re #i& de)ence %u&t ,e $))orded to t#e $ccu&ed0 .#o %u&t ,e $++o.ed to #$*e )ree co%%unic$tion .it# $n .itne&& .#o% #e %$ de&ire to c$++ $nd .it# $n 4)riend4 or +e($+ $d*i&er .#o% #e %$ .i&# to con&u+t i) t#e $re $*$i+$,+e (AR 88(=))! A& &oon $& 'r$ctic$,+e ,e)ore #e i& $rr$i(ned )or tri$+ ($nd not +e&& t#$n ninet E&ix #our& or on $cti*e &er*ice t.ent E)our #our& ,e)ore &uc# $rr$i(n%ent) $n o))icer rou&t (i*e #i% $ co' ($nd $ tr$n&+$tion t#ereo) in $ +$n(u$(e .#ic# #e under&t$nd&0 i) &o de&ired , t#e $ccu&ed) o) t#e c#$r(eE&#eet0 $nd i) nece&&$r re$d $nd ex'+$in to #i% t#e c#$r(eE&#eet $nd c#$r(e&! T#e o))icer in 2ue&tion %u&t $+&o in)or% #i% o) #i& ri(#t& in connection .it# t#e &ecurin( o) .itne&&e& on #i& ,e#$+) (AR 8>)! 173. #om$o&ition of S#M!"T#e CO o) t#e $ccu&ed0 $& de)ined in AA!&!8(*)0 $+one con&titute& t#e court0 ,ut t#e 're&ence t#rou(#out t#e 'roceedin(& o) t.o ot#er 'er&on& .#o &#$++ ,e o))icer& or Cunior co%%i&&ioned o))icer& or one o) eit#er i& e&&enti$+ to t#e +e($+it o) t#e tri$+ (AA!&!11B)! T#e&e o))icer& or Cunior DDPre*iou& Next>>

>: Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


co%%i&&ioned o))icer& $re not &.ornJ$))ir%ed0 t$Ae no '$rt in t#e 'roceedin(& $nd #$*e no &'eci$+ dutie&0 ,ut t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+ %$ con&u+t t#e%0 i) #e &o de&ire&! T#e $ccu&ed c$nnot o,Cect to t#e court or inter'reter! 175. Inter$reter!"An inter'reter .i++ ,e $''ointed .#en $n e*idence i& (i*en in $ +$n(u$(e .#ic# t#e court or t#e $ccu&ed or $n o))icer or Cunior co%%i&&ioned o))icer $ttendin( t#e tri$+ doe& not under&t$nd (AR 197)! I) $n inter'reter #$& ,een $''ointed #e %u&t t$Ae t#e inter'reter4& o$t# or $))ir%$tion t#ou(# t#e 'roceedin(& $rc not nece&&$ri+ in*$+id$ted , )$i+ure to &.e$r or $))ir% t#e inter'reter (AR 1>:)! It .i++ (ener$++ ,e con*enient t#$t t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+ &#ou+d (i) co%'etent to inter'ret in t#e +$n(u$(e o) t#e $ccu&ed) #i%&e+) t$Ae t#e inter'reter4& o$t# or $))ir%$tion 're&cri,ed )or t#e court! I) nece&&$r 0 #e c$n $''oint $ co%'etent inter'reter0 .#o %$ ,e one o) t#e o))icer& $ttendin( t#e tri$+! 176. %:riend% of the a(('&ed and $ro&e('tor!"An $ccu&ed %$ ,e $&&i&ted , $ 4)riend4G ,ut &uc# 4)riend4 .#et#er $ +e($+ $d*i&er or not0 %$ on+ $&&i&t t#e $ccu&ed , &u((e&tin( 2ue&tion& $nd 're'$rin( t#e de)enceG #e i& not $++o.ed to ex$%ine or cro&&Eex$%ine .itne&&e&0 'er&on$++ $ddre&& t#e court0 or t$Ae $n '$rt in t#e 'roceedin(& (AR 1=:)! A 'ro&ecutor i& not $''ointedG t#e 'ro&ecution i& conducted , t#e court! 171.A&&em8. of (o'rt and arraignment of a(('&ed!EW#en t#e court $&&e%,+e&0 t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+ i!e!0 t#e court $nd t#e inter'reter0 i) $n 0 .i++ ,e &.orn or $))ir%ed in t#e %$nner 're&cri,ed in t#e AR (AR 19:)! T#e $ccu&ed .i++ t#en ,e $rr$i(ned (AR 111) $nd %$ o,Cect to t#e c#$r(e (AR 11=)!At $n ti%e durin( t#e tri$+ t#e court %$ $%end t#e c#$r(eE&#eet in &o )$r $& it re+$te& to t#e n$%e $nd de&cri'tion o) t#e $ccu&ed0 $nd $t $n ti%e ,e)ore it #$& ,e(un to ex$%ine .itne&&e& it %$ $%end $ de)ecti*e c#$r(e $nd 'roceed .it# t#e tri$+0 $)ter (i*in( t#e $ccu&ed due notice o) t#e $%end%ent0 $nd .it# t#e &$nction o) #i(#er $ut#orit i) t#e $%ended c#$r(e re2uire& &uc# &$nction (AR 118)! 174.*ro(ed're on $.ea of g'i.t or not g'i.t and &$e(ia. $.ea&!"On $ '+e$ o) 4(ui+t 4 or 4not (ui+t 40 i) $ &'eci$+ '+e$ to t#e Curi&diction o) t#e court or in ,$r o) tri$+ i& o))ered0 t#e 'rocedure +$id do.n )or $ -CM or @CM i& $''+ic$,+e .it# nece&&$r %odi)ic$tion& (AR&11> to 115)! A)ter $++ t#e e*idence )or t#e 'ro&ecution #$& ,een (i*en t#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e $&Aed i) #e #$& $n t#in( to &$ in #i& de)ence0 $nd %$ $ddre&& t#e court in #i& de)ence or %$ de)er &uc# $ddre&& unti+ #e #$& c$++ed #i& .itne&&e&! T#e court %$ 2ue&tion t#e $ccu&ed on t#e c$&e )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) en$,+in( #i% to ex'+$in $n circu%&t$nce& $''e$rin( in #i& &t$te%ent or in t#e e*idence $($in&t #i%! T#e $ccu&ed %$ t#en c$++ #i& .itne&&e&0 inc+udin( .itne&&e& to c#$r$cter (AR


T#e court %$ 0 i) it t#inA& it nece&&$r .itne&&e& in re'+ to t#e de)ence (AR!11:)! DDPre*iou&

in t#e intere&t& o) Cu&tice0 c$++


69 Hindi



117. #on&ideration of finding and $ro(ed're on a(E'itta. and (on0i(tion@>T#e court %u&t %$Ae $ )indin( on e*er c#$r(e u'on .#ic# t#e $ccu&ed #$& ,een $rr$i(ned0 inc+udin( $n $+tern$ti*e c#$r(e (AR 1=1(1))! In con&iderin( t#e )indin(0 t#e court %u&t #$*e re($rd to t#e con&ider$tion& &et out in '$r$& 780 76 $nd 7B $,o*e! I) t#e )indin( u'on $++ t#e c#$r(e& in $ c#$r(eE&#eet i& not (ui+t 0 t#e court .i++ d$te $nd &i(n t#e 'roceedin(&0 t#e )indin(& .i++ ,e $nnounced in o'en court $nd t#e $ccu&ed .i++ ,e re+e$&ed (AR 1==)! I) t#e )indin( u'on $n c#$r(e i& (ui+t 0 $nd t#e tri$+ in re&'ect o) $++ c#$r(e& $nd c#$r(eE&#eet& #$*e ,een co%'+eted0 t#e court record& o) it& o.n Ano.+ed(e or t$Ae& $nd record& e*idence o)0 t#e c#$r$cter0 $(e0 &er*ice etc!0 o) t#e $ccu&ed (AR 1=8) $nd &entence i& $.$rded (AR!1=>)! 111. Senten(e!"In con&iderin( t#e &entence0 t#e court %u&t #$*e re($rd to t#e con&ider$tion& &et out in '$r$ 5> $,o*e $nd &#ou+d ,e$r in %ind t#e (ener$+ in&truction& $nd nor%$+ &c$+e o) 'uni&#%ent& cont$ined in Re(& Ar% '$r$ >>5! A/-M c$nnot $.$rd $ &entence #i(#er t#$n one e$r4& ri(orou& i%'ri&on%ent0 i) t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+ i& o) t#e r$nA o) Lt Co+ $nd u'.$rd&0 $nd t#ree %ont#& i) &uc# o))icer i& ,e+o. t#$t r$nA (AA!&!1=9)! It i& de&ir$,+e t#$t &entence& o) t#ree %ont#& i%'ri&on%ent or +e&& $.$rded to $ 'er&on .#o&e &er*ice& it i& de&ired to ret$in &#ou+d ,e under(one in %i+it$r cu&tod G t#e court &#ou+d0 t#ere)ore0 #$*e re($rd to AA!&!1B:(8) $nd .#i+e $.$rdin( &uc# $ &entence to .#ic# no &entence o) di&%i&&$+ i& $dded0 direct t#$t t#e &entence &#$++ ,e c$rried out , con)ine%ent in %i+it$r cu&tod ! Un+e&& $ direction to t#i& e))ect i& (i*en0 t#e o))ender #$& to ,e co%%itted to ci*i+ 'ri&on (exce't on $cti*e &er*ice)! /entence& o) i%'ri&on%ent co%,ined .it# di&%i&&$+ &#ou+d0 $& $ ru+e0 ,e under(one in ci*i+ 'ri&on! Under AA!&!158(=)0 t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e /CM %$ direct t#$t $n o))ender &entenced to i%'ri&on%ent ,e not co%%itted unti+ t#e order& o) &u'erior %i+it$r $ut#orit #$*e ,een o,t$ined! 11!. *ro(eeding& not o$en to re0i&ion and do not reE'ire (onfirmation. T#e 'roceedin(& o) $ /CM c$nnot ,e re*i&ed $nd do not re2uire con)ir%$tion! T#e &entence $.$rded , t#e court &#ou+d0 t#ere)ore0 exce't $& 'ro*ided in AA!&&!1B1(=) $nd 158(=) ,e 'ut into execution ) t#e o))ender ,ein( $+&o co%%itted0 i) t#e &entence i& one o) i%'ri&on%ent )or t#ree %ont#& or

%ore to under(o t#e unex'ired 'ortion o) $n (AA!&!155(,))!

)or%er &u&'ended &entence

11)!T#e 'roceedin(& %u&t ,e )or.$rded )or re*ie. (t#rou(# t#e @FA- o) t#e co%%$nd in .#ic# t#e tri$+ i& #e+d) to t#e o))icer co%%$ndin( t#e di*i&ion or ,ri($de .it#in .#ic# t#e tri$+ i& #e+d or to t#e 're&cri,ed o))icer (AA!&! 1B= $nd AR 188)! DDPre*iou& Next>> 61 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


T#e re* o))icer &#ou+d0 i) #e con&ider& t#$t Cu&tice #$& ,een done $nd t#$t 'roceedin(& %$ +e($++ ,e u'#e+d0 counter&i(n t#e 'roceedin(& or $ &t$)) o))icer &#ou+d record t#$t #e #$& &een t#e%0 $nd #e %$ enter t#ereon $n re%$rA& #e %$ con&ider to ,e c$++ed )or or nece&&$r )or t#e )uture (uid$nce o) t#e o))icer .#o #e+d t#e tri$+! I) $ direction under AA!&!158(=) (re($rdin( &u&'en&ion o) &entence) #$& ,een recorded0 #e .i++0 i) #e i& #i%&e+) $ &u'erior %i+it$r $ut#orit 0 i&&ue #i& order& t#ereon0 or i) not #i%&e+) $ &u'erior %i+it$r $ut#orit 0 )or.$rd t#e 'roceedin(& )or t#e order& o) &uc# $n $ut#orit ! T#e re* o))icer c$n0 )or re$&on& ,$&ed on t#e %erit& o) t#e c$&e0 &et $&ide t#e 'roceedin(& or t#e con*iction on one or %ore o) &e*er$+ c#$r(e& or reduce $ +e($+ &entence to $n ot#er .#ic# t#e court %i(#t #$*e '$&&ed! I) t#e &entence i& i++e($+ it %$ ,e tre$ted $& $ nu++it 0 $nd i) in*$+id one o) t#e $ut#oritie& re)erred to in AA!&!1B8 c$n &u,&titute $ *$+id &entence! I) #e decide& to tre$t it $& nu++it 0 #e &#ou+d .#en counter&i(nin( t#e 'roceedin(&0 &et $&ide t#e &entence $nd direct t#$t t#e $ccu&ed ,e re+ie*ed o) $++ con&e2uence& o) t#e &entence0 t#ou(# not o) t#e con*iction! A)ter re*ie. t#e 'roceedin(& .i++ ,e returned to t#e cor'& to .#ic# t#e $ccu&ed ,e+on(ed .#ere t#e $re 're&er*ed )or not +e&& t#$n t#ree e$r& (AR 1>B(=))! ,?0ii- S'mmar Genera. #o'rt>Martia. 11/. #om$o&ition and $o+er&! "T#e court con&i&t& o) t#ree %e%,er& (AA!&!116) $nd #$& t#e &$%e ' $& $ -CM (AA!&!115)! T#e o))icer& &#ou+d #$*e #e+d co%%i&&ion& )or not +e&& t#$n one e$r0 ,ut0 i) $n o))icer& $re $*$i+$,+e .#o #$*e #e+d co%%i&&ion& )or not +e&& t#$n t#ree e$r&0 t#e &#ou+d ,e &e+ected in 're)erence to o))icer& o) +e&& &er*ice (AR 161(=))! 113. SG#M in time of $ea(e! "A court o) t#i& c#$r$cter i& not &uited to 'e$ce condition&0 ,ut it %$ &o%e ti%e& ,e nece&&$r to con*ene &uc# $ court $t $ re%ote &t$tion .#ere $ &u))icient nu%,er o) o))icer& to con&titute $ -CM $re not $*$i+$,+e! T#e ' to con*ene $ /-CM in ti%e o) 'e$ce i& re&tricted to o))icer& e%'o.ered in t#i& ,e#$+) , $n order o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent or t#e COA/ (AA!&!11=($)) $nd t#e o))icer con*enin( t#e court &#ou+d direct t#$t t#e e*idence $nd t#e &t$te%ent o) t#e $ccu&ed in de)ence &#ou+d ,e recorded in )u++0 in&te$d o) in t#e

$,,re*i$ted )or% $++o.ed , AR!1B90 t#e 'roceedin(& ,ein( t#u& $&&i%i+$ted0 &o )$r $& circu%&t$nce& 'er%it0 to t#o&e o) $n ordin$r -CM! 115. SG#M on a(ti0e &er0i(e! On $cti*e &er*ice $ /-CM %$ ,e con*ened

, H"

($) t#e o))icer co%%$ndin( t#e )orce& in t#e )ie+d0 or $n , #i%G or DDPre*iou&

o))icer e%'o.ered

Next>> 6= Hindi



(,) $n o))icer co%%$ndin( $n det$c#ed 'ortion o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% ! T#e +$&t %entioned o))icer0 #o.e*er0 c$n con*ene t#e court on+ .#en0 in #i& o'inion0 it i& not 'r$ctic$,+e #$*in( due re($rd to t#e exi(encie& o) t#e &er*ice to tr t#e o))ence , $n ordin$r -CM! /uc# o'inion &#ou+d ,e recorded in t#e order con*enin( t#e court (AA!&!11=(,)$nd (c))! 116. *ro(ed're! E A /-CM i& &u,Cect to exce'tion$+ ru+e& (AR& 161 to 1B6) under .#ic# t#e 'rocedure i& or c$n ,e o) $ %ore &u%%$r c#$r$cter t#$n t#$t o) $n ordin$r -CM! 1ut 'ro*i&ion i& %$de .#ere, $ +$r(e nu%,er o) t#e ru+e& .#ic# $re $''+ic$,+e to -CM or @CM &#ou+d ,e $''+ied to $ /-CM0 &o )$r $& 'r$ctic$,+e #$*in( re($rd to t#e 'u,+ic &er*ice (AR!1B>)! ,?0iii- S'&$en&ion of &enten(e& 111. S'&$en&ion of &enten(e! "W#ere $ &entence o) i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e or i%'ri&on%ent #$& ,een $.$rded , $ courtE%$rti$+0 t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit .#en con)ir%in(0 i) t#e &entence re2uire& con)ir%$tion or t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+0 i) t#e &entence doe& not re2uire con)ir%$tion0 &#ou+d con&ider .#et#er t#e o))ender &#ou+d ,e co%%itted to under(o #i& &entence or .#et#er #e &#ou+d ,e Ae't in $rre&t 'endin( t#e order& o) t#e $ut#orit or o))icer &'eci)ied in AA!&!15=(1) $& to #i& co%%it%ent or re+e$&e under &u&'ended &entence! I) t#e &$id $ut#orit or o))icer #$& i&&ued (ener$+ in&truction& under AA!&!15=(=)0 t#$t no 'er&on &entenced to i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e or i%'ri&on%ent &#$++ ,e co%%itted to 'ri&on or to %i+it$r cu&tod unti+ #i& order& #$*e ,een o,t$ined0 t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit or t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+ &#ou+d de)er co%%ittin( t#e o))ender to under(o #i& &entence unti+ t#e direction& o) t#e $ut#orit or o))icer &'eci)ied in AA!&!15=(1) #$*e ,een t$Aen! I) t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit or t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+ decide& to reco%%end t#e &entence tor &u&'en&ion or i& ,ound to re)er t#e c$&e to t#e $ut#orit or o))icer &'eci)ied in AA!&!15=(1)0 #e .i++ record $ direction on t#e 'roceedin(& o) t#e courtE %$rti$+ t#$t t#e o))ender ,e not co%%itted to under(o #i& &entence unti+ t#e order& o) &uc# $ut#orit or o))icer #$*e ,een o,t$ined (AA!&!15=)!

I) t#e con)ir%in( $ut#orit i& $+&o co%'etent to t$Ae $ction under AA!&!15=(1)0 #e %$ di&'en&e .it# t#e direction re)erred to $,o*e $nd ) i&&ue order& $& to &u&'en&ion o) &entence! T#e $ut#orit or o))icer &'eci)ied in AA!&!15=(1) %$ &u&'end $ &entence $t $n ti%e0 .#et#er or not it #$& ,een 'ut into execution $nd %$ order $ &u&'ended &entence into execution0 'ro*ided t#$t t#e &entence i& &ti++ runnin( $nd t#$t t#e o))ender i& &ti++ &u,Cect to t#e AA! It &#ou+d ,e noted t#$t .#et#er t#e &entence i& 'ut into execution or i& &u&'ended it .i++ run $& )ro% t#e d$te o) $.$rd unti+ it nor%$++ ex'ire&H &u&'en&ion doe& not $))ect t#e continuit o) t#e &entence (AA!&!156)! DDPre*iou& Next>>

68 Hindi



114!T#e con&ider$tion& .#ic# (uide $n o))icer in decidin( .#et#er or not it i& $d*i&$,+e to &u&'end $ &entence i%%edi$te+ $)ter tri$+ $re %$n $nd *$r .it# t#e &t$te o) di&ci'+ine o) t#e )orce under #i& co%%$nd0 t#e n$ture o) t#e dutie& on .#ic# it i& en($(ed0 $nd t#e c#$r$cter o) t#e 'er&on concerned! /u&'en&ion o) &entence& i& 'ri%$ri+ $''+ic$,+e to o))ence& o) $ %i+it$r n$ture on+ 0 $+t#ou(# in &'eci$+ c$&e& it %$ ,e $''+ied to o))ence& o) $ ci*i+ c#$r$cter! In $++ c$&e& &'eci$+ $ttention &#ou+d ,e directed to t#e ) 'oint&H EE ($) t#e $(e $nd 're*iou& c#$r$cter o) t#e o))enderG (,) .#et#er t#e o))ence i& $ )ir&t oneG (c) .#et#er t#e o))ence .$& 're%edit$tedG (d) .#et#er t#e o))ender .$& $t t#e ti%e &u,Cected to $n &tre&&0)$ti(ue0 di&$,i+it or te%'t$tionG &'eci$+

(e) .#et#er t#e o))ender .$& in)+uenced , ot#er& o+der or o) .or&e c#$r$cter t#$n #i%&e+)! On $cti*e &er*ice $ddition$+ con&ider$tion %$ $ri&e! For ex$%'+e &o%e 'er&on& %$ de+i,er$te+ co%%it cri%e& in t#e #o'e t#$t $ +on( &entence %$ en$,+e t#e% to $*oid doin( dut .it# t#eir unit&0 .#i+&t ot#er& %$ co%%it (r$*e %i+it$r o))ence& t#rou(# %o%ent$r +o&& o) contro+ o*er t#eir ner*e& $nd .it#out $n .ron()u+ intent! E$c# c$&e0 t#ere)ore0 %u&t ,e con&idered on it& %erit&0 it ,ein( re%e%,ered0 t#$t t#e & &te% o) &u&'en&ion o) &entence i& de&i(ned0 on t#e one #$nd0 to en&ure in&t$nt 'uni&#%ent )or t#o&e .#o 'ro'er+ de&er*e it0 $nd on t#e ot#er #$nd0 to 'o&t'one0 $nd o)ten entire+ to $*oid0 'uni&#%ent )or t#o&e .#o&e

o))ence&0 t#ou(# &eriou&0 $re &uc# $& %$ in t#e circu%&t$nce& not c$++ )or i%%edi$te co%%itt$+ to 'ri&onG t#e ' o) &u&'en&ion o) &entence '+$ce& in t#e #$nd& o) t#e co%%$nder $ %e$n& o) c+e%enc $nd .it#in re$c# o) t#e o))ender $n o''ortunit to redee% #i& c#$r$cter! U'on re*ie. o) $n $+re$d &u&'ended &entence ot#er con&ider$tion& $ri&e! A++ t#$t need ,e con&idered t#en i& t#e (r$*it o) t#e o))ence o) .#ic# t#e 'er&on .$& con*icted0 #i& 're*iou& c#$r$cter $nd #i& conduct &ince con*iction! A& $ (ener$+ ru+e0 it %$ ,e &$id t#$t t#e %ore (r$*e t#e o))ence $nd t#e .or&e #i& c#$r$cter ,e)ore con*iction0 t#e +on(er i& t#e 'eriod re2uired to 'ro*e .#et#er t#e 'er&on i& #one&t+ tr in( #i& ,e&t to redee% #i%&e+) $nd t#$t on+ $ct& o) con&'icuou& %erit (&uc# $& ,r$*er or de*otion to dut in $ction) .ou+d Cu&ti) $ re%i&&ion o) &entence .it#out re($rd to t#e +en(t# o) t#e 'eriod durin( .#ic# it #$d ,een &u&'ended! A'$rt )ro% &uc# &'eci$+ $ct&0 re%i&&ion o) &entence .ou+d ,e Cu&ti)ied i) t#e o))ender #$& , #i& con&i&tent (ood conduct re$++ &#o.n t#$t #e #$& done #i& ut%o&t to retrie*e #i& c#$r$cter $nd ,eco%e $ (ood $nd e))icient &o+dier! Pro%otion to t#e #i(#er r$nA &#ou+d $+.$ & ,e re($rded $& &u))icient 'roo) o) (ood conduct to Cu&ti) re%i&&ion! Un&$ti&)$ctor conduct &u,&e2uent to &u&'en&ion .i++ Cu&ti) $n order to 'ut $ &u&'ended &entence into execution0 .#i+&t $ %ere ne($ti*e $,&tention )ro% cri%e .ou+d 'oint to t#e $d*i&$,i+it o) directin( $ recon&ider$tion o) t#e &entence $t $ +$ter d$te! DDPre*iou& Next>> 6> Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW In con&iderin( $ c$&e0 $ re'ort %u&t $+.$ & ,e o,t$ined )ro% t#e 'er&on4& CO0 .#ic# &#ou+d ,e $tt$c#ed .it# t#e 'er&on4& conduct &#eet )or )uture (uid$nce! A 'er&on under $ &u&'ended &entence i& to ,e re($rded entire+ $& $ )ree %$n0 $nd i& to ,e '+$ced under no di&$,i+it .#$te*er exce'tin( on+ t#e +i$,i+it o) #$*in( #i& &u&'ended &entence 'ut into execution i) #e %i&,e#$*e&! 1!7. *ro(ed're +hen (a&e i& referred to a'thorit or offi(er &$e(ified in AA.&.11!! "W#en t#e $ut#orit or o))icer &'eci)ied in AA!&!15=(1) recei*e& t#e 'roceedin(& o) $ courtE%$rti$+ cont$inin( $ reco%%end$tion )or t#e &u&'en&ion o) t#e &entence0 &uc# $ut#orit or o))icer .i++0 to $*oid undue de+$ 0 &i(n$+ t#e deci&ion to t#e CO concerned0 .#o .i++ $t once i&&ue t#e nece&&$r in&truction&! Unti+ in&truction& $re recei*ed )ro% &uc# $ut#orit or o))icer0 t#e o))ender c$nnot ,e co%%itted to under(o #i& &entence! 1!1. Re0ie+ of &'&$ended &enten(e&! EIt i& t#e dut o) t#e co%'etent %i+it$r $ut#orit to re*ie. &u&'ended &entence& $t inter*$+& o) not %ore t#$n )our %ont#&! He %$ in #i& di&cretion eit#er Aee' $ &u&'ended &entence )urt#er &u&'ended , orderin( it to ,e ,rou(#t )or.$rd )or recon&ider$tion on $ &'eci)ied d$te not %ore t#$n )our %ont#& $#e$d or re)er t#e %$tter0 i) not #i%&e+) t#e

$ut#orit or o))icer &'eci)ied in AA!&!15=(1)0 to &uc# $ut#orit or o))icer .it# $ reco%%end$tion eit#er t#$t t#e o))ender ,e co%%itted to under(o t#e unex'ired 'ortion o) t#e &entence or t#$t t#e &entence ,e re%itted! 1!!. Di&mi&&a. (om8ined +ith &'&$ended &enten(e. "I) $ &entence o) di&%i&&$+ i& co%,ined .it# $ &u&'ended &entence0 t#e di&%i&&$+ doe& not t$Ae e))ect unti+ &o ordered , t#e $ut#orit or o))icer &'eci)ied in AA!&!15=(1) (AA!&!1:9)! I) t#e o))ender i& &u,&e2uent+ co%%itted to under(o t#e unex'ired 'ortion o) #i& &entence #e &#ou+d ordin$ri+ order t#e di&%i&&$+ to t$Ae e))ect $& 'ro*ided in AR 1B5! I) t#e &entence re%$in& &u&'ended unti+ it ex'ire& t#e di&%i&&$+0 &#ou+d ,e )or%$++ re%itted under AA!&!17:! 1!)! W#ere $ 'er&on $+re$d under $ &u&'ended &entence i& $.$rded $ )urt#er &entence .#ic# i& $+&o &u&'ended0 t#e t.o &entence& .i++ run concurrent+ ! I) t#e )urt#er &entence i& not &u&'ended $nd i& )or $ 'eriod o) t#ree %ont#& or %ore0 t#e o))ender %u&t $+&o ,e co%%itted on t#e unex'ired 'ortion o) t#e 're*iou& (&u&'ended) &entence0 ,ut ,ot# t#e &entence& .i++ run concurrent+ ! I) t#e )urt#er &entence i& )or $ 'eriod o) +e&& t#$n t#ree %ont#& $nd i& not &u&'ended t#e 're*iou& &entence continue& to ,e &u&'ended &u,Cect to $n order .#ic# %$ #e '$&&ed under AA!&!15B or 157 (AA!&!155)! DDPre*iou&

66 Hindi Next>> CHAPTER ; EAIDEN#E (i) Introductor

1. Indian E0iden(e. A(t a$$.ie& to #o'rt>Martia. 'nder Arm A(t! ET#e ru+e&! o) e*idence )or court&E%$rti$+ under t#e AA $re cont$ined in t#e Indi$n E*idence Act!157= (Act o) 157=) (Re'roduced in P$rt III) $nd in cert$in 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e AA .#ic# de$+ .it# t#e &$%e &u,Cect (AA!&&!1880 18> $nd 1>9 to 1>>)! !.F'e&tion& to 8e determined at e0er tria.!" T#e o,Cect o) e*er cri%in$+ tri$+ i& or %$ ,e to deter%ine t.o c+$&&e& o) 2ue&tion&" 2ue&tion& o) )$ct $nd 2ue&tion& o) +$.! I) t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on '+e$d& (ui+t 0 t#ere i& no 2ue&tion o) )$ct in*o+*ed in t#e tri$+H ,ut i) #e doe& not0 #e r$i&e& t.o 2ue&tion& or i&&ue& ")ir&t .#et#er t#e )$ct& c#$r(ed $($in&t #i% #$''enedG $nd next i) t#e did #$''en0 .#$t i& t#eir +e($+ con&e2uence&! In tri$+& ,e)ore court&E%$rti$+0 t#e %e%,er& o) t#e court& ,ot# )ind t#e )$ct& $nd +$ do.n t#e +$.! It i& t#eir dut 0 .#en $''+ in( t#eir %ind& to 2ue&tion& o) )$ct0 to con&ider t#e%&e+*e& ,ound , t#e ru+e& o) e*idence $,o*e re)erred to! In decidin( 2ue&tion& o) +$.0 $ courtE%$rti$+ &#ou+d ,e (uided , t#e $d*ice o) t#e FA (i) one #$& ,een $''ointed) $nd &#ou+d not di&re($rd it exce't )or *er .ei(#t re$&on& (AR!196)! ). Nat're of e0iden(e!" A %e%,er o) $ courtE%$rti$+ i& &u''o&ed to ,rin( .it# #i% to t#e con&ider$tion o) t#e 2ue&tion& .#ic# #e #$& to tr co%%on &en&e0 $nd $ (ener$+ Ano.+ed(e o) #u%$n n$ture $nd o) t#e .$ & o) t#e .or+d! 1ut #e i&

not &u''o&ed to ,rin( .it# #i% $n &'eci$+ Ano.+ed(e en$,+in( #i% to $n&.er t#e '$rticu+$r 2ue&tion& o) )$ct r$i&ed in t#e tri$+! Hi& Ano.+ed(e o) t#e&e %$tter& i& deri*ed )ro% .#$t i& 'ro*ed to #i% $t t#e #e$rin(! (1ut &ee AA!&!18> $nd IEA!&&!6B $nd 670 $& to Cudici$+ notice)! T#e %e$n& o) 'roo)0 or e*idence u&u$++ con&i&t& o) &t$te%ent& %$de , .itne&&e& under ex$%in$tion0 or o) docu%ent&0 'roduced )or in&'ection0 $nd i&0 t#ere)ore0 co%%on+ c+$&&i)ied $& ,ein( eit#er ?or$+ e*idence? or ?docu%ent$r e*idence?! 1ut t#e %e%,er& o) t#e court %$ ! &u''+e%ent , direct in)or%$tion t#e Ano.+ed(e deri*ed )ro% t#e&e &ource&! T#u&0 t#e %$ in&'ect )or t#e%&e+*e& $n t#in( &u))icient+ identi)ied , e*idence $nd 'roduced in court $& %$teri$+ to t#eir deci&ion0 or t#e %$ (o to *ie. $n '+$ce t#e &i(#t o) .#ic# %$ #e+' t#e% to under&t$nd t#e e*idence (AR& 5=0 1=5 $nd 1B8(1)) $nd t#e $re $+&o ex're&&+ $ut#ori&ed to %$Ae u&e o) t#eir (ener$+ %i+it$r Ano.+ed(e (AA!&!18>)! /. Differen(e 8et+een <'di(ia. and non><'di(ia. inE'irie&! " T#ere i& no di))erence in 'rinci'+e ,et.een t#e %et#od o) in2uir in Cudici$+ $nd extr$ECudici$+ 'roceedin(&! In eit#er c$&e $ 'er&on .#o .i&#e& to )ind out .#et#er $ '$rticu+$r e*ent did or did not #$''en trie&0 in t#e )ir&t '+$ce to o,t$in in)or%$tion )ro% 'er&on& .#o .ere 're&ent $nd &$. .#$t #$''ened (direct e*idence)H )$i+in( t#$t0 #e trie& to o,t$in in)or%$tion )ro% 'er&on& .#o c$n te++ #i% $,out )$ct& )ro% .#ic# #e c$n dr$. $n in)erence $& to .#et#er t#e e*ent did or did not #$''en (indirect Next>> 6B Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


e*idence)! 1ut in Cudici$+ in2uirie& t#e in)or%$tion %u&t ,e on o$t# or $))ir%$tion0 $nd %u&t ,e +i$,+e to ,e te&ted , cro&&Eex$%in$tion0 $nd t#e Indi$n E*idence Act (IEA!&!6) , $ e*idence to ,e (i*en on+ re($rdin( )$ct& .#ic# $re ?in i&&ue? or ?re+e*$nt? exc+ude& '$rticu+$r c+$&&e& o) indirect e*idence .#ic# $n ordin$r in2uirer .ou+d n$tur$++ t$Ae into con&ider$tion! /t$te%ent& &o exc+uded $re &$id to ,e ?not $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence?! 6! Re$&on& )or exc+udin( cert$in c+$&&e& o) e*idence! "T#e $n&.er to t#e 2ue&tion .# '$rticu+$r &t$te%ent&0 or$+ or .ritten0 &#ou+d ,e exc+uded )ro% e*idence in Cudici$+ in2uirie& i& t#$t t#eir exc+u&ion #$& ,een )ound , 'r$ctic$+ ex'erience u&e)u+ on *$riou& (round& $nd not$,+ on t#e ) ($) It $&&i&t& t#e court! (,) It &ecure& )$ir '+$ to t#e $ccu&ed (c) It 'rotect& $,&ent 'er&on&! (d) It 're*ent& .$&te o) ti%e! It $&&i&t& $ court , concentr$tin( it& $ttention on t#e 2ue&tion& i%%edi$te+ ,e)ore it $nd 're*entin( it )ro% ,ein( di&tr$cted or ,e.i+dered , )$ct& .#ic# eit#er #$*e no ,e$rin( on t#e 2ue&tion& ,e)ore it0 or #$*e &o re%ote $ ,e$rin( on t#o&e

2ue&tion& $& to ,e 'r$ctic$++ u&e+e&& $& (uide& to t#e trut#0 $nd )ro% ,ein( %i&+ed , &t$te%ent& or docu%ent&0 t#e e))ect o) .#ic#0 t#rou(# t#e 'reCudice .#ic# t#e excite0 i& out o) $++ 'ro'ortion to t#eir true .ei(#t! It &ecure& )$ir '+$ to t#e $ccu&ed ,ec$u&e #e co%e& to t#e tri$+ 're'$red to %eet $ &'eci)ic c#$r(e $nd ou(#t not to ,e &udden+ con)ronted , &t$te%ent& .#ic# #e #$d no re$&on to ex'ect .ou+d ,e %$de $($in&t #i%! It 'rotect& $,&ent 'er&on& $($in&t &t$te%ent& $))ectin( t#eir c#$r$cter&! And0 +$&t+ 0 it 're*ent& t#e in)inite .$&te o) ti%e .#ic# .ou+d en&ue i) t#e di&cu&&ion o) $ 2ue&tion o) )$ct in $ court .$& $++o.ed to ,r$nc# out into $++ t#e &u,Cect& .it# .#ic# t#$t )$ct i& %ore or +e&& connected! 5. 2*ro0ed2! T#e de)inition& o) ?'ro*ed?0 ?di&'ro*ed?0 $nd IEA!&!8 &#ou+d ,e '$rticu+$r+ noticed! T#e&e $reH E ?not 'ro*ed? in

?A )$ct i& &$id to ,e 'ro*ed0 .#en $)ter con&iderin( t#e %$tter& ,e)ore it! t#e court eit#er ,e+ie*e& it to exi&t or con&ider& it& exi&tence &o 'ro,$,+e t#$t $ 'rudent %$n ou(#t0 under t#e circu%&t$nce& o) t#e '$rticu+$r c$&e to $ct u'on t#e &u''o&ition t#$t it exi&t&! ? 2Di&$ro0ed2 "?A )$ct i& &$id to ,e di&'ro*ed .#en0 $)ter con&iderin( t#e %$tter& ,e)ore it0 t#e court eit#er ,e+ie*e& t#$t it doe& not exi&t0 or con&ider& it& nonE exi&tence &o 'ro,$,+e t#$t $ 'rudent %$n ou(#t0 under t#e circu%&t$nce& o) t#e '$rticu+$r c$&e0 to $ct u'on t#e &u''o&ition t#$t it doe& not exi&t&! ?G 2Not $ro0ed2! E A F$ct i& /$id not to ,e 'ro*ed .#en it i& neit#er 'ro*ed nor di&'ro*ed?! DDPre*iou& Next>> 67 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


6. The&e definition to 8e 8orne in mind. Me%,er& o) court& %$rti$+ under t#e AA &#ou+d #e$r t#e&e de)inition& c$re)u++ in %ind .#en de+i,er$tin( u'on t#eir )indin(&0 $nd t#e $re )ortun$te in #$*in( &o c+e$r $ (uide in t#e 'er)or%$nce o) $ %o&t di))icu+t dut ! ,ii- What m'&t 8e $ro0ed. 1. #harge m'&t 8e $ro0ed! ?EW#$t %u&t ,e 'ro*ed0 in order to o,t$in $ con*iction i& t#e '$rticu+$r c#$r(e ,rou(#t! A& $ (ener$+ ru+e0 e*er c#$r(e $++e(e&0 or ou(#t to $++e(e0 $ &'eci)ic o))ence con&titutin( $ ,re$c# o) $ &'eci)ic en$ct%entG $nd0 &u,Cect to cert$in exce'tion&0 it i& o) t#i& o))ence0 $nd t#i& o))ence $+one0 t#$t t#e 'er&on c#$r(ed c$n ,e con*icted! T#e re$&on )or t#e ru+e i& t#e un)$irne&& o) re2uirin( $ 'er&on to %eet $ c#$r(e )or .#ic# #e i& not 're'$red! And t#e exce'tion& (AA!&!18: $nd Cr PC0 1:780 &&! ==1 $nd ===) .i++ ,e )ound not to con)+ict .it# t#i& re$&on0 &ince t#e re+$te eit#er to c$&e& .#ere t#e di&tinction ,et.een t.o o))ence& i& %$in+ tec#nic$+ or $ %$tter o) correct +e($+ de&cri'tionG or to c$&e& .#ere t#e di&tinction i& one o) de(ree0 ,ut not o) Aind0 $nd t#e $ccu&ed0 #$*in( ,een c#$r(ed .it# t#e %ore &eriou&0 i& $++o.ed to ,e con*icted o) t#e +e&& &eriou& o))ence!

