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Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli Hyderabad Listening Activity

Term II 2013-14 Class- IX Max Marks-10 Duration -1 Hrs.

Gujrats Kids are malnourished

14th June, Times News Network. Gandhinagar: IChief Narendra Modi may claim to have ruled for a longer period than his processors . But it has taken him nearly six years to realize that the states infants-children up to the age of three or more malnourished than those in most other Indian states. In fact Gujrats malnutrition level is even higher than the national average. Except for Porbandar where it 35 %, The level in most other districts is around 50 %. The situation in the tribal areas is worse. So, on Wednesday Modi launched Bal Bhog Project , under which 1000 specially identified malnourished children were brought from nine most undernourished districts Banaskantha, Vadodara, Bharuch, Narmada, Sabarkantha, Surat, Vassad and Navsari. Under the project, specially made chocolates containing Vitamin A, Vitamin C, folic acid and iron, will be distributed. The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) on Trends in childrens nutritional states in India children shows that Gujarat has 47 % underweight children. The national average is 46%. Further Gujrat has 17 % children who are too their for their height, and 42 % children stunted, which means too short for their age. The national av erage is 19 and 38 percent respectively. The percentage of infants, categorized by the NFHS as underweight, has gone up in Gujarat over the last few years. It was 48 % in 1993 when the first NFHS survey was carried out. It went down to 45 % in 1999. In 2012, it reached 47 %, when most Indian states have registered as decline.



A silent transformation is taking place in the highly patriarchal villages of Rajasthan where women are now playing as proactive role in the development process. Gender bias and discrimination are things of yester years for many villages of Rajasthan. Bharampura village in Sikar district, comprising the traditionally conservative committees of Yadavas and Jats, has taken initiative to educate the village girls. Dinaram Jat, a villager, says, In our village there is no discrimination between daughters and sons. As girls are more sincere than boys in studies , We encourage them to take up their studies seriously. Five years ago, women in the village did not venture out of their homes. Now they are studying and forming self-help groups to usher in economic empowerment, he added. About 30 women and teenage girls were undergoing a training in embroidery and designer sarees as part of a NABARD sponsored training programme organized by an NGO Kumarappa Institute of Gram Swaraj. The transformation in the thought process in terms of gender and education is tremendous, said Jitendra Kumar Sharma, a social activist and volunteer of the Kumarappa Institute of Gram Swaraj. He added that the villages have realized the value of education and parents now make it as point to send their children to school irrespective of gender. The villages demanded that unmarried girls should be allowed to be a part of the training programme whereas NABARD insists on married women to join the programme. / discrimination .

Answer the following questions briefly

Each question carries1 mark News Item-I 1. Which issue Regarding children has been discovered by Modi government after six years of rule ? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

2. What is the age group district which is worst effected? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

3. Name the programme that has been launched by the Modi government to deal with the malaise? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

4. How many children will initially be benefitted by it? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

5. Under the project what kind of health food will be given to the children? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

News Item-II

6. What is the full form of NFHS? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

7. Write the meaning of the word Stunted Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Extract 2 8. Who is playing an important role in the development process of some of the traditional, conservative villages of Rajasthan? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

9. What is the significant change in the attitude of women of the village? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

10. What, according to the passage, emerges to be an impoertant tool for facilitating development? Ans:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

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