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Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 385395

Design choices and intervention techniques for repairing and strengthening of the Monza cathedral bell-tower
C. Modenaa,*, M.R. Valluzzia, R. Tongini Follib, L. Bindab

` di Padova, Department of Construction and Transportation Engineering, Via Marzolo 9-35131 Padova, Italy Universita b Politecnico di Milano, Department of Structural Engineering, Piazza L. da Vinci 32-20133 Milano, Italy Received 6 July 2001; accepted 31 May 2002

Abstract A presentation is given of the fundamental design choices and of the selection of the most appropriate materials and techniques which have been made for strengthening the Monza cathedral bell-tower, based on investigation and structural assessment carried out prior to and during the design process. The results of the experimental and numerical investigation will first be given in order to explain the reasons for the design choice. 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bell-tower; Brick masonry; Strengthening; Creep; Confinement repair

1. Introduction In 1996 the Department of Structural Engineering (DIS) of the Politecnico of Milan received the first research contract supported by the parish of the cathedral of Monza concerning the investigation and diagnosis for the bell-tower of the cathedral. The 16th century tower adjacent to the cathedral of Monza was showing an evolution of some damages for which it was already being monitored since 1978. The western and eastern load-bearing walls of the tower, which are 74 m high, bear two major passing-through cracks with more than 70 years. From 1996 to 1998 an experimental investigation was carried out both in the laboratory and on site where static and dynamic important parameters were measured. Elastic FE static and dynamic modelling was performed taking into account the effect of dead loads, wind, temperature and bell ringing. All the models were calibrated with the on site and laboratory measurements. The geometrical survey together with the survey of the crack pattern allowed to realise that the tower walls have a dangerous distribution of a net of thin vertical
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q39-049-8275613; fax: q39-0498275604. E-mail address: (C. Modena).

cracks from a level of 10 m up to 30 m. Flat-jack tests were performed in strategic points of the structure in order to measure the state of stress caused by the dead load and the stressstrain behaviour of the material and the results compared with the values given by the FE model. Sonic pulse velocity tests were also carried out on some parts of the walls in order to define the damage extent and distribution. The dynamic response of the tower to the vibrations caused by the bells and by the wind was also experimentally and analytically investigated. Long-term observations of movements occurring along cracks, laboratory and in situ investigations on the existing material properties and on the state of stress of the monuments provided evidence of the real nature of its structural weakness. It is first of all the poor quality of the units and mortar, combined with mechanical damage, which makes some portion of the tall structure very prone to suffer progressively increasing damage propagation which in the long-term could possibly lead to the failure of the masonry. An already existing strengthening procedure, based on the introduction of steel bars into horizontal mortar joints (reinforced repointing), has been specifically upgraded and investigated, both experimentally and

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C. Modena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 385395

Fig. 1. Monza bell-tower.

numerically, in order to counteract the formation and propagation of cracks on masonry subjected to high compressive stresses w1x. Brick-masonry prisms, built with weak bricks and mortars in order to simulate the masonry of the tower and with recessed mortar joints, have been subsequently reinforced and re-pointed with the same materials which will be used for the tower repair. They have been subjected to compression with incremental loading kept constant for a chosen time at each increment, in order to check the long-term effectiveness of repair. Details will also be given on how the technique will be actually applied, taking into consideration the results of an accurate survey of the zones where cracks appear, thus evidencing dangerous structural deterioration, the complexity of the geometry and of the construction properties of the tower. As a way of confining the whole structure, the positioning of horizontal ties at the level of the internal, now partially missing, floors of the tower, will be carried out as described below. The overall structural behaviour of the tower is in this way improved, as the formation and y or propagation of large (single) cracks which tend to separate the structure into different portions, is limited. 2. Description of damage symptoms The study of historical documents concerning the construction and following events of the tower (Fig. 1), gave useful information for the diagnosis of the structure. The tower construction started in 1592 perhaps following the design of Pellegrini and ended in 1605 w2x.