4. G't it& &'8&tan(e on. need 8e $ro0ed> It i& t#e &u,&t$nce on+ o) t#e c#$r(e t#$t need ,e 'ro*ed! A++e($tion& .#ic# $re not e&&enti$+ to con&titute t#e o))ence0 $nd .#ic# %$ ,e o%itted .it#out $))ectin( (#e *$+idit o) t#e c#$r(e0 do not re2uire 'roo)0 $nd %$ ,e reCected $& &ur'+u& $(e! In &o%e c$&e&0 $& in c#$r(e& $($in&t $ &entr )or &+ee'in( on #i& 'o&t0 or in c#$r(e& )or not (i*in( i%%edi$te notice o) de&ertion0 t#e ti%e or '+$ce o) t#e o))ence i& %$teri$+0 ,ut0 $& $ ru+e it i& not &o! W#ere t#e Court t#inA& t#$t t#e )$ct& 'ro*ed di))er %$teri$++ )ro% t#e )$ct& $++e(ed in t#e '$rticu+$r& o) t#e c#$r(e0 ,ut 'ro*e t#e &$%e c#$r(e0 it i& e%'o.ered , AR B= (>) $nd (6) or 1=1(8)$ndH(>)0 $& t#e c$&e %$ ,e0 to record $ &'eci$+ )indin(0 in&te$d o) $ )indin( o) ?Not -ui+t ?! (iii) Arr$n(e%ent o) t#e4 Indi$n E*idence Act 17. Arrangement of the A(t! "T#e +$. o) e*idence &#o.& #o. $ court %$ +$.)u++ ,e con*inced t#$t t#e )$ct& $++e(ed in t#e c#$r(e #$''ened or t#$t t#eir #$''enin( .$& &o 'ro,$,+e t#$t it %$ ,e re($rded $& 'ro*ed! T#e Indi$n E*idence Act de$+& .it# t#i& &u,Cect t#u& ($) P$rt I $nd cert$in 'ortion& o) P$rt III &#o. .#$t &ort o) )$ct& %$ 'ro*ed in order to 'roduce t#i& con*iction in t#e %ind& o) t#e court! ,e


P$rt II de$+& .it# t#e 'roo) o) )$ct&0 t#$t i&0 .#$t &ort o) 'roo) i& to ,e (i*en o) t#o&e )$ct&! T#e (re$ter 'ortion o) P$rt III de$+& .it# t#e 'roduction o) t#$t 'roo)0 t#$t i&0 .#o i& to (i*e it0 $nd #o. it i& to ,e (i*en!


T#e Indi$n E*idence Act &t$te& t#$t e*idence %$ ,e (i*en o) ?)$ct& in i&&ue? $nd o) &uc# ot#er )$ct& $& $re dec+$red , it to ,e re+e*$nt? ,ut o) no DDPre*iou& Next>> 65 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


ot#er&! T#e te&t t#ere)ore $& to t#e $d%i&&i,i+it o) 'iece o) e*idence i&Edoe& it &t$te $ ?)$ct in i&&ue? or $ ?re+e*$nt )$ct? ($& de)ined)M I) it doe&0 it i& $d%i&&i,+eH i) not! it i& in$d%i&&i,+e! 11. :a(t& in I&&'e. "T#e )$ct& .#ic# $re 44in i&&ue? in $ cri%in$+ tri$+ $re t#o&e on .#ic#0 eit#er , t#e%&e+*e&0 or in conCunction .it# ot#er )$ct&0 t#e exi&tence0 nonEexi&tence0 n$ture or extent o) t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on4& +i$,i+it to 'uni&#%ent de'end& (IEA!&!8)! For in&t$nce0 A i& $ccu&ed o) t#e %urder o) 1! At #i& tri$+ t#e ) )$ct& %$ ,e in i&&ueH ($) T#$t A c$u&ed 14& de$t#H (,) T#$t A intended to c$u&e 14& de$t#!

(c) T#$t A #$d recei*ed (r$*e $nd &udden 'ro*oc$tion )ro% 1H (d) T#$t A0 $t t#e ti%e o) doin( t#e $ct .#ic# c$u&ed 14& de$t# .$& , un&oundne&& o) %ind0 inc$'$,+e o) it& n$ture! ,i0- Re.e0ant :a(t& 1!.What e0iden(e i& admi&&i8.e! E We #$*e no. to con&ider .#$t )$ct& $re ?re+e*$nt?! T#e Indi$n E*idence Act $n&.er& t#i& 2ue&tion , enu%er$tin( t#e&e in t#e &ection& .#ic# %$Ae u' c#$'ter II ?o) t#e re+e*$nc o) )$ct&?! I) $ )$ct i& not inc+uded In t#i& enu%er$tion o) ?re+e*$nt )$ct&?0 it i& in$d%i&&i,+e un+e&& it i& $ctu$++ in i&&ue0 or it& $d%i&&ion i& &'eci$++ 'ro*ided )or e+&e.#ere (IEA!&&!1>60 1>B! 1>50 1680 1660 16B0 167 $nd 165) in t#e Act or , &o%e ot#er 'ro*i&ion o) +$.! (e!(!0 t#e &'eci$+ 'ro*i&ion& $& to e*idence cont$ined in t#e AA $nd 1$nAer& 1ooA& E*idence Act)! 1). #ir('m&tantia. e0iden(e! "F$ct& .#ic# $re re+e*$nt or .#ic# $re ot#er .i&e &'eci$++ $d%itted con&titute .#$t i& &o%eti%e& c$++ed ?circu%&t$nti$+ e*idence? o) t#e )$ct in i&&ue .it# .#ic# t#e $re connected! Fro% t#e circu%&t$nce& in .#ic# cri%e& $re ordin$ri+ co%%itted0 it )o++o.& t#$t t#e e*idence o) .itne&&e& .#o direct+ &$. t#e %$in 4)$ct& in i&&ue4 #$''en0 c$n r$re+ ,e o,t$ined $nd t#$t in *er %$n c$&e& re+i$nce %u&t ,e '+$ced on circu%&t$nti$+ e*idence! /uc# e*idence i& in no .$ in)erior to direct e*idence0 $nd i& in &o%e re&'ect& &u'erior to itG )or it #$& ,eco%e $ 'ro*er, t#$t ?)$ct& c$nnot +ie?0 .#i+&t .itne&&e& %$ ! On t#e ot#er #$nd0 it %u&t $+.$ & ,e ,orne in %ind t#$t i) )$ct& c$nnot ?+ie?0 t#e %$ 0 $nd o)ten do0 decei*eG in ot#er .ord&0 t#$t t#e inter'ret$tion .#ic# t#e $''e$r to &u((e&t i& o)ten not t#$t .#ic# ou(#t to ,e '+$ced u'on t#e%! T#ere)ore0 ,e)ore t#e court )ind& $n $ccu&ed 'er&on (ui+t on circu%&t$nti$+ e*idence0 it %u&t ,e &$ti&)ied not on+ t#$t t#e circu%&t$nce& $re con&i&tent .it# t#e $ccu&ed #$*in( co%%itted t#e $ct0 ,ut t#$t t#e $re incon&i&tent .it# $n ot#er r$tion$+ conc+u&ion t#$n t#$t t#e $ccu&ed .$& t#e (ui+t 'er&on! In $&&e&&in( t#e circu%&t$nti$+ e*idence0 i%$(in$r 'o&&i,i+itie& #$*e no '+$ce! W#$t i& to ,e con&idered i& t#e ordin$r #u%$n 'ro,$,i+itie&! 1/. Re.e0ant fa(t&! "T#e Aind& o) ?re+e*$nt? e*idence %o&t +iAe+ to ,e %et .it# in courtE%$rti$+ 'r$ctice .i++ ,e con&idered in t#e ) '$r$(r$'#& DDPre*iou& Next>> re$&on o)

6: Hindi



13. :a(t& forming $art of one tran&a(tion!EF$ct& .#ic# )or% '$rt o) t#e &$%e tr$n&$ction $& $ )$ct in i&&ue $re re+e*$nt(IEA!&!B) For ex$%'+e0 A i& $ccu&ed o) t#e %urder o) 1 , ,e$tin( #i%! W#$te*er .$& &$id or done , A or 1 or t#e , &t$nder& $t t#e ,e$tin(0 or &o &#ort+ ,e)ore or $)ter it $& to )or% '$rt o) t#e &$%e tr$n&$ction0 i& $ re+e*$nt )$ct! /o $+&o on $ c#$r(e o) t#e)t0 t#ou(# it i& not %$teri$+ in (ener$+ to in2uire into $n t$Ain( o) (ood& ot#er t#$n

t#$t &'eci)ied in t#e c#$r(e0 et )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) identi) in( t#e t#ie) it %$ ,e *er re+e*$nt0 $nd t#ere)ore $d%i&&i,+e0 to &#o. t#$t ot#er (ood& .#ic# #$d ,een +e)t on t#e &$%e 're%i&e& $nd .ere &to+en on t#e &$%e ni(#t0 .ere $)ter.$rd& )ound in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e $ccu&ed! T#i& i& &tron( e*idence o) t#e $ccu&ed #$*in( ,een ne$r t#e o.ner4& #ou&e on t#e ni(#t o) t#e t#e)t! /uc# e*idence t#e &ection no. under con&ider$tion %$Ae& re+e*$nt! A($in0 A i& $ccu&ed o) .$(in( .$r $($in&t t#e -o*ern%ent o) Indi$ , t$Ain( '$rt in $n $r%ed in&urrection in .#ic# 'ro'ert i& de&tro ed0 troo'& $re $tt$cAed0 $nd C$i+& ,roAen o'en! T#e occurrence o) t#e&e )$ct& i& re+e*$nt0 $& )or%in( '$rt o) t#e (ener$+ tr$n&$ction0 t#ou(# A %$ not #$*e ,een 're&ent $t $++ o) t#e%! 15. :a(t& +hi(h are o((a&ion" (a'&e et("of a re.e0ant fa(t ! F$ct& .#ic# $re t#e occ$&ion0 c$u&e or e))ect o) $ )$ct in i&&ue or re+e*$nt )$ct or .#ic# $))orded $n o''ortunit )or it& occurrence $re re+e*$nt (IEA!&!7)! For ex$%'+e0 on t#e tri$+ o) A )or ro,,in( 10 t#e )$ct& t#$t &#ort+ ,e)ore t#e ro,,er 1 #$d %one in #i& 'o&&e&&ion $nd &#o.ed it 'u,+ic+ to t#ird 'er&on& $re re+e*$nt! Under t#i& ru+e $+&o0 e*idence %$ ,e (i*en o) ,rui&e& .#ic# $ %edic$+ o))icer or ot#er 'er&on &ee& next d$ on t#e ,od o) $ NCO to .#o% $ &e'o i& $ccu&ed o) u&in( cri%in$+ )orce under AA!&!>9 ($)! 16. :a(t& &ho+ing moti0e or $re$aration&! EEF$ct& .#ic# &#o. or con&titute $ %oti*e or 're'$r$tion )or $ )$ct in i&&ue or re+e*$nt )$ct $re t#e%&e+*e& re+e*$nt $& i& $+&o t#e conduct o) $ccu&ed 'er&on& $nd t#o&e $($in&t .#o% o))ence& $re co%%itted0 i) &uc# conduct i& in)+uenced , $ )$ct in i&&ue or re+e*$nt )$ct (IEA!&!5)! #om$.aint&! "ET#u& e*idence %$ ,e (i*en t#$t0 $)ter t#e co%%i&&ion o) t#e $++e(ed o))ence0 t#e $ccu&ed $,&conded or .$& in 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e 'ro'ert 0 or t#e 'roceed& o) 'ro'ert 0 $c2uired , t#e o))ence0 or t#$t #e $tte%'ted to conce$+ t#in(& .#ic# .ere or %i(#t #$*e ,een u&ed in co%%ittin( t#e o))ence0 or $& to t#e %$nner in .#ic# #e conducted #i%&e+) .#en &t$te%ent& .ere %$de in #i& 're&ence $nd #e$rin(! T#i& ru+e $+&o $++o.& e*idence o) $ co%'+$int %$de &#ort+ $)ter t#e $++e(ed cri%e .$& co%%itted0 $nd o) t#e ter%& in .#ic# &uc# co%'+$int .$& %$de0 to ,e (i*en in $n c$&e in .#ic# $n o))ence $($in&t t#e co%'+$in$nt i& t#e &u,Cect o) t#e 'roceedin(&! 11. Di&tin(tion 8et+een a &tatement and a (om$.aint! "A di&tinction i& to ,e %$rAed0 #o.e*er0 ,et.een $ ,$re &t$te%ent o) t#e )$ct o) r$'e or ro,,er 0 $nd $ co%'+$int! T#e +$tter e*idence& conduct0 .#ere$&0 t#e )or%er #$& no &uc# tendenc ! T#ere %$ ,e &o%eti%e& $ di))icu+t in di&cri%in$tin( ,et.een $ &t$te%ent $nd $ co%'+$int! It i& concei*ed t#$t t#e e&&enti$+ di))erence ,et.een t#e t.o i& t#$t t#e +$tter i& %$de .it# $ *ie. to redre&&H or 'uni&#%ent0 $nd %u&t DDPre*iou& Next>> B9 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


,e %$de to &o%eone in $ut#orit "t#e 'o+ice )or in&t$nce or $ '$rent or &o%e ot#er 'er&on to .#o% t#e co%'+$in$nt .$& Cu&t+ entit+ed to +ooA )or $&&i&t$nce $nd 'rotection! T#e di&tinction i& o) i%'ort$nce0 ,ec$u&e .#i+e $ co%'+$int i& $+.$ & re+e*$nt0 $ &t$te%ent not $%ountin( to $ co%'+$int .i++ on+ ,e re+e*$nt under '$rticu+$r circu%&t$nce& e!(! i) it $%ount& to $ d in( dec+$r$tion or c$n ,e u&ed $& $ corro,or$ti*e e*idence (IEA!&&!8= $nd 167)! 14. E?$.anator and introd'(tor a(t&! EF$ct& nece&&$r to ex'+$in or introduce $ )$ct in i&&ue or re+e*$nt )$ct $re re+e*$nt0 $&! .e++ $& t#o&e .#ic# &u''ort or re,ut $n in)erence &u((e&ted , $ )$ct in i&&ue or re+e*$nt )$ct0 e&t$,+i&# t#e identit o) $ 'er&on or t#in( .#o&e identit i& re+e*$nt0 )ix t#e ti%e or '+$ce $t .#ic# $n )$ct in i&&ue or re+e*$nt )$ct #$''ened or &#o. t#e re+$tion o) t#e '$rtie& (IEA!&!:)! T#e )$ct& #ere re)erred to $re on+ re+e*$nt in &o )$r $& t#e $re nece&&$r )or t#e 'ur'o&e& indic$ted! !7. A(t& of (on&$irator! "In c$&e& o) con&'ir$c 0 $)ter e*idence #$& ,een (i*en o) t#e exi&tence o) t#e '+ot0 $nd o) t#e connection o) t#e $ccu&ed $n t#in( &$id done or .ritten , one con&'ir$tor in re)erence to t#eir co%%on intention i& $ re+e*$nt )$ct! $& $($in&t e$c# $nd $++ o) t#e con&'ir$tor& (IEA!&!19) T#u&0 on t#e con&ider$tion o) $ c#$r(e o) %utin 0 or excitin( %utin 0 e*idence o) (#i& Aind %$ 0 $)ter &uc# 'ri%$E)$cie 'roo)0 ,e recei*ed $($in&t $ '$rticu+$r $ccu&ed! T#i& ru+e $d%it& $($in&t $ con&'ir$tor e*er t#in( &$id0 done or .ritten , $ con&'ir$tor in re)erence to t#e co%%on intention0 e*en i) &$id0 done or .ritten $)ter t#e con&'ir$tor $($in&t .#o% it i& o))ered #$& ce$&ed to ,e connected .it# t#e con&'ir$c or ,e)ore #e Coined it! !1. In(on&i&tent fa(t&! "F$ct& .#ic# $re incon&i&tent .it# or .#ic#0 re$der #i(#+ 'ro,$,+e or i%'ro,$,+e0 $ )$ct in i&&ue or re+e*$nt )$ct $re t#e%&e+*e& re+e*$nt (IEA!&!11)! 2A.i8i2! "T#i& ru+e i& o) i%'ort$nce to t#e '$rt .#o&e o,Cect i& to di&'ro*e &o%et#in( .#ic# i& $&&erted , t#e o''o&ite &ide! An 4$+i,i4 i& $ )$%i+i$r in&t$nce o) #i&! I) A i& $ccu&ed o) $ cri%e co%%itted $t CALCUTTA $nd #e c$n &#o. t#$t #e .$& $t 1OM1AY $t or $,out t#e &$%e ti%e0 #i& innocence i& c+e$r0 .#i+e i) #e c$n e*en &#o. t#$t &#ort+ ,e)ore $nd $)ter t#e ti%e .#en t#e cri%e .$& co%%itted #e .$& &o )$r )ro% CALCUTTA t#$t it .$& %o&t i%'ro,$,+e #e cou+d (et t#ere $nd ,$cA0 $ &tron( 'oint in #i& )$*our .ou+d #$*e ,een e&t$,+i&#ed! !!. :a(t& &ho+ing &tate of mind or 8od . "F$ct& & t#e exi&tence o) $n re+e*$nt &t$te o) %ind or ,od $re re+e*$nt (IEA!&!1>)! T#u&0 .#ere $n &t$te o) %ind (e!(!0 intention0 Ano.+ed(e0 t#e $,&ence o) (ood )$it#0 ne(+i(ence0 r$&#ne&& or i++E.i++) i& $n in(redient o) $n o))ence0 t#e co%%i&&ion o) t#e 'rinci'$+ $ct ,ein( eit#er $d%itted or 'ro*ed0 e*idence %$ )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) 'ro*in( t#e exi&tence o) &uc# &t$te o) %ind in re)erence to t#e '$rticu+$r %$tter in 2ue&tion0 ,e (i*en o) &i%i+$r $ct& co%%itted , t#e $ccu&ed on di))erent occ$&ion&! T#u&0 $+t#ou(# on $ c#$r(e o) %urder or o) u&in( DDPre*iou& Next>> B1 Hindi




cri%in$+ )orce0 e*idence $& to t#e (ener$+ di&'o&ition o) t#e $ccu&ed i& in$d%i&&i,+e0 )or%er %en$ce& or $tt$cA& or ex're&&ion& o) *indicti*e )ee+in( $($in&t t#e &$%e 'er&on $re $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence o) intention! On c#$r(e& o) cri%in$+ ,re$c# o) tru&t0 e))ected , )$+&i) in( $ccount&0 e*idence o) ot#er incorrect entrie& in t#e $ccu&ed4& $ccount& $re $d%i&&i,+e to &#o. t#$t '$rticu+$r error& co*ered , t#e $ctu$+ c#$r(e .ere not %$de $ccident$++ ! On c#$r(e& o) ?recei*in(? e*idence %$ ,e (i*en t#$t ot#er &to+en 'ro'ert .$& )ound $t t#e0 &$%e ti%e in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e $ccu&ed0 to 'ro*e #i& (ui+t Ano.+ed(e! U'on c#$r(e& o) utterin( )or(ed note&! or counter)eit coin0 e*idence i& $d%i&&i,+e to 'ro*e t#e utterin( on ot#er occ$&ion& o) note& or coin& .#ic# .ere not (enuine or t#e 'o&&e&&ion t#ereo)! W#ere t#e (i&t o) t#e $++e(ed o))ence i& )r$ud0 e*idence o) &i%i+$r o))ence& i& $d%i&&i,+e to 'ro*e t#e intent! T#u&0 on $ c#$r(e o) o,t$inin( c$&# , )$+&e+ re're&entin( t#$t t#e c#e2ue (i*en in exc#$n(e .$& (ood0 in order to 'ro*e intent or Ano.+ed(e0 e*idence i& $d%i&&i,+e $& to $not#er c#e2ue (di&#onoured on 're&ent$tion) #$*in( ,een (i*en to $ t#ird 'er&on! !). Other in&tan(e&! EIn &u''ort o) $ c#$r(e )or %$+iciou&0 di&re&'ect)u+ or un,eco%in( +$n(u$(e0 $ddre&&ed , .ord o) %out# or .ritten to or u&ed o) $ &u'erior o))icer $t $ &t$ted ti%e0 or in $ '$rticu+$r +etter0 $)ter #$*in( 'ro*ed t#e .ord& in t#e c#$r(e0 t#e 'ro&ecutor0 to &#o. t#e &'irit $nd intention o) t#e $ccu&ed0 %$ 'ro*e $+&o t#$t #e &'oAe or .rote ot#er di&re&'ect)u+ or %$+iciou& .ord& on t#e &$%e &u,Cect0 eit#er ,e)ore or $)ter.$rd&0 or t#$t #e 'u,+i&#ed or di&&e%in$ted co'ie& o) t#e +etter &et )ort# $& di&re&'ect)u+ in t#e c#$r(e! T#i& e*idence i& $d%i&&i,+e0 not in $((r$*$tion o) t#e o))ence c#$r(ed0 ,ut )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) 'ro*in( t#e de+i,er$te %$+ice or di&re&'ect i%'uted in t#e c#$r(e! !/. :a(t& &ho+ing intention! "F$ct& .#ic# &#o. .#et#er $n $ct .$& intention$+ or $ccident$+ , indic$tin( t#e exi&tence o) $ &erie& o) $ct& o) .#ic# it )or%ed '$rt $re re+e*$nt (IEA!&!16)! T#i& i& $ &'eci$+ c$&e o) t#e 'rinci'+e di&cu&&ed $,o*e! T#u&0 on $ c#$r(e o) %urder , &#ootin(0 i) it i& 2ue&tion$,+e .#et#er t#e &#ootin( .$& , $ccident or de&i(n0 e*idence %$ ,e (i*en t#$t $t $not#er ti%e t#e $ccu&ed intention$++ &#ot $t t#e &$%e 'er&on! A($in0 on $ c#$r(e o) )r$udu+ent+ i&&uin( '$&&$(e .$rr$nt& to cert$in 'er&on& .#o .ere not entit+ed to t#e%0 $)ter #$*in( 'ro*ed t#$t t#e $ccu&ed #$d i&&ued t#e .$rr$nt&0 e*idence %$ ,e $d%itted o) $ &erie& o) &i%i+$r tr$n&$ction& extendin( o*er $ con&ider$,+e 'eriod $& ne($ti*in( $ de)ence t#$t t#e i&&ue o) t#e&e .$rr$nt& .$& due to $ %i&t$Ae on t#e '$rt o) t#e $ccu&ed! !3. #o'r&e of 8'&ine&&!"F$ct& .#ic# &#o. $ cour&e o) ,u&ine&& $ccordin( to .#ic# $ )$ct in i&&ue or re+e*$nt )$ct .ou+d n$tur$++ #$*e ,een done0 $re re+e*$nt!

For ex$%'+e0 t#e 2ue&tion i& .#et#er $ '$rticu+$r +etter re$c#ed A! T#e )$ct& t#$t it .$& 'o&ted in due cour&e0 $nd t#$t it .$& not returned t#rou(# t#e Returned Letter O))ice0 $re re+e*$nt (IEA!&!1B)! DDPre*iou& Next>> B= Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>

MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW (*) Ad%i&&ion& $nd Con)e&&ion&

!5. R'.e a& to admi&&ion&! "Ad%i&&ion& $re &t$te%ent& %$de , $ '$rt to t#e 'roceedin(& or #i& re're&ent$ti*e0 $& to t#e &u,Cect %$tter o) t#e c$&e0 or t#e )$ct& re+e*$nt t#ereto (IEA!&!15)! T#e (ener$+ ru+e i& t#$t t#e %$ ,e 'ro*ed $($in&t t#o&e .#o %$de t#e% ,ut not in t#eir )$*our (IEA0&15)! In connection .it# cri%e $d%i&&ion& u&u$++ occur in t#e )or% o) con)e&&ion&! T#e ter%0 4con)e&&ion4 i& not de)ined in t#e Indi$n E*idence Act! It #$&0 #o.e*er0 ,een ex'+$ined , t#e Fudici$+ Co%%ittee (P$A$+$ N$r$ $n$ /.$%i ; E%'eror AIR 1:8: P! C!>7! /ee $+&o P$+*inder N$ur ;! /t$te o) PunC$, 1:68 /CR :>) t#$t $ con)e&&ion %u&t eit#er $d%it in ter%& Et#e o))ence0 or $t $n r$te &u,&t$nti$++ $++ t#e )$ct& .#ic# con&titute t#e o))ence! T#e *$+ue o) $ con)e&&ion0 i) true0 i& o,*iou&+ *er (re$t0 ,ut &'eci$+ 'ro*i&ion $& to t#eir recei't #$& ,een %$de in t#e Indi$n E*idence Act0 in order to (u$rd $($in&t torture or dure&& )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) extortin( t#e%! Con)e&&ion& $re t#ere)ore on+ re+e*$nt &u,Cect to cert$in condition&! T#e&e condition& .i++ no. ,e con&idered! !6.#onfe&&ion on. admi&&i8.e again&t the $er&on +ho maCe& it. "T#e (ener$+ ru+e i& t#$t $ con)e&&ion i& not $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence $($in&t $n 'er&on exce't t#e 'er&on .#o %$Ae& it! 1ut $ con)e&&ion %$de , one $cco%'+ice in t#e 're&ence o) $not#er i& $d%i&&i,+e $($in&t t#e +$tter to t#i& extent0 t#$t i) it i%'+ic$te& #i%0 #i& &i+ence under t#e c#$r(e %$ ,e u&ed $($in&t #i%0 .#i+&t on t#e ot#er #$nd0 #i& 'ro%'t re'udi$tion o) t#e c#$r(e %i(#t te++ in #i& )$*our (IEA!&!5)! T#e Indi$n E*idence Act )urt#er en$ct& t#$t .#en t.o or %ore 'er&on& $re tried Coint+ )or t#e &$%e o))ence0 $ con)e&&ion %$de , one o) &uc# 'er&on&0 $))ectin( #i%&e+) $nd $n ot#er o) t#e $cco%'+ice& Coint+ tried .it# #i%0 .#en 'ro*ed0 %$ ,e t$Aen into con&ider$tion , t#e court $($in&t t#$t ot#er $cco%'+ice $& .e++ $& $($in&t t#e 'er&on .#o %$de it (+EA!&!89! W#en one o) &e*er$+ 'er&on& Coint+ tried '+e$d& (ui+t 0 #e ce$&e& to ,e tried Coint+ .it# t#e ot#er&0 $nd t#ere)ore $n con)e&&ion %$de , #i% c$nnot ,e t$Aen into con&ider$tion $($in&t t#e ot#er&)! T#e con)e&&ion %$ #$*e ,een %$de $t $n ti%e $nd not nece&&$ri+ in t#e 're&ence o) t#e $ccu&ed0 ,ut t#e con)e&&in( 'er&on %u&t i%'+ic$te #i%&e+) &u,&t$nti$++ to t#e &$%e extent $& t#e $cco%'+ice $($in&t .#o% t#e con)e&&ion i& t$Aen into con&ider$tion! T#ou(# t#eE con)e&&ion o) $n $cco%'+ice %$ t#u&0 under cert$in circu%&t$nce&0 ,e ?t$Aen into con&ider$tion? $nd t#u& ,e $n e+e%ent in t#e con&ider$tion o) t#e c$&e $($in&t t#e ot#er coE$ccu&ed0 it %u&t nece&&$ri+ ,e o) +e&& .ei(#t t#$n &.orn e*idence0 +e&& e*en t#$n t#e &.orn e*idence o) $n $cco%'+ice .#o i& not Coint+ tried! T#e court& #$*e $ccordin(+ e&t$,+i&#ed t#e ) ru+e& .it# re($rd to t#i& Aind o) e*idenceH " ($) W#ere t#ere i& $,&o+ute+ no ot#er e*idence0 &uc# $ con)e&&ion $+one .i++ not Cu&ti) t#e con*iction o) $ 'er&on .#o i& ,ein( tried0 Coint+ .it# it& $ut#orG



B8 Hindi



(,) T#e con)e&&ion o) coE$ccu&ed %u&t ,e corro,or$ted , e*idence0 ,ot# in re&'ect o) t#e identit o) $++ t#e 'er&on& $))ected , )$ct t#$t t#e cri%e .$& co%%itted!

inde'endent it $nd o) t#e

!1. #onfe&&ion m'&t 8e 0o.'ntar ! "To ,e re+e*$nt $nd t#ere)ore $d%i&&i,+e in e*idence0 $ con)e&&ion %u&t ,e *o+unt$r ! T#ou(# it i& #i(#+ de&ir$,+e t#$t t#e 'ro&ecutor &#ou+d 'ro*e t#e circu%&t$nce& in .#ic# $ con)e&&ion .$& %$de0 t#e onu& +ie& u'on t#e $ccu&ed o) & t#$t $ con)e&&ion %$de , #i% .$& not *o+unt$r $nd t#ere)ore irre+e*$nt! Un+e&&0 t#ere)ore0 it $''e$r& dou,t)u+ .#et#er $ con)e&&ion i& *o+unt$r 0 $ court need not re2uire t#e 'ro&ecutor $))ir%$ti*e+ to e&t$,+i&# t#$t )$ct! !4. What thi& mean&! "A con)e&&ion i& not dee%ed to ,e *o+unt$r 0 i) it $''e$r& to t#e court to #$*e ,een c$u&ed , $n induce%ent0 t#re$t or 'ro%i&e0 #$*in( re)erence to t#e c#$r(e $($in&t t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on0 'roceedin( )ro% $ 'er&on in $ut#orit (i!e!0 $ 'er&on en($(ed in t#e $''re#en&ion0 detention0 'ro&ecution or one .#o i& e%'o.ered to ex$%ine #i%) $nd &u))icient0 in t#e o'inion o) t#e court0 to (i*e t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on (round&0 .#ic# .ou+d $''e$r to #i% to ,e re$&on$,+e0 )or &u''o&in( t#$t , %$Ain( it #e .ou+d ($in $n $d*$nt$(e0 or $*oid $n e*i+ o) $ te%'or$+ n$ture in re)erence to t#e 'roceedin(& $($in&t #i% (IEA!&!=>)! T#u&0 i) $ #$ndE,i++ i&&ued , t#e -o*ern%ent 'ro%i&in( $ re.$rd $nd '$rdon to $n $cco%'+ice in $ cert$in cri%e .#o .ou+d con)e&& .$& ,rou(#t to t#e Ano.+ed(e o) $n $cco%'+ice in t#e cri%e0 .#o0 under t#e in)+uence o) $ #o'e o) $ '$rdon %$Ae $ con)e&&ion0 t#$t con)e&&ion .ou+d not ,e *o+unt$r $nd cou+d not ,e u&ed $t #i& tri$+! )7! A con)e&&ion doe& not ce$&e to ,e *o+unt$r %ere+ ,ec$u&e it $''e$r& to #$*e ,een c$u&ed , t#e ex#ort$tion& o) $ 'er&on in $ut#orit to %$Ae it $& $ %$tter o) re+i(iou& dut 0 or , $n induce%ent co++$ter$+ to t#e 'roceedin(&0 or , induce%ent& #e+d out , $ 'er&on #$*in( not#in( to do .it# t#e $''re#en&ion0 'ro&ecution or ex$%in$tion o) t#e $ccu&ed! T#u& $ con)e&&ion %$de , $ 'ri&oner to $ C$i+or in con&e2uence o) $ 'ro%i&e , t#e C$i+or t#$t i) t#e 'ri&oner con)e&&ed #e .ou+d ,e $++o.ed to &ee #i& .i)e0 .ou+d ,e $d%i&&i,+e in e*idence! )1. #onfe&&ion o8tained 8 fra'd et(! "It i& o) cour&e0 i%'ro'er to ende$*our to tr$' $ %$n into incri%in$tin( #i%&e+)G ,ut i) $ con)e&&ion i& ot#er.i&e $d%i&&i,+e0 $& e*idence it doe& not ,eco%e in$d%i&&i,+e %ere+ ,ec$u&e it .$& %$de under $ 'ro%i&e o) &ecrec or in con&e2uence o) $ dece'tion 'r$cti&ed on t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) o,t$inin( it0 or .#en #e .$& drunA or ,ec$u&e it .$& %$de in $n&.er to 2ue&tion&0 .#ic# #e need not #$*e $n&.ered0 or ,ec$u&e #e .$& not .$rned t#$t #e .$& not ,ound to %$Ae t#e con&e&&ion0 $nd t#$t e*idence o) it %i(#t ,e (i*en $($in&t #i% (IEA!&!=:)!

)!. #onfe&&ion 0o.'ntar if made after remo0a. of im$re&&ion $rod'(ed 8 ind'(ement& et(! "A con)e&&ion i& dee%ed to ,e *o+unt$r i)0 in t#e o'inion o) t#e court0 it i& &#o.n to #$*e ,een %$de $)ter co%'+ete re%o*$+ o) t#e i%'re&&ion 'roduced , $n induce%ent0 t#re$t or 'ro%i&e .#ic# .ou+d ot#er.i&e DDPre*iou& Next>>

B> Hindi



render it in*o+unt$r (+EA!&!=5)! T#u&0 A i& $ccu&ed o) $ %i+it$r o))ence0 10 $n o))icer0 trie& to induce A to con)e&& , 'ro%i&in( to (et t#e Co%%$ndin( O))icer to di&%i&& t#e c$&e .it# $n $d%onition i) #e doe& &o! T#e Co%%$ndin( O))icer in)or%& 1 t#$t #e c$nnot (i*e $n &uc# undert$Ain(0 $nd t#i& i& co%%unic$ted to AA &t$te%ent &u,&e2uent+ %$de , #i% i& *o+unt$r ! )). #onfe&&ion to *o.i(e Offi(er&!"T#e ) 'ro*i&ion& $re i%'ort$ntE ($) No con)e&&ion %$de to $ 'o+ice o))icer c$n ,e 'ro*ed $($in&t $ 'er&on $ccu&ed o) $n o))ence (IEA!&!=6)! (,) No con)e&&ion %$de , $n 'er&on .#i+&t in t#e cu&tod o) $ 'o+ice o))icer0 un+e&& it ,e %$de in t#e i%%edi$te 're&ence o) $ %$(i&tr$te0c$n ,e 'ro*ed $($in&t &uc# 'er&on (!+EA!&!=B)! T#e ter% 4'o+ice o))icer4 &#ou+d ,e con&trued $ccordin( to it& %ore co%'re#en&i*e $nd 'o'u+$r %e$nin(G it inc+ude&0 $n &ort o) 'o+ice o))icer )ro% t#e #i(#e&t do.n to $ *i++$(e c#o.Aid$rG it $+&o inc+ude& $ %i+it$r 'o+ice o))icer (.#ic# ex're&&ion inc+ude& $ 'ro*o&tE%$r&#$+0 $n o) #i& de'utie& or $&&i&t$nt&0 $nd $n ot#er 'er&on +e($++ exerci&in( $ut#orit under #i% or on #i& ,e#$+))! Ne*ert#e+e&&0 )$ct& di&co*ered in con&e2uence o) $ con)e&&ion .#ic# i& it&e+) in$d%i&&i,+e under ($) $nd (,) $,o*e0 $nd &o %uc# o) t#e con)e&&ion $& di&tinct+ re+$te& to t#e )$ct& t#ere, di&co*ered0 %$ ,e 'ro*ed (IEA!&!=7)! T#u&0 A0 $ccu&ed o) #ou&e ,re$Ain( , ni(#t0 %$Ae& $ con)e&&ion to $ 'o+ice%$n! P$rt o) it i& t#$t A #$d t#ro.n $ +$ntern into $ cert$in 'ondG t#e )$ct t#$t #e &$id &o0 $nd t#$t t#e +$ntern .$& )ound in t#e 'ond in con&e2uence0 %$ ,e 'ro*ed! )/. Who.e (onfe&&ion m'&t 8e gi0en in e0iden(e!"EI) $ con)e&&ion i& (i*en in e*idence0 t#e .#o+e o) it (&u,Cect $& &t$ted in '$r$ 88) %u&t ,e (i*en0 $nd not %ere+ t#e '$rt& di&$d*$nt$(eou& to t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on! It i& 'er%i&&i,+e to ,e+ie*e one '$rt o) $ con)e&&ion$+ &t$te%ent0 $nd to di&,e+ie*e $not#er0 $nd it i& enou(# t#$t t#e .#o+e o) t#e con)e&&ion i& tendered in e*idence &o t#$t it %$ ,e o'en to t#e court to reCect t#e excu+'$tor '$rt $nd to t$Ae incu+'$tor '$rt into con&ider$tion0 i) t#ere i& ot#er e*idence to 'ro*e it& correctne&& (1#$(.$n /in(# R$n$ *& T#e /t$te o) H$r $n$ AIR 1:7B /C 17:7)! )3. #onfe&&ion made on oath in $re0io'& $ro(eeding& !"A con)e&&ion %$ ,e u&ed $& &uc# $($in&t t#e 'er&on .#o %$Ae& it0 t#ou(# it .$& (i*en $& e*idence

on o$t# $nd t#ou(# t#e 'roceedin(& in .#ic# it .$& (i*en #$d re)erence to t#e &$%e &u,Cect %$tter $& t#e 'roceedin(&0 in .#ic# it i& to ,e u&edG ,ut i)0 $)ter re)u&in( to $n&.er $n 2ue&tion0 t#e .itne&& .$& co%'e++ed to $n&.er0 #i& $n&.er i& not $d%i&&i,+e $($in&t #i% (IEA!&!18=)! T#u&0 A i& c#$r(ed .it# c$u&in( #urt to 1! A #$d *o+unt$ri+ $''e$red $& $ .itne&& )or C .#o .$& c#$r(ed .it# t#e &$%e o))ence $t $ 're*iou& tri$+0 $nd #$d not dec+ined to $n&.er $n 2ue&tion! A4& e*idence c$n ,e u&ed $($in&t #i% on #i& o.n tri$+! T#e &$%e ru+e $''+ie& to &t$te%ent& %$de , $ 'er&on .#en c#$r(ed ,e)ore #i& co%%$ndin( o))icer0 or DDPre*iou& Next>>

B6 Hindi



$t t#e t$Ain( o) &u%%$r o) e*idence ,ut AR =8 (8) re2uire& t#e o))icer recordin( t#e &u%%$r o) e*idence0 to c$ution t#e $ccu&ed ,e)ore recordin( #i& &t$te%ent! T#e 'roceedin(& o) $ court o) in2uir c$nnot ,e u&ed $& e*idence $($in&t $ 'er&on &u,Cect to t#e AA ,e)ore $ courtE%$rti$+0 un+e&& t#e courtE%$rti$+ i& one )or t#e tri$+ o) &uc# 'er&on )or .i+)u++ (i*in( )$+&e e*idence ,e)ore t#e court o) in2uir (AR 15=)! ,0i- Statement& 8 $er&on& +ho (annot 8e (a..ed a& +itne&&e&.

