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Understanding the relationship between sport team identification and dimensions of social well-being. Wann, Daniel L. Weaver, Stephen Review According to the Team Identification--Social Psychological Health odel !Wann,

"##$%, team identification and social psychological health sho&ld 'e positively related 'eca&se identification leads to social connections (hich, in t&rn, facilitate (ell-'eing. The c&rrent st&dy e)tended past (or* in this area 'y investigating the team identification (ell-'eing relationship &sing the Social Well-'eing Scale !+eyes, ,--.%. This scale assesses five forms of social (ell-'eing/ social integration, social acceptance, social contri'&tion, social act&ali0ation, and social coherence. 1ollege st&dents !2 3 "#4% completed meas&res assessing general fandom, identification (ith a local and a distant team and the (ell-'eing inventory. 1onsistent (ith predictions, identification (ith the local team !'&t not mere fandom nor identification (ith a distant team% (as positively related to total social (ell-'eing. Additional analysis revealed the identification (as a significant predictor of social integration and social coherence '&t not social acceptance, social contri'&tion, or social act&ali0ation. ethod &sed to carry o&t the research is participant (here 5&estionnaire provided to them in gro&p. The 5&estionnaire pac*et containing fo&r sections. The first section contained demographic items assessing age and gender. Section t(o contained a modified version of the Sport 6andom 7&estionnaire !S67%, a relia'le and valid fiveitem !Li*ert-scale format% instr&ment assessing level of sport fandom !Wann, "##"%. The third portion contained t(o versions of the Sport Spectator Identification Scale !SSIS8 Wann 9 :ranscom'e, ,--;%. Participants targeted their local &niversity<s men<s 'as*et'all team and a distant &niversity<s team (hen completing the SSIS. The fo&rth and final section contained the ,=-item short form of the Social Well-'eing Scale !+eyes, ,--.%. This scale assesses five dimensions of social (ell-'eing/ social integration.


>es&lt of this research sho(ed that gender played main role in determined the identification of team sports. ale and female (ill differ in a'ilities of social (ell-'eing. 6o&r predictor varia'les are the *ey inde) for the research and can 'e fo&nd in the ?o&rnal. It is the important part of the identification of team sports for the social (ell'eing. Disc&ssion part sho(ed the lac* of relationship 'et(een identification and social contri'&tion implies that psychological connections to a sport team do not relate to one<s perceived social val&e. This finding seems reasona'le 'eca&se sport fandom is generally e)perienced passively. That is, (hile the intensity (ith (hich individ&als s&pport their teams can 'e great, they have little impact on the act&al event itself !altho&gh they may 'elieve that they have some impact, see Wann, Dolan, c@eorge, 9 Allison, ,--4%. Th&s, their identification (ith their team is not related to their perceptions of social (orth. Similarly, it is perhaps less than s&rprising that team identification (as &nrelated to perceptions of social act&ali0ation. This constr&ct concerns 'eliefs that society is reaching its potential. This constr&ct may 'e too macro in foc&s to 'e related to one<s connections (ith a specific social gro&p. >ather, one may find significant relationships 'et(een team identification and the act&ali0ation of the fan gro&p and or team !i.e., micro to micro level comparisons%. In concl&sion, t(o limitations of the c&rrent investigation (arrant mention. 6irst, some of the s&'scale relia'ilities (ere a 'it lo(. 6&t&re researchers sho&ld replicate the c&rrent investigation &sing the longer version of the Social Well-'eing Scale. Second, 'eca&se this (as the first e)amination of the relationships 'et(een team identification and vario&s dimensions of the SW:S, specific hypotheses (ere not generated.


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