The fact that the construction of the tower only required 13 years suggests that uniformity of construction techniques and materials were used, as in fact it was detected. The only serious damage to the tower reported by the documents occurred in 1740 and was due to the fire which developed in the bell-tower and caused the collapse of the bells and of the supporting frame down to the vault of the first floor at 11 m w35x. In 1755 the heavy clock was installed and some restoration works were carried out. Nevertheless, already in 1927 some glass devices were applied across the cracks to detect their movements. In fact the main, now passing through cracks, are visible on pictures taken in the 1920s on the west facade of the tower. Deep large cracks also appear at the four corners of the tower at a height of approximately 1030 m. Other cracks can be seen from the internal walls of the tower; they are very thin, vertical and diffused along the four sides of the tower. From 1978 some major cracks have been surveyed with removable estensometers showing a slowly increasing of their opening along the time. From 1988 the rate of opening seems to be increasing; this fact is causing a great concern among the people responsible for the safety of the tower itself. 3. On site and laboratory investigation The first step of the investigation was dedicated to the geometrical and crack pattern data which were not yet available. Unfortunately no scaffolding existed, so the external parts of the structure could not be reached. A geodetic net set up in the square for the cathedral in 1993 was used as support; based on some points of the net, some significant points of the west facade were surveyed and used to straighten and return a series of photographic images. The belfry structure was not surveyed; its precise dimensions were not needed for the structural analysis for which this part was assumed only as a dead load. The restitution of the images was carried out with a computer program for simplified photogrammetry (Elco Vision 10) w6x. The internal prospects were obtained mainly by direct measurement and matched to the external ones. No relevant leaning was measured due to the small subsidence which was taking place in the square. The cracks were surveyed visually and photographically and reported on plans, prospects and sections (Fig. 2a,b). Special attention was also paid to the vertical cracks at the edges of the northern and southern facades of the tower; they unfortunately could not be monitored or investigated before the scaffolding was not set up, but now it is clear that they are deep inside the masonry with a tendency to detach the built in corners (Fig. 3). The survey campaign also reveals a distribution of thin vertical cracks crossing the bricks inside and outside

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Fig. 4. Thin cracks at the entrance wall. Fig. 2. External and internal crack pattern of the west facade of the tower.

starting from 12 m up to two-thirds of the tower. The cracks go 400 mm deep inside the masonry walls as was shown by removing some bricks and mortars joints.

The distribution of the thin cracks is shown in Fig. 4, representing the wall corresponding to the entrance of the tower. The removal of the bricks together with some coring also showed that the walls, approximately 1800 mm thick, were made only with solid bricks and did not contain any rubble. In the meantime the measurement of the main cracks continued while an automatic monitoring system was being set up. Fig. 5 shows the monitored opening of the main crack from 1978 to 1997 with a clear tendency toward a faster increase from 1988. The tendency of opening of the three surveyed cracks was calculated as 30.6, 31.3 and 39.7 mm y year from 1978 to 1995. Actually if this tendency is considered from 1988 to 1997 the values change, respectively, to 41.2, 35.2 and 56.2.

Fig. 3. Detachment of the corner of the tower.

Fig. 5. Crack increasing in time of the base 2a.


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Fig. 7. Single flat-jack tests performed, respectively, at 5.4, 5.6, 13, 14, 31.5 and 38 m. Fig. 6. Pulse velocity frequency histogram on zone 1 and zone 2.

The materials sampled from the walls of the tower were tested in the laboratory to be characterised. Mortars and bricks were subjected to chemical, mineralogical petrographical analyses, physical and mechanical tests and ND evaluation. Mortars are mainly based on putty lime and siliceous aggregates, coming from near the Ticino river. These mortars are very weak and rather de-cohesioned and they could not be tested mechanically. The bricks belong to two types different in colour: brown and light red. These two types also show great differences in their physical and mechanical characteristics. The brown brick is less porous and absorbent (absorption by total immersion 13%), and the strongest (compressive strength between 28 and 33 N y mm2 and elastic modulus between 2050 and 5300 N y mm2). The red brick has a higher water absorption (18%) and lower strength (between 4 and 12 N y mm2) and modulus of elasticity between 500 and 1330 N y mm2. Petrographic mineralogical observation confirmed that the red brick was produced at a temperature lower than 800 8C and hence with low characteristics w7x. Unfortunately the red brick is the most diffused in the construction; this means that the masonry components in the tower are very weak and, therefore, the masonry is also weak. As a confirmation of the state of damage of the structure, sonic tests have been carried out on the most damaged parts of the walls. The equipment used for the survey is composed of an instrumented hammer as transmitter, an accelerometer as receiver and an oscilloscope w8,9x. Two areas were detected at approximately 12 m height and with a depth of the masonry wall of 1800 mm. Zone 1at 2.28 m from the floor and 1.55 m from the entrance to the tower, where the masonry was considered in good condition. A surface of 800=800