)5. ;ear&a e?(.'ded!EEA& $ (ener$+ ru+e0 t#e &t$te%ent& o) 'er&on& not c$++ed $& .itne&&e& $re in$d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence o) t#e trut# o) t#e )$ct& &t$ted! T#i& doe& not %e$n t#$t e*idence o) .#$t $,&ent 'er&on& &$id i& $,&o+ute+ exc+uded! /uc# &t$te%ent& %$ 0 )or in&t$nce0 ,e $d%i&&i,+e $& '$rt o) t#e tr$n&$ction !(IEA!&!B) $& conduct in)+uenced , it (IEA!&!5!) or $& indic$ti*e o) &t$te o) %ind or ,od .#ic# $re re+e*$nt (IEA!&!1>)! T#e crie& o) $ %o, +ed , t#e $ccu&ed0 t#e co%'+$int& re)erred to in '$r$ 17 $,o*e0 $nd &t$te%ent& %$de , t#e *icti% in $ 'oi&onin( c$&e ,e)ore #i& i++ne&& $& to #i& #e$+t#0 $nd durin( #i& i++ne&& $& to #i& & %'to%&0 $re ex$%'+e& o) t#i&! )6. Rea&on& for e?(.'&ion of hear&a !"T#e re$&on& )or exc+udin( ?#e$r &$ ? (i!e!0 t#e &t$te%ent& o) 'er&on& not c$++ed $& .itne&&e&) $re0 )ir&t0 t#$t &uc# &t$te%ent& $re not %$de on o$t# or $))ir%$tion $nd &econd+ 0 t#$t t#e 'er&on $))ected , t#e &t$te%ent #$& no o''ortunit o) cro&&Eex$%inin( it& $ut#or0 T#e ru+e #$& o)ten ,een critici3ed on t#e (round t#$t it &o%eti%e& exc+ude& t#e on+ %e$n& o) 'roo) o,t$in$,+e0 ,ut it& uti+it in exc+udin( irre&'on&i,+e &t$te%ent&0 i& o,*iou&! T#e (ener$+ ru+e t#$t ?#e$r&$ i& not e*idence? i& &u,Cect to i%'ort$nt exce'tion&! t#e 'rinci'+e $+re$d ex'+$ined0 t#e Indi$n E*idence Act $rr$n(e& )or t#i& , dec+$rin( t#$t cert$in Aind& o) #e$r&$ &#$++ ,e ?re+e*$nt?0 $++ ot#er Aind&0 .#ic# $re not %entioned ,ein( +e)t out&ide it& enu%er$tion o) ?re+e*$nt? )$ct& $nd t#u& %$de in$d%i&&i,+e! )1. Statement& of a8&ent $er&on& +hi(h are &$e(ia.. admitted0"In $ddition to &uc# &t$te%ent& $& $re re+e*$nt , re$&on o) t#eir )$++in( under one o) t#e #e$d& o) re+e*$nc 0 $+re$d di&cu&&ed0 t#e %o&t i%'ort$nt o) t#e &t$te%ent& t#u& %$de e*idence $reH" ($)&t$te%ent& , 'er&on& &ince de$d $& to t#e c$u&e o) t#eir de$t# (IEA!&!8=(1))G

(,) /t$te%ent& or entrie& %$de in t#e ordin$r cour&e o) ,u&ine&& (IEA!&!8=(=))G (c) &t$te%ent& .#ic# $re $($in&t t#e intere&t& o) t#eir $ut#or& or .#ic# .ou+d #$*e ex'o&ed t#e% to $ cri%in$+ 'ro&ecution or $ &uit )or d$%$(e& (+EA!&!8=(8))0 DDPre*iou& Next>> BB Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


T#e &t$te%ent re)erred to in ($) $,o*e0 i& $d%i&&i,+e in $n 'roceedin( in .#ic# t#e c$u&e o) t#e 'er&on4& de$t# co%e& into 2ue&tion $nd t#ere $re no condition& $& to t#e dec+$r$nt ,ein( in ex'ect$tion o) de$t# or #$*in( $,$ndoned $++ #o'e o) reco*er ! T#e&e con&ider$tion& do not t#ere)ore $))ect t#e $d%i&&i,i+it o) &uc# e*idence0 t#ou(# t#e %$ %$teri$++ $))ect t#e .ei(#t .#ic# &#ou+d ,e $tt$c#ed to it! )4! T#e &t$te%ent& re)erred to in (,) $nd (c) $,o*e0 4$re not on+ $d%i&&i,+e .#en t#e $ut#or i& de$d ,ut $+&o in c$&e& .#ere t#e $ut#or c$nnot ,e )ound0 or #$& ,eco%e inc$'$,+e o) (i*in( e*idence or .#en #i& $ttend$nce c$nnot ,e 'rocured .it#out $n $%ount o) de+$ or ex'en&e0 .#ic# under t#e circu%&t$nce& o) t#e c$&e0 $''e$r& to t#e court to ,e unre$&on$,+e! /7! I) &uc# $ &t$te%ent or entr $& i&! re)erred to in (,) $,o*e0 .$& %$de in t#e ordin$r cour&e o) ,u&ine&& no 2ue&tion $& to t#e &ource o) in)or%$tion or t#e ti%e .#en t#e entr or &t$te%ent .$& %$de .i++ $))ect it& $d%i&&i,i+it ! Furt#er0 it need not #$*e ,een t#e dec+$r$nt4& dut to %$Ae t#e%0 t#e need not #$*e ,een %$de conte%'or$neou&+ 0 it i& not nece&&$r t#$t t#e dec+$r$nt &#ou+d #$*e #$d 'er&on$+ Ano.+ed(e o) t#e tr$n&$ction recorded0 $nd t#e %$ ,e u&ed to 'ro*e inde'endent co++$ter$+ %$tter& i!e! %$tter&E .#ic# it .$& not nece&&$r to inc+ude in t#e ordin$r cour&e o) ,u&ine&&! /1. E0iden(e at $re0io'& enE'ir +hen admitted!"It %$ &o%eti%e& #$''en t#$t $0 %$teri$+ .itne&&0 .#o #$& (i*en e*idence $t $ 're+i%in$r in2uir 0 c$nnot $ttend $t t#e tri$+! I) t#e e*idence .$& (i*en in $ Cudici$+ 'roceedin(& or ,e)ore $ 'er&on $ut#ori&ed , +$. to t$Ae it $nd .$& t$Aen on o$t# or $))ir%$tion .it# +i,ert to t#e $ccu&ed to cro&&Eex$%ine t#e Indi$n E*idence Act $++o.& it to ,e u&ed (IEA!&!88) $t t#e &u,&e2uent tri$+ o) t#e $ccu&ed on t#e &$%e c#$r(e0 i) t#e .itne&& " ($) (,) (c) (d) i& de$dG c$nnot ,e )oundH i& inc$'$,+e o) (i*in( e*idenceG i& Ae't out o) t#e .$ , t#e $ccu&edG or


i) #i& 're&ence c$nnot ,e o,t$ined .it#out $n $%ount o) de+$ or ex'en&e .#ic#0 under t#e circu%&t$nce& o) t#e c$&e0 t#e court con&ider& unre$&on$,+e!

/!. T#i& 'ro*i&ion .i++ &o%eti%e& $d%it o) t#e e*idence .#ic# .$& (i*en $t $ courtE%$rti$+ .#ic# i& di&&o+*ed ,e)ore co%in( to $ )indin( or t#e 'roceedin(& o) .#ic# $re not con)ir%ed ,ein( u&ed $t t#e &u,&e2uent tri$+ o) t#e &$%e $ccu&ed ,e)ore $not#er court! It .i++ $+&o $d%it (&u,Cect to t#e $,o*e condition&) o) e*idence recorded ,e)ore $ %$(i&tr$te in t#e 're&ence o) t#e $ccu&ed $nd .it# +i,ert to cro&&Eex$%ine0 in re+$tion to t#e &$%e c#$r(e $& t#$t on .#ic# #e i& $)ter.$rd& tried , courtE%$rti$+ ,ein( u&ed $t t#e &u,&e2uent tri$+0 T#i& 'ro*i&ion %$ ,e u&e)u+ $& $ %e$n& o) 'er'etu$tin( te&ti%on .#en t#e +i)e o) $ .itne&& i& in d$n(er0 or #e i& under order& )or $cti*e &er*ice $nd c$nnot ,e det$ined to (i*e e*idence! /). S'mmar of e0iden(e ho+ far admi&&i8.e!"In t#e c$&e0 #o.e*er0 o) tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+ t#ere i& no &i%i+$r 'ro*i&ion %$Ain( $ &u%%$r o) e*idence t$Aen ,e)ore $ CO0 .#en $n $ccu&ed 'er&on i& re%$nded )or tri$+0 e*idence DDPre*iou& Next>> B7 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


under t#e circu%&t$nce& $& de'o&ition& t$Aen on o$t# $nd in $ Cudici$+ 'roceedin(! Accordin(+ 0 t#e &u%%$r 0 exce't &o )$r $& it cont$in& &t$te%ent , t#e $ccu&ed #i%&e+)0 c$nnot ,e $d%itted $& e*idence o) t#e )$ct& recorded in it un+e&& t#e $ccu&ed #$& '+e$ded (ui+t (AR&6>0 11B $nd 1B9)! 1ut .#ere $ &t$te%ent recorded in t#e &u%%$r i& 'ut in i&&ue ,e)ore $ courtE%$rti$+0 $& )or ex$%'+e0 .#ere $ di&cre'$nc i& $++e(ed ,et.een t#$t &t$te%ent $nd t#e e*idence (i*en ,e)ore t#e court0 or .#ere t#e $++e(ed .i+)u+ )$+&e#ood o) &uc# $ &t$te%ent i& %$de t#e &u,Cect o) $ c#$r(e0 t#e &u%%$r i) 'ur'ortin( to (i*e *er,$ti% &i(ned &t$te%ent o) t#e .itne&&0 %$ ,e (i*en in e*idence $& con)ir%$tor o) t#e &t$te%ent #$*in( ,een %$de! ,0ii- .Statement& made 'nder &$e(ia. (ir('m&tan(e& //. Do('ment&!"T#e ru+e exc+udin( #e$r&$ e*idence i& $''+ic$,+e to .ritten or docu%ent$r 0 $& .e++ $& to or$+ e*idence! T#e &t$te%ent o) $ 'er&on .#o i& not c$++ed $& $ .itne&& i& nonet#e+e&& ?#e$r&$ ? ,ec$u&e it #$& ,een reduced to .ritin(0 $nd i& o))ered in t#$t )or% to t#e court! 1ut in it& $''+ic$tion to docu%ent& o) $ 'u,+ic or o))ici$+ c#$r$cter t#e ru+e i& &u,Cect to *er i%'ort$nt 2u$+i)ic$tion&! In t#e c$&e o) %$n &uc# docu%ent& t#e &t$te%ent& .#ic# t#e cont$in $re0 under ex're&& &t$tutor 'ro*i&ion&0 $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence o) t#e %$tter& to .#ic# t#e re+$te! /3. Entrie& in 8ooC& of a((o'nt&0"T#u&0 entrie& in ,ooA& o) $ccount re(u+$r+ Ae't in t#e cour&e o) ,u&ine&& $re re+e*$nt0 ,ut &uc# entrie& $re not , t#e%&e+*e&0 &u))icient to c#$r(e $n 'er&on .it# $ +i$,i+it (IEA!&!8>)!

/5. Entrie& in $'8.i( re(ord& et(!E/o $+&o0 $n entr in $n 'u,+ic or ot#er o))ici$+ ,ooA0 re(i&ter or record %$de , $ 'u,+ic &er*$nt in t#e di&c#$r(e o) #i& o))ici$+ dut or , $n ot#er 'er&on in t#e di&c#$r(e o) $ dut i%'o&ed on #i% , +$.0 i& $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence o) t#e )$ct& to .#ic# it re+$te& (IEA!&!86)! !/t$te%ent& in %$'& (ener$++ o))ered )or 'u,+ic &$+e0 or %$de under t#e $ut#orit o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent or $n /t$te -o*ern%ent $re &i%i+$r+ $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence $& to %$tter& u&u$++ re're&ented in &uc# %$'& (IEA!&!8B)0 $& $re $+&o &t$te%ent& o) t#e +$. o) $n countr cont$ined in t#e o))ici$+ 'u,+ic$tion& o) it& -o*ern%ent (IEA!&!85)G $nd $ &t$te%ent o) $n )$ct o) $ 'u,+ic n$ture0 i) %$de in $ recit$+ cont$ined in $n Act o) P$r+i$%ent o) t#e United Nin(do%0 or in $n Centr$+0 or /t$te Act or in -o*ern%ent noti)ic$tion $''e$rin( in t#e O))ici$+ -$3ette i& $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence o) t#e )$ct (IEA!&!87)! /6. S$e(ia. $ro0i&ion& of AA!E Under t#e &'eci$+ 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e AA0 enro+%ent '$'er&0 +etter&0 return& $nd docu%ent& re&'ectin( &er*ice0 di&%i&&$+ or di&c#$r(e0 Ar% +i&t& $nd ($3ette& 'u,+i&#ed , $ut#orit $nd & t#e &t$tu& $nd r$nA o) o))icer&0 FCO& or WO&0 record& in re(i%ent$+ ,ooA&0 certi)ic$te& in cert$in c$&e& &t$tin( t#e )$ct0 d$te $nd '+$ce (,ut not t#e circu%&t$nce&) o) t#e &urrender or $''re#en&ion o) $,&entee&0 t#e re'+ o) $ -o*ern%ent o))icer to $ co%%unic$tion $ddre&&ed to #i% under AA!&!1>8 $nd t#e ?return? o) $ co%%i&&ion $re %$de e*idence o) t#e )$ct& &t$ted in t#e% (AA!&&!1850 1>10 1>= $nd 1>8)! DDPre*iou& Next>>

B5 Hindi



/1. B'dgment& of #o'rt& of .a+.E T#e Cud(%ent& o) court& o) +$. $re $+&o in &o%e c$&e& re+e*$nt )$ct& (IEA!&&!>9 to >>)! Court&E%$rti$+ $re c#ie)+ intere&ted in t#i& %$tter &o )$r $& it concern& '+e$& in ,$r o) tri$+ $nd t#e 'roo) o) 're*iou& con*iction&! A& re($rd& t#e )or%er it need on+ ,e re%$rAed t#$t t#e 'roduction o) t#e Cud(%ent o) $ cri%in$+ court con*ictin( or $c2uittin( t#e $ccu&ed o) t#e &$%e o))ence0 or $ certi)ied co' t#ereo) e))ectu$++ ,$r& #i& tri$+G .#i+e $& to t#e +$tter0 $ 're*iou& con*iction %$ ,e 'ro*ed eit#er , *er,$ti% extr$ct )ro% t#e re(i%ent$+ ,ooA& or , t#e 'roduction o) $ 'ro'er+ certi)ied extr$ct )ro% t#e record& o) t#e court .#ic# con*icted t#e $ccu&ed (AA!&!1>>)! ,0iii- O$inion of third $er&on&" +hen re.e0ant /4. R'.e& a& to o$inion. E T#e (ener$+ ru+e i& t#$t t#e o'inion or ,e+ie) o) $ .itne&& i& not e*idence! A .itne&& %u&t de'o&e to t#e '$rticu+$r )$ct& .#ic# #e #$& &een0 #e$rd or ot#er.i&e o,&er*ed0 $nd it i& )or t#e court to dr$. t#e nece&&$r in)erence )ro% t#e&e )$ct&! T#u&0 $ .itne&& %$ not on $ tri$+ )or de&ertion c#$r$cteri&e t#e $ccu&ed4& $,&ence $& ?de&ertion?! T#i& i& $ %$tter o) in)erence0 $nd i& t#e 'oint .#ic# re&t& .it# t#e court to deter%ine $ccordin( to t#e e*idence! T#e ex$%in$tion o) t#e .itne&& &#ou+d ,e con)ined to t#e )$ct o) t#e $ccu&ed $,&entin( #i%&e+)0 $nd to &uc# ot#er )$ct& re+e*$nt to t#e c#$r(e $& %$ ,e .it#in t#e Ano.+ed(e o) t#e .itne&&! In cert$in exce'tion$+ c$&e&0 #o.e*er0 o'inion i& )or &'eci$+ re$&on& $d%itted $& e*idence! T#e&e c$&e& $re de$+t .it# in IEA!&&!>6 to 610

.#ic# ) t#e & &te% $+re$d ex'+$ined0 dec+$re t#e&e o'inion& to ,e re+e*$nt0 +e$*in( $++ ot#er& out&ide t#e enu%er$tion o) t#e re+e*$nt )$ct&! 37. E?(e$tion in" (a&e of 2e?$ert&2! "T#e c#ie) exce'tion to t#e ru+e exc+udin( o'inion i& t#$t t#e o'inion o) $n ?ex'ert? i!e!0 $ 'er&on &'eci$++ &Ai++ed in )orei(n +$.0 in $n &cience or $rt0 or in t#e identi)ic$tion o) #$nd.ritin( or )in(er i%'re&&ion&0 i& $d%i&&i,+e on $n 'oint .it#in t#e r$n(e o) #i& &'eci$+ Ano.+ed(e (IEA!&!>6)! 31! T#u&0 in $ 'oi&onin( c$&e0 $ doctor %$ ,e $&Aed $& $n ex'ert0 .#et#er0 in #i& o'inion0 $ '$rticu+$r 'oi&on 'roduce& '$rticu+$r & %'to%&! And .#ere un&ound ne&& o) %ind i& &et u' $& $ de)ence0 $n ex'ert %$ ,e $&Aed .#et#er0 in #i& o'inion0 t#e & %'to%&0 ex#i,ited , t#e $ccu&ed co%%on+ &#o. un&oundne&& o) %ind0 $nd .#et#er &uc# un&ound ne&& o) %ind u&u$++ render& 'er&on& inc$'$,+e o) t#e n$ture o) t#eir $ct&0 or o) t#$t .#$t t#e do i& eit#er .ron( or contr$r to +$.! An o))icer %$ ,e $&Aed0 $& $n ex'ert to (i*e #i& o'inion on $ 'oint .it#in #i& &'eci$+ %i+it$r Ano.+ed(e0 ,ut to %$Ae #i& o'inion $d%i&&i,+eG #i& Ano.+ed(e %u&t ,e o) $ Aind not 'o&&e&&ed , t#e court (ener$++ ! T#u&0 in $ tri$+ ,e)ore t#e courtE %$rti$+0 it i& not 'ro'er to $&A $ .itne&& )or $n o'inion on %$tter& .it# .#ic# $++ o))icer& &#ou+d ,e )$%i+i$r0 ,ut it %$ ,e 'er)ect+ 'ro'er to 'ut 2ue&tion& in*o+*in( o'inion to $n en(ineer $& to t#e 'ro(re&& o) $ &$'0 or to $n $rti++er o))icer $& to t#e 'ro,$,+e e))ect o) #i& $r%0 i) directed $& $&&u%ed0 &ince t#e&e %$tter&0 t#ou(# #$*in( re)erence to %i+it$r &cience0 $re not o) &uc# n$ture $& to ,e 're&u%$,+ Ano.n to e$c# %e%,er o) $ courtE%$rti$+! 3!. Gro'nd& on +hi(h o$inion& are 8a&ed +hen re.e0ant ! "W#en $n o'inion i& re+e*$nt0 )$ct& .#ic# &u''ort or $re incon&i&tent .it# it! $nd t#e (round& on DDPre*iou& Next>>

B: Hindi



.#ic# it i& ,$&ed0 $re $+&o re+e*$nt (IEA!&&!>B $nd 61)! E*idence $& to t#e (round& on .#ic# t#e o'inion i& ,$&ed c$n0 exce't $& %entioned in '$r$ 79 ,e+o.0 on+ ,e (i*en .#en t#e $ut#or o) t#e o'inion i& $+i*e0 $& t#e (round&0 on .#ic# t#e dece$&ed 'er&on4& o'inion .$& ,$&ed %u&t o,*iou&+ ,e eit#er (ue&& .orA or #e$r&$ ! 3). ;and+riting+ho ma gi0e o$inion regarding it! "T#e o'inion o) $n 'er&on $c2u$inted .it# t#e #$nd.ritin( o) t#e 'er&on , .#o% $n docu%ent i& &u''o&ed to #$*e ,een .ritten or &i(ned i& re+e*$nt e*en t#ou(# t#e )or%er i& not $n ?ex'ert? in #$nd.ritin(! A 'er&on i& &$id to ,e $c2u$inted .it# t#e #$nd.ritin( o) $not#er i)0 " ($) #e #$& &een t#$t 'er&on .riteG (,) #e #$& recei*ed docu%ent& 'ur'ortin( to ,e .ritten , t#$t 'er&on in $n&.er to docu%ent& .ritten , #i%&e+) or under #i& $ut#orit $nd $ddre&&ed to t#$t 'er&onG or

(c) docu%ent& 'ur'ortin( to ,e .ritten , t#$t 'er&on #$*e ,een #$,itu$++ &u,%itted to #i% in t#e ordin$r cour&e o) ,u&ine&& (IEA!&!>7)! 3/. *roof of hand+riting 8 (om$ari&on!"H$nd.ritin( %$ $+&o ,e 'ro*ed , co%'$ri&on0 under IEA!&!78! It .i++0 t#ere)ore0 ,e con*enient to con&ider t#i& &ection #ere0 t#ou(# it occur& in $ +$ter 'ortion o) t#e Act! It $++o.& $ .ritin( $d%itted or 'ro*ed to ,e .ritten , $n 'er&on to ,e co%'$red .it# $not#er .#ic# 'ur'ort& to ,e .ritten , t#$t 'er&on0 in order t#$t t#e (enuinene&& o) t#e +$tter %$ ,e e&t$,+i&#ed or re,utted! Not#in( i& &$id $& to .#o i& to %$Ae t#e co%'$ri&on0 $nd it %$ t#ere)ore ,e %$de eit#er , t#e court or $n ex'ert! A co%,in$tion o) ,ot# %et#od& i& t#e &$)er cour&e! A co%'$ri&on o) #$nd.ritin( i& $t $++ ti%e& $& $ %ode o) 'roo) #$3$rdou& $nd inconc+u&i*e0 $nd e&'eci$++ &o .#en it i& %$de , one not con*er&$nt .it# t#e &u,Cect $nd .it#out &uc# (uid$nce $& %i(#t ,e deri*ed )ro% t#e $r(u%ent& o) coun&e+ $nd t#e e*idence o) ex'ert&! T#e &$%e &ection (oe& on to 'ro*ide t#$t $ court %$ re2uire $n 'er&on 're&ent in court to .rite $n .ord& or )i(ure& )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) en$,+in( t#e court to co%'$re t#e .ord& or )i(ure& &o .ritten .it# $n .ord& or )i(ure& $++e(ed to #$*e ,een .ritten , &uc# 'er&on! T#e co%'$ri&on i&0 it .i++ ,e noticed0 %$de , t#e court in t#i& c$&e! It %u&t ,e ,orne in %ind t#$t .ritin( %$de )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) co%'$ri&on i& not un+iAe+ to ,e di&(ui&ed! Art =9(8) o) t#e Con&titution o) Indi$ &ti'u+$te& t#$t no 'er&on $ccu&ed o) $n o))ence &#$++ ,e co%'e++ed to ,e $ .itne&& $($in&t #i%&e+)! It #$& ,een #e+d , t#e /u're%e Court t#$t t#e &$id Art i& not *io+$ted , o,t$inin( t#u%,0 )oot0 '$+% or )in(er i%'re&&ion& or &'eci%en .ritin(& o) $n $ccu&ed 'er&on )or co%'$ri&on or %$Ain( #i% &#o. '$rt& o) #i& ,od , .$ o) identi)ic$tion! T#e i%'ort$nce o) $n ex'ert4& e*idence in &uc# c$&e& +ie& not &o %uc# in t#e o'inion .#ic# #e ex're&&e& $& in t#e )$ct t#$t #e dr$.& t#e $ttention o) t#e court to &i%i+$ritie& $nd di&&i%i+$ritie& .#ic# it %i(#t not notice .it#out #i& $&&i&t$nce0 ,ut t#e *$+ue o) .#ic# (.#en 'ointed out) it c$n )u++ $''r$i&e )or it&e+)! W#ere $ 2ue&tion o) )or(er i& to ,e decided , co%'$ri&on o) #$nd.ritin(& on+ 0 t#e $&&i&t$nce o) $n ex'ert i& %o&t de&ir$,+e! DDPre*iou& Next>>

79 Hindi



33. Other method& of $roof! "T#e %et#od& re)erred to $,o*e $re t#e u&u$+ one& , .#ic# $n indi*idu$+4& $ut#or&#i' o) $ docu%ent i& 'ro*ed! T#e $re not0 #o.e*er0 t#e on+ one&0 $nd in $ddition to t#e .riter4& o.n $d%i&&ion0 or t#e e*idence o) &o%eone .#o &$. #i% .rite it0 t#e $ut#or&#i' o) $ docu%ent %$ ,e 'ro*ed , circu%&t$nti$+ e*idence! For in&t$nce0 A0 .#o&e credit i& uni%'e$c#$,+e0 i& $,+e to &.e$r t#$t 1 .$& t#e &o+e occu'$nt o) t#e roo%0 $nd t#$t $& &oon $& 1 +e)t it0 #e (A) entered $nd )ound $ +etter0 .it# t#e inA &ti++ .et0 + in( on t#e t$,+e! T#ere cou+d ,e no %ore con*incin( 'roo) t#$t 1 .rote t#e +etter0 #o.e*er un+iAe #i& ori(in$+ 'en%$n&#i' t#e .ritin( %i(#t ,e! A($in0 t#e .ritin( o) $n $non %ou& +etter i& t#e

&u,Cect o) $ courtE%$rti$+ c#$r(e! Circu%&t$nce& directin( &u&'icion to $ '$rticu+$r re(i%ent0 co%'$n or c+$&& #$*e co%e to +i(#t $nd &'eci%en& o) t#e #$nd.ritin( o) $++ &u&'ected 'er&on& #$*e ,een 'rocured )ro% t#e re(i%ent$+ &c#oo+ or ot#er.i&e! One o) t#e&e corre&'ond& .it# t#e .ritin( o) t#e $non %ou& +etter! It #$& ,een #e+d t#$t IEA!&!78 c$n ,e in*oAed .#ere t#e docu%ent in i&&ue i& $++e(ed , t#e 'ro&ecution to #$*e ,een .ritten , t#$t '$rticu+$r 'er&on0 &uc# $++e($tion ,ein( ,$&ed on t#e re&e%,+$nce o) t#e #$nd.ritin( to t#$t o) ot#er docu%ent& $d%itted or 'ro*ed to #$*e ,een .ritten , t#$t 'er&on! T#e o'inion& o) one or %ore ex'ert& $& to t#e +etter $nd &'eci%en ,ein( , t#e &$%e .riter $nd e*idence $& to t#e $ut#or&#i' o) &'eci%en $re0 #o.e*er0 re+e*$nt (+EA!&&!>6 $nd 11) $nd )ro% t#e% t#e $ut#or&#i' o) t#e $non %ou& +etter %$ ,e in)erred! 35. S'mmar of .a+ a& to $roof of a'thor&hi$ of do('ment ! "T#e re&u+t o) t#e )ore(oin( re%$rA& i& t#$t t#e $ut#or&#i' o) $ docu%ent %$ ,e 'ro*ed , E ($) t#e e*idence o) ex'ert& ('$r$ 69)G (,) t#e e*idence o) 'er&on& $c2u$inted .it# t#e #$nd.ritin( o) t#e $++e(ed .riter ('$r$!68)G (c) co%'$ri&on under IEA!&!78 ('$r$ 6>)G (d) t#e $d%i&&ion o) t#e .riter or t#e e*idence o) &o%eone .#o &$. #i% .rite it ('$r$!66)G $nd (e) circu%&t$nti$+ e*idence ('$r$!66)! 36. E0iden(e of 8e.ief not e?(.'ded. "T#e ru+e .#ic# re2uire& $ .itne&& to &t$te .#$t #e Ano.&0 $nd not .#$t #e t#inA& doe& not re2uire #i% to de'o&e to )$ct& .it# $n ex're&&ion o) cert$int t#$t exc+ude& $++ dou,t in #i& %ind! For ex$%'+e0 it i& t#e con&t$nt 'r$ctice to recei*e in e*idence $ .itne&&4 ,e+ie) $& to t#e identit o) $ 'er&on or t#in( or $& to t#e )$ct o) $ cert$in #$nd.ritin( ,ein( t#e #$nd.ritin( o) $ '$rticu+$r 'er&on0 t#ou(# #e .i++ not &.e$r 'o&iti*e+ to t#o&e )$ct&! A .itne&& .#o )$+&e+ &.e$r& t#$t #e ?,e+ie*e&? $ t#in( to ,e &o $nd &o i& $& %uc# (ui+t o) (i*in( o) )$+&e e*idence $& one .#o )$+&e+ &.e$r& t#$t ?it i&? &o $nd &o! 31. O$inion a& to (ond'(t ho+ far admi&&i8.e! "In c$&e& $))ectin( t#e conduct o) t#e $ccu&ed0 eit#er $& to de'ort%ent or +$n(u$(e0 it i& not on+ 'ro'er0,ut o)ten nece&&$r 0 to re2uire $ .itne&& to dec+$re #i& o'inion0 ,ec$u&e t#$t o'inion %$ ,e $n i%'re&&ion deri*ed )ro% $ co%,in$tion o) circu%&t$nce& occurrin( $t t#e ti%e re)erred to0 .#ic# it .ou+d ,e di))icu+t0 i) not i%'o&&i,+e0 )u++ DDPre*iou& Next>>

71 Hindi



to i%'$rt to t#e court! 1ut it .ou+d ,e i%'ro'er to dr$. t#e $ttention o) $ .itne&& to )$ct&0 .#et#er &t$ted , #i% or , $not#er .itne&&0 $nd to $&A #i& o'inion $& to

t#eir $ccord$nce .it# %i+it$r di&ci'+ine or u&$(e0 ,ec$u&e t#e court&0 .#en in 'o&&e&&ion o) )$ct&0 $re t#e on+ 'ro'er Cud(e& o) t#eir tendenc ! I) t#e .itne&& i& $&Aed $ 2ue&tion in*itin( #i% to ex're&& #i& o'inion $& to t#e (ener$+ conduct o) t#e 'er&on $ccu&ed0 or to (i*e #i& Cud(%ent on t#e .#o+e %$tter o) t#e c#$r(e0 #e %$ 0 $nd &#ou+d0 dec+ine to $n&.er it! ,i?- #hara(ter" +hen re.e0ant 34. E0iden(e of (hara(ter +hen admi&&i8.e!EIn cri%in$+ 'roceedin(& (.#ic# ter% inc+ude& tri$+& , courtE%$rti$+) t#e )$ct t#$t t#e $ccu&ed i& o) (ood c#$r$cter i& $+.$ & re+e*$nt (IEA!&!68)0,ut t#e )$ct t#$t #e #$& $ ,$d c#$r$cter i& irre+e*$nt un+e&& e*idence #$& ,een (i*en t#$t #e #$& $ (ood c#$r$cter (IEA!&!6>)! ?C#$r$cter? inc+ude& ,ot# re'ut$tion $nd di&'o&ition0 ,ut e*idence %$ ,e (i*en on+ o) (ener$+ re'ut$tion $nd (ener$+ di&'o&ition0 $nd not o) '$rticu+$r $ct& , .#ic# re'ut$tion $nd (ener$+ di&'o&ition0 .ere &#o.n (IEA!&!66ex'+$n$tion)G $& $n exce'tion00 #o.e*er0 to t#i&0 're*iou& con*iction& c$n ,e 'ro*ed $& e*idence o) ,$d c#$r$cter0 .#en &uc# e*idence i& ot#er.i&e $d%i&&i,+e i!e!0 .#en e*idence o) (ood c#$r$cter #$& ,een (i*en (IEA!&!6> ex'+$n$tion =)! 57. E0iden(e of (hara(ter et(."after (on0i(tion. "1 $ &'eci$+ 'ro*i&ion o) t#e AA (AA!&!1>>)0 e*idence o) c#$r$cter ((ood or ,$d) 're*iou& con*iction& $nd cert$in ot#er 're&cri,ed %$tter&0 in)or%$tion on .#ic# i& nece&&$r to en$,+e t#e court to decide u'on it& &entence0 i& $d%itted $)ter t#e $ccu&ed #$& ,een con*icted0 .#i+e $t $ /CM t#e o))icer #o+din( t#e tri$+ %$ record &uc# %$tter& o) #i& o.n Ano.+ed(e! Wit# t#e&e exce'tion&0 no un)$*our$,+e e*idence $& to c#$r$cter i& $d%i&&i,+e un+e&& t#e $ccu&ed #$& ,rou(#t it on #i%&e+) , c$++in( or e+icitin( e*idence o) #i& (ood c#$r$cter! 51. Effe(t of E0iden(e a& to (hara(ter! "E*idence o) (ener$+ (ood c#$r$cter c$nnot $*$i+ t#e $ccu&ed $($in&t e*idence o) t#e )$ct0 ,ut .#ere &o%e re$&on$,+e dou,t exi&t& $& to #i& (ui+t0 it %$ tend to &tren(t#en $ 're&u%'tion o) innocence0 $nd 'ro*ed (ood c#$r$cter &#ou+d ,e t$Aen into con&ider$tion .it# $++ t#e ot#er )$ct& $nd circu%&t$nce&0 not $& 'o&iti*e e*idence contr$dictin( $n t#$t #$& ,een ,rou(#t on t#e ot#er &ide0 ,ut $& 'ro,$,+e te&ti%on to induce t#e court to dou,t .#et#er t#e ot#er e*idence i& correct0 $nd not to di&c$rd t#$t e*idence i) t#e court t#inA& t#$t it i& correct! On $ c#$r(e o) t#e)t0 c#$r$cter )or #one&t %$ ,e entit+ed to con&ider$,+e .ei(#tG &o $+&o on $ c#$r(e i%'+ic$tin( t#e cour$(e o) $ 'er&on0 c#$r$cter )or ,r$*er $nd re&o+ution! 1ut it .ou+d ,e %$ni)e&t+ $,&urd0 on $ c#$r(e o) t#e)t to $++o. c#$r$cter )or ,r$*er to .ei(# #e$*i+ or on $ c#$r(e o) co.$rdice0 to ,e ,i$&ed , $ c#$r$cter )or #one&t ! -ener$+ c#$r$cter0 unconnected .it# t#e c#$r(e0 t#ou(# it %$ not .ei(# .it# t#e court0 exce't in $.$rdin( 'uni&#%ent in di&cretion$r c$&e&0 %$ e&&enti$++ &er*e t#e $ccu&ed , in)+uencin( t#e &u'erior .it# .#o% it re&t& to %iti($te or re%it t#e &entence! DDPre*iou& Next>> 7= Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>

MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW 5!. E0iden(e tending to &ho+ di&$o&ition not admi&&i8.eEA& $ (ener$+ ru+e0 it i& not co%'etent )or t#e 'ro&ecution to $dduce e*idence tendin( to &#o. t#$t t#e $ccu&ed #$& ,een (ui+t o) cri%in$+ $ct& ot#er t#$n t#o&e inc+uded in t#e c#$r(e $($in&t #i% )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) +e$din( to t#e conc+u&ion t#$t #e i& $ 'er&on +iAe+ )ro% #i& conduct or c#$r$cter or di&'o&ition to #$*e co%%itted t#e o))ence )or .#ic# #e i& ,ein( tried! T#u&0 on $ c#$r(e o) %urder0 t#e 'ro&ecutor c$nnot (i*e e*idence o) t#e conduct o) t#e $ccu&ed in re&'ect o) ot#er 'er&on& )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) 'ro*in( $ ,+oodEt#ir&t $nd %urderou& di&'o&ition! On $ c#$r(e $($in&t $ &entr o) #$*in( ,een $&+ee' on #i& 'o&t on $n occ$&ion0 e*idence t#$t #e #$d ,een )ound $&+ee' on #i& 'o&t on ot#er occ$&ion& .ou+d not ,e $d%i&&i,+e )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) & t#$t #e .ou+d ,e +iAe+ to co%%it t#e o))enceG $nd on $ c#$r(e o) in&u,ordin$tion0 e*idence o) in&u,ordin$te conduct on ot#er occ$&ion& .ou+d not ,e $d%i&&i,+e )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) & $ tendenc to in&u,ordin$te conduct! E*idence $& to ot#er cri%e& co%%itted , t#e $ccu&ed %$ #o.e*er ,e $d%i&&i,+e under '$r$& 160 == or => $,o*e0 i) t#e&e cri%e& )or% '$rt o) t#e &$%e tr$n&$ction0 &#o. t#e exi&tence o) $ re+e*$nt &t$te o) %ind or ,od or ne($ti*e t#e t#eor o) $ccident or %i&)ortune! 5). #on(.'&ion of .i&t of 2re.e0ant fa(t&20 "T#i& conc+ude& t#e +i&t o) .#$t t#e Indi$n E*idence Act c+$&&e& $& ?re+e*$nt? )$ct&! /'eci$+ 'ro*i&ion i&0 #o.e*er0 %$de e+&e.#ere )or t#e $d%i&&ion o) cert$in ot#er e*idence0 $ con&ider$tion o) .#ic# %$ ,e #e+')u+ to $ court in $rri*in( $t $ deci&ion $& to #o. )$r $ .itne&& i& to ,e ,e+ie*ed! T#e&e $reH " ($) An&.er& to cert$in 2ue&tion& .#ic# $re $d%i&&i,+e on cro&&Eex$%in$tionG (,) E*idence i%'e$c#in( t#e credit o) .itne&&e&H (c) Corro,or$tion o) t#e &t$te%ent& o) .itne&&e&! T#e .i++ ,e con&idered +$ter0 .#en de$+in( .it# t#e 'ortion& o) t#e Indi$n E*idence Act in .#ic# t#e occur! ,?- :a(t& +hi(h need not 8e $ro0ed 5/. T+o (ategorie& of fa(t& +hi(h need not 8e $ro0ed. "H$*in( t#u& &ett+ed .#$t &ort o) )$ct& %$ ,e 'ro*ed0 t#e Indi$n E*idence Act (oe& on to &#o. #o. t#e&e )$ct& $re to ,e ,rou(#t to t#e notice o) t#e court .#ic# trie& $ c$&e! In t#e )ir&t '+$ce0 cert$in )$ct& need not ,e 'ro*ed $t $++! T#e&e )$++ into t.o c$te(orie& *i3!0 )$ct& o) .#ic# court& t$Ae Cudici$+ notice0 $nd $d%i&&ion&! 53. B'di(ia. noti(e! "A court i& &$id to +$Ae Cudici$+ notice0 in ot#er .ord&0 not to re2uire e*idence0 o) $n )$ct& .#ic# $re $&&u%ed to ,e &o (ener$++ Ano.n $& not to re2uire &'eci$+ 'roo)! 1 AA0&!18> $ courtE%$rti$+ i& ex're&&+ $ut#ori&ed to t$Ae Cudici$+ notice o) $++ %$tter& .it#in t#e (ener$+ %i+it$r Ano.+ed(e o) it& %e%,er&! T#u&0 e*idence need not ,e (i*en $& to t#e re+$ti*e r$nA o) o))icer&0 $& to (ener$+ dutie&0 $ut#oritie&0 $nd o,+i($tion& o) di))erent %e%,er& o) t#e &er*ice0 or (ener$++ $& to $n %$tter& .#ic# $n o))icer0 $& &uc#0 %$ re$&on$,+ ,e ex'ected to Ano.! T#e Indi$n E*idence Act )urt#er re2uire& court& to t$Ae Cudici$+ notice o) cert$in ot#er %$tter&! A%on( t#e&e $reH $++ +$.& in )orce in t#e territor o) Indi$0 $++ 'u,+ic Act& '$&&ed , P$r+i$%ent o) t#e United Nin(do%0 Artic+e& o) W$r )or t#e Indi$n Ar% 0 N$* or Air Force t#e cour&e o) 'roceedin(& o) P$r+i$%ent $nd o) t#e +e(i&+$ture in $ Pro*ince or /t$te0 t#e $cce&&ion $nd t#e &i(n %$nu$+ o) t#e

/o*erei(n )or t#e ti%e ,ein( o) t#e United Nin(do% o) -re$t 1rit$in $nd Ire+$nd0 $++ &e$+& o) .#ic# En(+i&# Court& t$Ae Cudici$+ notice0 t#e &e$+& o) $++ t#e court& in Indi$! T#e &e$+& DDPre*iou& Next>> 78 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


o) $n Not$r Pu,+ic0 t#e exi&tence0 tit+e $nd n$tion$+ )+$( o) $ /t$te or &o*erei(n reco(ni&ed , t#e -o*ern%ent o) Indi$0 t#e di*i&ion& o) ti%e0 t#e (eo(r$'#ic$+ di*i&ion& o) t#e .or+d0 t#e co%%ence%ent0 continu$nce $nd ter%in$tion o) #o&ti+itie& ,et.een t#e -o*ern%ent o) Indi$ $nd $n ot#er /t$te or ,od o) 'er&on& $nd t#e ru+e o) t#e ro$d on +$nd or $t &e$ (IEA!&!67)! 55. GooC& of referen(e ma 8e (on&'.ted"In $++ t#o&e c$&e&0 $nd $+&o on $++ %$tter& o) 'u,+ic #i&tor 0 +iter$ture0 &cience or $rt0 t#e court %$ con&u+t $''ro'ri$te ,ooA& o) re)erence $nd %$ re2uire t#e '$rt $&Ain( it to t$Ae Cudici$+ notice o) $ )$ct to 'roduce &uc# $ ,ooA0 ,e)ore it t$Ae& Cudici$+ notice o) t#e )$ct (IEA!&!67)! 56. :a(t& admitted "F$ct& .#ic# t#e '$rtie& $d%it in court need not ,e 'ro*ed0 ot#er.i&e t#$n , &uc# $d%i&&ion&0 un+e&& t#e court re2uire& t#e% to ,e &o 'ro*ed (IEA!&!65)! It i& t#e 'r$ctice o) court&E%$rti$+ to recei*e $d%i&&ion& %$de in o'en court $& to co++$ter$+ or co%'$r$ti*e+ uni%'ort$nt )$ct& .#ic# $re not in di&'ute0 ,ut %u&t ,e 'ro*ed on t#e '$rt eit#er o) t#e 'ro&ecution or o) t#e de)ence! T#u&0 it i& t#e 'r$ctice o) $ eit#er '$rt t#e o'tion o) $d%ittin( t#e $ut#enticit o) order& or +etter& or t#e &i(n$ture o) docu%ent0 or t#e trut# o) $ co' 0 'ut in , t#e ot#er '$rt 0 in c$&e& .#ere &uc# .ritin(& $re recei*$,+e .#en 'ro*edG or t#$t cert$in det$i+& in $n enu%er$tion o) &tore& or in $n $ccount $re correct+ &t$tedG or t#$t $ 'ro%i&e or 'er%i&&ion to $ cert$in e))ect .$& $ctu$++ (i*en0 or t#$t $ cert$in +etter .$& &ent or recei*ed on $ (i*en d$ G $nd &o in &i%i+$r c$&e& .#ere $d%i&&ion& %$ ex'edite t#e 'roceedin(& $nd do not (o to t#e %erit& o) t#e %$tter ,e)ore t#e court! 51. *.ea of g'i.t . T#e co%%one&t in&t$nce o) $n $d%i&&ion i& $ '+e$ o) (ui+t 0 .#ic# i& $n $d%i&&ion , t#e $ccu&ed o) $++ t#e $*er%ent& in t#e c#$r(e &#eet! On &uc# '+e$0 no )urt#er e*idence o) t#e (ui+t o) t#e $ccu&ed i& nece&&$r $nd #e c$n ,e con*icted $nd &entenced $ccordin(+ ! ,?i- Ora. e0iden(e 54. Ora. e0iden(e defined. "A++ ot#er )$ct& %u&t ,e 'ro*ed , or$+ or docu%ent$r e*idence! 4Or$+ e*idence4 %e$n& &t$te%ent& %$de to t#e court , .itne&&e&0 .#i+e 4docu%ent$r e*idence4 %e$n& t#e 'roduction o) docu%ent& )or t#e in&'ection o) t#e court (IEA!&!8)! A++ )$ct&0 exce't t#e content& o) docu%ent&0 %$ ,e 'ro*ed , or$+ e*idence (IEA!&!6:) .#ic# in $++ c$&e& %u&t ,e directG t#$t i& to &$ ! " ($) i) it re)er& to $ )$ct .#ic# cou+d ,e &een0 it %u&t ,e t#e e*idence o) $ .itne&& .#o &$ & #e &$. itG

(,) i) it re)er& to $ )$ct .#ic# cou+d ,e #e$rd0 it %u&t ,e t#e e*idence o) $ .itne&& .#o &$ & #e #e$rd itG (c) i) it re)er& to $ )$ct .#ic# cou+d ,e 'ercei*ed , $n ot#er &en&e or In $n ot#er %$nner0 it %u&t ,e t#e e*idence o) $ .itne&& .#o &$ & #e 'ercei*ed it , t#$t &en&e or in t#$t %$nnerG DDPre*iou& Next>> 7> Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


(d) i) it re)er& to $n o'inion or to t#e (round& on .#ic# t#$t o'inion i& #e+d0 it %u&t ,e t#e e*idence o) t#e 'er&on .#o #o+d& t#$t o'inion on t#o&e (round&! 67. S$e(ia. r'.e a& to treati&e& 8 e?$ert&! "T#e o'inion&0 #o.e*er0 o) ex'ert& ex're&&ed in $n tre$ti&e co%%on+ o))ered )or &$+e0 $nd t#e (round& on .#ic# &uc# o'inion& $rc #e+d0 %$ ,e 'ro*ed , t#e 'roduction o) &uc# tre$ti&e i) t#e $ut#or i& de$d0 or c$nnot ,e )ound0 or #$& ,eco%e inc$'$,+e o) (i*in( e*idence or c$nnot ,e c$++ed $& $ .itne&& .it#out $n $%ount o) de+$ or ex'en&e .#ic# t#e court re($rd& $& unre$&on$,+e (Pro*i&o I to IEA!&!B9)! 61. #o'rt ma reE'ire $rod'(tion of thing& referred to! "I) or$+ e*idence re)er& to t#e exi&tence or condition o) $n %$teri$+ t#in(0 ot#er t#$n $ docu%ent0 t#e court %$ 0 i) it t#inA& )it0 re2uire t#e 'roduction o) &uc# %$teri$+ t#in( )or it& in&'ection (Pro*i&o = to IEA!&!B9)! ,?ii- Do('mentar e0iden(e 6!. R'.e a& to do('mentar e0iden(e! "T#e exi&tence0 condition0 or content& o) $ 'u,+ic docu%ent %$ ,e 'ro*ed eit#er , 'ri%$r or , &econd$r e*idence (IEA!&&!B10 B> $nd B6(e))! T#e exi&tence0 condition or content& o) $ 'ri*$te docu%ent %$ ,e 'ro*ed , 'ri%$r e*idence0 $nd in cert$in circu%&t$nce& %$ $+&o ,e 'ro*ed , &econd$r e*idence (IEA!&&!B10 B> $nd B6($) to (d)()) $nd (())!It &#ou+d ,e re%e%,ered t#$t 4content&4 o) $ docu%ent $nd not t#e 4trut#4 o) t#e&e content& i& #ere re)erred to! A docu%ent i&0 $& $ ru+e0 on+ 'roo) t#$t cert$in %$rA& #$*e ,een %$de on t#e '$'er0 or .#$te*er it i& on .#ic# t#e $re in&cri,ed0 e!(!0 t#$t $ cert$in &t$te%ent #$& ,een .ritten do.n! It i& on+ in exce'tion$+ c$&e& t#$t $ docu%ent i& 'roo) o) t#e %$tter& recordedG t#e&e c$&e& $re de$+t .it# &e'$r$te+ ! In $++ c$&e&0 t#e docu%ent %u&t ,e 'roduced , $ .itne&& on o$t# or $))ir%$tion! 6). *rimar e0iden(e! "Pri%$r e*idence i& t#e 'roduction o) t#e docu%ent it&e+) )or t#e in&'ection o) t#e court0 or0 i) it i& one o) $ nu%,er o) docu%ent& 'roduced , $ uni)or% 'roce&& (e!(!0 'rintin(0 +it#o(r$'# or '#oto(r$'# ) t#e 'roduction o) one o) t#e% (IEA!&!B=)! I)0 #o.e*er0 $ nu%,er o) docu%ent& &o 'roduced $re co'ie& o) $ co%%on ori(in$+0 t#e $re not 'ri%$r e*idence o) t#e ori(in$+! For ex$%'+e0 t#e t 'e o) $ ,ooA i& &et u' )ro% t#e $ut#or4& %$nu&cri't $nd

$ nu%,er o) co'ie& 'rinted! E*er co' i& 'ri%$r e*idence o) t#e content& o) t#e ot#er&0 ,ut not o) t#e content& o) t#e %$nu&cri't (IEA!&!B=E Ex'+$n$tion =)! 6/.Se(ondar e0iden(e" +hen gi0en!"/econd$r e*idence %$ ,e (i*en o) t#e exi&tence0 condition or content& o) $ docu%ent (IEA!&!B6) in t#e ) c$&e&H " ($) W#en t#e ori(in$+ i& &#o.n or $''e$r& to ,e in t#e 'o&&e&&ion or ' o)" (i) t#e o''o&ite '$rt G or DDPre*iou& Next>>

76 Hindi



(ii) $n 'er&on out o) re$c# o)0 or not &u,Cect to0 t#e 'roce&& o) t#e courtG or (iii) $n 'er&on +e($++ ,ound to 'roduce it0 $nd .#en0 $)ter due notice (&ee IEA!&!BB) &uc# 'er&on doe& not 'roduce it0 $n Aind o) &econd$r e*idence (&ee '$r$ 76 ,e+o.) %$ ,e (i*en! (,) W#en t#e exi&tence etc!0 o) t#e ori(in$+ #$& ,een $d%itted in .ritin( , t#e '$rt $($in&t .#o% it i& to ,e 'ro*ed0 t#e .ritten $d%i&&ion i& $d%i&&i,+e $& &econd$r e*idence! (c) W#en t#e ori(in$+ #$& ,een de&tro ed or +o&t0 or .#en t#e '$rt o))erin( e*idence o) it& content&0 c$nnot0 )or $n ot#er re$&on not $ri&in( )ro% #i& o.n de)$u+t or ne(+ect0 'roduce it in re$&on$,+e ti%e0 $n Aind o) &econd$r e*idence (&ee '$r$ 76 ,e+o.) %$ ,e (i*en! (d) W#en t#e ori(in$+ i& o) &uc# $ n$ture $& not to ,e e$&i+ %o*$,+e0 $n &econd$r e*idence (&ee '$r$ 76 ,e+o.) %$ ,e (i*en! Aind o)

(e) W#en t#e ori(in$+ i& $ 'u,+ic docu%ent or docu%ent o) .#ic# certi)ied co' i& 'er%itted , +$. to ,e u&ed $& e*idence (e!(!0 t#e 1$nAer&4 1ooA E*idence Act0 15:1 (<;III o) 15:1))0 in &uc# c$&e& $ certi)ied co' i& t#e on+ &econd$r e*idence 'er%i&&i,+e! ()) W#en t#e ori(in$+& con&i&t o) nu%erou& $ccount& or ot#er docu%ent& .#ic# c$nnot con*enient+ ,e ex$%ined in court0 $nd t#e )$ct to ,e 'ro*ed i& t#e (ener$+ re&u+t o) t#e .#o+e co++ection0 e*idence %$ ,e (i*en $& to &uc# (ener$+ re&u+t , $n 'er&on .#o #$& ex$%ined t#e%0 $nd .#o i& &Ai++ed in t#e ex$%in$tion o) &uc# docu%ent&! 63. Se(ondar E0iden(e" nat're! "1e&ide& certi)ied co'ie& (&ee &u,E'$r$ (e)o) t#e 'recedin( '$r$) &econd$r e*idence o) $ 'ri*$te docu%ent (i*en $t $ courtE%$rti$+ .i++ (ener$++ t$Ae one o) t#e ) )or%& (IEA!&!B8)H "

($) Co'ie& %$de )ro% t#e ori(in$+ , $ %ec#$nic$+ 'roce&& .#ic# en&ure& $ccur$c (e!(!0 '#oto(r$'# ) $nd co'ie& co%'$red .it# &uc# co'ie&! (,) Co'ie& %$de )ro% or co%'$red .it# t#e ori(in$+! (c) Or$+ $ccount& o) t#e content& o) $ docu%ent (i*en , &een it! 65. *'8.i( (IEA!&!7>)H " do('ment& defined"T#e ) $re 'er&on& .#o #$*e



($) @ocu%ent& )or%in( t#e $ct& or record& o) t#e $ct&" (i) o) t#e &o*erei(n $ut#orit ! (ii)o) o))ici$+ ,odie& $nd tri,un$+&0 $nd (iii) o) 'u,+ic o))icer&! (,) Pu,+ic record& Ae't in $n /t$te o) 'ri*$te docu%ent& (IEA!&!7>)! DDPre*iou& Next>>

7B Hindi



*ri0ate do('ment& defined."A++ ot#er docu%ent& $re 'ri*$te (IEA!&!76)! A& %entioned $,o*e &econd$r e*idence c$n $+.$ & ,e (i*en o) t#e content& o) $ 'u,+ic docu%ent! T#e n$ture o) t#e &econd$r e*idence *$rie& .it# t#e c#$r$cter o) t#e docu%ent&0 t#e %o&t u&u$+ Aind ,ein( $ ?certi)ied co' ? (IEA!&!7B)0 $nd i) t#e docu%ent i& one 'ro*$,+e , $ 44certi)ied co' ?0 t#i& i& t#e on+ &econd$r e*idence $d%i&&i,+e (IEA!&!B6)! T#e &econd$r e*idence re2uired to 'ro*e t#e *$riou& Aind& o) 'u,+ic docu%ent& i& de$+t .it# in IEA!&&!7B to 750 .#ic# &#ou+d ,e con&u+ted0 i) nece&&$r ! T#e 'u,+ic docu%ent& &'eci)ied in IEA!&!75 $re 'ro*$,+e $& t#erein &t$ted0 $++ ot#er& $re 'ro*$,+e , ?certi)ied co'ie&? $& 'ro*ided )or in IEA&!7B $nd 77! 66.*ro0i&ion& a& to e?tra(t& and (o$ie& of (ertain do('ment! "Under t#e &'eci$+ 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e AA0 extr$ct& )ro% or co'ie& o) o))ici$+ record& $re in cert$in c$&e& %$de $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence (AA!&&!1>10 1>= $nd 1>>) .#i+e under t#e (ener$+ +$. re)erred to $,o*e (IEA!&!75) Act&0 order& $nd noti)ic$tion& o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent in $n o) it& de'$rt%ent& or o) $n Loc$+ -o*ern%ent or $n de'$rt%ent o) $n Loc$+ -o*ern%ent $re 'ro*$,+e , t#e record& o) t#e de'$rt%ent& certi)ied , t#e #e$d& o) t#o&e de'$rt%ent& re&'ecti*e+ or , $n docu%ent 'ur'ortin( to ,e 'rinted , order o) $n &uc# -o*ern%ent! ,?iii- *re&'m$tion a& to do('ment&

61. %%&ha.. $re&'me% and %%ma $re&'me2. "IEA!&&!7: to :9 'ro*ide t#$t cert$in docu%ent& &#$++ ,e 're&u%ed to ,e .#$t t#e 'ur'ort to ,e0 un+e&& $nd unti+ t#e contr$r i& 'ro*ed0 $nd t#$t0 $& to cert$in ot#er&0 court& %$ in t#eir di&cretion0 eit#er %$Ae $ &i%i+$r 're&u%'tion or re2uire t#e (enuinene&& o) t#e docu%ent to ,e 'ro*ed , t#e '$rt .#o 'ut& it )or.$rd! T#e di&tinction ,et.een .#$t t#e court& 4&#$++ 're&u%e4 $nd .#$t t#e 4%$ 're&u%e4 &#ou+d ,e noticed (IEA!&!>)! An in&t$nce o) t#e )or%er c+$&& o) 're&u%'tion i& )ound in AA!&!1>90 .#ic# 'ro*ide& t#$t cert$in &i(n$ture& &#$++ ,e 're&u%ed to ,e (enuine unti+ t#e contr$r i& &#o.n! An in&t$nce o) t#e +$tter i& t#$t re($rdin( te+e(r$'# %e&&$(e& cont$ined in t#e Indi$n E*idence Act (IEA!&!55)! A court %$ eit#er 're&u%e t#$t $ %e&&$(e )or.$rded )ro% $ te+e(r$'# o))ice to t#e $ddre&&ee corre&'ond& .it# $ %e&&$(e de+i*ered )or tr$n&%i&&ion $t t#e o))ice o) ori(in or %$ re2uire t#$t )$ct to ,e 'ro*ed , t#e '$rt $&&ertin( it! T#i& 'ro*i&ion0 doe& not0 #o.e*er0 $ut#ori&e t#e court to %$Ae $n 're&u%'tion $& to .#o de+i*ered t#e %e&&$(e )or tr$n&%i&&ion or $& to t#e trut# o) it& content&! 64. #ontra(t et(." r'.e a& to! "W#ere $ contr$ct0 (r$nt or ot#er di&'o&ition o) 'ro'ert i& reduced to t#e )or% o) $ docu%ent0 t#e docu%ent it&e+) (or &econd$r e*idence o) it& content& .#en $d %i&&i+e) i&0 &$*e in cert$in exce'tion$+ c$&e&0 t#e on+ $d%i&&i,+e e*idence o) t#e %$tter .#ic# it cont$in&0 $nd t#e .ritten contr$ct c$nnot t#ere)ore0&$*e $& $)ore&$id0 ,e *$ried , *er,$+ ex'+$n$tion& or $ddition& (IEA!&!:1)! ,?i0- Of the 8'rden of $roof 17. G'rden of $roof."T#e ,urden o) 'ro*idin( t#e exi&tence (or nonEexi&tence) o) $n )$ct +ie& on t#e &ide .#ic# .i&#e& t#e court to ,e+ie*e in it& exi&tence or nonE exi&tence0 $& t#e c$&e %$ ,e0 $nd .#ic# .ou+d )$i+ i) no e*idence $t $++ .ere (i*en on eit#er &ide (IEA!&&!19= $nd 198)! In cri%in$+ tri$+& t#e e))ect DDPre*iou& Next>>

77 Hindi



o) t#i& i& t#$t t#e ,urden o) 'roo) i&0 in t#e )ir&t in&t$nce0 on t#e 'ro&ecutor0 or $& it i& &o%eti%e& ex're&&ed ?e*er %$n i& 're&u%ed to ,e innocent unti+ #e i& 'ro*ed to ,e (ui+t ?! An exce'tion to t#i& ru+e i& t#$t0 .#en $n )$ct i& e&'eci$++ .it#in t#e Ano.+ed(e o) $n 'er&on0 t#e ,urden o) 'ro*in( t#$t )$ct i& u'on #i% (IEA!&!19B) e!(!0 in c#$r(e& )or ,ein( ?out o) ,ound&? .it#out $ '$&&0 +e$*in( $ 'o&t .it#out order&0 re+e$&in( $ 'ri&oner .it#out $ut#orit 0 $,&ence .it#out +e$*e etc! In &uc# c$&e&0 t#e %$in )$ct ,ein( 'ro*ed0 t#e ,urden o) 'ro*in( t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) $ '$&&0 +e$*e etc!0 +ie& on t#e $ccu&ed0 $nd &uc# e*idence $& t#e 'ro&ecutor %$ ,e in $ 'o&ition to (i*e"inc+udin( in)erence& )ro% t#e conduct o) t#e $ccu&ed"%$ ,e $cce'ted $& Cu&ti) in( $ con*iction in t#e $,&ence o) $n ex'+$n$tion , t#e $ccu&ed! 11. R'.e a& to genera. and &$e(ia. e?(e$tion&! "W#en $n 'er&on i& $ccu&ed o) $n o))ence0 t#e ,urden o) 'ro*in( t#e exi&tence o) )$ct& ,rin(in( t#e c$&e .it#in $n o) t#e ?(ener$+ exce'tion&? o) t#e Indi$n Pen$+ Code or $n &'eci$+ exce'tion or 'ro*i&o $''+ic$,+e to t#e '$rticu+$r o))ence i& on t#e $ccu&ed (IEA!&!196)! For

in&t$nce0 A i& $ccu&ed o) %urderin( 1! T#e ,urden o) 'ro*in( t#$t A Ai++ed 1 i& on t#e 'ro&ecution! A0 #o.e*er0 '+e$d& (r$*e $nd &udden 'ro*oc$tionG t#e ,urden o) 'ro*in( t#i& 'ro*oc$tion i& on A! Differen(e in di&(harge of 8'rden in (a&e& of $ro&e('tion and defen(e. " W#en t#e ,urden o) t#e i&&ue i& on t#e 'ro&ecution e!(!0 t#e onu& o) 'ro*in( t#e (ui+t0 it %u&t 'ro*e it ,e ond $ re$&on$,+e dou,t! It re&t& t#rou(#out on t#e 'ro&ecution $nd t#$t onu& ne*er &#i)t&! W#en0 #o.e*er0 t#e ,urden o) $n i&&ue i& u'on t#e $ccu&ed0 #e i& not0 in (ener$+0 re2uired to 'ro*e it ,e ond $ re$&on$,+e dou,t or in de)$u+t incur $ *erdict o) (ui+t ! It i& &u))icient i) #e &ucceed& in 'ro*in( $ 'ri%$ )$cie c$&e! T#e te&t i& not .#et#er t#e $ccu&ed #$& 'ro*ed ,e ond $ re$&on$,+e dou,t0 t#$t #e co%e& .it#in t#e exce'tion0 ,ut .#et#er $ re$&on$,+e dou,t i& t#ro.n on t#e (ui+t o) t#e $ccu&ed! 1!.*re&'m$tion&."In cert$in c$&e& t#e ,urden o) 'roo) i& deter%ined0 not , t#e re+$tion o) t#e '$rtie& to t#e 2ue&tion0 ,ut , .#$t $re c$++ed ?'re&u%'tion&?! Cert$in 're&u%'tion& #$*e ,een di&cu&&ed $+re$d in connection .it# docu%ent& $nd IEA!&!11> )urt#er 'ro*ide& t#$t $ court %$ 're&u%e t#e exi&tence o) $n )$ct .#ic# it t#inA& +iAe+ to #$*e #$''ened0 re($rd ,ein( #$d to t#e co%%on cour&e o) n$tur$+ e*ent&0 #u%$n conduct0 $nd 'u,+ic $nd 'ri*$te ,u&ine&&! An in&t$nce o) &uc# $ 're&u%'tion i& t#$t $ %$n .#o i& in 'o&&e&&ion o) &to+en (ood& &oon $)ter t#e t#e)t %$ ,e 're&u%ed to ,e eit#er t#e t#ie) or $ (ui+t recei*er un+e&& #e c$n $ccount )or #i& 'o&&e&&ion! In &o%e c$&e& $ &t$te o) %ind (e!(!0intention0 Ano.+ed(e) i& $n in(redient o) t#e o))ence0 ,ut $ &t$te o) %ind i& not c$'$,+e o) 'o&iti*e 'roo)G it c$n on+ ,e in)erred )ro% o*ert $ct&0 .#ic# .#en 'ro*ed0 r$i&e& $ 're&u%'tion o) intention DDPre*iou& Next>>

75 Hindi



or Ano.+ed(e! A& $ (ener$+ ru+e0 $ 'er&on i& 're&u%ed in +$. to #$*e intended t#e n$tur$+ $nd 'ro,$,+e con&e2uence& o) #i& $ct! 1).2Shifting2 of the 8'rden of $roof!"W#ere t#e 'ro&ecution #$*e 'ro*ed $ 'ri%$ )$cie c$&e0 t#e ,urden o) di&'ro*in( $n )$ct& or 're&u%'tion& r$i&ed , t#e 'ro&ecution +ie& on t#e $ccu&ed! It i& not in)re2uent+ &$id t#$t t#e ,urden o) 'roo) ?&#i)t&? on to t#e $ccu&ed0 ,ut t#i& i& not0 &trict+ &'e$Ain(0 correct ,e c$u&e $n $ccu&ed 'er&on i& not ,ound to %$Ae $n de)ence $nd .i++ not nece&&$ri+ ,e con*icted i) #e %$Ae& no de)ence! For in&t$nce0 A i& $ccu&ed o) co%%ittin( t#e)t o) $ )i*eEru'ee note0 $nd t#e 'ro&ecution 'ro*e t#$t i%%edi$te+ $)ter it& +o&& it .$& )ound in A4& 'o&&e&&ion! T#ere i& o,*iou&+ $ &tron( 're&u%'tion t#$t A co%%itted t#e)t o) t#e note0 $nd $& $ %$tter o) co%%on &en&e0 t#e court .ou+d $+%o&t cert$in+ con*ict #i%0 i) #e o))ered no ex'+$n$tion (or no re$&on$,+e ex'+$n$tion)! /ti++0 in +$. t#e ,urden re%$in& on t#e 'ro&ecution to t#e end0 $nd doe& not 4&#i)t4 to t#e $ccu&ed! ,?0- Witne&&e&

1/. #om$eten( of +itne&&e&! "Under +$. $++ 'er&on& $re co%'etent .itne&&e& un+e&& t#e court con&ider& t#$t t#e $re 're*ented )ro% under&t$ndin( t#e 2ue&tion& 'ut to t#e%0 or )ro% (i*in( r$tion$+ $n&.er& to t#e&e 2ue&tion&0 , re$&on o) (IEA!&!115)H E ($) tender e$r&0 (,) extre%e o+d $(e0 (c) di&e$&e o) %ind or ,od 0 or (d) $n ot#er c$u&e o) t#e &$%e Aind! 13. ;ide Cr PC0 1:780 &! 816(1)0 $n $ccu&ed 'er&on i& $ co%'etent .itne&& )or t#e de)ence $nd %$ (i*e e*idence on o$t# in di&'roo) o) t#e c#$r(e& $($in&t #i% or $n 'er&on Coint+ tried .it# #i%! He c$nnot0 #o.e*er0 ,e co%'e++ed to (i*e e*idence! Hi& )$i+ure to (i*e e*idence c$nnot ,e %$de t#e &u,Cect o) $n co%%ent ,e)ore t#e court0 nor c$n it (i*e ri&e to $n 're&u%'tion $($in&t #i%! Under t#e AA0 #o.e*er0 t#e $ccu&ed 'er&on i& not co%'etent to (i*e e*idence on o$t# ,ut %$ %$Ae $n un&.orn &t$te%ent in #i& de)ence (AR& 650 6:0 115 $nd 16:)! 15. A(('&ed (annot gi0e e0iden(e 8't ma maCe a &tatement. /ince t#e $ccu&ed c$nnot (i*e e*idence on o$t# under t#e AA0 $n un&.orn &t$te%ent %$de , #i% in #i& de)ence (AR& 650 6:0 115 $nd 16:) %$ ,e (i*en $ (re$ter or +e&&er de(ree o) credence , t#e court $nd i& one o) t#e ?%$tter& ,e)ore it?0 .#ic# t#e court i& ,ound to con&ider .#en $rri*in( $t $ deci&ion $& to .#et#er t#e c#$r(e i& ?'ro*ed? or ?not 'ro*ed4 16. *er&on& <oint. tried (annot gi0e e0iden(e!"Per&on& Coint+ tried $re inco%'etent to te&ti) $($in&t e$c# ot#er! I)0 t#ere)ore0 t#e 'ro&ecution )ind it nece&&$r to c$++ one '$rtici'$tor in $ cri%e $& $ .itne&& $($in&t t#e ot#er&0 t#e 'ro'er cour&e i& not to $rr$i(n #i% .it# t#e%0 or (i) #e #$& ,een no $rr$i(ned) to o))er no e*idence $nd t$Ae $ *erdict o) $c2uitt$+! DDPre*iou& Next>>

7: Hindi



I) $n $ccu&ed t#inA& t#$t t#e e*idence o) $ 'er&on .#o% it i& 'ro'o&ed to tr .it# #i% i& %$teri$+ to #i& de)ence0 #e &#ou+d c+$i% $ &e'$r$te tri$+ (AR 86(>))! 11. E0iden(e of a((om$.i(e!"T#e e*idence o) $n $cco%'+ice i& $d%i&&i,+e $($in&t #i& 'rinci'$+0 $nd *ice *er&$0 un+e&& t#e $re tried to(et#er0 ,ut t#e e*idence o) $n $cco%'+ice &#ou+d $+.$ & ,e recei*ed .it# (re$t c$ution! No '$rticu+$r nu%,er o) .itne&&e& i& +e($++ nece&&$r to 'ro*e $n )$ct (IEA!&!18>) $nd t#e uncorro,or$ted e*idence e*en o) $n $cco%'+ice i&0 t#ere)ore0 in &trict +$. &u))icient (IEA!&!188) i) t#e court con&ider& #i% credi,+e0 ,ut $ courtE%$rti$+ &#ou+d *er c$re)u++ con&ider t#e d$n(er o) con*ictin( t#e $ccu&ed on t#e uncorro,or$ted

e*idence o) $n $cco%'+iceG $nd i) t#ere i& $ FA it i& #i& dut to .$rn t#e court o) t#e d$n(er0 t#ou(# $t t#e &$%e ti%e 'ointin( out t#$t it i& .it#in it& +e($+ 'ro*ince to con*ict u'on &uc# e*idence i) it &o c#oo&e&! T#e corro,or$tion re2uired i& inde'endent te&ti%on .#ic# con)ir%& in &o%e %$teri$+ '$rticu+$r not on+ t#e e*idence t#$t t#e cri%e #$& ,een co%%itted ,ut $+&o t#$t t#e $ccu&ed co%%itted it! 14. Deaf or d'm8 +itne&&e&! "A .itne&& .#o i& un$,+e to &'e$A %$ (i*e #i& e*idence in $n ot#er %$nner in .#ic# #e c$n %$Ae it inte++i(i,+e0 $& , .ritin( or , &i(n&G ,ut &uc# .ritin( or &i(n& %u&t ,e %$de in o'en court! E*idence &o (i*en i& dee%ed to ,e or$+ e*idence (IEA0&!11:)! T#e &$%e ru+e .ou+d0 no dou,t0 $''+ to $ de$) or de$) $nd du%, .itne&&0 .#o %i(#t ,e co%%unic$ted .it# , .ritin( or &i(n& 'ro*ided t#e court .$& &$ti&)ied .it# t#e re$+it $nd $ccur$c o) &uc# co%%unic$tion! 47. Mem8er a& +itne&&! "A %e%,er o) $ courtE%$rti$+ i& $ co%'etent .itne&& in )$*our o) t#e $ccu&ed0 $nd %i(#t0 $& &uc# ,e &.orn or $))ir%ed to (i*e e*idence $t $n &t$(e o) t#e 'roceedin(&G ,ut AR8:(=) direct&0 t#$t $ .itne&& )or t#e 'ro&ecution &#$++ not &it on $ courtE%$rti$+ )or t#e tri$+ o) $n 'er&on $($in&t .#o% #e i& $ .itne&&! ,?0i- *ri0i.ege of +itne&&e& 41.In(riminating E'e&tion&! "It , no %e$n& )o++o.& t#$t0 ,ec$u&e $ 'er&on i& co%'etent to (i*e e*idence0 #e i& co%'e++ed to $n&.er e*er 2ue&tion #e %$ ,e $&Aed .#en (i*in( e*idence! A .itne&& on ,ein( 'ut $ 2ue&tion0 t#e $n&.er to .#ic# .ou+d incri%in$te #i%0 i& entit+ed to $&A to ,e excu&ed )ro% $n&.erin( it0 $nd i) $)ter #e #$& $&Aed to ,e excu&edG t#e court co%'e+& #i% to $n&.er ($& it i& entit+ed to) #i& $n&.er c$nnot ,e 'ro*ed $($in&t #i% $t $n cri%in$+ 'roceedin(&0 exce't $ 'ro&ecution )or (i*in( )$+&e e*idence , &uc# $n&.er (IEA!&!18=)! 4!. Offi(ia. matter&! "Anot#er c+$&& o)! 'ri*i+e(e i& ,$&ed on con&ider$tion& o) 'u,+ic 'o+ic ! No one i& 'er%itted to (i*e e*idence deri*ed )ro% un'u,+i&#ed o))ici$+ record& re+$tin( to $n $))$ir& o) /t$te0 exce't .it# t#e 'er%i&&ion o) t#e #e$d o) t#e de'$rt%ent concerned (IEA!&!1=8)! Re(& Ar% '$r$ 8=9! No 'u,+ic DDPre*iou& Next>> 59 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


o))icer c$n ,e co%'e++ed to di&c+o&e co%%unic$tion& %$de to #i% in o))ici$+ con)idence0 i) #e con&ider& &uc# di&c+o&ure inCuriou& to t#e 'u,+ic intere&t& (IEA!&!1=>) $nd in '$rticu+$r no %$(i&tr$te or 'o+ice o))icer c$n ,e co%'e++ed to &t$te .#ence #e (ot $n in)or%$tion $& to t#e co%%i&&ion o) $n o))ence (IEA!&!1=6)! 4).#onfidentia. re$ort&!"On t#i& 'rinci'+e0 $ con)identi$+ re'ort0 or +etter or o))ici$+ in)or%$tion o) $ con)identi$+ c#$r$cter0 $+t#ou(# it %$ re)er to %$tter& .#ic# $ courtE%$rti$+ %$ #$*e decided to ,e re+e*$nt to t#e in2uir ,e)ore it0 c$nnot ,e 'roduced or di&c+o&ed exce't , con&ent o) t#e &u'erior $ut#orit 0$nd t#i& con&ent i& re)u&ed i) t#e 'roduction or di&c+o&ure i& con&idered detri%ent$+ to t#e 'u,+ic &er*ice!

