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Bali tourism map

Bali has been the favorite destination for locals and international tourists for ages. Bali has been the favorite destination for locals and international tourists for ages. Full of magnificent beaches, breathtaking sceneries, marvellous trinkets and interesting culture, Bali is ideal for people wanting to escape from daily activities, enjoy a honeymoon, or even, have a great time with family and friends. Bali is an Indonesian island located at 8 !" #$% &&!&'"!!$(, the westernmost of the )esser %unda Islands, lying between *ava to the west and )ombok to the east. It is one of the country"s ## provinces with the provincial capital at +enpasar towards the south of the island. ,ith a population recorded as #,&!&,--- in --!, the island is home to the vast majority of Indonesia"s small .indu minority. /#.&80 of Bali"s population adheres to Balinese .induism, while most of the remainder follow Islam. It is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking and music.

Day 01 Arrival 1ur driver will pick you up from 2gurah 3ai International 4irport Bali to your hotel, then free leasure. Day 02 Kintamani ol!ano Art Tour 4fter breakfast at hotel, our first tour destination is to see the Barong Dance at Batubulan then visit Celuk Village 5 the center of silver smiths, Tegalalang 5 for beautifull rice terrace continue to Kintamani where we can admire the 6ount Batur, an active volcano rising !,--- feet above sea level, also the lake Batur on the side. )unch will be serve at local restaurant. 3eturn to +enpasar we will visit Goa Gajah 5 beautiful elephant cave temple with stop at Mas village 5 the center of wood carving and Tohpati Village to visit a Batik 7allery, then back to hotel. Day 0" B#$u%ul &uns#t Tour 4fter breakfast at hotel, our first tour destination is driving pass some of Bali8s most beautiful scenery, visit the impressive Taman Ayun Temple surrounded by a moat, is the second most important temple in Bali. 9hen visit Ulun Danu Temple lies by the western banks of )ake Bratan in the Bedugul .ighlands, )unch will be serve at local restaurant. 9hen continue to Jatilu ih for it8s best rice terrace, then visiting monkey forest at Alas Ke!aton. 9hen our last visit to the most famous Tanah "ot Temple which built on rock in the sea. 9hen back to hotel. Day 0' East Bali Tour

4fter breakfast at hotel, our first tour destination is to visit Goa "a ah Temple 5 Bat :ave 9emple then visit Tenganan Village 5 Balinese traditional village. )unch will be serve at local restaurant 5 after lunch we continue our tour to visit Tirta Gangga 5 ,ater ;alace and the ne<t destination is Taman #ukasa!a 5 ,ater ;alace, and Blue "agoon Beach 5 beautifull beach for rela< then back to hotel. Day 0( Ulu)atu Tour Firstly we will visit to 2usa +ua, where the $ater #port Center Activities, the ! %tars .otel = 7aleria 2usa +ua %hopping 6all. 9han we will visit to Ulu atu Temple, a cliff edge temple at /! meters above sea level, with fantastic view to the Indian 1cean. 9his is the masterpiece of 2iratha, a holy priest from >?I century, and great place to watch the sunset over the sea that filled with sailing outriggers @jukungA. 4fterwards, we will witness the performance of Kecak an! %ire Dance, the most uniBue dance among Balinese dances and featuring the 3amayana story. 4nd then we will take you to Jim&aran Bay for a romantic dinner and traditional set up beach cafC. Day 0* +ort, Bali Tour 1ur driver will ;ick you up early morning about from your hotel lobby for full day 9ours, we will directly to "ovina Beach to catch the traditional outrigger boat to see +olphin, after watching dolphin with sunrise view and breakfast. ,e are going to visit 'acung 5 3ice terrace and valley view, 'ancasari Village 5 monkey forest and view of "ake Tam&lingan then we visit Gitgit $ater(all 5 one of the best waterfall in north bali. lunch will be at local restaurant in lovina, after lunch we will be visit Bu!!ha Temple and the last visit is Banjar )otspring then back to hotel. Day 0- D#partur# 4fter breakfast at your hotel and it8s free time waiting for your departure, our driver will pick you up at your hotel and drive you to 2gurah 3ai International 4irport Bali. I+CLUDE .ACKA/E 0 D D D D D D D D D Tax & Service Transfer Airport Hotel Airport The Atanaya Hotel For 6 Nights (4* Hotel) rea!fast "rivate F#ll Air $on%itioner Transport &ntrance Fee in All To#ris' ()*ects &xperience +river ,ith &nglish Spea!ing "etrol- Fee "ar!ing- & +onation .ineral ,ater

EXCLUDE .ACKA/E 0 D .eals (/#nch & +inner)