mm was controlled with 16 measurements by transparency. Zone 2at 0.50 m from the floor and 0.22 m from the entrance where the wall presents a series of thin large cracks (Fig. 2b). The velocity values were generally very low compared to other masonries, due to the fact that the materials are rather weak and also to the presence of a large number of mortar joints in the wall which are attenuating the sonic waves. A comparison between the two zones was possible and zone 1 gave systematically much lower results than zone 2. The difference can be clearly seen in the frequency histograms of Fig. 6. Flat-jack tests were carried out to measure the value of the vertical compressive stress and the stiffness of the material w10,11x. Seven single flat-jack tests were performed, respectively, at 5.4, 5.6 13.0, 14.0, 31.5 and 38.0 m height of the tower and the detected stress values are reported in Fig. 7. The highest values seemed to be particularly dangerous, taking into account the strength values usually detected on this type of masonry.

Fig. 8. Double flat-jack test on the west side of the tower (5 m).

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Therefore, some double flat-jack tests were carried out in order to check the mechanical behaviour of the masonry under compression. Fig. 8 shows, as an example, the results obtained in the case of the weakest point among the ones which were tested; the stress value measured at that point is clearly above the elastic limit. Table 1 reports the values at which the masonry started cracking in the four cases, showing that the state of stress seems to be not so far from unsafe, if the safety factors adopted by the codes for the new masonry are taken into account. The results also explain the diffused cracks in the walls of the tower. In order to verify the response of the structure to dynamic loading and their effect in terms of stress variation, two dynamic tests were planned using the environmental excitation: the first one measured the effects of the bells ringing, the second one measured the effects of a strong wind. The response of six horizontal servo-accelerometers mounted in pairs at different heights from the ground level, was monitored and elaborated, together with the readings of some transducers mounted across the major cracks near the front window at the base of the tower. The sensitivity of the accelerometers was in the range of 0700 Hz, that is from the low (0.55 Hz) frequencies expected for the tower movements to the frequencies associated with the sound propagation in the masonry. Comments on these tests are given in the Section 4. 4. Modelling Numerical analyses were carried out to evaluate the state of stress and strain in the masonry. The tower was modelled by F.E. method under three load conditions: (1) dead loads; (2) wind; and (3) temperature variations. The compressive stresses due to the dead load increase from the top to the bottom with a concentration at the edges near the large window where they reach 2.2 N y mm2. The wind action increases the values on the west side by 0.25 N y mm2. Also the maximum value calculated for the temperature variation is "0.25 N y mm2. Figs. 911 show the results on the most stressed wall of the tower w12x.
Table 1 Flat jack test results Test number Single test State of stress (Nymm2) TMJ1,2 TMJ6,7 TMJ8,9 TMJ10,11 0.98 1.67 0.69 0.48 Double test On set of cracking (Nymm2) 1.87 2.62 2.24 2.24

Fig. 9. Vertical stresses due to the dead load.

By means of an appropriate analysis technique, acceleration histories were transformed in displacement histories at the different levels, giving a peak-to-peak maximum difference of nearly 4 mm in the WE direction and of 1.9 mm in the NS direction when all the bells ring together, and somewhat less (2.5 and 1.5, respectively) when only the major bell is ringing. In Fig. 12 the modal form associated to the third frequency of the tower is shown. Also the transducers mounted across the major cracks were sensitive to the dynamic excitation induced by the bell ringing, giving a maximum peak-to-peak (opening to closing) of 28 mm, that should be compared with a daily variation of approximately 100 mm due to temperature effects. The analysis of the collected data allowed also to detect an important structural property, that is the frequency of the first mode of vibration of the tower.

Elastic Modulus Es(20-50%) (Nymm2) 985 1380 1372 465

Poisson Coeff.ns (2050%) 0.13 0.19 0.07 0.2


C. Modena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 385395

Fig. 10. Vertical stresses due to the dead load and to the wind.