Proo) o) t#e re)u&$+ &#ou+d ,e +$id ,e)ore t#e court , t#e ex$%in$tion o) $ .itne&& or , .ritten co%%unic$tion0 re$d in o'en court $nd $tt$c#ed to t#e 'roceedin(&! 4/. #o'rt& of inE'ir ! "/o $+&o0 t#e 'roceedin(& o) $ court o) in2uir c$nnot ,e c$++ed )or , court&E%$rti$+0 nor .itne&&e& ex$%ined $& to t#eir content&G nor i& $n con)e&&ion or &t$te%ent %$de $t $ court o) in2uir $d%i&&i,+e $($in&t $n $ccu&ed ,e)ore $ courtE%$rti$+ (AR 15=)! T#e on+ exce'tion to t#i& ru+e i& in t#e c$&e o) $ courtE%$rti$+ )or (i*in( )$+&e e*idence ,e)ore t#e court o) in2uir ! 43. *ri0i.ege +hi(h (annot 8e +ai0ed!"T#e %odi)ied 'ri*i+e(e re)erred to in '$r$ :1 i& t#e 'ri*i+e(e o) $ .itne&& $nd #e %$ .$i*e it0 $nd $n&.er (.it#out ,ein( co%'e++ed to do &o) i) #e c#oo&e&0 ,ut t#e 'ri*i+e(e re)erred to in t#e ) '$r$(r$'#& i& )or t#e 'rotection o) ot#er '$rtie& $nd c$nnot ,e .$i*ed exce't .it# t#eir con&ent! 45. #omm'ni(ation d'ring marriage! "A #u&,$nd %u&t not ,e co%'e++ed to di&c+o&e $n co%%unic$tion %$de to #i% , #i& .i)e durin( t#e %$rri$(e0 $nd $ .i)e %u&t not ,e co%'e++ed to di&c+o&e $n co%%unic$tion %$de to #er , #er #u&,$nd durin( t#e %$rri$(e (IEA!&!1==)! 46. Lega. ad0i&er&>(omm'ni(ation to! "A +e($+ $d*i&er i& not 'er%itted0 .#et#er durin( or $)ter t#e ter%in$tion o) #i& e%'+o %ent $& &uc#0 un+e&& .it# #i& c+ient4& ex're&& con&ent0 to di&c+o&e $n co%%unic$tion0 or$+ or docu%ent$r 0 %$de to #i% $& &uc# +e($+ $d*i&er0 , or on ,e#$+) o) #i& c+ient0 durin(0 in t#e cour&e o)0 $nd )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) #i& e%'+o %ent0 or to di&c+o&e $n $d*ice (i*en , #i% to #i& c+ient durin(0 in t#e cour&e o) $nd )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) &uc# e%'+o %ent! 1ut t#i& 'rotection doe& not extend to" ($) $n &uc# co%%unic$tion i) %$de in t#e )urt#er$nce o) $n i++e($+ 'ur'o&eG (,) $n )$ct o,&er*ed , t#e +e($+ $d*i&er in t#e cour&e o) #i& e%'+o %ent $& &uc#0 & t#$t $n cri%e or )r$ud #$& ,een co%%itted &ince t#e co%%ence%ent o) #i& e%'+o %ent0 .#et#er #i& $ttention .$& directed to &uc# )$ct , or on ,e#$+) o) #i& c+ient or notG or (c) $n )$ct .it# .#ic# t#e +e($+ $d*i&er ,ec$%e $c2u$inted ot#er.i&e t#$n in #i& c#$r$cter $& &uc#! DDPre*iou& Next>>

51 Hindi



T#e ex're&&ion ?+e($+ $d*i&er? inc+ude& t#e c+erA& o) +e($+ $d*i&er& $nd inter'reter& ,et.een t#e% $nd t#eir c+ient&0 $nd t#e 'er&on re're&entin( or $&&i&tin( t#e $ccu&ed durin( tri$+ ,e)ore $ courtE%$rti$+ (IEA0&&!1=B $nd 1=7)! 41. *ro(ed're +hen $ri0i.ege (.aimed! "T#e 2ue&tion&0 .#et#er $n&.ered or not0 &#ou+d ,e entered on t#e 'roceedin(&! W#en $ .itne&& c+$i%& t#e 'ri*i+e(e o)

not $n&.erin(0 it i& (exce't $& %entioned in '$r$ := $,o*e) )or t#e court to decide .#et#er t#e 2ue&tion i& .it#in $n o) t#e exce'tion&! Court&E%$rti$+ &#ou+d in 'r$ctice0 inter'o&e , in)or%in( $ .itne&&0 $t t#e ti%e .#en $ 2ue&tion i& 'ut to #i%0 t#$t #e i& not ,ound to $n&.er! An &uc# inter'o&ition0 $nd $n c+$i% o) 'ri*i+e(e , t#e .itne&&0 $nd t#e )$ct .#et#er t#e .itne&& i& re2uired to $n&.er or not0 &#ou+d ,e noted on t#e 'roceedin(&! ,?0ii- Of the e?amination of +itne&&e& 44.*oint& reE'iring attention of (o'rt! "It .i++ ,e t#e dut o) t#e court in e*er c$&e to &ee t#$t t#e ru+e& o) e*idence $re &trict+ con)or%ed to! T#e ) 'oint& .i++ re2uire &'eci$+ $ttention in re+$tion to $n e*idence t#$t %$ ,e tenderedH " ($) T#$t it re+$te& to $ ?)$ct in i&&ue? or ?re+e*$nt )$ct44! (,) T#$t it i& not .it#in t#e ru+e reCectin( #e$r&$ e*idence! (c)T#$t (exce't in t#e c$&e o) ex'ert&) it i& not $ %ere ex're&&ion o) o'inion! (d) T#$t0 i) it i& $ con)e&&ion or $d%i&&ion0 it i& +e($++ $d%i&&i,+e! (e) T#$t0 i) it i& $ docu%ent0 it i& +e($++ $d%i&&i,+e $nd 'ro'er+ 'ut in e*idence! (A docu%ent i& &$id to ,e ?'ut in? .#en it i& 'roduced to t#e court , $ .itne&& on o$t# or $))ir%$tion)! ()) T#$t no docu%ent or ot#er t#in(! i& u&ed )or t#e 'ur'o&e& o) t#e tri$+ .#ic# #$& not ,een 'ro'er+ 'ut in! (On $ c#$r(e o) t#e)t0 t#e $rtic+e&0 t#e &u,Cect o) t#e c#$r(e0 %u&t ,e 'roduced $nd identi)ied in t#e 're&ence o) t#e court0 , .itne&&e& or t#eir $,&ence &$ti&)$ctori+ $ccounted )or! For 'ur'o&e& o) identi)ic$tion $ docu%ent or t#in( %$ 0 #o.e*er0 ,e &#o.n to $ .itne&& ,e)ore it #$& ,een )or%$++ 'ro*ed $nd 'ut in! ) (() T#$t $n .itne&&e& c$++ed $re +e($++ co%'etent to (i*e e*idence! (#) T#$t $n docu%ent .it# .#ic# $ .itne&& 'ro'o&e& to re)re&# #i& %e%or +e($++ $d%i&&i,+e )or t#e 'ur'o&e! (i) T#$t t#e ex$%in$tion o) .itne&&e& i& )$ir+ $nd 'ro'er+ conducted! 177. ;o+ e?amination of +itne&&e& i& (ond'(ted!"T#e 'oint& %entioned in ($) to (() $,o*e #$*e ,een $+re$d con&idered $nd (#) .i++ ,e noticed +$ter! T#e Indi$n E*idence Act de$+& .it# t#e 'oint $t (i) $,o*e $& &#o.n in t#e ) '$r$(r$'#&! DDPre*iou& Next>> i&

5= Hindi



T#e ex$%in$tion o) $ .itne&& , t#e 'er&on .#o c$++& #i% i& c$++ed #i& ex$%in$tionEinEc#ie)G $nd on t#i& ex$%in$tion t#e 2ue&tion& %u&t re+$te to t#e %$tter& in i&&ue $t t#e tri$+ or re+e*$nt to t#e i&&ue! T#e court %u&t0 o) cour&e0 in $++ c$&e& &ee t#$t $ .itne&& i& not co%'e++ed to $n&.er $n 2ue&tion in re&'ect o) .#ic# #e i& entit+ed to c+$i% 'ri*i+e(e0 $nd t#e %u&t $+&o &ee t#$t0 $& )$r $& 'o&&i,+e0 $ .itne&& i& &o de$+t .it# t#$t #i& #one&t ,e+ie) i& o,t$ined )ro% #i%! 171.Leading E'e&tion&! "Le$din( 2ue&tion& %u&t not0 i) o,Cected to , t#e $d*er&e '$rt 0 ,e $&Aed in ex$%in$tionEinEc#ie) or in reEex$%in$tion0 exce't .it# t#e 'er%i&&ion o) t#e court (IEA! &!1>=)! Le$din( 2ue&tion& $& to %$tter& .#ic# $re introductor or undi&'uted or .#ic# t#e court con&ider& $+re$d &u))icient+ 'ro*ed $re0 #o.e*er0 'er%itted (IEA!&!1>=)0 $nd t#e court %$ $+&o $++o. +e$din( 2ue&tion& to ,e 'ut to $ ?#o&ti+e .itne&&? (IEA!&!16>)! A +e$din( 2ue&tion i& one &u((e&tin( t#e $n&.er .#ic# t#e 'er&on 'uttin( t#e 2ue&tion .i&#e& or ex'ect& to recei*e (IEA!&!1>1)! For in&t$nce0 $ .itne&& %u&t not ,e $&Aed ?@id t#e $ccu&ed t#en (o into t#e ,$rr$cA roo%M? ,ut ?W#$t did t#e $ccu&ed do nextM?! I) it .ere not )or t#i& ru+e $ )$*our$,+e $nd di&#one&t .itne&& %i(#t ,e +ed to (i*e $n e*idence t#$t i& de&ired! It .ou+d0 o) cour&e0 ,e %ere .$&te o) ti%e to en)orce t#e ru+e .#ere t#e 2ue&tion& $&Aed $re &i%'+ introductor $nd )or% no '$rt o) t#e re$+ &u,&t$nce o) in2uir 0 or .#ere t#e re+$te to %$tter& .#ic#0 t#ou(# %$teri$+0 $re not di&'uted! 1ut .#ere $ 2ue&tion re+$te& to $ conte&ted 'oint0 .#ic# i& eit#er direct+ conc+u&i*e o) t#e %$tter in i&&ue0 or direct+ $nd 'roxi%$te+ connected .it# it0 t#e ru+e &#ou+d ,e &trict+ en)orced0 $nd no 2ue&tion &#ou+d ,e $++o.ed in $ )or% .#ic# direct+ or indirect+ &u((e&t& to t#e .itne&& t#e $n&.er de&ired0 or .#ic#0 e%,od in( $ %$teri$+ )$ct0 $d%it& o) $ conc+u&i*e $n&.er , $ &i%'+e ? e&? or ?no?! 17!. Te&t of +hat are .eading E'e&tion&!"C$re %u&t0 #o.e*er0 ,e t$Aen in en)orcin( t#i& ru+e not to exc+ude 2ue&tion& .#ic# do not re$++ &u((e&t $n $n&.er0 ,ut %ere+ direct t#e $ttention o) t#e .itne&& to t#e &u,Cect $& to .#ic# #e i& 2ue&tioned! It i& o)ten0 indeed0 extre%e+ di))icu+t in 'r$ctice to deter%ine .#et#er or not $ 2ue&tion i& in $ +e$din( )or%0 $nd in $++ &uc# c$&e& t#e re$+ te&t &#ou+d ,e .#et#er or not t#e ex$%in$tion i& ,ein( conducted )$ir+ $nd .it# t#e o,Cect o) e+icitin( t#e #one&t ,e+ie) o) t#e .itne&&! 17). R'.e& a& to dire(ting attention to arti(.e&."W#en $n $rtic+e0 &uc# $& $ &ticA0 ,e+t0 or docu%ent0 i& 'roduced in court )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) identi)ic$tion0 t#e .itne&&e& %$ ,e $&Aed &uc# 2ue&tion $& ?.#et#er #e reco(ni&e& it? $nd .#et#er #e &$. $n t#in( done .it# it0 or to it?G ,ut &uc# $ 2ue&tion $& ?.#et#er #e &$. A &triAe 1 .it# t#e &ticA or ,e+t? or ?.#et#er #e &$. A %$Ae $n $+ter$tion in t#e docu%ent?0 &#ou+d not ,e $d%itted! 17/. ;o&ti.e +itne&&! "T#e court %$ 0 in it& di&cretion0 'er%it t#e 'er&on .#o c$++& $ .itne&& to 'ut $n 2ue&tion& to #i% .#ic# t#e $d*er&e '$rt %i(#t 'ut in cro&&Eex$%in$tion (IEA!&!16>)! T#i& i& c$++ed t#e tre$tin( o) $ .itne&& $& ?#o&ti+e?! I) $ 'er&on c$++& $ .itne&& $nd t#e .itne&& $''e$r& to ,e direct+ #o&ti+e to #i% or intere&ted on t#e ot#er &ide0 or un.i++in( to (i*e e*idence0 t#e re$&on o) t#e ru+e )or,iddin( +e$din( 2ue&tion& )$i+&0 $nd t#e court %$ $++o. t#e 'er&on c$++in( t#e .itne&& not on+ to $&A #i% +e$din( 2ue&tion&0 ,ut to cro&&Eex$%ine #i%0 $nd to tre$t #i% in e*er re&'ect $& t#ou(# #e .ere $ .itne&& c$++ed , t#e DDPre*iou& Next>>

58 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


ot#er &ide! In &uc# circu%&t$nce& #e c$n0 t#ere)ore0 ,e $&Aed 2ue&tion& tendin( to &#o. #i& ,$d c#$r$cter0 $nd #i& credit %$ ,e i%'e$c#ed in t#e &$%e .$ $& t#$t o) $ .itne&& c$++ed , t#e $d*er&e '$rt ! 173. R'.e& a& to (ro&&>e?amination! "W#en t#e ex$%in$tionEinEc#ie) i& )ini&#ed t#e o''o&ite '$rt cro&&Eex$%ine& t#e .itne&&! In cro&&Eex$%in$tion +e$din( 2ue&tion& %$ ,e 'ut $nd $+&o 2ue&tion&0 ot#er.i&e irre+e*$nt0 .#ic# tend" ($?) to te&t #i& *er$cit G (,) to di&co*er .#o #e i& $nd .#$t i& #i& 'o&ition in +i)eG or (c) to &#$Ae #i& credit , inCurin( #i& c#$r$cter (IEA!&!1>B)! 175! A .itne&& %$ ,e cro&&Eex$%ined $& to 're*iou& &t$te%ent& %$de , #i% in .ritin( or reduced to .ritin( .it#out &uc# .ritin( ,ein( &#o.n to #i%0 ,ut i) it i& intended to contr$dict #i% , t#e .ritin( #i& $ttention %u&t ,e c$++ed to it ,e)ore it c$n ,e 'ro*ed (IEA!&!1>6)! It i& o)ten i%'ort$nt t#$t .#en $ .itne&& i& under cro&&E ex$%in$tion $& to #i& 're*iou& &t$te%ent&0 t#e )$ct o) t#eir #$*in( ,een reduced to .ritin( &#ou+d ,e conce$+ed )ro% #i%! It i& on+ re$&on$,+e0 #o.e*er0 t#$t0 .#en #e #$& (i*en #i& $n&.er0 #e &#ou+d ,e &#o.n t#e docu%ent $nd #$*e t#e c#$nce o) correctin( #i%&e+)! T#e &u%%$r o) e*idence %$ ,e u&ed to 'ro*e $n &t$te%ent .#ic# t#e .itne&& %$de0 $nd .#ic# it i& 'ro'o&ed to contr$dict0 $nd e*idence %$ ,e c$++ed to 'ro*e t#$t t#e e*idence o) $ .itne&&0 t#ou(# con&i&tent .it# t#e &u%%$r 0 i& not con&i&tent .it# e*idence (i*en , #i% $t t#e in*e&ti($tion ,e)ore t#e CO! 176! Oue&tion& .#ic# $&&u%e t#$t )$ct& #$*e ,een 'ro*ed .#ic# #$*e not ,een 'ro*ed0 or t#$t $n&.er& #$*e ,een (i*en .#ic# in )$ct #$*e not ,een (i*en0 $re i%'ro'er0 $nd &#ou+d not ,e $++o.ed e*en in cro&&Eex$%in$tion! Nor &#ou+d $ .itne&& ,e 're&&ed in cro&&Eex$%in$tion $& to $n )$ct&0 .#ic#0 i) $d%itted0 .ou+d not $))ect t#e %$tter $t i&&ue or #i& credi,i+it ! I) t#e 'er&on cro&&Eex$%inin( intend& to $dduce e*idence contr$dictin( t#e e*idence (i*en , t#e .itne&&0 #e &#ou+d 'ut to t#e .itne&& in cro&&Eex$%in$tion t#e &u,&t$nce o) t#e e*idence .#ic# #e 'ro'o&e& to $dduce0 in order to (i*e #i% $n o''ortunit o) retr$cin( or ex'+$inin( .#$t #e #$& &$id! 171! A .itne&& under cro&&Eex$%in$tion %$ ,e $&Aed $n 2ue&tion& .#ic# tend to te&t #i& *er$cit 0 di&co*er .#o #e i&0 or &#$Ae #i& credit , inCurin( #i& c#$r$cter! 1ut $ .itne&& %$ 0 o) cour&e0 dec+ine to $n&.er $ 2ue&tion $& to .#ic# #e i& entit+ed to c+$i% 'ri*i+e(e0 $nd t#e ri(#t o) $&Ain( 2ue&tion& tendin( %ere+ to di&credit i& 2u$+i)ied , IEA!&!1>50 .#ic# 'ro*ide& t#$t .#en $ 2ue&tion .#ic# i& on+ re+e*$nt $& $))ectin( #i& credit , inCurin( #i& c#$r$cter i& 'ut to $ .itne&&0 t#e court &#$++ decide $& to .#et#er or not #e &#$++ ,e co%'e++ed to $n&.er it0 $nd t#$t in exerci&in( t#i& di&cretion t#e court &#$++ #$*e re($rd to t#e ) con&ider$tion&H "

(a) !n" rio s # estions! "/uc# 2ue&tion& $re 'ro'er i) t#e $re o) &uc# $ n$ture t#$t t#e trut# o) t#e i%'ut$tion con*e ed , t#e% .ou+d &eriou&+ $))ect t#e o'inion o) t#e court $& to t#e credi,i+it o) t#e .itne&& on t#e %$tter to .#ic# #e te&ti)ie&! DDPre*iou& Next>> 5> Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW (,) /uc# 2ue&tion& $re i%'ro'er i) t#e i%'ut$tion .#ic# t#e con*e re+$te& to %$tter& &o re%ote in ti%e0 or o) &uc# $ c#$r$cter0 t#$t t#e trut# o) t#e i%'ut$tion .ou+d not $))ect0 or .ou+d $))ect in $ &+i(#t de(ree0 t#e o'inion o) (#e court $& to t#e credi,i+it o) t#e .itne&& on t#e %$tter to .#ic# #e te&ti)ie&! (c) /uc# 2ue&tion& $re i%'ro'er i) t#ere i& $ (re$t di&'ro'ortion ,et.een t#e i%'ort$nce o) t#e i%'ut$tion %$de $($in&t t#e .itne&&4& c#$r$cter $nd t#e i%'ort$nce o) #i& e*idence! (d) T#e court %$ 0 i) it &ee& )it0 dr$.0 )ro% t#e .itne&&4& re)u&$+ to $n&.er t#e in)erence t#$t t#e $n&.er i) (i*en .ou+d ,e un)$*our$,+e! 174.E?(.'&ion at e0iden(e to (ontradi(t an&+er& to E'e&tion& te&ting 0era(it " et(."It i& )urt#er 'ro*ided t#$t .#en $ .itne&& #$& ,een $&Aed0 $nd #$& $n&.ered &uc# $ 2ue&tion no e*idence c$n ,e (i*en to contr$dict #i& $n&.er (IEA!&!168)! T#i& ru+e i& #o.e*er &u,Cect to t#e ) t.o exce'tion&H " ($) W#en t#e .itne&& i& $&Aed .#et#er #e #$& ,een 're*iou&+ denie& it0 e*idence o) #i& 're*iou& con*iction %$ ,e (i*en! con*icted $nd Next>>

(,) W#en #e i& $&Aed $n 2ue&tion tendin( to i%'e$c# #i& i%'$rti$+it $nd $n&.er& it , den in( t#e )$ct& &u((e&ted0 'roo) %$ ,e (i*en o) t#e trut# o) t#e&e )$ct&! 117. Im$ea(hing (redit of +itne&&e&"T#e credit o) $ .itne&& %$ ,e i%'e$c#ed , t#e $d*er&e '$rt 0 or .it# t#e con&ent o) t#e court , t#e '$rt .#o c$++& #i%0 , t#e e*idence o) 'er&on& .#o te&ti) t#$t t#e 0 )ro% t#eir Ano.+ed(e o) t#e .itne&&0 ,e+ie*e #i% to ,e un.ort# o) credit (IEA!&!166(1))!/uc# 'er&on& %$ not0 on t#eir ex$%in$tionEinEc#ie)0 (i*e re$&on& )or t#eir ,e+ie)0 ,ut %$ ,e $&Aed t#eir re$&on& in cro&&Eex$%in$tion0 $nd t#eir $n&.er& c$nnot ,e contr$dicted! W#en t#e credit o) $ .itne&& i& &o i%'e$c#ed0 t#e '$rt .#o c$++ed t#e .itne&& %$ (i*e e*idence in re'+ to &#o. t#$t #e i& .ort# o) credit! 111!T#e credit o) $ .itne&& %$ $+&o0 under &i%i+$r condition&0 ,e i%'e$c#ed , 'roo) t#$t #e #$& ,een ,ri,ed0 or , 'roo) o) )or%er &t$te%ent& incon&i&tent0 .it# $n '$rt o) #i& e*idence .#ic# i& +i$,+e to ,e contr$dicted0 $nd0 $t tri$+& )or r$'e or

$n $tte%'t to r$*i&#0 it %$ $+&o ,e &#o.n t#$t t#e .o%$n $($in&t .#o% t#e o))ence i& $++e(ed to #$*e ,een co%%itted .$& o) (ener$+ i%%or$+ c#$r$cter (+EA!&!166(=)0 (8) $nd (>))! 11!! #orro8oration of +itne&&e&! "In order to corro,or$te t#e te&ti%on o) $ .itne&& $& to $ re+e*$nt )$ct #e %$ ,e $&Aed 2ue&tion& $& to $n ot#er circu%&t$nce& .#ic# #e o,&er*ed $t or ne$r t#e ti%e or '+$ce $t .#ic# t#$t )$ct occurred IEA!&!16B)! T#u&0 4A4 $n $cco%'+ice (i*e& $n $ccount o) $ ro,,er in .#ic# #e tooA '$rt! He de&cri,e& *$riou& incident& unconnected .it# t#e ro,,er .#ic# occurred on #i& .$ to $nd )ro% t#e '+$ce .#ere it .$& co%%itted! Inde'endent e*idence o) t#e&e )$ct& %$ ,e (i*en in order to corro,or$te #i& e*idence $& to t#e ro,,er it&e+)! DDPre*iou& Next>> 56 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


11).:ormer &tatement& 8 +itne&&e&!"In order to corro,or$te t#e te&ti%on o) $ .itne&&0 $n )or%er &t$te%ent& %$de , &uc# .itne&& re+$tin( to t#e &$%e )$ctH " ($) to $n one $t or $,out t#e ti%e .#en t#e )$ct tooA '+$ceG or (,) $t $n ti%e ,e)ore t#e $ut#orit +e($++ co%'etent to in*e&ti($te t#e )$ctG %$ ,e 'ro*ed (IEA!&!167)! T#e $,o*e condition& $re0 to &o%e extent0 $ &$)e(u$rd $($in&t )ictitiou& &t$te%ent& de&i(ned+ %$de to &u''ort &u,&e2uent e*idence0 ,ut it i& o,*iou& t#$t t#e corro,or$ti*e *$+ue o) &uc# &t$te%ent& de'end& on t#e circu%&t$nce& o) e$c# c$&e0 $nd t#$t t#e %$ e$&i+ ,e entire+ *$+ue+e&&! T#e %ere )$ct o) $ 'er&on #$*in(0 on $ 're*iou& occ$&ion0 %$de t#e &$%e $&&ertion0 o)ten $dd& ,ut +itt+e to t#e c#$nce& o) it& trut#)u+ne&&0 $nd t#e court& &#ou+d di&tin(ui&# &uc# te&ti%on )ro% re$++ corro,or$ti*e e*idence! 11/. Re>e?amination. "At t#e conc+u&ion o) t#e cro&&Eex$%in$tion o) $ .itne&& t#e 'er&on .#o c$++ed #i% %$ 0 i) #e '+e$&e&0 reEex$%ine #i%G ,ut t#e reE ex$%in$tion %u&t ,e directed exc+u&i*e+ to! t#e ex'+$n$tion o) %$tter& re)erred to in cro&&Eex$%in$tion! I) $ ne. %$tter i&0 , 'er%i&&ion o) t#e court0 introduced in reEex$%in$tion0 t#e ot#er &ide %$ )urt#er cro&&Eex$%ine u'on it (+EA!&!185)! 113. F'e&tion& 8 (o'rt! "A)ter t#e reEex$%in$tion o) $ .itne&& i& c+o&ed0 t#e court o)ten $&A& #i% 2ue&tion& to c+e$r u' &o%e 'oint .#ic# it re($rd& $& %$teri$+! Fre2uent+ 0 too0 t#e court rec$++& $ .itne&&0 or $++o.& #i% to ,e rec$++ed )or )urt#er ex$%in$tionG $nd &o%eti%e& it e*en c$++& $nd ex$%ine& $ .itne&& .#o #$& not ,een c$++ed , eit#er '$rt ! In $n o) t#e&e c$&e& t#e '$rt $))ected , t#e $n&.er& &#ou+d ,e $++o.ed to &u((e&t )urt#er 2ue&tion& or to cro&&Eex$%ine ($& t#e c$&e %$ re2uire)!

I) $ .itne&& i& &o c$++ed or rec$++ed $)ter t#e c$&e )or t#e $ccu&ed i& c+o&ed0 t#e $ccu&ed &#ou+d $+&o ,e $++o.ed to (i*e )urt#er e*idence in re,utt$+0 $nd to co%%ent u'on t#e )re&# e*idence i) #e #$& $+re$d %$de #i& $ddre&& (AR& 1>= $nd 1>8)! T#e court %$ $++o. t#e 'ro&ecution to c$++ )urt#er e*idence0 $)ter t#e c$&e )or t#e de)ence i& c+o&ed0 to contr$dict or 2u$+i) t#e e*idence (i*en , t#e de)ence .itne&&e&0 inc+udin( t#e &t$te%ent %$de , t#e $ccu&ed0 in t#e ) c$&e& (AR& 1>8 (=) $nd (8))H " ($) W#ere t#e de)ence #$*e introduced ne. %$tter .#ic# t#e 'ro&ecution cou+d not #$*e )ore&een! (,) W#en t#e 'ro&ecution #$d e*idence $*$i+$,+e .#ic# .$& in$d%i&&i,+e0 ,ec$u&e it .$& irre+e*$nt unti+ $ '$rticu+$r de)ence .$& r$i&ed e!(!0 to re,ut t#e '+e$ o) $+i,i! (c)To contr$dict e*idence o) (ood c#$r$cter (i*en , t#e de)ence! DDPre*iou& Next>>

5B Hindi

DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW 115.Refre&hing memor ."A .itne&& %$ not re$d #i& e*idence or re)er to note& o) e*idence $+re$d (i*en , #i%G ,ut #e %$ 0 .#i+e under ex$%in$tion0 re)re&# #i& %e%or , re)errin( to $n .ritin( %$de , #i% $t t#e ti%e o) t#e tr$n&$ction concernin( .#ic# #e i& 2ue&tioned0 or &o &oon $)ter.$rd& t#$t t#e court con&ider& it +iAe+ t#$t t#e tr$n&$ction .$& $t t#$t ti%e )re&# in #i& %e%or ! He %$ $+&o re)er to $n &uc# .ritin( %$de , $not#er 'er&on0 ,ut re$d , #i%&e+) .it#in t#e ti%e $)ore&$id i)0 .#en #e re$d it0 #e Ane. it to ,e correct! W#ene*er $ .itne&& %$ re)re&# #i& %e%or , re)erence to $n docu%ent0 #e %$ 0 i) t#e court i& &$ti&)ied t#$t t#ere i& &u))icient re$&on )or t#e nonE'roduction o) t#e ori(in$+0 ,e 'er%itted to re)er to $ co' o) &uc# docu%ent! An ex'ert %$ $+&o re)re&# #i& %e%or , re)erence to 'ro)e&&ion$+ tre$ti&e& (IEA!&!16:)! An .ritin( re)erred to under t#e 'ro*i&ion& o) t#i& '$r$(r$'# %u&t ,e 'roduced $nd &#o.n to t#e $d*er&e '$rt i) #e re2uired it0 $nd t#$t '$rt %$ 0 i) #e '+e$&e& cro&&Eex$%ine t#e .itne&& u'on it (IEA!&!1B1)! 116. Note& referred to are not e0iden(e of them&e.0e&! "1ut $ .itne&& .#o re)re&#e& #i& %e%or , re)erence to .ritin( %u&t $+.$ & &.e$r 'o&iti*e+ $& to t#e )$ct0 or t#$t #e #$& $ 'er)ect reco++ection t#$t t#e )$ct .$& tru+ &t$ted in! t#e %e%or$ndu% or entr $t t#e ti%e it .$& .ritten (IEA!&!1B9)! I) on re)errin( to $ %e%or$ndu% not %$de , #i%&e+) #e c$n neit#er reco++ect t#e )$ct nor rec$++ #i& con*iction $& to t#e trut# o) t#e $ccount or .ritin( .#en t#e )$ct& .ere )re&# in #i& %e%or 0 &o t#$t #e c$nnot &'e$A $& to t#e )$ct )urt#er t#$n $& )indin( it noted in $ .ritten entr 0 #i& te&ti%on i& o,Cection$,+e0 $& ,ein( #e$r&$ ! ,?0iii- #on(.'&ion

111. R'.e a& to e0iden(e im$ro$er. re(ei0ed or re<e(ted! "T#e Indi$n E*idence Act conc+ude& , 'ro*idin( t#$t t#e i%'ro'er $d%i&&ion or reCection o) e*idence &#$++ not ,e (round o) it&e+) )or in*$+id$tin( $ tri$+ i) it $''e$r& t#$t0 inde'endent+ o) t#e e*idence i%'ro'er+ $d%itted0 t#ere .$& &u))icient e*idence to Cu&ti) t#e deci&ion o) t#e court0 or t#$t0 i) t#e reCected e*idence #$d ,een recei*ed0 it ou(#t not to #$*e *$ried t#e deci&ion (IEA!&!1B7)! T#i& 'ro*i&ion0 .#i+e not excu&in( $ court .#ic# contr$*ened t#e +$.0 .i++ o)ten 're*ent $ %i&c$rri$(e o) Cu&tice .#ere t#e i%'ro'er $d%i&&ion or reCection o) e*idence doe& not re$++ $))ect t#e %erit& o) t#e c$&e! 114. ;o+ to a(t +hen in do'8t!"I) $ %e%,er o) $ courtE%$rti$+ i& in dou,t .#et#er $ &t$te%ent or docu%ent .#ic# it i& 'ro'o&ed to ,e 'ut ,e)ore #i% i&0 or i& not0 $d%i&&i,+e $& e*idence0 t#e %o&t u&e)u+ $d*ice t#$t c$n ,e (i*en to #i% i&0 )ir&t to u&e #i& co%%on &en&e $& to .#et#er t#e %$tter 'ro'o&ed to ,e 'ro*ed #$& $n 'r$ctic$+ ,e$rin( on t#e 2ue&tion .#ic# #e #$& to tr 0 $nd0 i) #e t#inA& t#$t it #$&0 t#en to con&ider .#et#er it& $d%i&&ion i& exc+uded , $n 'ro*i&ion o) t#e Indi$n E*idence Act e!(!0 $& ,ein( #e$r&$ ! He &#ou+d re%e%,er t#$t t#e enu%er$tion o) re+e*$nt )$ct& in t#e Indi$n4 E*idence Act i& &o .ide t#$t $d%i&&i,i+it i& t#e ru+e $nd exc+u&ion t#e exce'tion! DDPre*iou&

