Complete Each Sentence With The Correct Conjunction

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Complete each sentence with the correct conjunction:


Receptionists must be able to relay information and pass messages accurately. (A) (B) (C) (D) Or And But because


I did not go to the show because I had already seen it. (A) (B) (C) (D) Until Because So But


Mary is a member of the Historical Society and the Literary Society. (A) (B) (C) (D) As Or And But


Read over your answers and correct all mistakes before you pass them up. (A) (B) (C) (D) Or And Because While


Keep the food covered until the flies will contaminate it. (A) (B) (C) (D) Or And Until Though


as he is thin, he is strong. (A) (B) (C) (D) But As Though Because


Susie ______ phoned ______ wrote after she left home. (A) either, or (B) neither, nor (C) while, and

(D) though, or 8. She had an unpleasant experience while she was in Thailand. (A) but (B) and (C) because (D) while 9. The committee rejected the proposal because they did not think it was practical. (A) (B) (C) (D) 10. or but though because

John welcomed his guests and offered them drinks. (A) (B) (C) (D) and while until as

Join the following sentences with suitable conjunctions. 1. They postponed the match because The ground was muddy after the rain. 2. He was camping in the jungle and He was bitten by a snake. 3. I would have bought that dress if It had not been so expensive. 4. He walked fast because i could not keep up with him. 5. He wiped his shoes on the mat and He entered the house. 6. We are going to the concert early so We can get good seats. 7. I was completely out of breath because I ran all the way there. 8. The lecturer waited for everyone to take their places. and he began the discussion.

9. He refused to lend me a pen but He had two pens with him. 10. We made as little noise as possible so We would not disturb anyone. 11. The little girl was crying because She was lost. 12. I won't lend him any of my tapes because He never returns them.

Rewrite the following sentences, using the correct conjunctions in the brackets.

1. The athlete is young ( but, and, yet ) energetic. 2. "Coffee ( and, either, or ) tea, Sir ?" the air-hostess asked. 3. He tripped over the stool ( lest, while, for ) the room was in total darkness. 4. ( If, Unless, So that ) you pass this examination, you will be offered a place in Form Six. 5. ( Lest, In order that, Even if ) the dog did not run off, the boys tied it to the fence. 6. The students were tearful at the ceremony ( and, while, because ) their teacher was leaving. 7. All the rooms look spick and span. They have been ( neither, both, not only ) swept and mopped. 8. It has threatened to rain all afternoon ( for, but, lest ) till now, there has not been a single drop ! 9. ( Though, Even if, So ) the current was strong, the man managed to save the drowning child. 10. Aaron has been waiting at the railway station ( as, for, since ) six this morning.

11. For a moment Mr Liang could not remember ( wherever, where, that ) he had parked his car.

12. When I saw her, she had been crying for some time, ( so that, because, so ) her eyes were red and puffy.

13. Father can give us a ride to the shopping center ( also, yet, as well as ) drop Mother off at the hairdresser's.

14. She is ( yet, still, but ) angry with you. ( Although, Even if, Or else ) you try being nice to her now, she will not speak to you.

15. We were ( either, so, both ) pleased about our team's victory ( and, or, that ) we went out ( and, also, so ) celebrated the occasion.

16. She tends to go on shopping sprees ( also, while, and ) overspend ( although, but, lest ) she doesn't earn very much.

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