Fig. 12. Modal form to the third frequency.

This value can be directly compared to the frequency obtained from a F.E. model of the structure, allowing the identification of a dynamic elastic modulus that can be subsequently employed to calculate the effects (in terms of stresses) of the applied force history. For a

more realistic approach, the modulus obtained in the unloadingreloading branches of some cyclic tests carried out on prisms recovered from the walls of the Crypt of the cathedral built with the same materials used for the tower was calculated w13,14x. The average value obtained was 3742"314 N y mm2. The value adopted in the analysis was 3400 N y mm2, corresponding to a lower limit (but the specimens were cut from the Crypt) and giving a very close match to the first frequency (0.654 Hz). Table 2 shows the frequencies calculated for the first six modes of the structure. A first dynamic analysis was made applying a harmonic force calculated from the movements of the mass of the main bell, in the form FsFh sin(2pft), with Fhs24 700 N, and f s0.34 Hz is the frequency of the bell oscillation. These calculations gave displacements very close to those measured experimentally, encouraging the use of the model for other verifications. 5. Remarks and suggestions for repair Towers are generally subjected to heavy dead loads due to their weight and their massive construction
Table 2 Frequencies of the first six modes of the structure Mode 1st flexural EW 1st flexural NS Torsional 2nd flexural EW 2nd flexural NS Axial Frequency (Hz) 0.654 0.663 3.178 3.232 3.311 5.715

Fig. 11. Vertical stresses due to the dead load and to temperature variations.

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Fig. 13. South side section of the tower with the location of the different types of the reinforcing rings: (a) A1 type; (b) B type; (c) A2 type with details of the strengthening of the corner; (d) C type; (e) reinforcement ring at the foundation level (F type) and particular the vertical section.

technique. As a consequence, the state of stress at ground level cannot be far from the compressive limit strength of the material with the development of increasing creep deformation under constant loads. In the long-term this

behaviour induces continuous damage of the material and can lead to its collapse. In the case of the Monza tower since the crack pattern has developed slowly along the years a possible time-


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Fig. 14. Section (a) and view (b) of the west side of the tower with the location of the repair techniques and details of the reinforced repointing (e) to the strengthening of the pilaster strips (c) and the walls (d).

dependent behaviour of the material can be supposed due to the heavy dead load. This phenomenon, together with the effects of cyclic loads as wind and temperature variations can eventually cause the collapse of the structure. The situation can be considered serious and similar to other cases w1517x. All the tests and modelling carried out show a dangerous situation which could bring about the sudden collapse of the tower. Therefore, the Report prepared by DIS invited the responsible of the tower safety to prepare a design for intervention as soon as possible.

6. Repair and strengthening interventions Following the diagnostic investigation and the final suggestion the parish decided to repair the tower and C. Modena was chosen as designer for the intervention. In order to improve the structural behaviour of the tower, a series of repair and strengthening techniques was planned to be executed both at a local and global level. This consisted of the application of: (i) metallic horizontal reinforcing rings on several sections along the height of the tower to confine the masonry and to

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Fig. 15. Reinforcement position and bonding in the reinforced prisms.

improve the connection between the contiguous walls; (ii) the application of the reinforced repointing technique diffused on various portions of the walls to counteract the creep damage, and concentrated on some pilaster strips to strengthen the corners; (iii) local interventions of injection, rebuilding and pointing of the mortar joints, to restore the zones having high material deterioration. Complementary intervention will be aimed to retrofit the stairs structure, the support of the bells, and the openings distributed along the tower. A series of stainless steel reinforcing rings have been planned to be applied in different horizontal sections of the tower. The general scheme is given in Fig. 13. They are properly designed depending on the particular local conditions detected on the structure. The A types are composed by two internal rods (30 mm in diameter) anchored to stainless steel plates which will be possibly included in proper recesses successively closed by the masonry. The general solution for the anchoring of the ties is the A2 type, characterised by the local strengthening of the masonry by means of a series of steel bars diffused along the connection zone. The vicinity of the church at the first level led to the A1 type solutions, performed by the transversal connection of the anchoring ties (see also the B type). The presence of a vault at the height of 11 m, led to the choice of a diaphragm solution for the reinforcing ring at that level: it is composed by a bolted net structure of C-shape metallic components (properly protected from corrosion) and tie rods (Fig. 13b) anchored by plates not visible from the outside. If the in situ conditions are favourable, such structure will be incorporated within the floor at the extrados of the vault. For both the described types of rings, the presence of screw couplings allows the easy tensioning of the rods from the inside of the tower. The only reinforcing ring external to the structure is placed at the cornice level composed by two tie rods (36 mm in diameter) (Fig. 13d); due to the difficult