57 Hindi Next>> CHAPTER ;I #IAIL O::EN#ES

1. Definition of (i0i. offen(e" and <'ri&di(tion of (o'rt&>martia. o0er (i0i. offen(e! "Ci*i+ o))ence )or t#e 'ur'o&e& o) AA %e$n& $n o))ence .#ic# i& tri$,+e , $ cri%in$+ court (AA!&!8(ii))! Court&E%$rti$+ $re 'ro#i,ited )ro% tr in( c$&e& o) %urder or cu+'$,+e #o%icide o) $ 'er&on not &u,Cect to %i+it$r 0 n$*$+ or $ir )orce +$. or c$&e& o) r$'e in re+$tion to &uc# $ 'er&on0 un+e&& t#e o))ence i& co%%itted on $cti*e &er*ice or $t $ &'eci)ied )rontier 'o&t or $t $n '+$ce out&ide Indi$! /u,Cect to t#e $,o*e exce'tion& $ courtE%$rti$+ c$n tr $++ ci*i+ o))ence& co%%itted , $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA! (AA!&&!B: $nd 79)! !.#on('rrent <'ri&di(tion!"A cri%in$+ court $nd $ courtE%$rti$+ %$ e$c# #$*e Curi&diction in re&'ect o) t#e &$%e o))ence! AdCu&t%ent o) Curi&diction i& 'ro*ided )or , AA!&&!1=6 $nd 1=B0 .#ic# (i*e t#e %i+it$r $ut#oritie& t#e ri(#t o) decidin( , .#ic# court t#e $++e(ed o))ender i& to ,e tried0 &u,Cect0 #o.e*er0 to t#e re&er*$tion t#$t0 .#en $ cri%in$+ court con&ider& t#$t 'roceedin(& ou(#t to ,e in&tituted ,e)ore it&e+)0 it %$ re2uire t#e 're&cri,ed %i+it$r $ut#orit to de+i*er o*er t#e o))ender or to 'o&t'one 'roceedin(& 'endin( $ re)erence to t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent! It &#ou+d ,e noted t#$t t#e ci*i+ o))ence& cont$ined in C#$'ter ;II o) t#e Indi$n Pen$+ Code (o))ence& re+$tin( to t#e Ar% 0 N$* $nd Air Force)0 i) co%%itted , 'er&on& &u,Cect to AA $re not tri$,+e , t#e ci*i+ ' (IPC!&!18:) $nd $re t#ere)ore

not ti%$,+e , $ courtE%$rti$+ under AA!&!B:! /uc# $n o))ence %$ 0 #o.e*er0 ,e tried , $ courtE%$rti$+ i) it $%ount& to $ %i+it$r o))ence or to &o%e ot#er ci*i+ o))ence tri$,+e under AA!&!B: $nd i& &o c#$r(ed! ). *rin(i$.e& on +hi(h <'ri&di(tion &ho'.d 8e e?er(i&ed ! "T#ou(# $ .ide ' o) tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+ i& (i*en0 it i& not $& $ ru+e ex'edient to exerci&e t#e ' uni*er&$++ ! W#ere troo'& $re &t$tioned $t '+$ce& #$*in( no co%'etent ci*i+ (cri%in$+) court&0 it i& nece&&$r to tr $++ o))ence& co%%itted , 'er&on& &u,Cect to AA , %i+it$r tri,un$+&! 1ut in&ide Indi$n territor .#ere $ co%'etent ci*i+ court #$& ,een e&t$,+i&#ed it i&0 $& $ (ener$+ ru+e0 de&ir$,+e to tr , $ ci*i+ (cri%in$+) court $ ci*i+ o))ence o%itted , $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA i) t#e o))ence i& one .#ic# re+$te& to t#e 'ro'ert or 'er&on o) $ ci*i+i$n or i& co%%itted in conCunction .it# $ ci*i+i$n0 or i) t#e ci*i+ $ut#oritie& inti%$te $ de&ire to ,rin( t#e c$&e ,e)ore $ ci*i+ court! Next>> 55 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW T#e (ener$+ ru+e i&0 #o.e*er0 &u,Cect to 2u$+i)ic$tion&! T#e +ine di*idin( t#e %i+it$r )ro% t#e ci*i+ o))ence %$ ,e n$rro.! T#e o))ence %$ #$*e ,een co%%itted .it#in t#e %i+it$r +ine&! T#e o))ender %$ ,e one o) $ ,od o) troo'& $,out to 'roceed on $cti*e &er*ice! T#ere %$ ,e re$&on& %$Ain( t#e 'ro%'t in)+iction o) 'uni&#%ent ex'edient! In $n &uc# c$&e it %$ ,e de&ir$,+e to tr t#e o))ence , courtE%$rti$+! T#ere %$ ,e $+&o con&ider$tion& $ri&in( out o) t#e i%'ort$nce o) %$int$inin( di&ci'+ine! I) o))ence& o) $ '$rticu+$r Aind0 or o))ence& (ener$++ 0 $re ri)e in $ unit or $t $ &t$tion0 it %$ ,e nece&&$r 0 )or t#e &$Ae o) di&ci'+ine0 to tr e*er o))ence0 .#et#er ci*i+ or %i+it$r 0 , courtE%$rti$+0 &o t#$t t#e 'uni&#%ent %$ ,e 'ro%'t $nd in $ccord$nce .it# t#e re2uire%ent& o) di&ci'+ine! T#e #einou&ne&& o) $n o))ence i& $+&o $n e+e%ent )or con&ider$tion! A tri)+in( o))ence0 &uc# $& .ou+d0 i) tried , $ ci*i+ court0 ,e 'ro'er+ 'uni&#$,+e , $ &%$++ )ine0 %$ .e++ ,e 'uni&#ed , t#e %i+it$r tri,un$+ i%%edi$te+ 0 e&'eci$++ i) t#e c$&e i& one in .#ic# &to''$(e& %$ ,e ordered to %$Ae (ood d$%$(e occ$&ioned , t#e o))ence! On t#e ot#er #$nd0 cert$in ci*i+ o))ence& (e! (!0 co%'+ic$ted )r$ud&) $re not &uit$,+e )or tri$+ , courtE%$rti$+ $nd it .ou+d ,e ,etter i) t#e $re re+e($ted to t#e ci*i+ court $& &#ou+d $+&o $n c$&e .#ere intric$te 2ue&tion& o) +$. $re +iAe+ to $ri&e! /. The Indian *ena. #ode. "Mo&t o) t#e ci*i+ o))ence&0 $& de)ined in '$r$ I $,o*e $nd tri$,+e , court&E%$rti$+0 $re inc+uded in t#e Indi$n Pen$+ Code0 $n Act .#ic# codi)ie& t#e cri%in$+ +$. o) Indi$0 ,ut $ )e.0 e!(!0 t#e o))ence& $($in&t t#e O))ici$+ /ecret& Act 1:=80 $re cre$ted , &'eci$+ &t$tute&! It &#ou+d ,e noted t#$t .ord& $nd ex're&&ion& de)ined in t#e Indi$n Pen$+ Code #$*e0 .#en u&ed in t#e AA (un+e&& de)ined in t#$t Act)0 t#e %e$nin( $ttri,uted to t#e% , t#$t Code (AA!&!8(<<;))! T#u&0 .#ere*er ?t#e)t440 ?$&&$u+t?0 or ?#ou&eE,re$Ain(? $re %entioned Next>>

in t#e AA t#e o))ence &o de)ined in t#e Indi$n Pen$+ Code i& intended! A+&o $++ t#e 'en$+ &ection& o) t#e )or%er Act $re &u,Cect to t#e ?(ener$+ exce'tion&? o) t#e +$tter! T#e Indi$n Pen$+ Code #$& ,een re'roduced in P$rt III o) t#e M$nu$+! 3. S(heme of the (ha$ter! "T#e o,Cect o) t#i& c#$'ter i& to (i*e &o%e de&cri'tion o) t#e ci*i+ o))ence& .#ic# %$ co%e ,e)ore court&E%$rti$+! T#e +i&t i& not ex#$u&ti*e0 ,ut t#e %ore co%%on o))ence& #$*e ,een tre$ted in (re$ter det$i+ t#$n t#o&e .#ic# ex'erience &#o.& r$re+ 0 i) e*er0 to co%e .it#in t#e co(ni3$nce o) court&E%$rti$+! 1e)ore 'roceedin( to $ de&cri'tion o)! t#e *$riou& o))ence& it .i++ ,e con*enient to di&cu&&0 )ir&t0 t#e 'uni&#%ent& .#ic# %$ ,e $.$rded0 $nd0 &econd+ 0 t#e (ener$+ 'rinci'+e& $& to cri%in$+ re&'on&i,i+it 0 'rinci'+e&0 it %u&t ,e re%e%,ered0 .#ic# $re $''+ic$,+e to %i+it$r not +e&& t#$n to ci*i+ o))ence&! ,i- *'ni&hment& 5! AA!&!B: &'eci)ie& t#e 'uni&#%ent& .#ic# %$ ,e $.$rded )or ci*i+ o))ence& c#$r(ed under t#$t &ection! I) t#e o))ence i& 'uni&#$,+e under $n +$. in )orce in Indi$ .it# de$t# or i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e0 $ courtE%$rti$+ i& e%'o.ered DDPre*iou& Next>>

5: Hindi



to $.$rd $n 'uni&#%ent (ot#er t#$n .#i''in() $&&i(ned )or t#e o))ence! , t#$t +$. $nd &uc# +e&& 'uni&#%ent $& i& %entioned in AA! It &#ou+d ,e note t#$t in &u,&titution )or t#e 'uni&#%ent $&&i(ned , +$. cre$tin( t#e o))ence (e!(!0t#e IPC) $ courtE%$rti$+ i& e%'o.ered , AA!&!76 to $.$rd on $cti*e &er*ice )ie+d 'uni&#%ent to $n 'er&on ,e+o. t#e r$nA o) WO $nd in $ddition to or in &u,&titution )or $n &uc# 'uni&#%ent0 $n one or %ore o) t#e 'uni&#%ent& &'eci)ied in AA!&!78! Wit# re($rd to e*er ot#er ci*i+ o))ence c#$r(ed under AA!&!B:0 t#e e))ect o) t#e &ection i& to e%' court&E%$rti$+ to $.$rd i%'ri&on%ent u'to 7 e$r& or &uc# +e&& 'uni&#%ent $& i& %entioned in t#e AA or t#e 'uni&#%ent (ot#er t#$n .#i''in() .#ic# under t#e ci*i+ +$. %$ ,e $.$rded )or t#e o))ence! Court& $re0 o) cour&e0 &u,Cect to t#e +i%it$tion '+$ced on t#eir ' o) 'uni&#%ent e!(!0 $ @CM c$nnot $.$rd $ #i(#er 'uni&#%ent t#$n t.o e$r& i%'ri&on%ent! 6! A co%'$ri&on o) t#e *$riou& 'uni&#%ent& &'eci)ied in t#e Indi$n Pen$+ Code .i++ ,e $ (uide to t#e court $& to t#e #einou&ne&& o) e$c# o))ence in t#e e e o) t#e +$.! It %u&t ,e re%e%,ered t#$t e$c# 'uni&#%ent &'eci)ied i& $ %$xi%u% $nd t#$t0 exce't in t#e c$&e o) o))ence& )or .#ic# $n o,+i($tor 'uni&#%ent i& $&&i(ned (e!(!0 de$t# or i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e )or %urder)0 $n +e&& 'uni&#%ent0 i) $ut#ori&ed0 %$ ,e $.$rded , $ courtE%$rti$+ )or $ ci*i+ o))ence0 e*en i) &uc# 'uni&#%ent i& not one .#ic# $ ci*i+ court cou+d #$*e $.$rded0 e!(!0 di&%i&&$+ )ro%

t#e &er*ice! In $.$rdin( 'uni&#%ent )or $ ci*i+ o))ence $ courtE%$rti$+ &#ou+d ,e (uided , ex$ct+ t#e &$%e 'rinci'+e& $& t#o&e .#ic# (uide& it in 'uni&#in( %i+it$r o))ence&! ,ii- Re&$on& for #rime

1. E0er one re&$on&i8.e for nat'ra. (on&eE'en(e& of hi& a(tion&. " T#e (ener$+ ru+e i& t#$t $ 'er&on i& re&'on&i,+e )or t#e n$tur$+ con&e2uence& o) #i& $ct&! I)0 t#ere)ore0 $ 'er&on4& $ct&0 $nd t#e n$tur$+ con&e2uence& .#ic# )o++o. t#e%0 ,rin( #i% .it#in t#e 'en$+ 'ro*i&ion& o) t#e IPC0 #e i& cri%in$++ re&'on&i,+e under t#$t code0 un+e&& #i& c$&e )$++& .it#in one o) t#e ?(ener$+ exce'tion&? (IPC c#$'ter I;) or $n &'eci$+ exce'tion $''+ic$,+e to t#e '$rticu+$r o))ence! T#u&0 $ 'er&on .#o Ai++& $not#er under circu%&t$nce& .#ic# $%ount to %urder $& de)ined in t#e Code (IPC!&!899) i& +i$,+e to t#e 'uni&#%ent $&&i(ned to t#$t o))ence0 ,ut i) #e Ai++ed t#e ot#er .#i+e #i%&e+) in &uc# $ &t$te o) in*o+unt$r intoxic$tion $& .ou+d ,rin( #i% .it#in t#e ter%& o) IPC!&!560 or in t#e +$.)u+ exerci&e o) #i& ri(#t o) 'ri*$te de)ence ((ener$+ exce'tion&)0 #e i& excu&ed0 .#i+e i) #e did it under (r$*e $nd &udden 'ro*oc$tion ($ &'eci$+ exce'tion) #i& o))ence i& reduced to cu+'$,+e #o%icide! 4. I..ega. omi&&ion&!"Word& in t#e code0 .#ic# re)er to $ct&0 $+&o extend to i++e($+ o%i&&ion& (IPC!&!8=)0 t#$t i&0 o%i&&ion& to do .#$t $ 'er&on i& +e($++ ,ound to do! T#e o%i&&ion to do $n t#in( .#ic# one i& not ,ound , +$. to do DDPre*iou& Next>> :9 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


i& not $n o))enceH t#u&0 i) $ %$n &ee& $not#er dro.nin( $nd i& $,+e to &$*e #i% , #o+din( out #i& #$nd0 ,ut o%it& to do &o0 e*en in t#e #o'e t#$t t#e ot#er %$ ,e dro.ned0 &ti++ #e i& not cri%in$++ re&'on&i,+e! On t#e ot#er #$nd0 .#ere t#e +$. i%'o&e& u'on $ 'er&on t#e dut o) 'er)or%in( &o%e '$rticu+$r $ct #e i& #e+d re&'on&i,+e i) #e o%it& to do &o! E*er 'er&on .#o #$& c#$r(e o) $not#er0 e!(!0 $ c#i+d0 $ 'er&on o) un&ound %ind0 $n in*$+id0 or $ 'ri&oner0 i& ,ound to 'ro*ide #i% .it# nece&&$rie& i) #e i& &o #e+'+e&& $& to ,e un$,+e to 'ro*ide #i%&e+)0 $nd i) de$t# re&u+t& )ro% $ ne(+ect o) &uc# dut 0 t#e 'er&on in c#$r(e .i++ ,e re&'on&i,+e un+e&& #e c$n &#o. &o%e (ood excu&e! /o0 in t#e c$&e o) $n $ni%$+ Ano.n to ,e d$n(erou&0 t#e 'er&on in c#$r(e i& ,ound to t$Ae &uc# 'rec$ution& $& .i++ &$)e(u$rd t#e 'u,+ic )ro% d$n(er! 17.Omi&&ion to $erform d't "/i%i+$r+ 0 i) $ 'er&on undert$Ae& to do $n $ct t#e o%i&&ion o) .#ic# %$ end$n(er #u%$n +i)e ($& )or in&t$nce0 .$rnin( 'er&on& )ro% $ r$n(e .#i+&t )irin( i& (oin( on)0 $nd .it#out +$.)u+ excu&e o%it& to di&c#$r(e t#$t dut 0 #e i& re&'on&i,+e )or t#e con&e2uence&! A($in0 i) $ 'er&on undert$Ae& to $d%ini&ter &ur(ic$+ or %edic$+ tre$t%ent0 or to do $n ot#er $ct .#ic# %$ ,e d$n(erou& to #u%$n +i)e0 #e i& re&'on&i,+e i) de$t# re&u+t& )ro% $ .$nt o) re$&on$,+e c$re $nd &Ai++ on #i& '$rt! For in&t$nce0 i) $ &e'o .$& to undert$Ae to cut o)) t#e tri((er )in(er o) $not#er &e'o $nd %orti)ic$tion &et in0 #e .ou+d ,e re&'on&i,+e )or

t#e con&e2uence& o) #i& $ct! In t#e c+$&& o) c$&e& re)erred to #ere0 t#ere .ou+d r$re+ ,e &uc# intention or Ano.+ed(e $& .ou+d %$Ae t#e o))ence %urder or cu+'$,+e #o%icide under t#e IPC! It %i(#t o)ten0 #o.e*er0 $%ount to c$u&in( de$t# , $ r$&# or ne(+i(ent $ct contr$r to IPC!&!89>A! 11. *artie& to offen(e. "T#e re&'on&i,i+it o) $ 'er&on )or t#e n$tur$+ con&e2uence& o) #i& $ct i& not +i%ited to t#e &i%'+e c$&e .#ere #e i& 're&ent0 $nd $ctu$++ co%%it& $n o))ence .it# #i& o.n #$nd! 1!. A&&i&ting offen(e0 "T#u&0 t#e IPC 'ro*ide& t#$t .#en $ cri%in$+ $ct i& done , &e*er$+ 'er&on&0 in )urt#er$nce o) t#e co%%on intention o) $++0 e$c# i& +i$,+e or t#$t $ct $& i) #e #$d done it $+one (IPC!&!8>)! I)0 t#ere)ore0 t.o or t#ree %en (o out to co%%it #ou&eE,re$Ain( $nd one .$it& $t t#e corner o) t#e &treet to Aee' .$tc# .#i+e t#e ot#er& ,re$A into t#e #ou&e0 t#e .$tc#er .i++ ,e (ui+t o) #ou&e ,re$Ain( e2u$++ .it# t#e ot#er&0 t#ou(# #e ne*er (oe& ne$r t#e #ou&e! Furt#er0 .#en $n o))ence i& co%%itted , %e$n& o) &e*er$+ $ct&0 .#oe*er intention$++ coE o'er$te& , doin( $n one o) t#o&e $ct&0 co%%it& t#$t o))ence (IPC!&!87)! I)0 t#ere)ore0 in 'ur&u$nce o) $ co%%on intention to co%%it t#e)t0 A &te$+& (ood& in $ #ou&e $nd #$nd& t#e% to 1 .#o i& .$itin( out&ide0 $nd 10 t#en c$rrie& t#e% $.$ 0 ,ot# $re (ui+t o) t#e)t! On t#e ot#er #$nd0 i) t#e o))ence c#$r(ed in*o+*e& &o%e &'eci$+ intent0 it %u&t ,e &#o.n t#$t t#e $&&i&t$nt .$& co(ni&$nt o) t#e intention& o) t#e 'er&on .#o% #e $&&i&ted (IPC!&!86)G t#u&0 &ince 1 in t#e +$&t ex$%'+e Ane. o) A4& intention to &te$+0 $nd .$ited out&ide t#e #ou&e to $&&i&t #i%0 #i& o))ence .$& t#e)t0 ,ut i) #e #$d ,een un$.$re o) t#e intention ti++ t#e (ood& .ere #$nded to #i% #i& o))ence .ou+d not #$*e ,een t#e)t ,ut recei*in( &to+en 'ro'ert ! DDPre*iou& Next>> :1 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


1).#ommon intent! "I) &e*er$+ 'er&on& co%,ined to(et#er )or $n un+$.)u+ 'ur'o&e or )or $ +$.)u+ 'ur'o&e to ,e e))ected , un+$.)u+ %e$n&0 e$c# i& re&'on&i,+e )or e*er o))ence co%%itted , $n one o) t#e% in )urt#er$nce o) t#$t 'ur'o&e ,ut not )or $n o))ence co%%itted , $not#er %e%,er o) t#e '$rt .#ic# i& unconnected .it# t#e co%%on 'ur'o&e un+e&& #e 'er&on$++ in&ti($te& or $&&i&t& in it& co%%i&&ion! T#u&0 i) &o%e o) t#e '$rt o) #ou&eE,re$Aer& in t#e ex$%'+e (i*en $,o*e $re $r%ed .it# re*o+*er& $nd t#e ot#er& $++ Ano. it0 t#u& & $ co%%on intention not on+ to ,re$A into t#e #ou&e ,ut to c$rr out t#eir cri%in$+ o,Cect t#ere in &'ite o) $++ re&i&t$nce0 $nd t#e o.ner i& Ai++ed in de)endin( #i& 'ro'ert 0 $++ t#e '$rt 0 inc+udin( e*en t#e .$tc#er& out&ide0 $re (ui+t o) %urder! 1ut i) t.o 'er&on& (o out to co%%it t#e)t $nd one0 unAno.n to t#e ot#er0 'ut& $ 'i&to+ in #i& 'ocAet $nd &#oot& $ %$n0 t#e ot#er i& not re&'on&i,+e )or t#e Ai++in(! 1/. A8ettor $re&ent +hen offen(e (ommitted! "Anot#er c$&e in .#ic# $ 'er&on incur& )u++ re&'on&i,i+it )or t#e $ct o) $not#er i& .#en $n $,ettor (&ee '$r$ 16 ,e+o.) i& 're&ent $t t#e '+$ce .#en t#e $ct or o))ence #e $,et& i& co%%itted (IPC!&!11>)! In t#i& c$&e0 $nd in t#e c$&e& re)erred to $,o*e0 t#e 'er&on %$de re&'on&i,+e )or t#e $ct& o) $not#er i& dee%ed to ,e (ui+t o) t#e $ctu$+ o))ence co%%itted $nd &#ou+d ,e &o c#$r(ed0 i!e!0 $++ t#e '$rt in )ir&t ex$%'+e in '$r$ 1=

&#ou+d ,e c#$r(ed .it# #ou&eE,re$Ain(0 $nd0 i) %urder re&u+t& )ro% t#e 'ur&uit o) t#eir co%%on intention (&ee '$r$ 18)0 .it# %urder $+&o! /i%i+$r+ 0 i) A in&ti($te& 1 to %urder C ($,et%ent) $nd A i& 're&ent .#en 1 co%%it& t#e %urder0 A i& (ui+t o) %urder $nd &#ou+d ,e &o c#$r(ed! 13. A8etment. "A 'er&on %$ %$Ae #i%&e+) re&'on&i,+e $not#er , in&ti($tin(0 con&'irin( .it#0 or intention$++ $idin( t#e one o) t#e .$ & de&cri,ed in IPC &&!197 $nd 195! In &uc# c$&e& #e $+re$d %entioned) ,e c#$r(ed .it# t#e $ctu$+ o))ence co%%itted %u&t ,e c#$r(ed .it# ?$,ettin(? t#$t o))ence! T#e $,et%ent 'uni&#$,+e under IPC!&&!19: to 117 $nd AA0&&!BB to B:! )or t#e cri%e o) $ctu$+ cri%in$+ in c$nnot (exce't $& , t#e ot#er0 $nd o) $n o))ence i&

15. Inno(ent agent! "It doe& not $+.$ & )o++o. t#$t t#e 'er&on .#o co%%it& t#e o))ence .#ic# i& $,etted i& #i%&e+) cri%in$++ re&'on&i,+e! T#u&0 i) A in&ti($te& 1 ($ c#i+d under &e*en e$r& o) $(e) (IPC!&!5=) or $ 'er&on in $ &t$te o) in*o+unt$r intoxic$tion (IPC!&!56) to %urder C0 $nd 1 doe& &o0 A #$& $,etted t#e %urder o) C0 ,ut 1 #$& co%%itted no o))ence! /i%i+$r+ 0 i) $ &e'o t#$t $ '$ir o) ,oot& do not ,e+on( to #i%0 induce& $ co%r$de to &te$+ t#e% , re're&entin( t#$t t#e $re #i& 'ro'ert $nd not t#e 'ro'ert o) t#e $ctu$+ 'o&&e&&or0 t#e )or%er i& (ui+t o) $,ettin( t#e)t t#ou(# t#e +$tter #$& co%%itted no o))ence $t $++ (IPC!&!195G i++u&tr$tion (d))! DDPre*iou& Next>> := Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


16.;ar8oring offender&!"A 'er&on %$ incur cri%in$+ re&'on&i,i+it e*en $)ter $n o))ence #$& ,een co%%itted , #e+'in( t#e o))ender to e&c$'e )ro% Cu&tice0 or , de&tro in( t#e e*idence o) #i& (ui+t! T#i& )or% o) re&'on&i,i+it i& 'ro*ided )or in t#e &ection& o) t#e IPC .#ic# de$+ .it# #$r,ourin( $nd &creenin( $n o))ender (IPC!&&!18B $nd =1= to =IBA)! Per&on& .#o o))end $($in&t t#e&e &ection& do not0 #o.e*er0 %$Ae t#e%&e+*e&0 )u++ re&'on&i,+e )or t#e ori(in$+ cri%e0 $& in t#e c$&e& re)erred to in '$r$ 1> $,o*e0 $nd c$nnot ,e &o c#$r(ed! T#e .ord ?#$r,our? inc+ude& t#e &u''+ in( $ 'er&on .it# &#e+ter0 )ood0 drinA0 %one 0 c+ot#e&0 $r%&0 $%%unition0 or %e$n& o) con*e $nce0 or t#e $&&i&tin( $ 'er&on in $n .$ to e*$de $''re#en&ion (IPC!&!6=A)! T#e .i)e or #u&,$nd o) $n o))ender i& exe%'ted )ro% $n 'en$+t )or #$r,ourin( t#$t o))enderG $n exce'tion to t#i& ru+e i&0 #o.e*er0 t#e #$r,ourin( o) $ /t$te 'ri&oner .#o #$& e&c$'ed (IPC!&!189 $nd exce'tion to &! =1BA)! 11. Attem$t to (ommit offen(e!E A 'er&on .#o $tte%'t& to co%%it $n o))ence or to c$u&e &uc# $n o))ence to ,e co%%itted0 $nd in &uc# $tte%'t doe& $n $ct to.$rd& t#e co%%i&&ion o) t#e o))ence0 i& cri%in$++ re&'on&i,+e e*en t#ou(# t#e $tte%'t i& un&ucce&&)u+ (IPC!&!611H $& to $tte%'t& to %urder &ee &!897)! A %ere intention to co%%it $n o))ence un$cco%'$nied , $ct& .i++ not $%ount to $n $ctu$+ ?$tte%'t?0 nor .i++ $ct& t#e%&e+*e& i) t#e $re %ere+ 're'$r$tor to t#e co%%i&&ion o) t#e o))ence! For in&t$nce0 i) A0 intendin( to %urder 1 , 'oi&on0 'urc#$&e& 'oi&on $nd %ixe& it .it# )ood .#ic# re%$in& in A4& Aee'in(0

t#e %ere %ixin( .it# )ood i& not $n $tte%'t to %urder , 'oi&on! /o%e $ct %u&t ,e done .#ic# i& %ore t#$n $n intention or 're'$r$tion0 $nd .#ic# i& $ re$+ &te' to.$rd& t#e co%%i&&ion o) t#e o))enceG t#u&0 i) A #$d '+$ced t#e )ood on 14& t$,+e0 or de+i*ered it to 14& &er*$nt& to '+$ce it on 14& t$,+e0 #e .ou+d #$*e ,een (ui+t o) $n $tte%'t to %urder! It i& no de)ence to $ c#$r(e o) $tte%'tin( to co%%it $ cri%e t#$t it .$& +e($++ or '# &ic$++ i%'o&&i,+e )or t#e o))ender to #$*e co%%itted t#e )u++ o))ence e!(!0A .it# t#e intention o) &te$+in( 14& .$++et 'ut& #i& #$nd in t#e +$tter4& 'ocAet ,ut )ind& t#e 'ocAet e%'t 0 .i++ &ti++ ,e (ui+t o) $n $tte%'t to co%%it t#e)t! W#ere $ 'er&on i& c#$r(ed .it# co%%ittin( $n o))ence ,ut t#e e*idence &#o.& %ere+ $n $tte%'t to co%%it t#$t o))ence0 $ courtE%$rti$+ %$ con*ict #i% o) t#e $tte%'t to co%%it t#e o))ence c#$r(ed (&ee AA!&!18: (5))! ,iii- ;omi(ide 14. #'.$a8.e homi(ide! "W#oe*er c$u&e& t#e de$t# o) $ #u%$n ,ein( , $n $ct" ($) .it# t#e intention o) c$u&in( de$t#0 or (,) .it# t#e intention o) c$u&in( &uc# ,odi+ inCur $& i& +iAe+ to c$u&e de$t#0 or (c) .it# t#e Ano.+ed(e t#$t #e i& +iAe+ , &uc# $ct to c$u&e de$t#! DDPre*iou& Next>> doin(

:8 Hindi



co%%it& $t t#e +e$&t cu+'$,+e #o%icide (IPC!&!=::) $nd #i& $ct %$ $%ount to %urder i) cert$in )urt#er condition& $& to #i& intention $nd Ano.+ed(e $re 're&ent! T#e intention or Ano.+ed(e0 ex're&& or i%'+ied0 o) t#e $ccu&ed in &uc# $ c$&e i& t#ere)ore $++ i%'ort$nt $nd it +ie& on t#e 'ro&ecution to &#o.0 , direct e*idence or , in)erence )ro% t#e )$ct& o) t#e c$&e0 t#$t #e #$d &uc# intention or Ano.+ed(e $& i& nece&&$r to con&titute t#e o))ence c#$r(ed! In $rri*in( $t $ deci&ion u'on t#i& 'oint $ court .i++0#o.e*er0're&u%e t#$t $ %$n intend& t#e n$tur$+ con&e2uence& o) #i& $ct&! T#i& 're&u%'tion .i++ o)ten $ri&e in &#ootin( c$&e& or in ot#er c$&e& .#ere de$t# i& c$u&ed .it# $ +et#$+ .e$'on! !7. M'rder! "T#e Aind& o) intention or Ano.+ed(e .#ic# .i++ %$Ae cu+'$,+e #o%icide $%ount to %urder $re &et out in IPC!&!899! I) t#e&e $re co%'$red .it# '$r$1: $,o*e0 it .i++ ,e &een t#$t0 &u,Cect to cert$in exce'tion& .#ic# $re con&idered in '$r$=10 cu+'$,+e #o%icide o) t#e )ir&t Aind i& $+.$ & %urder! Cu+'$,+e #o%icide o) t#e &econd Aind i& %urder0 i) it i& done .it# t#e intention o) c$u&in( &uc# ,odi+ inCur 0 $& t#e o))ender Ano.& to ,e +iAe+ to c$u&e t#e de$t# o) t#e 'er&on to .#o% t#e #$r% i& c$u&ed0 or it i& done .it# t#e intention o) c$u&in( ,odi+ inCur to $n 'er&on $nd t#e ,odi+ inCur intended to ,e in)+icted i& &u))icient in t#e ordin$r

cour&e o) n$ture to c$u&e de$t#! Cu+'$,+e #o%icide o) t#e t#ird Aind i& %urder on+ i) t#e 'er&on co%%ittin( t#e $ct0 .#ic# c$u&e& de$t#0 Ano.& t#$t it i& &o i%%inent+ d$n(erou& t#$t it %u&t in $++ 'ro,$,i+it c$u&e eit#er de$t# or &uc# ,odi+ inCur $& i& +iAe+ to c$u&e de$t# $nd co%%it& &uc# $ct .it#out $n excu&e )or incurrin( t#e ri&A o) c$u&in( de$t# or &uc# inCur $& $)ore&$id! /ee i++u&tr$tion& to IPC!&!899! !1. E?(e$tion&!"Cu+'$,+e #o%icide .#ic# .ou+d ot#er.i&e ,e %urder i& reduced to ?cu+'$,+e #o%icide not $%ountin( to %urder? in cert$in circu%&t$nce& .#ic# $re &'eci)ied in t#e exce'tion& to IPC!&!899! 1rie)+ t#e&e $re" ($) -r$*e $nd &udden 'ro*oc$tion! (,) Ri(#t o) 'ri*$te de)ence exceeded! (c) o) 'u,+ic &er*$nt exceeded! (d) /udden )i(#t! (e) Con&ent , t#e 'er&on Ai++ed! T#e )u++ text o) t#e&e exce'tion& .i++ ,e )ound in t#e IPC (Exce'tion& 1 to 6 to &!899) .#ic# &#ou+d ,e con&u+ted0 ,ut t#e )ir&t i& t#e %o&t )re2uent+ %et .it# $nd de%$nd& %ore det$i+ed notice! !!. Gra0e and &'dden $ro0o(ation! "It %u&t ,e c+e$r+ e&t$,+i&#ed in $++ c$&e& .#ere (r$*e $nd &udden 'ro*oc$tion i& 'ut )or.$rd $& $n excu&e t#$t $t t#e ti%e .#en t#e cri%e .$& co%%itted t#e o))ender .$& $ctu$++ &o co%'+ete+ under t#e in)+uence o) '$&&ion $ri&in( )ro% t#e 'ro*oc$tion t#$t #e .$& $t t#$t %o%ent de'ri*ed o) t#e ' o) &e+)Econtro+G $nd .it# t#i& *ie. it .i++ ,e nece&&$r to con&ider c$re)u++ t#e %$nner in .#ic# t#e cri%e .$& co%%itted0 t#e n$ture o) t#e .e$'on u&ed0 t#e +en(t# o) t#e inter*$+ ,et.een t#e 'ro*oc$tion $nd t#e Ai++in(0 t#e conduct o) t#e o))ender durin( t#$t inter*$+0 $nd $++ ot#er circu%&t$nce& tendin( to &#o. #i& &t$te o) %ind! DDPre*iou& Next>> :> Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


!). S'8<e(t to (ertain $ro0i&o&! "T#i& exce'tion i& )urt#er &u,Cect to t#ree 'ro*i&o&" ($) T#e 'ro*oc$tion %u&t not ,e &ou(#t , t#e 'er&on 'ro*oAed! T#u&0 i) A 'ro*oAe& 1 to &triAe #i% .it# t#e ex're&& 'ur'o&e o) 'ro*idin( #i%&e+) .it# $n excu&e )or Ai++in( 10$nd A Ai++& 10 t#e o))ence i& %urder! (,) Pro*oc$tion (i*en , $n t#in( done in o,edience to +$. or , $ 'u,+ic &er*$nt in t#e +$.)u+ exerci&e o) #i& ' doe& not reduce %urder to cu+'$,+e #o%icide! T#u& $ NCO +$.)u++ $rre&tin( $ &e'o %$ (i*e (re$t 'ro*oc$tion to t#e +$tter0 ,ut i)

t#e $rre&t i& +$.)u+0 t#e &e'o 'ro*oc$tion i) #e Ai++& t#e NCO!

c$nnot &ucce&&)u++

'+e$d (r$*e $nd &udden

(c) Pro*oc$tion (i*en in t#e +$.)u+ exerci&e o) t#e ri(#t o) 'ri*$te de)ence doe& not reduce %urder to cu+'$,+e #o%icide! For ex$%'+e0 A0 in de)endin( #i%&e+)0 $nd #i& 'ro'ert )ro% 1 .#o i& tr in( to ro, #i%0 &triAe& 1 in t#e )$ce .it# $ .#i'! T#i& &o enr$(e& 1 t#$t #e Ai++& A! 1 c$nnot &ucce&&)u++ '+e$d (r$*e $nd &udden 'ro*oc$tion! !/.#'.$a8.e homi(ide of $er&on& other than the one intended!"It .i++ ,e noticed t#$t t#e intention $nd Ano.+ed(e re)erred to in '$r$ 1: $re $n intention to Ai++ or *iti$++ inCure $n one0 $nd $ Ano.+ed(e t#$t t#e de$t# o) $n one i& +iAe+ ! Cu+'$,+e #o%icide %$ 0 t#ere)ore0 ,e co%%itted , $ 'er&on .#o intend& to Ai++ one %$n $nd Ai++& $not#er , %i&t$Ae! In &uc# $ c$&e t#e c#$r$cter o) t#e cu+'$,+e #o%icide i& deter%ined , .#$t it& c#$r$cter .ou+d #$*e ,een i) t#e 'er&on intended #$d ,een Ai++ed (IPC!&!891)! !3. G'rden of $roof! "Accordin( to IEA t#e Ai++in( ,ein( e&t$,+i&#ed0 t#e ,urden o) & &uc# intention or Ano.+ed(e $& %$Ae& t#e cri%e %urder or cu+'$,+e #o%icide i& &ti++ u'on t#e 'ro&ecution (IEA!&!198)! I)0 #o.e*er0 )$ct& r$i&in( $ 're&u%'tion o) &uc# intention or Ano.+ed(e (e!(!0 t#e n$ture o) t#e .e$'on u&ed) $re &#o.n to exi&t0 &uc# ,urden %$ ,e dee%ed to #$*e ,een di&c#$r(ed! T#i& Ai++in( $nd t#e re2ui&ite intention or Ano.+ed(e ,ein( e&t$,+i&#ed0 t#e ,urden i& on t#e $ccu&ed o) & t#$t #i& c$&e )$++& .it#in $n (ener$+ or &'eci$+ exce'tion& (IEA!&!196)G $& )or in&t$nce0 , & t#$t #e $cted under $ ,on$E)ide %i&t$Ae o) )$ct $nd t#e )$ct (i) true) .ou+d #$*e excu&ed #i%0 or t#$t #e $cted on (r$*e $nd &udden 'ro*oc$tion! !5.*ena.t for m'rder. "T#e 'en$+t )or %urder i& de$t#0 or i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e (IPC!&!89=)! A court c$n0 $t it& di&cretion0 $.$rd eit#er 'en$+t 0 ,ut %u&t &entence t#e o))ender to one or t#e ot#er! W#en $ 'er&on $+re$d under &entence o) i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e i& con*icted o) %urder t#e de$t# &entence i& o,+i($tor (IPC!&!898)! DDPre*iou& Next>> :6 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW !6. #a'&ing death 8 ra&h or neg.igent a(t! "W#oe*er c$u&e& t#e de$t# o) $n 'er&on , doin( $n r$&# or ne(+i(ent $ct0 not $%ountin( to cu+'$,+e #o%icide0 %$ ,e 'uni&#ed .it# i%'ri&on%ent extendin( to t.o e$r& or .it# )ine or ,ot# (IPC!&! 89>A)! A 'er&on i& cri%in$++ re&'on&i,+e )or c$u&in( de$t#0 i) #e )$i+& to t$Ae 'ro'er 'rec$ution& .#en doin( $n t#in( .#ic# i& in it& n$ture d$n(erou&0 e*en t#ou(# #e #$d not t#e +e$&t intention o) ,rin(in( $,out t#e con&e2uence& o) #i& $ct! It %u&t ,e &#o.n0 in order to Cu&ti) $ con*iction t#$t t#e ne(+i(ence )ro% .#ic# de$t# re&u+ted .$& &o (ro&& $nd cu+'$,+e $nd &#o.ed &uc# di&re($rd )or t#e +i)e $nd &$)et o) ot#er& $& to $%ount to $ cri%e $nd to conduct de&er*in( 'uni&#%ent! Next>>