9our start at -8E#- .rs @appro<imately / hrsA &ER ICE DE&CRI.TIO+

11* .AX

-12 .AX

Barong +ance = Fintamani 9ours G%+ HG%+ 8Rat#s In!lu$#E 9ransfers fromIto hotel by air conditioned vehicle (nglishI*apanese speaking driver ;arking fees Itin#rary E ,atch Barong +ance at Batubulan :eluk @7oldI%ilver smithA 7oa 7ajah @(lephant :aveA Fintamani ?olcano and )unch at )ocal 3estaurant 9ampak %iring @9irta (mpul 9empleA 7unung Fawi @an ancient sitesA 9his tour package takes you to the northeast part of Bali. *oining the Barong +ance = Fintamani ?olcano 9ours with )unch opens the gateway to discover the real Bali and more. Fintamani which belongs to Bangli regency situated about H8 kilometers from +enpasar city. 9his cool and appealing place has been long popular for its beautiful sights of Batur )ake as well as the wellD regarded 6ount Batur. But that8s not all, Fintamani is also renowned for its art and culture as you can see many group artists do e<ist such as 7amelan orchestra, youth dances, warrior dances, and sacred dances. 3at!, Baron% Dan!# at Batu4ulan Batubulan can be visited both in the morning and in the evening. (very day many tourists enjoy the Barong dance performance which is usually held from /.#-am to &-.#-am. 9he Barong dance itself is performed at five different stages, illustrating the balance of goodness and badness side in everyday8s bustle and hustle of life. 9he Barong dance is sometimes performed like musical comedy involving humor aspects in it. 9he overall performance is entertaining and amusing, certainly something all visitors should see. C#lu5 6/ol$7&ilv#r smit,8 ,ithin one hour drive from Futa area, or about ! kilometers from +enpasar you can reach :eluk ?illage. .ere, all Balinese silver crafters are creating the beautiful items which are able to attract not only domestic market but also the international gold and silver enthusiasts. 9he gold and silver jewelry products have been being favorites for many jewelry admirers all around the globe. 4ll the accessories are truly oneDofDaDkind and blending the Balinese elegant taste with international favorite style jewelries. 9he travelers looking for gold and silver souvenirs to bring home are strongly recommended to visit :eluk ?illage to discover the appealing items as well as the Balinese goldsmiths and silversmiths.

/oa /a9a, 6El#p,ant Cav#8 %ituated in calm village called Bedulu, 7oa 7ajah or the (lephant :ave is about H kilometers from +enpasar city. 9he entire place is soothing, surrounded by the beautiful terrace rice fields and ;etanu river valley panorama. 4s one of the enchanting historical sites, 7oa 7ajah attracts more visitor both local and international coming for sightseeing, worship, or contemplation. 7oa 7ajah name was derived from J)wa 7ajah8 meaning elephant waters and it was the authentic name of ;etanu 3iver. .ere, we can find the very old Budha statue, threeDbranching stupa, fountain statues, and many more. 9he facilities around the site are sufficient to accommodate visitor, such as the parking lot, electricity, telephone, and load of souvenir shops. Kintamani ol!ano an$ Lun!, at Lo!al R#staurant Fintamani is a serene district with ! volcanoes situated on a hill &,'H- meters above sea levelK three of them are 6ount 4gung, 6ount Fintamani, and 6ount Batur. 6ount Batur is the only one which is still active. In addition, there is a wide )ake of Batur in a valley making the entire sight truly contentment. ,ith the plateau surrounding the area, it8s needless to say that in Fintamani the weather is always cool and chilly particularly in the morning and at the mid night. (veryday, load of tourists both local and international visit the site to chill out in the cool breeLes while pampering the eyes with the most captivating sights imaginable.

.#opl# : Cultur#
Bali"s reputation as a tourist destination is already established in the minds of so many people around the world. It is known as a beautiful island with mountains, temples, palaces and visits of terraced rice fields. It is known as a place where traditions of art and culture predominate, where the village way of life based on their strong religious beliefs is still in place. But, it is also a place where modern sports such as diving, sailing, rafting and above all surfing have taken hold and are enjoyed by thousands of visitors every year. It is a place where the ultimate lu<uries of lifeE fine dining, spas and massage have reached the peak of perfection. Behind all of this is a single unseen premiseK none of these practices, pursuits and pleasures are created as tourist industries in Bali, but are based on the talents, dedication and skills of the Balinese people in their normal course of life.

)ike the food of other regions in Indonesia, Balinese food is rice as the central dish served with small portions of spicy, pungent vegetables, fish or meat and served almost always with sambal or chili paste. Bali is a few of the regions in Indonesia whose majority of its people are non 6uslims, thus babi guling or roasted suckling pig is a specialty, as is bebek betutu, smoked stuffed duck wrapped in bamboo leaves. In *imbaran area, for instance, you can sample seafood dishes while sitting on the beach. ?isit this place in the evening, the cool atmosphere and caressing breeLe will make your dining e<perience remarkable.

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