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Wednesday Weekly Newsletter

Through working together, the best is yet to come

Issue 16 8th January 2014

Dear Parents,

WELCOME BACK! I would like to wish all our parents a very happy New Year as we return to a wet and dismal start to our new term! I am sure that this will develop into a very busy term as they usually all are. Please ensure that your children bring home their Wednesday Weekly newsletters to keep you fully informed of event occurring in school. You can always find this posted on our website and on our APP if you search under WLDPS. REPORT CARDS At the end of last term, you received a report card giving you a brief update on your childs attainment and effort. The teachers would be most grateful if you would sign this and then return as soon as possible. It is a card which will accumulate information over the year and will be sent to you again at the end of this spring term. NEW YEAR RESOLUTION PUNCTUALITY I would be very grateful if a real effort is made to ensure that your children are at school on time this term in an effort to reduce levels of lateness that were occurring last term. Children who regularly are late are monitored as it has a negative impact on their learning and others learning as they arrive late in class. Your support here would be very much appreciated. NEW HOLIDAY DATES AND TERM DATES 2014-15 These are now published on the school website if you are looking to book a holiday next year in the school holidays. AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Clubs such as choir and football etc. are set to restart in the week beginning on the 20th January. Please contact the office if you have any further enquiries. Nippon UK however have started their Jujitsu Club which occurs each Tuesday and Netball Club led by the Sports Partnership will start next Monday and Wednesday. Letters for junior children who wish to get involved with netball coaching will be issued very soon. This activity will be open to both boys and girls! SCHOOL DINNERS Please can you let the school office know if you intend to have school dinners next term. It would be most helpful in helping us be organised after the holiday. FOOTBALL/RUGBY KITS Please can you make sure if your child has a school football/rugby kit at home that it is washed and returned to school as soon as possible we still have a few outstanding and they are to be needed soon for forthcoming events. WE ARE RECYCLING (We need)Batteries Yours Sincerely, C. Shields (We need) Clothes Paper Cardboard

6 January 7 January 8 January 13 January

th th th th


Return to school for the spring term Governors Self Evaluation Committee 5pm Infant assembly Multi Sports Academy Invitation to Reception and Infant Classes 2pm Year 2 Gorilla Class Football Coaching (for 5 weeks) Junior Netball Club starts

15 January

Junior Netball Club starts Multi Sports Reception and Infant club 3.15-4.15 (ev M/W)

21 January

Mrs Crosby Safeguarding visit 10am

23 January 4 February 12 February 14 February

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PTA meeting 6.30pm (to be confirmed) Year 3 Whitescar Caves trip Adrian Bowden Science show KS2 am KS1 pm Valentine Disco PTA Finish school for Half term

24 February

Return to school Bison Class - Cricket coaching 2.00-3.15

25 February

5pm Governors Curriculum Committee 6pm Governors Resources Committee


26 February

Scholastic Book Fair arrives -5 March Manatee Class - Cricket coaching2.00-3.15

6 March 13 March 17 March 24 March 25 March 31 March 1 April 4 April

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Global Renewables workshop Y6 Y6 Educational Visit Leyland recycling centre Health and Safety Governors Committee Parents Evening 3.30 7.30pm Bikeability - Bison Class - 9.30am-11.45am (Bicycles required) Full Governors 6pm Bikeability - Manatee Class - 9.30am-11.45am (Bicycles required) End of term

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