T#u&0 i) $ &e'o )ire& #i& ri)+e .it#out t$Ain( t#e 'ro'er 'rec$ution& under t#e '$rticu+$r circu%&t$nce& $nd t#e ,u++et Ai++& $ 'er&on0 t#e &e'o .i++ ,e cri%in$++ re&'on&i,+e )or #i& de$t#! A($in0 i) $ 'er&on 'oint& $ (un $t $not#er in &'ort $nd 'u++& t#e tri((er .it#out 'ro'er 'rec$ution& to $&cert$in0 t#$t t#e (un .$& un+o$ded0 #e .i++ ,e re&'on&i,+e i) de$t# re&u+t&0 $& t#e incident %i(#t c+e$r+ #$*e ,een 're*ented i) #e #$d not ,een cu+'$,+ ne(+i(ent! R$&#ne&& $nd ne(+i(ence $re not t#e &$%e t#in(! Mere ne(+i(ence c$nnot ,e con&trued to %e$n r$&#ne&&! T#ere $re de(ree& o) ne(+i(ence $nd r$&#ne&& $nd in order to ,e cri%in$++ +i$,+e t#e r$&#ne&& %u&t ,e o) &uc# $ de(ree $& to $%ount to t$Ain( #$3$rd t#$t t#e #$3$rd .$& o) &uc# $ de(ree t#$t inCur .$& %o&t +iAe+ to ,e occ$&ioned t#ere, ! T#e cri%in$+it +ie& in runnin( t#e ri&A or doin( &uc# $n $ct .it# recA+e&&ne&& $nd indi))erence to t#e con&e2uence&! Ot#er ex$%'+e& o) t#i& o))ence $reH "C$u&in( de$t# , r$&# or ne(+i(ent dri*in(G $nd , ne(+i(ent+ %ixin( $ +i*e round .it# ,+$nA c$rtrid(e&! Once it i& 'ro*ed t#$t t#e de$t# o) t#e *icti% .$& $ direct con&e2uence o) t#e r$&# or ne(+i(ent $ct o) t#e o))ender0 t#e )$ct t#$t t#e *icti% #$d contri,uted to #i& de$t# , #i& o.n ne(+i(ence0 .i++ not exoner$te t#e o))enderG &ince t#e doctrine o) contri,utor ne(+i(ence doe& not $''+ to cri%in$+ +i$,i+it .#en t#e de$t# o) $ 'er&on i& c$u&ed '$rt+ , t#e ne(+i(ence o) t#e o))ender $nd '$rt+ , #i& o.n ne(+i(ence! ,i0- ;'rt and grie0o'& h'rt !1" 2;'rt2 and %%grie0o'& h'rt2 defined! "W#oe*er c$u&e& ,odi+ '$in0 di&e$&e0 or in)ir%it to $n 'er&on i& &$id to c$u&e ?#urt? (IPC!&!81:) $nd i) t#$t #urt i& one o) t#e (r$*er Aind& (&'eci)ied in IPC!&!8=9) #e i& &$id to c$u&e ?(rie*ou& #urt?! W#oe*er doe& $n $ct .it# t#e intention o) c$u&in( #urt to $n one0 or t#$t #e i& +iAe+ to c$u&e #urt to $n one0 $nd doe& t#ere, c$u&e #urt to t#e &$%e or $n ot#er 'er&on0 i& &$id ?*o+unt$ri+ to c$u&e #urt?! I) t#e #urt intended or Ano.n to ,e +iAe+ to ,e c$u&ed i& (rie*ou& #urt $nd t#e #urt $ctu$++ c$u&ed i& (rie*ou& #urt (eit#er o) t#e &$%e or $ di))erent Aind) #e i& &$id ?*o+unt$ri+ to c$u&e (rie*ou& #urt? (IPC!&&!8=1 $nd 8==)! DDPre*iou& Next>> :B Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


;o+unt$ri+ to c$u&e #urt or (rie*ou& #urt to $n one i& $n o))ence .#ic# *$rie& in it& (r$*it $ccordin( to t#e in&tru%ent u&ed0 t#e 'ro*oc$tion (i*en0 t#e &t$tu& o) t#e 'er&on #urt0 $nd t#e o,Cect o) t#e o))ender! ,0- #rimina. :or(e and A&&a'.t

!4. 2:or(e2 defined! "T#e &ection& o) t#e IPC .#ic# de$+ .it# t#e&e cri%e& $re c#ie)+ o) intere&t to o))icer& $& de)inin( t#e o))ence& de&cri,ed in AA!&&!>9($) $nd >7! T#e de)inition o) )orce in t#e IPC (IPC!&!8>:) i& o) $ #i(#+ %et$'# &ic$+ n$ture ,ut0 )or ordin$r 'ur'o&e&0 t#ere i& +itt+e di))icu+t in under&t$ndin( .#$t i& %e$nt , t#e $''+ic$tion o) )orce to $ 'er&on0 or t#rou(# $ t#in( to $ 'er&on0 $nd .#oe*er intention$++ u&e& )orce to $ 'er&on .it#out #i& con&ent0 in order to co%%it $n o))ence0 or .it# $n intention to c$u&e inCur 0 )e$r or $nno $nce0 i& &$id to u&e ?cri%in$+ )orce44 (IPC!&!869)! W#oe*er %$Ae& $n (e&ture or 're'$r$tion" ($) intendin( to c$u&e $n one to $''re#end t#$t t#e 'er&on %$Ain( t#e (e&ture0 etc!0 i& $,out to u&e cri%in$+ )orce to #i%0 or (,) it to ,e +iAe+ t#$t &uc# (e&ture0 etc!0 .i++ c$u&e &uc# $n $''re#en&ion0 i& &$id to co%%it $n ?$&&$u+t? (IPC!&!861)! Mere .ord& c$nnot $%ount to $n $&&$u+t0 ,ut .ord& $cco%'$nied , (e&ture& or 're'$r$tion& %$ (i*e t#e +$tter &uc# $ %e$nin( $& to $%ount to $n $&&$u+t!

)7. Differen(e 8et+een a&&a'.t and '&e of (rimina. for(e ! "It .i++ ,e noticed t#$t i) $ctu$+ *io+ence i& done to $ 'er&on0 or $tte%'ted0 $n $&&$u+t i& not t#e 'ro'er de&cri'tion o) t#e o))ence0 .#ic# t#en ,eco%e& ?u&in( cri%in$+ )orce?0 or ?$tte%'tin( to u&e cri%in$+ )orce?0 $& t#e c$&e %$ ,e! ,0i- Ra$e )1. *enetration0"R$'e i& de)ined in IPC0&!876! Penetr$tion i& &u))icient to con&titute &uc# &exu$+ intercour&e $& i& t#ere re)erred toG it %u&t t#ere)ore ,e 'ro*ed t#$t t#ere .$& $ctu$+ 'enetr$tion o) t#e )e%$+e or($n , &o%e '$rt o) t#e %$+e or($n! T#e &+i(#te&t 'enetr$tion .i++ ,e &u))icientG it i& not nece&&$r to 'ro*e t#$t t#ere .$& &uc# 'enetr$tion $& .ou+d ,e &u))icient to ru'ture t#e # %en! W#et#er t#ere .$& $n e%i&&ion o) &e%en or not i& i%%$teri$+! It i& not $n excu&e t#$t t#e .o%$n .$& $ co%%on 'ro&titute or t#e concu,ine o) t#e r$*i&#er0 i) t#e o))ence .$& co%%itted , )orce or $($in&t #er .i++G t#ou(# 'roo) o) &uc# )$ct& i& $d%i&&i,+e0 $nd i&0 o) cour&e0 i%'ort$nt in con&iderin( .#et#er or not &#e i& +iAe+ to #$*e con&ented! )!.#on&ent" +hen!"A con&ider$tion o) IPC!&!876 .i++ &#o. t#$t t#e o))ence con&i&t& o) &exu$+ intercour&e .it# $ .o%$n $($in&t #er .i++0 .it#out #er con&ent0 or e*en .it# #er con&ent .#en &uc# con&ent #$& ,een o,t$ined , 'uttin( #er in )e$r o) de$t# or #urt0 or , 'retendin( to ,e #er #u&,$nd0 or .it# or .it#out #er con&ent .#en &#e i& under &ixteen e$r& o) $(eG )urt#er0 con&ent i& not *$+id under t#e IPC .#en (i*en , $ 'er&on .#o )ro% un&oundne&& o) %ind DDPre*iou& Next>> :7 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW Next>>

or intoxic$tion0 i& un$,+e to under&t$nd t#e n$ture $nd con&e2uence o) t#$t to .#ic# &#e (i*e& con&ent (IPC!&!:9)! /exu$+ intercour&e .it# $ .o%$n .#o #$&0 , dru(& or +i2uor0 ,een reduced to &uc# $ condition $& i& indic$ted $,o*e0 .i++ t#ere)ore con&titute r$'e! )). #a'tion a& to e0iden(e in (a&e& of a..eged ra$e"A .ord o) c$ution re($rdin( c#$r(e& )or t#i& o))ence i& nece&&$r ! A& /ir M$tt#e. H$+e0 $n e%inent Cud(e #$& &$idH ?It i& $n $ccu&$tion e$&i+ to ,e %$de0 $nd #$rd to ,e 'ro*ed0 $nd #$rder to ,e de)ended , t#e '$rt $ccu&ed t#ou(# ne*er &o innocent?! /uc# c#$r(e& $re o)ten ,rou(#t )ro% %oti*e& o) re*en(e or ,+$cA%$i+0 or to &#ie+d $ re'ut$tion .#ic# #$& ,een *o+unt$ri+ end$n(ered! Court& &#ou+d0 t#ere)ore0 ex$%ine $nd &i)t t#e e*idence0 e&'eci$++ t#$t o) t#e .o%$n &$id to #$*e ,een r$*i&#ed0 .it# t#e (re$te&t c$re! )/. Attem$ted ra$e!"W#en t#e o))ence i& inco%'+ete )or .$nt o) 'enetr$tion t#e $ccu&ed %$ ,e con*icted o) $n $tte%'t to co%%it r$'e0 'ro*ided t#$t t#e court i& &$ti&)ied t#$t it .$& #i& intention to (r$ti) #i& '$&&ion& $t $++ e*ent& $nd$ndin( $n re&i&t$nce! An indecent $&&$u+t u'on $ .o%$n doe& not $%ount to $n $tte%'t to co%%it r$'e0 un+e&& t#e court i& &$ti&)ied t#$t t#ere .$& $ deter%in$tion in t#e $ccu&ed to (r$ti) #i& '$&&ion& $t $++ e*ent& $nd in &'ite o) $++ re&i&t$nce! ,0ii- Theft and #ognate Offen(e& )3. *ro$ert +hi(h (an 8e &'8<e(t of theft!"T#e)t i& de)ined in IPC!&!875! It c$n on+ ,e co%%itted in re&'ect o) %o*e$,+e 'ro'ert .#ic# i& in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) &o%e one! )5. Mo0ea8.e $ro$ert !"A++ cor'ore$+ 'ro'ert exce't +$nd $nd t#in(& $tt$c#ed to it i& %o*e$,+e 'ro'ert (IPC!&!==)! T#in(& $tt$c#ed to t#e +$nd %$ ,eco%e %o*e$,+e 'ro'ert , &e*er$nce0 $nd t#e $ct o) &e*er$nce %$ o) it&e+) ,e t#e)t! T#e cuttin( do.n o) $ tree0 .it# t#e intention o) di&#one&t+ re%o*in( it .it#out t#e o.ner4& con&ent0 i& t#u& t#e)t (IPC!&!8750 i++u&tr$tion ($))! )6.*ro$ert m'&t 8e in $o&&e&&ion of &ome one! "T#e 'ro'ert %u&t ,e in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) &o%e one0 ,ut it doe& not %$tter .#et#er t#$t 'o&&e&&ion i& ri(#t)u+ or .ron()u+! A t#in( c$n ,e &to+en )ro% $ t#ie) .#o #$& #i%&e+) &to+en it0 not +e&& t#$n )ro% t#e ri(#t)u+ o.ner o) t#e t#in(! A 'er&on c$nnot &te$+ $ t#in( .#ic# i& in #i& o.n 'o&&e&&ion0 or $ t#in( .#ic# i& not in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) $n one! Wi+d $ni%$+& (inc+udin( ($%e $nd )i&#) .#i+e $t +$r(e0 $nd not ,ein( in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) $n one0 c$nnot ,e t#e &u,Cect o) t#e)t0 ,ut i) t#e #$*e ,een t$%ed or $re in con)ine%ent t#e c$n ,e &to+en +iAe $n ot#er 'ro'ert ! W#en $ %$n %i&+$ & 'ro'ert in #i& o.n #ou&e it &ti++ re%$in& +e($++ in #i& 'o&&e&&ion0 $nd $n one )indin( it i& ,ound to $&&u%e t#$t it ,e+on(& to #i%! )1.*o&&e&&ion thro'gh another! "Pro'ert in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) $ 'er&on4& .i)e0 c+erA or &er*$nt0 on t#$t 'er&on4& $ccount i& in t#$t 'er&on4& 'o&&e&&ion .it#in t#e %e$nin( o) t#e IPC (IPC!&!=7) T#e &$%e 'rinci'+e $+&o extend& to ot#er c$&e& .#ere $ %$n4& 'ro'ert i& in t#e '# &ic$+ 'o&&e&&ion o) &o%e one to .#o% #e #$& entru&ted it $nd )ro% .#o% #e c$n de%$nd it uncondition$++ .#en e*er #e '+e$&e&! T#u&0 .#ere $ &er*$nt #$& #i&

%$&ter4& '+$te in #i& Aee'in( or $ &#e'#erd i& in c#$r(e o) #i& %$&ter4& &#ee'G t#e +e($+ 'o&&e&&ion re%$in& .it# t#e %$&terG &i%i+$r+ 0 t#e +$nd+ord o) $ #ote+ ret$in& t#e +e($+ 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e )orA& $nd &'oon& .#ic# #i& cu&to%er& $re #$nd+in( $t t#e dinner t$,+e $nd $ DDPre*iou& Next>> :5 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


&#o'EAee'er ret$in& t#e +e($+ 'o&&e&&ion o) (ood& .#ic# $ 'urc#$&er t$Ae& u' in order to in&'ect t#e%! T#e 'o&&e&&ion o) $n t#in( , $ &er*$nt on #i& %$&ter4& ,e#$+) i& t#u& con&idered to ,e t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e %$&ter or t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e &er*$nt $ccordin( to t#e circu%&t$nce& under .#ic# t#e &er*$nt ori(in$++ recei*ed it! I)0 )or in&t$nce0 $ &er*$nt i& (i*en t#e cu&tod o) $n t#in( , #i& %$&ter0 or , $ )e++o.E&er*$nt .#o #$& ,een (i*en t#e cu&tod o) it , #i& %$&ter0 t#e &er*$nt .i++ #$*e no re$+ 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e t#in(0 $nd t#e 'o&&e&&ion .i++ re%$in .it# t#e %$&ter! T#ere)ore0 $n di&#one&t t$Ain( o) t#e t#in( , t#e &er*$nt .i++ ,e t#e)t! I)0 #o.e*er0 $ &er*$nt recei*e& $n t#in( )ro% $ t#ird 'er&on on #i& %$&ter4& ,e#$+)0 t#en t#e &er*$nt .i++ #$*e 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e t#in(0 $nd t#e %$&ter .i++ #$*e no 'o&&e&&ion unti+ t#e &er*$nt doe& &o%e $ct , .#ic# t#e 'o&&e&&ion i& tr$n&)erred )ro% t#e &er*$nt to t#e %$&ter"$&0 )or ex$%'+e0 , '+$cin( it in $ ti++0 c$rt or (odo.n0 in .#ic# t#e %$&ter4& (ood& $re Ae't or c$rried! )4.What (on&tit'te& theft!"To con&titute t#e)t t#ere %u&t ,e" ($) $ di&#one&t intention to t$Ae t#e 'ro'ert out o) t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) it& re$+ or te%'or$r o.ner (i!e!0#e .#o #$& ?'o&&e&&ion? o) it) .it#out #i& con&ent0 $nd (,) $ %o*in( o) t#e 'ro'ert in order to &uc# t$Ain( (IPC!&!875)! T#e intention %u&t ,e di&#one&t one0 t#$t i&0 $n intention to c$u&e .ron()u+ ($in to one 'er&on or .ron()u+ +o&& to $not#er (IPC!&!=>) $nd t#ere)ore incon&i&tent .it# $ ,on$)ide c+$i% or ri(#t! I) t#e 'ro'ert i& t$Aen under t#e &u''o&ition0 #one&t+ entert$ined0 t#$t t#e t$Aer #$& $n i%%edi$te ri(#t to 'o&&e&&ion0 t#e intention i& not di&#one&t $nd t#ere i& no t#e)tG on t#e ot#er #$nd0 $ 'er&on .#o #$& '$.ned #i& .$tc# c$n &te$+ t#e .$tc# )ro% t#e '$.n,roAer0 ,ec$u&e #e #$& no ri(#t to 'o&&e&&ion unti+ #e #$& redee%ed it! A c+$i% o) ri(#t .ou+d not Cu&ti) $ 'er&on in t$Ain( 'ro'ert out o) $not#er4& 'o&&e&&ion .it#out #i& con&ent .it# t#e intention o) t#ere, coercin( t#e ot#er to '$ $ de,t due to t#e t$Aer! It %u&t ,e re%e%,ered t#$t con&ent i& not *$+id i) (i*en under )e$r or %i&conce'tion (IPC!&!:9)! /7. Mo0ing!"In $ddition to t#e di&#one&t intention t#ere %u&t ,e $ %o*in( o) t#e 'ro'ert in order to t#e t$Ain( o) it! It i& not nece&&$r to 'ro*e t#$t t#e (ood& .ere re%o*ed out o) t#eir o.ner4& re$c#0 or .ere c$rried $.$ $t $++ )ro% t#e '+$ce in .#ic# t#e .ere )ound! Here $++ t#$t i& nece&&$r i& %o*e%ent0 $nd0 t#$t ,ein( 'ro*ed0 $nd t#e ot#er in(redient& o) t#e)t ,ein( 're&ent0 t#e o))ence i& co%'+ete!

/1.Other a..ied offen(e&!"C+o&e+ $++ied to t#e)t $re t#e o))ence& o) di&#one&t %i&$''ro'ri$tion $nd cri%in$+ ,re$c# o) tru&t! T#e&e di))er )ro% t#e)t in t#$t0 .#i+e t#e)t i& co%%itted in re&'ect o) 'ro'ert in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) $not#er0 t#e&e t.o o))ence& con&i&t in de$+in( di&#one&t+ .it# 'ro'ert .#ic# i& innocent+ or +$.)u++ in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) t#e o))ender! DDPre*iou& Next>> :: Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>> MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW

/!.Di&hone&t mi&a$$ro$riation!"T#e di&#one&t %i&$''ro'ri$tion o) 'ro'ert 0 #one&t+ co%e , 0 i& 'uni&#$,+e .it# i%'ri&on%ent .#ic# %$ extend to t.o e$r&0 or .it# )ine0 or .it# ,ot#0 $nd e*en $ te%'or$r %i&$''ro'ri$tion0 i) di&#one&t0 i& .it#in t#e ter%& o) t#e &ection (IPC!&!>980ex'+$n$tion1)! A co%%on in&t$nce o) t#i& o))ence i& t#e di&#one&t %i&$''ro'ri$tion o) +o&t 'ro'ert , t#e )inder! T#e %ere t$Ain( o) &uc# 'ro'ert into #i& 'o&&e&&ion , t#e )inder i& not0 in it&e+)0 $n o))ence0 ,ut #e i& (ui+t o) di&#one&t %i&$''ro'ri$tion i) #e $''ro'ri$te& it to #i& o.n u&e .#en #e Ano.& or #$& %e$n& o) di&co*erin( t#e o.ner0 or ,e)ore #e #$& u&ed re$&on$,+e %e$n& to di&co*er $nd (i*e notice to t#e o.ner $nd #$& Ae't t#e 'ro'ert $ re$&on$,+e ti%e to en$,+e t#e o.ner to c+$i% it (IPC0&!>980 ex'+$n$tion =)! A 'er&on $''ro'ri$te& 'ro'ert to #i& o.n u&e .#en #e &e++& it0 re$+i&e& it0 or in $n ot#er .$ 'ut& it out o) #i& o.n ' to re&tore it0 or .#en #e de)inite+ %$Ae& u' #i& %ind to Aee' it $t $++ #$3$rd& $& #i& o.n! /). #rimina. 8rea(h of tr'&t"Cri%in$+ ,re$c# o) tru&t i& de)ined in IPC&!>960 )ro% .#ic# it .i++ ,e &een t#$t t#e o))ence con&i&t& in $ 'er&on .#o #$& ,een entru&ted .it# $n 'ro'ert 0 or .it# $n do%inion o*er it0 de$+in( di&#one&t+ .it# t#$t 'ro'ert ! A 'er&on i& entru&ted .it# 'ro'ert .#en #e i& (i*en t#e $ctu$+ 'o&&e&&ion o) it $&0 )or ex$%'+e0 .#en $ &er*$nt recei*e& 'ro'ert )ro% $ t#ird '$rt to de+i*er to #i& %$&ter0 ,ut doe& not do $n $ct to c#$n(e #i& ori(in$+ 'o&&e&&ion into 'o&&e&&ion on $ccount o) #i& %$&ter! A 'er&on i& entru&ted .it# do%inion o*er 'ro'ert .#en it re%$in& +e($++ in t#e o.ner4& 'o&&e&&ion0 ,ut #e i& (i*en $ +i%ited $ut#orit to de$+ .it# it0 $& )or in&t$nce $ &#o'%$n .#o c$n di&'o&e o) #i& %$&ter4& &tocA0 ,ut %u&t #$nd o*er to t#e +$tter t#e 'rice #e recei*ed )or it! //. Re(ei0ing &to.en $ro$ert !"For $ 'er&on to recei*e or ret$in &to+en 'ro'ert or #$*in( re$&on to ,e+ie*e t#$t it #$& ,een &to+en i& $n o))ence (IPC!&!>11)! For (#i& 'ur'o&e0 t#e .ord& ?&to+en 'ro'ert ? inc+ude& 'ro'ert t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) .#ic# #$& ,een tr$n&)erred , t#e)t0 extortion0 or ro,,er 0 $& .e++ $& 'ro'ert in re&'ect o) .#ic# di&#one&t %i&$''ro'ri$tion or cri%in$+ ,re$c# o) tru&t #$& ,een co%%itted (IPC!&!>19)! T#e (ui+t Ano.+ed(e o) t#e recei*er %u&t ,e e&t$,+i&#ed0 it i& not &u))icient to 'ro*e t#$t #e %ere+ &u&'ected t#e 'ro'ert to #$*e $ t$inted ori(in0 ,ut it .i++ ,e &u))icient i) it i& &#o.n t#$t under t#e circu%&t$nce& $ re$&on$,+e %$n %u&t #$*e )e+t con*inced t#$t t#e 'ro'ert .$& &to+en 'ro'ert ! T#e )$ct t#$t #e ,ou(#t it %uc# ,e+o. it& *$+ue0 or t#$t #e )$+&e+ denied #i& 'o&&e&&ion o) it %i(#t ,e e*idence o) (ui+t Ano.+ed(e!

A 'er&on i& con&idered to recei*e t#e (ood& $& &oon $& #e o,t$in& contro+ o*er t#e%! 1ut $ctu$+ %$nu$+ 'o&&e&&ion i& not nece&&$r G it i& &u))icient i) t#e $re in t#e $ctu$+ 'o&&e&&ion o) $ 'er&on o*er .#o% t#e recei*er #$& $ contro+ &o t#$t t#e .ou+d ,e )ort#co%in( i) #e ordered it! /3.The do(trine of re(ent $o&&e&&ion! E"I) $ 'er&on i& )ound in 'o&&e&&ion o) 'ro'ert recent+ &to+en t#ere i& $ &tron( 're&u%'tion t#$t #e &to+e it or recei*ed or ret$ined it .it# Ano.+ed(e t#$t it .$& &to+en (IEA!&!11> i++u&tr$tion ($))! T#e ,urden o) 'ro*in( (ui+t Ano.+ed(e $+.$ & re%$in& u'on t#e 'ro&ecution0 $nd u'on t#e 'ro&ecution e&t$,+i&#in( t#$t t#e $ccu&ed .$& in 'o&&e&&ion DDPre*iou& Next>> 199 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>> MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW

o) recent+ &to+en 'ro'ert 0 $ courtE%$rti$+ %$ 0 in t#e $,&ence o) $n ex'+$n$tion , t#e $ccu&ed o) t#e .$ in .#ic# t#e 'ro'ert c$%e into #i& 'o&&e&&ion0 .#ic# %i(#t re$&on$,+ ,e true0 )ind #i% (ui+t G ,ut i) $n ex'+$n$tion i& (i*en .#ic# t#e courtE%$rti$+ t#inA& %i(#t re$&on$,+ ,e true0 $nd .#ic# i& con&i&tent .it# t#e innocence0 $+t#ou(# it i& not con*inced o) it& trut#0 t#e $ccu&ed i& entit+ed to $n $c2uitt$+0 in$&%uc# $& t#e 'ro&ecution #$& )$i+ed to di&c#$r(e t#e dut c$&t u'on it o) &$ti&) in( t#e court ,e ond re$&on$,+e dou,t o) t#e (ui+t o) t#e $ccu&ed! /5.#heating!"?C#e$tin(? i& de)ined in IPC!&!>16! A 'er&on i& &$id to c#e$t .#o induce& $not#er 'er&on , dece'tion4 to '$rt .it# 'ro'ert or to con&ent to t#e retention o) 'ro'ert , $not#er 'er&on! T#e o,Cect o) t#e o))ender %u&t ,e )r$udu+ent or di&#one&t! Anot#er c+$&& o) ?c#e$tin(? i& .#ere $ 'er&on intention$++ order to induce t#e +$tter to $ct to #i& detri%ent! It i& i%'ort$nt to di&tin(ui&# tr$n&)er o) ?'ro'ert ? in t#e (ood& #i% 'o&&e&&ion on+ o) $n $rtic+e0 #i%&e+)0 t#i& i& ?t#e)t?0 ,ut i) #e 'o&&e&&ion o)0 ,ut $+&o t#e 'ro'ert decei*e& $ 'er&on in

,et.een tr$n&)er o) ?'o&&e&&ion? on+ 0 $nd $ t$AenG i) A , )$+&e 'retence& induce& 1 to (i*e $nd t#en .it#out 14& con&ent $''ro'ri$te& it to &o induce& 1 to tr$n&)er to #i% not on+ t#e in0 t#e $rtic+e0 t#i& i& ?c#e$tin(?!

T#e dece'tion %$ ,e %$de in $n .$ 0 eit#er , .ord&0 , .ritin(0 or , conduct $nd $ 'ro%i&e $& to )uture conduct not intended to ,e Ae't %$ $%ount to c#e$tin(! T#e 'ro'ert %u&t ,e o,t$ined eit#er direct+ or indirect+ , t#e dece'tionG t#$t i& to &$ 0 it .ou+d not #$*e ,een o,t$ined ,ut )or t#e dece'tion! I) t#e 'er&on )ro% .#o% t#e 'ro'ert i& o,t$ined i& not decei*ed0 t#e 'ro'ert i& not o,t$ined , t#e dece'tion0 ,ut in &uc# $ c$&e t#e $ccu&ed %$ ,e con*icted o) $tte%'tin( to c#e$t!

T#e ) $re ex$%'+e& o) ?c#e$tin(?" ($) T#e (i*in( o) $ c#e2ue in exc#$n(e )or (ood& t#$t t#e c#e2ue .i++ not ,e %et on 're&ent$tionG (,) C#e$tin( , 'er&on$tionG e!(!0 o,t$inin( (ood& on credit )ro% $ tr$de& %$n , )$+&e+ 'retendin( to ,e $n o))icerG (c) O,t$inin( %one , c#e$tin( $t c$rd&0 etc!G (d) O,t$inin( $ %e$+ $t $ re&t$ur$nt t#$t #e .$& un$,+e to '$ )or itG (e) O,t$inin( $ +o$n , )$+&e+ 'retendin( t#$t #e .i++ re'$ itG ()) /e++in( , )$+&e .ei(#t&G (() O,t$inin( $ recei't , decei*in( $ 'er&on into t#e ,e+ie) t#$t '$ %ent #$d ,een %$de )or (ood& &u''+ied0 DDPre*iou& Next>> 191 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>> MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW

/6. E?tortion! "It i& $n o))ence to extort or $tte%'t to extort $n 'ro'ert or *$+u$,+e &ecurit )ro% $ 'er&on , t#re$tenin( to inCure t#$t 'er&on or $n ot#er 'er&on (1PC!&!858)! ?InCur ? %e$n& $n #$r% i++e($++ c$u&ed to $ 'er&on in ,od 0 %ind0 re'ut$tion or 'ro'ert (IPC!&!>>)! T#e %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent )or extortion0 i) not $((r$*$ted , t#e circu%&t$nce& %entioned ,e+o.0 i& i%'ri&on%ent )or t#ree e$r& or )ine or ,ot# (IPC!&!85>)! I) $ 'er&on i& 'ut in )e$r o) de$t# or o) (rie*ou& #urt0 or it t#e t#re$t i& to $ccu&e $ 'er&on o) #$*in( co%%itted or $tte%'ted to co%%it $n o))ence 'uni&#$,+e .it# de$t#0 i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e0 or i%'ri&on%ent )or ten e$r&0 t#e Code 'ro*ide& )or $ %ore &e*ere 'uni&#%ent (IPC!&&!856 to 85:)! /1. Ro88er !"T#e o))ence o) ?ro,,er ? i& de)ined in IPC!&! 8:9! It i& $n $((r$*$ted )or% o) t#e)t or extortion )ro% t#e 'er&on $cco%'$nied , *io+ence or t#re$t& o) i%%edi$te *io+ence! T#e %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent in ordin$r c$&e& i& i%'ri&on%ent )or ten e$r& $nd )ine0 ,ut t#e Code 'ro*ide& )or $ %ore &e*ere 'uni&#%ent i) t#e ro,,er i& co%%itted on t#e #i(#.$ ,et.een &un&et $nd &unri&e or i) #urt i& c$u&ed (IPC!&&!8:= $nd 8:>)! T#e *io+ence or t#re$t& %u&t ,e intention$++ u&ed )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) o*erco%in( or 're*entin( re&i&t$nce0 or )or o,t$inin( t#e t#in( &to+en or extorted!

Da(oit ! "I) ro,,er i& co%%itted , )i*e or %ore 'er&on&0 t#e o))ence i& c$++ed ?d$coit ? $nd i& 'uni&#$,+e .it# i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e (IPC!&!8:1 $nd 8:6) or ri(orou& i%'ri&on%ent )or 19 e$r& $nd )ine! /4. Mi&(hief! "Nu%erou& o))ence& co%e under t#e c$te(or o) %i&c#ie)0 .#ic# i& de)ined in IPC!&!>=6! T#e e&&ence o) t#e o))ence i& inCur to t#e 'ro'ert o) $not#er! /uc# $ct& $re o))ence& i) done .it# intent to c$u&e0 or .it# Ano.+ed(e t#$t t#e $re +iAe+ to c$u&e0 .ron()u+ +o&& or d$%$(e! T#e 'uni&#%ent (ener$++ *$rie& $ccordin( to t#e $%ount o) t#e +o&& or d$%$(e0 ,ut cert$in $((r$*$ted in&t$nce& o) %i&c#ie) $re &'eci$++ 'ro*ided )or in t#e CodeG e!(!0 d$%$(in( irri($tion .orA&0 ro$d&0 ,rid(e&0 etc!0c$u&in( inund$tion& o,&tructin( 'u,+ic dr$in$(e0 $nd di*ertin( .$terG d$%$(in( or de&tro in( ,ui+din(&0 etc!0, )ire or ex'+o&i*e&G $nd Ai++in( or %$i%in( cert$in $ni%$+&! (IPC!&&!>=B to >>9)! ,0iii- #rimina. Tre&$a&& 37. #rimina. tre&$a&&! "W#oe*er enter& into or u'on 'ro'ert in t#e 'o&&e&&ion o) $not#er0 or #$*in( +$.)u++ entered into or u'on &uc# 'ro'ert un+$.)u++ re%$in& t#ere0 .it# intent to co%%it $n o))ence or to inti%id$te0 in&u+t or $nno $n 'er&on in 'o&&e&&ion o) &uc# 'ro'ert 0 i& &$id to co%%it ?cri%in$+ tre&'$&& IPC!&!>>1)! DDPre*iou& Next>> 19= Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>> MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW

31.;o'&e 8reaCing et(!"T#e $((r$*$ted Aind& o) cri%in$+ tre&'$&& cont$ined in t#e IPC $re" ($) Hou&eEtre&'$&& (IPC!&!>>=)! (,) LurAin( #ou&eEtre&'$&& (IPC!&!>>8)! (c) LurAin( #ou&eEtre&'$&& , ni(#t (IPC!&!>>>)! (d) Hou&eE,re$Ain( (IPC!&!>>6)! (e) Hou&eE,re$Ain( , ni(#t (IPC!&!>>B)! A 'er&on .#o co%%it& #ou&eEtre&'$&& i& &$id to co%%it ?#ou&eE,re$Ain(? i) #e e))ect& #i& entr$nce into t#e #ou&e or 2uit& t#e #ou&e in $n o) t#e .$ & %entioned in IPC!&!>>6! A ?#ou&e? %e$n& $n ,ui+din(0 tent or *e&&e+ u&ed $& $ #u%$n d.e++in(0 or $n ,ui+din( u&ed $& $ '+$ce o) .or&#i'0 or $& $ '+$ce )or t#e cu&tod o) 'ro'ert ! Ni(#t %e$n& $)ter &un&et $nd ,e)ore &unri&e!

T#e %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent )or t#e&e o))ence& *$rie& $ccordin( to t#e n$ture o) t#e o))ence co%%itted or intended0 e!(!0 #ou&eE,re$Ain( , ni(#t in order to co%%it $n o))ence 'uni&#$,+e .it# i%'ri&on%ent %$ ,e 'uni&#ed .it# i%'ri&on%ent )or )i*e e$r& $nd )ine0 ,ut i) t#e o))ence intended i& t#e)t0 t#e %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent i& )ourteen e$r&G $nd i) (rie*ou& #urt i& c$u&ed or intended0 t#e o))ender i& +i$,+e to ,e 'uni&#ed .it# i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e (IPC!&&!>>7 to >B9)! ,IX- Mi&(e..aneo'& offen(e& 3!. #rimina. (on&$ira( ! "Cri%in$+ con&'ir$c con&i&t& in t#e $(ree%ent o) t.o or %ore 'er&on& to do $n i++e($+ $ct or to do $ +e($+ $ct , i++e($+ %e$n& (IPC!&!1=9A)! T#e %ere intention to do &uc# $n $ct i& not $ con&'ir$c ! An $(ree%ent to co%%it $n o))ence0 e*en i) t#e o))ence i& not $)ter.$rd& co%%itted0 i& $ cri%in$+ con&'ir$c 0 ,ut i) t#e $(ree%ent i& to do $ +e($+ $ct , i++e($+ %e$n&0 t#e $(ree%ent doe& not $%ount to $ cri%in$+ con&'ir$c 0 un+e&& &o%e o*ert $ct i& done , one o) t#e $ccu&ed in 'ur&u$nce o) t#e $(ree%ent! 3). Offen(e& again&t the State! "T#e on+ need #ere ,e %entioned $reH " o))ence& $($in&t t#e /t$te .#ic#

($) W$(in( .$r $($in&t t#e -o*ern%ent0 o) Indi$0 e!(!0 , in&urrection (IPC!&! 1=1)!

