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Page 1 of 7 Work time schedule

Created By: JULIMAR Date: 5. Nov 2012 Rev: 6

Work Time Schedule

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Page 2 of 7 Work time schedule

Created By: JULIMAR Date: 5. Nov 2012 Rev: 6

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................... 3 CONTRACT MILESTONE SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................... 4

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Page 3 of 7 Work time schedule

Created By: JULIMAR Date: 5. Nov 2012 Rev: 6

GENERAL The Contract shall commence, or be deemed to have commenced, upon the Contract Award Date, and shall continue until completion of the WORK. The Work Time Schedule includes all provisions necessary to fulfill the obligations of the Contract and in particular: Stand-by, slowdown or stoppage due to time required for or expended on maintenance, custom formalities, transport, handling and obtaining Approval from Company and/or certification from third parties / authorities and/or any legal authority. The number of days specified in the Contract as being for comment by Company on or Approval of Supplier Deliverables, provided that such submissions are in accordance with the Contract. The number of days specified in the Contract as being for notification of precise dates for inspection and/or tests at Contractors Workshops(s), it being understood that such dates for these activities shall be included in the Contract.

Definition of Terms

CA :Contract Award Date Day: Calendar Day of 24 hours duration Month : 1 Calendar Month

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Created By: JULIMAR Date: 5. Nov 2012 Rev: 6

CONTRACT MILESTONE SCHEDULE Given the overall fabrication scope milestones as provided by COMPANY and the engineering input milestones CONTRACTOR must plan the most effective and favourable fabrication and testing sequence to best utilise site resources and minimize the delivery time. This plan shall be based on the delivery times for COMPANY supplied items from steel bulk to valves and control system components. The CONTRACTORs plan shall clearly identify need dates for equipment and engineering input but as noted these shall generally be based on the contract milestone dates. Contractor shall prepare all fabrication procedures required for the performance of the Work. The procedures shall be sufficiently detailed and shall be issued for Company Approval in a timely manner prior to the planned start date of the actual Work. Assembly procedures describing the steps and sequence for assembling the various components shall be included. Any particular fabrication procedure (such as CRA forging, cold bending, cladding) shall be sent to Company for Approval prior to start of the fabrication process. In case of improved CPIs, CONTRACTOR is committed to revise the Work time Schedule accordingly to achieve the Milestone, Completion Dates.

CONTRACT MILESTONE SCEHDULE, Insulation: Contractor shall allow for the following window included in schedule for insulation after FAT/SIT: - 4 weeks for 8 slot production manifold - 3 weeks for the Cross Over Manifold and - 1 week for each of the Jumper Kits.

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Created By: JULIMAR Date: 5. Nov 2012 Rev: 6

Item 1

Milestone description: Issuance of needed AFC fabrication drawings.

Drawing level N31000 Large Bore Piping N90000 Main Structural Steel

Drawing level N20000 Marking / Painting N30000 Piping Assembly N34000 Small Bore Piping N40000 Anodes N50000 Pipe Supports N60000 Supports N70000 Guiding N80000 Attachment Points

Drawing level

Responsibility COMPANY

N00001 General Arrangement N10000 Equipment Assembly

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Production manifold Production manifold foundation X-over manifold X-over manifold foundation

15.03.13 15.03.13 01.04.13 01.04.13

01.06.13 01.06.13 15.06.13 15.06.13

01.07.13 01.07.13 15.07.13 15.07.13

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Created By: JULIMAR Date: 5. Nov 2012 Rev: 6

1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8

Jumpers /spools PLET PLR 18 PLR 4

01.05.13 01.06.13 01.04.13 15.04.13

15.05.13 01.07.13 15.06.13 01.07.13

01.06.13 01.08.13 15.07.13 01.08.13 Key Milestone, Completion Date 1 April 2013 1 April2013 1 June 1 July 2013 1 June 1 July 2013 15 July- 1 September 2013 1 Sept- 1 Oct. 2013 1 January 2014 1 January 2014 1 November 2013, 1 off 1 October 2013 1 November 2013 1 December 2013 Responsibility

Milestone description:

2 3 4a 4b 5 6 7 8 9

Arrival of first batch structural steel Fabrication Start of manifolds Arrival of Large Bore piping (may be split in batches, date shown will then apply for piping) Arrival of Large bore Fittings Arrival of large bore valves. Arrival of Connections. 8-slot Production Manifold FAT completed Cross over manifold FAT completed 18 Pig Launcher, 2 off


10 11

4 Pig Launcher, 1 off 5 off 8 Vertical Jumper Kit 2 off 4 Horizontal Jumper Kit 1 off 14 Horizontal Jumper Kit 2 off 18 Horizontal Jumper Kit Including shipping stands All Stands- as per milestone dates in item 11. 2 off 18 Open PLET 1 off 4 PLET


12 13

CONTRACTOR 1 October 2013 CONTRACTOR Page 6 of 7

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Created By: JULIMAR Date: 5. Nov 2012 Rev: 6

Approved MRBs for all structures are part of the deliveries for No. 7,8,9,10,11, 12 and 13 and subject to LDs. *In the event CONTRACTOR does not achieve the Milestone No 7,8,9,10,11, 12 and 13 CONTRACTOR shall pay Liquidated Damage according to rates in Exhibit B.

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