accessibility of the site, it is completely made of stainless steel. Finally, the results of soil investigations will allow to evaluate the feasibility of applying a further reinforcing ring at the foundation level (Fig. 13e), executed by four reinforced concrete beams connected by a series of posttensed bars inserted in cored holes. Pilaster strips highly deteriorated and walls exhibiting the typical creep damage (i.e. thin and diffused cracks) will be repaired and strengthened by the reinforced repointing technique. It is based on the insertion of small diameter reinforced bars (stainless steel or FRP bars or plates can be also considered) into the joint previously excavated and then refilled by mortars having generally better characteristics than the original ones. However, the use of pointing materials at most as possible compatible with the existent mortars is a fundamental condition to assure the proper effectiveness of the intervention and the durability of the structure. In order to improve the confining action of the bars, the connection between the reinforced layer and the internal core of the masonry is given by a series of transversal stainless steel U shaped

Fig. 16. Reinforced repointing technique: insertion of reinforced bars into the joints on site.


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Fig. 17. Experimental results of panels strengthened by reinforced repointing techniques subjected to creep loads: vertical (a) and horizontal (b) strains vs. stress diagrams.

pins, inserted into sloped cored holes successively sealed with mortar (Fig. 14). The structural effectiveness of such intervention was supported, in recent years, by a series of experimental tests performed at the Politecnico of Milan on clay brick masonry prisms reinforced with two 6 mm diameter reinforced bars. The influence of several parameters were considered, namely the type of loading (monotonic or creep simulating), the position of the reinforcement (at one or both sides of the wallets), the anchoring pattern of the bars, and the repointing and y or sealing material (different hydraulic mortars and y or resins). A first campaign was aimed to detect the effectiveness of the technique in repairing the masonry after damaging due to previous monotonic compressive tests, whereas the second one was devoted to detect the behaviour under creep loads in the strengthened condition of the panels. The long-term actions can be performed by progressive increments of compressive loads, kept constant for a fixed time (e.g. 3 h) up to the appearance of excessive deformations and to the collapse which is due to the tertiary creep phase. The results of the two different campaigns have been given separately in earlier work w1,18x. The general features of the panels are presented in Fig. 15. Fig. 16 shows how the technique is applied on site. The results of the tests carried out on prisms subjected to monotonic and pseudo creep loads (both from the first and the second series) showed how the main contribution of the technique is given to counteract the development of the cracking pattern by limiting the tensile stresses in the bricks (approx. 40%, for the specific reinforcement condition) and the horizontal dilation of the masonry. As for the strength the results showed that there is no influence of the technique in the peak strength w18x. The creep tests contributed to clarify the mechanical behaviour of the strengthened and non-strengthened panels (plain), as shown in Fig. 17, where the trend of

the vertical and horizontal strains detected on the wider sides (the most representative of the whole walls) are given. It is possible to notice that, also in this case, the technique has no significant influence on the strength (20% higher) and on the vertical deformation of the panels, whereas the horizontal dilation is clearly reduced by almost 70% in comparison with the non-strengthened (plain) case. 7. Conclusions The investigation carried out on site and in the laboratory on the materials and structure of Monza bell-tower allows the detection of the details of damage, which is evolving toward the failure. The static and dynamic tests were useful to calibrate the FE mathematical model. The design following the guidelines given by the diagnosis and the experimental research, is now based on a technique which, respecting as much as possible the original structure, provides an improvement which saves the preservation concepts. Acknowledgments The research was supported by CNR-GNDT, COFIN 2000 and by the parish of Monza. Authors wish to thank C. Poggi, A. Zasso, A. Saisi, C. Tiraboschi, C. Arcadi, M. Antico, M. Cucchi, M. Iscandri and P. Perolari and for their help in experimental work on site and in laboratory, and the students E. Bardelli, L. Cantini, S. Taiocchi and A. Testa. References
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