Coinin( in $n

(,) Con&'irin( to .$(e .$r $($in&t -o*ern%ent o) Indi$0 or to o*er$.e t#e Centr$+ or /t$te -o*ern%ent , %e$n& o) cri%in$+ )orce or &#o. o) cri%in$+ )orce (IPC!&!1=1A)! (c) /edition (IPC!&!1=>A)! T#i& o))ence con&i&t& in excitin( or $tte%'tin( to excite di&$))ection to.$rd& t#e -o*ern%ent e&t$,+i&#ed , +$. In Indi$! DDPre*iou& Next>> 198 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW

3/. 9n.a+f'. a&&em8. ! "An $&&e%,+ o) )i*e or %ore 'er&on& i& un+$.)u+ i) t#e co%%on o,Cect o) t#e 'er&on& co%'o&in( t#$t $&&e%,+ i& one o) t#e )i*e o,Cect& %entioned in IPC!&!1>1! An $&&e%,+ 0 .#ic# .$& not un+$.)u+ .#en it $&&e%,+ed0 %$ ,eco%e un+$.)u+ , t#e &u,&e2uent $ct& o) it& %e%,er&G ,ut $n i++e($+ $ct o) one or t.o %e%,er& not $c2uie&ced in , t#e ot#er&0 doe& not c#$n(e t#e c#$r$cter o) t#e $&&e%,+ ! An 'er&on .#o0 ,ein( $.$re o) )$ct& .#ic# render $n $&&e%,+ $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ 0 intention$++ Coint&0 or continue& in0 t#$t $&&e%,+ 0 i& +i$,+e to ,e 'uni&#ed .it# i%'ri&on%ent )or &ix %ont#& or )ine or ,ot# (IPC!&&!1>= $nd 1>8)G i) $r%ed .it#

$ de$d+ .e$'on t#e %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent i& t.o ,ot# (IPC!&!1>>)!

e$r&4 i%'ri&on%ent0 or )ine or

Rioting!"I) )orce or *io+ence i& u&ed , $n %e%,er o) $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ 0 in 'ro&ecution o) t#e co%%on o,Cect o) t#$t $&&e%,+ 0 e*er %e%,er o) t#e $&&e%,+ i& (ui+t o) ?riotin(? $nd +i$,+e to ,e 'uni&#ed .it# i%'ri&on%ent )or t.o e$r& or )ine or ,ot# (IPC!&&!1>B $nd 1>7)! 33. :orger !"For(er i& %$Ain( $ )$+&e docu%ent or '$rt o) $ docu%ent0 .it# intent to c$u&e d$%$(e or inCur to t#e 'u,+ic or to $n 'er&on0 or to &u''ort $n c+$i% or tit+e0 or to c$u&e $n 'er&on to '$rt .it# 'ro'ert 0 or to enter into $n ex're&& or i%'+ied contr$ct0 or .it# intent to co%%it )r$ud or t#$t )r$ud %$ ,e co%%itted (IPC!&!>B8)! A 'er&on %$Ae& $ )$+&e docu%ent .#o ($) di&#one&t+ or )r$udu+ent+ %$Ae&0 &i(n&0 &e$+& or execute& $ docu%ent or '$rt o) $ docu%ent0 .it# t#e intention o) c$u&in( it to ,e ,e+ie*ed t#$t t#e docu%ent or $ '$rt o) it .$& %$de0 etc!0 , or , t#e $ut#orit o) $ 'er&on .#o did not %$Ae it or $ut#ori&e it& %$Ain(0 or (,) .#o di&#one&t+ or )r$udu+ent+ $+ter& $ docu%ent in $n %$teri$+ '$rt .it#out +$.)u+ $ut#orit $)ter it #$d ,een %$de , #i%&e+) or $n ot#er 'er&onG or (c) .#o di&#one&t+ or )r$udu+ent+ c$u&e& $ 'er&on to &i(n0 &e$+0 execute or $+ter $ docu%ent0 t#$t &uc# 'er&on , re$&on o) un&oundne&& o) %ind0 intoxic$tion or dece'tion0 doe& not Ano. t#e content& o) t#e docu%ent or t#e n$ture o) t#e $+ter$tion (IPC!&!>B>)! A %$n4& &i(n$ture o) #i& o.n n$%e0 i) t#e intention i& t#$t it &#ou+d '$&& $& t#e &i(n$ture o) &o%e one e+&e $nd t#e %$Ain( o) $ )$+&e docu%ent in t#e n$%e o) $ )ictitiou& 'er&on or in t#e n$%e o) $ dece$&ed 'er&on0 %$ $%ount to $ )or(er (1PC!&!>B>0 ex'+$n$tion& 1 $nd =)! T#e %$xi%u% 'uni&#%ent )or )or(er under IPC!&!>B6 i& i%'ri&on%ent )or t.o e$r& or )ine0 or ,ot#0 ,ut t#e Code 'ro*ide& $ &e*erer 'uni&#%ent )or t#e )or(er o) cert$in docu%ent&0 &uc# $& court record& 'u,+ic re(i&ter&0 ,irt# $nd de$t# certi)ic$te&0 .i++&0 *$+u$,+e &ecuritie& $nd recei't& )or t#e '$ %ent o) %one 0 etc!0 (IPC!&&!>BB $nd >B7)! 35.9ttering forged do('ment!"W#oe*er )r$udu+ent+ or di&#one&t+ u&e& $& (enuine $n docu%ent .#ic# #e Ano.&0 or #$& re$&on to ,e+ie*e0 to ,e )or(ed docu%ent0 %$ ,e $.$rded t#e &$%e 'uni&#%ent $& i) #e #$d )or(ed t#e docu%ent (IPC!&!>71)!



1. Introd'(tion! "T#e 'ri%$r ro+e o) t#e re(u+$r Ar% i& to de)end t#e countr $($in&t extern$+ $((re&&ion $nd troo'& $re tr$ined $nd e2ui''ed )or &uc# $ t$&A! T#e $&&i&t$nce o) t#e $r%ed )orce& (%i+it$r 0 n$*$+ $nd $ir )orce&) (Cr! P!C!01:78 &! 18=(8)) i& #o.e*er0 &ou(#t , t#e ci*i+ (o*ern%ent )or *$riou& intern$+ dutie&0 ,ot# in 'e$ce $nd in .$r! T#e t 'e& o) $id &o &ou(#t , t#e ci*i+ (o*ern%ent $re $& underH " ($) %$inten$nce o) +$. $nd orderG (,) %$inten$nce o) e&&enti$+ &er*ice&G (c) $&&i&t$nce durin( n$tur$+ $nd ot#er c$+$%itie&G $nd (d)ot#er t 'e& o) $&&i&t$nce0 inc+udin( $&&i&t$nce in de*e+o'%ent 'roCect&!

T#e ter% ?dutie& in $id o) t#e ci*i+ ' in it& .ider %e$nin( c$n ,e $''+ied to $++ t#e $,o*e t 'e& o) $&&i&t$nce! In it& re&tricted %e$nin(0 it i& to ,e $''+ied to t#e $id (i*en , t#e Ar% )or t#e %$inten$nce o) +$. $nd order $nd t#i& c#$'ter %$in+ de$+& .it# *$riou& $&'ect& o) t#e &$%e! !. Maintenan(e of .a+ and order! "T#e re&'on&i,i+it o) %$int$inin( +$. $nd order i& 'ri%$ri+ t#$t o) t#e /t$te -o*ern%ent&! /t$te -o*ern%ent& #$*e $de2u$te %$c#iner $t t#eir di&'o&$+ )or t#e di&'er&$+ o) un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ie&0 &u''re&&ion o) di&tur,$nce& $nd riot& $nd t#e %$inten$nce o) +$. $nd order (ener$++ 0 , $rre&t $nd 'uni&#%ent o) o))ender&! Ci*i+ $ut#oritie& $re )ir&t re2uired to uti+i&e t#e ci*i+ )orce& $t t#eir di&'o&$+ )or re&torin( +$. $nd order0 $nd &eeA t#e $id o) t#e Ar% on+ .#en t#e ci*i+ )orce& $re in$de2u$te to de$+ .it# t#e &itu$tion (o) t#i& t#e ci*i+ $ut#orit i& t#e Cud(e)! T#e c$u&e& )or ci*i+ unre&t $nd di&tur,$nce& %$ ,e %$n ,ut 'ri%$ri+ t#e $re due to +$,our di&&$ti&)$ction $nd indu&tri$+ di&'ute&0 &triAe& or($ni&ed , +$,our )or redre&& o) re$+ or i%$(in$r (rie*$nce&0 $nd di&'ute& $%on( re+i(iou& &ection& $nd ri*$+ 'o+itic$+ '$rtie&! ). 9n.a+f'. a&&em8. and riot! "1e)ore ex$%inin( t#e n$ture $nd extent o) $id re2uired to ,e rendered , t#e Ar% )or t#e %$inten$nce o) +$. $nd order0 it .ou+d ,e u&e)u+ to Ano. t#e tec#nic$+ %e$nin( o) t#e ter%& ?un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ ? $nd ?riot?! $nla%f l assembly!"An $&&e%,+ o,Cect i& to" o) )i*e or %ore 'er&on& .#o&e co%%on

($) o*er$.e , cri%in$+ )orce0 or &#o. o) cri%in$+ )orce0 t#e Centr$+ or $n /t$te -o*ern%ent or P$r+i$%ent or t#e +e(i&+$ture o) $n /t$te or $n 'u,+ic &er*$nt in t#e exerci&e o) #i& +$.)u+ 'o.erG or (,) re&i&t t#e execution o) +$.0 or $n +e($+ 'roce&&G or Next>> 196 Hindi




(c) co%%it $n %i&c#ie) or cri%in$+ tre&'$&&0 or ot#er o))enceG or (d) o,t$in 'o&&e&&ion o) $n 'ro'ert or to &to' $ ri(#t o) .$ or to 're*ent +$.)u+ u&e o) .$ter or to en)orce $n ri(#t or &u''o&ed ri(#t $($in&t $n 'er&on in enCo %ent o) &uc# 'ro'ert or t#in(0 , %e$n& o) cri%in$+ )orce or &#o. o) cri%in$+ )orceG or (e) co%'e+ $n 'er&on to do .#$t #e i& not +e($++ ,ound to do0 or to o%it to do .#$t #e i& +e($++ entit+ed to do0 , %e$n& o) cri%in$+ )orce or &#o. o) cri%in$+ )orce! An $&&e%,+ .#ic# .$& not un+$.)u+ .#en it $&&e%,+ed %$ &u,&e2uent+ ,eco%e $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ (IPC!&!1>1)0 A 'er&on .#o ,ein( $.$re o) t#e )$ct& .#ic# render $n $&&e%,+ un+$.)u+ intention$++ Coin& it or continue& in it i& &$id to ,e $ %e%,er o) $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ (IPC!&!1>=)! Riot! "W#ene*er )orce or *io+ence i& u&ed , $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ or , $n %e%,er t#ereo)0 in 'ro&ecution o) t#e co%%on o,Cect o) &uc# $&&e%,+ 0 it ,eco%e& $ riot (IPC!&!1>B)! /. Di&$er&a. of 'n.a+f'. a&&! "T#e +$. (o*ernin( t#e di&'er&$+ o) un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ie& i& cont$ined in C#$'ter < (&&! 1=: to 18=) o) t#e Cr PC0 1:78 (= o) 1:78)! An executi*e %$(i&tr$te or o))icer inc#$r(e o) $ 'o+ice &t$tion or0 in t#e $,&ence o) &uc# o))icer inEc#$r(e0 $n 'o+ice o))icer0 not ,e+o. t#e r$nA o) $ &u,E in&'ector %$ co%%$nd $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ or $n $&&e%,+ o) )i*e or %ore 'er&on& +iAe+ to c$u&e $ di&tur,$nce o) t#e 'u,+ic 'e$ce0 to di&'er&eG $nd it ,eco%e& t#e dut o) e*er %e%,er o) &uc# $n $&&e%,+ to di&'er&e $ccordin(+ (Cr PC0 1:78! &! 1=: (1))! 3. 9&e of for(e to di&$er&e 'n.a+f'. a&&! "I)0 u'on ,ein( &o co%%$nded0 $n &uc# $&&e%,+ doe& not di&'er&e0 or i)0 .it#out ,ein( &o co%%$nded0 it conduct& it&e+) in &uc# $ %$nner $& to &#o. $ deter%in$tion not to di&'er&e0 $n executi*e %$(i&tr$te or o))icer inc#$r(e o) 'o+ice &t$tion re)erred to in '$r$ > $,o*e0 %$ 'roceed to di&'er&e &uc# $&&e%,+ , )orce0 $nd %$ re2uire t#e $&&i&t$nce o) $n %$+e ci*i+i$n )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) di&'er&in( &uc# $&&e%,+ $nd0 i) nece&&$r 0 )or $rre&tin( $nd con)inin( t#e 'er&on& .#o )or% '$rt o) it0 in order to di&'er&e &uc# $&&e%,+ or t#$t t#e %$ ,e 'uni&#ed $ccordin( to +$. (Cr PC0 1:78! &! 1=:(=))! 5!W#en t#e ci*i+ $ut#oritie& $re inc$'$,+e o) di&'er&in( &uc# $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ , t#e u&e o) $++ t#e re&ource& $t t#eir di&'o&$+0 t#e c$n &eeA t#e $id o) t#e $r%ed )orce&0 i) it i& nece&&$r )or t#e 'u,+ic &ecurit t#$t &uc# $&&e%,+ &#ou+d ,e di&'er&ed! T#e executi*e %$(i&tr$te o) t#e #i(#e&t r$nA .#o i& 're&ent %$ c$u&e it to ,e di&'er&ed , t#e $r%ed )orce& (Cr PC0 1:78! &! 189(1))!


Next>> 19B Hindi



6.D'tie& of offi(er (ommanding troo$& to di&$er&e 'n.a+f'. a&& " W#en $n executi*e %$(i&tr$te decide& to di&'er&e $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ , t#e $r%ed )orce&0 #e %$ re2uire $n o))icer ($& de)ined in Cr PC0 1:78! &!18= (8)(,)) in co%%$nd o) $n (rou' o) 'er&on& ,e+on(in( to t#e $r%ed )orce& to di&'er&e &uc# $&&e%,+ .it# t#e #e+' o) $r%ed )orce& under #i& co%%$nd $nd to $rre&t $nd con)ine &uc# 'er&on& )or%in( '$rt o) it0 $& t#e %$(i&tr$te %$ direct0 or $& it %$ ,e nece&&$r to $rre&t $nd con)ine in order to di&'er&e t#e $&&e%,+ or to #$*e t#e% 'uni&#ed $ccordin( to +$. (Cr PC0 1:78! &! 189 (=))! E*er o))icer o) t#e $r%ed )orce& i& re2uired to o,e t#e re2ui&ition o) t#e %$(i&tr$te in &uc# %$nner $& #e t#inA& )it ,ut in doin( &o0 #e i& to u&e $& +itt+e )orce $nd do $& +itt+e inCur to 'er&on $nd 'ro'ert $& %$ ,e con&i&ent .it# di&'er&in( t#e $&&e%,+ $nd $rre&tin( $nd det$inin( &uc# 'er&on& (Cr PC01:78!&!189(8))! 1. *rin(i$.e& go0erning '&e of for(e! "T#e u&e o) )orce in di&'er&$+ o) un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ie&0 i& (o*erned , t#e ) 'rinci'+e&H " (a) &ecessity" (i) T#ere %u&t ,e Cu&ti)ic$tion )or e$c# &e'$r$te $ctG (ii) Action &#ou+d not ,e t$Aen in one '+$ce .it# t#e o,Cect o) cre$tin( e))ect in $not#er '+$ceG (iii) T#ere &#ou+d ,e no re'ri&$+&G (i*) Action &#ou+d ,e 're*enti*e $nd not 'uniti*e! T#e nece&&it i& dee%ed to ,e e&t$,+i&#ed0 .#en t#e executi*e %$(i&tr$te re2ui&ition& t#e $idG or .#en $n o))icer or FCO $ct& under circu%&t$nce& &t$ted in '$r$ 19 ,e+o.0 or $ WO or OR $ct& under circu%&t$nce& &t$ted in '$r$ 1= ,e+o.0 (b) 'inim m force( No %ore )orce i& to ,e u&ed t#$n i& nece&&$r to $c#ie*e t#e i%%edi$te o,Cect! T#i& re)er& to t#e $ctu$+ $%ount o) )orce u&ed $nd not to t#e nu%,er o) troo'& e%'+o ed! (c) !mpartiality( O))icer& $nd ot#er 'er&on& %u&t ,e i%'$rti$+ in co%%un$+ di&tur,$nce& or +$,our &triAe&! T#e &#ou+d not $cce't (i)t& or &#o. )$*our&! (d) )ood faith( O))icer& $nd ot#er 'er&on& %u&t $ct in (ood )$it#! Not#in( i& &$id to ,e done or ,e+ie*ed in (ood )$it# .#ic# i& done or ,e+ie*ed .it#out due c$re $nd $ttention (IPC!&!6=)!

4. Method of di&$er&a. of 'n.a+f'. a&&em8. ! "T#e $ctu$+ u&e o) troo'& )or t#e di&'er&$+ o) $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ i& t#e %o&t di))icu+t o) $++ o'er$tion& in $id o) ci*i+ '! It i&0 t#ere)ore0 i%'er$ti*e t#$t $++ r$nA& )u++ under&t$nd it& i%'+ic$tion&! Troo'& e%'+o ed .i++ not u&e 'o+ice %et#od& or ,e $r%ed DDPre*iou& Next>> 197 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW .it# 'o+ice .e$'on& +iAe +$t#ie& $nd trunc#eon&! T#e .i++ u&e t#eir o.n .e$'on& $nd %i+it$r t$ctic& to de$+ .it# t#e &itu$tion! W#en )ire i& to ,e o'ened on $ %o,0 t#e 'rocedure &#ou+d ,e $& )o++o.&H " (a) *efore firing+ "I) 'o&&i,+e t#e cro.d &#ou+d ,e .$rned t#$t un+e&& t#e un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ di&'er&e&0 )ire i& to ,e o'ened $nd t#$t it .i++ ,e e))ecti*e! T#e %$(i&tr$te 're&ent &#ou+d (i*e t#i& .$rnin( in *ern$cu+$r0 i) #e i& $,+e to do &o! Attention o) t#e cro.d c$n ,e $ttr$cted , &oundin( $ ,u(+e or .#i&t+e! A .$rnin( notice in $''ro'ri$te *ern$cu+$r0 .#ere 'o&&i,+e0 &#ou+d ,e c$rried $nd ex'o&ed to t#e %o, $t t#e re2uired %o%ent! T#e 'o+ice )orce 're&ent $t t#e &'ot doe& not co%e under t#e co%%$nd o) t#e o))icer co%%$ndin( t#e ,od o) troo'&! Troo'& &#ou+d ,e Ae't out o) &i(#t o) t#e %o,0 unti+ t#e $re to ,e $cti*e+ u&ed! (b) D ring firing! "Firin( .i++ ,e contro++ed &trict+ ! I) o))icer co%%$ndin( t#e ,od o) troo'& con&ider& t#$t )irin( , $ &in(+e or $ )e. indi*idu$+& i& +iAe+ to 'ro*e &u))icient0 #e .i++ i&&ue order& to one 'er&on o) $ )e. &'eci)ied indi*idu$+&! I) %ore )ire i& re2uired0 #e .i++ i&&ue order& to &'eci)ied &ection co%%$nder&! W#i+e (i*in( )ire order&0 #e .i++ indic$te de)inite t$r(et& $nd &t$te t#e nu%,er o) round& to ,e )ired! T#e %o&t e))ecti*e t$r(et& $re u&u$++ t#e rin( +e$der&! Troo'& &#ou+d &#oot )or e))ect! T#e &#ou+d nor%$++ direct t#eir )ire +o. in order to inCure $nd inc$'$cit$te r$t#er t#$n to Ai++! Firin( .it# ,+$nA $%%unition or o*er t#e #e$d& o) t#e cro.d i& &trict+ )or,idden! R$'id )ire &#ou+d ne*er ,e nece&&$r exce't in &e+)E de)ence! P$u&e& in )irin( .i++ (i*e t#e cro.d $n o''ortunit to di&'er&e! Firin( &#ou+d ,e &to''ed i%%edi$te+ t#e cro.d ,e(in& to di&'er&e! It &#ou+d ,e en&ured t#$t t#e %o, doe& not (et too c+o&e0 to t#e troo'&0 &o $& to #$%'er t#eir t$ctic$+ #$nd+in( o) .e$'on& or to (et in*o+*ed into #$nd to #$nd )i(#tin(! (c) ,fter firing! "I%%edi$te &te'& &#ou+d ,e t$Aen to &uccour t#e inCured! Arr$n(e%ent& &#ou+d ,e %$de )or )ir&tE$id0 %edic$+ $ttention0 $nd e*$cu$tion o) inCured rioter& to t#e #o&'it$+! A++ e%'t c$&e& &#ou+d ,e reco*ered $nd t#e nu%,er o) round& )ired counted $nd recorded in $ di$r ! I%'ort$nt .itne&&e& to t#e incident &#ou+d ,e det$ined .it# t#e #e+' o) t#e executi*e %$(i&tr$te! A++ $rre&ted rioter& &#ou+d ,e #$nded o*er to t#e ci*i+ $ut#orit )or ,ein( de$+t .it# in $ccord$nce .it# t#e +$.! It i& $,&o+ute+ e&&enti$+ t#$t $ %inute to %inute $nd ite% , ite% di$r o) e*ent& i& %$int$ined , t#e o))icer co%%$ndin( t#e ,od o) troo'&! Next>>

I%'ort$nce o) t#i& record c$nnot ,e o*erEe%'#$&i&ed0 &ince in c$&e o) $n in2uir $,out t#e )irin(0 &uc# $ di$r .ou+d ,e %o&t u&e)u+! 17. *o+er of (ommi&&ioned offi(er& to di&$er&e 'n.a+f'. a&& "It %$ #$''en t#$t .#en troo'& $re c$++ed out )or di&'er&in( un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ie&0 $n executi*e %$(i&tr$te %$ not ,e 're&ent on t#e &'ot to #$nd+e t#e &itu$tion! In &uc# c$&e& .#en 'u,+ic &ecurit i& %$ni)e&t+ end$n(ered , &uc# $&&e%,+ $nd .#en no executi*e %$(i&tr$te c$n ,e co%%unic$ted .it#0 $n co%%i&&ioned DDPre*iou& Next>> 195 Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


or ($3etted o))icer o) t#e $r%ed )orce& %$ di&'er&e &uc# $&&e%,+ .it# t#e #e+' o) t#e troo'& under #i& co%%$nd $nd %$ $rre&t $nd con)ine $n 'er&on )or%in( '$rt o) it0 in order to di&'er&e &uc# $&&e%,+ or t#$t t#e %$ ,e 'uni&#ed $ccordin( to +$.! W#i+e &o $ctin(0 t#e o))icer or FCO %u&t0 .#en it i& 'r$ctic$,+e )or #i% to do &o0 co%%unic$te .it# $n executi*e %$(i&tr$te0 $nd t#ere$)ter o,e t#e in&truction& o) &uc# %$(i&tr$te0 $& to .#et#er or not #e &#ou+d continue t#e $ction (Cr PC0 1:78! &! 181)! I) t#e %$(i&tr$te direct& to ce$&e $ction0 &uc# direction %u&t ,e c$rried out! T#e u&e o) )orce in &uc# circu%&t$nce& i& $+&o (o*erned , t#e &$%e 'rinci'+e& enu%er$ted in '$r$ 5 $,o*e! 11. *rote(tion of offi(er& and men a(ting in aid to (i0i. $o+er E No co%%i&&ioned o))icer $ctin( in (ood )$it# under circu%&t$nce& re)erred to in '$r$ 19 $,o*e0 no o))icer $ctin( $t t#e re2ue&t o) $n executi*e %$(i&tr$te under circu%&t$nce& re)erred to '$r$ 7 $,o*e0 no FCO0 WO or OR $ctin( in o,edience to $n order o) #i& &u'erior o))icer .#ic# #e .$& ,ound to o,e , +$.!0 i& dee%ed to #$*e co%%itted $n o))ence $nd no 'ro&ecution c$n ,e in&tituted in $n ci*i+ (cri%in$+) court $($in&t $n &uc# o))icer0 FCO0 WO or OR exce't .it# t#e &$nction o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent (Cr PC0 1:78! &! 18=)! 1!. Right& of WO& and OR to a(t in an emergen( ! " A& &t$ted $,o*e0 in t#e $,&ence o) $ %$(i&tr$te0 on+ $ co%%i&&ioned o))icer i& co%'etent to t$Ae $ction )or di&'er&$+ o) $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ .#en 'u,+ic &ecurit i& %$ni)e&t+ end$n(ered $nd $ WO or OR c$nnot do &o on #i& o.n! Ho.e*er0 $ WO or OR c$n exerci&e t#e ri(#t o) 'ri*$te de)ence o) 'er&on or 'ro'ert (IPC!&!:B)0 under t#e ordin$r ci*i+ +$. to &$)e(u$rd t#e +i*e& o) #i%&e+)0 t#e 'er&on& under #i& co%%$nd $nd ot#er 'er&on& $nd to 'rotect $n 'ro'ert $($in&t t#e)t0 ro,,er 0 %i&c#ie)0 or cri%in$+ tre&'$&& (IPC!&&!:7 to 19B)! 1). *o+er& of WO& or OR to arre&t rioter&Imem8er& of 'n.a+f'. a&&em8. . "A WO or OR #$& no ' to $rre&t on #i& o.n0 $n rioter& or %e%,er& o) $n un+$.)u+ $&&e%,+ under t#e circu%&t$nce& re)erred to in '$r$ 19 $,o*e! Ho.e*er0 under t#e ' con)erred on e*er citi3en , ci*i+ +$.0 $ WO or OR c$n $rre&t $n 'er&on0 .#o0 in #i& *ie.0 co%%it& $ non,$i+$,+e $nd co(ni3$,+e o))ence or $n 'roc+$i%ed o))ender $nd #$nd #i% o*er to t#e 'o+ice $ut#oritie& .it#out unnece&$r de+$ (Cr PC0! 1:78! &! >8)! O))ence& o) %urder0 cu+'$,+e #o%icide0

$tte%'t to %urder0 *o+unt$ri+ c$u&in( (rie*ou& #urt , d$n(erou& .e$'on0 t#e)t0 ro,,er $nd docoit $re non,$i+$,+e $nd co(ni3$,+e o))ence&! In %$Ain( t#e $rre&t0 .#en &uc# 'er&on )orci,+ re&i&t& t#e ende$*our to $rre&t #i% DDPre*iou& Next>> 19: Hindi DDPre*iou& Next>>


or $tte%'t& to e*$de t#e $rre&t0 $ WO or OR c$n u&e )orce ,ut no %ore )orce i& to ,e u&ed t#$n i& nece&&$r ! In u&in( )orce0 under t#e&e circu%&t$nce&0 #e #$& no ri(#t to c$u&e t#e de$t# o) &uc# 'er&on un+e&& #e i& $ccu&ed o) $n o))ence 'uni&#$,+e .it# de$t# or i%'ri&on%ent )or +i)e (Cr PC0 1:78! &&! >B$nd >:)! 1/! For ot#er 'rocedur$+ det$i+&0 &ee 'ro*i&ion& re)erred to $,o*e0 &ee P$rt! 111! RA '$r$& 891 to 898! For Cr PC

13! Martia. La+ "Condition& o) extre%e di&order %$ &o%eti%e& $ri&e .#en t#e ci*i+ $ut#oritie&0 e*en .it# t#e #e+' o) t#e $r%ed )orce&0 $re un$,+e to ,rin( t#e &itu$tion under contro+! In &uc#! c$&e& M$rti$+ L$. %$ ,e i%'o&ed in t#e di&tur,ed $re$ , $ %i+it$r co%%$nder M$rti$+ L$. %$ $+&o ,e i%'o&ed , $ %i+it$r co%%$nder .#en t#ere i& $ co%'+ete ,re$Ado.n o) ci*i+ $d%ini&tr$tion e!(!0 durin( $n in&urrection $($in&t t#e -o*ern%ent! M$rti$+ L$. ; i&! t#u&! t#e exerci&e o) t#e ri(#t o) 'ri*$te de)ence , re'e++in( )orce , )orce0 15. E&ta8.i&hment of Mi.itar La+. "M$rti$+ L$. %e$n& t#e &u''re&&ion o) t#e ci*i+ $ut#orit 0 , %i+it$r $ut#orit 0 .#o&e &o+e o,Cect i& to re&tore condition&0 $& ex'editiou&+ $& 'o&&i,+e0 to en$,+e t#e ci*i+ $ut#orit to re&u%e c#$r(e! 1 i%'o&in( M$rti$+ L$. $ %i+it$r co%%$nder $&&u%e& t#e $''oint%ent o) M$rti$+ L$. Ad%ini&tr$tor $nd t$Ae& contro+ o) t#e $))ected $re$! He %$ 0 #o.e*er0 re2uire t#e ci*i+ $ut#oritie& to di&c#$r(e t#eir nor%$+ )unction& under &uc# condition& $& %$ ,e 're&cri,ed , #i%! 1ein( $n extre%e &te'0 t#e deci&ion to dec+$re M$rti$+ L$. #$& to ,e t$Aen $t t#e #i(#e&t +e*e+ 'o&&i,+e! 1e)ore i%'o&in( M$rti$+ L$.0 $& )$r $& 'r$ctic$,+e0 t#e %i+it$r co%%$nder &#ou+d o,t$in t#e $''ro*$+ o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent! W#ere t#e &itu$tion i& (r$*e0 $nd t#e circu%&t$nce& $re &uc# t#$t it i& not 'o&&i,+e to o,t$in t#e 'rior $''ro*$+0 o) t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent t#e %i+it$r co%%$nder %$ 0 on #i& o.n0 $&&u%e &u're%e $ut#orit )or t#e %$inten$nce o) +$. $nd order! He &#ou+d0 #o.e*er0 in)or% t#e Centr$+ -o*ern%ent $& &oon $& 'o&&i,+e $)ter M$rti$+ L$. i& 'roc+$i%ed! He E&#ou+d $+&o i&&ue 'roc+$%$tion )or t#e in)or%$tion o) t#e in#$,it$nt& t#$t M$rti$+ L$. #$& ,een dec+$red! 16. Martia. La+ Reg'.ation&0 "/ince t#e %$in o,Cect o) i%'o&ition o) %$rti$+ L$. i& to re&tore +$. $nd order $nd t#e )unctionin( o) e&&enti$+ &er*ice& *it$+ to t#e co%%unit 0 t#e %i+it$r co%%$nder &#ou+d i&&ue M$rti$+ L$. Re(u+$tion&0 &'eci) in( t#erein t#e M$rti$+ L$. o))ence&0 'uni&#%ent& )or &uc# o))ence&0 $nd con&titute %i+it$r court& )or t#e tri$+ o) o))ender& $($in&t M$rti$+ L$.! 11. Mi.itar (o'rt&! "Mi+it$r court& under M$rti$+ L$. $re con*ened under t#e order& o) t#e Ad%ini&tr$tor! One ci*i+ %e%,er #$*in( Cudici$+ ex'erience

&#ou+d0 i) 'o&&i,+e0 ,e $''ointed to e$c# court! T#e&e court& .i++ de$+ .it# $++ o))ence& inc+udin( ,re$c#e& o) M$rti$+ L$. Re(u+$tion&! 14. A(t of Indemnit ! "W#en +$. $nd order #$& ,een re&tored0 $nd ci*i+ $ut#orit re&u%e& c#$r(e0 ci*i+ court& %$ in2uire into t#e +e($+it o) $ct& o) %i+it$r $ut#oritie& .#i+e M$rti$+ L$. .$& in )orce! For t#i& re$&on it i& nece&&$r to 'rotect 'er&on& .#o #$*e ,een $d%ini&terin( M$rti$+ L$.0 E)ro% $ction& $nd 'ro&ecution&! T#i& i& done , $n Act i) Inde%nit '$&&ed , t#e P$r+i$%ent (Art 8> o) t#e Con&titution)0 /uc# $n Act .ou+d %$Ae tr$n&$ction& +e($+ .#ic# .ere i++e($+ .#en t#e tooA '+$ceG )ree t#e indi*idu$+& concerned )ro% +e($+ +i$,i+it 0 $nd %$Ae t#e Cud(%ent o) Mi+it$r Court& *$+id0 .it#out .#ic# DDPre*iou& Next>> 119 Hindi DDPre*iou& MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW &entence& '$&&ed , t#e% cou+d on+ ,e executed .it#in t#e M$rti$+ L$. $re$& $nd .ou+d $uto%$tic$++ ce$&e on t#e .it#dr$.$+ o) M$rti$+ L$.! It i& to ,e ,orne in %ind t#$t 'roduction i& $))orded under $n Act o) Inde%nit on+ to t#o&e .#ere $ct& .ere ,on$)ide $nd 'er)or%ed in t#e #one&t ,e+ie) t#$t t#e .ere '$rt o) t#eir dut ! DDPre*iou& 111 Hindi Next>> CHAPTER ;III SERAI#E *RIAILEGES 1! Under C#$'ter ; o) t#e AA0 'er&on& &u,Cect to t#$t Act enCo cert$in 'ri*i+e(e& in t#eir re+$tion to ci*i+ court& $nd t#e +$. $d%ini&tered , t#e&e court&! In $ddition to t#e&e0 cert$in ot#er 'ri*i+e(e& #$*e ,een con)erred u'on t#e&e 'er&on& , *$riou& Act& o) P$r+i$%ent $nd /t$tute&! T#e %o&t i%'ort$nt o) t#e&e 'ri*i+e(e& $reH " (a) !mm nity from attachmentEUnder AA!&!=5 t#e %i+it$r e2ui'%ent $nd ot#er nece&&$rie& o) $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA! u&ed , #i% )or t#e di&c#$r(e o) #i& dut $re i%%une )ro% &ei3ure under $n decree or order o) $n ci*i+ or re*enue court or re*enue o))icer! /i%i+$r+ t#e '$ $nd $++o.$nce& o) &uc# $ 'er&on $re i%%une )ro% $tt$c#%ent in t#e execution o) &uc# $ decree or order! (b) !mm nity from arrest for debt-- AA!&!=: &ti'u+$te& t#$t no 'er&on &u,Cect to AA i& +i$,+e to ,e $rre&ted )or de,t under $n 'roce&& i&&ued , 0 or , t#e $ut#orit o)! $n ci*i+ or re*enue court or re*enue o))icer!

(c) !mm nity of persons attending co rts-martial from arrest+EE AA!&!89 &ti'u+$te& t#$t no 're&idin( o))icer or %e%,er o) t#e courtE%$rti$+! no FA0 no '$rt to $n 'roceedin( ,e)ore $ court %$rti$+0 or #i& +e($+ 'r$ctitioner or $(ent0 $nd no .itne&& $ctin( in o,edience t#rou(# &u%%on& to $ttend $ courtE%$rti$+ .i++0 .#i+e 'roceedin( to0 $ttendin( or returnin( )ro%0 $ courtE%$rti$+ ,e +i$,+e to $rre&t under ci*i+ or re*enue 'roce&& (d) Right to pay %itho t ded ctions! EAA!&!=6 &ti'u+$te& t#$t t#e '$ ? o) e*er 'er&on &u,Cect to AA due to #i% $& &uc# under $n re(u+$tion )or t#e ti%e ,ein( in )orce &#$++ ,e '$id .it#out $n deduction ot#er t#$n t#e deduction& $ut#ori&ed , or under t#e &$id Act (&ee AR =96) or $n ot#er Act! (e) Priority in respect of hearing of+ s it or proceedings "1 *irtue o) AA!&!8=0 ci*i+ court& $re to (i*e 'riorit to #e$rin( $n ci*i+ &uit or 'roceedin(& in .#ic# 'er&on &u,Cect to AA $re '$rtie& &o t#$t t#e %$ return to t#eir dutie& on t#e ex'ir o) +e$*e (r$nted to t#e% )or t#e 'ur'o&e o) $ttendin( &uc# &uit& or 'roceedin(&! (f) Postponement of s its or proceedings "T#e Indi$n /o+dier& (Liti($tion) Act (I; o) 1:=6) 'ro*ide& )or t#e 'o&t'one%ent in cert$in circu%&t$nce& o) ci*i+ $nd re*enue 'roceedin(& in .#ic# $n unre're&ented 'er&on &u,Cect to AA i& $ '$rt durin( /'eci$+ condition&? $nd &ix %ont#& t#ere$)ter $nd $+&o %odi)ie& t#e +$. o) +i%it$tion )or t#i& 'ur'o&e! Next>> 11= Hindi DDPre*iou&


(g) Privileged %ill!"/ection& B6 $nd BB o) t#e Indi$n /ucce&&ion Act0 1:=6 'ro*ide t#$t $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA #$& $ ri(#t to %$Ae $ ?Pri*i+e(ed .i++? .#ic# %$ ,e %$de eit#er , .ord o) %out# or , .ritin( .it#out co%'+ in( .it# t#e )or%$+itie& $nd &i(n$ture& $nd $tte&t$tion .#ic# $re re2uired in t#e c$&e o) ?.i++&? %$de , ordin$r 'er&on&0 i) #e i& e%'+o ed in $n ex'edition or en($(ed in $ctu$+ .$r)$re! (h) ./emption from tolls %hen on d ty!"Under &!8 o) t#e To++& (Ar% $nd Air Force) Act (II o) 1:91)0 'er&on& &u,Cect to AA .#i+e %o*in( under order& o) %i+it$r $ut#oritie& $re to(et#er .it# t#e %e%,er& o) t#eir )$%i+ie& $nd ,e+on(in(& exe%'ted )ro% '$ %ent o) $n to++&! (") ,ppointment of an attorney!"Under order <<;III0 Ru+e 1 o) t#e Ci*i+ Procedure Code0 1:950 $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA0 .#o c$nnot o,t$in +e$*e o) $,&ence0 %$ $ut#ori&e $n 'er&on to &ue or de)end $ &uit or 'roceedin(& on #i& ,e#$+) $nd to t$Ae $++ &te'& or do $++ t#e $ct& .#ic# c$n ,e t$Aen or done , #i% 'er&on$++ !

(0) ./emption from Co rt 1ee in certain cases!"/ection 1:(i) o) t#e Court Fee& Act0 1579 exe%'t& )ro% court )ee& $ ' o) $ttorne executed , $ 'er&on &u,Cect to AA0 .#o i& not in ci*i+ e%'+o %ent! (i) Receipts2or pay need not be stamped+ "Recei't& (i*en , NCO& $nd OR )or P$ $nd A++o.$nce& $re exe%'ted )ro% dut under t#e /t$%' Act0 15::! (m)Pension protected!"A++ -o*ern%ent 'en&ion (inc+udin( %i+it$r 'en&ion&) $re 'rotected )ro% $tt$c#%ent in t#e execution o) t#e decree& o) Ci*i+ Court& (&!11 o) Pen&ion Act0 1571G Pro*i&o (() to &!B9 o) Code o) Ci*i+ Procedure 1:95)! DDPre*iou&

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